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Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

>Season 2.5 Tiermaker Template

https://pastebin.com/raw/MkxawPjr (embed)



>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
who gives a shit lmao

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/pg43nEkF (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>201045179
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Jimmy v. Cockbuddy fight when?
Jimmy is king.
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My favorite part of this season was the complete destruction of simps and incels.

>Tayjeets annhilated
>Jimmy and CryoKeen humiliated
>TJ vindicated
So…. Yeah….
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Never forget what they took from you.
>Two moody women standing
It's time to call it a night, boys.
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you have been visited by thin cryokeen
Oddbod and Cyrokeen are like physiognomy in action.
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Why do the women mog the men so hard in the cell challenges?
they are gonna let creature die for content
One more day and we’ll all be free. Bucky
coddling letty again. fucking cunt
>jimmycord continues to astroturf
sodaman is alex cosplaying dudley
Man I bet Letty is going to be nice and well rested for the finale, wonderful idea guys.
OllyOfficer here putting respect on OddBod as an OddDog. Love that nigga
>mary is a fishtank fan
interesting… honestly didn’t expect this.
Creature is fucking repugnant.
looks like turkey tom and markiplier did the sneedful and had a baby
Oddbod is fine. Why are they so stressed
He always looked fucked up
i miss the /morgue/
Letty has the most fucked up lower face it looks like her jaw's broken.
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this is fucked up
feed creature feed creature. letty spit the booze she loses
cryo took too many bites of 87
Men don't have tits and pussies.
They're all deadbeat hoes with no skills that need the money.
i agree but shes actually a 10/10 for me
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rope it up faggot
>feel old yet?
dont care, smash
Creature is fucking pregnant (by me)
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So people will participate in Josie OPs if I pretend I dislike her. Interesting.
Yeah it's hot right?
Which Fish Tank girl would twerk on your dick?
she just like me fr
>Creature doesn’t know she can’t actually win the money for the tower
This makes me really sad he used to look normal
Season 2.5 made me love Letty
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>gets to leave early
>gets paid extra money
>gets to go to LA and bullshit around at an anime convention with josie
>the people that hated him most are the most miserable they've been
Jon won.
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yes she can
>ree i hate content! get rid of content so i can continue watching the fish sit around doing nothing all day!
You may leave.
>trooncord continues to project
go make 5 more sockpuppet accounts on X you fucking no-life lose lmao
A bit whiny for my taste.
gay boy has pink panties poking out from his skinny jeans
just kick jimmy and tay
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be prepared jit
fucking terrifying
I need to snuff the life out of those beady eyes like a candle
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Larping unfunny midget
>letting letty stand that close to the ladder
i dont read OPs
The way Sam just ran away from there was a bit depressing. Like a clown washing off his makeup and lighting a cigarette after entertaining the kids.
wait wtf when did vance quit
He's their in spirit through Tai
The Critter is... Really strong as a quasiperson... Crackhead, 2 days starving, vomiting red after fighting a pro athlete, still standing to get $4,000 usd

moths to a flame
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I gotta go
Imagine the smell


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she looks like a skateboarder from the 90s
Who the fuck would have guessed that by the end of the season creature and some pay pig would be MVPs
Erm I love creature
tai is in bed kek
a cute!
#1 bay area glicky guzzler
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Jimmy lost...
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good god almighty
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>mogs Xavier at every interaction
Jimmy and Tay are such fucking nontent, should've been kicked days ago
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she looks like finn wolfhard
who the fuck is the critter
>I had to pour water on oddbod
letty is in it for the love of the game. she's unbreakable.
unfunny chigger
definitely wasn't on my bingo card
What happened??
he told jet that he wants in and he's still not here. i hate that fat retard bosnian so much.
this show sucks but i fuckin love it
She looks like something familiar we haven't discovered yet.
They aren't in a cell challenge they are just enjoying the hamster room
No. Soda man is Eagle from Street Fighter 1

Thoughts on the "hard reset"?
ATTN WIGGERS: tell them they’re not allowed to lean, challenge will end by midnight
>bruh i got slanty eyes and yellow skin but i pretend 2 be a nigga yall!!!!!
like a dilator to your science hole
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will we ever see her again
dude got ROCKED and clearly has a decent concussion
I think at the start of the fight he thought it was just body shots
he only was aiming for body and didn't protect his head at all and the cook just started slamming his little british dome
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So is this true?
He's 6'1" though
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>except in a contest of physical might aka who could rape and kill the other if they wanted to
Production is unironically retarded for not just letting them split it
sex with MARY
remember when there were sharks patrolling the tower shooting at them and it was a quest that they were trapped in a crystal prison and tayleigh had to save them with her vampire powers
They get autistic people, men and women's versions of autism are different. The women are just normal yet slightly quirky and the men are weirdos that get peeved off easily.

In the case of Vance he's just a boring guy.
Where is everyone???
I think it is simply because they eat less and have slower metabolisms so shit less frequently.
Men shit like every day, a lot of women shit once every few days.
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Greg won
Holy fuck this got boring.
Nope because Jimmy will freak the fuck out
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do you think tayleigh would've been hated as much if she was attractive but behave in the same way as this season?
never was for tay
what the fuck would he even do? the only time he did anything of note was his chimpout, there's nothing here to make him chimpout unless he fakes it.
>skeeters wanna eat my coochie

>clearly has a decent concussion
You are incredibly fucking stupid. Kill yourself you dumb faggot.
Xavier won
roflmao she is such a fraud, fake, phony cunt
Letty won't. Creature is giving 1k to vance
this is AI
Jimmycord narratives:
>Letty crying
>Jon crying
>X poster is a redditor/ transexual
>random fake stuff about tj and taylor
>calling Taylor a whore
>Jimmy won
>Calling people self inserters while actively self inserting
>it’s not a discord just a group chat
>I’m a woman and I want to fuck Jimmy
>arguing about the weather and humidity
> X fanbase is insane/annoying/worse than X fanbase
>increase in vertical bar and dog fucking TTS and SFX after Jimmy gets a mean TTS
watch out for these
>i think the cast we got will be really funny
should i trust him?
baby brain post

In bed/the garage. It's over, the girls are just going to stand in silence all night and it will be settled by a rock paper scissors match in the morning.
Jan has definitely been fucked before
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She's got me more fucked up than any of those faggots who spammed TJ and Taylor... She's so perfect... I wish I had that in my life... Xavier is so lucky.... fuck
>jimmy jimmy jimmy JIMMY JIMMY
Jimmy had nothing to do with her you fucking retard.
Mary McMuffin
Total Tay death
why do they always fail towards the end?
the fact he was so unendorsed this season, fuckers don't deserve jontent though we need him.
Remember when there was a town of NPCs handing out quests and they fought vampires with foam swords and shit?

Remember leveling up? Remember different classes?
i need a clip(s) of that whole interaction. theres no way it was just her being there to upset jimmy to me yet. its so fuckin weird
Creature sounds like Josie
>Creature is fucking adorable
Mary and Letty sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-N-N
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Boxing will do that
Kill yourself pedo faggot
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I feel the same way. also imagine if this show had someone as cute as monsterfu
SOMEONE TTS FOR THEM TO PLAY GAMES/OLYMPICS FOR WIN. Like who can catch the most fish? Who can catch more s
eh it probably won't be S2 again
Because as soon as they make a profit, they start half-assing it out of pure laziness.
Check the cord we're phasing out the jimmy jimmy jimmy JIMMY JIMMY line
he behaves like one of those retards from the thieroux documentaries
Hahah that would be so iconic letty if you quit haha you should do it

Women are so funny
why would that make you so mad are you ok dude?
>I got skeeters wanting to eat my coochie breh
Frank now jet. its time
>been posting it all day
>still will never be a woman
just kys already lol
letty btfos creature
Where the FUCK is Pamela Party
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End your life in real life
They need to send someone up to stay in The Tower with them to keep it entertaining.
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God willing, we will never see this bitch again when this season is over.
Letty won't quit. This cell is a cakewalk compared to season 1
when she first joined someone said she was slut josie
She is the type of chick I'd throat fuck until she puked
Go back seething discord nigger
Tai's in bed already.....
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Rate CryoKeen's battlestation
creature seems to have come to life but letty seems to be really tired
she sounds like bart simpson
when and where is jon and josie stream happening?
its me, im the one for her
Jimmy getting shit on by women again, prepare for increase of the 'cord astroturf
I want to see the list Jimmy gave production of things that make him feel homicidal.
is this real
Letty is gonna use this info on the next 24 hours to fuck with Jimmy and he'll pull his Final Solution
Jimbo catchy strays AGAIN
What the fuck man :(
i understand exactly how you feel
i don't think that was even the original intent at all but he managed to find a way
We're officially at gossiping stage.
being an attractive woman is like so hard you guys
Camera man has to keep going back and forth because they insist on standing at opposite ends of the platform lmao
creature sounds literally nothing like josie

she sounds even less like bart simpson
Should I buy one brehs?
is this what girls talk about?
Just make a detailed plan for every day with some backup plans
Hire a real writer if you're going to do a story arc mystery for S3

How hard could it be
>jimmy thought him and mary were “talking” before the show
oh no…
Women and Men can't be friends you stupid fucking whore
lol cry loser
>semi attractive
she would get such an ego reading this place
>creature destroying tj self inserts delusions

So fucking grim. He could've changed his life
It's over
>last night: want to go to bed, Jet keeps me up until 2 A.M. with the promise of a big surprise (it sucked)
>tonight: trying to stay up til midnight, it's just boring girl talk
Fuck you Jet, fuck you to the grave.
idk esl
This is a -11/10
she definitely sounds like a certain cartoon character but i cant put my finger on it
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Yes it is from his Twitter
lol did jimmy really say that?
Jon and Xavier are cohosts next season
1. any woman being romantically interested in a man besides him
2. being teased
If they’re not talking about men they’d fuck they’re taking about men they wouldn’t
creature did dumbass
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Balldo bros.
Letty gave us a shoutout
Why does he have his phone
is that Peter
i will be the oliver type freeloader next season
one of the jimmycord members is having a meltdown lol
i mean... in the MDE sphere i can see tons of absolute loser creeps being like jimmy
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fuck me lol
i hate creatures nose so much
I want one of those gone with the nguyen shirts
> this nigger is sitting on a single monitor setup watching every second of slop
the hoeflation is real, behead all simps
based eol retard
Letty is the biggest gamer.
She beat trader at u g o.
She walked around in her bra.
She takes all the shit and gives some back.
She's the future mother of my children.
Good. I hate all the fish, their supporters and simps for ugly women. Starting over fresh would be great. Gives a chance to shake things up. I’m really hoping S3 contains “dummies” and not fans like Sam promised.
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nobody had tattoos like that in the 90s you stupid zoomer fuck
they're having a melty here too
I don't believe Jets last name is rapist
Letty you could try not forcing a BPD whore voice when talking to men
cope josiecel, they talk exactly the same
I have the same light...gonna rope
Creature has the same speech cadence as Abi. Not a coincidence they both owned Jimmy.
can't check discord right now are we on code red yet?
reminder: Jimmy currently believes Letty is into him, he confided to Tayleigh last night as his way of being okay with Tay rejecting him
>wow it's like guys only talk to me if they want to sleep with me
Yes, you dumb cunts. Women aren't interesting as people. You're literally only good for sex.
Jimmy has a crush on any woman who's nice to him
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holy kek
Letty knows exactly what she's doing
Why was Jimmy so pressed about her I missed it
she speaks nigger like josie
this guy was sending jimmy coded TTSes last night during his schizo meltdown he's 100% a jimmycord member
code brown actually
not like that specifically but they totally had full sleeves and im not a zoomie
Goran's last name is rapistovic
get him on the tank, he's got all the free time in the world now his fucking kids aren't alogging him all day
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they're already here and riled up
based tats
Jimmy just can't stop losing.
Code pink activated

>Kill, fuck, marry
>Killed by both create and letty
>Letty likes me tho
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I wonder if Jimmy regrets coming back to the tank
>these are the trannies calling you obsessed
jimmy is what women assume every man is like
letty is what men assume every woman is like
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This dude deserves to go to prison. They found cocaine in his kid's system.
I swear i'm gonna develop a mask fetish from this.
i cant wait for jimmy to watch this
He's so pissed at her it's great
Girls have it so hard bros
it's a trait of autists to not be able to differentiate faces, and i wonder if it's the same with voices
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I've never liked her but anyone trying to beat Letty in this challenge is wasting their time, she'll die up there if she has to.
holy shit mary is murdering jimmy rn
Creature is a druggy so her associations are fucked
Letty is an Internet creature. Internet people are mostly cryokeem, both male and female.
did they shit on him like that in season 2?, i don't remember
30 year old woman talking about wanting to settle down
holy shit she does lol
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Scott had a lot of great moments this season. What was your favorite?
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Creature is genuinely mid, Blacksmith's wife mogs her.
Jimmy is going to legit off himself
These hoes are really turning this into a therapy session
When did they drop all of that?
>jimmy beats women and that won’t work with me
high standards cunt
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btw tj won
Damn all this time creature just needed a few more gangbangs to find the right guy...
What can we do girlbosses
fucking lmao
Send Jimmy to the tower right now
Literally who would want to hang out with Letty or Creature if they had penises
why can't you guys be a little more subtle
Does he live in a shed? What the fuck am I even looking at? It’s like those ai room pictures from ~8 years ago where it makes no sense.
lmfao vance is still here
creature isn't lesbo. actually surprised
Creature's ex here
She was actually draining me
Holy fuck they're tearing Jimmy to pieces.
Jimmyxirs... check #femboys right now
Why is she seriously discussing the possibility of her fucking jimmy like it’s real
At this rate the finale is gonna be Jimmy watching this conversation online and going back with a gun.
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He also though that Taylor, Abi, Trish, and Tay were into him. He can't be saved.
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Creature glows
>not a virgin
How does that dumb mormon pedophile fucking cunt mary not know that Jimmy DOESN'T have anger issues
boring girls boring girls
your balls?
Ethan ralph on fishtank would be kino if he got pilled out and belligerant
LOL these non-cooking/cleaning lazy lettys talking about men dont give shit, vance sits by like a bitch.
This anon speaks the absolute truth
genuinely forgot vance was there
but i'd rather be up there than be around jimmy and tayleigh too
wtf was vance there that whole time? i thought he left

lol I had no idea either, he was solid snaking down there in the corner for some reason.
Idk you should get yourself tested then
you gotta at least use different words my man
yeah they were way worse
xavier was getting a bodyrub from her while leaning against jimmy and then turned and asked "is this what being friend-zoned is like?"

next, jimmy was under the tower attempting to cast his ssri stare spell but xavier canceled it out by asking why he was just looming around like a school shooter
Vance coming up is honestly an improvement
She was all over Xavier fawning over him in the obvious hilarious in-character type way hanging off of him and caressing him and whatnot but ALSO Jimmy was debating with Letty how to win their duel and getting mad over Yugioh and DURING this Xavier was an inch away from teabagging Jimmy, "airing out his balls" so to speak right next to Jimmy's head.

And Jimmy has been humiliated and gaslit this entire time over not getting pussy, including largely by Xavier who was heavily involved in the Creature stuff.

I also heard someone claim that Xavier's girlfriend made a mallet comment but I didn't hear that myself.
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She seems way too comfortable covered in dirt and slop
her black eyes from not sleeping are adorable
many such cases
a woman's honest opinion = humiliation ritual
She's wearing a counter-strike: source t-shirt.
>white woman not talk about the losers they let inside of them challenge IMPOSSIBLE
Was in Schitty until just now
Jimmy is going to get his revenge and sex even if it comes to violence
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Alright, I'm turning in early. You fags have fun with your girl gossip. Don't bother replying to this post, because I'm closing the thread and going to sleep. These two sluts' cunty monologue doesn't mean shit, and if you think it does, you're literally a faggot. Jimmy is still king.
My intuition says he's wearing panties
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>Anon, do you promise?
yeah she was aight until she opened her mouth and came out with the typical mid girl speech that makes them feel like they are worth more than they are
How do I get a Letty gf?
I admire Creature's tenacity but there's no way she's winning this
She's so hot.
WTF happened to the women that were simping over Jimmy last season on Twitter even AFTER he got kicked for the mallet situation? Do none of them want him anymore?
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>SSRI stare spell
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They've gotta outlaw tattoos on women or something it's ruining too many of them
>have the same waterbottle
it's so fucking over for us, bro
jimmycord do you guys get lunch breaks
Jimmy is going to legit kill someone lol
>rick and morty stickers
>counter-strike: source
thats 1.5 nigger
Don't go to bed yet, Jimmy needs us.
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>having the volume anywhere but mute while gooning to creature
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>These two sluts' cunty monologue doesn't mean shit

He did for a while but snuck back up behind the cameraman at some point
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL which causes all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.
The BLOODMOON RITUAL will occur in ONE* DAY.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The HUNTERS have three of the five RELICS. Currently, most of the hunters are trapped in THE TOWER and surrounded by an ocean of SHARKS.

>Daily Quests:
DJ has been infected with LYCANTHROPY.
The MEDIC is heavily MEDICATED.
TAY has become a VAMPYR.

I have begun to fear that no above ground pool has been ordered.
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>i was taking a shit
she seems to have woken up but lettys getting more tired
Creature is not an MVP by any means
might've lost a few due to the weight gain
Nah, despite it all he's having the time of his life. If Sam invited him back for s3 he'll sign up immediately and find a way to justify the show shitting on him.
She was rubbing her hands on Xavier, Xavier makes direct eye-contact with Jimmy and says "Jimmy is this what being friend-zoned looks like"?
jimmy's gonna see tay shittalking him to fatty and talking about his fake gf to make her jealous and mary shittalking him right now and then he's gonna kill himself
They are still around just on quiet mode rn lol. He has this #1 fangirl on X that wants to drain his balls.
He continues to think all of season 2 was designed around his Utah experience.
wow, is this real?
>thats 1.5 nigger
if you dont know then dont pretend
its was like 90% trannys and the other 10% were just doing it for twitter engagement
dipped out for about 30-45 minutes. anything spicy happen? where's baby voice fatty
Why do you post this every day? I know you've been doing it since the start but I haven't even seen anyone reply to you.
i love cooking in the bowler
I dont think you understand, I think he's a total failure and retarded and it would be funny to make fun of him
this is why they need to show him this NOW with Tayleigh in the same room so that they can subdue him before he does anything rash.
lmfao based
I used to hide in the bowler during penis inspection day
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>8.2 inch penis
>shaves his pubes every day
>fucked 27 women
>never came from sex
>doesn't jack off
>tattoo is nowhere near done
>12 years of MMA experience
>molested by Mormons
>caffeine really doesn't even affect him
>Down to trade nudes and whatever or just talk and flirt
>failed Walmart employment test (rigged)
>ex gf was a heroin addict behind his back
>had plans to do "fun shit" with mauro after the show, but shit
>pretends to hold a gun when he walks around irl
>his dad beating him for lying gave him an obsession with the truth
>got a DUI that prevents him from doordashing (the jews fault)
>not a homewrecker
>mauro is the only fish who messaged him back after season 1 no homo
>possibly blew a piece of his prefrontal cortex out of his nose (looked like wrinkly chicken)
>when his T levels get high he gets "all sentimental and gay"
>tried to kill himself via poison
>not suicidal (directed at the fbi)
>went to therapy but that shit didn't work on him
>outside the show he's a normal guy
>snuggled with Tai last night lol but it wasn't like that (toes curling)
>has absolutely no sense of smell (might try a neti pot)
How many of them were not teenage boys from his discord?
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Btw he asked jimmy first if they were friends and he didnt answer
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Yeah, he's retarded.
>teeehee whats daaaaat
>kill himself
never ganna happen. its because they are bitches, not his fault. he will kill a woman
jimmy likes trannys
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I would have rather seen Tai shit in the safe than all the boxing matches
Why is damiel so spiteful?
yes there is no conversation with women, they're always monologuing about some dumb shit and waiting for you to stop talking so they can do it again
fuck outta here tourist
Oddbod got fucked up in a boxing match, Sam left shortly after to avoid potential lawsuits. Other than that nothing much.
yeah there's only that one weirdo
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Jimmy can't get pussy and he gets mad whenever someone else does.
The girls are doing femcel talk and Vance showed up
I take pride in making sure that the lore is well documented
FURTHERMORE, People often do reply to me (to say nobody cares about the RP)
her tits are fucking incredible… where do these new pics keep coming from?
When you're a man the intently listen to you
we need a sam v. jimmy fight
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He lives in his mom's laundry room. He corrected TTS last night when they said he lived in his mom's basement and he did it with complete sincerity.
Jimmy is mentioned 74 times ITT
she's so fat, YUCK
cool thanks. pretty much what i figured.
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She won this season.
more like Sam vs Jet
TTS creature about her ex she was nearly in tears at the passing mention of him
she was in a relationship when she had an onlyfans, he boyfriend was an 'angry person' though.
I haven't seen a reply, I'm the first person to do it and this shit ends tomorrow.
They just need to fly Jon back to beat up Jimmy again, declare Jimmy the winner, and then fly Jon back while Jimmy is covered in purple bruises.
Greg is onto something with the asexuality thing
Finally, it was Rozelle’s idea to call the game “The AFL-NFL World Championship Game.” That name was official, but it never took off. It was too cumbersome, a mouthful, no good for newspaper headlines. It was Lamar Hunt, the main founder of the American Football League and owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, who came up on the term “Super Bowl.” As his son, Lamar Hunt Jr., explained, the idea came from his “Super Ball” toy.

My dad was in an owner’s meeting. They were trying to figure out what to call the last game, the championship game. I don’t know if he had the ball with him as some reports suggest. My dad said, “Well, we need to come up with a name, something like the ‘Super Bowl.'” And then he said, “Actually, that’s not a very good name. We can come up with something better.” But “Super Bowl” stuck in the media and word of mouth.

don't worry Jimmybros, we can watch SFM vids about Hazbin Hotel and low effort YTPs in the #neovagina-central channel to calm our nerves!
I died
Why does he hate Tayleigh so much?
wait, doesn’t vance lose for not standing?
Anon, where were you when jimmycord gave up and went to bed?
Can production seriously either give them each $2K to put an end to this or handicap Letty as Creature boxed and she didn't? Plus Letty received alcohol and spit it out.
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i care anon, the lore dumps were interesting until the chudfags killed any chance of RP happening. thank you for your service
Why would you want to upset Creature?
Nearly as often as Jimmy talks about himself in every conversation! Good work discord sisters!
nobody dislikes creature though.
Two guys have the same argument nearly word for word every gen.
Someone please find a clip of him moaning about how "Now I've ruined my chance with Taylor" after the bread thing
Yes he envoked the law of regress that exists in the village. You cannot be sued if you simply walk away
Fucked everything up. He was actually really nice to her at the beginning
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You know, they really ought to rename the show from 'Fishtank' to 'Lobstertank.' Lobsters, you see, are a fascinating species, and their behavior has a remarkable parallel to human social structures. This isn't just about the contestants; it's about the show itself and even the viewers. Lobsters engage in complex social hierarchies, constantly fighting for dominance and position. This struggle is deeply ingrained in their biology, and it mirrors the human condition in many ways.

Think about it: in the show, the contestants are vying for attention, status, and success, much like lobsters in a tank. They confront challenges, form alliances, and navigate the social dynamics that arise. The show orchestrates these interactions, much like nature does for lobsters. And then there's the audience, observing and reacting, finding themselves drawn to the drama and the competition because it resonates with something primal within us.

The lobsters’ fight for dominance isn't just a simple struggle; it's a reflection of order and chaos, a microcosm of society. When we watch these contestants, we're not just entertained; we're witnessing a distilled version of our own battles, aspirations, and social maneuvering. So, renaming it to 'Lobstertank' would encapsulate this deeper, more profound connection between the show and the fundamental nature of social hierarchies. It's a reminder that, like the lobsters, we're all navigating our own tanks, striving for our place in the world.
will be kino
Vance isn't competing
>even vance is admitting nothing happened outside the cell
it's over
He’s up there hanging out because the alternative is the chudcast
he quit earlier today to take a shit
>he didn't want me selling my body online
Women are retarded
I remember that moment, it was disgusting having to listen to the entire 30 minute rape with my volume turned up.
I care
Jet specially made a reference to 1.5 and it correlates with patch updates pretraining to season 2.5
>trust me bro, i play muh muh cs:source at cpl every year
>I will never suck on Creatures magnificent bosom
Save me bros...
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Lennie is mentioned 432 times in Of Mice and Men
As much as I want to see this shitshow wrap up, I can believe they're going to try extending it. The fact they went through the effort of putting a mic above Schitty today after leaving it silent for two weeks tells me they don't just have a a day left.
>hard reset leak
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>>Daily Quests:
She didn't know at the time she wasnt allowed to
She hasn't done it since
Also, letty was asked to fight, too, but she declined
Creature didn't need to either
marky was raped
So princess lettybug can win
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based jimbo drawing the house
nothing did happen. thats why they are trying to end this shit. they should do something big to make these retards fall off the tower because thats the only way its ending
reminder the xavier face reveal bit was meant to be entirely pro-tayleigh
He doesnt know shes 22 so he expects her to riff and be funny
I've enjoyed reading it but there's nothing to reply with
He should've accepted he has a whore on his hands and stopped loving her and mongered her instead
too bad he can’t draw a girlfriend
Taylor nip slip in the hamster cell, did anyone catch that?
prediction: damiel will show up and spend 24/7 talking to creature. creature will put back on her miami latina accent that she suddenly dropped for some reason.
QRD what the fuck are they still doing up there
seconding this. the pool status is grim...
its 1.6
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>people find the schizophrenic retard entertaining
No it's fucking ugly what's wrong with you?

How much does it cost?
no but i did catch all the trish upskirts during the goblin fight
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I don’t expect you to track every reply I receive
There can be no doubt, my dilegent labors have been appreciated by dozens
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Holy kek they fell for the kitchen shit. It's amazing how easy Letty can deceive people. She'd do the same thing during S1.
Please start writing literature anon
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Because she got violent and ruined the show for no reason
28 years old
he asked his waifu if this is what being friend-zoned looks like, in reference to jimmy not being his friend.
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Dude you should pay for a season pass stay there
you're an absolute newfag/groyper tard if u think this, Jet and Ralph have had beef for years to the point ralph was trying to get Jon to dump on the staff to get back at Jet
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Going to wear this to my AA meeting
They have totally given up on this season lol

This nontent challenge has lasted more than a day now
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G'looks m'nigga
Get on it bingo anons
it's beta
thats de_nuke bomb site b
Do we have a collage of all the söyfacing that has happened this season yet?
$55.00 USD
I care anon, i always looked forward to this and it was the most fun part of the season.
OVO Letty
man letty SHUT yo bitch ass up
Tai almost 10x his bank account if he won but he QUIT
when did tai leave the cell and what happened
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Bad Ending tomorrow
if my boydem ran up on letty she would get slewed and cheffed
>me and a bad bitch after I take her to bucky
This show is amazing for workout motivation
>Nigger speak
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Here's one from last thread
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im tire
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i stopped keeping track after like day 3
the fuck
nuke Toronto
>Taylor is even younger and rolls with everything
k retard
55 bucks for some shit made in china
good eye anon, you're right
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>Xavier popping up from behind Sam
based jimmy fan with an incoherent sentence
That’s just some brand the wiggers wear, I’d be amazed if she has played CS.
Seek help immediately
Where would one aquire more of these photos
i love when they question the rules, you can clearly see the hamster wheel spinnin jets head
abbey loves him tho
these two girls are funny drunk. letty particularly
lol jet is wrapping it up
Torontonian speak is so fucking funny
Jimmy needs to breed her especially if she resists
They locked in the goblin ending. They subverted the main quest and did the alternate route
Hi Jimmy, she doesn't.
>he's a nice guy
lmao yeah....
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>John looks like Hercules, but I don't find him attractive

>does a shitty cell
>its boring to watch
>jet gets angry when they dont give up
>the bug calling anybody else ugly
KEK. no idea why that cunt has such a high opinion of herself.
thats just london nigger speak
Letty loves Jon
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Letty def likes Jon, they belong together
>eliminating letty or creature instead of tayleigh or jimmy
Have you ever wanted to watch a reality show with zero actual competition or stakes whatsoever? With no defined rules or objectives? And with challenges where the production tells the contestants to just act a certain way for a little while? Well, you're in luck!
bro seek help i want to help and support you
I don’t care if people in these threads insult me but it’s PAINS me that production seems to have abandoned the plot and returned to Fishtank Cage shit

What’s the point of 2.5 if it’s not LARP?
It’s not a contest, there’s no ‘winner’ or prize money, so why the HECK are people like Jimmy acting like there is?
sam's new sex doll
Why type of guy does this bitch DO like
its like diet Jamaican
thats larp, if she was legit it would have happened this season
Peanut butter is high protein and delicious
thats methed up
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Who can make the cock rise?
Make back shots smell like poo...
The creature can.
The creature can, man.
vance is just sitting in the arena
She has done it since being informed she can't do that. She declined the fight after asking Sam if she should, and Sam responded "as a friend, no". But as a professional entertainer - which is what he's trying to do for this show - should have said yes. Creature fought after this Sam/Letty exchange, and Sam should have either made her or implemented a handicap on Letty before riding off.
Is this a Jimmy quote lol
make this same crypost every season ok?
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guys guys guys
Jimmycord has pulled us into an ugly battle where we are now falling into the trap of "seething" at Jimmy instead of simply enjoying him for the simple cell mongoloid he is.
We have to get back to our roots of simply laughing at Jimmy. No fighting. "Retard funny haha" type shit.
Don't be mad at Jimmy. Laugh at him!
These girls would probably pay to live in the tower. Nobodies coming down.
what a shit way to end the cage
they need to make a pact where if neither of them are married by a certain age, they'll marry each other.
creature is obviously a drugged out twink enjoyer
Soda Man in his cool leather jacket mode
kiss each other
why is jet so passive aggressive
Taylor just turned 22 actually lol. I don't disagree otherwise. Tayleigh has had many opportunities to engage in fun riffing and bits but craters them every time.
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ones that look as HIV+ as her
lmfao this fucking show sucks.
>either letty or creature get eliminates
>Letty says Jon isnt ugly
Jettybros... we have been vindicated
>If they kick letty off I am not watching the last day
Real Housewives is kino
>a loser neet and a tattoo ridden old hag still think they're in their prime and have big egos

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>this bitch made hundreds of thousands of dollars on OF
It's the way her fried brain found to say that Jon looks like a charicature
>ISR feed down
she is very beautiful to me
She had the nickname before fishtank. Her parents gave it to her
>Taylor just turned 22 actually lol.
So Taylor is younger, Tay was 22 when season 2 started.
>loser kicked off the show
oh so its a guaranteed letty victory
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he was banking the end of the show on milking cryo but he's a retard that did nothing to keep him around and prevent him from leaving
She really need that $4k so probably not.
He tried to prove a point by sleeping on the hamster bedding but he didn't get any sleep.
>why is jet so passive aggressive
he got chewed out by sam for not planning this right.
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What do we think of Creature?
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What do you think she will do after the show?
Creatures gonna lose and just take the $4k how hard up is this btich like just get a bf with a job addict retard
these retards cant articulate their words right without comin off as the typical whores who only fuck chads
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Jimmy and Tay suck btw and Day 6 was the the best day for obvious reasons
so what? sulky nigger
bad boys
Tayleigh and Jimmy should be killed off
the absolute state of modern women. no wonder why so many guys are into troons and femboys.
sweaty booby
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I actually hate Jet for this.
The whole point was to break up the format and do something different
Now instead of 6 weeks of fishtank we get like 7-8.
Its tiring, the larp stuff was fun and easy
Fuck jet
respect where respect is due, and your place is in the chat or perhaps the ifunny forum is such a thing exists
did creature seriously just lose?
Those tattoos are bad but I still would.
she almost eliminated herself
Why would they eliminate Letty or creature instead of tayleigh
is creature retarded
lol creature done fucked up
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I ship it
Go back to a dying streaming career and never get invited again. She gets a job and stops using drugs. The good ending.
It really is just fucking awful lmao
Creature is retarded
another jimmycord W
Hopefully die
chat spamming LETTY WINS is so fucking gay how the fuck does creature fucking lose from that she didn't go down
Are you fucking kidding me?
the chat is where all the jimmycels congregate actually
this reminds me of an old deagle nation bit, skip to 8:42 to see jan making tayleigh faces a decade ago
Whores dont have preferences in guys she's lying
Well they're making up the rules as they go, might as well disqualify Creature for touching the ladder.
Hi abbey maniac she does
that was THE dumbest way of ending it. poor girl needs food and xanax
Creature's kindness was her downfall. She lost the tower but won our hearts.
Huge Letty W, Creature is such a retard.
i like creature's trashy accent.
look at her dude
Letty obviously lost but whatever
She's torn between her desire for Jon frivolousness and her deep seeded need for Jimmy seed.
If you think stepping on the ladder counts as leaving the tower, kill yourself
Creature is so retarded
Begs Q to live with him on cape cod
>jimmycord rigging the poll and eliminating creature
>people unironically voting for creature
yeahbros being based as shit once again
>seethe at the tower contestants for not ending the endurance challenge you started two days before the ending
trusting chat and narrative polls is fucking stupid and they said many times they learned this lesson in season 1 but still do it for some reason
oh well
Sam already said if she spit a drink letty loses and she has multiple times. They just said theyd deal with it after boxing then forgot.
Have Tay and Jimmy just been seething under the tower the whole time?
she sat down just before that
She’ll fade into irrelevance but will definitely be seething over this for years
Why is tay following Taylor get that onions dyke off my screen.
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hAHAHA Whales get you're money up, lettychuds we up
tayeligh and jimmy's refusal to play along with anything kind of killed the entire show. it was jets fault for bringing them back though,
useless autist taylor
letty will split the money with creature for it being a bullshit ending
the real creature
Ew tayleigh fuck off
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hell yeah chigga damiel
why would she need jimmy's seed? she doesn't even needs jon until they're married. (she will and they will)
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>Jimcels vote for Jon to leave
>Jimcels vote for Creature to leave
What did these faggots mean by this?
Simps better not make Creature win this.

She's pretending to be production
I don't think it's talked about enough that she has a Green Day tattoo lmfaooo
This one's the Demon
jimmy was in the downs painting some shit again last i saw
wasn't even thinking of that but yes it's so fucking retarded

she cheated ALL NIGHT last night spitting out alcohol that people paid fucking 75 dollars for
she still thinks shes auditioning for a S3 crew job
Who has the clip
Taylor does not sound how I thought she would
Letty spent half the competition spitting out alcohol when she was told to drink it
I'd like her horrendous beautiful disgusting sexy nude putrid dangerously enticing grotesque body to disappear from these pure and wholesome threads
Be honest, would you date Letty or Creature?
Taking a dump, how did Letty win? Was it a poll?
I think we can all agree, Jet is stupid
Taylor is so cute
Jet should follow thru with the tower battle they were planning. It would be better to watch than disqualification based on a technicality
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Did someone mention Dam?!?!?!
>be silently drawn
What a trashy tattoo, but she has only lived in trailers for her entire life.
Taylor has such a sultry voice
fuck you
Taylor is so cute and sweet <3
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Can I get a QRD on Richard Smalls?
taylor leg thigh
this shit sucks
Sad sam and everyone was into the RP and jet is so fucking stupid that he fucked it up
Creature didn't leave the tower but for the sake of moving this bullshit along and ending this mind numbing boredom arc let's just say she did ok?

Why offer yourself to pick that shitty bed you cant even use? Just fucking tell someone else to do it
small dick
they've been seething for days
what did the vote say?
If Taylor was slightly less pretty she’d be in a trailer park hovel working part time at a gas station
this nigga raped my little brother Donnie
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fuck you retard
They might as well let it keep going. It's not like these retards have anything else planned.
she left the tower, one of the 2 things they can't do
>paypigs voting to save creature
They cannot legally force them to drink alcohol you fucking retards.
https://fishtank.live/clip/77773 creature sitting down
Why is Taylors voice so deep and raspy?
>jon streaming with josie on the beach
He won
relax bro
TaylorxCreaturexLetty is cute
unjust but very tempting
letty didn't win, creature tossed her makeup bag off the tower by mistake and offered to take it down, stood on the first top rung of the ladder then got stopped and jet the retarded slav said "alright chat poll did creature disqualify herself?"
she needs the money :(
>gay boy meth leg
Praying for you, bro.
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he drowned in a tragic accident
Because she hates how much she loves Jimmy and wants to spend the rest of her days fixing him and inhaling his retard odor (real)
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The cycle of abuse must stop
learn to read faggot
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Fuck you nigger stay mad
>Green Day tattoo

They set the deadline up 9 months from now
Production, you see this? End this shit already for fuck sakes.
hur dur this is also a fucking challenge that isnt in the contract, if they dont want to drink leave the challenge.
Stop typing like a nigger you embarrassing faggot.
Creature is the people's princess
that’s fascinating
>That little creature dance
Oh no, she's getting second wind, or is this like the third or fourth wind?
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it's a mystery anon
Same reason why men have deep voices I guess
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she absolutely do NOT love Jimmy. she loves JON.
they are going to light these bitches up
house boy
My bad, nigga. I'm too focused on hating that stupid dyke bitch.
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extremely tragic
It's a troon
If she had lost there it would have been so fucking funny. I hate paypigs so much
Thank god they’re ending it
I literally hate the Cell
Probably the best format to get a QnA from Jon
every narrative poll is blatantly rigged moron
Letty is gonna lose she doesnt have a greatshield like Creature
The ladder is obviously part of the tower, what was that retardation about
finish it with a titty competition
nicer tits wins, let the audience vote
dogshit ending but im happy its ending
>they are all gonna aim at creature
it isn't
Why the fuck are they sending one of them home and letting chud gang stay kek is jet retarded
She asked Jet if she had to and he said no. It wasn't until today that Sam said she has to or get disqualified. You fags just find any little thing to seethe over people you don't like.
Jet is an actual retard
In your dreams Jimmy
Cigarettes and partying since she was a teenager. It's hot, could be way worse.
bye creature
How about Jimmy goes home since he quit the tower like 5 times
Fuck they got their money up when you got you're funny up
post letty day 1 pics
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A QnA you say?
its obviously rigged to get rid of creature. they got their simpbux out. theres zero chance they get rid of their favorite fish
Jet is one of the worst producers of all time
>people are this uptight
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Hrt induced second puberty
That they're saying the loser goes home tonight tells me they're definitely going to rig this in favor of Letty
Josie and John stream

Why is this retard turning it into an elimination challenge when the show is supposed to end tomorrow??
>loser goes home tonight
>only 2 attractive fish are up there

jet is clearly mad because sam yelled at him for not planning the finale around them being in the tower for 5 days
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Thanks goran keeping tayleigh and not letty or creature
i hope letty loses. bored of her
Basically this.
>the person that gets runner-up goes home
>all the other fish who quit first don't go home
>Tayleigh who never even participated in it doesn't get sent home despite being the worst part of the entire show
Great logic, Jet
smart thinking by creature ngl
I wasnt even worried about last night lettychud, but she did that AFTER sam established that rule.
ahhh, yes. kino.
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Betty is
>supreme talent
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
>good pet owner
>hard working
>great butt
>great gardener
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He should but his paypig faggots are sending Sam too much money to justify it.
>doesnt kick tay or jimmy
I assume because loser doesnt actually leave but turns into a vamprie or some shit for the final day
probably so creature can go into the house, eat and sleep
Hard to get two mopey non participants to do anything
No lies detected
Jon and Josie live
i dont understand the point of kicking the loser of this stupid challenge
Creature sounds so much like Abi it's crazy
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the first one was the only good one just for the novelty of it but it's clear each successive time they had absolutely no clue what to do with it
Anyone other than jet would have made this fucking great.
Imagine fumbling so much
3 seasons and its the same shit everytime
Fuck jet
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A lot of people exposing themselves as never being around women. Women have a variety of voices, have you ever heard Emma Stone's voice
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>Cryo got his QnA
>Q did not
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they are obviously just using this as an excuse to get creature off the show. i doubt they planned on her having this big of a role
Paypigs have ruined this season holy fuck
Because it's ending tomorrow. You answered your own question and then asked it anyway lol
>creature winning allstars season
Bully is a very based choice
>favorite game on PS2 is Bully
Okay, I love her.
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How would a fishtank ran by Tay haters look like
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everyone say goodbye to the adorable creature
man shut up betty
Doubly foul
>Tayleigh doesn't get sent home even though she's been ruining the show
>One of the last two people to persevere go home instead
This is the dumbest thing possible.
I'm watching Jon dig sand on the beach and it's infinitely more entertaining than whatever the fuck is going on in the show right now. Grim.
>i need help, I'm addicted to porn and I'm working on myself
>posts her ass to twitter less than 16 hours later
Jewish women are so fucking weird
Bitty rocks
youre watching it
cryo did get eliminated because tay thought he was Q adjacent though
i hope so, she carries the show, creature does nothing
Haha totally based I love Jet take that letty and creature you disgusting whores
Jet please let tayleight stay the whole time and win 2.5
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>jon and josie are literally just digging holes at the beach
>it takes this little to fall for used goods
the state of men in 2024 is just pathetic
>two people that lasted the longest
>one is getting kicked from the show
>the rest quit earlier so they're safe
I love Bettyyy
The show is a mess and sucks really bad but it's still the most entertaining thing to watch
she said it herself on s2
it's a copy of the green day faggot's tattoo
Vance cam audio is fucked up
Letty fucking RAN this seaon bros
>paypigs could have saved Letty
I hate them so much man
Did you record the whole TJ Taylor Cell scene?
garbage event
Imagine how good it would be if it didn't suck ass
they are pissed off that these 2 lasted this long
he's angry at them for not stepping down so that they can do the final quests
>Creature hated Letty season 1
every narrative poll is rigged, get a grip
Sam needs to get his edge back and go full on Covid Tank. There is a real bad disease because...
there just is ok
and everyone has to wear masks and take it very seriously. If they don't take it seriously, they earn no chips. They need a mask to go into the kitchen and common areas. Every once in a while people get locked in a room by themselves to stop the spread. And they can rebel by having super spreader events. They can be given beneficial never before tested new medicine and get completely ostracized if they don't take it- (no one tells them what it actually is). (I think injections would be going too far). Daily Zoom meetings.
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she's trying to do better.
Jimmy gave up immediately and Tayleigh didn't even bother to participate why would the two people who actually lasted the longest have to go home?
Back to the 'cord
Letty, Xavier, Jon
The holy trinity.
did that really happen or is it your headcanyom?
I want to roundhouse kick Jet in his soft and maleable jaw until his head spins off.
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Men want to masturbate:
> just masturbates

Betty wants to masturbate:
> starts crying and freaking out then deletes her tweets after
im not :/
What kinda of blackmail do Tayleigh and Jimmy have on Goran?
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Fucking this season was really good and underrated it sucks because Tay and Jimmy ruined it
They aren't contestants, they just got locked in there as a bit. Taylor was complaining about forgetting to bring hers since she didn't know they'd get locked in for awhile
Is THAT the bummybuster
Somebody post the two women shitting on jimmy clip
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She wasn't wrong, for once.
god i hate these fake compliments
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no sorry, only got some clips which i found interesting.
Tay/Jimmy made her look especially good in comparison. Hated her season 1, but she’s almost always played along with a good attitude even when she’s being trashed on
It's been 4 years this isn't funny anymore it's lame
>kick the last 2 preserving in an ENDURANCE CHALLENGE that YOU THOUGHT UP OF
>don't kick the person that quit like 5 times or the nontent energy vampire that you didn't even want to participate in the first place
jet is so fucking retarded holy fuck
they sawed when vance cry
bags under his eyes
real line cook energy
>qutting the challenge before the end actually saves you from getting eliminated
Kek, Jet doesn't know how to get out of his stupid challenge he gave them
Tay, Jimmy and Jet
Jet is a fucking retard, unironically
Post nut clarity must hit women 10x as hard.
real chigga damiel
why does she suck so fucking bad
>this isn't LE FAIR!!!
>play by DA WULES!!!
to be bed john

also this will obviously be rigged for letty, retard
Yeah but they would need writers to make it good. Jet scribbling his ideas on a whiteboard will lead to this next season as well
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The one & only
creature fans should be called CUMLORDS

She did nothing but no one did anyway
I gotta go to bed jet let’s go
>Used to be a wholesome Half Life nerd fan
>Now a druggie and complete NEET failure at 40
What the fuck happened? Just kidding, his father failed him, no loving father would let there kid go that much
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where can i get this?
i like creature
Jimmycorders explain how Jon (diagnosed severe autism) is capable of maintaining a platonic friendship with a girl and Jimmy (denies any mental illness diagnosis) isn't
is that jimmy seethe whistling i hear
Get this retard out of here, I hope they never bring him back.
I really want Betty dead
what the fuck is happening in this
If they kept the first weeks' energy by not bringing Tay back it would be amazing
you really think this matters? there was a vote early yesterday to kick creature that has like 74% yes and they didn't do shit
Are we recycling, or are we baking a new thread?
sam was clearly annoyed at them not stepping down earlier, making up new rules on the stop to make sure it didnt last as long and they keep bringing up the quests they have to do together as a team. they even brought one of the final quests to the tower. the fact that jet is so upset about the whole thing tells me someone told him he needs to get them down now so that they can film a cool finale.
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Covert jacking it
It doesn’t make sense to blame the people who are doing a challenge for not completing other quests

Why aren’t the people who have already lost the TOWER able to do quests instead of sitting around at the BASECAMP?
post letty day 1 season 1 pics
Yugioh duel, or rock paper scissors.
its a fucking playskool chair. somebody posted it in an earlier thread.
Wha is there a VOD?
Reduce reuse recycle
Oh jesus christ just what we needed was this fat retard
>final boss of the tower is who can run away from getting raped by jimmy
Anyone who hated Letty in season 1 is genuinely retarded.
Theyre not gonna send them home, the show ends tomorrow anyways, theyre just speedrushing the party dying because they failed every fucking quest and theyre gonna run the xav ending
i hope they light fatty up
we're creature creepers
time to close the tab
they are live now
Just give the win to creature by virtue of swallowing her shots and taking up boxing. No point in- oh fuck no Chris is back
and piss break
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ok. where can i get this one?
Anyone who liked Letty in season 1 is genuinely retarded.
should be annoyed at Jet for being such a dunbfuck. don’t announce an endurance challenge with a 4k prize at the end of a show
Sylvia moggs
Oh, it's Chris.

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Sweet thanks
>Jimmy whistling like a serial killer
>Creature: I don't like that whistling it's very ominous
Jimmy taking another casual L
This. It was clearly obvious that they were pushing the RP today. Probably after seeing shit in the threads or chat.
I legit thought they were going to do some pivot into a plague storyline for an extended week when dumbgay had a mask on.
I stopped watching a few days ago. How long have they been up in the tower?
the chair store
Fatty ruining your kino elimination challenge?
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That fake lewd post is so shit compared to the real lewd post he posted
better content than this shit
Little Tikes Chunky Red Blue Swivel Chair ebay bro
Kek post more of this
They're about to be vindicated because Jet is a retard that's willing to get rid of an actual all star over a nobody.
Creature is a plant almost as much as letty was

Tay and Jimbo are only non plants tho
not jimmy dumbfuck
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Chris is endearing when he's just being his authentic self and is unbearable whenever he tries to do character like this
Josie and John are digging a hole in the sand and it's more interesting than this day has been
She created content and moved things forward.
>Yeah it's just because I'm hideous and they're playing a joke on me that's been done 1000 times, it's getting old. So anyway hoarderman said I only have to suck him off twice this week so I can sign vinyls and send it out whenever you want. It's a real career, if you want something just let me know. I'm a really nice guy and I would never hit a woman again, I promise. But if I do it's because of utah and those fucked up programs. I know I'm 30 but still you gotta understand that you haven't gone through season 2, the worst season. It was literally hell, they made us eat a pepper one time.
I don’t get why the loser has to go home tonight. They haven’t done eliminations at all this whole time. They’re going to make letty go home when there’s like 2 days left? She’s one of the last ones who’s actually fun to watch. They should be making tay and Jimmy to this
Yeah, that's going in the Vance folder
whoever loses is going to be part of the finale in a new role
This is all simps at their core. Just massive coomers, disguising their obsessions with lies of the girl being "wholesome" and "perfect personalities". All least some simps are honest with their degeneracy.
He has never been endearing for even a second of his life
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>jimmy is the one to deliver the killing blow to creature with a toy mallet
Based, I couldn't find the real one kek
Creature fighting off the hoard wild Letty cowers in the corner, I think we know who the winner is.
I'm straight up not watching a Jimmy and Tayleigh finale so if Letty gets kicked I'm done.
lol and jet promised something huge for today
what a joke
his first few days on season 1 was pretty cool
yeah hes literally me
I still loathe her, but i do have to give you that after seeing the nontent that tay is.
I fucking love this retardh
why are they not swordfighting each other
instead it's gonna be some really unsatisfying ending where someone loses 4k on some bullshit
>diagnosed severe autism

lol@ dogshit american healthcare being worth a shit
a long time, enough to kill off any interesting momentum the show might have had, it doesn't really matter
Frank carried him
i love this retard so much
652357364736426358463456283459234684560723845293467456234568345672346374562345723456234056745689357839457834768735463856348562397456237456345694645695479345646340567735218502934134562351036586213450136134673405713951974651352354263451674513549235719345923456134451203510245209654062354893689560734222222225766342389453945897529885279356270631047192334724234724274218653469823461789456832645723546562636562675685868485384836385892834263425352325843573474737747747758227862946293589266934569239462062037079405603450457568045070340524060570340602452003402035434069356340630405023045002304602067384562342645687324620346023045023450238694602345023546389457926726782734972873428975273542394569235423923458972362309673049875830752368945863457902309283507253940678930468357892635747676892740620346720020602064024562040200202011841823527283754894352301890283402349102318048159213462173451736128372347293583904523741641927346128577402893457986293046801345210532103500234582734762535412361723400136999999995783462178461673256319347164785478264767125367183463478538458384592345679287463537468769347589235765736583478297342163471478912634761751648721653983467289364523578482134912357123054572562306478265345789621634782156289346568926349215831639517347289356289735216539821426354290345235190572105402352354574092347581043766590137452087348357192364293407928357471957572834752934572574345728935748745092354840571086540289346012471265134650137567345823749827458934572034712347103471057410540126472134816526340612956017263523745124567135894273841635275428937482175102735816235871345804021345185273569346764527867234689270286390450493782078458957468346589374608345768934569304637563058036570368367358946736547364573767306972390456293478234589736823674527352867578923460934572305785427678234582472758237452803652572835723456238945728457230584723462354273450834673459067845683457283457465489237628935748273574263478234256736782365892893452893457893467893456735293059834565345628935740345678934562730984 days
kicking them after this hell

so fucking gay jet
>its friendtank so letty and creature wont fight eachother
That's not him retard
Based Jon
I don't even recall her being that detestable that's the thing, everyone in that house deserved to be fucked with, it just seems like simp warring at the end of the day.
Jon and Josie are such an odd pairing but they're pretty funny together
lmfao at creature killing that vamp for real
He did post that first part, see>>201051975
Kek Creature just full strength hitting dudes in the head
>jet was willing to let him leave
why dont they just push the ladders down lol
Meanwhile Jimmy and Tay are getting some well deserved rest for the final
But when jimmy does it hes a SPERG. 4chan is so fucking longhoused.
Creature is getting robbed and the faggot ass Letty simps in chat are all for it
Yeah I'm watching this stream and so far this shit isn't entertaining at all. I like Jon and Josie but this is just them goofing around.
lety just sitting in the corner.
They're nailed in, Leon
>well deserved rest
What did they do? I've only seen them cry and sperg out when they don't get their way.
letty should share the money. what a bullshit ending
So Tay and Jimmy had cake and got to sleep and rest??
What the fuck is this shit
love em both so it's hard to pick a side
letty should be killed
lol did people crash ifunny?
Letty wins if its fishtank
Yeah >>201051975 is him but the other one isn't his trip. tay and her friend read it out loud on stream as well
Josie likes John <3
>put up with 2 days of no eating, no sleep forced booze and xanax withdrawal for NO MONEY
Huge Letty W
she didn't take 1 second to shout PVP jet you fucking retard
>ifunny.com is not a real website
it's ifunny.co
Based Letty still got it
what a bitch
who the fuck is John
>letty wins again
this is some bullshit
Common Letty W
Letty is such a cunt
They didn’t know is was pvp
so they just did this so they can replace creature with someone new tomorrow?
this josie n jon stream is super wholesome wtf
creach got hit before and didn't call it anyway... letty wins as per usual
letty thread faggot
they were saying the link wrong
I wasn't watching, what did Letty do to Creature?
i hope letty gets bullied into giving her half
no its .co not com
yay nobody wins nobodys happy
>that’s why you’re letty
Creature understands
Letty pretending she feels bad kek
Bullshit fucking rigged ending
ifunny.com is down
>ifunny.com is down
ifunny.com is down
>ifunny.com is down
ifunny.com is down
>ifunny.com is down
ifunny.com is down
>ifunny.com is down
Meanwhile chudgang is safe what the fuck
>people unironically wanted Creature to win
How am I supposed to feel about this?
wow all of my season 1 memories of absolutely despising letty and wanting to see her put through a wall face first are flooding back to me.......
new bred required
i think this is th eir solution to having a bed for oddbod?
Kill yourself loser Letty's an ugly boring cunt.
attacked her like the spoilt wall eyed bpd prostitute she is
>So Tay and Jimmy had cake and got to sleep and rest??
>What the fuck is this shit
Tay did a cell of her own with minimal sleep and is in Schitty shooting cans off billboards.
letty feels so bad
Letty killed Creature but Creature didn't know PvP was allowed
its ifunny.co, Tay wouldve let them know this
hit her and won
nobody here cares
that's it?
No more creature but tomorrow you can watch Tay :)
creature is actually crying. im so sad.
fuck you letty, you coddled bitch
Creature crying :(
They just cheated creature out of $4k. Sad!
I don't understand why letty won.
Letty's never felt bad about fucking someone over in her entire life.
Letty doesn't seem happy about it.
Damn Letty's about to cry
Neptune is back on the menu
This is rough
Imagine being creature. She trauma dumped her poor taste in men and got betrayed by the BPD witch
letty doesn't feel bad newfag she's entirely performative
>kick creature
>keep the chudgang that doesn't RP or play along with anything
jet is so incredibly fucking gay
creature... ;(
Letty hid in the corner while creature fought off the vampires and waited until she had one life left then she hit her and jet said it was actually pvp so the kill counted.
She hit Creature and friendly fire is on for this but they didn't tell them that beforehand.
>no more creature
hell yea, im ganna get some sleep
>It's depression tank again
stay mad
>jet ordering letti to do sam hyde memes
I'm glad Creature got eliminated but we get to keep Tayleigh
how did letty win?
I can't wait to never see Tay and Jimmy again
Team killed creature (aka production allowed it so letty could stay)
She let creature fend off the vampires and waited until she had one life left then jumped out and killed her. Creature didn’t know it was pvp so she basically defended letty while she camp the whole time.
no she doesn't lol
did you also fall for the "kitchens are called bowlers in canada"?
You're the newfag for not remembering that she always felt bad in season 1 for doing bad things too, that's why she kept going to cry in the basement
Jet should kill himself
letty is a sociopathic evil cunt and always has been
jet's RP voice is so bad
Not true, they were both defending one ladder. Letty betrayed her in a last ditch attempt to win. Creature admitted that she would have done it too if she had known it was allowed. Letty was ready to not count it. Also, creature might have been downed previously. ALSO letty just said she was going to split the money with her and asked for her paypal, to which jet said "that's pussy shit, I won't pay you if you split it"
>Jet trying to be Xavier because he saw people liked him
He copies whatever actor is getting attention LOL
this, the season was designed to fuck with them
Drunk TJ making moves in Schitty

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