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Previous thread: >>4044936


Scene0 Subs:

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

Drama CD subs:

MagiReco subs


Magia Record Stageplay:

Magia Record Mobage:

Latest English Releases:

Rebellion Sequel CONFIRMED

Scene0. Somehow Mabayu is canon in every timeline before the anime.
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This will probably be the thread that's up when the movie comes out
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Yet another card anyway now
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In case you were wondering. Nope no news from Aniplex 20th
I need /u/r help.
I've been trying to find a certain doujin where Homura and Madoka compete for Mami's attention, but I cannot for the life of me remember the doujin's name, or the artist.
I DO remember that Homura wore a boys' uniform and rarely spoke outside of some "homu"s here and there, and that the art style might be similar to Shino(Ponjiyuusu).
Any help would be appreciated.
Never mind, found it immediately after I posted it.
It WAS by Shino. 'The "Mami-san is blushing due to various things" manga' is the title on danbooru.
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Thinking about MeiyuSasha crack.
This ship just hits all the right spots.
I wish Maitake was still pumping out MadoHomu doujins.
And I wish they were lewd

Maybe the new movie will draw people back in
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I agree, I miss Maitake's nonsense. It was legitimately some of my favorite characterizations of the relationships between everyone. Devilhomu as a chuuni dork, Madokami as a pervert goddess, QB as the butt of every other joke. I loved the stories with Homura and Kyouko bonding as war buddies after a fashion, Sayaka and Homura at each others throats constantly but with a weird begrudging respect, Mami just failing on all poor cylinders. God, it was all fun. There just can't be enough.
Every other doujin uses this, but I have no recollection of ever hearing it in the anime.
Apartment Trio card is next.
I can hear it in my head but I can't remember it
What will come first. To the Stars finally ending or Rebellion 2?
Isn't To the Stars not even about meduka characters but some OCs?
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My knowledge comes from second hand sources but the Medukas are in there, except they are eternal JC.
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horny madoka es bueno desu yo
Homura is the most bottom of the quintet, the idea of leashing Madoka and enjoying it would not appeal to her in the slightest.
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madoka movie WHERE ARE YOUUUU
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I think Madoka would want Homura to take charge
Depends on the Madoka. When she comes into her full confidence as a magical girl like her first timeline self she'd be up for any sort of fun with someone she loves but before then she'd want a girl that at least seems to know what she's doing.
Eh, Madoka would be Magenta. I'm more interested in knowing how Homura would react to fallen nurse madoka
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That's magnitudes less traumatic than Kriemhild Gretchen
Madoka gains way too much confidence as a magical girl to be Magenta.
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I love it when this artist draws lewds
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>tell me your secrets, ass
You can watch it any time you want. You just have to sign a contract.
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>homura on top
I thought rebellion pretty conclusively proved the opposite is how things would go.
There is no wrong way to fantasise.
Homura starts on top, realizes she has no idea what to do, Madoka flips her over.
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I hope we get kyosaya in the new movie
Is magia record still going on? I thought it EOS'd but there's still a /vg/ thread for it. Is there anything going on I'm likely to need to know before the next movie comes out in god knows how many years?
I think it was only shut down outside of Japan
I'm still pissed at how the main story ended.
Yachiyo alone again after Iroha got Madoka'd, what the hell is this BS?
>Yachiyo alone again after Iroha got Madoka'd, what the hell is this BS?
That's just part one of the main story, play the rest (historia magica)
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Me to neesan me too. That they got thrown probably the biggest bone in rebellion gives me hope.
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What would MadoHomu's first date be like
What about KyouSaya?
Homu tries to do all the generic chivalrous stuff and act all cool and mature, but Madoka sees through her and makes her do all the cute fun goofy stuff she really wants to do.
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>Homu tries to do all the generic chivalrous stuff and act all cool and mature
Not this Homu
Moemura spills her spaghetti all over the place then Madoka holds her hand and leads the date in such a way to boost Moemura's confidence then Madoka fingers her.
As always, depends on the timeline. Madokas who have the chance to become more assertive will either be the ones initiating the date or will quickly take over any sort of plan by Homura to use information acquired through time loops to set up a perfect date. The confidence boost just from getting asked out and advice from her mom and friends could also prompt Madoka to go that way. Doesn't really matter and Madoka will have enjoy the intentions behind the date no matter what and Homura would probably love doing literally anything with Madoka.

Lots of bickering and going to a multitude of places, alternating between eating and burning off energy at various suitable spots. Ends in something much less high energy and romantic which enables a tender moment between the two.

However the real question is 'what does a double date with MadoHomu and KyoSaya look like?"
I more or less caught up on the Magireco game story. What's next? Act 2 ended on an epilogue that shows what are the girls doing in the future and Act 3 contains itself. Where does the story go from here?
Also, Tamura WHEN?
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Watched only tv show and rebellion. Wanna try spin-off things, where do i start?
The Different Story is the lightest spin-off, being a prequel starring Kyoko and Mami. Then there's the Wraith arc, which takes place between the show and the movie. Either is a good start.
Then there's Kazumi, Oriko, and Tarte, all of which center on different casts so they're more "expanded universe" stuff. Oriko is the most popular and the one that shares the strongest ties with the main story, as Kyoko is an important character.
And then comes Magia Record, which is already a parallel universe with its own continuity.
Wait for Walpurgisnaicht rising
or just read Maitake doijins
Do not read Homura's Revenge, it's shit and completely wastes its potential.
seconded for Maitake doujins
Maitake's collected works top every single Madoka Manga
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Thirding this.
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>that grope from Madoka
Assertive Madoka is best dokes.
While cute, the roles should be reversed.
Alina keeps stealing Karin's strawberry milk because it's an indirect kiss.
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Is Madoka allowed to have two wives?
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Don't post AI, but yes.
How do you detect them? Why do they look so indistinguishable these days?
The blush isn't close to authentic.

But it is labelled as AI on pixiv –115138423_p0
Eos has been announced for MagiReco
Revue outlives another one…
well there is a new madoka gacha from the same devs coming let's just hope they don't fuck it up by adding a worthless male self insert to it
Why has there been someone copy and pasting random vg opening posts on /u/?

You technically play as MC's sister in game.
>Why has there been someone copy and pasting random vg opening posts on /u/?
It's a bot, and this is not the first time it has happened.
f4 wasn't stupid enough to do that with MagiReco, I don't think they'll do it with Exedra
Is there any kind of plot summary for MagiReco? I don't really know anything about what happened after Arc 1.
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I think the PMMM wiki has plot summaries for all Arc 2 chapters
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Fuck PMHQ ships, I only care about Magia Record now
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The new Exedra trailer confirmed the MagiReco girls didn't disappear into the void of non existence, that's nice.
They lived bitches
What about HQxReco ships?
There's a theory for Exedra. You are a self-insert (female only) Meguca who gets to customise your character. And you get to romance the many many female characters?

Would you play such a game?
Self-insert shit is garbage and I’m not interested in cheap """romance""" between an empty husk and characters that will inevitably be ruined by self-insert pandering
Not even yuri self-inserting?
No shit? Everything I said in my previous reply applies when the SI is a female too.
Self-insert ‘romance’ is by default worse as one of the characters isn’t actually a character, while the other one becomes braindead and has their life revolve around the non-character, essentially character assassination.
If this is what Exedra will be then I’d much rather stick to rewatching MagiReco stories on youtube.
honestly I'd rather have a strongly defined MC with her own look and personality, but customizing a meguca sounds fun. the npc harem shit is bad though, its my least favorite part of any mobile game.
Sister thread on /vmg/ by an Apple-chan.
Don't speak Korean.
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- Could you please open your legs?
- Are you crazy? Transfer student

Companion image from the twitter source:
- Shut up, Sayaka.
- 씨발 이거 안놔?
Homu's gotta practice her UFC holds somehow, man.
I think a customizable meguca would be pretty good but only if she is a massive yurifag that would never get in-between any established pairings.
Exedra will:
Have a player character named Namae, but she is just trying to regain her memories or something by reliving other Meguca meemories.
Feature the returning protags from the spin-offs
Well, it's definitely not this.
What was up with Madoka in her underwear in the OP anyway
Timeline where she was contracted to Enormeeta instead.
>Exedra will release globally with an English PC version
Okay Magia Record died for a good cause.

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