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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

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Their sex in the rain was really cute and hot.

I'm struggling a bit with this one. Normally I can do isekai, but the "readers comment" aspect of this is making it way too meta.
Where's this from?
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They're side characters from Straight Girl Trap
>"readers comment"
They kinda disappear after a while.
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Chasing lily is such a disappointment my god, I don't know wtf the author is doing anymore.
Anyway, for now I am in love with this one, super recommended "When the Villainess meets the Crazy Heroine".
I've read the first "season" or whatever of Mage & Demon Queen a few years ago and kinda liked it, so I was about to continue reading only to find out that it's locked behind some shitty app download. Is there a way to read that normally in decent quality and without ad-ridden manga scraper website watermarks, ideally a way to just download it and read offline?
Batoto is your best bet for official rips.
Okay, thanks.
irene needs to rape the sister so she doesn't have any free time to keep causing trouble
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I'm only really reading Daughter of Evil and Miss Devil right now for anything isekai. Kind hard to read a dozen stories like I used to.
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I'm genuinely surprised that "How to Draw an Ellipse" isn't more widely discussed. It's completely unhinged and so much great human suffering. The only downside is that it's a Korean story, so I fear it'll likely have a bad ending with no justice for Youngea.
I stopped caring about it when the husband got introduced and how much focus the story gave to him.
Not mentioning the retarded moment when the blonde psychopath kissed and fucked her adoptive mother.
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I completely agree. Minsung is a bona fide psychopath, but Miyeon's actions are just twisted. Tricking Youngea into raising a child that isn't hers is beyond messed up. It's an unhinged story, but what's even more baffling is that the narrative doesn't seem to acknowledge the gravity of their actions. It's like Korean authors have a blind spot when it comes to morality
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Love this girl
It's not so much the fact that it's pseudo-incest but that the the way the author had built up the story to that reveal. It's so utterly disconnected from the original plot that it erases the meaning of it. And that's exaclty how you lose investment from readers.
Gook authors seem to think rape and murder attempts are commonplace occurrences that don't warrant law enforcement involvement.
I'm totally for drama but not the yuri equivalent of satanic black magic, sick shit
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No, it was hinted at. The bigger problem is the lack of coherence in the story. There's a murder attempt on a child with no consequences, and Youngea is actually vilified for trying to hold Minsung accountable. Miyeon's role in grooming Minsung into a monster is just brushed off as backstory, while Miyeon herself is still portrayed as a sweet woman. And when Miyeon and Minsung team up to torment Youngea in a brutal NTR scene, complete with their incestuous relationship, it's treated like normal family dynamics. And someone named Youngea must really have hurt the author.
I want more lezzies that get isekai'ed into the role of the villainess and fall in love with the heroine. Or as a side character in support of the villainess. Or as the MC trying to defeat the villainess by showing superior carpet munching skills. Right now I can't get enough of that genre combination.
Anyone reading the dark lord confession?
It seems like it's going into a het route
Author said it will have GL, BL and straight romantic relations in it, main fanbase are shoujo and BL lovers, so go figure.
I'm not caught up but the chances of the mc going the Yuri route is low with how dedicated she is to fixing that one guy and that the dark lord doesn't love the current her, the childhood friends are gonna have to carry the Yuri unless the author pulls out the toxic Yuri with the saint and the dark lord
>that the dark lord doesn't love the current her
Didnt someone post the dark lord was a woman and loves some girl
Idk if they added more to the backstory yet but the 2nd dark lord is a woman loves the first one who the mc used to be, and that's something the mc sees and I think is hurt by since she sees the first dark lord and herself as different people
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I love chinese webtoons.
Look at this badass woman tripping others in everyone face, what a diva.
I didn't mean to say that it wasn't foreshadowed, just that it was an incredibly stupid direction to veer the story off into. Considering the starting point of the story, and thereafter the flashbacks upon flashbacks to justify the shift to the psuedo-incest plot, it's just poorly structured. And the stuff you bring up is honestly quite par for the course for gook telenovelas.
Any new cute tomboy webtoons or school life
Damn I don’t even like Isekais but this one got my interest, maybe I should give isekais a pass if theyre yuri
荆棘之心, not really new but it's fits 100% in what you want,
This is exactly what I’m looking for, thank you
Tapas releasing official English translation of Perfect Heroine Wants to Possess Me.

Omega Heroine Wants Her Alpha Villainess
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Understood. I believe the story had the potential to be fantastic if the author had focused more on the psychological elements rather than turning it into a soap opera. The first season was quite promising, and it's clear that the author is talented. It feels like a missed opportunity.
Should we be worried...?
So I see Show Me Your Grim is dead...
>Should we be worried...?
Nah, it's explained that there are no secondary characteristics for an Alpha or Omega except the scent glands and hormones. So no secret pp, just horny carpet-munchers.
But beware there are males doing lecherous things. Still no pp insight, yet.
WTF, raw spoilers: One of the MCs friends who was starting to be side shiped with another girl fucking dies
Now that's rare.
I tried reading this and couldnt get past the PHEROMONES part....I dont know why
Was happy to get an official translation but then realised they changed all the names to Western ones. Any way we can get them to stop doing this?
I think everyone dropped Chasing Lilies but it's winding down with a complete wet fart of an ending. For how comically unhinged it was to start wtih, the resolution is so utterly tepid and spoiled the fun of it. Eun-hye has never been anything more than shit dragging down the story and should have been deleted.
The start was fun but yeah it got to shit with the author friend, shame
Yeah initially I found it good but then it seems author wanted to make it a bit too complex and twisted in some retarded way for her own good.
Same shit is happening with How to Draw an Ellipse, honestly such interesting premise, initially likable group of characters and now it is just boring drama over drama with most retarded twists and I bet author didn't say last word in this, maybe the MC gonna sleep now with that awful married woman for jokes or with ehr husband too cause why not, fuck I started to dislike it seeing how much focus the boring husband got for who we should feel sorrry? now cause he doesn't get any from his wife who is into another woman who slept with her adopted daughter who is psycho.
I read the mtl webnovel, the author was very adamant about not having it. So unless something showed up in the extras, don't think it'll happen.

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