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Which portion of the Bible?
thats a man
is she behind her?
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>sees a woman
>thinks about men
How can you be THAT gay?
What is she covering up? Does she even have tits? Not even small tiddies, it just looks like a man torso to me.
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>THIS is a woman
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Kassie is a miracle, wish she weren't stuck in ubislop.
I hate women
Do Eurpean studios even count?
They tend to have decent looking women most of the time despite the niggerification.
It's from american studios that you have to look really hard to find unicorns like picrel.
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absolutely vile
I am interested in this thread
god I love strong women. men too.
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i think they're neat
I want to put my penis in Thayla
Is that a Dead Island character?
Why would someone make a mod to do pic related? Are hag fags that mentally ill?
Based, loved this game and I wish they'd carried on
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What game
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most of blizzard female characters, especially villains
they have an aura of pure sex
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Maelle from Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
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Sally Whitemane
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Realistically she would be darker and her hair lighter, that’s what happens to Mediterraneans in the summer their skin gets very, very tan and their hair gets lighter if they’re out in the sun all day every day, they only have pale skin and dark hair in the wintertime. It’s close enough I suppose.
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>cant even have slightly cute females in games anymore
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I hate women but really want them on my face.
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Her face is cute. It's a shame the devs were lazy cunts and just copy pasted the male body for Kassandra. If she had a hot body to go with her cute face she would have been a top tier waifu.
I'm male and look like this
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Don't feel like grabbing pics. Out of who hasn't been named in the thread.

omitted quite a few that I thought were JUST sexy or JUST cute and of course those that are unconventionally attractive where physically they're not cute, sexy, OR beautiful but aspects of their personality might be. The above are either beautiful and sexy, beautiful and cute, just beautiful or all 3.
yeah not surprised this thread is already dying lmao
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I hope this game is good. Looks promising.
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When will western video games top this?
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>Azshara and Xal'atath are the only 2 waifus added to WoW in over a decade
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Does she count?
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I'm not DEI brainwashed enough to consider Kassandra a beautiful female.
Taelia Fordragon was cute.
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Hell yeah motherfucker.
we are not the one's making those gay ass edits fuck off
Too soft to be a real threat bro
think it's ascendant.com
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I love her.
fucking riptide, that shit was free and i want my time back
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Ivy, my beloved
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how is dungeons 4?
is the humor as obnoxious as dungeons 3?
OP didn't say Just Human Females
ok brownie lol
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It is 200% white dudes making that shit
me on the ground
Very cute.

I feel like in a way it's reverse psychology, cause now whenever I see interracial SFMs I'm thinking some cuck got it commissioned. It kills my boner despite not having tattoos.
the transparency of her nightdress is extremely lewd
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France is in the Eastern hemisphere
How about you start?
I need triss to use magic to shrink my dick. fuck it shrink my entire body till im the size of her biggest dildo and use me as a fuck toy
incredibly based photo
face the wall freak
I like this one
Yes. When women do enough physical activity, like being a mercenary, then they end up looking like that. Cassandra was cute, as was Aya.
It will be as shitty as a nexon game. Abandon all hope.
It always frustrates me when people put assassin's creed characters in those ugly female collages because it shows they didn't play the game. This type of intellectual dishonestly just makes gamers look bad and prevents us from getting something good.
Man it really was a different time back then.
Same and I don't want them on my face
kek as if blacks can draw. It's Nips and Koreans that do that shit and I have no idea way.
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Looks asian. Doesn't count
That's exactly what it is. In fact even with AI there's people that start seething about NTR if you gen a pov image that's interracial. Even more interesting is that even image tagging AI can tell the difference between normal interracial and NTR interracial, it's just humans that get confused. Grim times indeed.
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I can never get enough of this girl bros...
her body looks like shit but her face is an easy 9/10
I always hated this hairstyle. She was so much cuter in the original. The actress herself continued to use this hairstyle and it was such a shame.
>whites look asian
You should go see a doctor.
When western devs actually make a sexy vidya babe, I prefer it over animu shit. Unfortunately its so rare now.
Kassandra literally has Alexios' body with boobs tacked on.
They put lots of perfectly attractive characters in those, you can tell by those ones always specifically being yelling faces or in makeup, like Senua from Hellblade (played by a pretty blonde woman with blue eyes no less). Or using character creator results, like that makes any sense.

They were always padded out nonsense more interested in having as many on there, not actually vetting them.
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That's just because you like full lips covered in lipstick
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absolutely breedable
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My brother, how is she in the fourth game?
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How did they go from this >>680932406, to THIS? Making a hot yellow woman is like the easiest thing ever. Ubishit is ubershit.
It's going to be an 8 hour tech demo and you're going to love it
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I prefer her look from last year's leaks. I don't know why they changed it.
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Real women don't look like that
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Please dear god have her nude in this game
Please just a hint of nip or bush slip
She's 28 years old
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You have no fucking idea how much i want my head to be crushed inbetween her thighs when i played Odyssey. For me she strikes that sweet spot of being beautiful and strong without looking like a golem that you often see these days in western vidyas
She doesn't look bad
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thats a man
Keep in mind that your hair only gets lighter in summer if it's already rather light. My hair so dark brown it's nearly black, and I can walk in the sun for months and the only difference is that it gets a slight reddish sheen you can see under direct sunlight.
t. native Europoor
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Nice thread, nigga
I love these dykes like you wouldn’t believe
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For me it's Alex Chen
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When you look at the rest of Inquisition Milf Morrigan is an insane fluke
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I wanna mating press her so bad!
Sambuca! Baileys!
>posts indian sweatshop assets
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remember: she looked way worse in the initial teaser
>pic unrelated
Pic unrelated, obviously.
Too masculine. man body
Great body, but can't stand the round momface and her generic posture. She gave sexier vibes in the previous entries
That shitface is just no. Everyone loks insuffferably ugly and gay in that shitty game
Shitty desexualized scanface #45486456
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>They put lots of perfectly attractive characters in those,
No they don't. If anything they don't go far enough. tehy shuld include nuLara, nuJills and all the other desexualized awfully neutered scanfaces more often, since they are everything wrong with modern female character design, and character design in general.
LAU Lara Croft
BG&E Jade
Cate Archer

That's probably all. The rest is either ugly or mid, which doesn't belong to video games
That's pr
Didn't the Dark Messiah model have actual nipples? Weird that the guy who made this video not even show a peek
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Shut the fuck up gay nigger
Hot. It's incredible how visual hints can turn a pixel blob into a hot babe while superdvanced models always engeneered to look boring
Fucking go all out twith idealization and sex appeal, and no realism and no face scans or mocap
hard mode: post good looking female characters from games from any area of the world, but they can not be dressed like sluts and whores.
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Very based
Good taste
>Verification not required.
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Necro d4
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what a waste of 70 dollars and a good character.
i would play the game just for her but the bar of entry is way too high and the game is not that good.
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never forget
now post her ingame model
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Lara Croft (middle).
joke's on you, they patched that eventually
She was actually going to have a woman body too looking at the concept arts and earlier versions of the model, but Ubishit
He said female
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Hellblade bitch looks fucking disgusting permanently
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she looks like she has googly eyes in this pic
like they're going in different directions
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No she doesn't.
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>posts da2 character
>it's not Hawke's sister
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how get hick gf?
It probably was just a case of reusing the male skeleton instead of something malicious.
Remember Kassandra is supposed to be canon though!
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The perfect metal thot gf
most chicks that listen to metal are not the most mentally stable, don't stick your dick in crazy
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Not a problem for the incel metalhead.
I think you're being silly, it's the most normalfaggot music genre there is. Now if we were talking drone or black metal, sure, but that'd just make her regular based.
Has there *ever* been a good female character with the chevron top? I've never seen one. Aloy, Kassandra, Rey. All of them had that dumb ^ shaped top and they were all bland women marketed as something more than they were.
woman can't be based
wat gaym?
Is Brutal Legend worth playing? I liked both Psychonauts games.
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>boomers thought this was good graphics and actually jerked off to that 800 tris model
Still blows my mind. Nowadays even SFM porn with models ripped from mobile games doesn't look anywhere as blocky.
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the one and only
>Needing photorealistic fidelity to have a wank
You'll be surprised that there are people that jerk off to porn stories, anon. No images required.
why do women make fun of my little white pecker?
hot iluminati slut
>dressed like sluts and whores.
very subjective and probably biased
Pretty but her skin looks like plastic.
What was her name again?
Yes she looks like shit, like all scanfaces. The real life counterpart is very pretty tho
Nah, that's not my warrior fem Hawke
Refined tastes
i can never forget her awful unfitting voice acting
No, because all modern western female characters are neutered and desexualized, even when they aren't exactly ugly.
And she's still billions of times more sexy than all your modern superadvanced models made of infinite polygons.
I'll fap more easily to Tyris Flare that to the new RE girls, reboot Lara or whatever the west makes now
why has the west become so scared of sex unless it features some ugly creature pretending to be a woman or just straight up gay sex?



pop is literally named after being THE normalfag genre
how are you just going to post a low quality headshot of nyxsexo
We couldn't save her...
Sexist media hurts women and causes things like SA in real life. Be better
>then they end up looking like that

Like... a man?
>no rubi malone from WET

I always confuse her with that chick from Remember Me >>680990909
Hobby invaders are crusading against normality. Sat times we live in
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Love her, but is WET western?
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It's a man, man
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Kerillian is actually the only female elf that I know in fiction who is ugly as sin. Maybe its the shark eyes or absolutely insufferable personality.
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>actually have to LOOK in my folders for examples
>50% is "oh wait that's from a jap game" anyway
>rest is modded
jesus fuck
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Viola de wynter!
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>market game with hot twin sisters
>instantly kill one of
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My wife sadie, say something nice about her
She pegs me real good
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I miss bimbos
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I jerked off to ragnarok online sprites
This. It made my angry and disappointed
>generic scanface
>muh realism
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Just say you don't like womans bwo
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you don't have to remind us you're a pedo every three minutes, anon
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Powder cute
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everything else aside, Jack has a very aesthetic face
>we have Perfect Dark at home
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Cold blooded killers
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Here's your villain
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>dick fixes her
>refuses to fuck femshep
what did BW mean by this
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My nomadwife Panam Palmer
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they were thinking "we need to get the last few straight guys in the company OUT before our next game"
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She's still hot but would've been better if they didn't nerf her tits.
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that would've unironically killed people
I totally understand the prince's decision at the end
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You're so battered by the shittiness of western games that you take some random 30+ year old and call her beautiful just because she doesn't induce projectile vomiting
Never mind maybe she does
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and then in their next game they
>design a stereotypical dyke
>give her a nice fat ass
>make her straight
>give her the best sex scene in the game
Shame her game is too shit to bother getting to this
Just not your slop
ok hobby invader
>flat discount harley quinn
Now this looks good
>small tits
LAU Lara is the real deal, designwise and facewise
Lol, 100% this
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All Cops Are Big Tittied Babes?
>fucking humans in the alien fucker game
Do you retards really
Look at the Andromeda cast and say that again lmao
The fact that "she" has the exact same lines as the male version and everyone reacts exactly as if she were a man and nothing changes based on wether you pick the man or the woman - means that this is basically just a female skin mod for a male character.
Give me "actual" women.
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Both Ashes
Remember though, she's canon and the male is the afterthought. We swear.
She was nice
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If you like metal then yes. Otherwise not really.
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Damn right.
Imagine the sons such a woman would bear you
My god
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Siegefags, is she an uggo ingame?
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I really enjoyed it for the girls
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Juno was my favorite
it hurts...
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>you will never have beautiful, healthy, strong and happy offspring with Kassie
What copium should I use to quiet this pain?
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there's quite a few I would but not many I'd call "beautiful"
and even then, most of them are stylized
Doesn't she have a kid in the DLC? I remember gays freaking out about that.
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sequel when
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BHC Squad
>Almost every example in this thread comes from games that are at least 10 years old
How did it get so bad bros
This came out at that rare time where they were starting to commit to photorealism and facescanning but didn't have to make all the women ugly yet.
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>cute concept
>bad execution
happens too often
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>even random mooks were cute
fucking hell
I wish they dedicated to the sexy women bit more
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hide porn addict tranny threads
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I didnt like C&C3, the B movie quality made it feel like a cheap porno
Why nexon?
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Hello falseflagging tranny
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men can have feminine bodytypes too, but i guess we don't talk about that
Unironically too skinny.
I romanced the turian woman than deleted the game
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>meme option is actually secretly the hottest
>meme option
>basically has the most content
>also the least fucking BITCH of the cast
Doesn't this game also have that hyper feminist butch lesbian that hates all men and is open about it but you can't like, fire her despite you being a dragon emperor?
Sounds like larian alright
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Like... I almost wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but THIS was the picture you chose?
based Tales poster
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I really like my fem-V.
We've all had her but you played her
can't wait for the porn
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>same nude female body on every character just with a skin color change
I will not play games made by lazy "developers"
makes her brother creampie
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Bethesda women have the least sexual appeal in the gaming world.
Is this game any good?
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I like it a lot, and I don't normally like turn based games. It's kind of a unique mix as far as gameplay goes, and the music/aesthetic is excellent.
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Evie is probably the prettiest western vidya woman of the last 10 years.
Then again the game is from 2015 (fug) so it came out exactly before everything went to shit.
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What about Unity?
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On one hand I want to replay this some time. On the other I really don't.
what game?
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she killed millions for me (never played the game)
She's also from a Japanese game.
Casandra is like the only good looking female that Ubisoft has made in the past decade.
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it`s ubislop all right.
but they still make some decent looking characters.

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