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Thread to post and discuss untranslated yuri manga.

Yuri magazines

Non-yuri magazines with some yuri series

Various raws

Web releases calendar

Buyfag thread >>3944605

Previous thread >>4200226
Hate kissing.
Hate hand holding.
Hate bathing.
Hate cuddling in bed.
Hate bingo keeps growing.

We are getting there. Can't wait for shuukura manga this month but art in here sure is top tier.
She should try odekopathy then.
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It appears Yakiniku Teishoku did take part in a obscure yuri magazine called Cattleya カトレア. Anyone got ahold of this?
calling it a magazine seems a bit generous. from a quick look it seems to be a self-published at an event non-digital work from 2020? unless you get a hold of a copy yourself and scan it i wouldn't hold out too much hope. a copy would be great of course
It's where the 誌 part of 同人誌 comes into play. Fanzine would be a common English word.
Anthology may be more fitting since it's released irregularly.
It's available on Melonbooks.
No 電子版 avaiable. It's nearly impossible to get porn imported here. Really, it's about time someone creates some underground japanese courier to scan printed goods inside japan. Of course, the japanese laws will probably get everyone involved vanned in no time.
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Senpai is so incredibly based this chapter...
It's not porn, at least Melonbooks classifies it as 一般向け and it doesn't have the R18 mark.
You could ask the artists or editor if they can release a digital version.
Another one of those 4 page booklets with extras from Anemone announced to make us envious... I won two auctions of these in the past. I hope buyee can safely deliver them to the shithole I live someday.
These two airheads will never actually get to date each other, right?
How to properly use a tsundere to sleep? Actually some progress has been made this time.
They pretty much became the main couple of this series, I kinda liked sensei and student, but holy shit the mangaka and editor are boring.
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what the fuck the Chinese already translated the first chapter of Shuukura manga, the jp ver isn't even officially out yet??
Apparently it is a 出張掲載 in ヤングチャンピオン烈.
The July issue is supposed to come out on the 18th so they may have gotten it early.
Since it came out first in china, it's officially baihe and not yuri.
We are forbidden of ever copy pasting shy on this thread or anywhere else... OR ELSE! No reproduction! Thanks author san for making that perfectly clear. I don't want to commit seppuku just yet. .... Drolling manga is back btw but I don't see butthurt author san's watermark anywhere. Perhaps so much drolling end up hiding it.
>Please say this author san
>Why do I give a...
>Or you are fired
I guess we’re not getting new chapters from seiga for a while. Does this concern anything other than 性別不明な殺し屋さんがカワイすぎる and 魔法少女201 ?
Is this attack unprovoked?
That one runs in Max, is also on FUZ and isn't even yuri.
No, Niconico refused Visa's request and stopped accepting Visa credit cards for premium subscription service, so they were made an example.
So the attack is from the west?
Somebody on /a/ kept posting Niconico live rankings under the exaggerated title "The Japanese have spoken". Another person got really angry about that, insisting that the thread is misleading and not actually representative of the Japanese opinion. It seems like they've taken drastic measures to silence the Japanese.
Isn't Shy by 実樹ぶきみ and officially licensed in various languages?

It's Shy na anoko ni natsukaretai
OP was being a faggot
As a moonreader, this doesn't necessarily affect me, but I don't get it. Didn't green manga's mangaka embrace second hand translations of her work, and look where she is now.
Well, whatever.
At first I thought they were opposed to all forms of translations but the last part shows they just meant unofficial ones.
There's a difference between mainly distributing your work via X/Twitter and publishing it under contract in a magazine.
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Eri's multi-page copium is SO pathetic lmao.
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館山けーた from リリィズコンプレックス is participating in this yuri anthology with more ecchi in case someone have missed.
Based Keita. Naruto's clone technique done right in isekai.
Is there any reason to read this manga other than for the schadenfreude?
Is there a notable difference between 別冊コミックアンリアル and 二次元コミックマガジン?
Art and schadenfreude are probably the main draw to most of Shinoa's work.
>Is there any reason to read
If you're not into any of those then no.
It's honestly amusing how the author did not went for MC being the one suffering but the love interest who got together with a guy. It's like the author is spiting in the face of everyone who says friendship can be yuri too and saying "See? This is what happens when they get lovers".
rather than schadenfreude I let myself sympathize and feel the pain
I used to hate the pain but now I'm starting to enjoy it...
>they went for Niconico too
I'm always more and more scared they will go for Amazon too and we won't be able to buy anything anymore. They already hid every R18 page for foreign IPs so it doesn't look good. The world is so fucked up we can't even use our own money and fiction is censored.
time to get american express
Most sites have blocked that one too. Only japanese ones are accepted.
But I don't even know how it works, can I ask my bank in an European country to give me a card from a japanese company?
They could go the way of DLsite and have an unaffiliated page dl-pay.com where you can buy points. Though even DLsite had to censor some of the tags.
Looks pretty bad.
>Europe and Mideast
>only 2 Mideast countries
Why doesn't Japan have better commercial relationships with Europe despite being closer to it (in ideology) than an authoritarian, despotic country like China?
Can't Wise, N26, Revolut or one of these almighty startups just issue us a JCB card? I recently bought an Anemone is in Heat booklet with Buyee and the fuckers managed to mess custom papers up and my postal service returned it. How about Kobo? Been getting good money from my pockets but the damned RakutenCard can't issue me a single JCB Card? Buying anything physically or digitally sucks now. Getting my raw mangas safely is beginning to get really troublesome.
Can you open a Japanese bank account without residing in Japan?
Or get a Japanese bank issue a credit card backed by a European checking account?
Usually it’s safe to blame the banks/payment processors who are on a puritan quest to destroy Japanese art.
China while being a lot more puritan in theory just has no need for enforcing this via payment processors. They can and will just straight up ban a work of art because the author liked a winnie the pooh image on twitter 12 years ago. Gives them more power too, you rely on their market but they can eject you at any point.
China has more influence on animation where they are a big licensor. With manga the Chinese market is rather small and they can easily censor the series they license afterwards.
The payment processors are mainly making it frustrating for artists with sites like Fanbox, Skeb, DLsite or the Fanza doujin section being targeted.
Twitter is also a factor with some artists getting their accounts locked or shadowbanned.
For manga the biggest problem are Apple and Google. They have harsh or unclear conditions for chapter releases that can be read for free/with adverts and hence those tend to have heavy censorship.
Some brick&mortar stores are also causing trouble and are the primary reason for censorship in magazines but it's less dramatic than the apps nowadays and only affects some magazines.
Finally there's the Japanese law, including those of Tokyo-to.
There's no big need for Europeans to have a Japanese credit card. You could wonder why Europeans don't have a payment card service of their own. We used to have Eurocheque but now it's all V Pay/Maestro.
Japan sells in China because there is a big influx of money from it, but American and European market should give them a lot of money too, so it's incomprehensible why they don't actively try to keep a direct trade.

We're talking about it exactly because there is a need. It's not even about buying japanese things, it's about western companies deciding for you what you can and can't buy. Everyone would want to leave a service that won't let you use your own money how you want, regardless of otaku stuff.
>We're talking about it exactly because there is a need.
The amount of European people buying Japanese works seems rather small, even when we include content like AV.
Japanese expats are more likely to have access to JCB.
It's not like it's impossible to pay with Mastercard/Visa/Paypal, just more complicated. We may as well complain about stores that require an actual Japanese phone number.
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the battle shounen we needed
>yuri hime epubs
since i have epub autism i've been pondering making some for a while and figured might as well since the backlog is still for sale. done with 2017-2018, and the 2024 ones, will do the rest a bit later
it takes a while since the table of contents need to be remade as the default ones is barebones with titles only, skipping articles and everything else

might do the earliest volumes that are on the internet archive after that for fun, will see
>it takes a while since the table of contents need to be remade as the default ones is barebones with titles only, skipping articles and everything else
Have you done that with other series? I noticed some of the epubs in the drive have full ToC while the versions I bought only had one or three entries.
i tried to make sure every epub at least had a decent ToC when i redid them all last month. well, Kirara series in particular on top of having poor quality don't have one to begin with, so always have to make one for those
With Kirara you also have the problem with the general blurriness.
I'm trying to automatically recreate the original pages from the split columns of the chapter versions since those are far better quality. Unfortunately all the series are different and even if you have a configuration that works well for one series, it won't produce a good match for others. And even within the series there's still deviations of several pixels.

Do you know if there are old scans of really old yuri magazines like つぼみ around anywhere? I know it got scanned to some extent since prism raws from the unreleased volume 2 were extracted from there. Yeah, I on a quest to find prism 5+ raws again since a volume 2 will never see the light of day. The links on the 4chan archive from the translation days are long gone.

all the old scans that i could find, including prism chapter 6 and 6.5. most is of no use now. everything unprocessed

annoyingly enough even after going through all my disks 3 times now i can't locate prism ch5 anywhere, so my plan is to rescan it. both Saluki at Yuri Project and the TL for FwPA were given a copy from what i recall
all the old physical volumes are in storage however, and it might take a good while before i get the chance to collect them
assuming they're still usable that is. been more than 12 years since i last touched them and they're just stuffed in a box to my knowledge

i put prism into epubs the other day, with volume 1 from public sources (seemed decent enough). ch 6 and 6.5 are taken from the scans, but i've always been terrible at leveling

was told not to publicly share the raws for the prism 4koma extra when i got them, but it should be fine since it's been so long, no?
What do you use to edit ToC, Calibre, plain text editors or something else?
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Is anybody reading 午前二時は食卓で? I'm sure there are some Harta readers here since it's the magazine that serializes ハクメイとミコチ.

It's getting better every chapter. We really need more ghost yuri.
calibre for fixing an existing epub, plain text when making a new one

basically i've been using https://wing-kai.github.io/epub-manga-creator/ and the plain text mode for the ToC lets me paste in something like this https://pastebin.com/FRc5h7Z0
Whoa. Not only prism but a lot of old tsubomi issues and more. Feels like a real /u/ time machine from the days I couldn't even read the moonrunes yet. Thanks based anon. Never been able to reread prism magazine extras raws myself. A lot of sentimental value there.
I've been using Kindle Comic Converter so far and the problem was that it took everything in alphabetical order, requiring me to add a number in the front.
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> Be a shortie
> Become a demon in bed and go for the mount

Is this becoming a trend or something?
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Tomorrow? No, thanks. If China already got it one week earlier, shove it. I don't want it anymore.
Miyagi looks menhera here
No Zenkowa this month due to Kuwabara having the Japanese cold. Have a conciliatory Kokoro instead.
truly a baihe series of all time
>literally the only series I was looking forward to this issue
I am broken and my day is ruined.
I think I've learned to discern the subtle gradations in the different kinds of Adashimas, since in this illustration these two look more like the newer version, Naoi and Yoshizawa, rather than their original progenitors.
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God damn it...
Is this like bimonthly released? 無力聖女と無能王女~魔力ゼロで召喚された聖女の異世界救国記~
Leave off last chapter on possibly the biggest cliffhanger of the series so far, then author gets Covid and now have to wait another month to get Naoi's backstory and whatever else happens between her and Kurumi. Sasuga.
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Yuri-Hime 2024 August is now available in the Mega folder.
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>sasakoi actually went the incest route
Shiho truly is the gift that keeps giving.
Miki seems genuinely confused. Could be just feeling lonely because her sister is being taken away by Shiho.
>Yuri is My Job on hiatus because of illness
>Kodama Naoko's manga is kill
>Can't Defy the Lonely Girl 2 is music themed
>More donuts
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monthly cats
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>no Naraku no Hanazono
>no Zenbu Kowashite Jigoku de Aishite
>no Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara
>not even Herami sisters
My sisters in Lucifer, we didn't pray to Satan hard enough... The fluffiness of this issue is killing me.
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Kaguhara spoilers yeah, I think everyone called it
classmate manga chapter 1 raw
Gee Aki how come your Mom let you have TWO yaya
Is this series monthly?
That's all great, but where are pages 12 through 16 and 28 through 32?
What ads? After page 11, Miyagi is supposed to call Sendai-san over, order her to sit in front of her, and pull off her sock. Before page 33, Miyagi should ask if Sendai-san wants to have dinner. If these are such cuts in adaptations, they're very strange cuts.
The conversion was fucked up for some reason.
>>Kodama Naoko's manga is kill
What do you mean kill?!
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Helpless saintThey really really meticulously made her helpless without the princess, blocking all other means of mana supply kino
It ends next chapter.
>It ends next chapter.
She should do another NTR then. But without boyfriends this time. It sure would sell more.
It seems to me it was planned to be a short story, which honestly was surprising how she subverted every trope she usually writes on purpose.
it did get her an anime
I think it had less to do with how it was doing and more with YH wanting to push anime, which didn't work out since both of them flopped at the time, which is ironic since Citrus got really popular over the years.
If it was planned that's fine I guess.
I didn't expect it to go for the incest route for real. I'm still wondering why we're here with such a minor and bi side character when we have three lesbian couples the author could use to do a lot of things.

After denying Akane x Jun sex now there is Nadeshiko x Jun sex? But maybe there is still hope? It's not like the story is moving forward anyway.

>WataYuri got semelparous'ed
We're losing them left and right.

And that's about all there is to say about this poor issue. Too many of the big ones skipping this month.

>new Kashikaze's series
The promo spread is a mess with all those captions I can't even understand which one is the title. Let's see if this band series can leave a mark after all the good band series we got recently.

>new Usui Shio's series
So what's the fetish the MC is hiding? Building figures?

Next month should be better if nobody misses the deadline. WataYuri tho...
>Kodama Naoko axed
It would be funny if it wasn't annoying how they keep serializing shit like that.

The art is terrible and it doesn't capture the atmosphere of the novel but it's still better than the whole Yuri Hime of this month. Shame they couldn't get a better mangaka though.
I doubt Watayuri won't return soon.
I loved it. The manga art worked really well too. We are just spoiled by the god tier novel art. If we can stick to a good mangaka in the long run, that's great. I don't want another Arioto with a manga finishing in the 3 volumes curse. Shuukura should get popular enough to get to 2 digits manga volumes like the big ones.
They at least put the first chapter on a magazine to promote it more.
Yeah no, I do not see the appeal at all here.
I'm just worried that if the author's illness persists, that Watayuri will be given a rushed ending.
Looks bad given the way watayuri anime flopped. It might be given no end at all like semelparous. I doubt ichijinsha would care enough to get another mangaka to finish a pending job on yuri hime.
Watayuri anime increased the manga sales a lot and gave it a lot of merch. not sure what is your metric to say it flopped.
Some people still think BD sales are all that matter
>last chapter (first part)
so the end goal was sex, I see
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web version when
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Guess the fetish

body control?
Putting tiny girls made of mayo inside your vagina.
>m________ing to play dough
>girl meets girl
>m________ing to play dough together
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Getting some Utena and Kiwi vibes from them.
It's clay, note the ねんど on the packaging.
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Why was the ぷ onomatopoeia written like that? Are they hinting something?!
It's actually Latin scrip, she's saying ,3p. It's hinting at threesomes.
Makes sense given the latter half of the chapter! It's hinting at 3p hate fuck.
Sasuke sensei has a new one out. Hope it's not at as short as Be careful Oneesan or Marigold.

When all I wanted was more of Aki x Shiho....
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I dropped this series ages ago, but the fuck?? Did anyone want this?
I'm enjoining the introduction of a mini shiho 2.0
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It really seems archived links for Prism 5 are long dead and have been lost from the internet. It was even the longest chapter or something. Speaking of Prism, Akiri`s new manga starts today. Let`s hope for a lot of yuri ecchi here.
Is this even yuri?
He said there would be yuri elements, since this means absolute nothing we have no idea
After explaining this series will be mainly a science fantasy series, he said:
"It also contains a fair amount of yuri elements, so I'm sure that readers who have come to read it from the yuri genre will also enjoy it."
So yeah, it seems it will not be yuri as fuck like Vampeerz, but at least it will be yuri-friendly.
I mean, it really depends what he considers a fair ammount of yuri elements, maybe it's just girls kissing like vamperz
Given his past works, I sure hope it'll end up closer to Vampeerz than Stretch. I'm hopeful though, at least for now.
Preview with the first 14 pages of the 76 pages long first chapter.
I hope he will not mix yuri with het, but separate it. No bisluts please.
He never did this, Vampeerz had yuri, het and yaoi.
He has done promiscuous bisexual characters on his non hentai manga, for example, the female teacher of Prism helping the main duo or Arthur of Vampeerz, but yeah, they usually do not get the role of main characters if they are explicitly bisexual.
I am not talking about bisluts, just about keeping yuri, het and yaoi as separated things in the story, you have the yuri couple and then you have the others.
>Cover of the magazine plus 76 pages
Well, fuck, he really made it with Vampeerz. Let's hope it'll be as good.
So. Instead of a new Chasing Spica chapter, a love live doujinshi? Can't yurihime just ping the author to deliver more? He sure looks like he has what it takes. Hell, it's not even futa this time.
Most doujinshi are not done in a month, the author has a lot of time to work on it.
Funnily enough, the author has had more than a month to work on Chasing Spica too.
And.... another happy yuri family with their cat. Kawauchi finally delivered the third part of this story after so many years. A nice finale.
I want to see an epilogue of one them getting pregnant from IVF/IPS. I hope it's the redhead one.
I enjoy this a whole lot more now that it has a semblance of plot beyond the initial setup. Good power couple.

The dating game one however is as bland as ever. Sad, because all it really has to do is copy Hinamatsuri or salad bowl and make it Yuri, and it'd be great. But no, instead of throwing reverse isekai characters into interesting situations it constantly goes "member scene you've never seen from fictional game you've never played? Shit was so cash, pity you weren't there"
I don't think he really gives a fuck about his manga, he made multiple doujins last year while not releasing a single Spica chapter.
Can't blame these authors since few can make a living out of yuri manga, so most of them just draw for Yuri Hime for fun and getting axed won't change a lot in their lives anyway.
They don't draw for fun anon, they draw for money and if you want to have a career you have to work, some have ambition, others were born to collect garbage and make draw futa hentai.
Is that the Jewtuber and the black-haired girl from Superstar?
Is this the one that's going to be axed because noighd picked it up?
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Someone uploaded Volume 5 to the mega already, so here's chapter 20 for Onee-sama to Kyojin. Now featuring 4 additional sisters (one of whom only appears on the cover).

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Satanophany chapter 270
Please don't post manga about men raping women here.
What is the deal with this one? I read the first chapter until i saw that the other one had a boyfriend. Was it just a ruse? Or did she kiss/have sex with him?
The shortie has/had feelings for him and wanted him as her bf. So she did the classic move to seduce him. Don't know how far they went. But it pissed me off knowing she liked him. No wonder she doesn't take any of the stuff they're doing together seriously.
Yeah, it was a good call to drop it after the first five pages. Neesan, why are you reading this smut?
The smaller one was interested in a guy but the taller one got together with him, then she immediately broke and humiliated him, they never did anything together.
The tall bitch is turbo gay and it fixing the het troubled shortie. It`s pretty epic.
Beware that that author's circle, virophilia, has a shitload of futa. Thanksfully, latest doujins seem to be pure yuri.
What's a noighd?
A curse
>they never did anything together
Can you post some proof of that?
You can read the novel yourself
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Now that is a manga that is actually officially released in other countries. Now Kuzushiro is being reasonable and not freaking out at foreigners like drolling manga author san or shy author san. And Kuzushiro would be even more reasonable if he could deliver a Kanon x Saki kiss. Or even more making them travel to America to get legally married.
Those authors you are talking about are just repeating what the publisher told them to
No, Japanese yuri mamgaka need to be more xenophobic to keep out the bad influences
Some authors even appreciate translations.
Anyone read the full chapter?
Extremely few mangaka get mad about official translations.
Imagine getting messages in foreign languages or with automated translation pressing you to release translations of something. It's not just a matter of piracy being bad and people wanting to get paid for their work.
raw readers acknowledged!
thank you
Most manga already have the last chapter avaliable for viewing though, bothing stopping anyone from using google lens

grabbed a copy of the magazine
Why should i invest myself in that just because you said it aint so? You might as well be trolling. Hence me asking for proof.
The novel is far beyond of the manga and you can find the proof there, since I am trolling I would just edit the novel quotes anyway.
I doubt you could. Can you atleast point me to the chapter or something? Again, im not investing in anything that already starts with the girl having a boyfriend. I have to be 100% sure nothing happened. And the old yuri days are far gone, neesans applaud hetshit in "yuri" as long as the girls make out.
>And the old yuri days
What i meant to say was the old /u/ days.
Ok anon, it was all lie, they both have boyfriends and they just kissed to train for them, now you don't need to bother with this series ever again.
Ill binge it once i am 100% sure the boyfriend shit was just a ruse and nothing physical happened. Becauee you for some reason just cant prove it. How very strange.
>the sister was a prostitute and is going on a revenge spree
It's just not yuri, moving on.
Yeah, folks. This is usually the most friendly thread you find on 4chan...
Undark did not promise a yuri focused story. It looks promising and might really have yuri elements in the future. Akiri's art is still on point.
It wasn't a critic, this looks intriguing as hell and I'll keep an eye on it. But for now it's absolutely not yuri.
But it's a good first chapter.
At least he didn't include any graphic hetero sex scenes like he did in Vampeerz.
it was pretty interesting, so i'll see how it develops. if you check the folder next month a bit after the magazine comes out chapter 2 should be there (unless i forget)
Nice, thanks.
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still dont get if that shorthair is a slut or not
Ruka is a slut being purified by Suuna.
She is the school's bike and everyone has taken a ride at least once.
TL: https://pastebin.com/0Hn5NkXB
Did you even read it? That shit is all about underage (het) prostitution and there is indeed at least a graphic page. There isn't even a girl to pair the MC with, what the fuck is this shit doing on /u/?
see >>4234411
As people have pointed it out, this is really vague to the point it's better to just wait for the girls (from the opening pages I presume) to actually interact with each other.

Right now it's just an angry psych prostitute and her sister.
There is nothing yuri-friendly about that shit.
sure, but angry anon was asking why
I kinda agree with him, it's fine to point out it exists and may be yuri later, anything more it's just something that should be discussed on /a/ and not here for now.
i personally have no plans to bring it up again unless the MC gets a girlfriend or something similar
Even then it should be shunned. Whore slept with men, it isnt yuri. Its bisexual garbage and at best lesbian smut.
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Sasuke really wanted a lot of blades in this manga... Knifes, scissors, blades everywhere and everytime.
fits well with the final pages
I don't think she is the MC, woulfn't be surprised if she was the villain
Not-Ichika is the MC.
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yuri day at storia rush
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Did you vote Fuuko already? Vote Fuuko for menhera of the year. https://tsugimanga.jp/nominate/comics (I am shitposting but voting Nauchi's sensei stuff in the end though)
I only vote for series I bought, that's why I went with Hanauta Memoire.
Thank you. The translation for these series are absolute zoomer trash
I hate twitter so fucking much.
At this point this is on authors who are aware this isn't the most adequate plataform for image sharing and they insist on using it for this purpose.
Do we know why she got banned?
She got shadowbanned, so basically the twitter AI detect her images as too lewd or something
The problem is that it gives them a lot more exposure and engagement than Pixiv. They don't really care when the images are unfindable a year later.
She posts oneerori (Arashi's sister) and sensual sex scenes. Not all X ads dig that.
Yes, you are absolutely correct this is their motivation for doing so, but twitter also made clear they have no intention of supporting artists, especially artists who create lewd content (which may not have been the case here) so it's unfortunate situation but from twitter's perspective they have no reason to support people who don't generate them direct revenue.
Don't you have to pay Twitter to view more than a small number of posts?
To combat bots if you are newly registered, you may be limited to 500 posts or something a day until you are given human rights, or pay.
Deeply unchristian thoughts.
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Amayo no Tsuki 29-2 updated
Ayano knows
A blushing Kanon is always fine. Kanon's mother knows better: Saki is too pessimistic to actually make any moves. If we ever get to see GL romance in this manga, it will have to be Kanon doing something.
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It's over. Drooling manga's author-san finally solved piracy... With a hanko like watermark thingy that looks as nice as her gyaru drooling.
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Can we even name a hornier MC? Maybe Asumi chan?
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Amayo no Tsuki doomposter reporting in. Look at all those dark tones. Saki's thoughts are clearly clouded by fear and Kuzushiro is foreshadowing that being together with Kanon is actually a deathflag. Only pain and suffering lies ahead of us.
Saki belongs to old women
What's this amayo doomerism about? I am completely out of the loop.
Is this some sort of inside joke?
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Who expected this series to last longer than MomoMon or YuriKiss?
I thought Yuri Kiss was going to end because it didn't have an engaging execution of its premise. Still surprised about Momoiro Montage ending though, especially when the creator was featured in that Kirara author's corner and the series went on a 2-month hiatus to advertise the author's other works.
Everyone? Kirara isn't the best place for ecchi like MM and YK didn't have much outside of the premise of girls kissing.
>was featured in that Kirara author's corner
My Private D*V? Most serialized authors get there eventually.
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Poor Mashiro will never recover from Nagisa's NTR. Never trust your girlfriend if she looks like a deliquent.
>the least yuri one lives longest
I am mad
As if forward didn't axe series with even less yuri content even earlier
But isekai sauna is still ongoIng
So is Anemone, there is no reason to be mad when we all know why both Momoiro and Yuri Kiss got axed, are we really going to act like Momoiro isn't just an excuse for the author to draw girls doing ecchi stuff alone? Or that Yuri kiss didn't have a very niche premise and execution that even survived for too long?
Niche premise is such a pointless argument when long running stuff like Anemone all keep going off premise.
It's completely 20/20 hindsight. Axed? niche premise!
>just an excuse for the author to draw girls doing ecchi stuff alone
Did you even read the manga?
Sorry anon but the numbers collaborate this, though I admit what I am saying is that the premise is niche for the kirara audience, maybe they would have done better in other magazines.

>Did you even read the manga?
Do you want me upload the whole sausage chapter here?
This one's really cute, is it a monthly?
It appears that Chasing Spica only has one volume in Japanese, yet SS licensed it. Does anyone know if new chapters are still coming out? I know there isn't enough for a new book, but did chapter 6 ever release, at least? He's releasing doujinshi, so he's still around. Has he said anything about his serialization on Twitter?
Chapter 9 came out in last month's Yurihime (not this month's). It releases chapters at about a rate of two per year. Don't follow the artist on twitter so no idea about that.
Ah, thank you Anon. The first book came out in Japan more than two years ago, so I was worried it had been dropped (and confused that SS had licensed it.)
I'm willing to believe Momoiro Montage just ended because the author ran out of ideas.
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Interesting how not long after the poem was written Verlaine started having a homosexual affair...
That's still in the grace period and hasn't reached 3 volumes.
Poor Mashiro tan decides to quit being a prostitute but NTR was just around the corner.
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I got skill checked
What's supposed to be in the marus?
The lilies day campaign this year seems fairly lame compared to the last years.
Yay, let`s go check Kobo.. 30% off. Nice. Want to buy old stuff like GIRLFRIENDS... No discount. Damn.
Discounts depend on the publisher, in that case Futabasha.
I think the problem this year is that it's only Ichijinsha, Kadokawa themselves, Takeshobo and some indie label. Previous years had Houbunsha, KTC and others on board.
Did the Dwango hack also affect Kadokawa's magazine releases?
Comp Ace (and Shounen Ace) still aren't out.
Those scheduled to be released tomorrow (Maoh, Cune, Daioh g etc) could also be affected.
Classmate ch2-1
This is hard, assuming the second line is kisu the first line with 3 morae need to be degen enough to elicit that comment...
Is this weekly?
Updates every Wednesday
So a full chapter every 3 weeks, better than monthly I suppose.
depends on how long the chapter is, chapter 2 came in only 2 batches.
could be 2 weeks per chapter if ch1 is the only long chapter.
Lovely art and tsundere. But the premise seems meh.
HakuNeko has failed me. What do you use to save the chapters?
Samefag. Ah, Model Press Imager Downloader I used on yanmaga works here as well. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/modelpress-image-download/nepeemhbchedjbebdekhpkhknljppmif
This works as well
without needing to install anyhting
Are you for real? The hell is Classmate? Call it with its name.
you sure pick the oddest things to get upset about
Do you realize how stupid it is? In the end I had to open the link to know what it was, if you had posted the link alone it would have been the same thing. Titles exist for a reason.
Miyagi is so smug and Sendai is so bratty
>In the end I had to open the link to know what it was
that's on you. not hard to know what Classmate is referring to. also damn, having to open a link? rough
I didn't know what you meant either, but then again I've seen dekinais abbreviating things as "Watashi ch7" or "Kimi ch28" so I got used to ignoring everything but the link.
Doesn't really counts as love at first sight if they already saw each other in class. Just 12 pages this time surely make you ache for more. Nice Classmate chapter though. Smug Miyagi is always nice.
At least you can somewhat narrow it down that way, even if it's rather vague.
It's worse when they come up with translations for the title and abbreviate that.
There are probably a lot of dekinais lurking here who didn't get all the 24 pages behind the paywall so here it is. Yea, I love dekinai chan as well but I believe she violates RULE 34 because I never saw any porn of her.

Funny cuz all my dekiru friends refer to this as classmate
I agree, I was so confused when I first clicked the classmate link and it was shuukura. The title is so irrelevant now in the wn that it is funny to
think of it as just "classmate."
Shuukura web archive in case old chapters get paywalled
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Magazine version sticks at a lower 1200 resolution. Web version is much better. The only thing we lose is the colored intro page I guees.
Wasn't the magazine version only one chapter anyway?
brain must have glazed over as i was doing it, thank you
Kasane is surely the most based yuri character. Surely she represents us all. And the way she fucks up everything seems just right. LOL
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>literally gay panic: the chapter
I do not deserve this series or the diabetes it gives me.
Please share コミック電撃だいおうじ VOL.130 or at least shy with the poor and the destitute, kind anon. Yea, it is not at the usual places yet.
I would if I knew how to rip it.
What's up with Kadokawa? They can get their magazines to other stores, they can get other publisher's magazines to Bookwalker, they can even get their own volumes on Bookwalker. But getting their own magazines on their own store is impossible?

getting gayer
Whoa. Based gyaru.
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Yuri watersports?
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But really, Yura chan is right. Why front?

Nauchi's shadowban appeared to be only effective on tsugimanga nomination day.
Prison + Board game + Yuri is one of the weirdest combinations ever
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Women prison and lesbian go hand in hand. Prisoner: Cell Block H is a classic. We also had the Cune series a while back.
How did you come across that oneshot? It was in the January 2023 issue of Comic Alive.
It was a oneshot?
Found it on the ads-infested raw manga site at first. I guess it's serialized now?
Here's the original version:
They only added a few pages, huh. But I guess it's nice to know it's serialized now. Thanks!
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Tune in tomorrow for Eri's tears.
I'm so excited.
Anyways コミック電撃だいおうじ VOL.130 has been updated on a z manga net for those poor and destitute who are still desperate to read shy.
Kadokawa ripped me off
Probably lost their conversion tools for their own magazines during the hack
It's also on BW now.



>【電子版】コンプエース 2024年8月号
>【電子版】少年エース 2024年8月号
>【電子版】ドラゴンエイジ2024年7月号増刊 ヤングドラゴンエイジ VOL.23
>【電子版】月刊コミックアライブ 2024年8月号
>【電子版】月刊コミック 電撃大王 2024年8月号
>【電子版】月刊コミック 電撃大王 2024年8月号増刊 コミック電撃だいおうじ VOL.130
>【電子版】電撃マオウ 2024年8月号
>【電子版】月刊コミックキューン 2024年8月号
>週刊ファミ通 【2024年7月11日号 No.1855】


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Suzu and Misa got together during the timeskip in Koisuru Asteroid.
So Mira and Ao didn't.
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Mira and Ao have always had a close relationship and that hasn't changed. I always suspected that there wasn't going to be an explicit confirmation, but they don't deny it when Suzu says how romantic they are.
Another great chapter. This manga has been yuri comedy gold so far.
Unfortunately, Shy will probably never get past the comedy gags into a yuri romance couple phase. No one seems to have the guts to move the relationship forward into romance so I can already see Shy ending in the BFF route or "maybe in the future route". I guess Nauchi's one will still be the only one with actual yuri romance in Dai Ouji for the time being. It has grown quite a bit on me.
Nauchi’s stuff is pure excellence
I especially love the possessiveness
The moment the girls already admitted they like each other romantically it's very uncommon for the story not to go the whole way though
weird doomposting
Now the dust has settled and Meguru has proved to be even more fucked up than we first thought, what's the endgame for Kasane? Maybe Kasane's move to extend the contract was the smartest one at that time since Meguru is so fucked up she might have ended up rejecting her right there. Now we can all hope Hijiki will pull off years of Kasane grooming Meguru to be the perfect kudere wife she was meant to be.
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Seems like a bad move from the author, you can't really stretch this teasing part anymore after this, any misunderstading will look ridiculous after they both know they were going to kiss.

nice twist
The most pathetic yaya
I usually sympathize with Yayas, but this one deserves everything that's coming to her.
>genki hag heals a broken kuudere rapist JK
I had no idea how much I needed this in my life.
I thought I'd be happy to finally see her suffer but now I'm starting to sympathize.
She's just naive or autistic or just blind to human nature that she didn't see this coming at all. Overall a win for senpai though, she can't stand the stagnation that traps Fuyuki in her eternal suffering. Now the status quo is completely obliterated.
What did Shy ever do to deserve its own doomposters, please, it's to wholesome for your misdirected hatred.
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Incest, pedo, NTR
The art is so pretty and clean for a 4koma.
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HD Eri tears
The last page literally says they are not dragging this out.
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What's the deal with infirmaries?
Aquarium? In this economic climate?
This generation have no choice but to settle for infirmaries...
Both were normal romance tropes

Rare case of backstory being super interesting. I think the mangaka should try a fantasy (non-isekai) adventure kind manga next (with yuri of course)
There have been a couple of infirmary focused series in recent years:
Maybe it's just my bias because I didn't pay attention before.
based imouto and based friend
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A full oneerori nauchi manga would probably be based.

What's /u/'s consensus of Akebi so far? I'm cautiously optimistic, specially with the recent chapters.
> recent chapters.
gay af, optimistic.
The author already had the girls talking about being in love with other girls, the protagonists talking about wanting to experience love with each other, promissing a kiss between the protagonists, having girls casually kissing each other. I honestly wonder what would be the author's reaction reading posts like this.
She's gonna btfo those in power for her to-be gf, what more do you need?
I don't think you can go back from all the build-up Hiro's been doing. There's the occasional bait, and there's dedicating dozens of chapters to your protagonists slowly realizing that they're in love with each other for real.
So yeah, optimistic as hell.
So, where were you when manga Shimamura finally said to Adachi that she is not gay?
"Adachi is like my beloved puppy. Plays with me, licks me and doesn't leave my side. If my puppy licks me I guess I don't mind this cute classmate licks my pussy as well. It' s not like I am gay or anything."
WTF huge progress this issue
also weird additional pages for last chapter
Weird? Meguru's rapist classmate is the best character by far.
It's very likely she will get back together with Meguru
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It's been so long I don't even remember where I got this from.
You got this from a non yuri series and you broke the rules by posting guys, now fuck off.
Took many years but moke did it. The manga can now finish peacefully. Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO3Ccck9XaU
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Do we still all agree this succubus violates the rules or should we read her manga? Or just root for the yaya?
It's good to see the roles inverted for once
Very wholesome and have kids pilled
Aren't we cheering for the MC to get as much bi-slut pussy as she can?
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Might have bought the series if they didn't go all out with the infodumping.
Already volume one? That's fast.
I expect they'll include chapter 5 since it's just 130 pages otherwise and Amazon lists it at 162.
It's also released on the 10th instead of the usual 27th.
>Tanuki is just monster of the week
Is butterfly MC dead?
I miss rapist gremlins in my life, so I am rereading Ouchi`s axed manga (plus its twitter R18 extras). But then I realized my copies are 1920 kindle rips. Can anyone share those 2048 bookwalker ones? Sharing what I got.

Houbunsha is x1920. It shouldn't matter where it's from.
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Oh, I never figured that out. Were the twitter extras compiled as a doujinshi or book of some sort? Did someone them?
Probably a lot of people in this thread missed this one since it's on yet another het magazine but it features a yuri short from Yakiniku Teishoku: 仲良しの魔法. Go check it out on panda.
There's this other one while i'm at it called もんでほしいの from どんなおっぱいがお好きですか? het antology from last year as well. This time it features a short from Homura Subaru as well.
So Keita chose the "slowly falling in love" approach? Based.
Is the difference between a magazine and an anthology that hard to understand?
A magazine is released periodically.
Meanwhile an anthology is a compilation featuring works from different authors. These can form a series but they don't have the fixed schedule magazines have.
Yes. Anthology book magazine thingy it is then. Homura Subaru also took part in the same どんなおっぱいがお好きですか? anthology with 私とお姉ちゃん . So it was both Homura Subaru and Yakiniku Teishoku participating inside that het anthology. Much het... Few yuri. Like in real life.
Yuri Police has arrived... Hijiki sure created the definitive manga of crazy dreams.
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For those who haven't noticed, we have been introduced to the next MC in the series: Tagumo Shizuku. We are moving from genki gal to depressed gal. Keita confirmed the change in Twitter.
In the original doujin the gyaru gets fucked by two girls though
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Not really the original doujinshi since it was in a 3P Yuri Anthology book Keita participated. Arisa fucks the splitted personality Ayaka. Not really NTR or anything.
fuck comic ryu updated their site and I can't read previous chapters by just changing the link anymore. Does anyone know where I could find 推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ chapter 58? Volume 10 ends on chapter 57 and the last volume free for viewing on the site is 59
The drip feeding from this series is driving me crazy

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