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>This thread will get deleted
why? isn't this a red board?
OP carefully chose a pic without the male mc.
You should have made this thread 7 months ago so we could have save ourselves all the autism and concern trolling in the general.
MC is a transgender woman
She really isn't.
Good idea for a thread, but you posted the worst pairing.
Why is Mahiro attracted to everyone minus her sister?
Mihari's image in the whole community is a siscon
They look so cute together
>She really isn't.
Ah right "she" is a real adult nerd guy who is changed to be a teenager girl in body but still a guy in mind due to some drug.
So much better.
Right "she" isn't TS cause usually TS change into female body willingly while GB shit is usually done against their will dye to some joke concept.
Their love is pure. Mahiro will marry Momiji and Mihari will marry Kaede so all 4 of them can be a family together.
Because she's not from the deep red US states.
>manly Momiji.
This is such pleasant aesthetic.
I think Mahiro's virginity is in danger!
>Momiji thought,
>"What would Mahiro-chan be like when drunk?"
>Maybe she's going to kiss me? (Big sister becomes a kissing demon and a spoiled child, so...)

>You have some amazake left since before and you're inviting me?
>Sure, let's try it.

>Three minutes later

>She really got drunk just off amazake! Like sister, like sister

>Uuh... Momijiii~!
>You can't do that, Mahiro-chan!
>Huh? Mahiro-chan?
>...good girl...

>Good girl, good girl... Momiji really is such a good girl...
>(doting drunk)

>This is not what I expected! I can't fight against this...!

>One hour later
>What on Earth am I doing...!
>mommy... MOMMY?!
>Ah~ It's Momiji~ Come here!
>Onee-chan, did you give Mahiro-chan the sweets that were laying there?
>Momiji, help me!

>How could I know she'll become like this just from whiskey bonbons!?
>Good girl, good girl... Kaede-chan is a good girl
>Doesn't matter! Help me, quickly!

>If this goes on, I'm gonna become Mahiro-chan's baby!
>In that case, we'll raise you together~
>It can't be helped~

>Mahiro-chan in this state freezes up when you do this~

>Because this is a grown-up thing. Now all that's left is carry you to bed.

>Let's go, Mahiro-chan~
>Where are we going?
>To a very nice place~

>Is that legal?!
>As of expected of my sister, but I wonder if I should do something...
>Bonus "Criminal record"

>Onee-chan, even you're deliberately making Mihari-san drink, aren't you? (When you two are alone...)
>Kaede onee-chan
>It's inevitable

>How do you know about it!?
The manga really needs to perma-fy Mahiro's girlhood ASAP.

...because then I'll feel better about putting my Onimai folder into my yuri folder.
We had mahiro and momiji play an mmorpg together more bonding moments neko
That's something I hate about GBshit. The author always refuses to make the character's girlhood permanent.
I would love for that to happen, but what I've seen so far makes me feel like this series will end in status quo. The author clearly never thought about all the implications of the premise, and an ending like that would mean acknowledging them.
I always wondered what would happen if Mahiro were to naturally grow back to the age she had when she first drank the potion. Would that be enough to make the change permanent.
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I hate when authors do that trope. It’s always like meant to be some weird gender joke thing or is just massively cringe.
>This is a picture from when I had fun together with Miyako-chan and her friends~

>yeah, yeah...

>And this one is from when I ate that crepe!

>I see

>That place's crepe is so tasty, you should come and try it next time...


>I thought you were so cute when you're talkative.
>So it just went naturally? (I wanted to do it)

>(that surprised me!) You! Listen when we talk, will you?!
Doujin series about older Mahiro and Momiji.
somebody tell anon...?
That he’s right?
File deleted.
eventually anon will be wrong
Better he keeps reverting to remind you self inserted he and you will remain male
You should self insert yourself into an English class, nee-san.
>Welcome back, Momiji~ Give me a hug~ Wait, Mahiro-chan?!

>Sorry for intruding...

>That works too! Give me a hug, Mahiro-chan~



>You were here?!

>Of course I was.

>Just this much is fine! She's going to be my sister-in-law one day anyway!

>It can't be helped then.
Omg sleepover ! :3
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The last chapter is Miyo turning into a gay berseker, like Mihari when drunk
This should be fun. I Can't wait.
It was pretty good.
shouldn't this one come before >>4062255
>Sorry for the wait, Momiji...
>What... do you think...?

>(It's gonna be a hassle to take these clothes off~)
>It suits you! You're lovely as always, Mahiro-chan!

>Were you thinking of something rude just now...?

>I wasn't!
>Hey, Miyo-chan...Are you happy when I start clinging to other girls?

>EH? T-That's, you know...
>It just makes me smile seeing people so friendly with each other... It's not anything to feel guilty about, right?
>(Picture of a yuri otaku desperately attempting to explain herself.)

>Hmm...Well, it's a bit different for me...


>Recently, when I've been seing other girls cling to you...I start to feel gloominess and heaviness around here...Why is that?
>Hey, Miyo-chan, is this some kind of disease? Please tell me...

>....nnm! (dokidoki)

>Are her days of being just a spectator over!?
>Mahiro-chaaan, take your hands out!

>My hands? Sure.

>Okay! Coming up!

>Hey, what the heck is that?!

>Happy birthday, Momiji-chan~ Your present is Mahiro-chan~


>Woah! Thanks~~!


>Well then, us big sisters are going out for a bit.

>Enjoy your time~

>Hold on right here!

>I feel like this is going to be a lovely birthday

>Just do as you like...!
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>Today is Momiji's birthday, so you can order me to do anything you want (I did that on my own birthday too, after all.)

>E... Ehehe... Did you just say "anything"? So it's okay even if it's something a bit embarrassing, right?

>Ah... No, please don't do anything that would get us banned... (Did I get too hasty...?)


>You wanted to walk together holding hands, huh...Why are you so cute... (It really is a bit embarrassing...)

>So precious...

>Miyochin is melting!?
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After a year like this, Maihoro may become a lesbian.
It's hard to imagine what's going on in his mind.
I wish she got into yuri. She was obviously a hetfag back when she was male. Miyo needs to give her yuri eroges.
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It will be a very interesting story if she leaves this bookshelf open the next time she invites everyone to her home.
>Please, Mahiro-chan, just the tips!
>It's just the tips, so...!

>I think the tips are the most important part!
>As a present... I want to have you...
>Can I...?
But various gb series don't ended in the mc changed permanently? For example Ayakashi, afaik.
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>The reason for this calls back to the previous day.

>Mahiro-chan! Watch out!

>The two of us were taking away the equipment after a PE class... I was about to slip on a ball, and Momiji tried to save me, but instead we fell down together, and our lips met...

>I hit my head quite hard as I fell, so I don't remember what happened...

>Yesterday? What happened yesterday?

>But Momiji remembered everything and was troubled all night... And so this morning, when she approached me to talk about that, I responded like this.

>M-mahiro-chan... About yesterday...

>About what?

>Excuse me?!

>So because of that, Momiji got mad at me. Afterwards, I was pleading and saying I'll do whatever she wants, and here we are.
>Hey, Asahi! What are you doing!?

>Extra service for Miyochin! (She will give us lots and lots if we do this.)

>You can't go and squeeze money from a classmate! Come on, Miyo-chan, tell her to stop!

>How much? How much do I have to pay to watch you continue!?

>Whoa, she's far too gone already!
>Waaaahhhh! It's unfair if it's just Asahi! Smooches are against the rules!

>Wow, Momiji is coming to interrupt! This is getting out of control!
>The manga really needs to perma-fy Mahiro's girlhood ASAP.
It will never happen, if Mahiro became a girl for real nobody would post it on /u/ anymore to troll others and everybody would lose interest in it on /a/.
The only selling point of this series is the genderbend content of turning a guy into a girl while he remains a guy fully in his mind.
Strange GB content is openly allowed on /u/.
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needs more Kaede
With Mihari preferably.
>(Wait!! This isn't time for a flashback!)
>Mo-mo-momiji-san... First of all, please calm down.

>I can't calm down!
>Yesterday, my head was full of things all the time. Thinga like "how do I face you tomorrow?" and "what is Mahiro-chan going to think of me?" A-and also...!
>When I kissed Mahiro-chan, I was really, really happy!

>I...I get it, so... Uh... So... Just a bit is fine.

>If y-you're feeling shy, you can close your eyes
>S-so cute...

>lots of doki dokis
>No... Onee-sama... Wait... No!
>You can't touch there...

>What do you mean, "there"?
Is Mihari unironically attracted to Mahiro or is a fandom joke?
Pretty sure it's just a fandom joke because it's where these siblings comedies usually go. She loves her as a "brother", and made her into a girl to reform her, not to fuck her.
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That is big
>Endure it... I must endure it...I can't let myself go into heat...!

>Mahiro-chan... Is she trembling? ...So cute

>Somehow ...I endured it

>Mahiro-chan... One more time!!

>I s-said... just a bit...! W-wait...!! Momi... Nnh...
>Mmm... Momi... your tong...nn!
>Mo-momiji...please, no more
>...I can't


>After all, I... love you... I love you, Mahiro-chan!!
>I love you, so... I was really happy when we kissed yesterday. Even now I'm thinking I want to kiss some more... I know I'm acting strange, but still... Still, I love you, so I don't want to stop.
>If, if you don't like it... You can just push me away... Then I'll stop, and forget everything that happened today and yesterday.
>And of course, I won't try this again...So...

>Ah, well...
Mihari is like double standard. She ships Mahiro with momiji but was also weirded when Mahiro presented Momiji to her, calling her unironically a pedophile.
She's probably a closeted lesbian since she gets drunk and starts making out with any girl (i'm pretty sure she wouldn't do that with guys) similar to Miyo "I just like to watch!"
She wants to get a good person for her now sister but she will be 100% jealous when that happens.
Not to mention the whole morally questionable scientist trope that she has for the whole main premise of the series, using her then brother as a guinea pig for experiments.
>I have to refuse... I have to refuse!
>If she keeps this up, I'm gonna go poof...
>I'm gonna go into heat...!
>B-but, if I refuse now... I don't know if we can return to our relationship as friends...
>What is she uses this as pretext to cut all ties with me... I can't... But...



>I love you.

>Aah... I see.
>And then, you know? Asahi said something weird again...


>And then I...

>Yeah, yeah...

>And Miyo-chan...

>Oh...I see...

>Alright, one more attack!

>Fugyaa!? Aagh~!?
>What are you doing!? I was about to beat that boss! (Don't grab my nipples!)

>You weren't listening to me at all!

>I was responding to you, wasn't I!?

>You were just going "yeah, yeah"!

>I just got to a great spot...

>You've been busy gaming ever since I came to your room! Talk to me!
>Huh!? Why!? Why did they kiss just now!? It wasn't that kind of timing, right!?

>Haha, I understand... They both think the other one's at fault, but they they looks each other in the face and realize... What a pair of cuties~

>I don't get it, I don't get it at all.

>Mihari, you're so ignorant of these things...

>(I'm sorry, Mahiro-chan...)

>(Yeah, me too, sorry...)

>(Do you want to continue your game? Or... do you want to continue this...?)


>Look, they are about to have make-up sex! Zoom in!
Mihari is for Miyo, i think
New anthology chapter is Marimite
>Hozuki-senpai, if you have time...Can we have lunch together...!?

>Ah, sorry. There's already someone with an appointment for my lunch breaks...

>T-then, how about after school...

>Mahiro-chan, let's have lunch together!

>That underclassman girl who came up to you... She was cute, wasn't she?


>And it seemed like you loved the sweets she gave you...
>And she even invited you on a date.

>I properly refused, didn't I...?
>(Could this be...)
>...Mahiro-chan, if you don't mind...Let's have today's lunch somewhere quiet...
>Just the two of us, of course.

>...I don't mind it, but...
First time I've seen Oyama mama.
Its kinda weird for me seeing mamas on this kind of anime. I mean, we know how they had children.
>Happy birthday, Mahiro-chan~!

>A riiing!?
>Momiji! Even as a joke, this is...Ha wa wa wa

>Will you accept it?


>With...with pleasure

>You really accepted it in the end...
>Mahiro-chan.... I love you
>...me too...
Objectively correct take. Also bewildering how such a strict board allows mental gymnatic tier genderbending.
What about the kashimashi on sticky?
The sticky is outdated and useless.
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>Mahiro-chan, you'll get soaked like this, so you can stick closer to me.

>*doki doki*
That's not an argument. The point is that this type of GB isn't against board rules, and never has been
It's not an argument, it's a fact.
GB is against the board's rules because it's not yuri and therefore offtop on a yuri board.
>*doki doki*

>We weren't this concious until yesterday...

>*doki doki*
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You talk like Japan is better. Incest is actually legal there, unlike deep red wimps
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Soft vs hard
Random faceless dyke molester go!
What do people like about this? I'm genuinely curious. Is it a self-insert fantasy for dudes?
If you take away the genderswap aspect, it's practically no different from any other SOL/CGDCT anime. Nothing in it really comes off as any more self-inserty than other such shows, it's mostly for comedy (the author is female btw).
This is a troll thread. It's a mystery why it hasn't been deleted yet.
>the author is female btw
I guess some people were saying that way back so the misinformation is still around, but I'm pretty sure he's a guy, people have seen him at Comiket.
I don't see how this series is any different than Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl.
Yeah this is the kind of GB story usually a guy would write, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a girl either.
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