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Previous Thread: >>4135792

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

Memory of Grand Order: https://youtu.be/WsqeLqJPKUM
>Shimosa chapter 38 is out (RAW), so it should be translated soon;
>Remember, someone picked up Salem's translation. Yes, we are still 31 chapters behind, but at least we back on track.
(Game EN)
>4* Ticket (now I can finally get Altera's wife);
>Blue Apples (so we can finally waste less AP by turning them into Apples).
(Game JP)
>JP is having a collab with Mahoutsukai no Yoru (honestly, while I had watched Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai before, Mahoutsukai I never did, so this one is really meaningless to me, but maybe someone here will be excited about being able to get Aoko or the Caster girl).
Some Anon in the vidya thread is gay.
Not FGO related, but Birdhatter released a little doujin for a gyaru focused anthology, and since "we" kinda like Birdhatter around here, I thought to post it if anyone here didn't read it yet:

As always, let me know if I forgot something.
Also, really sorry Anon, I really intended to use pic related as the OP, but then I got Super Bunyan, so I had to use a pic with her.
More like that entire thread has become retarded with all the bullshit fighting going on
Is that so? I usually just go there to see what new is releasing and then leave, so I have no idea why they would even be fighting.
Some people not wanting games with subtext, others not wanting western games or arguing western vs. japanese. Also some anons deciding to police the thread.
That sounds pretty annoying alright. Specially considering that that's a discussion as old as time.
(not that I can judge anyone, as I also often hit the same keys on my complaints)
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In the FGO fangame that I'll never make (much like Lasagna/Aniplex/whoever will never make that PC/Console game), I would totally edit that Halloween Event to say that after Gudako's body becomes Shub's avatar (or whatever it was, my memory is bad), because of her connection with the other Foreigners, it starts to assimilate(?) Shub's powers, and by the time the player gets back to the castle, it already morphed into the form we see in fanarts (pic related).
. . .
Or rather, when entering the castle, the player would be asked to select a difficulty:
Where it would play like in the original, the player would fight the Dark Young as a Caster Class.
Where players would face "Baphodako" as a Foreigner Class, with highly increased difficulty compared to the Dark Young fight (basically a Challenge Quest).
And as a reward for clearing that difficulty, Gudako after getting her body back, it would retain part of Shub's power, massively increasing her mana storage/capacity, so using Servants like S.Ishtar, Arjuna Alter, etc, would be less exhausting for her and would make the rest of the game even more of a cakewalk.
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As always sorry for the solo images, I just can't resist sometimes.
>so using Servants like S.Ishtar, Arjuna Alter, etc, would be less exhausting for her and would make the rest of the game even more of a cakewalk.
Mm, personally I'd find that to be bad writing and really boring. Not even Sword Art Online completely throws away all pretense of stakes for its Gary Stu.
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Is that so? I myself would think that "having one's body used as vessel for an Outer God's power (even if just part of it) would have some lasting effects" to be a reasonable thought/assumption... Sure, maybe my choice for said "lasting effect" was too broken, but considering the scale of Outer Gods, that, too, seemed fairly reasonable to me (specially for a vessel that's already used to being close to other vessels).
>and really boring
Now if others perceive it as "boring" then there's nothing I can do...
But then again, it's not like I'll ever actually do it, so no point in keeping or scrapping ideas.
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It would be interesting to see Gudako get corrupted and Mash has to save her in one of the main stories. That Halloween event was really cool, because it was the first time where Gudako's body became the enemy. That meant the whole fight strategy had to change. I said in the past I can't believe there isn't a main story where the villain takes a corrupted Gudako as her Master and Chaldea has to fight her. Imagine using our command seals on the enemy against Mash and other Chaldea? That would be so interesting.
Oh~ I remember that idea.
Tho I can't say it would definitely happen if this wasn't a gacha game, I do believe it being a gacha game prevents it from ever happening.
It's still quite the cool idea tho.
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Who did you sisters pick for the ticket? I picked Salter.
As much as I want to increase Salter's NP (and Barghest's) and continue to curse the fact she's "Story banner locked", I used the ticket to finally get Altera's wife.

(part of me wanted to use it to get Tsuna, but you won't hear it from me)
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Nero, so that I'll have one version. Also helps that she's got a bunch of interludes and strengthenings.
Would you look at that, first >>4199998 and now:
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7538581 (link so I don't post another solo image).
Some here may or may not remember me mentioning my wish for after everything is over, Gudako and Mashu opening a bakery together, now I wonder why these "Baker Gudako" images? Was there any CE or something recently portraying that?
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In the Mahoyo collab event Gudako says that her wish is to open a bakery with someone she loves, that's why there are fan art of baker Gudako
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Is it implied who she's talking about? Given how dense Gudako is to all the servants that love her I thought she didn't know what love was.
Guess that means the devs really do read these threads... now why this is the only thing they took from here? I'm obviously biased towards my own ideas, but I'd like to think I have proposed some interesting ones throughout the years...
(joking, of course)

You can say that again. (forgot to commment on this yesterday)


She means "love" in the "super friendship" way.
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