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Girls' Frontline is a gritty girls with guns mobile Tactical SLG for Android, iOS and emulator where the player takes the role of a newly recruited commander in a Private Military Company named Griffin&Kryuger, commanding a force of highly advanced android girls known as Tactical Dolls. You, the commander, are represented by a customisable male or female sprite that can interact with the girls in their dorms.

Self-insert/waifu elements aside, the all girls cast inevitably lends to a range of /u/ elements from cute interactions to unhealthy obsessions. It also has a manga featuring a female commander protagonist and a series of anime shorts, primarily Chinese dubbed with Japanese broadcast following.

Project Neural Cloud Welcome here too.

Beginner FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BMrzudfQ
Resources: https://pastebin.com/SHn3ztTt

Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/32154/girls-frontline
Materials (het-free version, courtesy of Anon): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1qmrJA3ILKDUD_MjMEya_EEVgZf3nV8bp

List of /u/sers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syw8ZtQG5r6vw4z-CJL9aLODxxu-S7q9HMBGheuqqHE/edit#gid=1211261030
Add your UID here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCGLBh2gL4WY-uVXPE1FigOiLusCKiYaolwCQJ35TU_6L-Hg/viewform

Previous: >>3862584
Shao nu Qian xian
Is there a way to skip the ranking map tutorial when spamming combat settlement?
Apparently not, so the recommendation is to actually play the map til some of the early objectives.

12 runs to get all rewards.
There is on Android, you just hit the Android UI back button twice after hitting "commence operation".
fucking lol
These two are the best in pnc.
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Save me, Wise skk.
Lacey is a sex bomb.
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What did anons think of entropic dichotomy? Electra x Alcyone was cute and ended in tragedy.
I really enjoyed the actual plot too.
I'm only starting now because I had some irl stuff to deal with but did I miss an event? The first 6 or 7 chapters so far have been a whiplash and I don't remember any of these characters
unless it's getting explained later in which case don't tell me, just kinda worried I missed some stuff earlier
if I already own Eos and Clukay is there genuinely any sniper doll coming up that I would ever need to pull for? Even by CN standards they still seem to be the best of the best and the vast majority of stages only need one team to complete them
I've yet to finish building Eos due to not having enough Neural Kits, but I rarely use Clukay anymore:
- In matrix, Clukay competes with Undine for her favourite buffer(s): Turing, (Abigail, Taisch, Dushevnaya etc.). I generally prefer Undine for her better Ult and synergy with summon-based functions/protocols.
- Speaking of matrix, Yelena is supposed to be extremely OP. I haven't tested because I haven't pulled her yet, but the big point is that she steals 20% ATK from her target (similar to Rise's passive or MLR algos). Because enemy stats balloon ridiculously in matrix, Yelena scales much harder than other dolls (while also leveraging the massive ATK SPD buffs in matrix very well).
- For general content, Luna Arma II+ (with Taisch and preferably Millau Arma III) is comfier than both Clukay and Undine. The reason is that Luna is based on spamming Ult, which does not have a cooldown at the start of battle (unlike Skills/the Battery command). Luna can immediately spam her Ult twice at the start of battle (3 times if you use her manually with Helix). Combined with her lowest HP targetting, I've found her the best for just bulldozing content on auto.

Eos might or might not replace Undine/Luna for me. I think Luna is hard to beat because the zero cooldown on her first Ult is exclusive to her -- even if Eos' Ult happens to be stronger, she can't cast it twice by default.

As for future dolls, it's true that Eos will probably remain the strongest vanilla unit for a long time. There will be some Armas to look out for though, such as Dushevnaya, Willow and Kuro (who have synergy together), or Lam (who has synergy with Croque Arma).

Speaking of Armas, Hubble Arma is supposedly a sidegrade to Clukay. I finished building her recently, and while she is decent, she's noticebly less effective than Luna.
Thanks for the rundown, appreciate it. Still missing many of those units myself but from what you said and from what I've read there's plently of useful comps with them the average player wouldn't think of. I was gonna ask you for advice about BH180 but just completed it yesterday after finally using Helix properly. I actually only used EOS and had no use for Clukay either funnily enough.
Is there no reverse collapse /u/? Because sugar is hot.
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>6 year anniversary
time sure flies. There doesn't seem to be much yet again except one free skin but at least we get a true core mask.

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