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Kanna Archive
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Kanna Archive
How does Sensei survive the daily sex?
Cunny Archive
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>slowly becoming the new secondary bait
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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>cheap coombait to indefinitely extend the sentences for the ones in NPC jail
>And delay the main story progression with "generic gacha summer event" slop
Trash dev
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Is corporal punishment allowed in Kivotos?
built for maebari
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which event quests are the most efficient to sweep? The later ones take 20 AP per mission, is that good or bad?
Some anon on /bag/ said that 1-4 are like 10% more efficient or something
>pedo archive
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earlier stages are slightly more currency efficient but not by much to the point you're better off farming later stages for the artifact drops
wrong board gacha troon
>pedo archive
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>quest difficulties go straight from 45 to 80
Why do they do this?
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That was nice.
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Explain yourself. Why don't you have cHare yet? Goz gave you a free ticket. You have no excuse.
the difference is minimal and the currency gains scale in a way that it makes almost no difference, unless your bonus % are very low, in which case the earlier stages are actually more efficient. so i would say after applying the max bonus you can, sweep the stages that drop the artifacts that you need more
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lets explode together fampai
i want to eat her ass
what does that make me?
there are only three tiers, that's why it is like that. as previously mentioned, the currency gain is pretty much the same
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This one shocked me as well. I thought BA was already a daring game for having an alcoholic minor student, and now one of the girls admits she considered smoking wild grass to cope with her caffeine addiction.
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I'm paying the price for splurging on Megu and Himari, so c.Hare will have to wait.
Is she worth it? I do like her but I want to save gems if I can
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Up to you. 3.5 anniversary is right around the corner
>hebe archive
>literally just used the GA ticket
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Fuck the police
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Is Kotama worth 50 pulls? Feels like a waste to not get her but I only have two sparks left and bluefes is coming
>C.Hare in only 6 ten-rolls
>Rolled her on the Grand Assault ticket after waiting through last night's maint
Gehenna Dress Season and Swimsuit Kanna absolutely secured
do you have nyKayoko already?
how many days do i have before the ga ticket expires?
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It says right there, 35 days
it will end just before the fes if my calculations are correct
dHina banner is on july 30th so it should be barely enough
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Extended maintenance just because you said that
no problem, this exact situation happened during the collab event and they extended the GA ticket for a week because of that
why does she have a Sneed hat?
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>gold only doing hardcore
I knew people hate goz but not this much
I'm gonna get pregnant if Arona keeps fucking me like this.
Time to just save for august.
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>dogshit insane clears using 3 teams
>get plat
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>second day of rerolling for gamers
I don't care enough to even do 2 teams. Probably why.
Anon someone told you last thread you can't get the gamers on your starting rolls because it only has release day units and they were added later.
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Camping reminder
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The dumb and socially vulnerable girls of Arius are made to be taken advantage of. Nowhere to go, nobody to turn to, in many cases with nothing to eat or where to sleep. And better yet, completely in your debt.

It would be so easy to make them go along with whatever sensei wanted. They'd have nobody to tell, and even if they did, nobody would help.

I would do it. In a way that they'd think they would be the ones at fault, because they're bad, bad girls.

It would be so easy.
Imagine rolling for someone you can farm in 3 months
I'm still trying to get Midori from the regular gacha.
Yeah but I'm missing Fuuka and Hoshino
You can buy her with coins you get from playing the Total Assault event in no time at all. Stop it, you're hurting yourself.
just so you know, you can get all the orifinal versions of the gamer club either from shops or by farming
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I respect your tastes but every gamer except Maid Aris is farmable
>in no time at all
>you can farm in 3 months
I've had enough experience with these kusoges, I would rather reroll that spend months grinding.
It's an event that you're going to play regardless you dumb asshole, you just spend the income from that on Midori instead of the other host of characters or items you can spend it on.
This game has too many good girls in bad spots
Sensei should open a provisional school in schale, not only for arius but many of the NPCs would get fixed by sensei
All other schools suddenly bankrupt because everyone wants to be on sensei's school
She should have a massive bush so I can put it in my mouth
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Fuck rules
Fuck Kanna
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I like dogs.
>skip most of the story
>tell myself I'm going to do Final
>start reading it
>get bored because no gameplay after a few episodes
>Fuck it
>Start skipping
>Suddenly story becomes more gameplay focused than ever with actual multi-team missions

I don't know my motivation!
dogshit game
>skip most of the story
>tell myself I'm going to do Final
this is an awful idea...
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It made sense in my head, I did speedread the summaries and like everything before is just introducing characters and schools so nothing important happens.
Final is where the story actually starts, I guessed.
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I don't want to call you retarded but I have absolute no clue why you would think FINAL is where the story actually starts. Go read it from the beginning you dummy.
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Read an actual book, or try to do a focused single activity
This is not a "this game" issue
>ruin game for myself
>it's not fun
>how could this happen to me
I dunno everything before just seemed to be like a boss of the week formula with different schools and at the end of the chapter nothing had really changed and sensei had buggered off somewhere else leaving everyone behind.
And now I regret to inform you that there are in fact a lot of very important things that happen in V1C1-V4C1 that are relevant to Vol. F.
>boss of the week formula
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yeah... you got it the other way around
each volume is its own somewhat standalone thing, they're not introductions and despite what you might think things do change from episode 1 to the lastest episode of each chapter
Vol F builds upon and expands the stories behind, and Volume F itself is also built upon by latter chapters, you wouldn't think to skip Vol F just because Vol4C2 and Vol5 are its sequels right?

You might as well start reading it from the beginning, if motivation is an issue try reading only 3 chapter a day.
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>3 chapter a day.
meant episodes... I hate the naming scheme
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I want to think this is bait but zoomers really are this fucking retarded
What can I say, it seems fairly interesting but when I get down to it I just think of all the real visual novels I have on my backlog that I should be reading instead.
I enjoy this game otherwise but I just can't into the story, I mean I'm happy it's there but it just drags on too long for me I guess?
Maybe I'd have been fine playing it since launch but because I started late there's just a fucking wall of text to get through.

Like chapter 1 you fight black suit, chapter 2 you fight I don't even remember, chapter 3 you fight the plant bitch. I don't know if these weird fuckers ever get development or explanation but right now they just seem to be evil sickos doing random inexplicable shit.

I'm skipping stuff because it's giving me gems and the double rate banner is coming, that's pretty much it. Maybe one day I will read the whole thing but I'd need to have a lot of spare time and a fucking XIV expansion is coming out in two days so that's not happening anytime soon.

I'm not trying to be negative on the game by the way, I like it and I know I'm the one at fault here.

Yes I'm a retard.
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Did they change the name of the energy drinks after the lawsuit Monster filed against that other indie dev
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>When you can't trust even a medic
The VN is the whole point of the game. The gacha, the missions, the raids, all of that crap is just filler.
I was surprised when I got an achievement in Star Rail that straight up said "Pac-Man" in it, I'm sure that was the loc team memeing and not the original text but fuck me do those fuckers not know how defensive Namco is about that?
They sued some rapper for sampling their sound effects.
wouldn't surprise me, it was practically a 1:1 representation before, name, design, everything
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>I don't know if these weird fuckers ever get development or explanation but right now they just seem to be evil sickos doing random inexplicable shit.
The story itself names one of them as a McGuffin device, that should give you enough information that they, the villains themselves are not the focus. The students are the ones getting the focus and the development.
>Maybe one day I will read the whole thing
That's why I recommend reading it just a little every day, BA's episodes are short and don't take much time.
I like the game part, it's really polite as far as gacha goes and I can just log in and do some upkeep and watch my collection of tiny blob girls grow and occasionally watch them run forwards in a straight line blasting motherfuckers.
Like I said before, as far as VNs go there's some big name titles I've been meaning to read and keep putting off already so when I'm reading Blue Archive I just feel like I should be reading other shit first.
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There's no such thing as should or should not read, there's only what you do and don't want to read. Read what you want to read first and leave the rest for when you do want to read it, whether that's BA or not.
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>I don't know if these weird fuckers ever get development or explanation but right now they just seem to be evil sickos doing random inexplicable shit.
Maybe you should try not skipping the story if you're going to complain about not understanding the story
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Because I chose my wife over meta.
And the bluefes funds are a no touchy.
Well that was something
instead tell me anon
How would (you) survive as sensei?
Based wife enjoyer
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I've decided. This is my favorite song in BA.
Ass too fat
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This pumps me up
Does anyone know what the song that plays during the camping event is? I unironically wish there was some sort of ticker that would display what song is playing, the OST is so good.
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Dog sex.
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How can Foobs and Kirino even compete?
This one?
The game should have a BGM mode
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Yes, thank you, I didn't think it would be that easy to find but I guess they upload the songs on their channel when the event drops.
Do NOT fuck dogs
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Kanna won
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I can and i will
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>got knocked out of plat
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>Have never gotten anything above gold
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Lazy brat and clumsy lass offer something else
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I would simply make two phonecalls.
The first to the defender of my rights.
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I love all three.
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Your only right is to be raped sensei
...And your second phonecall?
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The second to the defender of my purity.
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Neru Matrimony
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eh, she'll spook me at bluefes for sure
If you have S Shiroko in your PVP team and don't use the other Shirokos your team is SOULLESS
why can't more vidya girls wear this kind of swimsuit?
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Funny that you mention it. There is a guy in my bracket that does that. I can't do but respect his comitment.
Certain people have autistic meltdowns if a character wears anything but a bikini.
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M-my knees...
Why would I waste any spins now when the mega banner is almost here?
I never cared about Shiroko until she put on the competition swimsuit.
Well those people are gay as fuck.
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Iori being a jobber as usual
because of cHare?
But anon is a luckchad, he's totally going to pull her during bluefes and not a year plus from now when her banner is up again.
If she doesn't come to me in 800 spins during a 6% banner then I don't want her.
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Got Kotama in 10 rolls so I decided to go for Hare as well. 30 rolls total, so now I can fully save for summer old man. All because her purple eyes and asmr really did me in.
Always dickroll Senseis, always!
I skipped ever single main mission and story event, don't worry.
I got Biribiri in a single 10 pull and I don't believe I can get that lucky again anytime soon. Sorry.
I dicksparked Kasumi and I'll never financially recover from that decision
Serikachads are the strongest race.
This guy is a giga ultra whale
>thread has been up for hours with hundreds of replies

But whenever I make a thread, I get banned within 20 minutes? Ok.
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Have you tried not making off topic threads?
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Abib hates Fubuki evidently.
>600mb update takes like 10 minutes to install
>takes 5 minutes before the game lets you click on anything after starting
Living in Korea must be painful. Can't have sex, can't code. Shit sucks.
Works on my machine.
well it doesn't on mine
apparently gigabit internet isn't fast enough to download 2 .pngs
emulator or phone
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after getting himari and Shun last banner i didnt think this could happen
John Nexon will kill me
God I wanna get her pregnant
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Chihiro is such a good mom to the Veritards.
they must have upped the chances of rolling for these two
there's no fucking way so many people got hare on their first roll, there's like 5 of them in this thread alone
camping sluts are bait, not rolling
>he doesn't have 60k pyro
>he can't roll for whatever he wants without bricking himself
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>prepared to spark hare
>get her in the last roll anyway
S Mimori chads rise up
nta i have 23k i wasted 24k with the beautiful delicate flower super hacker
But i managed to get both girls so i'm not even mad
>he thinks 60k is enough
my cute divorced student-wife asking me to take care of our terminally online kids...
>waste all my crap on bunnies
>don't get any just Reisa
I don't want her. I don't care if she's really hilarious (she's not) and cute (she's not) and really good for the game (I already have so many piercing students.) . She's not what I wanted.
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>/a/ stopped having Bruaca threads
It's over...
those were some fun times...
it is, nyKayoko, Ako and Hina is exactly 60k pyro
I guess there's also NYFuuka coming up in a month after the fes, but I don't plan to have to spark anyone and it's a problem for later
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>rolling without a spark
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/a/ is kinda rightfully salty about the threads as it gets focused with ingame lore
however those were good threads too
/vg/ is too autistic for me
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I might make a thread on the weekends or whenever a new GDD/PS68 manga chapter drops.
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>no thread for 12 hours means it's over
Calm your tits. Worse comes to worse I'll make one after Phrenapates releases episode 12 and I watch it.
nothing is stopping you from making one right now, like "what were your final thoughts" or something
Just give up lol
>anons homosexually ERPing
no, they weren't fun
/vg/, /v/ and /trash/ manages to contain their designated autism pretty well
HOLY brick
do you at least have enough for Hina?
dumb bunnyfag
There's literally nothing wrong with homosexual ERP (as long as it's after the bump limit)
I don't want Hina. I don't even like Hina.
nigga dress hina is meta for every single red raid
not him but who gives a fuck, the gameplay is boring i only play this to look at the cute girls
Ok? I can get by without her, I don't really care.
you say that now…
why play the game then
you can look at cute girls on twitter or pixiv
I'm literally saving for Atsuko and Misaki cause I want them
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what the fuck is this challenge's gimmick? I don't understand
the absolute state of /v/
my form of playing is collecting the ones i like
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I respect it. I don't give a flying shit about Hina either, hell I dislike her after all the recent wanking, but still gonna roll for her since I know she's gonna be used for all red strats in the future and wanna save myself headaches.
you get more pyro for rolling by playing meta
/a/ is our sister...
I don't get it. Sounds like a waste of time to me.
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But you have to spend more rolling for meta characters if you're a metaslave too. I doubt anyone could give a solid answer because there's way too many variables involved but how long would it take to recoup the initial losses you'd incur by trying to get as many meta characters as you can?
This has been my alarm clock for the past 9 months
too bad you're now her father
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God I want to sodomize Sensei
we know black suit
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it should be illegal to be this sex
stash secure
The cop who saved Kivotos
>Hare in 190 rolls
It's over.
post cunny
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I clicked
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Stupid sexy Seia
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I WISH Seia was real
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one day for sure
Got her in 80. Is buff retention on her weapon worth it enough to spark?
>Competition swimsuits and school swimsuits are absolutely my thing
>Can't have them because other people are autistic fucks
It's like 30 seconds so I'd say yea
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Bikini autists are all faggots to some degree
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>sparked Hare because cute energy drink girl
>only 2 spooks in 200 rolls
Bros, this was my first spark. I still barely have any students. Does it always go this horribly?
It's like 4 extra seconds. Completely irrelevant unless you're going for top scores.
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Not usually. Arona dealt you a pretty bad hand there.
You need to reflect missile attacks from the 2 bears on the far right back to Sumire. Then she becomes more and more vulnerable. Your student on the right should be behind the cover or very close to it for this to work.

It's about timing because the cover doesn't last that long.
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At this rate I'll never have the drunk weasel
I suppose there's always bluefes...
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yes, RNG in this game is tough
So do check the calendar for the characters and pick who you want to save 200 rolls for her
If you like no one in particular wait for a particular event that boosts your chances to get 3* characters to burn your pyro there
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I'm choosing wife over meta when the PS68 rerun happens in two weeks, then I plan to use my remaining pyros to guarantee the Bluefes characters
>Once in a blue moon, a game actually caters to your fetish
>But then you have to deal with these assholes shitting up every thread, screaming CENSORSHIP or OH MY GAWD UR ACKTULLY DEFENDING THIS!!
I hate the internet.
That's why new players should be double/triple sparking FES banners
Average is 6 spooks per spark
nta i get 2-3 per 200
>T. Lucklet
I planned on Hare from when I started the game and was browsing through the future banners because I liked her 2* unit I work in IT and drink 1-2 energy drinks a day, she was literally made for me. I've been saving since I think the last Ako rerun and I'm not dropping any more until half-anni. I still have enough for Makoto and D. Hina, I'm just disappointed because I can't really do much in PvP or any of the raids since I have no units yet.
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consider yourself lucky. The last spark I went for gave me nothing but blue yellows and 2 dupes for students I could easily farm with raid coins.
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>police fucks you
It's not that important while you're still leveling. hope you get some previous Ani students as well. They're all pretty broken.
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ok nvm I don't care I only got 2 units this was worth the spark
I have played for like a year already and i support myself with the free units we get from the events and the event recap free ones
lv 83 and still stuck with hardcore in raid, but like 500 in PVP, mika spooked me and some other units turned to be useful
Its a very slow grind in this game
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Just roll (heh) with it
it just seems that way because a lot of people happened to be in the tread and brag while those who got fucked over don't care to report. i, for one, had to spark. all the jolly luckchads, congrats and fuck you anyway
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>level 83 and can still only clear hardcore
Wtf bros, is this normal? t. level 61
No, I started clearing insanes when I reached the 80s
Has there been a Greg rerun on JP yet?
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anon should 100% easily be able to clear extreme at his level and potentially insane if his roaster isn't utterly completely lacking
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Barchive is losing to Nikke because Barchive rates are super shitty and rolls are extremely expensive.
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They released a Greg Grand Assault, but his Total Assault hasn't been rerun yet. He gets fucking destroyed by dress Hina.
These are the upcoming Total Assaults.
ok but did anyone ask?
Totally depends on the raid and your units.
Its all about which units you have and how much you're willing to keep restarting to hit crits
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I pulled first thing after maintenance, and I totally forgot that I hadn't gotten the GA ticket yet, but I got lucky. I'm still ready for Bluefes and now I have an extra ticket for D.Ako if I need it.
You don't need to restart for crits to do extreme. Or even insane with the optimal teams
>lv 83 and still stuck with hardcore in raid
I very much doubt that the issue is with his units when he can't clear extreme at level +80
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>Barchive is losing to Nikke
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I love cops.
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Hold up, this game is just a reskinned Princes Connect.
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no idea what that is
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that's the best part
I can see some raids like Goz or SK being an issue if he doesn't have the right units.
Princess what now?
...on extreme?
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More like an improved priconne without all the retarded design choices
Is Mine voiced by Nepgear's voice actress? I swear, they have the same voice.
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Mine is Yui Horie so yes
I'm not saying it's likely, just saying that it's possible. Imagining you're still leveling, no proper single target blue dps, no repo, no shields.
Kurokage again?
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No that was the previous one you dummy
What is that thing
I want that Kannass to sit on my face
>Imagining you're still leveling
he's 4 levels from the level cap and also has Mika, I cannot see this being a unit problem, if we were talking insane then I would completely agree, but absolutely not extreme
My free ticket gave me cherrleader utuha
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Thank god for events that give us gifts, I’ve missed them for too long
a kot
Mika is a pitslut
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Die one thousand deaths.
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Will Arius Summer come first or Trinity Fest?
Because if this resembles anything like the Hyakkiyakou + Abydos Summers leading into Halo Fest, I assume that's the order we're getting.
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Mika the Reddit
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Binah looks like THIS?
I mean the event will start july 24th(?) if we assume two weeks then that would put the next event earliest August 7th if there was a rerun event or down period in between then 14th. Which means it if the anniversary wasn't Arius then the summer event would start 7th/14th of August, two week would mean it would end on 21st/28th. I think that would be pretty late, for a summer event. Of course it wouldn't be impossible, but I don't see it.
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i love my purple wife
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why is she always mad?
I have saved like 150 Kanna pictures in the past two days.
Because you keep posting that drawing where she looks ugly as hell.
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I need to drink from Mika's pits
>priconne but you don't get bricked for daring to invest in a character you like
all I wanted really
I kinda hope it isn't just Tsurugi/Ichika/Hanae/Serina as the alts for the Trinity Festival event, cause that would be boring as fuck.
I’d love a Tsurugi alt
I'd hate a Tsurugi al.t
I hate Tsurugi
Please no more Tsurugi alts, that ugly whore didn't even deserve one in the first place.
Tsurugi and Ichika isn't unlikely, especially because Tsurugi's alt is from the beginning of the game and she's been kind of absent for awhile. There might be something for Sakurako cause of the screaming nuns. I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't anything of the Tea Party in either of the Arius or Trinity Festival events, because:
>1) Seia is still not released
>2) They haven't done anything with Mika in 2 years
>3) Tea Party still hasn't had any event participation outside of Nagisa briefly showing up in TTT
>4) Arius Summer participation would be quite natural given their connections to Arius
They could do a base Seia release as the welfare in either event, and have her in alternative outfits for a future re-run new unit.
Honestly quite amazed at Nexon's restraint at not whoring out Mika at all, given the amount of 1% whales she attracts over in JP.
Shark teeth BJ
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I wish she crushed my head with her thighs
I love her swimsuit design
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BA having no bikini 2 years a row shows that Korea bans bikini. No one faps over this ugly shirt. No one faps over one pieced swimsuit. Beware for BA's sale on summer to tank hardly due to anime perfoming not good+censored swimsuit without proper bikini top. If Nikke and GKmas gets hot bikinis, It's Oshimai. More like Burka archive, Censored archive, Femi archive.
how are her buns so thick
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get fucked
In the butt
God, Kanna's swimsuit is lewd.
I have her and don't use.
Her right breast is at least a cup larger than her left.
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I knew it.
I'd recognize best Nep's voice anywhere.

You know, I usually really dislike nurse characters but for some reason, I like all of the nurses in buruaka. Except maybe Hanae.
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I still want her
the best Bruaca threads are the /a/ ones anyway...
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This seems to be a common issue for this artist.
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What does Field Afinity actually do, and how important is it? In particular for PvP, I feel like I want to try so many things but few units fit the Indoor PvP type.
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Forbidden love...
I'm pretty sure it affects your damage and block chance. It's much more important in PVP compared to pve where it could mean the difference between surviving or not depending on the terrain.
the best Bruaca threads are the /vg/ ones anyway...
these /v/ threads are much more like old /bag/ honestly. slower, less schizo shitposting
Is there any lore about these character's?
A ton you have no idea
in the lace
kill yourself
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Big buns are a sign of healthiness and fertility
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I think one piece is sexier than bikini.
you only say that because her swimsuit is riding up her twat
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>A character's affinity for a particular environment affects both the amount of damage they deal and the effectiveness of hiding behind cover in that environment
>best affinity is 130% damage and 75% cover
>worst is 80% damage and 0% cover
In short, for pure tanking characters, and because they don't take cover, it's perfectly okay to use non-afinity characters. But the DPS line in the back has to.

Interesting enough, it doesn't seem to have any bearing on their DEF or Evasion, which is most important.
Maybe I'll reconsider a number of things.
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donut seggs
When are we getting this sex goddess?
no idea why she hasn't been released yet, it's very weird

Nexon just ignores their more popular characters for some reason unless they're Hina
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But she barely had any story... Still i wish they released bunch of npcs already instead of making more alts.
you want to sweep stage 9 because it drops the purple artifacts needed for D.Hina
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They made her too erotic
I have never seen /v/ lewd the zoos ᓀ‸ᓂ
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I did once and got yelled at.
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Hibiki tummy squeezing archive
We do it on the other thread
Some students are not for lewds.
Don't lewd my daughter
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In 4 years.
how dare you
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>30 pulls
>hare, aru, neru, rumi
Pretty much everything I wanted except Hina. I really needed this after jobbing on Himari...
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Sorry, my sources were incorrect. It's in 4 weeks.
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>blew all my resources on Mine
>dirt poor again
You better be good.
I have jacked off to three of zoos' doujins and I like all of them
He didn't post Asuna.
I'll show those white women how you actually fuck a dog
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>/trash/tranny can't even cuckpost right
They just aren't sending their best.
I don't understand PvP. Am I supposed to be switching my teams? Am I supposed to only attack certain teams? Why are units on other teams not visible sometimes?
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Legit sent in a ticket to have this fixed.
Is it too much to ask these translators to stop putting in "jokes" like this every damn patch?
>Am I supposed to be switching my teams?
depends on what you predict the other team will have (assuming you don't stumble upon round 2)
>Am I supposed to only attack certain teams?
ones you're confident you can beat
>Why are units on other teams not visible sometimes?
because bad game mode
wich bruaca has the biggest bunda?
>Am I supposed to be switching my teams?
Not really.
>Am I supposed to only attack certain teams?
You can refresh or attack different people if you really don't want to deal with a certain unit. The problem is that those annoying units are usually on every team once you reach higher ranks.
>Why are units on other teams not visible sometimes?
You'll get less information the higher rank you are.
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>Is it too much to ask these translators to stop putting in "jokes" like this every damn patch?
They need to put in these jokes because they live and breathe memes for being terminally online. Americans will ALWAYS prefer the funnier line more than the accurate line.
She's good for Gregorius if nothing else
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are you the guy who asked me if mine was good in PvP?
what does she originally say?
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I believe she says that she wants to either eat it, or put it in a bottle and drink it since it reminds her of her energy drinks. I dont remember there being any mention of "smoking" it.
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Another anon checked the JP lines.
I dont know about KR though. That got released at the same time and is the "Official" script. We'd have to ask a KR translator what it says. But I doubt its a reference to smoking weed
>We'd have to ask a KR translator what it says.
Which section of the story was this featured in? I can check it.
Post "that" Zoos image.
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Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Whos that studemt you feel is underrated?
For me its pina
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The outcome is a coinflip. For this PvP season, you want 2 tanks in front, 2 long range attackers on the back. You could also try 4 tanks and put the weight of damage on your Specials but it's kinda hard.

Refresh to get new opponents. The top of the list is the highest you got matched with, the other two are lower levels. The number of enemy team members you can see depends on rank. The higher ranked, the less of the enemy team you can see.

Some characters are obviously meta, like Marina, NY Haruna and Iori but there's plenty of leeway for being creative.
The entire script of the whole event is terrible, including the menu lines
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this summer is too fuckng hot
Sweep 9-11 for purples until you've cleared the store, then 12 for event points. There is very minimal efficiency gain by doing early missions but why not prepare for the upcoming resource sink of bluefes limiteds?
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I like Mina and Akane.
Even with my limited Japanese knowledge, I can tell that they really phoned this translation in.
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Neru Love
Unironically Makoto
It's a shame the writers don't want to do anything with her other than making her Hina's assclown but you can see some of her best moments when she's with Ibuki
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My brother.

Bros I love competition swimsuits so much it's unreal
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Me too, brother. Me too.
Yes. I have decided it was worth the gamble.
Its the third part of the story. "Black Badger Cave" in English. I had to double check. Its near the middle when they go off to find the three girls after they wandered off.
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>Kayoko doesn't like Wavecat plushie
Busted ass game.
In korean Hare says
>If sensei hadn't helped me out I would have gotten my hands on/touched some dangerous plants...
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According to a Microsoft translator, and DeepL, she just says
"If Sensei didn't help me, I would have waded into the dangerous pool"
"If Sensei didn't help, I would have gotten into trouble"

No mention of smoking at all. This was deliberately done to make a "Dude Weed" joke.
how many elephs do I need to buy to raise a character from 3 stars to 5?
How can they keep intentionally fucking with the translation and not get fired?
í’€ just means grass but that's cute how deepl just translated it into "pool" since that is how you could spell the english word for it in Korean.
Because I doubt quality assurance is high on their list of priorities. Chances are, these translators fucking hate anime girls and are just here to get paid, as with most localizer scum.
9 hundo
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lmao, why did they change dangerous plants
I think it was 3 thousand or so
Theres a eleph calculator on the /vg/ thread
Im too lazy to search it
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Because localizers want to be funny and fail at it.
Is this real? I need this
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Tsurugi my wife....
got my wife hare at 110 pulls, im set for d ako and d hina
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check up Justin blue archive site
it has event ap planning.
None of my resource have above 70% bonus and I would only save like 200 ap vs just using the 20 ap stages.
Cute retarded nun!
based. she's my favourite tank, personally
*for got to add I would sacrifice purple mats if I decided to save 200 ap for the more efficient stages.

if you need the purple mats just do 9-12 despite the slightly ap usage(in my case, don't know yours)
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Is he right?
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Akane Archive
Fubuki would be a dead fish in the bedroom.
Ugly art
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Might be.
Any /v/ clubs open?
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Cute 'haru.
Please devs... PLEASE! I BEG OF THEM! PC port that works on Linux! PLEASE!
Waydroid plus ARM translation patch allegedly works. Not ideal but what can we do?
t. Artix
>Neru Love
it's kinda weird how there's no actual working stable Android EMULATOR on fucking Linux. When I had my Deck I searched everywhere but nope, every option was flawed as shit and not as easy as just running any emulator on Windows
for anal only
Sometimes. My first three banners I had to spark, which ate up a lot of the free story pyros. Gotten lucky on many since, getting the pickup student early, but I also rarely get spooked. If I do it's by C.Hanae or C.Serina or the RRAT.
Really hurt my progression early on with such a limited roster, but it eventually evens out as long as you play and pull.
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Priconne with the horrendous gameplay and shit writing scalpeled out
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dead thread
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I wish I was dead.
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The problem with developing things for Linux is because no one fucking uses it.
>B-but it's used in SO many places around the world and our societal infrastructure is built around it
That's business shit, not the general consumer. Even then, the people doing the day to day shit are most likely running Windows while Linux is what they use for the things only the IT guys touch.
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Imagine that being the last thing you see before you fucking die.
I will make you enjoy living.
I kind of want to pull for Misaki but she's completely fucking useless (like me). Maybe I'll just read her Momos on YouTube
Here you go, got it from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuNltL21EQ
You can pull her for novelty's sake at least, and to show her your love.
True, but honestly she's not even one of my favorites, it's just that I can empathize with her a lot, it's kind of depressing in it's own way to keep her around as a hangar queen too... poor Misaki.
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i wish ur was aliev and well and b happi!!!
it's fucking dorover....
It's just how it is in this cruel world. Maybe she'll be happy by not having to fight, but instead chill in your cafe and get spoiled with gifts.
If push comes to shove, hopefully the rumored Arius Summer will give her a useful or niche alt.
Thanks anon
That's true, if I was sensei I would just let Misaki, or all of the Arius girls really, just hang out at Schale. Sensei is so buried in paperwork, he could really use the help.
If Arius Summer happens it's gonna suck up all my damn pyros... I'd love to see them all have a happy summer vacation together so much, it'd make me really happy.
I can only wonder how much help they could provide with paperwork.. my first thought is that they'd only be good for helping Sensei unwind, but maybe some of them have hidden potential for office work?
It's a worthwhile sacrifice! All of your pyros in exchange for making the four of them happy on a beach. Especially if you buy the pakeji
Office work can't be THAT hard, right? It's just that sensei has an ungodly amount of it, I'm sure Sensei could train them to at least be a bit useful.
I am NOT buying the damn pakeji either!! Probably, unless they're all useful and the event pulls at my heart strings enough...
I'd say it depends, although given Sensei's at SCHALE which has a fair bit of sway in the general welfare for all of Kivotos, I can imagine it's not so simple as stamping papers and tossing them in a pile. I'm sure he could teach them though... it'd just take quite a while for them to not deny certain requests on site or not to blindly sign anything that's written extra desperately.
You'll cave eventually... There's a good chance at least two of them will be useful for something. Surely they won't drop an event where the girls are happy but the units are no good..
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I already got her.
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the ssrs are just in the next tenner, trust me.
Is it too late to start playing this game?
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Yes, EOS was announced 15 minutes ago.
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No, the game is still too healthy.
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Nice thread you got there BAkeks
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>Nice thread
I know.
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More alive than Priconne global
>the enemies only aggro when they meet the white of each other's eyes
stop wasting my stamina you teddy bear looking fucks
you know, you can just get the 90 second chevo with a different team. Item bonuses first, then the other conditions that's how I always play it. You'll farm them to hell anyway
I know. but I'm a two-birds-one-stone kind of guy
this time the requirements seem needlessly tight, it's most likely due to how much fucking idle running is involved, it feels like half of the time is wasted. i think i've gotten the least achievements naturally through clears this time since release, so fuck that noise honestly
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Post some good ol sensei rape doujinshi
why are you here hare I was pulling for kotama

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