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I guess we'll see what From Software and Spike Chunsoft are cooking next.
hopefully we get confirmation of their partial ownership of 4chan
I'm more interested in seeing all the ESG/DEI guideline documents and "Don't sexualize female character" guideline horseshit that we saw from Capcom's leak. Kadokawa are pretty loud about needing to conform to Western standards.

Glowies tell us this isn't real.
>ESG/DEI guideline documents and "Don't sexualize female character" guideline horseshit that we saw from Capcom's leak.
kadokawa is involved in games? I never knew. I thought they were just anime
They published that Lodoss War game, I'm pretty sure.
Spike chunsoft isn't related to kadokawa
They're a multimedia corporation just like square enix.
Damn. ransomware is trendy nowadays
big companies and government institutions in my country are also getting randomware'd left and right. my passports been delayd because of that
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They got Dwango and Niconico stuff too.

They said Kadokawa offered a shit offer for the ransom so they're releasing it
Imagine if hackers were executed live on tv lol.
I'm serious
da joos
what the fuck are hackers getting paid ESG/DEI money what is going on
Dump it. I need to know if Blackrock is funding them
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I dunno, Anon, what seems more likely?
>/v/ is full of normalfags and eceleb dickriders who only want to talk about the latest AAA shit
>4chan is secretly the private advertising space of dozens of different video game corporations from the US, EU, and Japan all with their own contracts despite most of the companies accused of shilling here having their internal docs leaked like every other year
>Ransomware group
>"we r gunna release on this date"
Okay I'll believe it when I see it but this shit ends up being a nothingburger so often.
why did you comment this
I like it when corpos get fucked but I'm sad about the innocent workers
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This is from the Capcom leaks. They were fellating TLOU2 as the best depiction of female characters in video games and said their own games must follow this guideline.
Tatsuki won
look into the good smile company

I use Book Walker a lot, should I change my password?
The second. The world is a sick place with no hope of recovery.
They do it as one last shot to get the company to pay the ransom.
We saw it happen with Sony late last year, Sony didn't pay so the Insomniac data was dumped.
Absolutely naive of the hackers to assume the Kadokawa execs give any amount of a shit about their regular employees too.
>appealing to emotion against sociopaths
affirming that the information he is relaying has reached me.
better safe than sorry
Holy shit a bag-chan image in current year.
Weird when they have lots of strong female MCs way before TLOU2
If they aren't absolutely retarded then passwords are stored in salted hashes which are almost impossible to crack (it'd be easier to pay someone to beat the password out of you)
But just in case you should probably change it.
I choose redpll
>Since we are people of business
oy vey
Knowing Japan the execs will just dogeza to the public while the IT interns will have to commit sudoku
Japan's IT is known for being atrocious. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it unhashed on an excel sheet.
>private "night time" emails
wonder how much is cheese

Always assume that Japanese are incompetent when it comes to anything digital
>viewed negatively in countries with strong catholic beliefs
They need to update this, because it doesn't need the last four words
I'm praying for internal dei leaks. That stuff is funny and tragic to read.
this is going to be the juiciest data leak yet, a billion times more crazy than nintendo hiring agents to follow videogame pirates
>japanese IT
>>>>>>>Japanese cyber security
Man they probably has the run of the place.
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Kadokawa finally playing for their crimes against friends.
Explain why they would go through so much effort? Ads here are cheap as dirt to a megacorp and the corporations can't possibly be able to track the efficacy of their advertising when they don't even have any good metric to measure how many people opened a thread and read the alleged shill posts.
And explain why accused shill threads do actually get deleted sometimes? If the jannies are in on it then why do they regularly start purging threads when there are too many of them on the board like with Baldur's Gay 3?
And why don't we have any evidence? Jannies have terrible opsec. You think someone wouldn't fucking leak discord chats if gookmoot was coming down saying "don't delete these threads, they're our partners". And if the jannies aren't in on it then why would a company pay 4chan for shilling rights when the moderation can just delete your threads without knowing?
There are so many fucking holes in your gay schizo theories with no explanation for them that don't beget more unsubstantiated schizo theories.

You can go ahead and call me a shill not. I know you want to.
nice can't wait to see the next game From Software and the seethe from anglo cucks.
Lol. The funniest thing is knowing that during these presentations, not a single motherfucker must have questioned the fact that the examples of what not to do are absolute successes, while the examples of what to do are disasters whose sales figures companies need to keep hidden so as not to scare shareholders.
It's an example of the collective retardation that happens in large corporations, where no one wants to risk pointing out that the emperor is naked.
Cmon Spike give us a PC port of Shiren 6. I hope that’s in here.
the world needs all the friends it can get anon
let me guess it's another shitty russian group when do they nuke that country there's nothing good coming out of it.
Why would they have ponies in there?
not him and i won't be arguing with your newfag ass but lol you provided me with a chuckle
what the shit does kadokawa even have that's worth blackmailing them over
Nobody advertises on this shithole. People vastly overestimate how many people actually come here
>da joos
That spelling is the easiest way to spot a paid poster
They spun off a lot of stuff to Dragami. That company is doing Lollipop Chainsaw now.
Oh my sweet summer child.
When that one Kadokawa had to apologize and take a pay cut for saying the quiet part out loud (we must censor our products for the West) it already confirmed what's happening internally.
I hope Jap otakus (hell, chink otakus and gook otakus too) go ballistic when the instructional guidelines on anti-fanservice measures are shown.
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I hope to one day be as positive as you again.
Can they not just keep important networks offline? You want to work on this shit you have to be an employee or vetted contractor and physically go to their offices.
So how many people come here? Burden of proof is on you.
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Everytime this happens i like to think it was some mission impossible tier shit to steal such documents and not only one retard who forgot to close a door so someone just copied everything and left
Yeah I hope all that garbage surfaces. The backlash will be glorious. Especially since there's a large and still growing number of otaku getting more and more aware of the westernization of these mediums.
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I hope there's info about Yume Nikki Dream Diary over there
>filthy barbaric western monkeys behaving like niggers and robbing japs that just want to publish anime, manga, light novels and video games while celebrating on social media
you wh*te people are literally no better than the brownoids you complain about, no surprise you're race is getting put in the race blender to come out... brown
>by focusing on our stakeholders
Honestly this is pretty much where everything fucking goes wrong. The fact that game developers are just the fucking court jester who have to play the goddamn fool for the fucking royal stakeholders who will swiftly end their existence if they dare do anything out of line with their own fickle interests.
Hacking pretty much is finding the weakest link. You could have space-age firewalls, security, etc. But if someone left a 10 year old out of date software connectable running with a root user, its as good as just wide open.
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>no one cares about 4chan, there's no shilling, there's no infiltrating corporations, there's no feds trying to provoke retards to arrest them later, stop being schizos
I wish that were true, but in reality the guys are spending time, money and effort to do precisely what the conspiracy theorists say they do.
Absolute kek. Ransomware hackers really trip on their egos.
Why haven't they implemented these policies by now? Wasn't this leak almost four years ago?
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Adding to this, a lot of the time its social hacking/engineering by convincing someone with power or someone in the inside to open an email, disclose information (usernames or password) or just simply getting them to run an infected file. You gotta realize the average IQ of people with network access drops every year.
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>niconico has to take a month to fix a breach when most other sites take a day
>2ch and 5ch constantly flooded with bots because nobody over there knows how to mitigate them
Should've stuck to fax machines.
Go to the 4chan home page and look for "active users" near the bottom of the page. Keep in mind at least half are from SEA, India, and South America and at least a fifth are bots.
Anon pls. Bad games are nothing compared to what Larry fink can do to companies that didn't follow esg. It's like you're saying
>the jesters are stupid, why can't they walk normally
as the king cackles at the performance.
Play Cyber Manhunt 2
shit is insane
Not only did Kadokawa's IT leave the door open, they also left the doors connecting to their partners/clients open.
They also failed to kick the hacker out after 3 days.
>22 mil isn't a lot
Is this what we're doing? Not to mention 4chan was once in the top 100 Alexa rankings.
>If they aren't absolutely retarded then
you say that but literally every company stores passwords in plain text
We should all ban Indians from 4chan and the quality of this website would vastly improve.
They went woke "the right way"
The Insomniac leak was fun. That multiplayer Spider-Man game (and its associative shitposting) would've never seen the light of day without it.
Plus them begging Sony to let them not make blockbusters and make smaller games instead.
4chan is just as shitty (no pun intended) now as it was back in 2018.
Will they leak GT Goku for sparking zero...
They hated them because he told the truth
This site is full of /pol/ tourists with inflated egos that unironically think 4chan won an American election.
>what Larry fink can do to companies that didn't follow esg
What can he do? Deny credit? Oh nooooooo how terrible, companies will be forced to make good content which means listening to their players AND learn to plan for the future exclusively with the profits their games generate aka no cheat codes around competent development and management!
I'm glad someone is steering the ship right internally. The recent polling stating people want hot chicks in games leads me to believe they'll try to be more discreet on the way they appeal to shecklebalmstien. Not that it makes it right though.
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FUCK kadokawa. Whatever bad happens to them, it's still not enough.
When's the last time the catholics are in charge of public opinion/morality in the west? The fucking 1600's? Ever since the "enlightenment", religiosity in the west has barely mattered apart from those weirdo evangelists. Japan needs an update. The weirdos that are bitching about skin/exposure online aren't religious folks in the 90's, most of the time, they're hypocritical nu-atheists.
>less carbon emissions and paper usage
>training staff and letting them work from home
>reducing microtransactions
>donating to charity
>establishing board committees to audit their finances, review executive pay packages, and enhance cyber security (lol)
I know it's popular to screech and cry about big bad scary ESG but when you read these infographics that companies put out most of it seems like perfectly good stuff to do
Lots of catholics in south east asia (a BIG fucking market)
As someone who check ALL new anime for reviews i can confirm a general reduction of fanservice and gore.
Kadokawa do most of the fantasy/isekai and is getting very noticeable, even for "big productions" like the new seasons of mushoku tensei and konosuba.
"LOOK AT THESE SICK DIVERSIONS GOYIM" No one is falling for it.
You’re absolutely right
shut the fuck up. You can’t even remember a time before that board.
Black Suit is said to be one of the leading criminal groups using ransomware, a computer virus that demands a ransom. According to the statement of responsibility, the group broke into Kadokawa's information system about a month ago, stealing and encrypting about 1.5 terabytes of data. They made a deal with Kadokawa's management, but were dissatisfied with the amount offered, and threatened to pay more.
DEI people love gore though
look at all the pozzed western games like mortal kombat, tlou 2, etc
newfag samefagging
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Street Fighter 6 is a 100% ESG product
what's wrong with SF6?
It's that eternal smirk that eastern euros wear when they are trying to be cocky I don't get it either.
>Xeno 3
Is it because of the MC cucking himself with himself?
you mean besides the man faced women, the tranny host, the tranny streams leading up to the game for advertising and the censored default outfits for all the characters?

>but bro you can grind the shitty single player or pay money to get cammys old outfit
she still looks like a dog
Are you familiar with the concept of riders? Same thing. This infographic can contain valid and objectively good things, but it doesn't change the fact that there's still objectively awful shit in here as well, and the fact that you have to subscribe to their entire system to reap the benefits means it exists to stifle rather than encourage creativity. So no, fuck ESG.
Because they toned down the fanservice
Severely toned down fanservice and intense Trans pandering.
I can imagine it's probably very easy to hack Japanese companies so long as you can work through the language. They're all completely tech illiterate.
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4chan isn't the most popular site in the world anymore. Big social media websites have a much more bigger influence. Even "influencers" have way beyond reach. They would just pay them thousands of dollars for them to shill their games to the thousands upon thousands of viewers from their stream. This isn't the 2000's anymore where you can be like Notch and somehow successfully shill yourself to become a billionaire.

This is a completely different time now. The more likely scenario for a game to EVER be shilled was when indie developers would shill their game by passing some random keys here. That's the only shilling I've ever seen here. Anything bigger than that is big schizo brain morons.
You know how japs are, they only look to the west for any sense of value because they're so fucking cucked.
Nice, fuck Kadokawa, I hope we get to see all the pies they have their dirty fingers in.
newfag who doesn't know Andromeda. big surprise!
>Kadokawa do most of the fantasy/isekai
Bit of a running gag. When will Rudeus Greyrat appear on Isekai Quartet?
So you don't like that game's graphics and marketing?
>intense Trans pandering
1.5TB of japanese "meetings" in where they actually dont do shit
No evidence. Keep schizoposting. Call me a newfag all you want I've probably been on this website longer than you.
>intense Trans pandering
you either did not follow the game during it's launch and/or have yet to boot it up and actually play it
When they say that they're talking about places like the Philippines, SA, and parts of Europe.
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Anon, less fanservice doesn't equal EGS all the time.
Sometimes a game just has less fanservice.
Don't fucking start talking about Bikins' now
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What if Bloodborne's source code is in this?
damn that's crazy but I don't remember asking chatgpt for a reply.
Didn't the last season of MT add in a scene where Roxy pisses herself?
>doesn't know who it is
>doesn't lurk
>repeats his favorite 2016+ buzzword
Websites don't launch the day you personally find them, psychotic. Keep your dicksucker closed.
Like what are you talking about? Did Akuma say "trans rights are hecking valid" in the World Tour mode or what?
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you literally cannot avoid meeting the host when starting multiplayer for the first time, so I'm convinced you haven't even played the game
Stop engaging. Either he's bored and wants to argue or is in general a bad faith actor.
I don't think that guy is bikinianon. As far as the fanservice thing goes, honestly, the sheer contrast in fanservice between 2 and 3 in particular kinda makes it more apparent how little there is in 3 compared to 2. If the series had kinda stayed within the realm of 1 as far as that goes, people probably would complain less, but now 2 is seen as something that can never exist again, and that might be true.
fuck off with this disingenuous discourse. Everyone knows SF6 is a product of the modern id-pol climate
I've been on and off this website since 2006 and I'm in my 30's shut the fuck up retard.This shilling boogeyman is retarded and so are you.
I haven't seen that fag since I launched the game for the first time. Is that the only thing you don't like about SF6?
What did he do to make you think that SF6 has "intense Trans pandering"?
a bad imitation of Ruby Rhod
Randomware groups are such faggots. I hope they find the nerds behind the computers and execute them
the game literally quotes karl marx
You haven't played the game, fuck off retard
How much are they asking for?
They deserve it for Kemono Friends 2.
he thinks calling you a schizo is going to cause physical harm to your real life person LMAO
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Its fucking Xeno, what do you expect.
Next you'll complain that Jesus was in Saga.
Twitter/redditnigger detected.
I would pay good money to see those 3 s0ifaggots curb stomped to death, in minecraft of course
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the tone between the two games is totally different. 2's general vibe fits having a ton of fanservice; but 3 did get beach wear for all the main characters.
There never is a reason to decrease fanservice, and if the game is supposed to have less fanservice, then still create fanservice to be unlocked with the completion of some achievement or by just writing some simple code in some file of the game.
Decreasing fanservice = feminism, globalism, jewry, communism, trannies, aka ESG
6 million
Shut the fuck up you cooming nigger.
>22 million
Where the FUCK are you seeing that? Because it clearly says 240,000. Jesus, I didn't think the pool was so small... that's even much less reason to believe that corpos would pay to fucking advertise on here when the payout is WAY too small.
There's about 76 boards listed on the homepage, unless I miscounted, 77 if we're including /trash/.
If we divide 244,000 by that 77, that's roughly THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE PER BOARD. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY MAKE MONEY WITH THAT? Of course, not every board is equal, and that's not even taking into account bots, seamonkeys, middle eastern trash and so on. But still. This shit LITERALLY does not warrant investment. It's too low.
They stick like sore thumbs, amazing.

I missed when anti/pol/ troons would at least larp as radical centrists while subtly defending their side.
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True, I haven't played that game in a while. I'm not a huge fan of SF's gameplay. I'm more of a Guilty Gear guy
Yesterday the "overlord discount" started (The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army was a Human), novel/manga had hot half naked girls and massacred humans, those got all removed.
Today you got 3 ep of suicide squad isekai, alot of viiolence/dead but barely any human spilling blood, and no actual sexual innuendo or lewd fanservice for harley.
Konosuba got aqua very desexualized, no more saggy tits and barely a couple of ass shots, no naked scene for loli princess.
Mushoku new season is missing alot of the sex.

Is isekai quarted still a thing? They got ALOT of stuff to add if so, like the eminence of shadow.

They cut most of it, in the novel roxy stayed in the dungeon scraping by for WEEKS, half naked and eating monster corpses.
Would be interesting if any correspondence involving Kemono Friends is part of the leak.
That sounds like a mistranslation or a codeword referencing the evangelizing Jesuits of 1500s Japan. As in they're not literally catholics but westerners forcing their worldview on everyone else, like the Jesuits
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Today I will remind them. I wish someone burned their whole fuckhuge office with every single old senile fart in charge.
>a bad faith actor
Fair. Too many of those here, absolutely everywhere and crawling within every hole on the website. A genuine discussion is near impossible in any thread.
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>black tranny
thanks for the heads up, i was actually going to buy this soon.
this, im waiting for kikiyama's replies
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I agree, I think Aeris' death would have a better impact to the story if she died in her swimsuit instead.
People just really want to believe this board isn't full of casual retards. It's funny that they're pretending this is some naive, optimistic take as though it's not just as terrible of a position to be in and arguably with even less chance of ever being fixed. If it leaked that a lot of this board was genuine shilling then there could potentially be some action to counter it or migrate. A userbase that's dogshit at its core is just fucked.

I would be genuinely happy to hear that corporations were making threads around the clock and the average anon now doesn't actually have as shit of taste and opinions as I've been led to believe.
Compromised Content Red Flags
1- Safe Designs/Humor/Content (Censorship)
2- Gender Equality conscious writing/characters (Feminism)
3- Politically correct views on sexuality and Gender (LGBT)
4- Diversity Ratios (D.I.E - Mass immigration normalization)
5- Ugliness

Freedom Of Expression Content: When game content was competitive and devs would play around the line

1- Risky Designs, offensive(funny) humor, lewd characters and taboo content.
2- Catering to specific demographics instead of making everything for everyone.
3- Normal views on (or Idealized/beautified, comical deceptions of) sexuality/gender/race

Politically Correct Content: No Good content, forced neutrality and diversity&Inclusion

Pokemon LA: Unisex Outfits
-Female MC walks like the Male MC
-Diversity Ratio
-Boring and safe writing/content despite the game being set in the past (Just a huge wasted potential due to laziness, global standards and political correctness)

-Most neutered boring villager dialogue - Ugly diversity hair
-Gender means nothing and can be changed at any time, male/female faces and hair are identical (unlike previous games), villagers don't comment when you crossdress like the previous game (because gender norms are taboo for children games now)

-"Select your appearance"
-Everyone is Bi and have neutral dialogue with the MCs (Unlike previous games where they specifically had Yuri/Yaoi characters
- Anti-fanart busy character designs
- Policore Spats

-Everyone was forced to be Bi by localizers, even in japanese
-Cancelled Loli wife DLC
-Pandered to western reddit flags instead of just fixing the game and adding content

ESG Product: SFVI

-Ugly Models
-All females are ugly, old or look like trannies, no young/cute/girly characters
-Diversity quota ugly new fighter
-Black gay announcer
-Drag Queen promotion in game
-Worst "Body type and pronouns" character creator yet
-Woke writing
-hideous diversity ratio NPCs
why do you have that image saved on your PC?
>Where the FUCK are you seeing that?

>What hardware does 4chan run on?
>4chan is powered by a rack of colocated servers and a CDN (CloudFlare), enabling us to serve more than 100 terabytes of data per day, and over 680 million pageviews to more than 22 million unique visitors per month!
FAQ page, retard.
Even 4stats is showing 600+ global posts per minute and ~817k posts per day RIGHT NOW.
>aqua very desexualized
Oh thank god a good change.
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>(Grape-kun died 2 weeks later)
There will never be another idol fan like him
Correct. More freedom, not less, though it's too much to ask for your feminist commie jewish tranny ilk
Will we find out some SAO stuff?
i grabbed it off brave image search looking up "sf6 channel eternity" then cropped out what looked like youtube overlays since i had mspaint open
>2- Catering to specific demographics instead of making everything for everyone.
i personally think this is a good thing and we're witnessing attempts at doing the opposite. when you try to please everyone you please no one.
If you just play MM or custom rooms, which a fair amount of people probably do, then you could literally never see him.
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That might be true, but I don't think the average kneejerk individual will see it that way. I don't really mind the toned down fanservice stuff. The presence of it in 2 doesn't distract me either because I'm not 12 or perpetually obsessed with hating it, but I don't particularly care if a game opts to not go that way with it.

If I had to hazard a better guess at why 3 is on the woke side of that chart, it would probably literally be because of Taion's existence.
>Even 4stats is showing 600+ global posts per minute and ~817k posts per day RIGHT NOW.
This is very accomplishable with an average of 244K. /v/ is one of the top 5 boards and this place flies by. It's not impossible.
>>/v/ is full of normalfags and eceleb dickriders who only want to talk about the latest AAA shit
You only need to take a single look at /v/'s catalog to see this is obviously the case.
Damn kemono friends. I remember/a/ going crazy about that shit and then it just stopped.
>Pokemon LA:
Full Retard.
Damn, hope the artist is doing okay
Honestly not the first time KDKW mismanaged an IP (Kancolle), but KF is probably their worst fuckup
>freedom of expression content is all just generic anime coomer shit and persona 4
Is GGO owned by them as well? Because it's the only good thing about SAO that is still alive since Progressive novels are on life support
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>July 1st
Nothingburger. They are going to get caught/executed or ransomed to not leak the data.
If they actually wanted to give it away they would have uploaded it by now.
No one will take you seriously if you unironically use the word coomer.
You have no idea how blackmailing works do you.
>implying they don't have someone with a trigger finger to dump it all in a matter of minutes
Blackmailing is made with a purpose.
If they are planning to leak it later it means they are planning to gain something from that.
It's just that one rockstar leak all over again. We won't get shit because they will get the money and "delete" the files or get killed before that.
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>13 Sentinels
>Bravely Second
>Labyrinth of Galleria
>Tales of Berseria
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Ar Tonelico
>Danganronpa 2
>>Coomer shit
Motherfucker you looked at Senran Kagura and Xenoblade 2 and really thought you were gonna invalidate the entire list? Kill yourself.
this but unironically
>It's good because
Damn sucks for IT
The right plays but at the wrong time.
Seems really unfair to the artist who could just be under an NDA. Otherwise, based Japan. The jew should fear the Samurai.
KEKK get fucked
As opposed to "retarded everyone doing things" aka SAO anime?
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Justice for tatsuki
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We already know that crunchyroll had financial ties to 4chan at some point use google
you can't, you have to boot up the battle hub first to play online
KEK, those IT people will probably sudoku by next week. Anyway, I hope the data gets leaked. We need to see what they're up to. Better not be creating woke shit
You are a fucking retard and belong here.
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Been having coom designs since the start
>13 Sentinels
Driving mecha bare naked sure isn't coom nope nope nope
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
Do I have to say it? Between all of the outfits, the HUGE ass breast the Valkyria get in 2&4 selectively...like come on man.
>Danganronpa ANY OF THEM
Are you fucking being legit here or did you block out every fucking deliberate innuendo and fetish moment from your peabrain?
>Muramasa, Bravely Second, Ar Tonelico
People legit bitches about them with their coom shit got toned down for US releases.
The key difference is the AGGO cast is pure retarded and its only liked by people who are afraid of male characters
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The latter. Anyone who was here during Tortanic/ME shilling would know this.

>private advertising space
Mook is a jew that doesn't care about 4chan beyond whatever money he can make on it. He would absolutely take payment to let shills ignore site rules, with mod protection.
The reason 4chan is a popular shillplace is that it takes very little effort, and every board has at least 2 offsite archives that also gets crawled by google. This means shilling here counts at least triple for trending purposes, ie: engagement.

Why the fuck would that show up in internal docs when there's external companies that makes a living on shilling/SEO/etc. The closest you'd get to a smoking gun would be a line saying "hired company X for marketing". Ubishit is known to use a pooinloo company called Babel Media. They're currently busy spamming niggercreed threads and shitting up the StopKillingGames threads with damagecontrol and demoralization propaganda to turn public opinion against it.
Dark Souls II Remastered, coming 2025
We called it: Japanese people LOOOOOOOOOOVE getting their media subverted by DEI. There's a reason virtually none of them fight back. Konosuba probably has a trans rights scene now!
marketing agencies will pay a fucking 100 viewer streamer for 4 hours of their time to play a game they have to advertise, you think no one is coming here? this site was and is still very popular, plus the marketing costs of paying an intern to make a thread or two every hour is MUCH cheaper than any other method. it's a lot of bang for you buck.
according to japan sources they already paid 3 million but now hackers want 8 million
He already acknowledged that he wasn't here during the ME shilling lol it didn't happen because it happened before he came to 4chan.
Just end yourself
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>Why haven't they implemented these policies by now? Wasn't this leak almost four years ago?

Have you been living under a rock or something? SF6 is filled to the brim with ESG shit.
your definition for what is "coomer" is more stringent than calvin's geneva
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I'm guessing it's time to start quitting anime and Japanese content in general.

Just got started throwing away my figurines. Was a fun ride but Japan is gone forever and Woke has won the world for eternity.
>bottom pic
AYO... dat nigga is ZESTY
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So it's not even going to be anything useful like the source code for the most part, just emails of employees sending dick picks to HR mostly.
I can't believe hiro used to be affiliated with Disney Co. I mean, I guess he was just selling toys, but still. Mother fucking Disney.
Disney owns all Japanese media now along with Sony. See >>681015563

It's literally over. The last bastion of freedom of expression is gone forever.
>Disney owns all Japanese media now along with Sony
They don't own all of it.
No, you don't. You can go right into training ground and queue up or make a custom room. You only have to boot up battle hub if you specifically want the open lobby.
Even Rapelay?
All the more reason for Peltz and Musk to hook up and buy majority shares. Imagine that, Elon Musk owning half of the anime industry.
>generic trust fund celebrity owning half of the anime industry
no thanks
fucking retard
It would be hilarious. Didn't say it would be a good thing.
Lmao, no wonder Korea is producing better shit nowadays
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No one is watching god damn SAO of all animays for smart characters.
As an action anime GGO is miles ahead of SAO. They had their chance with Alicization adaptation and they turned cool as hell ark into a family-friendly E-rated borefest.
>anglo nigger owning anything

God that would be hell, do you want Japs to suffer like Ukraine or all the other countries that have to suffer through Anglo imperialism?
Damn. It's a good thing I hadn't bought into niconico premium.i was tempted for some MMDs but held back because I'm a stingy jew
>pic related
Don't worry, pajeets are coming to save Japan
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This. Japan is no longer our friend. All hail China and South Korea.
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This is what blows my mind. Essentially, some highlevel access was wide open, allowing access to EVERY connected fucking instance throughout their entire network. These motherfuckers GOT MOCKED FOR THEIR SHITTY IT. The "hackers" literally stated that this whole bullshit was extremely disorganized. So not only had they full access for 3 days, the hacker used those 3 days to fucking make sense of their it lmao. Imagine getting 1.5 terabyte of data stolen and getting fucking blackmailed BUT THE HACKERS MOCK YOUR SHITTY IT
worst they could have is your account info, which is most likely just your username e-mail and password. premium is not worth it in recent years because they made the video player slightly better
Can't wait for Japenis to become fully abandoned on /v/ and we finally convert to based Korean and Chinese media.

Reminder that China and Korea are some of the most openly anti-Woke countries, while Japan is the Canada of Asia.
Ya'll could at least wait till the data drops before talking about the ESG boogeyman.
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Cool. I'm more interested in the international stuff. Like are they getting pushback from the west to alter their shows or something? We already know sony is trying to destroy everything Japanese.
I guess we might find out what happened.
>some retarded intern clicked the email attachment and phishing link again

you literally can't get ransomware unless you're absolutely retarded enough to download some poojeets .pdf or excel document or phishing link, in fact some stupid poojeet at my friends work place literally bought $500 worth of gift cards become someone impersonated his boss who sent him emails that he desperate needed these gift cards for business.
I was close to buying premium last year to watch stream timeshifts. Yes if you're reading this post ALL VODs on niconico's streaming platform are locked behind premium. You also can't go back during the stream's timeline without premium.
Korea is so hilariously woke it makes US liberals look like the far right
It wouldn't that bad. It would be better than Bob Iger dictating what Japanese creators can and can't make.
Japan already fucking lost the gacha war
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one of the wrongest posts in the thread
>Damn sucks for IT
I feel like I need to defend IT here. 90% of the time this shit happens because some shitass employee opens a phishing email or gives their PW to someone. Yes it's ITs job to try and prevent shit like this, but you can never remove the human element.
does this include every past live stream, so streams from like 10 years ago could still be saved?
Jewcom went full pozz, the females in dd2 are horrible
Also they started in mhr with the body type mental illness on top of removing all the feminine huntress animations
Fucking kike gooks I haven't bought their games since realizing the pozz.
it's funny that a feminist movement in Korea that makes insecure Korean men seethe also makes insecure non-Korean men seethe too
Korea cracks me up, they got caught recently outsourcing work on The Invincible show to North Korea.
>Imagine that, Elon Musk owning half of the anime industry.
I'd rather not
I want to mating press kaban-chan!
Japanese people are SJW kikes who love tranny shit. Just look at how they love the TTYD remake

Outdated+fake news. Japan is woker then Canada now. Soon will have 30% Japanese and 70% poojeets and kurds
fuck Kadokawa for killing Nichijou with its expensive ass BDs that only had a few episodes each disc.
Hey FromSoft, roll out of danger on this one you fucking one trick ponies
>animation is just trickling down to the cheapest link in the chain
Goddamn. Who's NK gonna outsource to
>started in mhr
That was in World and it's because they are lazy. Same reason they removed Gunner armors.
Is Japanese gacha games even good for fanservice anymore? It's all trash bro. Only FGO was decent in 2019
I've been here 14 years. I have seen every Assassin's Creed game up until the most recent, get astroturfed here with obvious marketer speak for exactly the 14 days leading up to release, then the 14 days following release, then vanish immediately.
>Would say it's 100% bullshit
>Buy some new figures
>They removed the panties, it's just plastic melded into the legs now
Not a good sign
This is the four fucking time i see it posted and the replies are the same as always. You can check the archive if you don't believe me. Shit's botted. Idk why tho
I think the point he was making was that he was glad he didn't give them his payment info
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stay mad
>Is Japanese gacha games even good for fanservice anymore?
Yes. Do you even play them?
>premium is not worth it in recent years because they made the video player slightly better
Unfortunately the guy I follow doesn't reupload his niconico versions anywhere else so I'm stuck with the 720p versions. He also uploads pretty risque MMDs so his vids get taken down often.
Post your figures, I want to see them anon.
My money is on Pakistan
no, if you want to queue into MM, you have to go into the battle hub
>Why the fuck would that show up in internal docs
Because internal docs usually include financial records. When shit gets leaked, it's not just some design docs, future game plans, training powerpoints, and the like. It's employee PII, transaction history, ect.
So if 4chan was being paid, there would be a record of a payment to 4chan LLC or to a Hiroyuki Nishimura.
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Japanese people love the sanitization of their content. This is why most of us have quit Japan forever. There is virtually no pushback in Japan.
sucks to hear that anon
Yes. You can just look at capcom's past and realize they DONT GIVE A FUCK about dei shit, only about making money. Equality shit is just another way for them to do the bare minimum and jew out players.
Fuck these fuckers hope they get ransomwared again
>Japanese people love the sanitization of their content
They don't. And there is push back but keep trying.
This info graphic proves that anyone screeching about ESG is a retard looking for an easy explaination to explain why games have woke elements now. This was fucking leaked. Leaked. And it says nothing about forcing woke-isms in games.
The real issue would be DEI. Which honestly makes sense. When you look at the developers of games with woke elements, they always have multicolored-haired millennials who probably love to dick suck Muhammad's cock for Palenstine. (Which also proves that there isn't a Jewish conspiracy for those who are off the deep end). And honestly who the fuck cares if WokeFaggot#55 wants to make their games diverse. What we should be championing is Anti-Censorship. This is how we can win. Rather than shitting on large companies like Ubisoft for making the protag a black person (which is their choice to do. They made the game. They are progressives, so the game reflects that), we should shit on companies that censor or kowtow to censorship pressure. For example, did you know MangaGamer's release of Higurashi is fucking censored? Chapter 3 is supposed to have Satoko drop her towel and become nude. It was originally uncesnored for the 2009 release, but when MangaGamer re-released it in 2015 they censored it even if you use the "Original Art" setting. We can actually apply pressure to small companies like MangaGamer because they aren't infested with retarded Progressives. Small companies require the support from *us*, the coomers. (I will continue this post by responding to it to talk about Sony and Steam. The real issue).
More people need to be blackpilled on Japan. SJWs have finally infected the last bastion of creativity in the world. Now everything will be woke DEI misery for all of time.

>They don't.
They do. The fact that they never speak up about it is proof.
>And there is push back but keep trying.
There is no push back except on neetch sub forums
Tiny unheard of studio, From soft is own by them
yes they do
all because minecraft was born here, and that alone made companies realize how far the reach this place has
>That's the only shilling I've ever seen here.
There's also the french pedo here that uses /v/ as his personal discord chat and openly begs people to buy his merch
>Yen drops
>Niggers invade your country
>Crime and vandalism rises
I'm not whoever you were arguing with, I was just letting you know you're a fucking retard for posting "UHM SOURCE?!??!" as if that information isn't readily available.
Thanks for the bump.
>They do. The fact that they never speak up about it is proof.
They do speak up about it. Go be a doomer elsewhere.

>the comments are all blaming foreigners


>this is why they can't leave vending machines around in foreign countries
Didn't they ban toruism in the geisha district because Americans were being an annoyance?
After reading this thread? B.
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Not at home now, but Gxf series from one piece, starting with ulti, and the two on pic related, all recent aditions
I feel bad for the Japanese but they should know that around blacks...
No, you don't. You can do it right from the menus, bro. How are you talking shit on people for not having played the game when you don't know this?
import the third world become the third world, majority of crimes committed in japan is by SEA, chinese, kurds, indians, pakis and blacks and american blacks from the US base rape the most Japanese children.
>source: my ass
That's your source.
>Japan needs an update. The weirdos that are bitching about skin/exposure online aren't religious folks in the 90's, most of the time, they're hypocritical nu-atheists.
The issue is that the dominant leftist discourse still paints catholicism as a relevant enemy(despite them literally having a pro-abortion Pope), so that's what Japan gets.

We need to "update" the west first.
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>Japan industry brought out by Disney
Not all is lost.
Did you mean to quote the guy I was arguing with? It's okay.
stop thinking about my penis
Don't worry they won't do shit about immigrants because they are too pussy to fight back. Reminder that the Kishida-Biden regime is the final death of all non-woke anything.
Is this AI generated?
Annoying as hell the reason we're stuck with /pol/fags is because these soi want to mine them for "useful intelligence"
Only if it was being paid directly. "hired company X for marketing" implies X are the ones that would deal with that.
I'm talking about the first time you boot the game dipshit.
You cannot play MM without jumping into the battle hub first.
Just doomer propaganda.
If DLSite can still sell Loli/Shota Doujins even with restrictions, we're fine.
(Continue) I fucking hate all you retards. Because your misidentification of the problem as ESG makes us incapable of actually attempting to make change.
Rather than ESG, we should be shitting on Sony (Playstation's Branch which is now HQ'd in California which effects the make-up of who is hired) for their censorship Sony Check policies (see the Wall Street Journal investigation: "Sony Cracks Down on Sexually Explicit Content in Games" - Wall Street Journal and Senran Kagura's producer leaving making the series dead: "Kenichiro Takaki Talks About The Issues Of Creative Restrictions And Why He Left Marvelous" - Siliconera (note he doesn't mention Sony by name which is consistent with the WSJ's "They asked not to be identified because of nondisclosure contracts with Sony and fears of jeopardizing future business with Sony." Note how this many also fit the Stellar Blade situtation). Steam is also just as bad with censorship. They stopped Rance 5D + VI from releasing (it still has a SteamDB page: https://steamdb.info/app/1055130/history/). Note you can get the whole Rance series of GOG. Additionally, Steam banned Dungeon Travelers 2 and 2-2 despite having been released on PSVITA (and was already censored). And hypocrtically Steam allowed Dugeon Travelers 1 to release on Steam later, but put a 18+ rating despite it being an ecchi console game.
Of course, Steam and Sony aren't small companies, so we can't apply pressure to them. But knowing the facts arms us with the tools to understand the issue for when we apply pressure to small companies. Just like how progressives abuse cancel culture, we can do the same. If a company kowtows to censorship, shit on them on social media websites. Small companies aren't infested with progressives and feminist women. We can force them to not censor.
Fuck off Bikini-Schizo
>following esg/dei
keep believing that lol
Steam doesn't have one person who bans or lets things through, it's a few people and they have no agreement or consistency between them.
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From yt
If anyone have an old figure like that please debunk me
>makes us incapable of actually attempting to make change.
nigger I'm here to talk about video games, not be an activist
fuck off back to Twitter fucking /pol/nigger
IT world dump are weird. I randomly saw a dump that contains all Vietnamese educator section account and password some time in the past. I don't know why they would keep those data in an excel sheet unhashed
Do Zoomers really...?
>even with restrictions
>when just a few years ago there weren't
Your definition of fine is not fine
More like millenial scum
I feel sick... I don't think I can even look at my favorite Japanese medias anymore... goodbye forever Japan...
>banpresto shit
next time buy from actual figure makers.
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> see what From Software and Spike Chunsoft are cooking next.
More bloated and microtransaction riddled sequel vomit what else?
Hacking into companies and sifting through their waste dump for a whiff of NEXT PRODUCT has to be the saddest level of brainless consumerism possible
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Even than they were censoring backpacks.
You can still buy and consoom that shit no problem.
I get it anon but should you really be surprise that something like Loli/Shota has a negative light in general and needs heavy restrictions? Its not something the entire world will openly accept, I'm sorry.
This. Japan is doomed and we have to accept it. I'm already selling off all my manga. No more Japan for me ever again. It belongs to the new, stunning, brave, woke, tolerant, orwellian generation forever now.
>>when just a few years ago there weren't
Payment processors. Those are what he is talking about. There are no "restrictions" outside of what they won't allow payment for.
in the company i work for,we use Keypass to store admin credentials from local machines.
Leaving sensitive information like credentials in a excel file is asking to be attacked by russians randomware.
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why are you being a retarded westabot?
I thought japan was woke....
>were censoring backpacks
That was happening decades ago. DLsite plays it safe, while DMM will sell you uncensored backpacks and baby fucking games.
Thirdies and small businesses have awful security unless something catastrophic happens
When I started renting an apartment, they signed me up for a third party website with the same username/PW I used for their site that had my autopay info on it and stored the passwords in plaintext on a regular workstation with internet access. I had to lecture them about PII handing but they didn't fucking understand a word I said. Normalfags are far easier to hack than you can possibly imagine.
>They removed the panties, it's just plastic melded into the legs now
Its incredibly rare for this to happen. Most figs still have panties. Go to the buyfag thread on /a/ and talk about it so you can get btfo'd there. Even putting panties aside just head over to AmiAmi and look at the massive amounts of lewd figures up for preorder right now, including some half naked loli figs.
Also I want to point out that Gushing over Magical Girls was a Kadokawa production.
The anti Japan doomposter also needs to make his samefagging less obvious.
>Kadokawa leak is teased
>first post of the thread is a chuddy salivating at the thought of a new controversy for the week >>681009167

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA fucking hopeless little bitch
should've been watching Nichibros instead
This was actually easy to bypass. At least for Firefox, you need to have autoplay disabled at a browser level then open the tabs, the site will bitch about you having multiple tabs open but if you waited a few seconds the video would play because their dumbasses force autoplay regardless if the browser tells them not to.
why are you worried about anons shitting on SJWtroons?
It's common knowledge that /pol/ is full of bots, so it's pretty obvious some of those bots have come over here too
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Funny how the anti Japan are probably by Chinese or Koreans instead of westerns.
I still believe its some /co/ user who's utterly bitter about the state of western media.
Hum, porn noob here, what are backpacks?
>Normalfags are far easier to hack than you can possibly imagine.
This is true. I work as a IT and some weeks ago I discovered some girl stored all her credentials in a .txt file and when changing passwords, she simply added a number or a symbol on her old pass.
I don't get it. Why do they pretend to have some moral high ground? It just makes them look like huge faggots.
I don't blame them for taking advantage of shitty security for profit but don't pretend you're doing people some kind of favor.
Japanese School backpacks get censored in doujins featuring Loli/Shota characters.
Obvious reasons.
Don't have a picture but some anon probably does.
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Yes, you can, you dumb nigger. What compels you to be such a faggot and refuse to admit you're wrong over something so trivial?
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>he expects infographic spammers to read their infographics
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>Japanese School backpacks get censored in doujins featuring Loli/Shota characters.
They don't in all of them. Only some stores demand it and it has been that way for a long ass time now.
>should you really be surprise that something like Loli/Shota has a negative light in general
In Japan? Yes. Most unnatural.
>Its not something the entire world
Fuck the entire world, DLS is a japanese platform
>There are no "restrictions"
>outside of what they won't allow payment for.
Which is basically anything that makes Japan, Japan, including the entirety of the content for the loli tag. In other words, there are huge, blaring and criminal restrictions.
All possible. Just really wants people to stop consuming japanese media for some reason.
I called you a little bitch, I never said I was worried about you being a little bitch lmao
>I called you a little bitch

Means nothing if it comes from a tranny desu
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Jesus Christ
What game?
Considering DLS is admitting how low the yen is via emails and asking me to buy, I believe they 100% need my Hamburger Dollars.
>DLS is a japanese platform
It is but they have been doing it for a long time. DMM doesn't.
>In other words, there are huge, blaring and criminal restrictions.
Of course. Too bad I can't get a Japanese card.
You still responded when referred to as a little bitch, so you're not getting a win out of this little internet spat LOL
sadly not vidya, just one of many insight original figures.
People here probably think Occam's Razor is a brand of shaving gear
is run by a feminist cult and their cultural exports are adored by coastal libtards, anythin lewd that gets by is only because it flies under the radar
pushes pro-lgbt content in their exports because they know it destabilizes their enemies (see tiktok)
Am I a bot?
Are you a bot?
This is madness!
I love ice cream!
With Bloodborne becoming open source, we can port it to PC ourselves.
Not only are we both bots, both of us think we're real as well.
The whale climbs the bamboo Canadian
>pushes pro-lgbt content in their exports
That's what sells in the pozzed West, it just happens to also destabilize it.
Still, they are very prude regarding female characters showing skin. An example is how Genshin went under heat in China because of how sexy the female costumes were, then Genshin lost the battle and had to censor these costumes and future ones
Concession: ACCEPTED.
Does this have Aoi Yuuki nudes? I don't care otherwise.
Aww, you're adorable. Soft power control and fifth generational operations are an essential part of 21st century warfare. It's cute that you just consider it to be coincidence.
>That's what sells in the pozzed West
It's really not.
1.5TB isn't very much.
Were you expecting a petabyte? Fucking dork.
>Ads here are cheap as dirt
Corpos don't give a shit about the ads here, they do nothing for engagement. Making shit trend is why shilling happens here.

Because no one rents protection service forever when the first 1-2 months after launch is what matters. And eventually most of the shillthreads will be replaced with trollthreads spammed by underage b& that saw the negative reactions to the shillthreads and thought posting more threads would make them ebin trollz.
The staff also wants to keep up appearances, because shilling is still officially against site rules. That way they can justify purging Joe Poorfag who didn't pay the shill toll without causing a fuss.

>but muh leaks
Fuck off, leaks are far from the everyday occurrence you're trying to paint it as.
I was expecting more than one laptop's hard drive.
>trying to selectively firewall out attackers who you already detected as breaching in
Dumbest jap IT department on the planet. You pull out the network cable at that point, regardless of implications. You just never know what kind of payload they initially uploaded until you do thorough forensics
>I like it when corpos get fucked but I'm sad about the innocent workers
That's an oxymoron.
It sounds like they only have stuff from Dwango
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the nerve of newfags like you
>Korea is producing better shit nowadays
That's not even remotely true what the fuck are you smoking
dude its 2024,expect kadokawa to have a Microsoft azure tenant and sub tenants for their brands. once you have access to their onedrives or VM controllers they're fucked. They got hit by the obvious plane bad side of SaaS: If shit hits the fan, you can only watch how it flings around.
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>customer with five figures of workstations and a metric fucking assload of users makes a change about restricting certain applications from running
>hey you know what we could set up Applocker that'd just blanket ban all portable applications like those and also harden the domain against various gay scenarios, a different client asked us to set that shit up a few years ago and we could roll all the lessons learned into this so it should be done in-
>"does that cost money? I bet that costs money"
>"yeah we can't have that because it costs money, just implement it in the old way that was used to block Firefox"
>the "old way" is literally just blocking applications with the exact file names of firefox.exe and shitass_virus_application.exe from being directly launched by the user
anon, you can see the image too. why is it saved on YOUR pc?
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>that trailer is from 13 years ago
i remember shitposting here about E3 2011
I'm fully aware of this happening and it happened right after Minecraft being shilled here. That's it, honestly? That's almost 15 years ago anon. I'm talking about now, in current times.
They cut the cables for the niconico manga site which is their most valuable site right now.
What will that do? even high end cloud services get hacked.
These hackers need to be assassinated.
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miss those days like you wouldnt believe anon. pic related
wtf did Kadokawa do to deserve this?
Root Letter was a kino game btw
Looks like you are very new, currently, Ubisoft is by far the most obvious but in the past the most obnoxious ad campaign I ever saw on /v/ was the first Borderland, shit was absolutely insane.
Making me pay for premium to watch 1080p videos on niconico. Also needing to pay for premium to watch VODs of livestreams
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Shut up /pol/tard bitch.
Literally grabbed some random anime pic from this season and it's fine.
We know that Sony monitors here as well given the tlou leaks and the constant dmca's they sent us.
I just want booba in games... I miss Senran Kagura... I want SK7 to release. This is the only way I feel like I can get it back. I saw the ESG narrative in this thread, which only serves to hurt any ability to stop censorship.
I also got triggered when I found out Higurashi Chapter 3's MangaGamer 2015 re-release (Yes, I know VNs aren't technically video games) censored Satoko's nudity after she drops her towel by making her not drop her towel. Additionally, I forgot to mention in my original post that the 07th Expansion mod censors the fucking towel sprite (if they were pressured by us (such as /v/), they wouldn't do this. Instead, they would restore her nude sprite after dropping her towel per the principals of creative respect for the original work and anti-censorship). The MangaGamer release had Satoko: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/umineko/images/5/51/SatokoSteamTowel_(1).png/ (which was accurate to the original towel sprite before she drops it: https://static.miraheze.org/whentheycrywiki/7/79/Sa4_hannbesoa3.png Notice the side opening), whereas the fucking mod changed it to be censored for no reason (and out of scope for the mod) to https://github.com/07th-mod/tatarigoroshi/issues/52. Note how it was pull request (really an issue that was pulled, but that distinction doesn't matter). It goes to show how external pressure is easy to give towards small creators, rather than incorrectly focusing on ESG or even correctly focusing on Sony and Steam. Knowing that Sony and Steam is censorsing is only useful to know to have a factual basis when we pressure small companies. We could do what that loser did to the Higurashi mod, but for other creators such as MangaGamer itself or pressure Marvelous to put Senran Kaugra 7even on the Switch 2 to avoid Sony. You probably don't care... No one cares... Ass and Hometown is dead. Happy Boobs are dead. People just screech ESG like retards. At the very least, I hope you and those who do not post are more informed.
oh I thought they just made visual novels
Kancolle leaks when?
Kemono Friends S2
The good things are there expressly to make you swallow the poison pill you fucking idiot.
Do you actually think this is evidence of shilling and not a dev or two being anons that put a shitpost into the game like the /v/ - the vidya news article hidden in some map?
Imagine pitching mario and zelda as a bad thing
>the japanese citizens private life info
Yeah just explicitly censoring panty shots, or scenes where a legion of enemies getting gunned down replaced with "Aim for their legs!". Shit is grim.
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The thing i miss the most is the "E3 in 100 days" countdown anon posting literally every single day every single year
The world is going to shit
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I miss when companies used to throw such jabs at each other all the time. Gave it a sense of actual competition rather than just have them all exist in a vacuum.
>They knew we were there 3 days before we encrypted the network
Mein nigga just pull the plug, now not only they will have to re-do the entire thing they will also have to pay the ransom.
Hackers are killing anime an all we can do it sit and watch.
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>Xeno 3
>not at least in Freedom of Expression
A SINGLE picture from it is enough to make wokes seethe endlessly and the game as a whole is unapologetically pro-procreation.
gundam unicorn dude? thought it was funny he started his e3 spam waaaay after e3 ever stopped being fun/entertaining
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Show tits woman.
screencapping this so i can post it when none of that is in the leak
what's the next biggest vocaloid site after nico? i really miss it
I remembered, but thanks for confirming it.
Shit security evidently
Breaking news: hackers warn that half of the 1.5TBs were taken up by the titles of Kadokawa's light novels.
Anyone who has watched anime long enough has noticed this. Most recently it was all crunchyroll's fault but now it's netflix too.
They're a megacorp. Like how most people didn't know Take2Interactive existed before GTA5.
They are going to expose everyone that used heavy shield with blood/rot on Radahn phase 2, and everyone will know that they never completed the game.
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How does this keep happening to billion dollar companies over and over?
Even top cloud services are hacked and you think these japs can handle an attack?
Jewish capital.
Whoever they're hiring to handle their cyber security isn't enough to keep out autists willing to spend all their free time to get in.
>at no point in your life will an anime company get hacked and have dozens of internal gengas of nude anime women pre-censorship leaked
at what point do i tie the rope
>gonna get info on Slayers
Fuck yes, can't wait.
If a company makes $50 of profit a year or $50,000,000 in profit every year they still won't pay for actual security because that's money that should be going to executives and shareholders
toppu kekku

not even your government
not your bank
not your hospital
Large long-running enterprises are notorious for garbage infosec as IT is seen as an expense, proactive security costs extra money and the domain is full of all kinds of shitty unpatched legacy systems nobody even remembers the existence of. Often it's a matter of pure luck as the employees are either smart or lucky enough to not fall for skeevy links and the internet facing appliances are tough enough to filter out any bullshit while the intranet is an explosively unstable mess that will instantly die to any random skiddie with a tool downloaded off Github.
>this common two decade old internet joke could only possibly have been made by someone on the take
i.e. rich stock owners
customers don't matter
community doesn't matter
good games don't matter
our affect on the world doesn't matter
all that matters is what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates wants.
I accidentally said this info graphic was leaked in: >>681017539
It wasn't. I don't want to spread misinfo, so I am correcting this fact. It was released publically as Capcom Integrated Report 2021. I thought it was part of Capcom's late 2020 Ransomware leak, but I don't believe that changes my point that ESG is the wrong issue to focus on over Sony and Steam. And how we should apply pressure to smaller companies while understanding the censorship policies Sony and Steam make. What people identify as ESG (what they consider the source of censorship, anti-sexualization, and woke stuff) is simply the makeup of the companies by political progressives or the cancel culture pressure. If anything, progressives in a company is a bigger issue than ESG, rather than ESG having something like >>681009167 as a policy. Which ESG doesn't have as a policy. Though DEI based diversity programs can be considered as causing the makeup of a company to be filled with progressives, but understanding the nuance of the situation is important to actually stop censorship and allow companies that want to put booba in games to prosper. Who cares if a group of progressives want to put a black main character. What matters is if Sony is stopping games like Senran Kagura 7even from being made. Marvelous, the publish of Senran Kagura, cancelling 7even rather than moving the development to the Nintendo Switch. If we focused on companies like Marvelous that aren't filled with progressives, instead of ESG booba can be back on the table. Because Marvelous is a smaller company, the tactics that Progressives use of social media cancelling works, which is the 2nd issue causing woke stuff. Instead of focusing on ESG, we should focus on cancel culture and the individual makeup of company.
>cyber sleuth
>FE Fates
>literal censored games
>freedom of expression

>uncensored games and the Xenoblade games that's centered around a straight relationship and people who were raised nonbinary discovering that being straight and males and females fucking is good
Does this mean Konosuba is cancelled?
>woke pandering
>when you can literally marry at least 3 different little girls or even your own little sister
do westoids really?
I remember Ubisoft had a sticky for Asscreed once.
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Sorry that you played the troonhouse version bro
they canceled anything when stuff was leaked.
don't worry
no, next season in 6 years.
trust the plan.
>Reminder that China and Korea are some of the most openly anti-Woke countries
The CCP is one of the biggest forces responsible for pushing wokeness on the West.
That they do that while encouraging their own citizens to be anti-woke should tell you all you need to know.
karma for not fixing elden ring on PC
You'd rather just have the poison on its own?
90% of the s ranks are platonic and never mention marriage
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>the troonhouse version bro
The Troonhouse version of what exactly?
You honestly believe there isn't an effort to sanitize games and anime for more global appeal?
Seven Seas and Yen Press do monitor /a/ to see what license they could get next.
Kadokawa is shit. Like any big old japanese company.
They're grasping on "muh japanese honoru" that is nothing but "I'm from old family so I'm always right, you are no one so you are wrong" bullshit. They can't comprehend anything else. They don't give a fuck about network security.
honestly I am more interested in knowing their translation progress.
I want names and faces I can track. granted that is if they keep that shit on a computer
but the anime audience likes the shows as they are; not changed to suit them better.
>I am more interested in knowing their translation progress.
Nintendo probably just goes.
>we don't care what you do just don't touch the actual content or you're dead
That hasn't stopped them for pursuing the modern audience™

You got translators already trying to thinking they're editors.
The last time a checked, /a/ had around 1-2k active users monthly. I asume that's people posting, add another 1k lurking.
why can't chuddies just list all the trannylators and check the credits of games they're interested in BEFORE playing them, aren't you guys like smart?
It's funny how most people don't know From Soft is owned by Kadokawa.
He means the JP version.
Do you know how these things happen retard? It's a gradual process until there is nothing left
Sadly the factual foundation of these people is completely broken. They care more about Woke vs Non-Woke, rather than censorship vs uncensorship. They have no principals only sensibilities that get triggered. They would love to censor games they consider woke. They are no different than the progressives they hate so much.
To this fucking day, Digimon Cyber Slueth's English release (even the new port for PC and Switch port) is censored for the most retarded reason ever. Fucking Sistermon Noir was considered offensive by out of touch execs [?]: (this is speculation) in a game that literally has Lucemon: Satan Mode.
If we focused on companies like Bamco instead of the ESG bullshit (which is really just political retards trying to get the gamer crowd again), we could force many companies to uncensor their games (and in this case give us both Sistermon Noir as well as the censored Ciel). This tactic could apply to a lot of cases given that Japanese companies that censor usually do it out of incorrect (maybe correct) perceptions that it will hurt sales or they will get cancelled.
In a semi-related note, sometimes censorship for games created by Japanese developers is because of regulations in countries that aren't American such as China, but they apply the censorship to all versions. It can also be caused by Progressives infesting the localization division, but obviously that doesn't apply to the case of Digimon Cyber Slueht's Sistermon Noir censorship. American progressives wouldn't censor Sistermon Noir. Just in general, Progressives can be the cause of censorship.
In this case Bamco's western branch is exercising the retardation they always have done. See: Dragon Ball Fusions for the 3ds changing swords to sticks as well as its other changes and Xenogears constant censorship just because they retardedly wanted a Teen rating instead of an Mature rating.
Most likely referring to the localization. I pity EOPs
Japan are legit fucking cucks I've worked in Japan and talked to several people at various places on the leadershit ladder and they will legit listen to any fucking retarded fag (or woman) as long as they represent "the west". Their national identity is based on shit like being humble aka sucking to your master, they get a sense of zen and serenity and peace from serving their master and so they're so easily taken advantage of. I also know the guy who introduced the guideflies or whatever to monster hunter world and other shit
and yet you're here speaking english :^)
What's wrong with Tears of the Kingdom? Never played it
The only people who think nobody shills on /v/ actually vastly underestimate the amount of traffic this site gets.
Suuure bro.
That's why >>681013384
It has a interracial relationship(human/animal)
image is bait strictly because of the chosen tales games and their placements and everything else was a afterthought, kisekitards cant get big fat taleschad cocks out of their minds and mouths
There's LITERAL baphomet references, they're not even try to hide it anymore.
Hacking is irrelevant, Kadokawa gave them the middle finger immediately and didnt pay so they release the useless shit they got pretending it matters.
corpos can't be seen being openly funding this site with ad money, so they resort to stealth or not so subtle marketing.
Nice lie IDF scum.
File deleted.
That's normal Japanese shit.
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If so they did good recently by going for Rozen Maiden
the /a/ thread is better


Calling bullshit lol
Entirety of Nintendo infrastructure doesn't take up that much space.
>We can fly to the moon with 56kb of ram, b-but, but! That guy for sure had 1000 Petabytes of CP. Judt trust us chud!
Wait, that might be too lewd. Have the sprite instead.
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>Black Suit ransomware
Bloodborne source code
>we are only interested in money
>proceeds to write mucho texto, repeating several things said
Do they really think they look cool? I know they want to spook some idiots into paying but this is almost cringeworthy.
>Nobody advertises on this shithole
When PalWorld came out, EVERY thread for a month mentioned PalWorld, even if it was completely, 100% off-topic. They even tried to alter the spelling of PalWorld so it wouldn't come up in people's filters. How is this genuine human behavior?
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Speaking as a guy who does IT for a billion dollar company (though not important security shit, but I've talked to them), it's corporate culture resulting in people not giving a fuck.
If I recall specially for Japan, they are not very into adding IT to their businesses yet and they STILL use shit like fax machines and real stamps and shit. Naturally this results in a lot of the IT being added turning into legacy shit and the services being underfunded.
I myself would have no trouble at all if I had a single colleague, but the guys who hire us are very anal about spending money. The standard corporate mindset unless the guys at the top are the "product people" as Steve jobs says is basically to do the bare minimum to make it JUST WERK and then they'll obey the whim of the shareholders after that.
Japan is similar, but a lot more into "business culture" and probably isn't going to try to improve its IT unless through pressuring circumstances or someone radical at the helm of a corp.
>How is this genuine human behavior?
It was mostly trolling, either to fuck with people who hated Palworld or to make people hate Palworld.
While some shilling does happen, you have to remember the cornerstone of anonymous imageboards, trolling.
cant wait for the souls source ports
Anime is a decade behind vidya on the rotting schedule, niggerfaggot.
I think it was just the spillover of Pokémon trolling. Even the Japanese got in on mocking Pokémon fans for overreacting.
If you read up about Palworld as a game, you'd know that it had basically peanuts for budget at like 1mil $ brought from a loan, the devs were random hobbyists and the guy who designed the gunplay was just a guy trying to ape TF2.
Palworld may be good/shit whatever, but those guys had neither the money nor influence to run a shill campaign and why would they run it on /v/?
Kek you're so retarded the anon stopped replying
The fuck are you talking about? That image is an example of Japanese people not just taking bullshit that's given to them.
Never heard of them.
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He won't reply to you so I'll give a (you) instead.
Have a nice day.
toddlers trying to make people hate that game. same with Genshin back then.
NTA but I literally see the troon at the end
2nd season when???????????

why didn't any other companies learn after nintendo got reamed by the gigaleak dumps. pay the IT troons what they're worth
that's a lot of dolphin porn
>censored Satoko's nudity after she drops her towel by making her not drop her towel. Additionally, I forgot to mention in my original post that the 07th Expansion mod censors the fucking towel sprite (if they were pressured by us (such as /v/), they wouldn't do this.
Fuckin hell
Exploiting an outdated deprecated code repository (CVS) != Hanako from HR opening an email with ransomware
Yeah exactly because anime culture is one decade behind on the rotting schedule, like I said, retard.
yeah cause that's the cutscene that plays at battlehub when you go there for the first time. the webm is showing MM is available, then goes to battlehub to show that he's never been there before.
Japs are uber vulnerable to this shit.

>Outdated IT and web everything (half of all jp sites someone don't use https somehow)
>Lack of english speakers, meaning more susceptible to falling for phishing scams written in english
>High trust society. More gullible in general when it comes to getting scammed.
And also that's japs getting mad at japs for being obviously wrong and obviously stupid. You'll never see that huge of a reaction for japs getting mad at their western overlords because they equate authority with absolute correctness and western()s are far more insidious
Ah I see.
>So if 4chan was being paid, there would be a record of a payment to 4chan LLC or to a Hiroyuki Nishimura.
So all it takes is a single layer of obfuscation by hiring a front company of marketing posters and you'll be fooled into thinking every post here is real.
So is that mangagamer's fault or not. I'm playing the mangagamer version of sengoku rance right now.
You know what my question is? How the fuck did the retard that is genuinely THAT retarded to open the mail, leak the password (why not 2 step authentication?) or download some shit, BUT AFTERWARDS not realizing that this is literally a virus? Why the fuck didn't he/she immediately call IT? How does one, being THAT retarded, have access to EVERY file in the company? How does this person have access to the contracts? How does this access point grant access to contracts, employee profiles INCLUDING salary, upcoming games, emails, passwords, documents about potential deals etc etc etc? This shit makes no sense? This retard is like the root user of the companies os lol. Not only that, he was in it FOR THREE (3) (III) DAYS
>1k lurking
Oh you sweet summerchild. 90% of the userbase lurks.
Source: moots blog.

Yes, he actually had one even though he didn't use it much. It was a dumblr called chrishateswriting.

>b-but that was written 15 years ago
If you have a newer source then by all means post it.
I just noticed that the original image shows the Japanese version of Cyber Slueth, which indicates that the creator did know about its censorship. But the poster did put 13 Sentinels' English poster, in which Atlus West toned down certain suggestive dialogue. No, I'm not talking about the non-binary related dialogue (https://varishangout.com/index.php?attachments/eirxepyxyayu1pq-jpg.7491/) since some can argue that it was stylistic as opposed to censorship (if anything, it would be an example of a localizer putting their personal politics into the dialogue as opposed to censorship. But others can read it as simply a stylistic choice for wording), and I want to show non-debateable acts of censorship.. Subtle lolicon joke toned down: https://varishangout.com/index.php?attachments/13ssh-5-jpg.7459/ Subtle sexual assault joke toned down: https://varishangout.com/index.php?attachments/13ssk-1-jpg.7461/ And a skirt flip joke: https://varishangout.com/index.php?attachments/13ssk-2-jpg.7460/
The image also includes a picture of the American release of Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, which is another another Atlus West translation (then ATLUS USA) that was censored https://steamcommunity.com/app/1149550/discussions/0/1747893292779836049/?ctp=21 Note that the PC release by Shiravune kept the censorship.
Funnily, enough Shiravune & DMM (porn game publishers) did the same thing with Dungeon Travelers 2 another ATLUS USA title that was censored. They kept the censorship by ATLUS USA even when Valve banned it from Steam before it could release. This censorship carries over to the Johren release (an actual porn game site) when using the English language setting. Naturally, there is a mod to uncensor this. So the ecchi content that released on Japanese consoles is censored even on an actual porn game site of Johren if you use the English language setting.
implying he knows who moot is
Anon, that was 15 years ago. That's basically the timespan of multiple eras in internet terms.
>1.5TB of internal Kadokawa data getting dumped July 1st
>KADOKAWA Group is an entertainment company active in publishing, video, games, web services, education, and merchandise. They have now fallen victim to BLACK SUIT Ransomware. The group plans to release 1.5 TB of confidential data on July 1, 2024, including contracts, legal documents, user and employee information, business plans, project data, financial records, and other internal papers.
Why 1 july?!!! Just dump it now! Right now!
Why even care about this in the first place? If shits gonna leak anyway then might as well do it yourself it's not like it matters.
>Why 1 july?!!!
because they want them to give in and pay
I'm going to assume it's a jap thing. Same single system everywhere and jap bosses saying "Don't open this and that" and the jap workers just follow the order. Then everything works until it doesn't.
the mangagamer release of sengoku rance isn't censored. they made a censored, patched version that was intended to be released on steam but steam denied it anyway, so mangagamer just released it as a bonus "streamer" patch.
mangagamer did choose to censor the naked satoko sprite for the steam release of higurashi, along with not contracting the new artist to redraw it, but their original release of higurashi is uncensored. here's a 15 year old blog-post about it, older than satoko is https://blog.mangagamer.org/2009/12/11/soul-link-will-not-be-censored/
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>How does this keep happening to billion dollar companies over and over?

Larry Fink
ALADDIN system

This isn't a joke. This motherfucker was giving orders to all the western leaders at the G7 this year, he's practically the divine ruler of the west because he controls such a large portion of its financial system. ESG is his baby.
I mean there's a difference between just watching and doing market research and all the outrageous claims /v/ makes about corporations making threads
Shit, I made a mistake thinking that you were talking about billion dollar companies pandering to ESG rather than the ransom hack.
There will be no game source codes in this leak. It will be 99% internal (boring and useless) corporate documents. There might be some website source but that would be the extent of it. This group decided that taking financial docs would hurt kadokawa the most, increasing their chances of a payout. Contrary to what people might think, stealing and leaking game source code does not affect the company significantly, so ransomware groups usually don't target them. If they are taken and leaked its often because they stumbled upon them while going through the network.
keep me posted
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On an unrelated note, someone is leaking SEGA's internal slideshows in vg
I think you misunderstand how this shit works with parent companies. Of course, it is unlikely they have early build of elden ring lol, but they will CERTAINLY have promotional material, contracts, name of games, planned releases and status updates
bro nobody cares about some japshit shovelware, we all want to see ESG/DEI stuff
they do make threads: remember Borderlands, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, Ubisoft in general, etc. they, however, can't admit it.
Thank you friend
Need to know if they plan to port Metal Max DS titles.
>Because no one rents protection service forever when the first 1-2 months after launch is what matters
But this did happen during release months. Diablo threads got deleted constantly when Immortal came out and Blizzard is one of the few that actually do have their pojeets here on launch week.
>>but muh leaks
It's still true. You can't hire someone to do it for free and expect them never ever to get disgruntled and screenshot everything in the discord or IRC before they quit. They recruit from the site's own userbase for god's sake.

And this is still entirely based on your own speculation. None of your statements have proof, and it pales in the face of the overwhelming amount of evidence posted here every day that /v/ just has garbage taste and doesn't want to talk about anything other than corposlop and culture war bullshit.
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Everyday I wished we lived in the timelime where larry was into big fat anime titties and pushed them into everything.
Yeah, because it's actually the former. It's not a conspiracy (or at the very least less likely to be ONLY a conspiracy), people are just that retarded.
When he snuffs it I hope his global cultural hegemony crusade permanently withers away. I've had enough of this cosmopolitan garbage.
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Holy shit pc supremacy.
Epic games store selling more than ps5
>in the novel roxy stayed in the dungeon scraping by for WEEKS

Literature is unregulated and writers can put whatever crazy plots that they want. Mangas and anime follow strict regulations. Mushoku tensei always was downgraded since the first manga (not elfs who need sex every 24 hour, no Roxy mindbreaks, etc)

>You could have space-age firewalls, security, etc.
Haha, when? In Commercial and industrial settings everybody have Win7, pirated Microsoft Office, Adobe apps, Windows activator. I know industrial machinery with WinXP because a manager is too greed for spend money in upgrades.
>b-but immorlel
Because it's a MOBILE game and belongs on the MOBILE GAMES board, you fucking retard. There is no way you can spin that into not being offtopic. and back then they gave at least a few fucks more about keeping up appearance.
I dont understand why pensions are so important. Old people not purchase anything outside of food and water. It’s important to remember that the pension is insurance against longevity risk, not a scheme to make you rich. Humans not are 300-years vampires.
>the mods are secretly in league with corporations letting them shill here all they want but they still enforce these rules I just made up
/v/ has like a dozen gacha threads up right now, at no point have mobile games not been allowed here
Or are you gonna claim all the gacha developers pay the mods too?
Thanks you to: >>681032887
I was writing a response, and he pretty much said everything I was writing. Except, I will add that even if you use the "Old Art" setting that gives Ryukishi07's art, it is still censored as she never loses her towel. So it wasn't JUST that they didn't contract the new artist to make a nude sprite. They also censored the "Old Art" setting. (I don't actually recall what they call the setting to use the Original Art, but I hope it gets the point across).
Additionally, I think Rance Quest (8th Rance game, after Sengoku) has dialogue censorship. According to this post https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/sts9we/comment/hx620ai/ (yes I know Reddit...), MangaGamer removed character ages from the bios.
I have only played Rance I (original) to 4.2 (barely started Kichikuou), so I can't confirm it.
I ended up dropping Kichikuou since its fantranslation feels a amateurish (apparently AruNaru was known to not give his translation an editing pass. So he translates it once without ever looking over it.) The beginnings' use of transliterated sound effects made me not realize Rance was supposed to be sleep talking in the cave about his dream. (Look it up, is the very first scene.) Furthermore, his different style for Athena 2.0 triggered the fuck out of me. She sounds stupid in a cute way in
Tulip Goddess Maria's IV and 4.X fantranslations, whereas she sounds retarded in AruNaru's ("is" becomes "iz"). Because of the inherent differences in Japanese and Enlgish that leads to a middleman (translator) always deciding style and censorship in many translations, I have decided to forbid myself from playing translations and study Japanese. If any wants to do so I recommend https://learnjapanese.moe/ and CureDolly. Additionally, make sure you shut yourself off from any translated media. Because going back to translated Japanese media is like doing crack, and it will prevent you from making progress.
next thread?
Why is it so hard for game devs to not participate in ESG bullshit. Of all publicly traded corporations in the entire world, hardly any of them mention this kind of thing in their financial reports but of course all the big AAA videogame companies are doing this exact same nonsense which means it's deliberate
No ''you'' want to see it /pol/fag.
Which part of "back then" did you not understand?
"Back then" only dates to about 2020 to you, you fucking newnigger. /v/ has always had mobile game threads. I remember seeing occasional fucking Angry Birds threads when it was popular. Yes, mobile games were shit on because it's usually turbocasual games or blatant shovelware, but there is not a single fucking point in time where mobile games weren't allowed.
>I guess we'll see what From Software is cooking next
Shit, I remember people making Raid Shadow Legends threads when there was this huge fucking marketing push with youtubers.
Akshually it launched in '22. Blizz in their infinite jewery probably thought they could get away with not paying the shill toll. Either way, those threads getting nuked is an exception. Not the norm.

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