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Mooom, FEH art is being gay again.
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What if Sylux was a girl?
That's almost as ridiculous as Metroid being a girl.
I sure hope they remake Prime 2 and 3 so I can find out who the fuck that is.
Yeah I know I can emulate but I'm LAZY.
>Prime 2 and 3

Homeboygirl is a fucking cameo stinger at the end of 3 if you're an autist that goes for 100% completion that just shows him stalking Samus's ship with their own. The actual relevant bits about him are from Hunters and Federation Force fuckin lmao where she gets a metroid egg which is presumably why there are Mochtroids in 20X9 since Metroids are otherwise extinct.

You know no game's never actually referred to Sylux with gendered pronouns? This isn't like some awkward clinical syntax since every other bounty hunter besides Samus is addressed as "he" but the game very consciously only refers to Sylux by name or as "it." The only reason we use "he" is because of a fucking IGN interview translation from Japanese to English.

I actually genuinely think there's a possibility they might try to pull a double Samus if they ever unmask Sylux.
It's going to be Metroid Prime/Dark Samus or Ridley
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I can see that just for the memes
It's set after Super Metroid so Ridley should be in his fucking evil Furby phase from Other M during the events of the game.
What does /u/ actually think about lesbian Samus?
Officially, there's never been any hint as to her orientation
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>It's set after Super Metroid
It isn't.
All of the Metroid Prime games are set in between Metroid 1 and Metroid 2
To be truly honest, I think she's probably not concerned with romance or relationships and is focused on her job and violently killing aliens for the sake of justice and peace in the galaxy.
But despite that, it just feels right that she's a lesbian and someday she'll retire and maybe find a girlfriend who will be a power bottom.
It's okay, Other M isn't canon.
The fucking trailer says 20X9, that sets it well after Super Metroid. It's very possible it takes place after Dread too.
>The fucking trailer says 20X9, that sets it well after Super Metroid

It says "Cosmic Year 20X9", which is meaningless because we have seen no dates in any Metroid games.
It's a sequel to Prime 3 it takes place after Prime 3.
>we have seen no dates in any Metroid games

Metroid 1 takes place in 20X5. Super Metroid takes place in 20X7 and you can place everything else relative to those two. Metroid Prime 4 gives us 20X9 with its first shot of footage, with all that would imply given the importance of those other two in the Metroid canon.
You chose to be wrong about easily verifiable information. You could've have just been quiet and the thread would've been moved on without a second thought. This isn't reddit or twitter, nobody has a fucking username and nobody will care if you get the last word or not. Instead you're choosing to double down on being stupid for the sake of your bruised ego.
Literally the first line in Samus Returns gives the year for Metroid 1/Zero Mission as 20X5: https://youtu.be/NWX_pOXN2dc

The date for Super Metroid wasn't given in game but was mentioned in old promotional material as 20X7, no reason to believe they're not sticking to it now that the games have started to use the dates. There's also the fact that the Metroids around Sylux are actually Mochtroids (introduced in Super Metroid) and if Prime 4 was still pre-Samus Returns he'd have no need to swipe a Metroid from the Federation in Federation Force since the Space Pirates would still have their own or he could get one on SR388.
My only thoughts about it in as much Samus has a life outside of being female mercenary Doomguy are that it's a means to end to seeing hot women making out with other hot women. At least it'd be better than her compromising everything interesting about herself for a generic self-insert.
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>time in Japan ticks over to Saturday midnight
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You think Cynthia groomed Platinum Caitlin like she did with Dawn?
>You know no game's never actually referred to Sylux with gendered pronouns?
Anon, I think this might just be because Sylux species has no genders. It looks almost like a robot or crystal creature. It might well be that this is just alien stuff. I suspect that even then they will just call it by male pronouns in Prime 4 to make it easier on themselves.

You can always dream of her having a bounty hunter lady ex-girlfriend which will appear in a Metroid game as a sometimes ally sometimes enemy and they just have a lot of sexual tension and hints at their prior relationship.
Of course it would have to be so subtle that you can barely tell. It is Nintendo after all.
I don't think it takes place after Dread. Dread changed the status quo WAY too much for Prime to just piggyback off of it, especially because Prime 4 has been in development before Dread even began its planning stage. I'm fairly confident this will not even take place after Fusion. 100% the wrong ship and they will not give her the Adam AI.
It's post Super Metroid but before Other M. That's my take.
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ill never be over them
I like the art but Byleth is a charisma void and I much prefer actual characters interacting, like DoroPetra or MariHilda.
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They'll be back in fire emblem: three kingdoms
I'd rather even Corrin because I can at least see how she'd interact with others rather than needing fanon to fill in the holes developers were to lazy to fill because of "self insertion"
marihilda don't have much going on in three houses desu. They're just the two girls who actually get an A support in a super straight faction, and its still a nothingburger. Doropetra is good though.
my favorite pair doesn't even get an A support. Doesn't stop me from shipping them. Even if half that reason is just "ship my favorites." Though I'm still upset that they're not recruitable in the same path of Hopes
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Finally someone said it. The fact is, if Byleth wasn't a self insert and didn't have gigantic boobs she'd easily be one of the least popular characters in the game.
>Finally someone said it.
nee-san, you can hardly mention Edeleth here without someone saying it.
I need to pretend like my opinions are niche and cool for my self esteem, please understand.
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Ass flavored cake
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Oh go back to the general yuri game thread. Don't you have to defend Dragon Age or Horizon?
A functional retard over a mute autist isn't that much better, nee-san.
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How does Aoi find the time to train pokemon when she spends all day every day having lesbian affairs with beautiful ladies?
Abusing glitches.
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Auto battling with the Let's Go feature.
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wow we're just dumping old shit huh?
>his yuri artists don't love his yuri couple so much they can warp Minkowski spacetime to create art before they even exist
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But the game came out five years after 2014
Why is Byleth so small here? Is she stupid?
One last miracle from Sothis
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I don't get it. Is this the new way of saying dom or sub?
are you actually five years old?
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Still can't get over Rika's anime voice. Her voice in Masters' voice is so, so much better.
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It's like a Swedish drying rack but like for lesbians.
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>Yes, what is it?
>Are you not wearing a bra?
>I thought Rika would like it, so I took it off earlier
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i like both
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Edeleth is just that powerful
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This image confuses me
cuckshit I assume
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that's not true, actually. well depending on how thick your goggles are. this is official art from the original Metroid.
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This artist makes the cutest Dot/Liko doujins.
Samus is the type to fuck random girls and never allow herself emotional intimacy
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They belong in jail for exceeding the local yuri limit
See >>4233885. It worked!
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>reading a doujin tweet by tweet

This is agonizing. This is like the Web 2.0 equivalent of looking up titties on dial up in the 90s.

Anyway, coming up on two years out from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, I really felt like it was a missed opportunity not making Nemona a senpai instead of being in the same class, inasmuch as the school setting mattered for SV. I think having a "cool older sister/senpai character" as a rival would've been an interesting play on the rival dynamics since rivals are usually a peer on equal standing, or at least in a similar cohort, with stuff like Silver in GS, or Wally in RSE.
But most of that potential energy got absorbed by the introduction of Carmine(in a more intense way) so you can have your cake and eat it too.
She IS older. She's taking the class again, but in your interactions and how everyone speaks about her it's clear she's more experienced and aiming to get you up to her level.
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A Hoenn trumpet version of My Heart Will Go On sounds like it would be a banger.
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There's not enough squincest
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