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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous >>4170110
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Kanata "I'm not a lesbian, mom" Amane
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Noefure stream in the YOOL2024
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Kanatan is one of like 3 Hololive girls who I genuinely believe would play and enjoy this game.
And the other 2?
I remember Kanata saying she had mixed feelings about this game because she knows hostesses don't like serving other girls.
That sure sounds like someone made some experiences. But what does that even matter if the game forces you to play a dude?
Miko and Matsuri. Other lesbians/potentially gay girls like Polka, Reine and Kiara aren't into games like this, even if they would play them for trend chasing purposes.
I always asked myself why people who like these things love kanata so much when she herself has denied liking girls and instead has claimed to like men
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Kanata is so deep in the closet that she might as well be stuck in fucking Narnia. The woman made a song to cope with her oshi getting married for Christ'sr8mx8
>she herself has denied liking girls and instead has claimed to like men
She has done neither. Well, there was that one time years ago where she for like a week claimed to like silver foxes when she was forced to say what kind of men she might like. She has never once brought that up since and it is one of the most common excuses lesbians make to deflect that question.
On the other hand she has ceaselessly talked about what kind of women she likes, how she looked up lesbian porn, how she wants to touch tits, how she wishes she had a girlfriend etc. etc.
The only tangentially related thing to claiming not to like girls you could ever find would be when she told her mother "That's not quite it" when her mother asked her if she is a lesbian. Which was at most her considering she might be bi. Which by now is pretty much impossible with how obviously she only cares about women.
I will post this in every thread until kroni bang her
Hello again...
Bro i mean she most likely is. But thats the thing, still perpetuates a closet/denialism culture that personally I cant vibe with , it looks as if shes too into idolshit culture to dismiss lesbian relationships. At least those are my vibes afaik, I dont really watch her, i don't know japanese, my knowledge of jp vtubers are pretty much clips. Probably i'm wrong

>looked up lesbian porn
Can you elaborate?
Back to /vt/ with you.
2sad4me I cry every time
You'd think she'd follow Miko's example. Or even Noel's.
doing... what?
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NoeFure, my beloved
Being open instead of being a queen of Narnia.
>minor vtuber news
After reacting to various ID degeneracy including a spicy Ayu x Ayunda fanfic, Reine wants a harem GL doujin made of her
By all means share that degenerate stream with us.
Anyone can believe anything they want, but we really have to start reporting posts like the one above, be it a troll attempt or not, this is not vtuber yuri content discussion.
To be honest, "smash or pass" or those type of dynamics that are popular between streamers say so little about the sexualities of them. I mean, every vtuber are playing the bunny game these days, its the same, if you understand...
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Just grope those knight's tits already, Kanata
That's not really comparable though, is it? You can be damn sure that if you forced Miko or Kiara to play that they would refuse all males by principle.

She won't it's been literal years of her having permission to do so. She is just like Miko, a coward when it comes to real life interactions.
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Tomoe is playing the bunny game
That's like the third stream she played it.
Already cancelling a stream after delaying it... maybe there's no hope
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Just give her some time and she will be be back even stronger.
百合好き vtuber Nene and Tenbin's indie group's crowdfunding for their live ended making 244% of their goal.
If her eyes are messed up, streaming is probably one of the worst jobs to have. She probably doesn't have a helper either who could do all the off-stream work.
Her issue seems to be more psychological as was revealed last time.
>You can be damn sure that if you forced Miko or Kiara to play that they would refuse all males by principle
I doubt, both have shown interest in male characters sometimes, and i see straight male streamers doing the same all the time. So no, no shit, stop taking everything seriously. Literally it was shown how every "hetslut" (i hate to use those slurs tobe honest) were playing the bunny game despite not having any actual interest in women
>both have shown interest in male characters
Bullshit. Miko never has. Don't confuse liking a character with being attracted to a character. Miko always makes very clear she has no interest in men and even gets offended by the idea. If she played something as stupid as "would you bang this character?" she would never say yes to dudes.
Kiara might make minimal concessions just to keep things interesting, but that's only if she let it get that far.
>hetsluts play the bunny girls game
Yes you fucking moron, but not to pretend they want to fuck those girls. You can make a stream about that game entertaining without being into girls.
This has absolutely nothing to do with actively saying you want to fuck men if you don't.
I think her eyes can take a few hours of streaming every other day, but like the other anon said she seems to have developed a stage fright of sorts, she can't even manage her own twitter account in fear of reading an insensitive comment
I want to believe she'll be alright and hopefully start collabing in the future again, but...
Why are you getting deffensive for no reason?

>You can make a stream about that game entertaining without being into girls
That game has no fucking trait besides being a waifu game. Thats like saying you watch mahoako for the plot unironically. And fuck yeah, watch clips of pekora or fubuki playing that, they AT LEAST pretend they're into
the deep sighs and long pauses after what is conventionally good news kills me every time
iirc she's explained she cant grope Noel specifically because she fears it will feel too much like *real* sexual harassment. Basically, when it comes Noel's knockers she can't play off the grope as a joke because she's legit lusting after them.
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Meanwhile Noel

Which is funny, because that is what Matsuri literally did and Noel even said it felt good and she has never been turned on like that before from getting groped. Obviously she wants it.

If only Matsuri wasn't a glass cannon. She has the shamelessness to attack girls, the skill to please them. But she just won't commit.
bislut not committing to women, what a surprise
No, she isn't committing to anyone. She doesn't even get that far with dudes. Matsuri is simply incapable of having a relationship or of crossing the line with people she flirts with.
at least pretend they're into or they're actually into, we don't know. Why can't it be the same for the opposite (about dudes)?
Kanata and Noel is definitely one of my holo crackships.
Love the idea of a gentle onee-san using her lewd body to teach an inexperienced young girl (okay, Kanata's actually not that young) how to love women.
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So who is the biggest faggot of holoEN?
Reine is honorary EN
Lesbian couple plays Kirby. Their dynamic is really chill.
Ironic thart it took this stupid bunny girl game trend for Karuta to finally do something /u/ relevant again.
She might not know how to counter a Persian War Elephant rush, but that's a bit harsh.
That's tricky, considering the only counter to the Rumbling is not letting the Persia player get there
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List of gays in EN: Gura, Kronii, Ame, nerissa, kiara, mori, and last but not least, kronii
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I meant irys on the last post
Irys isn't gay, she just preys on yurifags. She actually hates yuri.
Irys literally said she hates yuri in Precure and Gundam on stream. Didn't even hide saying how super het she is.

Can we stop fucking talking about her.
I see people hating the shipping aspect of it, but straight up hating confirmed homo girls? Part of the actual story with no yuri bait?

See how many couples can you spot in the background
She kinda comes across as one of those weirdos who thinks real lesbians don’t exist or whatever. She’s basically a bitter femcel.
Shut the fuck up already you samefagging retard. Literally nobody has mentioned Irys for months, but you always come around to rant about her and fill the thread with this off topic shit. Kill yourself.
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Since everyonis crying abt irys im gonna post more gay gura
Straight from the horse's mouth...
I still have no idea what the fuck happened between Riri and her, it's like they decided to cut ties a la Crossick, but there were no hints of drama or anything
So weird
Always felt like Riri was trying to reject her in a nice way, maybe she finally succeeded.
The ex Wactor number 1 made a stream relating her first time with a girl

I mean, weren't they going on dates already? sure, maybe they realized they were not quite compatible, after taking the next step, but to stop collabing altogether is weird
Maybe they got serious, took it private and simply collab in bed now.
stop being delusional
I don't speak Jap. Please give us the deets sis
>no fun allowed
But that's boring.
There is something really funny about a Japanese speaking Vtuber with an overwhelmingly Spanish chat. I wonder how the live translation works? The software is usually really bad.
Anyway this is one hell of a story to tell your audience.
Learn Spanish.
From what I gather she paid one of those "health services" to have sex with an onee-san at a love hotel. Seems to be the first time she had sex, as she even mentions that was her first kiss.
Looks like she enjoyed it. Even if onee-san was only B-cup.
>brothel report
I love how this became a thing
Except it's not a brothel.
Basically it is. To circumvent laws, the place where you meet and the place where you have sex can't be the same. So they just use love hotels for the second part.
Of course, a lot of it is online these days. You make "friends" with a girl, meet up, have sex and give her money (but not for the sex, it's just a gift to a friend).
I understand how "Health Services" like this work. I'm saying they are fundamentally different from brothels. They are much more like escort services. The connecting agency is like a mediator rather than an employer. Sometimes it's more like paid Grindr with a consultant inbetween. It's indeed to circumvent certain laws, but with modern culture the idea of a brothel generally becomes less and less viable anyway.

Personally I think this business model is riskier and more problematic for the girls working the job, but whatever. The one upside is that there are now same sex focused apps/businesses or at least those that take female clients. Which is necessary, because the mainstream ones all reject female customers, even something more innocous as the "friend for a day" service that Riri was looking into before. You'd think at least that one would be more open to female clients, but nah.
At a guess, I'd say it's because those agencies don't have girls that have experience in pleasuring women?
Generally when you hire a sex worker, you expect them to be skilled at what they're doing.
I would assume that most of them also start out not being experienced in general, so what does it matter? The point is that you could hire talent that is fine with both. And the friend date service doesn't require any kind of pleasuring. You'd assume even female escort girls have other female friends.
The senpais fuck their new kouhais to show them the ropes. It's the sensible solution to inexperience.
I know "lesbian sex-services" would be a more accurate translation of レズ風俗 but everyone uses brothels anyway
>Personally I think this business model is riskier and more problematic for the girls working the job
It's definitely the type of service that can only work in Japan, where most people behave
>in Japan, where most people behave
Their crime rate isn't really much different from most first world countries (half of the the USA is a third world country, so it doesnt count). It's just that they do a much more extreme effort of fudging the numbers, silencing people and of course they have the worst legal system with 99% conviction rates, because if the police says you did it, then nobody can really stop them from jailing you. Japan definitely has way more innocent people go to jail than other first world countries.

Anyway, point is that crimes in the sex worker industry are always dispropotionately high. This kind of no-security approach does not help. Ironically the danger would be much lower for female clients, so lesbian sex work is generally safer.
Is Hina?
She wasn't meme her lust for girls back them
>on lesbian brothels
So most of Asumi-chan is BS?
I remember seeing an ad for an actual RL lesbian brothel in Japan that someone posted on /u/ a while back. If I recall, the details were that you had to go to a place to "book" one of the girls, as it were. Did that change?
Asumi-chan, aside from generally having trash writing, does in fact not represent the Japanese sex work industry. Shocker, I know.
>did that change?
If it really exists it's an anomaly, nothing more.
>Asumi-chan does in fact not represent the Japanese sex work industry
It can't quite compare to a girl talking about having sex with a prostitute for the first time on stream, but this clip was cute
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Cute birds, I miss the Maldives
No, this is the Sora equivalent and who was rumored to have been a childhood friend of the CEO.

Hina reincarnated as Meica and was seemingly in a relationship with an argentinian girl last year
? Hina (meica) never had a girlfriend, in fact, she is not that interested in women, she lives with a friend named Mai, but she sees her as her sister.
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>stealing stories from another vtuber
>posts links with no timestamps
The whole stream is about yuri stories, have you tried opening it or reading the title?
Actually, I just did. The mic isn't as good but that's literally just Ao-kun, right down to the laughter.
I know you're joking but just in case, they're the same person
Still nice find
Wait, so you are telling me HS Ao fucked a married woman behind her husband's back?
Kodama Naoko was here.
Ao said many times that she never did anything with any of the women. Probably to have this image of being an accidental playboy and that her popularity is more like a curse. So basically she wouldn't admit if she actually did, at leas ton the Ao account.
Even in all the stories she tells of being sexually harrassed she never reciprocated... allegedly.
She's like Ange Katrina , sHe attracts women, but is more heterosual than gay.
According to her unreliable testimony anyway.
Brothel report Short vertion for those who just watch clips
Anons who didnt understand the original stream don't get anything out of this. And those who did hardly need a clip.
>is a neko
>read comments
Do Spaniards really say "empanada" instead of taco? That's hilarious.
Auto-translate is not actually completely useless anymore. Helps if you understand some basic JP when it fucks up though.
You mean Youtube's auto-translate? It certainly get the gist of it, but it skipped a few important bits and as usual it's really bad with pronouns so you often dont know who did what.
If there anything worthy of mention in IdolES? If I recall Meica was either a lesbian or female leaning bi
SHe is not, just plays, she makes it clear that is not interested in women.
And Meica's friend, Mai Noboshi, claims to be "gay" but never had a real girlfriend, and had a boyfriend for 10 years, They separated 2 years ago.
And on all of Idol, not that I know of.
What a waste
I don't really believe that, for the sake of not stagnating her growth she has to play this weird "ladykiller that doesn't actually mean it" and throw a bone to her male viewers, but she behaves too much like a lesbian
>Mai Noboshi, claims to be "gay" but never had a real girlfriend, and had a boyfriend for 10 years
What's the fucking point then, are these hetsluts retarded?
Hetsluts are super retarded, some fuck tons of dudes but say they are lesbian because they only date women.
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Western "lesbians" are particularly guilty of this, you'd think the japanese would have a looser definition but it's actually the opposite, for some being super gay is just liking a random waifu
Fuck off you liar. This happens just as much if not more with Japanese women. There are so many bisluts over there who call themselves lesbians. Because in Japan it's often treated like liking women at all means you are a lesbian. There are a dozen other examples of Japan fucks this up way more, but I'm tired of ranting about it. Stop confusing cultural visibility through your tunnel vision with some kind of legitimate observation.
>dating women
>fuck men
Huh, it's usually the opposite for bisexuals
Bisexuals are usually pretty honest about it, it's these fake lesbians who think only romantic attachments define their sexuality that are retarded.
Don't you see the contradiction? The ones you call fake lesbians are also bisluts.
Stop talking about this shit you freak. Nobody cares what men think and nobody wants to hear about bisluts dating them. Remember the board you are on for once.
>There are so many bisluts over there who call themselves lesbians
Name 5
And at least they're bi, I'm talking about straight women pretending? to be totally gay
The entirety of Nijisanji. Ollie. Marine. Kiara. Korone.
This response shows how fucking stupid you are.
Go back to your /vt/ dumpster.
>Ollie. Marine. Kiara.
I know marine does this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ollie did as well, but I remember kiara very deliberately saying she's not a lesbian early on, she usually just says she's gay or likes girls, or that she doesn't care for guys
> Korone.
Doggone has said she's a lesbian?
'gay' and 'lesbian' usually are used as umbrella terms for >>4211112 >liking women at all means you are a lesbian< but that doesn't actually mean said people deny their bisexuality, it aint that serious
>Korone said it?
No. Not even a single time. She hasn't even admitted being into girls at all. That retard didn't even remember that the other anon was asking for Japanese girls, which excludes ID and EN.
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I miss them so much
wondering and hoping who's gay and who isn't, i don't envy you hololivefags.
None of this is going on, what an absolute retard, too stupid to read the actual conversation.
Ok so you have nothing and can't even read
>This happens just as much if not more with Japanese women
>Because in Japan it's often treated like liking women at all means you are a lesbian
You really have to scrap at the bottom of the barrel to pick Korone neesan, the only actual example besides Marine I can think of is Gundou, but she's extremely dishonest so it's hard to take anything she says at face value
The retard you are responding to is not me. I replied to you like this >>4211262
because you are utterly mentally challenged for thinking your question was relevant. I was talking about a general cultural issue and you absolute dumbass go
>But name 5 girls!
What a joke.
>it totally happens, trust me sis

Aia is openly bi and has the red woman of BG3 as her wide
Too much back and forth. You fuckers got me all confused. Maybe you gals are overthinking it? A correct order should be established
Lesbian>prefers women>bi>prefers men>straight
Fuck Aia. She is a prime example of hetsluts pretending to be bi. We already dismissed her years ago due to her roommate.
When someone reaches the point that they essentially fuck anything that moves and breathes, stuff like sexuality loses it's meaning. Like someone saying they are bi is meaningless at that point. She's just a massive whore.
She doesnt fuck anything that moves, she only cares about men. Go through the archives and you will find the explanations. I'm not going to regurgitate it now.
>This girl is openly bi
>Fuck her, she mentioned men once
>This girl would date a woman
>Not true, she just meant marry in a non romantic sense
>This vtuber has tons of clips of her finding women attractive, like yuri manga, and wants a girlfriend
>hetslut pretending to be gay for views
might as well have a bingo chart for this fucking general. don't worry i am retarded too.
Don't be a pussy, say which vtuber you mean exactly.
There are levels to bi.
this is the general response whenever someone wants to claim anyone is gay
You do have a point in some aspects, but a lot of it is pandering. Like when Nerissa says she wants to marry Kiara, you do realize she doesn't actually, unironically want to get married to Kiara, right?
In the case of Aia, she was whored herself out so much she basically has an equivalent bodycount to a porn star, and /u/ doesn't like those even if they are supposedly bi or even lesbian.
/u/ doesn't have a single problem with lesbians sleeping around with all the women in their city. See Asumi-chan or Tada de wa dakaremasen.
Well yeah, in Aia's case it's not only women. In fact it's mostly not women.
I don't know who this Aia is, I was just replying to the part of your post saying "/u/ doesn't like those even if they are lesbian". If they went with men they're not lesbian so they have nothing to do with /u/.
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We could make our vtuber agency, called, U turn
here our logo
Nta but that sounds like a lot of work so I'll at least enjoy watching Aia as a himejoshi that also happens to talk about liking women a lot
>has an equivalent bodycount to a porn star
how right is this?
She has a rice purity of 23, had to DM her body count to Mika on stream, and said she's been around. Take that how you will.
I have a rice purity of 20, is that rare?
Yes? I think you need to have done hard drugs, participated in orgies, fucked multiple people during a single night, that sort of things for it to go that low.
Of course the issue in Aia's case is that she did that shit with men, if she was a lesbian gigaslut I expect she'd be celebrated here.
She is not a himejoshi, she is a hardcore fujo and yumejoshi who is obssesed with Korean boy bands. How fucking selective is your brain damage that you can somehow blend out the 90% horniness for dudes in all her content for some scraps of her pretending to care about women?
>anon admits to being a drug addict and getting buttfucked by men
So brave.
Hold on, I thought the score was calculated the opposite, nvm, i have a rice purity of 80 (or 77 actually). idk first time hearing about that stupid test
Hypothetically even if those points were a problem for me, they aren't mutually exclusive with being a himejoshi, even if she isn't a lesbian I've seen enough of her streams to know she definitely enjoys yuri. But maybe I'm just lucky and happened to see a good chunk of that 10%
You can't be a himejoshi if you main focus is BL and hetshit. A himejoshi is a girl nearly solely obssessed with yuri, which is not remotely what Aia is. This is indeed what we call mutually exclusive.
Her superficial half-assed hornybait in regards to female characters or interactions with her colleagues is not even remotely substantial enough to justify watching her, let alone pretending she is worth anything. Most of Hololive may yuribait really superficially, but at least they don't talk about how many men they fucked (and being proud of that on top of it).
Again, her roommate literally did nothing but rave about boy bands and boys she wants to fuck. Nobody should be desperate enough to watch her.

Oh and if you dont have a problem with her being a hetslut or being a fujo... then go back to /vt/.
Someone mentioned before that kanata looks to lesbian porn, where did she say that?
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Try with the archives, nta but I'm not even sure if the clip was about watching gravure or explicitly lesbian porn
If it's what >>4212711 is talking about, she was searching for boobs and ended up on a porn site that tried to scam her.
has Rosemi ever given an update on what she felt about the yuri manga she bought from Japan
Shondo....I know you're in here...
i hope shondo found herself a nice girlfriend
Shondo, Isn't it the hetsult loli menhera? What are you doing here?
Shondo just pretends to be parasocial to men because they're stupid and will give money to them. She is doesn't want female viewers sometimes because she feels bad for the manipulation she does on stream sometimes. She hates the idea of sex with men. She already explained that her first kiss was with a girl.
>suggested video is her freaking out over "boy smell", saying how good they smell
Yes. Quite.
That's a stupid meme
I don't think people reenacting silly memes word for word qualifies as proof of anything along the lines of what you're thinking.
I mean regardless of her intentions, her content is unwatchable because of it. Even if she was a honest to goodness lesbian, who cares if all her content is just "manipulating" dudes by pretending to be gachikoi with them?
Yeah but my argument is that she's gay, not if her content is worth watching. Quit changing the topic.
Irrelevant. This isn't a thread about discussing girls' sexuality, despite what the convos above look like. This is a thead about yuri content. That's why we also post and accept a bunch of yuribait, because content is more important than being a goldstar lesbian. (And no, that doesn't excuse Aia. She isnt providing any content and focuses only on dudes all the time.)

Basically, don't bring up Vtubers who don't do yuri content.
I had heard that she is "honest" with her chat, and tells them if she goes on dates with men or things like that
We live in a sad state of times where the thread would rather eat yuribait than actual gay content by actual gay vtubers.
This sounds like a lot of headcanon. Meanwhile, what she has actually said on the subject:
No. We live in state where people keep recommending "gay" Vtubers who either turn out to be not gay at all or who have no worthwhile content. At least with Hololive bait you know where you are at.
What's actually sad is that real lesbians like CharHelix are literally unwatchable because they only do hyper forced GFE and softcore porn content to attract guys to squeeze them out of all their money to afford their move and marriage. Like I support them for their irl situation, but it makes their content unwatchable. This is what I mean by being a lesbian isn't good enough to matter here.
Charhelix ended for me when scylla joined, which made me wonder, aren't the two of them moving away? Are they going to take scylla with them? Since scylla is Charlotte's other partner.
Which Helix "allows" since she's busy with college.
Are there actually vids or pics of fucking the 3rd girl, or is that just their claim?
As far as I understood all three of them moved together. Scylla is basically like their pet.
I mean your opinion on polyamory doesn't matter. They are still lesbians in a relationship, however many women that involves. The problem is 100% just their content. You're better off watching their lesbian porn in the Live Action thread... if that one even still exists.
>Scylla is basically like their pet.
You don't usually fuck your pet.
You clearly know nothing about BDSM culture.
Really anon, this thread isn't a contest to find the most lesbians or anything, the actual, worthwhile lesbians (or female leaning bi) are usually pretty open about being lesbians or female leaning, they don't try to deceive or manipulate their audience, even current Charlotte doesn't hide she's fucking Helix
Shondo is yet another western "I'm super gay, well actually I love dicks" vtuber >>4213276
Just as an update on Tirol. She is back to streaming. She couldn't stream for a couple weeks because of eye problems but its settled down.
>bottom topped by two tops
Livin' the dream.
helix is definitely the only top in the household, when they do stuff all together cilla and char are both subs. maybe cilla takes over top duties when helix is away tho
is this what scraping the bottom of the vtuber barrel is like?
Mina is aiming to had a harem of honkai voice actress
Komaru had a love hotel collab with a non-aogiri vtuber and I'm absolutely sure nothing happened afterwards
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Anyway, i learning to drawn so i can my Oc, Kanon, bang all those bislug, corrected them and kill a lot of simps
not by my mc who had not kill rules so i need to make villains
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>nature is healing
>the feeling when evil bisluts yuribaiters where defeated and doomed to nijihell forever
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Life isn't an anime
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Is she all right?
Literally who?
It's funny how Mint just flat out doesn't collab with males, not saying it will never happen of course, but oh girl was niji pushing the cross-gender shit to pander to the biggest audience.
Also since this got deleted in the clean-up https://www.youtube.com/live/0fBMzOvzwEs?t=1185s
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No. It's worse!
Looks like is some Selene/Finana shipper seething over Doki/Mint
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Very straight of you, Mori
Just a reminder, 14 hours to go for this
Remember that Mina want to be in Stelle harem
shipping her with girls while make out with her
>hetshit harem anime
Well... I thought Tomoe had better taste.

You literally posted this 3 times.
Maybe she self-inserts? Still, not a good thing.
She just doesn't care as long as there are cute girls, it's that simple.
Can' t believe bunny garden become popular between vtuber while older games like hunie pops are lacking even when this allowed bang girl as girls
I am sure because is ads pay
>hunie pops
Ollie tried to stream Hunie Cam, but got bonked by staff. And the Hunie series is a lot lewder than Bunny Garden.
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The biggest and probably last OceanLaw shipper out there, that kept doing fanart of them even after what niji did to Selen.
She mostly also paired Elira with Pomu, and calamitybird.
That's a cute animation
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fucking kek
There were few ecchi yuri anime in the old school, shit even now I can count them with my sole fingers
Now I really want Tomoe to watch Valkyrie Drive
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I love the Magnet reference
Amw Motherfvker
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Anything interesting in today's Tomoe stream?
I'll watch the VOD later, the live streaming stuttering was really bad
>Im really respectful to every ship
>That's not their dynamic at all yet u still do it
Don't know who this person is, but I really do hate people like this >>4216790 who like to separate art from the vtuber when straight up, NijiEN vtubers do not do the character thing like FuwaMoco does.

Wow, is a hidden gem
Hidden? I had already published it to her, she has a straight friend who does things.
Do you guys know japanese or just post anything that comes to your feed
Absolutely based.

Apparently, Mint was talking about Doki and on her latest stream. From /HAHA/:
>Mint briefly talking about the event
>She and doki stayed up to 4am talking and catching up
>She was initially nervous about reaching out and kept her distance for a while
>Glad she finally did
Judging by the fact that she's mentioned still being friends with the others and others mentioned meeting her in Japan, I still am pretty sure management just lied to everyone
I know enough japanese to follow a stream or understand a clip, it's not that hard
That said if you're talking about the clips above you... that's chinese anon.
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it was really good
even from other companies
Ao rizz is a force of nature...
Until they actually speak with her, at least
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i hate that Twitter is now X.com

every time i see /x/ i think paranormal

thank you for coming to my TED talk
You'd think the first association would be Xcom, the popular game franchise.
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This is some Unregistered Hypercam 2000 shit right there.
Mina want to top a woman she just meet
That's your channel?

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