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learn japanese for video games
I don't play Japanese video games
i do wish localizations were just better, but i think i can read short, simple noun-particle-noun sentences and the like. i wanna learn so i can read my favorite vn's but in japanese this time
which vns would those be?
all the ones worth your breath get translations anyway. you aint missing much
Yakuza looks like a perfect game for someone who owns a large funko pop collection.
I tried for years, then VTubers came around and now pretty much all the media I consume is Jap shit. Still have trouble reading some moonrunes, though
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>learn japanese for videogames
>learn japanese for anime
>learn japanese for porn
I barely speak my native tongue.
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I've heard a dozen zoomers tell the same story but I still can't imagine learning Japanese just to simp for streamer thots. Do modern kids really have nothing better to do?
>Do modern kids
I'm 34...
i really should, the translations for 'kuzas get worse and worse each time there's a new one.
oh my god
>t. localizer
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>he can't read moon runes
Why are you even on 4chan? Reddit is for people like you
God I wish I was as stupid and childish as you. It must be so easy to learn Japanese when you're addicted to slop like vtubers.
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>Still have trouble reading some moonrunes
this is what bugs the fuck out of me in learning
vocab learning speed limited due to needing to also associate it with the runes
even just doing 20 new words a day feels like a lot but also super slow
if jap suddenly stopped having kanji I'd just stop learning japanese and learn like romanian or something
>I wish I was addicted to slop
>So that I can learn Japanese?
>So that I can tell people I know it. I don't actually want to consume anything in Japanese, I don't like anything they make
All true. What's wrong with that?
do people really find it effective to learn vocabulary with yomichan? I can't get the kanji and pronounciation to stick along with the meaning just hovering it everytime I see it
probably skill issue but whats other experience with it
it's a last resort. try to remember stuff. try to read without it
it's too hard. I still can't write a single coherent sentence after many years. I always get told I sound like ass.
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Just keep reading, if it doesn't stick the 1st time it'll stick the 10th time or 100th time
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no worries i'll keep reading because ttsu reader is so fucking awesome
but as reference what do you guys do? just read through a sentence, try and parse it and then hover dictionary what you don't know and just try and remember it next time? do you actually bother mining stuff or just READ MORE
Thanks abe
>t. fell for the trannymoto scammer's guide
a more detailed write up of the reading process rentry.org/gitgud
cheers mate
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>learn japanese for video games
I always thought this was a silly idea, but every day i'm considering it more and more
lol he didn't fucking learn any japanese, read his post
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>mfw I lapse on the definition of a simple word for the 15th time
what's holding you back from doing it?
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How am watashi supposed to learn nihongo when watashi am such a baka gaijin desu ka?
I got 都会 and 都合 mixed up today
Also 人形 and 人影
Kanji readings in general are really annoying
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I'm halway through Genki vol. 1 and I've been doing Anki for a couple of month now. When should I start immersing myself in 日本語 content?
Feels like a lot of stuff I learn just doesn't stick without any context.
lmao pic is too true
QRD? all i know is this cuck literally made up some bullshit about pitch accent to scam retards
>ttsu reader
qrd on that?
there are many tools to make it simple to look up words you don't know when gaming
drag and drop a .epub and get text you can use a hover dictionary on
find a game or anime series you grew up with and know by heart that you can play or watch again and do it in japanese
yakuza characters are fucking hideous
Wow, thats cool. Thanks friendo
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just stop being stupid, it's that easy
sega was literally created by westoids, what do you expect
you would probably also be interested in this japanese youtuber who reads all the dialoge for fire emblem games https://www.youtube.com/@AshiyaGaku/playlists
Got it, bros. Thanks.
Looks interesting, thank you.
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Learn Japanese for crime (...games so you can understand Kiryu-san as he beats up Danny Trejo-san)
how do you know?
>>learn japanese for porn
Unironically an awful move. Japanese porn dialogue is better left unknown; it's 99% cringe as fucking hell and ruins the mood completely. I'm happy to read moon now for other reasons, but porn doujin were ruined completely for me.
Taste issue. There will always trash with filler monologues like "OOOH YOU SO TIGHT ME SO HARD PLAP PLAP GOOSH GOOSH MIND GOING BLANK GET PREGNART", but there's much better shit out there.
>trust me it's bad goy
i always think this is a pic of wreck it raph
Not sure if you're still here but I tried with Genki but I'm getting this error
Any ideas why its bugging?
Been learning since Christmas, I just wish more games had easily accessible jp dubs.
I can't remember if certain epubs have encryption or not since I only use it for light novels though from the error I would just trying the name to regular text with no symbols
>都会 with 都合
but 会 has 云
meanwhile 合 has a 口 on the bottom.
how is that possible?
>a lot of stuff I learn just doesn't stick without any context.
anki primes shit in your brain.
seeing shit in context does help a lot with retention (e.g. カギがかかっている for something being locked (tons of times when examining locked doors), ~に気を取られちゃった for got distracted/carried away by <thing> (e.g. a sexy girl, a song), 気を取り乱した when someone loses their composure/gets upset by something (e.g. upon seeing a corpse)).
also for some reason ガキ(鍵) means both key and lock. you also have 錠 and 錠前 for lock, and ロック, but they're less common
The ! in the title maybe? Try renaming it.
Reminder japanese learning threads are getting deleted for giving non-pozzled advice and for noooooooticing too much.
meant カギ
must have been a slip of the tongue.
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>how is that possible?
reading fast and not looking too closely at the details, everytime this happens to me I have to put the offending kanji side by side and that locks them in correctly
happened to me for 扱う・吸う and 右・石
also >ガキ
Tried renaming it but I think I'll just use it for LNs. Thanks
Thanks for the links, good info in these threads
>see post saying it only takes like 300 hours to understand a bunch of japanese
>no way
>calculate how long it takes me to do anki on average with 20 new words a day
>in 300 hours I would actually learn like 12000 words at my current rate
well damn it really isn't that bad looking at the numbers
pay attention to radicals then.
扱う has 扌(てへん, the hand radical on the left). it makes sense since あつかう has to do with handling things and treating (e.g. people/things) in a certain way. also, carrying a product (at aa store)
吸う has 口偏(くちへん aka the mouth radical on the left), and すう has to do with sucking/inhaling, which is often done with one's mouth, so it makes sense.
and have 汲む to complete the trio. careful about the last two strokes, they work like 又.
>learn kanji/word
>learn new word that uses the kanji from previous word in a different context
>start reading the kanji differently and forget old word
I know it comes with time and familiarity but holy shit learning jap feels like constantly having to relearn shit
how does the word 'work' work again? what about run? is 'set' a noun or a verb?
alright then
how dekiru are you now vs then
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I understand complex philosophical games
>Remember all readings of a Kanji by heart
>Find a particular word
>Uses a reading literally only for that word
I know english is worse with this shit and it doesn't deter me, but it always comes up when I get to the point thinking "Hey, I got this!".
surely only if we're talking about そういう意味
kanji is simply too hard
no I will not waste 20 minutes of my life reading a single sentence so I can jack off
so you don't play good games
After enough practice you'll be able to read 20 sentences in a single minute
Visit good or bad that I auto translate kanji in my head? I don't even think about readings any more,the only things I actively sound out in my head are kana to get certain words and conjugations
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There are no good japanese games.
and after enough practice I could become a concert pianist
just because something is technically possible doesnt mean I care enough to do it
japan is the only ones making good games now
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that's not actually the hard part. it's shit like ぷるぷる, ぬるぬる, うるうる, がっしり, がらがら, ずらり, ずばり, しめしめ, とんとん, もくもく, ぽかり, ずっしり, もたもた, ちらり, じっくり, ばったり, ぽっとり, きっちり, ぴったり, ぴりぴり, びりびり, むにゃむにゃ, ふらっと, etc.
They aren't making good games, though.
those are just words, they arent random symbols with 5 pronunciations and 17 different meanings depending on context while looking nearly identical to 6 other kanji
>those are just words
so? most of them are just 2 syllables repeated. what meaning can you derive from that? protip: nothing, and you're gonna have to look them up in the dictionary anyway. the only saving grace is that you can easily type them in even if it's your first time seeing them.
Kill yourself.
kanji is a natural circumcised goylem filter
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You forgot コーヒーコーヒー
thats literally every language
what language can you read and understand every word without learning what it is?
what's a good game then?
you can often decipher meanings from morphemes (e.g. elevator -> elevate + -or (one who performs an action), i.e. one who elevates, i.e. a lift). kanji often work similarly in that regard
未来 -> not yet (未だ (まだ)) + come (来る), i.e. the future
words like すいすい and パクパク don't really evoke anything, hence they're harder to remember.
>tourist outs himself as a tourist for not knowing basic shit but acting like an expect
>posts random irrelevant drivel instead of refuting arguments
I see my post mindbroke you
Coincidentally you posted a game that's not worth playing, let alone learning a language for.
still dont see how thats harder than kanji
not all of them are like that
On my journey to learn Japanese I already see how localizers fuck up the simplest of translations.
Like holy shit, it feels like a veil has been lifted.
Horizon forbidden west
a vast majority are. see 熟語の構成 (structure of compounds).
onomatopoeic words are harder because they get lost in translation or receive situational translations, so English speakers never even think of using them: 本棚には本がずらりと並んでいる -> books stand in rows on the bookshelf
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It's amazing how you can make thousands of words just from _っ_り alone
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I hate all of these
I love all of these. 全部それぞれ、一つも残さず
im a literal n6 lazy tard and can already tell, with very little vocabulary under my belt
Same. Even from just knowing a minor bit it becomes so obvious how wrong some basic things are.
Yakuza 6 is the worst title in the entire series by far.

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