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Did this game die?

Not even lolis can save this game, it seems...
Anyone have that webm with an army of Chinese cosplayers in an escalator
Sigewinne will be mine
Hope to get her weapon and Furer's
sry I don't play weebslop gachatrash
the lolis could save it if they didn't look like dogshit
Nahida was the last good one
matter of fact, the last good character in general, if we ignore the 3 patches of NTR dialogue after saving her
Literally nobody cares about this game anymore huh...
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>won 50/50 at 50 pulls
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>won 35/35/35 at 60 pulls
not showing enough skin
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And I'm guessing Maiden Beloved is her best set?
Everyone moved to the straight mans game, Wuthering waves.
she heals so much its probably overkill.
Kill yourself, banana NFT tranny scammer
I'm waiting for the desperation arc where they fill it with big tits and fanservice.
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>Its today,
Watch me lose my coinflip. Again.
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Now for Furina's C2.
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>Won 50/50 two times back to back.
80 pulls, still worth it.
I didn't know she was coming now. I haven't recovered from Cloud Retainer.
is C1 worth it?
I'm at C2.
C1 still okaish, but C2 is the sweet spot.
wow, it's qiqi with bunny ears
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Jesus Christ you people’s minds have been turned to puss at this point.
I'd come back and try it if she was a Melusine.
Recycling the stock loli body and calling it one is just pathetic.
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Sigewinne is cute but I'll have to skip
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boring gameplay, I'll skip
>Did this game die?
It's actively dying, yes
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Your game died in less than a month, Jim.
Should I get her?
I have kokomi and furina.
Nice dead thread bro.>>680776941
Lost 50/50 and got diluc C2 oh fuck…
She has better synergy with Furina than Kokotroon, but she's not a necessity. Roll if you like her
>Try weekly boss coop with randos
>Everyone used the slug and got Japanese name.
Saw Zajef react her trailer or whatever was weirded out by the syringe part with the dudes. He’s such a weenie.
DAWEI bustin out the lolis
they need another tomhak reactor for the motherland
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>Farming for her talent material
Sige, please...
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Genshin lolis are fucking ugly, and this ones kit in particular is literal dogshit, give me Furina cons any day of the week.
>, give me Furina cons any day of the week.
So why are you not pulling for Furina right now?
i cant get past genshit gameplay after trying out wuwa
like yeah bro you just spend $200 on this new cunny and what can she fucking do? press e and q...
Bro, your thread... is dead...
is her ass supposed to be this fat or are you playing with mods?
That's not modded
I'm too lazy to install any kind of mods for this game.
Every loli except Nahida is trash and Sigewinne is doa. Hopefully Natlan can bring us another functional loli.
I'd still be playing it if they didn't make Siggy completely useless, not going to be strung along anymore
no idea what you are talking about but another game's popularity should not be a counterpoint to shitty genshit gameplay
units like navia, yelan or chiori get a pass because they are somewhat minimally interactive but you have to be literally braindead to enjoy this new nurse cunny for "gameplay"
Game has more buttons to hit than a Musou game but /v/ will act like it has no gameplay simply because you have to roll for characters.
Bro...Wuwa thread is gone...no one want to talk about our superior game.
Now that you mention it, Genshin does remind me a lot of Dynasty Warriors. Especially 8 with all the weapon swapping and special effects on certain movestyles.
But somehow the likes of HSR are perfectly fine
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that profile is just 8 big red flags
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Shit, I didn't pre-farm for her bow.................................
Now let's see your hard drive
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Ah, shit. I have to do a different quest first.....................................
That profile is just 8 big levels of based
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Nice sex harem.
>No slot for Lansan.
Mihoyo being racist against black as usual.
>it's still Clorinde's banner in poorland
and why the fuck is the new event only 6 days long??
Latefag here, does Furina need C1?
Does cyber2077 really take that much space? Why are modern games like this
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Her banner is almost over. What's the /v/erdict? Yay or nay?
No. It just makes getting fanfare stacks easier but the extra DPS isn't that big
Yay but I lost the coinflip on her weapon and didn't feel like spending a hundred bucks to go further.
She's good out of the box. Her c1 is okay, but it's her c2 that's the massive power boost.
>missing Klee, Qiqi, and Sieg
I will never have the full Cute Force at this rate.
No, she's perfectly fine at C0.
What the fuck, i didn't know she came out.
Yay but she feels like she needs Dendro or Hydro applied to something to make use of her. I really like the shoot x3 into dash gameplay she has because it's both mobility and damage.
>Furina+Sige duo
>Literally AFK gaming
Damn, feels good I can finally drop Jean, that bitch was ER hog.
Yay, she will harvest apologies and rerun-begging like mad in two months or so.
I like her simple pewpew gameplay and shes now my fav solo target killing team. Finally can kill the whale before he sends me to shadow realm.
>Try the Knive weekly boss coop to test my Sige
>These fuckers died multiple time despite both my Furina and Sige keep healing them
Jesus, I didn't know randos are this bad, must be mobile players.
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wtf I thought she came out, fuck you
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>thought I pulled sigewinne's dogshit bow
>was actually another amo's for my ganyu
>got splendor in the next 10 pull
To be fair, she can one-shot 30k HP characters if you mistime your dodge on some attacks. I've had Yelan die every once in a while because I missed one of the slashes or mistimed the second phase divebomb.
I like the gun spam kit, but I skipped. I still chalk it up to liking her older designs more.
kek, no wonder that Raiden player keep dying in both stages.
I will always roll for tiddies
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Literally copypaste
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The deadest on arrival in history vs the deadest on arrival of today
NGL the Knave is no joke and things can get ugly very very fast if you're a bit distracted. Hope we get more boss like that in the future. Last abyss made it pretty obvious that Mihoyo are just using the enemy number and amount of hp as the sole tools to leverage the game difficulty.
Pretty fun just wished her shooting mode lasted longer
I wished my Qiqi works with Furina.
1.0 characters are fucking retarded with their no ER orbs generation.
Even Barbara can be a good Furina pairing if she can generate orbs.
Expect 100 apologems soon. Sigge already has a bug.
>Did this game die?
It will if they keep churning out 15 hours of mediocre, unskippable dialogue and cutscenes whenever they release a new zone.
That's the fun of co-op, not knowing what kind of teammates you will get. Will you get some whale that will stun the entire group by killing the boss in thirty seconds, or will you get three thirteen year olds that will die ten seconds into the fight so you will have to solo it as Neuvillette yet again? If I wanted to do content "efficiently" I would just solo it, not play with randoms.
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Qiqi love
Physical will be good again in 5.0 and Qiqi will be a top ranker Abyss.
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>Physical will be good
>literally no way to improve gameplay
>every character is just a rehash of existing character
Yes, physical will eventually be good. Or they'll have to add another element and weapon to save gamers from boredoom.
>Or they'll have to add another element
The fact you don't believe Abyss will be an element is confusing considering Dain and the sibling are clearly going to be 5*s.
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Fuck... Need to farm for more tulpas.....
If I'm locked out of getting the female abyss tabibito because I picked her I don't know how many years ago I'm burning Mihoyo's headquarters to the ground.
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Awwww, she shoots bubbles if you hold aim.
It has a permanent fanbase of addicts who have palpitations if they miss 1 day of commissions, but mainstream interest is dying down as the game becomes less accessible. If you start playing today you aren't going to be able to use the new characters or participate in the new events until you do 500 hours of story quests first, and the writing gets worse over time. Additionally the number of permanently unobtainable FOMO items is increasing. If you start playing today and pull Albedo WHOOPS you have no idea who he is because most of his story events were time-limited and his BIS weapon was time-limited too.
skip button is unironically the only way to save this garbage game
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>Pretending quick start doesn't exist
What next, daily took 20 minutes for new players?
Albedo has a permanent story quest anon, which is the same as his first event.
His BIS weapon is Chiori's sword now, which you can pull for.
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Why does hoyo hate scara and furina so much?
Zip zapping around is more fun than other electro characters.
>quick start into 2 hours of left clicking
gonna need a skip button
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Not really in the mood to level up Slunny. I'm just tired of farming for the same shit over and over again, and have to wait the next day for another try. So... Time to play a real game. Got one more area to clear before proceeding to Shadow Keep.
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>Quick start suddenly exist
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Fun but can comfortably skip..
>rolling sig
>wouldn't mind getting her weapon because I like her that much and it's probably the better banner for furina's cane
>skipping weapon anyway because i want to hold rolls for iansan and pyro archon
not my problem
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I love little girls
Enjoy your minigames and bennett until EoS bro
I'm surprised you still remember him, must be 2.0 player.
>dendro 5* male claymore
>hydro 5* female catalyst
>geo 5* female polearm
You rolling?
>geo 5* female polearm
*geo 4* female polearm, opps
Saving till Lansan.
Yes, yes, no
He is still used, nowadays with arleccino, but nice try
Lost the 50/50 and took it as destiny. She's not for (Me)
Yeah, I notice His number going up a little after the Knive update.
Still I'm glad that shitty twink barely reach top 50% anymore.
Early 4.x literally the patch that kill beny.
Finally this will be me and I will have beat the game. I dunno why I rolled chiori, clorinde, and arlekino I figured id stop after pity but won every 50/50. Now Im gonna lose sigewinne 50/50 since I actually want and will have to whale for first time since nahida...
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Is 69K HP good enough for bloom?
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>does Furina need C1?
Her burst increases the physical/elemental damage of your entire party based on how many fanfare stacks she obtains during her burst
You obtain stacks by gaining or losing hp
C0 = 75% elemental physical/elemental damage for the entire party at max stacks
C1 you get 100 extra fanfare = 100% elemental physical/elemental damage for the entire party at max stacks
C2 you get fanfare stacks faster so you don't need as much healing which makes teams more flexible
C3 = 124% elemental physical/elemental damage for the entire party at max stacks
Just started an alt to try out korepi and there's no way I'm rolling for that sausage fest you call a banner. Maybe if they bring her back later with a decent cast of 4*.
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Why the fuck do they keep slapping the Bond of Life mechanic onto characters? it's clunky and dogshit, literally makes me not want to pull for characters. Why do all this extra effort just to do the same damage my Wanderer and C6 Faruzan can shit out by smashing my keyboard
Wrio-bros...we lost
>use Hu Tao over my Arlecchino because I have the muscle memory for Hu Tao built over a few years
Still rolling whoever I want to roll.
Have hoyo ever introduced a new mechanic right before a new region? I can't imagine them continue to use it in natlan
Sort of. Sometimes they release characters in a previous version that will work with the upcoming mechanics. Like how they released Baizhu before Furina, and Shinobu before dendro.
She’s not out in NA server yet.
7 more hours to go
Never played genshin but just wanted to say, I must've spilled gallons to this slug loli.
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I'm just waiting for Natlan or the summer event that comes before it.
Also, Fishe
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The summer event starts in 3 weeks
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Guys should I get c0 siggy or pull another Furina con for c4?
I don't need either
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>dendro 5* male claymore
Please don't make Dottore a dindu.
Please don't make Dottore a dindu.
Please don't make Dottore a dindu.
>I can't imagine them continue to use it in natlan
i dont see why they couldn't, its not like pneuma and ousia which is lore relevant to fontaine in particular. they have to account for furina going forward but since they cant nerf furina directly they have to make characters with mechanics that play around her gigantic near universal buff, so they you dont just slap her on every team forever.
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then i will pick it back up in two. i haven't played since the movie festival so i should start building up my primo stack for the next archon
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They should introduce a new region whit beast-men as a race.
Cute anthro characters as playable characters will rake in money.
Its just how it is.
Based Dottore WILL get away with it.
these are supposedly just the new 5.0 characters. i doubt they are just gonna drop dottore in 5.0.
Not happening. The cowards wouldn't even let us have a real Melusine.
Kill yourself
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So how garbage is sigelose?
I was watching a showcase video that called her an extremely low impact character unless you get her C2 to get skills that should have been in her base kit and make her actually usable
More like SIGESOLE am I right or am I right?
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Not even lolis can save the game because Mihoyo treats them like shit, they're rarely released and 6 out of 8 are HEALERS, the game deserves to die until they treat them better.
She has some use in some furina teams but that's really it
Lolis looked like potato goblins so I played BA
Don't you worry, if you thought Sigewinne was bad then just wait until Iansan to redefine what a bad character actually looks like.
>4* geo polearm
she heals a whole lot, more than kokomi im pretty sure, but thats about all she is super good at. her skill damage buff is okay but nothing amazing. unless natlan has a mechanic based around incoming healing, or some really cracked off field dps characters that scale well off her flat dmg bonus, she isnt going to have very many use cases besides being a comfort pick since using her means you are almost certainly not going to die.
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I hope we'll get both a cute Shotattore the dindu and a villain Dottore one day
I guess some teams could benefit from a giga healer but Kokomi is still far and away better since she's such a godlike driver for any team that uses hydro reactions

So sad that being Geo is actually the only thing that could give her a little bit of use since there's no fucking way she'll be any good as a pyro character if she has to compete with Arle, Xbalanque and the pyro archon.
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worthless slug love
You're going to jail!
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>5* water book female
I can't wait for Iansan to be the first PV character to be a 4*
Lynette was a 4* sure but that's because they were twins and Lyney was a 5*

Hoyo really fucking hates lolis so much
Very yay.
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I just went to wuthering waves
Verina is great, Encore is great and 1.1 update is tomorrow so I can play as a loli that's actually good and not a healer for once in several years
i could see sigewinne in a use case where you need a gigahealer but dont want a lot of hydro application to ruin your reactions. im not sure if there are even any teams that would really desire that right now, but that doesnt mean its not possible going forward. im sure she will find some niche in time like dehya did.
>first PV character to be a 4*
That would be Ningguang
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New dendro 5* is a hypercarry
they really did ningers dirty too
Bro...our thread just up....and stuck in page 9...
>another 5 star catalyst hydro user
>4 satr hydro never ever since candace was a total flop
They really hate that element, huh?
>Release 5* Hydro character that barely applies Hydro
>Then release another 5* Hydro character that's actually good the patch after
Coping that Chiori will be useful with Iansan. (I have Itto, I just don't use him now even if he's fun)
why is hoyo so averse to any sort of small character anyway? is it the tranny/normie fanbase they cultivated?
c1 chiori is good
Ningg and Lynette
cat was literally mentioned in the post tho
I told you guys Iansan was going to be geo but one autist completely spiraled saying she's pyro.
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I'm so glad I swapped to playing this game way more casually.
I didn't read the post
If you were ever taking it seriously that was your first mistake
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Ugh... what happen to colors and rainbow peace country?
I thought we were already told it was a nation of warring half-dragon warriors who enjoy combat as a sport?
the idea that everyone expected natlan to look like fucking mordor or something and were shocked when the nation of war was colorful is so funny to me.
Ugh...it will be like those shitty combat tournament in the Fontaine prison?
As a mobile player I hate those things, I hope the game stay casual and mobile friendly.
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Finally managed to get her on the final day. All my pre-farming and grinding for primos beforehand was worth it. She's more fun than any electro character before her and hits like a truck.
I'm saving for emilie.
Dunno what those retard expect, literally everyone hates Sumeru desert, now imagine if everything are just glomy colored rocks and empty wasteland.
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Please dont jinx it...
>Third wuwa thread just died
What killed the hype? no seriously, why?
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>4 star
Oh wow yeah Lansan doesn’t have a fucking chance.
Nahida, Nilou, Sigewinne and Emilie is going to be the most fuckbusted Superbloom team.
They finally admitted it's a shittier genshin.
Their first map expansion is literally a dragonspine clone
I want Furina as she would be amazing for me and my shit teams but I want the slunny cunny more even though she's useless for all my current teams. What do I do bros?
Don't talk to me, dumb tripnigger.

I'm telling you how it is. They are either releasing new elements and weapons, or inventing even more ridiculous mechanics within existing loop, which includes physical.
Roll for furina and save for siggy's rerun next year
I thought Emile’s whole gimmick was around burn reactions.
Does she work in non-burning teams?

Sorry I haven’t given a shit about leaks since Arle came out.
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Roll for the slug
She's burning focused, yes. But she works like any other dendro for other dendro reactions, no restrictions.
She works fine in quicken/bloom but nahida is better in those teams
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I always roll for cunny, 280 wishes for hopefully C2R1 in 1h 25min
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what's the best artifact set for her?
Emilie is burning focused, yes, but she's naturally strong and will be good in all teams that need a Dendro role, as she's basically Dendro Fischl with Ganyu's burst.
She initially didn't work outside of the Burning reaction but a recent beta patch undid that so while she's focused on the Burning reaction with her kit she's now able to work with the other Dendro reactions.
Song of Day's Past was made for her.
her personal damage is boosted by burning reactions happening near her, but her baseline damage is already pretty high and her passive was changed to remove the -90% dmg to quickened enemies, so now she is more viable as a source of off field dendro in teams other than burning, her personal damage will just be lower.
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they put so many ass shots in her demo for some reason
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>do one last roll on weapon
>get Foliar
Alright Keka, you can have your Mistsplitter back.
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Did they change commissions back to the old shitty system or what
I need two more quests to be done with Inazuma commission cheevoes and it's been like three fucking weeks now without the game giving me either one
No, it still gives you stuff you've done it just prioritizes ones you haven't. You'll still get some days where you don't get an achievement-based commission at all and sometimes you'll get the same one multiple times in a row. They also don't guarantee you the correct version of said commissions because I've had the snake charmer in Sumeru like eight times now and only have two of the three variants I need.
Shenhe found dead in a ditch. Oh wait... she destroyed the ditch.
I'm still at work so I haven't had a chance to roll for her yet. I already have 200+ rolls and guaranteed 50/50.
the got hit with the 40% female employees
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Genslop is fucking dead and buried, Firefly goddess of waifus killed your trash game
1.1 is on 28th
I like Seigwenne and all but she really shouldve had a shield in her kit. Even if she still wasnt game changingly good more people wouldve been interested in rolling for her because of a hydro element shield, filling a role we still dont have.
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Cunnygod, I kneel
>now imagine if everything are just glomy colored rocks and empty wasteland
Yes about fucking time. Whole game is a fucking rainbow colored puke on high contrast. Even the fucking desert isn't gloomy. Give me something dark already fucking hell.
Bizarre that feMC in Genshin is called Hotaru and then there's this other bitch in HSR that's ALSO called Hotaru.

You're not fooling anyone with that hag.
To be fair, you're mainly gonna be seeing her from behind. Also Dat Tail.
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And it was very based
Hoyo... I...
Is she out?
Not for NA. 1-2 PM PST.
Only on asian severs
unfortunately you'll have to sit tight, because it will never happen again with the agre rating they're going for, even their competitors are abiding by the same rules, so only shit like nikke or snowbreak can get away with it, and they're relatively small (though nikke enjoyed a surge in popularity, even if it isn't mainstream)
You can clear all content while using Furina but never using her burst. Her constellations are fucking memes.
What does Sigewinne do? Can you build her for damage? Tired of healer lolis.
>only one legitimate human child
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Keka Gorda is pretty fun, although I absolutely hate grinding for her set. Not even the grind for Navia’s set was this bad.
you can, but she's worse kokomi if used like that, her biggest damage is in forward vape with furina xl and kaz, her hydro app is so slow she can make both herself and furina vape, the real advantage she has over the other hydro healers is she can just pop her skill in a literal second and exit while it heals everyone for ridiculous amounts, her passive buffs off field elemental skill damage (furina, fischl, nahida, yae), as of now she isn't a significant upgrade in any team, its very stupid that her burst only does damage and its quite mediocre, so unironically in her "best" teams where she uses her passive and healing for the team she doesn't even want to touch it, that's more or less the gist of it
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>What does Sigewinne do?
E gives 10 hits of a flat damage buff to skills (2800 without C1, 3500 with) and spawns a bubble that bounces on enemies. When it hits it heals your party members and applies Hydro to enemies. If you charge the bubble for like two or three seconds before you let go of E it buffs the healing % and damage up to 10%. The bubble bounces 5 times normally, 8 times with C1. It's slightly slow but you set it and forget it.
Q is Neuvilette's laser.

She's meant to be a healer and becomes a DPS if you start focusing on constellations, but she requires a lot of effort to become a DPS at all and even in the most ideal of conditions a C0 Neuvilette barely built is still better than a C6 Sigewinne with her signature if I remember right.
Her constellations barely affect clear times(except c6), she's not really worth it.
>Try the Knive weekly boss
well shit, I totally forgot there was a new weekly boss. I think I only did it the first two weeks
Is it really dying?
>>Try the Knive weekly boss coop to test my Sige
>>These fuckers died multiple time despite both my Furina and Sige keep healing them
>Jesus, I didn't know randos are this bad, must be mobile players.
90% of the people doing co-op on the weekly bosses are mobile players looking for someone to carry them.
Sigewinne bow is good
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How bad are the controls on mobile? Might have to install the game next week due to being away from pc.
Not bad at all, its better than on keyboard
>How bad are the controls on mobile? Might have to install the game next week due to being away from pc.
mobile is horrible unplayable trash imho. you can do your dailies/use up your resin no problem, but weekly bosses become a chore and abyss is not even worth doing on mobile.

my suggestion is to make a team just for mobile play. some characters are infinitely better for mobile play than others. characters with good auto attack targetting and really strong nuke-like ultimate attacks are the way to.
people have been saying its dying for the entire lifespan of the game and nearly 4 years later its not dead.
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also, getting something like pic related can mitigate a bit of the bullshit of mobile controls but its still a chore vs pc.
>Not easy to do quick movements.
>Dash jumping is far more annoying.
>Aiming is far slower even if you have gyro on.
>Doing rotations is a pain in the ass unless you're relying on shields and even if you have shields it's like half the speed of a controller or MKB.
>Constantly having to swipe on your screen to rotate mid-battle leading to you jumping back and forth between the stuff above what you hit and the actual buttons.
>Menuing is significantly slower.
I use the mobile app when I'm about to go to sleep and forgot to do my resin, dailies, or waste some resin on a weekly boss and I hate it so much.
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>15 in on a 50/50
>roll 10
>roll another 10
>it's keq
>roll another 10 just to see
>gold again
>sigewinne acquired
>weapon comes in 20 rolls
today was a good luck day
If you have one of the newer controllers, you can connect it to your phone through Bluetooth and play that way. Better than touch controls IMO.
Duly noted. Will set mond for dailies and furina/yae/fish/navia set for autopilot
Does the sexbox controller work?
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>Open Sigewinne's web event
>Open Sigewinne's teaser
>Open Sigewinne's Collected Miscellany
>Open Sigewinne's voice lines
Since Fontaine as a whole was a skip, how bad is Natlan going to be?
>Does the sexbox controller work?
Yes, that’s what I use and it should be pretty easy to set up in your phone’s Bluetooth settings.
She loves her surrogate dad, nothing wrong with that.
Why wouldn't she be talking about her dad?
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in what world was fontaine a skip? what are you even aiming for?
>Does the sexbox controller work?

also if you are going somewhere with a tv bring an appletv/chromecast device/hdmi cable+adapter for your phone and you can stream your phone to the tv and control it with a controller and play it on a bigger screen. then its more like playing it on a console than mobile which is slightly more bearable.
A story that isn't "watch the archon deal with the problems without having anything related to the main plot(finding your sibling) until like 6 patches in".
Any significant QoL.
Paimon getting killed off permanently.
mobile is substantially better than controller but worse than keyboard/mouse. ever notice how you never see anyone do speedruns on controller? it's ass
i don't need her 'dad' shilled in every material where i want to learn about her
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Definitely not as good as KBM or a controller but it's not unplayable
I usually do my dailies/spend resin on my phone during my lunch break and do everything else on PC
It did die because there's only so many times you can try to repeat the 2020 lightning in a bottle when most of the whales/people who made it big are dead themselves.
Can you make this but replacing Dori with Tighnari?
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>he thinks finding your sibling is the main plot
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>Any significant QoL
QoL what? improvements? seems pretty alright to me, if you mean 'a way to guarantee certain shit on artifacts' just say so
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Neuvi is best dad
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NTA but yes, I want my Loomwife more than anything in the world.
Revenge status, Zeldakeks?
Not having to wait days just to farm mats for one.
>mobile is substantially better than controller
Why are you lying? I play exclusively on controller. The only bad part about controller is the awful analog menu controls rather than d-pad and being unable to see your resin timer.
Cyno did release later in Sumeru, so there's a decent chance it isn't Iansan, at least I don't picture her as a fucking polearm

you found your sibling back in chasm broskie, from there you got another's mission
Post a speedrun you've ever seen done by a controller player. Because I can easily link 10x more done on mobile
Am I supposed to care about speedrunners? I've played with all three control types and that is my opinion. Mobile is complete and utter ass, its only benefit is instant burst switches at the cost of the entire control scheme being far worse and the menus being far worse since it's more compact. Your movement is worse, your aiming is worse, your exploration speed is worse, it's just an awful experience. It's a "Make due" control scheme when you have nothing better.
MKB's only flaw is how it makes the UI twice as big outside of playing a third-person game with MKB but that's a personal issue of mine and not reflective of it being a good or bad control scheme.
Controller's flaws are not seeing the resin timer and having to control menus with the analogs. If you are playing with an Xbox controller then stop playing with an Xbox controller and get something with gyro controls and your aiming issues fly out the door.
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I hate KBM/touch controls so much
No one really seems excited for sigewinne huh
>Am I
alright you can stop posting now. the fact that you cannot post a single one means it tells me controller as a terrible control scheme when you need finesse and fine control of character swapping and inputs to even want to speedrun.
i mean that's not exactly QoL either, that's just wishing it wasn't a gacha game trying to make things take longer and require several days of effort so you'll actually log in every day
it's not likely to happen unless they decide to get rid of their roundabout way of letting you pay money for mats (genesis crystals -> primos -> rolls -> starglitter -> mats), and that's assuming you're talking about mob mats and not boss mats because getting rid of resin as a concept is NEVER going to happen
Not that anon, but I play the game on controller and regularly clear the abyss with no issue. And that’s even while using characters like Lyney and Ganyu who would prefer KB+M.
Also, the biggest barrier to being a Genshin speedrunner is having at least a couple C6 5-stars with R5 5* weapons to match, not what controls they’re using.
clearing abyss is not difficult, i'm referring specifically to the playerbase that fine tune runs over and over. it is easily clearable on mobile
We need a geo loli now
Go and peruse that list. Everyone is playing on PC, PS5s, and PS4. You will rarely see an Android and iOS in that list. Don't give me this.
Nobody cares about speedruns
Most gacha games don't do shit like that, at least ones I've played. They energy gate you or whatever but they almost never specifically go "fuck you, wait a day".
Also your whole rant about it "never being possible" is kinda moot when HSR does exactly what I'm saying while having basically the same rolling system as Genshin.
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>Everyone is playing on PC, PS5s, and PS4
are they now?.
also speedrun refers to abyss speedruns.
>i'm referring specifically to the playerbase that fine tune runs over and over.
So an extreme niche in the community that that’s only feasibly accessible to the top .0001% of hyperwhales anyways?
>two android players
Nice try autist
They'll probably make it so that the playable Dottoroe will be a "failed" copy who survived Nahida's purge and who's actually a good boy. No way Hoyoverse would give us an actual evil character to play as because it's all about marketing and clearly the suits think evil characters won't sell.
considering you require a good control scheme to attempt it yes that community. if you want to argue from casuality there are still more mobile players.
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Nice party bro
>Post a speedrun you've ever seen done by a controller player. Because I can easily link 10x more done on mobile
speedrun what nigger? genshin dailies? resin dumping? on mobile that shit is about having the right team and just ultimate or auto attack spamming. if you are talking about chinks and pajeet poorfags doing abyss on mobile while holding their phone sideways and mashing their phone like a monkey - we dont give a shit. we are talking about normal people playing the game in an enjoyable reasonable way. and

pc controls > controller >>>>>>>>>>> mobile controls for most non mentally damaged thirdworld poorfags
0 synergy team
being a loligod hurts
>Controller is 0
Post your C6R5 Neuvillette.
You need a good control scheme to do the hardest shit in the game which is speedrunning nigger. if you want to argue controller is a better control scheme you have to argue from that angle, because genshin is overall an easy game that is easily playable on and is optimized around mobile.
It would sell, chinks would have a mental breakdown though
>KMB is 0
they do usually either energy gate you or time gate you, doing both like genshin is somewhat rare but it is done sometimes
i'd argue making you take a good amount of time 'playing' to get shit is in itself a time gate, but i suppose it is a matter of perspective
speaking of neuv controller is also ass for him kek
I'm using furina purely as a healer and a cumbucket
>You need a good control scheme to do the hardest shit in the game which is speedrunning nigger. if you want to argue controller is a better control scheme you have to argue from that angle, because genshin is overall an easy game that is easily playable on and is optimized around mobile.
controller is better for casual every day play than mobile controls. period. everyone is explcititly saying they dont give a shit about 'speedrunning' on mobile. they all do their endgame content using their pcs. except for third world f2p shitters who have had no other option than using their cheap mobile chink phones.

99% of genshin players dont give a shit about speedrunning on mobile. you are arguing an irrelevant point.

mobile controls are horrible and sloppy and clunky and not enjoyable. hence why most non retards play using their pc or a controller.

speeding is an invalid point in a fucking game that no one speedruns except third world f2p autists.
Then since you’re all about maximum efficiency, I’m sure posting your C6R5 Neuv will be no issue? Or at least a C6R5 Arle?
>It would sell, chinks would have a mental breakdown though
No arguments there, a lot of people would but clearly they're afraid of introducing morally black characters considering all the acrobatics they do to redeem the "evil" character and make them seem good. Tart Man had no qualms about erradicating an entire city but he gets forgiven instantly just because he's good to his obnoxious little turd of a brother, Don Sombrero committed all kind of crimes but he gets retconned into a good rebel boy.
controller is not better as you cannot give a single person who prefers to use it for diffuclt content.

now if you want to argue about the most used control scheme, it would still overwhelmingly be touch controls as the majority play on mobile phones.

you literally cannot give a single good argument for controller being better for anything.
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>difficult content
wasn't the argument controller being better? where is it then? i gave you mine (people prefer to speedrun on keyboard/mobile). yet you have nothing.
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>no controller speedruns
it's so easy controllerbros
Emilie seems like a must roll because the most busted 5* tend to come out at the end of each region and she looks busted.

Okay, let's play by your rules then as if any of us care for speedrunning in the slightest.
The top 20 Spiral Abyss speedrun players are as follows:
>Gaolang - PC KBM
>Zanna - PC KBM
>dhcwsp - Mobile
>OnyxGI - PC KBM
>Ryu - PC KBM
>CazyMF - PC KBM
>Lado Azul da Força - PS5 or PC Dualsense
>Morena - PC KBM
>kimaru - PC KBM
>くーたー - Mobile
>とんぼ - PC KBM
>Chen - Mobile
>Rosaliya - PC KBM
>Limulu - PC KBM
>Jugram - Account is private.
>Malkin - PC KBM
>JiLi - PC KBM
>Nugged - PC KBM
>hikari - Mobile
>Louis - PC KBM
sex with sigewinne (pre-potion)
so as expected no one wants to use a controller.
Well I'm not a speedruner, guess I'll stick to my controller
Go play a different game
I would've rolled for her if she looked like this.
>now if you want to argue about the most used control scheme, it would still overwhelmingly be touch controls as the majority play on mobile phones.
yes. third world phone users who cant afford a pc or a controller are teh most common on a f2p global game. doesnt mean mobile is the best way to play genshin.

>you literally cannot give a single good argument for controller being better for anything.
its more ergonomic, you have actual physical buttons to press so there are less 'mis-clicks' as well as being able to press more buttons at once than on mobile controls(being able to control x, y axis, pick up items, sprint, and mash attack buttons all at once with much more accurate camera and movement control, you can navigate most of the game's interface and GUI menu quicker using dedicated buttons to pull up menus versus having to go through multiple submenus on mobile, taking more time. with a controller you can see more of your screen and enjoy actually being able to look at the game you are playing instead of having 1/3 or more of the game constantly covered by your own hands, with up to even 1/2 to 100% of the screen being covered up by your hands if you use the 'special retard speedrunner sideways handhold' method. i could go on but all of this is obvious shit any non-coping retard mobiler player already knows.
i'm not a controllerfag so i'll stick to my phone
You just went from no one wanting to use a controller to the seventh best SA speedrunner using it and the overwhelming majority using KBM controls because it's overall better for speed. By your logic no one wants to use touch controls either because they're so bad and only want to play with KBM.
But anon, I’m simply following your line of thought. If speed runs are the ONLY way the game should be played because it’s most efficient, then that means your characters should be as strong as possible as well, since anything short of full constellations and full signature weapon refinements would be a time loss. And it only stands to reason that you should have the strongest unit in his strongest possible state, as any other character would be a time loss as well.
Now then, put your money where you mouth is and post your C6R5 Neuv.
a controller is not some expensive purchase and bragging that you have one is retarded.

>posts all this cope when the poster above shows no one even wants to play with a controller
funniest shit i've seen today honestly.
I said people prefer to use keyboard/mobile over controller. I did not say keyboard is worse than mobile. literally all you did was prove my right that controller is the worse control scheme.
Argue all you want speedrun autist, I'm not touching mobile controls
i'm gonna find that witch and make her make a reversal potion
That doesn't prove the controller control scheme is worse at all since it's still in the top 10. It proves that most people who are competitive and play on PC (The overwhelming majority of the competitive players) would choose to pick MKB over controller because it's the better choice of the two on that platform. Lado Azul da Força probably doesn't have a PC that can run the game and plays on his PS5.
but anon you line of though is retarded because i do not need to have the best characters to observe what players that are optimizing their runs prefer to use. i see no one wants to use controller? controller is not a good control scheme. if you want to argue about casuality then you have pulled c6 sigewinne then yes? she's the comfiest healer in the game. do you have c6 zhongli? he's the comfiest shielder in the game so you have him right?
>That doesn't prove the controller control scheme is worse at all since it's still in the top 10
and yet it's not only below mobile there are multiple mobile players at the top. where are the controller players?
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>not playing with a steering wheel
>ctrl + F controller
>48 results
Somebody is uppity today
>a controller is not some expensive purchase and bragging that you have one is retarded.
confirmed butthurt 3rd world f2p mobile player. top kek.

i play on my desktop pc powered by a nvidia 4090 on my 34 inch ultrawide oled monitor using mechanical keyboard and razer deathadder mouse. if im travelling i play on my 4k oled monitor razer blade laptop with at 4090m in it using myrazer deathadder mouse.

if i travel i play genshin by syncing my iphone 15 to my 4k apply tv and playing on whatever tv the hotel has using my xbox one pro controller and/or i play using my ipad pro + xbox one pro controller.

the only time i use mobile controls is if im in an airport trying to get dailies done and/or use up resin before a long flight.

only poor people use mobile as their preferred method of playing genshin and/or any video game. using mobile controls is tantamount to eating feces.
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The circle of small is complete.
My job here is done.
>where are the controller players?
Playing on PC (The superior version of the game) with MKB because they have the choice of MKB or controller and MKB is faster when competing. Why would they choose controller when being competitive when they lose out on Kusanali's faster tagging or Neuvilette's spins? It's like someone choosing to use an N64 controller running OoT when a Gamecube controller is superior.
>adhom after adhom
yea actual butthurt controllerfag desu.
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so you've basically admitted controller is the worst control scheme. there's not even any console speedrunners? where are they?
third world mobile f2p players are discusting stinky human beans. go get a yob, hoe-zay.
said the actual thirdie bragging about his controller
bro plays genshin holding his phone sideways and slurping penises
I'm starting to get convinced you're just trolling now. The majority of people speedrunning seriously on Speedrun.com are PC and PS5 players with the scant few on mobile. The majority of people speedrunning the SA are on PC where it makes no sense to use controller over MKB for competitive purposes. The people who are speedrunning with mobile controls are clearly doing it out of stubbornness or it being their only option considering it's objective fact that PC is the best platform for the game which itself is shown through how many people are playing it on PC vs. mobile.
controllerfag can't not imagine sucking penis
I don’t need those characters I’m not making an absolutist argument, unlike you. YOU are the one who brought up speed running as the end all be all. YOU are the one who insisted that the game must be played with pure efficacy in minds. Your inability to produce a screencap of a C6R5 Neuv means that you’re a massive hypocrite who is playing the game inefficiently by your very own metric.
you dodged the question. why are there no console speedruns for the superior control scheme?
slurp slurp womp womp
>I don’t need those characters
Neither do I because you're attempting to strawman, so I'm strawmanning you back. If you're arguing controller is the most comfortable control scheme post your c6 sigewinne and c6 zhongli.
>controlfag noises
There are. I literally showed you one. You act like Speedrun.com doesn't exist when it negates your entire argument. It takes 29 players before you see your first mobile player.
I said speedruns for abyss. Where are the console submissions?
xitterfags go back
>mobile is substantially better than controller

You're a fucking idiot.
Again, your argument is intrinsically different from mine. You can keep deflecting all you want, but the fact of the matter is that that your a posturing faggot who got caught in a box and doesn’t want to admit it.
no need to samefag retardo.

>Again, your argument is intrinsically different from mine.
list the difference between them then.
Lado Azul da Força. There's the console submissions in the top 10. You're just choosing to ignore it and ignore the reasons why PC players would pick MKB over other options if given them in a competitive setting.
You purposely ignore other forms of competition because it makes your argument fall apart and only focus on the SA because why again? Why is the SA the only competitive thing when AR 5/7/10 runs are fair across the board and don't require any specific characters to clear making it a true test of skill?
>speedrunning a p2w game
gachaniggers should be culled
I already did, it’s not my fault you’re borderline illiterate. So either live up to your absolutes and post your Neuv, or clam up.
But there's not only more mobilefags there's faster ones. And I even humored your other post but there were still more mobile players.
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is she meta? or mid? her hydro aplication looks bizarre so maybe i should save for Emilie
>I already did
Where? I'll post him after your c6 zhongli.
Her hydro app is very mid, not worth using in bloom
Bad even, some people hope that her mecanism is intended for the Natlan roster and that she has yet to find her place but for now roll for the cute factor
Outside of the Spiral Abyss speedrunning scene there's more console speedrunners than mobile ones ergo there's more people doing better on controllers than mobile. You're not humoring any arguments, you're looking at all these PC players and going "But why don't they use a control scheme that isn't as useful when they have the option for another one?". Mobile players have to go out and buy a controller attachment which is already a hard sell as these are casuals. PC players very likely already have a controller but there's no reason to use it when trying for fast times because camera control is faster and smoother when on MKB which matters for fast times.

She's niche for right now. Basically exists for Furina specifically.
I agree
Yeah, that’s what exactly I thought, pussy.
>Outside of the Spiral Abyss speedrunning scene there's more console speedrunners than mobile ones
not even true on the site you posted when counted. not only that most of those "speedruns" are from patch 1.x. I said SA because it shows the current playerbase.
>literally fleeing
>not only that most of those "speedruns" are from patch 1.x
Oh, so you're not even being genuine in these arguments. Yeah, they're from patch 1.x, done three months ago. Ergo they're from people playing recently.
might be a future impact character with how weird her kit is. for now she doesnt really have a good spot unless you simply want a comfy healer since she has, in all likelihood, the strongest teamwide heal in the game.
shut up
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so i'm hallucinating all of these that say 2-3 years ago now?
theres nothing to do in this game that matters that you couldnt do when it came out 4 years ago
so youre just stuck with a generic anime plot propaganda soft power piece written by ccp chinks
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Siggy will be BiS for the pyro archon, trust the plan
You're missing all those that say "2 months ago", "4 months ago", "9 months ago", etc. They're also 3.0+ meaning it can be anything after 3.0.
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I want to eat it
Imagine if instead of all these wasted slots we had gotten 8 non-lolis with big udders
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i said most, not all
Ryona against lolis is problematic and bad optics, hence they are always kept in the backline.
BoL was introduced in 4.0
WuWa crashed and burned. Deal with it.
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She is not even cute and Robin is better anyways
Is she healing like 40k+ because Charlotte can heal 40k+ instantly on ult.
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>thinking about rolling for either Sigewinne or Furina cons
>already have Gaming, Noelle, and Rosaria, all at c6
Do you think they will in foreseeable future, or ever at all, do something about the way banner works with regards to 4 stars? Like, let you manually pick which characters you want, etc? It feels like the 4 stars have been particularly terrible at the last few banners I was interested in, either by having complete bricks, or having characters most have maxed out a long time ago. It also doesn't seem to help that they seem to be increasing the number of 5 stars they release in relation to the number of 4 stars they do.
Surely, this must be eating into their profits?
Enjoy your starglitter
no chevy no pull
simple as
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for who? yelan? not even top 3 for her
can sige be DPS?
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yeah fuck this game
Yeah, with clam
C6R5 is about the same power as a C1R1 Neuv
So yeah she technically can but why would you
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do another 10 anon, it worked for me
enjoy your c2 Xbalanque
at the end of her run if her videos convince me
Her personal damage is not good at all
You need to whale to even do decent damage
>4 stars
isn't she part of the first trailer?
all the character shown there were 5 stars, excluding Lynette because she was with Lyney
People started playing Star Rail and prefer it over Genshin.
Nig was featured and she's 4*
her everything is not good
she should be a 4*
Ning was a 4*, so it's totally possible
alternatively, Cyno was only released in 3.1, but maybe that was to coincide with the anniversary
also, isn't the anniversary this time around in 5.0? unless they pull a 4.9
In the end of her quest he literally tells that he sees himself her father
oh I forgot that she even exist.
but now that you mentioned her, I heard that she was intenden as a 5 stars along with Barbara but they changed them, so maybe the same thing happened to Iansan
>Noelle (you already have C20)
>Rosaria (you already have C10)
>some fag
They are really making it hard for long time players eh
>I heard that she was intenden as a 5 stars along with Barbara
I'm pretty sure that's just a rumour
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Her healing is good but as a hydro unit she's kind of expected to apply hydro which she is shit at
Might as well use Kokomi in 99% of those teams
guys I'm gonna wish on the banner and get chevy
Did you get her?
people say that but there is no real proof. there was also a claim early on in the game's life that all the 4 stars were supposed to have fancy ult animations too but hoyo scrapped it because it would be a whole lot more work and barbara was the only one who got finished.
if you're going to think that, just think she's on 5.1 because lolis don't sell and that's the anniversary, it's not like poster characters always release first
If they put Chev on Emillie's banner I'll roll until I have nothing left.
I just want Kirara and Chev on the same banner
Kirara is most likely on Nilou's, since they're both getting skins at the same time.
the games needs some spice, its been the same shit for 6 years now
Will roll for kirara cons
>6 years
bro we just had 3rd anni last year....
I'll have to skip again
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mental illness
Thanks prince
is there going to be maintenance for NA servers before the new banner drops? or will it just activate in ~3 hrs?
Forgot to add, I am trans btw
NA will be up in 2 hours 3 minutes
No, there's only maintenance before the first banner of the patch. The second one starts pretty much as soon as the first one ends. No need to relog or anything.
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>Been playing since 1.0
>Still no Diluc
Feels weird, now that I think about it.
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I stopped spending on this game after seeing how shit they made sigewinne
Not giving hoyo another cent
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Did you get the other standard 5* pyro claymore?
Nope. They're the only 2 standards I lack. Weird, that.
So if I'm reading this right, Siggy can do full-team healing while off-field?
Cuz for others, you usually gotta choose between "heal the current on-field character" or "heal everyone, but the healer has to be on-field."
I can't. I need to conserve my primos. I'm gonna have to skip the new spear girl as well. Natlan is coming, I'm running out of time.
Yeah her heal is teamwide
Just on herself she doesn't get healed until the bubble pops
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>all I wanted was 4 Noelle constelations
>2 furinas, 1 dehya and 1 tighnari later
>+1 Noelle constellation
better off just buying her when she's in the shop
thats 2 years for 4 constellations, I just bought a welkin and hoping its enough for 3 more noelles in 20 days (highly unlikely)
I'll pop her bubble alright
bro your italian wife?
it's a waste and you're unlikely to get it. Better to take the long road
let your c1 furina carry her
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>clearly the suits think evil characters won't sell.
They really need to take another look at why people were excited for Kino before she actually came out
>forcing dailies to your ass
Imagine doing extra job for free, what a shitty way to waste your time haha
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Gimme slunny
I'm going to play this game on PS4 for the first time. Is there anything I should know before starting?
>Is there anything I should know before starting?
1 good/meta character makes a world of difference and makes the game infinitely better
yea get a ps5 its going to play even worse than it does now in a couple patches
play with who you like, do whatever you want, there's no "correct" way to play it, you can just ignore the quests and go explore the world if you want

also disregard any post talking about meta, like >>680847864
Pick Lumine. That's all you need to know.
How so? Are certain gameplay aspects tied to specific characters?

Not a fan of PS. I borrowed the PS4 I have from my brother.

How difficult is to get an specific character I like? Do I get from quests or by buying them with in-game points/real money?

Lumine is the girl right? I actually find the boy prettier. No homo.
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>trying to make everyone see THEIR wife as much as possible instead of trying to get them to choose the other option and keeping her all to themselves
why are loomfags like this?
i am cuckchad please respect my fetish
>How difficult is to get an specific character I like? Do I get from quests or by buying them with in-game points/real money?
Hard, they're gacha only, with a few exceptions:
Early on you will get a few free 4 star characters from some quests and achievements, after that you'll only be able to get them from events (when they happen every 2 months) and 3 4 stars from the shop (they rotate monthly I think).
The gacha depends on your luck, usually the hardest is to get a specific 4 star, because you can get them under 10 rolls or never get them at all. As for 5 stars, you can get them by saving a lot of currency, but it takes time plus waiting for said character to appear in a banner. Do you want someone specific? If so, I can try to explain you how you can get them, but really, just play the game and forget it's a gacha, you'll enjoy far more
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>Pick Lumine because you love her more than anything else in the world
>Pick Aether because he loves Lumine more than anything else in the world (he has good taste)
Either way, she wins. Genshin is a LoomChad game, simple as.
Gameplay is entirely dependent on who you're playing as. So your experience going around as the Lumine/Aether (The MCs) or some character from launch will be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to what your experience could be if you picked a character considered "good" or "meta" from the current region.

Playing favorites is great and will make sure you play this for longer but have fun asking questions when most of the community is casuals like >>680848083 that will masturbate themselves over giving non-answers like "Play with who you like" and act like they just helped you with the biggest truth in the world by stating the obvious and refusing to actually give real answers because "its just a game lmao just do whatever".
>"Play with who you like" and act like they just helped you with the biggest truth in the world by stating the obvious and refusing to actually give real answers because "its just a game lmao just do whatever".
And what does have to do with him having one meta character that makes it "infinitely better"? Do you think meta equals fun? Or are you just that bad that you think you need meta characters to clear things faster so the game doesn't feel like a slog? I'm telling him to not worry about metafaggotry and just try characters out and see what he likes, especially when you're new and you can try out all different elements and their combinations
And let me add more, to me, you're the casual one, I say this as a true metafag, disregard everyone talking about meta because they only know surface level shit that gets parroted all over the place and they love shoving that into new players when it's completely unnecessary
Using meta characters does not mean you can't use characters you like at the same. Just find balance
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but almost all characters are viable as long as you have a concise team building (i.e you actually use your elemental reactions)
not using
>honorary hydro archon from inazuma
>former hydro archon
>new hydro "archon"
>and his daughteru
in one team, c'mon mate, we're at the end of hydro nation, gotta keep yourself hydrated
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PS4 is going to be fairly slow so fair warning. Expect 20+ second load times, the party menu to be a bit slow, and sometimes you'll load in but it's still loading in NPC and textures.
Never ever ever use Primos on blue Fates. Those are for the standard banner that is there 24/7 and everything you can get in it will be obtained at some point from the free blue Fates they give you from random rewards, or losing 50/50s on limited banners.
The weapon banner is a scam. You need a bare minimum of 240 pulls to guarantee the weapon you actually want unless you get lucky so don't do it. A new limited character is nearly always better than the weapons.
Picture related for how pity works.
Do the beginner banner until it disappears.
If you pull a character from Inazuma (Japan) then you will not be able to level them up past 40 until you finish the first two regions of the story. Any other region's character can be leveled as long as you just go and explore the map since only Inazuma is story locked.
You will not level characters from killing enemies. You need to use the various EXP books you get.
While the early game doesn't really care if you do elemental reactions and lets you rely solely on just Traveler's weapon (Especially the PS exclusive sword which buffs that playstyle) it is imperative you learn how reactions work through experimentation as it's the core of the combat. Don't focus just on one character, focus on how your team can use their skills to cause reactions (Fire + Water being the easiest to understand and see do good damage).
If you feel like Anemo and Geo Traveler aren't that great you can get Dendro Traveler fairly easy by just sticking to the upper portion of Liyue and then going left on the map. There's a Statue of the Seven near there that will let you easily check it out.
You won't be able to spam bursts until later on in the game. Use them for stronger enemies. Later on you can do them every battle without issue.
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>Her banner is almost over. What's the /v/erdict? Yay or nay?
With her I can finally, comfortably do abyss 12 without a dedicated healer or shielder, so I'm pretty happy with Clorinde.
Also I like Navia so I felt like I had to pull for Clorinde too.
5 minutes until Clorinde is gone. DO YOUR LAST ROLLS!
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How are you celebrating Her Excellency's birthday?
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Three minutes
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I already rolled for Furina and have her BiS, should I roll for another constellation or roll for Sigewinne?
What happens if you get the 5 characters listed in that image?
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I'm going to roll for Furina even though I hate building characters because I've lost all self control
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>30~ rolls into pity
>won 50/50
Well now what
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>Using meta characters to make your bottom tiers viable
That's the real meta. The meta of my heart
To put it simply, your first 5* has a 50/50 chance of being the one on the banner or one of the standard 5*s (Mona, Jean, Qiqi, Diluc, Keqing, Tighnari, Dehya). If you don't get the banner character then the next one is guaranteed to be the banner one. That also carries over to future banners, so let's say you don't want the one you're pulling on anymore and decide to wait then any future one will also give it to you.

Once you get the banner character it resets again and you have the 50/50 chance of the standard or banner again. It's why you pull with around 160-180 pulls.
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I now have all standard banner 5 stars
I'll save my pity for Natlan
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Even Xinyan?
Congratulations. I am jealous
Yeah thats actually good
Idk why the hoyo community frothes at the mouth at the idea of "meta" because "play however you like" is always just "play the way I want you to and dont you ever dare try to get better"

It's a gacha game, some units are way better than others. This isn't some balanced esport where everyone is perfectly balanced and you can use whoever. If you like this shit character then you can make them good by giving them top tier supports and drag them all over the endgame content or if you find enjoyment in playing strong characters and curbstomping then you can find enjoyment there too. It's a fucking videogame, let people play the way THEY want to play not the 'community approved way' to play the game.
why is the loli tranny colored
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i won
I personally just loathe players who talk about meta, when they don't know their stuff, I sometimes bring the topic of question if they're talking about some sort of imaginary metastate or 9* abyss, if it's the latter, literally 90% of the characters are meta

welp, just got Sigewinne after 7 ten rolls. didnt have guarantee so its ok(have won 4 50/50's in a row now...) also got my Gaming maxed constellation as well.
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Especially my wife. I pulled Xianyun specifically to enable Plungeyan which is a playstyle I've loved since labyrinth warriors first allowed me to use it
thats cool im happy that you enjoy doing challenge runs and making less used characters good but understand not everyone wants to play the same way you do
if you "loathe" others playing the game differently from you then hide their posts or ignore them instead of forcing your views on them
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Lost a coin flip to Dehya last time. Lost one more to her this time.
wish I had 1 more kirara con for that coordinated attack
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>coinflip lost to keq and bruteforced
>weapon banner avoided even though i like both characters
>hypercute slug obtained
logged out
now it's time to wait for natlan and expect disappointment with iansan being a 4*
There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than asking someone for help and all you get back is "Be yourself and just use whoever you like :D" instead of an actual answer to the original question
Based. Hoyo may have buried her forever, but she'll always hold a special place in my heart
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Have someone made pic related as a Sigewinne mod yet?
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I'm still salty over first anniversary
>if you "loathe" others playing the game differently from you then hide their posts or ignore them instead of forcing your views on them
nah, it's people who think X or Y are the solely "meta" based on a meta state that doesn't exist, casuals
it's like if I were to tell you that everything that isn't Neuvillette tier isn't meta because it's not as good, but being as good as Neuvillette doesn't accomplish anything else, the only thing you can do is clear abyss 36 9* easily, which is something most characters already do
>making less used characters good but understand not everyone wants to play the same way you do
it's more about not limiting other players perspectives into thinking other things aren't good, than forcing anyone to play X or Y, the very opposite even
for an example, you'll see people creaming themselves over Hyperbloom, but Burgeon is just as strong, it's just harder to setup currently because you only have Thoma (which is a good character, but far harder to use than just slapping Kuki who only needs EM), most of the "metafags" here would disregard both Thoma and Burgeon, when they're in fact, meta
and all this talk is about the hardest content the game has to offer, not the overworld
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>saw UNMATCHED and skipped the rest of the pull
It finally happened... after three years, I thought a double 5* pull was a fucking myth
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>Not even lolis can save this game, it seems...
gee I wonder why
my first double 5* was a double albedo
link me nigga
>dump all of my wishes to c6 my wife
its never been more over, bros
I did but i had gotten to lose the 50/50 to to c1 tignarl.... she milked me milked me completely dry... serious;y, a qiqi or jean spook would have preferable but ehhh, no worth in complaining about it
i just realized gamebanana's gonna be a bitch over sigewinne skins even though she's a melusine
My only double 5 star was Venti and his first con.
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we need pic related first
Ironically a worse barbara, it's sad how awful they made her..
the barbara that can't even make energy particles?


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What's up with this banner and double 5* ? I feel like it's happening way more than usual.
Just did the trial for her.
Boooring, like wtf boring.

I don't have Furina yet, guess I will roll her, even though she is not an Archon.
Siggy barely does either. She applies less hydro app and healing. Barbara can hold the 3* book to give 48% atk buff to your next char, there's no useful party buffing bows like that got siggy
Basically any team that you'd use siggy in barbara is generally just better
you mean the sigewinne that gens 4 and is infinitely more than 0? the sigewinne that can buff off field damage and is more damage contribution than ttds?



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>What's up with this banner and double 5* ? I feel like it's happening way more than usual.
You're probably generalizing with a small sample. There's also bias, since people is more likely to share results if they're favorable.
I was going to roll for more furinas if I liked the 4*s but I don't need any of them

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