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Did you roll for Furina or Sigewinne?
Wtf were they thinking with making this test trial setup? The party doesn't make any sense.
I just got home and won 50/50 for Furina. Got 80 more rolls so I gotta think what to do. I want Siggy but I wouldn't mind more constellations for Furina. If I lose pity, I'll save for yelan c1 or something.
Which one ?
where can I find a cute boy like this?
Sigge obviously
Furina C2 but I didn't get her.
I must reach pity before banner ends so I can skip Emilie.
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i have not been interested in any of these recent patches so i have been saving for navia's axe

would like to get cloud retainer on rerun and c1 chidori so i can run this meme comp
I rolled for Clorinde and am very happy with her. My funds are spent and I don't like Furina so I'm skipping this banner, gotta save for Natlan shonenkino.

Maybe I'll do a 10 wish to try my luck at Siggy but that's it.
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
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Now thatsa one spicy meatball
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I will only roll for Sigewinne if/when pic related becomes a mod. Until then, I'll get slunny on her rerun.
It's a party with Freminet as the main Physical DPS so Fischl provide superconduct. Sige and Xingqiu provides hydro because Freminet also has a shatter gimmick, furthermore Sige act as a healer and a buffer to Fischl's skill.
>got furina's dumb scepter instead of slunny's cute bow
So what weapon do I give her now? Favonius bow?
At least I got Gaming and Rosaria to C6. Even though I don't know what the hell to do with Gaming.
are you strongboxxing?
oh nice, you might do 5k hits with that...
westoids shouldn't cosplay
I already got furina last year, i went all in on siggy rip me not being able to get emile or nilou
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of course furina, gonna get the c1, lgbt color lolis are lame + siggy is weak
Sigge doesn't make sense in any team, she's fucking garbage.
No and I won't, they're dogshit.
>Rosaria trial has a literal meta comp
>best healer for furina
>works great with any of field damage character

what did you mean this
God anime is so fucking gay. If estrogen could be committed to paper it would be anime.
I want to FUCK Yaoyao!
Whos this cosplayer

Does she get naked
how do i build her and what 4 star weapon do i give her help
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I rolled for Sigewinne.
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>works great with any of field damage character
Yes she works but then she hogs so much field time it screws with your rotations.

Koko status: Not Deathroned
>she hogs so much field time
What? You just switch to her and use her skill. Pressing it takes an instant, and if you want to hold it to get the better version, it barely takes one second.
Low on-field time for healing is the slug's strongest niche. Just press or hold E and your Furina team won't die.
Kokomi is the hog which is why she becomes less desirable in teams that don't need a driver.
Sigewinne of course, I'm a gamer
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Now this is some voodoo shit I've gotten the rate-up weapon on the first 10 roll on the weapon banner the last three times I tried.

What are even the odds?
Full load E is 3 seconds and yes good heal and all how about you adress the burst hitting like a wet noodle for 5 seconds with no interruption?
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I've won, but at what cost.
Rolled for Furina, ended up C6'ing Noelle and picked up Gaming + 4 cons in the process
I'll have to figure out if I want to continue rolling for his C6 since he seems fun to play
Who are you going to kick out for Iansan?
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>Got both Furina and Sige
>Want C6 Gaming.
>Game keep giving cons for my already C6 Noelle.
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C6'd Sige because Im not a homosexual.
Dawei, with my butter knife.
>C0 full support Sige burst at lvl 3 hitting for 25k/hit
Recurve bow
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I started rolling for Furina with 2 pity and 50 rolls saved up. On the one hand I have practically all of fontaine and the latter half of Sumeru I can explore for primos but that's also probably going to suck ass. I hope 20 days is enough
Shame Rosaria's build is trash. She's such an underrated character
I feel empty. Like I don't know what to do with myself now.
I think I'll just commit suicide finally.

Also I don't know how to view profiles.
>100mb filesize limit
whats it on here?
>best healer for furina
You're almost as retarded as the people defending her. Full load E is a complete waste of time and her so is her burst.
IWTL video show that it only took 0.5 longer than normal tap and the hold heal amount is neglible because she already heal a lot using her tap mode.
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Natlan next.
>Full load E is 3 seconds
So you don't have her nor have played her in her trial, got it.
>burst hitting like a wet noodle for 5 seconds with no interruption
Don't use it then. Do you feel compelled to use Koko's burst to its full duration when you only play her as a healer and not as a driver ?
what's his name??
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pimp cane acquired
Is that weapon even better than the dragonspine sword? Now I can't burst anymore.
Just used ER artifact and it still does the same job as FD, its not a huge upgrade but still the best if you care about Drip.
FD became useless at C4.
tranny slug feels like a barbara sidegrade. did not like the trial.
Literally in her kit spreadsheet you retard it's 3 seconds even by autistic theoricrafter and saw it myself.
>Then don't use her burst
Oh great! I can only use E tap and everything else is pointless! YAY!
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got her with 20 rolls! i also got camp hare earlier today in a single ten pull
I'll just stick with the other sword then I guess. Who else can use the cane?
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Probably if you can meet the energy requirements. She's my wife so I C6'd her the first time anyway so R1 was only natural
>109 percent ER
I don't want to grind artifacts again...
>c6 a character you have shitty artifacts for
How is anything with well over 200cv a shit build?
Can someone else who's not ESL make this post? I don't want to take advice from a non-American.
Yeah, English is not my native tounge, I'm sorry if its offend you.
I will delete my post.
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here's my build if you'd like some pointers
>what bows
Recurve Bow, Favonious Warbow, Fading Twilight all work, although fading twilight is only for DPS builds.
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>c6 a character you love and enjoy
Cute, thank you. I genuinely thought that other guy was trolling when he suggested Recurve.
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got her, now quitting until a new loli gets added
>2 stars
sigewinne sisters...
we've been nerfed...
I'm happy! Went for c2 furina and won all pities for once. I'm gonna just throw rolls into Siggy for the rest of this patch and definitely save for her rerun. I want all lolis but I had to already skip Furina once since I wasn't playing much at that time and she became my favorite.
Skip whens nilou
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Sigewinne seemed too weak so I just got a Furina constellation as free to play, since I already had her. C1 now. If I'm extremely lucky I guess I might get C2 before the banner ends.
Furina constellations aren't worth it. They barely affect clear times.
I got Siggy and completed the loli collection.
Nearly broke my streak of never rolling for constellations after seeing all the doomposting about her being trash at C0 but I lost the 50/50 and regained some sense. I've been able to get every character I want since launch by just sticking to C0 and occasionally trying the weapon banner.
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Sex with Kirara please.
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Second banner of the next patch, together with emilie. She is also getting a new paid skin.
If it doesn't show her belly button then nothing ever will.
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I bet it'll be out before the weekend (if it even takes that long).
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>C2 Furina with FD R5+HP Goblet vs C2 Furina's with her sig+ER goblet
>FD still win.
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It's a dress. Kirara gets a hat (puss in boots reference)
Is there a version of that without the Furina head?
Sige's heal kinda overkill, maybe I should build her as quick burst DPS just like good ol' Johnlee.
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*kisses cheek*
Sadly, not yet. Hopefully someone fixes it.
Looks terrible.
weve been saying for half a year that sig isnt worth it before c4
this is your own fault
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Miss me with cunny, miss me with cons. I want that bloom-bloom baby.
>this is your own fault
Huh? Who said anything about pulling her sig.
I'm just using the theorycraft build.
Is next patch summer event or new region?
man, furina looks like shit, how can people like her
>bunch of c6
>661 achievements
why do whales not play the game
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>Another useless loli that is a sidegrade.
Oh boy!
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I am waiting for kokomi
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I used to be so lucky with my pulls but now I think I'm being punished for boycotting the year of faggot banners. Before Furina, the last banner I wished on was Ganyu for C1 and, as usual, I won the 50-50. I spent 228 wishes on this banner and got Qiqi C3 and Furina C2 and have 77 pity on Siggy so fuck it I'm saving the last 95 wishes I have for Navia's rerun. My smile and optimism: gone.
why would they when they mostly pull for specific characters or just for ez abyss
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C2 Siggy is a lot of fun with Furina. Also fuck all this aids on the screen shitting up the bitrate, basically impossible to get a webm of any decent length small enough to post it.
retarded question but can i build siggy for damage like you can with kokomi? i really like seeing her ult..
People really need to stop posting ugly 3D. It's all ugly.
Terrible set for Gaming
What's a good set for Gaming?
Marechaussee Hunter if used with Furina
the bench if not (or CW)
Is Furina, Glasses Bird Girl, Gaming, and ??? a good team?
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That's what I did. C2R1 with clam set, with her signature weapon stacked and hydro resonance she's at 48k HP. with Kazuha+Furina she hits 30k ticks on her burst, 20-25k clam bubbles and make Furina hit around 40-50k.

I think without her sig it will be way harder because building for her burst damage without having that 106% HP from her weapon would make your hp really low.
Why is this set not BiS for Neuvillette? Does his beam not count as charged attack?
i'll try and cope somehow. I kinda just wanted another avenue if i got tired of just playing normal healer sometimes
Is this what wypeepo call dancing? lmfao
is this part of that stupid fucking meme dance
he gets 15% CA damage and 36% crit from Marchussy or 30% CA and 15% hydro from HoD, both are just flat out better
Because his bis gives him 30% cr / 15% charge attack dmg bonus. Allows him to stack alot more crit dmg. Dmg bonus has diminishing returns after certain amts.
>she's at 48k HP. with Kazuha+Furina she hits 30k ticks on her burst,
Wut? >>680860112
That seem too low, I got 50cr/89cd.
im a nugenshitter just working my way through liyue, are there more weapons to make with the billets in the newer areas besides the prototype and white/blue alternates? or can i use my extras to refine the ones i already have like the white sword i like for noelle?
So what's a good Furina team without any homos in it?
I use raiden furina nahida thoma but you could replace thoma with some female shielder like beidou or xinyan
Don't you want a healer with her though?
Love trapping fatuiniggers in the bubble
just redownloaded this game after a year, how the fuck do i get to the furina materials right now?
>go to fontaine
>pick up material
Literally just go there, you don't even need to walk you can just teleport there and take public transit
My current team is Nahida/Furina/Sige/Any electro
If you're running her with Furina it's going to very widely depending on how much fanfare you've got stacked up. Especially if you have C2 Furina
Yeah, I got Her to C2 just yesterday.
Maybe going for Burst DPS Sige is a good idea.
things die fast enough or I'll make furina heal for a moment + eat food
What weapon for Siggy? /gig/ is fucking useless and salesfagging and whining about Neuvillette for the tenth month in a row.
read the thread
Anyone got full DPS build Siggy here without her sig?
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Not even Clorinde can do this, Japan is a pedo country.
i'm talking about the boss, which said something about a different layered map when i opened up the waypoint
>look up where boss is
>swim to boss
>kill boss
where's the confusion?
Clorinde is super covered up though and electro DPS, Furina is one of the most broken characters in the game.
Yes, but generally they're just "pretty good" at best. You will probably acquire better weapons by rolling or in the paid BP. There's no must-have billet weapon so refine away.
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How much ER should Furinya have on a Noelle team
Mine is at 180% right now
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It's time for the BLACK nation
Furina's burst doesn't even do anything though.
I'll believe it when it's official art. I bet the darkest they'll go is eremite brown
That's where you're completely and utterly wrong, it's one of the biggest sources of team DMG% buffs in the game.
Then how come I don't do any more damage with it on? Shenhe is way better and more noticeable.
Probably because your Furina is built like shit and you don't know how to build teams around her.
Well, yeah. How would I know how to build her when the game doesn't tell you anything and I never get any good artifact drops?
Just because you're 80IQ and can't understand skill descriptions doesn't mean they aren't withholding information from you.
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>Playable Jeht
you could make a request and someone might make it you know
did you try reading the skill description?
Nigger I'm not reading 80 paragraphs of calculus diagrams when it's not even needed to do well and steamroll the game.
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Put them in your teapot at least.
I don't want my onahole turned into dry meat.
i forgot the teapot was even a thing
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I run Noelle Gorou (fav) Chiori Furina with 185 ER fav and her burst is always up by the time the cooldown is over.
Quickly faggots. Sigewinne is meta(future) or a huge brick?
she's cute, so meta
it's not even that long of a skill description compared to some of the other extra long ones
I'm pretty sure the "black" here is the chinese symbol that ranges from black to tan, so not exactly what you might think at first

it's pretty real since it's foul, just the wording is probably misleading
Top tier team healer who buffs off-field skill damage and does decent damage with her burst. Not mandatory by any means, but a good roll nonetheless, especially if you don't have Baizhu.
She's literally replacing any healer in my Furina team while also buffing her.
My Furina team is maximum comfy now.
She feels really good to use with Furina but that's about it, I don't think she'd be very valuable outside of those teams compared to someone like Kokomi who has better AoE hydro application.
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Two bros fishing 5 feets apart because they are not gay
This terrifies me
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Nilou rerun when?
Next patch.
Wish you can open shops in your teapot so I can assign the lolis as shop keepers and turn one part of my teapot into like a market ran by Klee and co.
god I wish. out of all the npc stories she deserves a vision from all the shit she had to go through.
needs c2 to be good.
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>Mfw didn't got Siggy but I finally got a Dehya
my dick is pleased
I already own Furina and I didn’t like Siggy’s gameplay so skip.
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I tried her with my Nahida aggravate team and her buff is a blast, and since her Hydro application is low she doesnt reset the aggravate that much
I quit a bit after one of hu tao's reruns because i got a dupe and just got bored of it.
So far no character has piqued my interest to come back but I'm sure it'll happen, by then I'll have so much story and shit to play through to get primos for the banner so that'll be cool
i just wonder how viable she is in freeze
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Realistic reminder
she isn't good at applying hydro.
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I'm guessing Natlan will be full of characters that similar to Jingliu or Furina where they basically a HP vampire that suck your team dry for more DPS and only Siggy or Baizhu can be semi permanent off field teamwide healer with no effort for these kind of characters.
What's better for Freenah? C1 or the sword?
C1, FD is still better that Sig until you hit C4.
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Both, got the bow for Siggy as well without losing any of the coinflips
Also, ETA for Nahida's rerun? I'd rather save some gems for her...
also games with battlepasses and games with microtransactions
That's two niggas init
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shawty got the fatty
well, shit, I started playing the game around Golden 1.
Bro, your sickly dendro twink?!
What three main stats does Sige want?
HP/HP/healing, or HP/hydro/crit?
You can still fish for The Pipe.
>lost Clorine
I uninstalled
I kinda want to roll on Furina's sword, but I have that old event weapon and I feel like she needs the ER from it.
Just get her to C4 bro.
both natalan sluts
no going back
>Siegewinne story is just the ultimate blackpill
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
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I actually have her like this, but I'd prefer to not have her rely on geo dudes anymore
This mean Natlan will be powercreep as fuck, while Xinyan and Dehya will get indirect buff.
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You want her to have 55k HP for maximum effect on the teamwide off-field E buff, which is difficult even with her signature weapon
Emilie looks busted strong, gonna roll for her.
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>tiny asian slampiggu
You guys think there will ever be an open world game as well crafted as Genshin? Really disappointed in the Elden Ring DLC. I just want any other open world even close to Genshin quality at this point.
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>You guys think there will ever be an open world game as well crafted as Genshin? Really disappointed in the Elden Ring DLC. I just want any other open world even close to Genshin quality at this point.
Same. ER is such a shit game it's embarrassing.
Isn't it 65k not 55k?
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I managed to get 50k. Is that enough or do I aim for more substats on the feather? It really feels like I can not go any higher
C6R1 sigewinne, she really does become a LOT better with her C1, everything after that is just for memeing as a C1R1 neuv during her burst.
How good is Sige's E buff?
Its really hard to tell just how hard characters like Fischl and Furina are hitting.
5.0 update will up the level cap to 100.
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Like 80k damage at c0. 200k at c1.
>Want to C1 my Siggy.
>Already got C6 on every 4* in her banners because I also pulling for Furina.
Woe of a day 1 player.
I'm confused. Isn't it a flat damage increase?
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I'm not a math guy, so...
If it works like Shenhe does, then the numbers are added before crit damage is calculated.
Name a non gacha game that reaches the same heights as genshin
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Post your Siggy build.
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I hate this game and this game hates me back
I get 55k with a combined 26% HP substats on the feather and flower.
65k is possible with just the recurve bow but it requires 2pc HP sets and lots of HP substat rolls, more HP% on one artifact than I have on my two combined. I don't think losing the song or clam 4pc set bonus is worth it.
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curious about her buff with Dehya
Feminine trap penis in my mouth.
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Looks like I can upgrade my Song of Days Past feather a bit, but I really can't be bothered to optimize more as I'm completely shit out of every single resource.
Need to restock on mora, exp books and everything.
flat damage gets added before all the dmg% and crit modifiers but after the modifiers from your talent levels. which is why it isnt as good as flat attack buffs like bennett but still mostly good.

basically, you attack and that damage from your base attack gets multiplied by the % modifier of the attack (based on your talent levels) then the flat damage bonus gets added to that, then it gets multiplied by dmg% modifiers you have, then it gets multiplied by the enemy def/res/dmg reduction, then it gets multipled by amplifying reactions, and finally it gets multiplied by crit if you score a critical hit, and that gives you your final damage.
It's like CR or Shenhe
Dmg is added and then multiplied by ele bonus, crit, and other mods
It's always lows when gacha is concerned
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Need name
spoiled brats in need of ojiisan correction
i built that exact same team but called it "monocunny"
you can copy that name if you want
Sara hangout next patch.
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Hangouts have been canned
But why?
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This human just called your precious slugwife a nigger, what do you do?
If I were to guess they probably had some internal trackers showing that not a lot of people did them
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Is Paimon beautiful?
Christmas completion and pyro special DPS olympics chads won...
>+87% CD
>Only 536+ dmg
Jesus, FD+5 skill damage bonus is so fucking story.
I pity latefag.
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Aether is NOT beating those allegations...
Maybe they should have tried making them good or give more unique rewards.
>Meanwhile TCG and Teapot getting update each patch
Animal Crossing clone already on the work, we getting MTG Hoyoverse game next.
To play the devil's advocate I can't imagine either of those take as a long time to make compared to hangouts, especially not in the case of teapot furniture since half of those are just assets that already exist in the open world
Subscribing to Siggy's onlyfans!
The hangout is fucking short, compare to tons of world quest we got.
I'm more believed they don't care because not many people doing it.
I got tons of Japs in my friendlist with tons of high cons 5* and many of them barely do any world quest just by reading their achievement numbers, I bet they just do the AQ or quest that related to characters they like.
Me myself completely ignoring any male and hag hangouts in this game since day one.
He is not wrong, they are the spawn of a foul dragon.
Take him to the Melusine rape dungeon for his correction.
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Got Siggy's weapon too
must impregnate
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>go to anime con to photograph cosplayers
>literally 3/4 of cosplayers are 13-15 years old in imported Genshin costumes

Why Genshin is so popular among teenagers?
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Some of these NPCs are hot.

What gives?
>lot of shipping potential but not full of coomshit
>runs on anything
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Because they played it when they were ten and forced to live inside their house by boomers that were so afraid of dying they locked their children and grandchildren up for months or years depending on the country.
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i like that they are not overdesigned unlike playable characters with millions of different trinkets and layers of clothes
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*lockpicks your door*

What do?
Melusines are weak and clumsy, I could easily overpower her and fill her pulsating slughole with my human baby batter.
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Staggering reminder
I didn't roll.
Already have Furina and I'm not interested in Sige.
Yeah, but there's thousands of them and only one you.
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>3* recurve bow
>6.2k off field teamwide heal
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Kid's game btw.
>am very happy with her
please post roster and/or explain why.
c0 Raiden does better than her in overload.
she is a Nahida/Baizhu slave.
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You won't do nuttin'. Meslusines can kick ass!
poor anon spent all his gacha luck...
>Fontaine quest
>not involving mass murder, child abuse, rape or all of the previous
Choose one. For being the nation of Justice and having fifteen police organizations they sure do a shit job at preventing crime.
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>Literally Me, the character
for abyss?
i use Raiden, Yelan and Jean.
basically any Furina, Yelan, Jean/Xianyun/Charlotte, Flex works in the abyss.
you can go to the boss directly from the trounce domains list if you have not unlocked it through quests yet.
Navia, chiori, Ganyu's mommy and furina
Furina, Yelan, Jean and whoever can trigger vape or electrocharge.
For me it's C6 Lynette, Charlotte and C6 Faruchan. I will probably replace Charlotte with birbmom once she reruns.
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>TCG and Teapot
no gems

shit's not rocket science
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>no gems
>he runs around crafting making stupid shit over weeks for 20 gems every 6th month if and when gacha give him the right 4 star
You chose to be this pathetic, to be even lower than a garbage collector, to be a slave to chink gacha.
>some people still rather play barbie and TCG shit despite no gems, compare to hang out.
Who would though.
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Playing TCG as we speak
it seems to be a decent card game, idk
there are ~6 million or more regular players, so somebody must enjoy it... I don't
what difference a simple lack of fabric makes....

based card chad
Its the only permanent game mode with PvP content.
I'm not really into it but I keep seeing video about it where there also mini community tournament exist.
Teapot also got some fanbase and I bet most of them must be girl doing girl shit.
You can search genshin teapot in youtube in it still got tons of recent upload with huge view numbers.
Godamn, I only posted to shit on the game.
Yer gonna make me install it again.
Is there any game that actually has cunny like this???
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Thanks Mr. Whale for funding my F2P addiction.
I love hangouts, they are my favorite kind of content
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>One year of SR is almost as much as genshin
God bless SR marketing team for suggesting double banners character each patch and massive powercreep.
It's funny because the powercreep is nearly unnecessary for the actual content provided, I beat the new mode with 3 stars using Sushang instead of Firefly.
Whale doesn't care, they just need reason to waste their money.
Its always been like since Ragnarok Online era.
when are whales gonna wake up and spend their money on better stuff than this clearly predatory shit that hates them and abuses them?
They truly don't do care, see >>680864025 >>680864605
never I hope, I rather that guy keep funding my F2P addiction instead of wasting on some 100K modern art painting made by a tranny.
at some point they must wake up and realize "damn i could spend my money on something else than gacha"
>"damn i could spend my money on something else than gacha"
They did >>680896231
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>killed a human and took on a human appearance
>got sentenced to prison for 500 years because of her crimes by Neuvillette
>sentence reduced to 50 years because of her work in the Fortress for hustling as a doctor

Yeah... I wonder why people hated Melusines and didn't trust them at all?

Keep in mind, she made 1 extra bottle of dead people juice as a gift for (You) and Paimon. She literally cannot stop committing crimes against humanity.
Ironically the guy in >>680896231 also mentions that he spends money on 'pieces of art'
Granted I imagine it's just >commissions and not actual paintings you hang on a wall it's not far off
What do you mean actually? It is ingame footage. If you also want sex mods then try Onirism.
I know a rich guy who let four of their their kids spend hundred of thousand for their mobile gaming addiction.
The guy wealth is almost equivalent of a oil rig sultan in my town, He also spends money buying huge houses that he never used.
But how can they hold a lockpick with their mitten hands?
gross goblin
anyway, I mean actual games, there is something beautiful about running around with Klee or Nahida with them flashing their smooth rears with each jump... classy cooms
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Literally moddable to be any character like splatoon squidkid. There are barely any cunny games where you can run around like that if you don't count bethesda shit. RE has some nice kid mods too.
Genshin lore is so
Does anybody recall anu Collected Miscellany NOT narrated by Dainsleif? Just watched Sigewinne's, and was surprised, but not shocked, to hear Neuvillette narrating it. I think there was another one narrated by Alice? But don't remember which.
Alice also narrated something
yeah, he didn't do one or two maybe, I can't remember which one though, but I think maybe it was a scheduling issue and not a lore related thing... I've forgotten more Genshin shit then I remember now...
Weird, right? As if that character only exists in memories, ha ha...
Alice has narrated more than a few
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I wish I could spend your tax money on something other than genshin but everything is either woke or I get bored of it in a few days.
On drugs?
On cunny, probably. Or funding a new war in some afrikan state for the lulz.
Alice narrated Aloy, which made sense, since she's not a character anybody should know other than Alice, since she's not "canonically" in Genshin. In her Collected Miscellany, Alice was credited as "Supplier of Sangemah Bay".

Nobody knew what a "Sangemah Bay" was until 1 year later when Dori's Collected Miscellany dropped, in which her name was revealed to be Dori Sangemah Bay. So she's basically narrating her business partner/associate/friend. Also means that Dori's character was planned at least 1 year ahead of time, and her association with Alice was already written.

Alice of course narrates Wanderer, since Irminsul wiped everybody's memories, except Alice, who knows who Wanderer is.

So 4 characters so far not narrated by Dainsleif.
thank you homoverse for once again giving me the opportunity to call my wife cute
Yun Jin
Ms Hina
Anon, She's like 1'12
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I know, she's perfect!
They should have gone all out and made Gorou a crossdressing femboy. It wouldn't even be too out of place in feudal Japan.
>but muh ccp censorship
Then how come Lyney is allowed to go around in garters?
I actually welcome other people narrating those. I want one by Ei next
>some shitty inconsenquential npcs die
who gives a shit
reddit may be more your speed if you're a manchild acting like a basedjack over faceless inconsequential npcs
Wow you're so edgy. You're totally not reddit!
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Furina - Yelan - Noelle - Navia
It just fucking werks.
Speaking of which, how much % damage increase can I expect in such a team from C0 Furina to C2?
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>second half nilou
I thought she was in the first half with navia
C1 is the damage increase
C2 makes you get stacks quicker
C0 = 75% physical/elemental damage at max stacks
C1 gives 100 fanfare off the bat plus increases the max fanfare to 400 = 100% physical/elemental damage at max stacks
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5 star Dendro Claymore is a boy.

5 star Hydro, Catalyst is a girl, flat chest, front DPS, fast movement on the water.

All three of them are black skin
do all lolis run on the same T pose?
>black skin
You mean extremely light brown
Hoyo doesn't have the balls
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Yes. It sucks they decided to delete the unique animations and just copy/paste everything.
Yes and it's fucking retarded. It makes sense with Klee but not with the others. It's just Hoyoverse being lazy fucks and cutting corners by recycling the same animations.
Black = tan. China loves money. They aren't stupid.
Me with the Natlan characters
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I only care for ONE Natlan character...
Hu Tao plunge (Yelan, Xianyun, Furina) is insanely strong
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Furina+Yelan and any DPS+healer of your choice.
How does C6 Furina work? Does she become a full On-Field DPS or is it more of a Yelan case where she just uses her buffed 5 or 6 hits after her Burst and then switches to another DPS?
Really doubt that's true but okay
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~210 rolls to go from c0 to c2. But she deserves it.
She gets like 6 seconds of hydro infusion
I don't need more Noelles or Rosarias so I'll need to skip
Already have Furina, so I put a tenner into Sigewinne, but didn't get her.
When is Navia getting a rerun?
I'm still seething about her chad walk.
>When is Navia getting a rerun?
Next patch if leaks are to be believed
I like the current one better
Noelle, Navia, Furina, whatever
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So you would use those six seconds of Hydro-Infused attacks and then switch to an On-Field DPS, correct?
I have seen more than one person suggesting Noelle, Navia and Furina in the same team.

Does Noelle heal off-field?
Also, Noelle doesn't even produce many crystals so why use her with Navia in the first place?
You could do that I guess, or do a rotation until her burst is up again
Yes, Noelle heals the entire party
She produces an alright amount with her burst (which you'll aim to have up near 100% of the time anyway) and since her geo infusion doesn't disappear when you swap to a different character she can continue unga bungaing if you swap to Navia to use her E and then back to Noelle
You would quickswap in Navia just to fire off her skill since Noelle's infusion doesn't stop when you switch her out. And Noelle produces crystals with every hit during her burst.
Navias burst is also up all the time while you're Noelling
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Am I the ONLY person in the entire universe who thinks this new fighting Event is... dull and boring?
that's a man
All new events near summer event always bland or recycle shit, they keep the good stuff for next patch.
I can't wait playing with blocks, Klee will be jelly as hell.
It's fast and easy, exactly what I like in filler shit.
Yes, there's billions of people, millions who play the game and you're the only one. What are the odds?
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>already had furina
>got sigewinne and her weapon within 40 rolls
get on my level
He C1 seem more valuable, but I'm gonna wait for her rerun because I need any random 4* cons I can get.
>No teleport to X location
>No mandatory AI generated dialogue
>Just zone in and hit things
As far as filler events (which are meant to be an incentive for you to log in) go I find it to be one of the better ones. If you want to point fingers at something you should complain about the flagship event instead since that was the exact opposite of what you'd expect from those
Anyone else find these sorts of cosplayers motivate you to get /fit/ just to suplex them through some tables? There's just something so irritating about them and their "performances".
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>summer event
I'm not looking forward to that considering how awful last year's was. I miss GAA
sry I don't play weebslop gachatrash
bully furinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
N-no one's going to do anything about the literal child vagoo that's been in this thread for four hours?
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HSR won
wuwa lost
Already had Furiner, got Siggy and tried my luck with the weapon banner and won the double coinflip for Furiner's weapon. Now I can't wait for Emilie because she's sex and because I've been wanting Burning to be good ever since Dendro came out.
Neither yet, I heard Yelan is next patch, is that true?
She's 500 years old
nobody knows if its true, its just what the leaks say. nilou/navia/emilie/yelan
From the leaks it looks like at least this time the map is not flat shit albeit looking small. Also the main cast imo looks interesting.
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Been saving up for Yelan of Zhongli. What are the odds of them coming back soon-ish ?
Me too, its straight to the point and I like using unusual reactions/characters
It is. Casuals were are just mad at the last combat event
Leakers said Yelan will be available next patch.
Zhongli and the other archons are probably going to start getting reruns too since they always do when a new region arrives.
For instance, Zhongli was both on 3.0 and 4.0.
they both ran near the beginning of 4.0 so its resonable to expect them both pretty soon. yelan is probably gonna be in 4.8 and zhongli might be 5.0.
You're literally encouraged to use their trial characters to beat strict objectives within a time limit. It's a showcase event to shill characters. No shit it's dull but it is good advertisement.
Is recurve actually better for Sige over a favonius?
depends on if you want to funnel team energy, or use her as a burst dps, or if you need her to do more healing.
Imagine how delicious Nahida must taste...
It’s almost definitely because shitters got filtered by the last combat event, so they swung super hard in the opposite directly like they always do and made this one piss-easy in comparison.
Did you guys just playing this game last month?
This same event exist last year, it was sweaty as fuck battle event with impossible difficulty at the highest option and next patch is shilling trial characters event.
Is rather full nelson the Furina cosplaying piggy
Furina's holy water in my mouth.
I remember people complaining about 1.x hypostasis cube battle events being too hard and people used that domain for instant burst regeneration glitch.
Download where?
You could go down the vrchat rabbit hole
What was the last Battle Event even about? I forgot. The ONLY time I was struggling with a battle event was ack when Shenhe got released and there was an event with some Primogems locked behind a battle with some thought Geovishaps.
The military event or something that was going on two weeks ago
THAT filtered people? It fucking played itself.
Ikr, those people are tripping
When are they doing the 4th banner again? Like, what the hell, it should be permanent and refreshed every few patches or so. It's the best one for rolling weapons, but maybe they figured that out.
Got my Furina, not interested in Sigewinne. Probably not rolling again till Natlin.
Maybe it will be once a year
I built so much pity on it though...
Probably the next filler patch (5.3)
I wanna roll, but not for Sigewinne or Furina. Let 4.8 begin!!!
Who would roll for a granny???
That is a different woman
That's her NPC version. She has a unique design that looks like a young woman.
>played Epic7 for almost 5 years and spent zero dollars when he's THAT liberal with his money
How the fuck
I rolled for Siggy, but I can only reach 48k max HP with two HP% artifacts, HP% 3* bow, and hydro resonance. Is her signature weapon the only way to reach 65k HP?
Nah, last years “sweaty” event was way easier than this most recent one.
The most recent one was with the chef guy who went to Natlan, and wanted to recreate his experiences with the dragons there with different buffed bosses around the map. The highest difficulty was beating the bosses in less than 90 seconds with no support modifiers.
Natlan will have "Blacks".

Genshin is gonna die with Natlan for sure, East Asian will not roll for brown charcters, and if they are even darker than that, they won't take them even for free.

Good riddance
I hope its like Sumeru again and we get to have fun with the seething from Twitter
too fat, still would suck his benis
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Black is a shitty translation. We're not going to see anyone darker than Kaeya.
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>genshin's DEAD
It's not generating as much revenue, profit margin becoming smaller and smaller, while production costs continuously increase.
No, dead game
You got it very wrong. The little we know about Natlan culture is that part is going to be south americans and another part africans. Imagine spics versus niggers threads all year round it's going to be glorious.
what the fuck is with these max fomo 6 day events lately??? where did my long events go? I loved slacking on those now I have to do them as soon as they come out or else im not gonna make it
Natlan looks like a Mexitard theme park with Pokemons.
A lot of people complained that events took too long so they cut it short
A lot of people complained about having time so they took away everyone's time and decided to gigamax on FOMO?
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Did they ever fix Genshin for those of us on shitty integrated intel graphics cards? Fontaine just freezes the game whenever I try to teleport there.
I don't know what the thought process was
Maybe? Fontaine is pretty well optimized EXCEPT because of a floating bubble in the swamp area that made my 1050ti chug until I finished the quest. Then it stopped.
works on my shitty ryzen 5700u igpu
only the first phase of arlecchino fight lags like shit
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When genshin releases these "loli" characters these threads become the worse thing ever.

Nahida was probably the worst thing to happen to this game and community.

Like what the fuck.
Fucking kill every pedo already. Stone them to death.

Cool lets start with you
Where do you live friend?
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yes, blew my load getting furina from C2 to C6
f. f2pchad
She didn't kill anyone. Her teacher killed herself while trying to find a cure to a specific illness, which might have been the "illness" that makes fontainians melt when they get in contact with primordial water, which is also how she would have gotten access to the ingredients for the potion.
As for the extra potion, it was made with the extra materials that the criminals gathered and was originally only to change back their appareances.
2 more weeks
Fuck off back to sucking Dr. Disrespect's cock retarded nunce
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New tier list just dropped, i hope none of you pulled for siegwinne, she is C tier
Aww look at the little child hiding behind anonimity to spew retarded shit. Does your mom know you're here little guy?
C for cute!
Only faggots care about that shit. I rolled for her because she's cute.
There's no way she's worse than Charlotte
She is kinda cute, but honestly her face is too fat. Needs to lose some weight and it'd be much better
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We already knew she was Cunny-tier
Her face looks better here at least, but I suppose it's likely photoshopped. She couldn't hide it in the video so it came through, sad
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This is the perfect booba size
c0 sara, c0 faruzan, even mika are better than her, she is literally the dehya of healers
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>2/10 face too wide wouldn't bang
plenty of vids of her on her page
I don't believe you
why do you need to get fit in order to be able to do that?
Are you the perpetually seething Dionafag?
No. Both are quite bad, but I suppose Diona is better at lower cons
>>You could go down the vrchat rabbit hole
What? I thought the mods hated anime shit.
I only play Genshin to roll cute characters and then never touch it again for months.
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most of those mods are hideous but I'll admit Chlorinde changing outfits after each lunge is clever
Kill yourself pedophile
I think this is the deadest patch ever with that miniscule main story bit.
Klee and The Babas
>Pedophile-tier patch is boring
I'm not surprised. Pedophiles have being killing this game since Nahida/Sumeru.
Love it. What great color work.
where's everybody's eyes? who took em?
I didn't say I wouldn't make love to her, I just said her face looked kinda fat in the video
Is there anyone who likes Dorito? I hardly see anyone mention her.
would x1000
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Klee Sex
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>bricking your account with a barbara sidegrade
LOL, LMAO even
So, my wife Navia doesn't benefit from constellations?
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navia is useless
>He actually rolled for a dogshit Geo brick
Klee, Diona and Yaoyao are actual kids.
seeing tier lists like this reminds me that people really like to talk non sense about characters they never touched
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no see anon, if you LIKE the character she's bad and horrible and you BRICKED YOURSELF, but if you DON'T LIKE the character then they're PERFECT and AWESOME and you BRICKED YOURSELF for net getting them
it's a simple logic: if you like it, it's shit, but if HE likes it, it's good
If male cosplay Furina, can you call her Futarina?
You can call him "die of AIDS"
where is the feet shot?
cuz these bitches are fucking MASSIVE
>fujotrannies still retarded
>tier list slightly more reasonable than usual
You are still retarded for pretending Navia is not S tier but this list is relatively more ok than usual.
wtf is this achievement real?
That list is based on collected data its not some guy's arbitrary list
No, that'd just be a faggot. Femboy ≠ Futanari. Futa by definition is female and has *both* genitalia at the same time.
whenever some retard uses word "bricked" i just disregard whatever he has to say.
litmus test for retarded faggotry.
>Worst element in the game
>>>Bennett slave
Navia is a brick, yes.
It's stupid but tbf Kaveh is a literal game brick and he is an architect.
Furina (JC loli)

Siggy (JS loli)

In terms of body type
The thread is about to enter auto-sage and the c**** is still there AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Twitterniggers are mad there's a new loli
Are you talking about that thing from last year in which Kaveh players would enter Co-Op and turn props from the Host's world into Dendron Blooms, deleting them forever? That was patched already, I believe.
>That was patched already, I believe.
Last time they addressed that was aroud December-January and all they said was in the line of "we are aware of the issue and contacted the affected players". Kaveh is almost or already surpassed Eula, Albedo and 2.x Fischl in longest rerun gap so it's weird why it's taking so long to rerun him. It makes you believe the bug was never fixed.
That's cool and all but Cyno is an actual brick for your account since his kit the worst in the game even worse than Dehya but no one will mention or talk about it because only females can be bad according to this trash community.
I really want to keep playing this game but I hit a wall hard after the Liyue main quest and have no desire to keep hitting sponges.
I logged in to get Furina, but her upgrade shit is in Fontaine and I have no good weapons or upgrade materials for her
Kirara should only wear a hat and boots
anon those look like children
>I really want to keep playing this game but I hit a wall hard after the Liyue main quest and have no desire to keep hitting sponges.
What wall? Nothing in the overworld should pose much of a challange except maybe that quest in liyue with the stone pillars but you could always do that later or cheese it with shielders and archers.

>I logged in to get Furina, but her upgrade shit is in Fontaine and I have no good weapons or upgrade materials for her
Just walk to fontaine? Everything but Inazuma is available to you the moment you get the ability to go to liyue.
The amerimutt cant distinguish hebes from children because his mind is rotten, the eurochad doesnt suffer the same draconic laws, and knows liking hebes is natural and not pedos, unlike the denying overseas golem
I know right? It's great
Our genetics are likely related to Satan. I don't think Satan is human. So that's a weird system but it helps explain our origins. Satan is actually inside our bodies hiding out, he can talk to us whenever. What Satan says is, humans aren't too important. So he's basically using them to create a play. Satan made genshin, I'm not sure if anyone is going to argue with me. I've tried to tell a few genshin players that Satan made their video game, and haven't recieved any replies? It is very likely that Satan is also writing the reviews for genshin and the gaming articles. That's a way for him to give the credit away. It makes it more confusing. So with what's happening in relation to genetics and genshin impact is. Genshin is the result of a long history of chaotic evolution that somehow landed on genshins creation. Wrong. What genshin is, is Satan's creation. We don't know how he tricked humans into making his creations. This is his signature ability, it's his ultimate move. He's inside everyone's body and hes speaking subliminally to them. This matters because what genshin actually is, is the result of pain. And Satan doesn't feel the pain. But, he does use humans from within. And that's significant because it explains how the rate of technologies evolution doesn't always match up with what we would predict. You can find tons of glitches, Satan wasn't perfect. What all this really means in my opinion is, it is very likely that I'm the only real person in the entire galaxy.
>Amerimutt thinks that every woman that is not an over 30 y/o manjawed over 5'4 freak is a child
More news at 11.
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I want her to furinate on me

Middle schoolers in anime and manga are considered lolis too

You're just a retarded europoor

Watch more anime dumbfuck

Jc jk js can all be lolis if they look the part

Stop saying hebe you nigger nobody wants to use your shitty word

Just say teen loli or just loli

Holy fucknuggets you guys are annoying
The fact you can't tell he's baiting as a joke is sad

Is this the average intelligence of europoors/3rd worlders or do you have undiagnosed autism ?
Boy did I hit a good ol nerve
>Watch more tranime dumbfuck
Hmm no I don't think I will
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It's called BUMP LIMIT dumb newfag
The word hebe can be found on /pol/ and /tv/ years ago Even /b/

There you have it guys

/pol/niggers and /tv/subhumans are trying to get everyone to use their shitty word along with /b/tards

They are shitting up every board with this shit word

And they are playing an anime game and using the word tranime

Ding ding ding ring a bell ?

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