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Will /v/ play girls frontline 2 when it comes out on global?
Yes actually
yeah, why not
depends entirely on if they finally let me marry kalina
Post more suomeme ass
I don't play gacha games with used goods. No.
Cute feet
I love Suohmi
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Finally the clown arrived
it doesn't count if you're the one who used the goods in the past, retard
waiting for porn
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What do we think of the gameplay?
Why does a gun need cute feet and bouncy breast
Very cute butt
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why not??
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>it doesn't count if you're the one who used the goods in the past, retard
(You) are not the one who gangraped Thunder.
I don't plan on it
>you can see the slight empty space inside the bra
Jesus lord have mercy
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>Spend $100,000,000 on cutting edge 3d models and animations
>hire a back alley crack whore to write your game's plot who ends up completely nuking your entire franchise
Chinks are quite fascinating in their priorities.....
>cutting edge 3d models
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Still amazed they can get away with shit like this. Guess I'm too used to games like genshin.
Good thing I never pay attention to gachaslop dialogue/stories
The girl's stockings look better than lots of AAA games, it's just a shame the visuals are the only redeeming element of the game. The fucking stinginess with upgrade materials alone was enough to drop the game.
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Who will be the vidya boobs of GFL 2 to vidya butts from GFL 1?
oh, it's a stingy game that makes sub 1mil per month...? That's... kinda dumb. I was going to drop some money for suomi (if I can ever get this registration working) but maybe I shouldn't.
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Sabrina when she gets her already datamined swimsuit later.
You have to get better at samefagging bro.
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I'm not samefagging
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take your pills
what's with the feet?
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Why are you pretending to be me?
Supposedly it's not very fun, uses Genshin's system with weapon banner which is a big downer. Not to mention global being out of sync with thr main server is a relic of the past these days, most newer games do simul launch, I don't really want to be behind and wait.
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why aren't there erotic shots of the gun
I'll just roll for characters (with my dick), and then stop playing when I get bored.
>uses Genshin's system with weapon banner
Suddenly I no longer have any sympathy for their troubled launch. Holy fuck any company trying that shit deserves to have cinderblocks tied to their feet and tossed off a bridge.
I fucking hate cleaning my fucking guns (and aluminum suppressors) but I do it anyway every couple of months. Fuck these little shits
Desu it's not the same as genshin because you can get SSR weapons with the BP. You also get enough rolls for one pity a month if I remember correctly.
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Its fun
Also you can select standard SSR weapons through accumulated currency you get through rolling
no excuse. off with their heads. imagine making a fucking gacha about personified robot girls named after guns and then adding a fucking weapon banner. absolutely disgusting
They added a system where you can use weekly currency to buy the main pool ssr character shards too for either dupes or redeeming them. Only Sabrina right now though.
I dont do gacha
Wtf is a weapon banner?
>game autistic about guns
>why are you rolling for guns
It's the one game where it makes sense.
50/50 and weapon gacha shit sucks, I'd rather more companies embrace Azur Lane's skins and dock space mtx.
you roll for weapons to make the girls you roll for stronger
You need to pay for a chance at rolling the actual character, but even then once you have them you also need to pay for a chance at their signature weapon which the character is designed around and underperforms without. and then they can later add power creep weapons that make your current ones useless. And they're on separate banners from the actual character, no double dipping.
Any game with them isn't worth playing. only the most mindbroken gachaconsoomers will say otherwise. Avoid at all costs.
why is every good and popular gacha game korean or chinese? why did japan fall behind so hard?
it'd be nice but I doubt any game with decent 3d models will go the mtx route over forcing people into the gacha mines
>dock space mtx
Kys yourself, paywalling basic feature like inventory space is actually worst than gacha system.
The entire premise of the first game is that it's Kancolle with Guns and the girls are named after a specific gun that they're programmed to use. A weapon banner is retarded. WA-2000 is named after the Walther WA-2000 rifle, why is there a weapon banner when she's NAMED AFTER AND ONLY USES THAT ONE GUN?
>Oh, well, now they have actual names and use a lot of different guns :^)
Yeah, they deserve a fucking firing squad.
This isn't honkai bro. Signature buffs are like 3% shit, basically only a nod to an old system in the first game.
Every 3D gachashit has a weapon gacha bro, I don't know why you weren't expecting that here.
do we get special bonus for transferring our GFL 1 account to GFL 2?
i sold my account after Isomer because im over prepared and get burned out.
I don't think there's any bonus besides being able to use the same account for multiple games.
>do we get special bonus for transferring our GFL 1 account to GFL 2?
>50/50 and weapon gacha shit sucks
I don't know why lesser gacha devs insist on this bullshit. You're not a big dick G like mihomo. You can't just be greedy and expect players to just take it because you're top dawg.
They literally let you buy SSR weapons for 10 bucks.
AL's actually given more than enough free gems to ensure that you have more than enough dock space for every boat in the game.
I don't like it either, but it's a F2P game and the choice of shit vs. less shit
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Wow, its almost like every general gripe has some kind of fallback or pity system in place.
so what happend to GFL 1 account those gacha skin that cost more than $60 gone?
>now they have actual names
>Mosin Nagant
>Quite a few other dolls mentioned in side stories that kept their gun names
You can stop parroting this now. And these were already data mined before the whole rewrite stuff
They are still in GF1 bro. Were you expecting to get skins for free in another game?
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gib ugi or no play
>so what happend to GFL 1 account those gacha skin that cost more than $60 gone?
pay up, goyim
It really do be like that. Which is why I'm excited for the eventual FGO 2 announcement where we will see total whale annihilation
It's convenient to point at AL and say the paywall doesn't matter because you get enough expansion for free. But you don't know how bad paywalling basic feature can be. At least gacha system is optional, you have the option to not roll the current banner and save up.
fgo players are numb to exploitation, did you forget the whole shitshow with Arcade? plus any FGO 2 will have a new protagonist anyways, it's not gonna be gudao/gudako again
Yeah they knew what they were doing with this animation
I'll probably at least try it since I'm a sucker for robot girls with guns
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are there any modes in the game where you get to deploy a large number of units in a fight? I miss the old XCOM UFO Defense where you get to deploy an entire fucking platoon in a battle by the end of the game. I know in the original GFL you could have many units deployed into a fight so hopefully that's the same here.
So far the biggest maps are like 5 units at a time.
How is it as a game? Didn't play the first one.
I think I'll stick with Azur Lane.
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>5 max
oh, hopefully they scale the fights up over time then
I think they will over time, BA also introduced a mode recently that increased its squad size.
What we will most likely see though is needing to have multiple squads for different maps at the same time.
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Why there's someone who hate the idea that the people/dolls in the game that work under (you) have their own personal life and doesn't really need you to watch them 24/7?
They limit it to 4 characters max by default, and some maps let you use 5. Considering the UI design, even higher number of max deployment is not off the table just yet.
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GF had like 12 squads at once during ranking so I'm guessing it will go up to 12 eventually.
I'm not going to lie. That's a weird looking ass
10, and later they increase it to 14.
That's fine, but people don't owe them money. If they make more content that and people stop spending, it's their job to find a new audience that spends. So it's YOUR job to spend money instead of the players that stop spending since you would be the new target audience.
Some foods look weird but are absolutely delicious.
global when god damn
Why do white bitches have no ass
That's kinda a bold statement, luckly most of GF1 players on Global are 100% guarantee going to play GF2
>back alley crack whore
That's most Jap writers
They'll take any work they can get
How do you play it? Don't you need a phone number? Are you from china?
small perky asses are good too
perfect for spanking desu
and burying your face in
Wtf, I thought chinese games banned bikini or that only applies to mihomo?
Dunno. From what I've heard of it it sounds pretty whale bait. I usually prefer f2p friendly gachas.
That's fine, but the global GFfags are infamously F2P.
Genshin is 12+, this game is 16+. Also I'm pretty fucking sure mihomo chooses to self censor since 40% of their employees are women now
they make all their money off skin gachas rather than the characters themselves
yes, no matter how much chink OP hates it
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>this and also soon azur promilia
a new era of gacha coom
just like Azur Lane
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>global when god damn
Who knows... but Global official announcement maybe soon-ish? probably aroud 2-3 days from now or maybe next week. yeah, who knows.
I'm beyond sick of gachas lazily copying Genshins dog shit gacha system when it's legit one of the worst and least fun gacha systems ever made. Like there's nothing fun about every single character being limited and not doing spooks. Fuck off with that shit.
As long as it doesn't have the usual chink rates. Also a pc client is a must, I don't want to charge my tablet every hour.
Most of the popular gachas are F2P friendly if you're thinking about powercreep.
0 (zero) gacha is F2P friendly if you want to be collectionfag.
There's a PC client you can download right now, you just can't login kek
lmao they sold the publishing right to other party
when is it?
of course you can't, you need a chink account the one that require your phone number.
arent GFL1 and azur lane like the friendliest gachas for collecting
they're obviously the one that help publish the game outside mainland China.
>why do people hate being abandoned for ten years in a forced timeskip
what makes you think they won't censor the shit out of the game?
I'm using my US number. But I got lucky so lol
Her default outfit used to have spats and they just updated it to panties instead
if CN of all the regions had a spats to panties swap then it should be good to go everywhere else.
surely it's not your real phone number, right?
Is it okay like the first one was without playing gacha?

I actually "finished" the game , waited months for patches, came back and beat all new content without ever paying a dime so I enjoyed the first game.
What, are they gonna prank me?
holy based
That was almost assuredly just for the public posts in the same way that every gacha puts god rays on their 2D skins that obviously aren't present in the actual game
That's the thing, they use an entirely different system they basically can't be considered as gachas in the first place.
I see they are taking cues from the (You) pandering masters of Snowbreak.
There was a very, very old mobile game I played on my shitty blu phone where you collected WW2 tank girls where you also really never had to spend money.
They've been doing that before snowbreak even existed bro.
Tbf the skin in the OP is literally the same one from the previous game.
I don't think I will OP, looks lame
>for collecting
As in completing the pokedex? half the units are limited and you'll never get the chance to get them again.
Can I self insert as Raymond?
No fail state = not a game.
>weapon banner
the game has a full transmog system for guns so you can just use the 2* weapon visuals with the 3* weapon stats if you have both. Which is good because the SSR weapons are ugly as shit.
shut up nerd
That's cool
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holy fucking shit
i paid a chink years ago to verify an bili account for me and use that for this before they clamped down on requirements
Cool, i'm not a fan of those ugly Destiny guns
You can also alter their attachments so you can use whatever scopes, suppressors or grips you find the best looking.
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>mixed toilet
god dammit how the fuck do i find foot fags more disgusting than pedophiles its just so fucking weird
Bitch might as well be naked
Poopoo stinky game
name a better gacha game
>Snowbreak invented harems
I'm ngl, I just want suomi and her bikini outfit
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Because you are terrified and in denial. I too walked down that path.
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Anything that doesn't have a FeMC
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>they even modeled the ass crack
What the fuck
there is no denial feet are in no way sexual they are just feet and weirdos use them as a way to creep
whats the gameplay like
Bearing this in mind, why do women paint their toenails?
I'll give it a peep like with every new gacha and then quit after a few months
Though I did play gfl for 2 years so let's see
Nope. Game got mogged by Snowbreak.
because they paint their fingernails
im not saying dont find feet attractive i just dont get it but the way people act about it is where it gets disgusting
That's a man
>vague circle post
>plays genshin
>doesn't pay attention to gacha
Incredible post sis
wait do all the girls in this have bikini skins? insta play if they do.
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How is it a man?
everything is modeled for the ease of access to fully undressed models, idk whenever they plan to add sex to the game or just to help porn artists to make the game popular but mica clearly knows what they are doing
you can take your manspotting expertise to /lgbt/
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that fucking tummy
Well I've never wanted to play a game for the comp until this one, so good job devs
Only if there's no missing content.
For the coom*
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Fucking hell...
yeah 100% I played the fuck out of gf1 (I still dont know what the plot is)
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the best in the business
Bearing this in mind, why do women paint their fingernails?
I like soles and all but I wish there's more of a pattern for having nice toes. Seems like it's always good soles.
what part of "you are not going to convince me" do you not understand?
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vidya butts but brown
It's a joke, Anon. The anime dude has a hand fetish.
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Of course I will
It looks fun, I like XCOM style gameplay, it's notably an upcoming gacha that ISN'T just another Genshin clone, and since it's made by Mica team it's pretty much confirmed to be kino and never EOS so, you'd be crazy not to
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Love autistic brown wife
is AA-12 in it? if no, i wont play
if yes i will
She appears as an NPC working with Helian, so eventually.
wake me up when that day rolls around
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She wasn't in any of the pre-release stuff
But then again she was popular enough to get into PNC so it's possible she'll come later
Why the fuck does that one bitch use a fucking sword
And shes wearing some retarded bunny ear suit too
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she makes me horny like you would not believe.
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To be fair it's mirrored in game by her being such a bad unit
But "Tsundere kansai sword wielding bunny girl" appeals to a lot of people
I will if it does, the gameplay vids I've seen actually looked pretty good.
i dont like xcom 99% fail mechanics
IIRC this has grazing mechanics
That's just your failure to understand the difference between 99 and 100.
People focus too much on rolling a 1 on a 100-sided die so they forget about the actual bullshit of xcom's success chance percentage - it can round up to show you 100% chance of hitting and still have you miss the target because the real chance to hit was below 100% but rounded up.
when 99 fails every time 5 times
the game can go fuck itself
no hit roll for GF2
cover gives very large damage reduction instead
Any pantyhose girls?
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Any loli?
No loli no buy
sticc girls are also acceptable, but non-loli sticcs are pretty rare now

>captcha: SSR2
for playable characters it goes 140cm hebe but no lower
With that captcha though, I've been blessed and its divine will that I play it anyway.
EN/Global release date yet?

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