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Satan status?
Doi is a talentless hack and ruined the series.

feel free to seethe in the replies.
doing it in NG++
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>b-but critical is the best one
3 fps webm
Satan is canonically a cute guy, the catholic church retcon'd him because they couldn't fight eh bussy memes.
wait until you reach endgame
>numbers matter in a jrpg
Thats literally not what Satan is
Why is Japan so retarded
Stick to your fake shinto ghosts
Lucifer isnt a "guy" because angels dont have gender. But he became the diavoli (its literally supposed to be a contrarian in every possible sense) the pagan symbolism that conveniently filled the Satan archetype included lots of virile imagery, big cocks as being something "hideous", etc. And then Dante wrote his poem and it became a thing.
Satan isn't real, faggot. it's a fucking video game.
>entered 2nd zone
That whole school arc was pretty kino. I am fucking addicted now. I am so glad i stopped myself playing this on the emulator. I always believed it would release on pc. Second zone should have an almighty skill for Cute-o-bino somewhere so i can finally change it up to phys. Magic is for pussies.
probably to make him safe for public perception in the west
>Magic is for pussies
Str is literally the most braindead build in any SMT game.
You fucking idiots, educate yourselves >>681042692. Satan is a concept
He is more real than you, but it doesnt matter because thats not the point
SMT tries to depict the deities based on their myth with their in game pokedex entries but they keep getting all the western faith entities extremely wrong while at the same time making them the centerpiece of most of the games.
Stick to your shinto crap japs if you are not willing to try to understand western religions even a litlle because you are still salty about christianity
You're praying to a fictional character. god, i fucking hate americans so much.
Get ready for a pretty good soundtrack
This Satan is basically a judge. His theme is called Adversary.
Im not american
I dont pray
I still think Japs should stick to their shinto demons if they are unable to grasp western religions
>He is more real than you
last time you chatted with s*tan?
>all the western faith entities extremely wrong
You think they get the Eastern entities right? You think Mara is a big green dick?

He's more akin to a prosecutor and God the Judge
It's not meant to be an accurate portrayal by any means, look at Dagda in SMT IV:A, he's still a fun character.
the satan in SMT is actually the jewish one, however they did get something wrong on that front as Satan is not the judge but rather prosecutor of mankind.
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Love this little fuck like you wouldnt believe
yeah hes not a fat breaded man with endless stew but a skeletal power-ranger who likes the void and nature
Ill get to him after CoC true route. Playing on hard has literally been sucking my soul.
Vesk status?
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SMT games are best enjoyed on normal difficulty.
I should make Irish Stew this weekend. Lots of pork, brussel sprouts, caraway, and guiness.
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There should be a law preventing JRPG bosses from healing themselves, especially a full heal.
Don't shitpost with yurus
maybe i'll do that to honor dagda. hes edgey but pretty cool
at least Nocturne let you drain MP, that would've hard countered the lil nigga
I still don't get what causes him to freak out and spam megido arc but his fight was the most enjoyable out of all the superbosses in VV
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Good on ya. Here is my favorite recipe. I like to add an extra tablespoon of balsamic vinegar since it really makes the flavor pop. Also don't be afraid to go a little heavy on the caraway.
>Essence has greyed out skills
How do you unlock them?
if you use the guaranteed dodge move he'll use megidolaon instead
if you fight demi fiend before satan and have him on your team chaotic will reduces his press turn count to 2
since you're guaranteed to dodge megidolaon he only gets that 1 move per turn
the fight is free from here
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Favourite OST?
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Draw your final team the first time you beat the game. Here’s mine.
miracles son
You have to grind 20 levels with that demon for each new skill
To be specific he's meant to be Ha-Satan from The Book of Job which is why the SMT version of Satan is characterized as working for YHVH, though IV A and VV changed it so he's actually responding to the Great Will/Axiom who fulfills the real role of the One True God.
Is that from the solo video where he drains his MP for 12 hours?
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Ha ha...
Just spam seal on him. Eventually it will land and cockblock him.
That's how I beat him.
no that's just a straight up kill as far I can remember
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Holy moly
I love Megidolaon even if it sucks
It's amazing when used against you by enemies.
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>Been relying on Yoshitsune for the past few hours
>Lilith resists physical
>Just Yoshitsune harder
I am a genius tactician
How do I see what "type" a demon is so I can see their fusion skills that require multiple of a type.
I misread Diarahan as diarrhea.
it should be the name underneath their name, like "Lady" "Megami" "Fiend" "Nahobino" "Fairy" stuff like that
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was touch grinding but doable
>no tits
Not my satan.
is it difficult to form competent teams in this game or pretty straight forward?
Just a prank, mah boi. You have to destroy an specific abscess that unlocks the miracle for purchase. Spend your glory on that and your done.
Satan means adversary, not a specific individual. There have been multiple Satans in religious text, both acting for good and evil but always as an adversity for X to overcome.
you can run anything you want against anything but Superbosses and maybe Transcendent Lucy in True Neutral for CoC, but you gotta kill Shiva before doing that anyway and you should at least think a lil about your team before you face Shiva.
shut the fuck up christ cuck
your western fanfic isn't real
As long as you keep acquiring new demons by negotiation or fusion, you will be good.
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if OP posted an anime girl called "satan" no one would be complaining tbf
>He is more real than you
what the fuck did he mean by this
Kill her
What's the point of these smt games when all the games are basically all the same?
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I mean that's every video game franchise and ironically SMT franchise has a fuckton of different genres, combat, settings too. This is just the mainline title so of course it's gonna be like the other mainlines.
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>take the new quest of the area from a dildo
>see the dog girl near the corner of the train area
>expected her to be tough but manageable
>first turn after she buffs, i attack her with zio no weakness spotted
>next turn she one shots me with mudo cause im weak to it

good thing i saved beforehand. I beat her with my new resistance, completed the quest and looked up her art
Some are better that others.
Its my Pokemon
OSTs are amazing
>Penis music
>Satan status?
>no blue winged serpent alien insect god with multiboobs
>This is just the mainline title so of course it's gonna be like the other mainlines.
VV is a great game but I'd argue it's the only one that feels like a copy. SMT 2, 3, 4, If..., and SJ have pretty out there settings. Besides if... and SJ they take place in Japan, but they all have a unique twist, 4 in particular is really cool.
Still Qadistu
Beat CoV but didn't feel like toughing it out to beat Shiva. New game + CoC time. Should I be contemplating my dialogue choices at all for true neutral or is it one of things I get to choose?
>ailment wears off during one of his 3 turns
>instant full heal
You just got lucky
You can search though pixiv for some. Sadly, there isn't that much art of her, and smtbooru is ded.
Kill faster
copy of 3 of sorts I'd agree with and the poster (assuming you aren't him) indicated the entire series is the same so thus the statement
you need to do all side quests and beat Shiva in CoC for the true neutral ending, all this needs to be done before you beat Metatron.
You can choose. At least in the original, and I don't think they'd change that. But you need to do the Khonsu related side quests up to the end too (and don't kill him, otherwise they end early).
I like how full heal bosses filter the community that just deems charge and concentrate useless when these abilities are tailor made for these fights.
If this is your mentality about video games, it's already over for you.
>smtbooru is ded
dammit i cant beat out my frustration of this mall chick
A 1.8x attack isn't going to one shot a boss you fucking journo-mode retard
true neutral only requires you to do all the Fionn questline, the Khonshu questline don't kill him when given the choice and the Shiva fight before you enter the Empyreon. You can kill Metatron though, I just did it with my CoC run through, but YOU CANNOT PROCEED AFTER METATRON OR YOU'RE CONFIRMING YOUR ROUTE.
The post qadistu boss scenes are incredibly kino. But I hate when this game makes you go for so long without a chance to save.

You get a bonus miracle for being in the right alignment but overall it doesn't matter
Whats this autism? Why they make it a chore?
Why does Masakado look like he's wearing a potato sack
its not actually that complicated and Shiva is the easiest super boss in the game really.
I like how he just comically slides into frame as soon as you pick up the treasure to say you don’t need it in this timeline and he’ll give it to another you. And Bino just nods gives it to him without questioning anything.
he's irish, his full name is Masakado O'Flanagan
traditional feudal japanese wear, prease understanderu
>he doesn't try to do all the sidequests in an RPG
oh no
Nah bro, just use debuffs, afflictions and party buffs for attack/defense, agility for contextual stuff, and Bowl of hygieia for healing everyone beyond max HP
>Shiva is the easiest super boss in the game really.
I'm glad they upped the number of super bosses, Shiva was fun in base V.
nude mod when
it's like a fuckin drug dealer or a Starfleet Officer trying not to break the Temporal Prime Directive
Found this but I do not know if it's from the same guy that hosts the older one
Naamah's aoe charm is really a thorn in my side. Just got bopped by her and the dog in the subway because she charmed my entire team and both my Beano and Patra caster threw their turns away. It's nice to see the early game be a bit more challenging compared to the vanilla game campaign though.
for me it was

also I spent too long trying to see if they replicated Yakuza's map when I saw an inkling of Theatre Square
Because it's a secret ending
oh cool. thanks for searchin for some more arts
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My Nue arrived; the paintwork is some of the best I've seen on a figure of this price point. I thought it was coming from the US, but it was only from Japan so it arrived sooner than I was expecting.
Tempted to buy the Mokoi, but he's 3x the price and I'd rather buy a j.frost nendo at thaty point
I can't tell if SMTVV is pro or anti car at this point.
Then when you play CoC, he's just staring at you while floating over a cliff with his giant ass and red eyes at Kanda no Yoshiro until you come talk to him. What an asshole.
that's the joke anon, cars are a catalyst for the Law vs Chaos discussion

do you drive the car like a good lil Lawbaby
or do you forsake the car and deal with the consequences of your actions like a good like Chaosfag
Damn, that Nue looks good. I've always loved that design.
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neutral is making a car only for humanity and forsaking all demon manufacturers
cool figures
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I drive my car to the train station and on weekends because i'm nootral
That's what you're told the neutral route is, but in practice it's buying a car and then intentionally running over everyone equally.
There’s a demon you should be able to fuse whose passive skill boosts your chance of moving under Charm at that level
Yoko hates human civilization. It's not just about hating cards, she thinks the whole thing is intrinsically corrupt due to being a reflection of the corrupt gods that sit on the throne (and any God who wants to sit above others on the throne is corrupt by default from her point of view, so "nice tyrant" wouldn't solve things).
So what's new on V? story wise, go ahead and spoil.
the new schoolgirl that acommpanies you is another shin megami tenshi and i want to keep her new form

I don't even remember where the hell this song plays, but it gives me the same vibe as Work Harder from LISA.
Oh yeah I can fuse a Vouivre, good looks anon.
the story went from pants on head retarded to mediocre which I guess is an improvement but it still isn't good
It's in he Nahobiho quest. if he attempts to approach a bunch of Mothman they don't pay attention to him since they're all in on the aerobics.
There's a new story route that feels less like a brand new story and more like they actually fucking finished the old one. A bunch of new demons were added, mostly ones ported over from Soul Hackers 2. You have a bunch of new skills to make MAG, AGI, and even Luck builds more viable so Crit Murakumo isn't the obvious best option. And there's just a good amount of gameplay refinements overall. It's SMTV Maniax, like fans have wanted since the original release.

Dungeons still suck ass, though.
I didn't even know he could heal. He's weak to physical so he got obliterated when I fought him.
god i want Agrat to bully me
>she proceeds to one round me by critting 6 times in one turn
Just make sure to negotiate and fuse new demons every now and then and you'll be fine. Essences makes it so you don't even have to plan out demon skills anymore
same but it's a shame he falls off rather quickly. yeah I kti can make him op later but that's true for every demon
Are there any extra perks to getting the steelbook edition of the game? Like, any bonus DLC or anything?
very straight forward, and very modular. don't expect to be sticking with one team for most of the game, as you'll be fusing and recruiting new stuff constantly.
Does Murderous Glee really increase the crit rate of Queen's Decree or is it just a placebo? I don't know if those kinds of crit boosts work on "artificial" crit rates. Obviously having Eisheth helps but I don't know if anything else does.
Is there any reason not to stay Neutral in CoV? I understand there’s no real Neutral end and just a choice between Law and Chaos at some point?
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you get a collectors item like the last steelbook is now
I left off right after doing the Yamata-No-Orochi sidequest after the new form, and I actually like the characters this time. They’re still SMT characters that take a back seat in the plot, but it does a better job of illustrating why I should care about them. Yuzuru’s death was much better than Sahori and Tao in vanilla. It was a raw moment that raised the stakes.
Any anon got a gamebanana account with enough points to make requests? A Tao with blue striped panties would be nice.
Ideally, you'll want to stay neutral because you do get a choice, but also because said choice being even later than in CoC means that if you're neutral you can unlock Danu, then lock in your alignment, turn around and go unlock either Maria or Inanna. But the game pushes you a lot harder in one direction or the other and it's tough to stay in the center.
yeah no one cares about those points. You would have a better chance if you paid a modder to do it
Koshimizu’s “shounen” sounds more tired than Aogami’s
Neutral does allow you to essentially have a choice between Law or Chaos, but otherwise you're going down whatever path you were spinning already when you "lock-in"
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unga bunga me press gay bulge bunga
only played 4
should I play 4A or 5
4A then 5
you've already played 4 and 4A is a branch of 4's neutral path.
what about high restore over retaliate so you can click the button more
>unable to grasp western religions
not even the most devout believers understand shit about their religion. the beliefs have changed hands between arbiters and morphed more times than you can imagine
nta but fights are probably over so quick you don't have time to run out of mp
if 4A is actually worth playing then I'll play it first I guess
then I'll play 5 when I have some downtime
Smirk improves 4's combat significantly and makes encounters interesting. the story is a lil "persona" but you can kill em all, plus all the gods with brainwashed Flynn, brainwashed partner of choice and your best friend Satan
Kane ga nai
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4A's biggest issue is its mostly awful cast of characters, particularly this bitch, but everything else is good. If you liked 4, then whether you ultimately think it's better or not, you should like 4A.
Yeah I've been considering it, I have it on Yoshitsune and its really nice. I might do it when I get around to upgrading that resist elec

You'd be surprised; especially if he's throwing out a buff
based, thanks anon
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I'm so close to beating him I can taste it bros
paraselene blur+ imaplers glory + omagatoki charge + extra turns from baal passive and 2 planck of norn demons = fucking stupid amount of damage, I can do somewhere around 70k with it in a single turn so now I just have to get the fucker low enough before setting it off
Man I'd love for there to be a jrpg with a grug party member whose entire skill tree is passives to buff/augment his basic attack
should I get this or sekiro? obv they're completely different genres but I need suggestions. I'll only buy one for now
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He was already my favorite demon. This game just gave him more of a chance to show what an awesome dickhead he is.
>Actually works for the Great Will
So what's his endgame then?
You mean etrian odyssey where ronin uses chasers that buff his normal attack? It already exists.
Does everyone just play on safety? Every time someone talks about a demon there's 3 dudes saying some variant of "just one-shot him lol"
Wait really? I played it recently but I didn't use that class lol
He inherited some of his characterization from the SMT4 DLC. He sincerely wants to do The Lord's work, but if he can do it in a way that moves him up to the top of the hierarchy while foisting the hard stuff on to some dumbass instead, that's all the better.
I know there's a lot of that going on, I tried just looking up a couple of builds to start experimenting with and most of them were just "first set the difficulty to safety then make this build to do 99,999 damage in the first turn"
It's bad enough they're feminizing our jacks, but making them commies as well!?
he's also a cosplaying faker lmao
Ayy carambino who is that awooogah woof woof white woman?
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You can build your entire team around Ronin chasing normal attacks of your party and it slices hard as fuck but the strategy relies on Ronin which is a class made out of wet noodles so if he dies the entire strategy falls apart hard but it does work.
>Seething Mansemat
Worst thing is that its probably the same in japanese
a pretty annoying white woman who's queen of the fairies. goth lolita is cuter
She's Queen of the Fairies. I know that because she reminds you literally every fucking time she opens her stupid goddamn mouth.
In one of the Demon Haunt dialogues you get him reacting to the mc seemingly trying to explain to him how being a Nahobino works, with him saying he doesn't need anything like a human soul and will do it his way.
>Magic is for pussies.
It's the other way around; Strength is for pussies that love Journalist difficulty.
>free-hee market economy
free market is liberalism
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Evil tummy
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I kinda miss the mullet though
>the jojo part 4 hair
It's actually Gozer the Gozarian hair anon.
I was disappointed the Qadistu had no story related lines at in the Demon Haunts. Kind of odd choice.
what's wrong with part 4 hair
How many games until he actually shows up?
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so why didn't Nahobeeho make a bridge to reach the Throne of Creation?
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I think the joke is that fairies are a neutral race and he's espousing left and right economic sentiments in the same sentence ie seizing the means of production/free market
new Dx2 banner, please understand we need to make the 3D model first
i really appreciate that the miman dialogue is about japanese trains and architecture autism and not localized into retarded internet memes
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Which is the superior path in vengeance? Bonds or Massacre? Kinda sad we dont get a super secret path with yakumo though
I can't believe people bitch about Doi Lilith coming hot off the heels of IV, christ.
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Nips like her and they're the ones that Atlus listens to. We're good.
Wait what happens if you try to transfer over the old demon design from base V?
Fusion interface in this game is so good. I love how the compendium-using options are separate so I can easily tell how much I can do without spending any money.
>Mom we want Lilith!
>we have Lilith at home
Law makes more sense storywise, Chaos just kinda shoehorns Tiamat and Mastema in as a fight and it doesn't make much sense but Panagia Yoko is hot though
I dont like law making a coddled baby world for humanity though
nor do I, that's why I said fuck it to the Mandala System
Because you actually met the guy ?
Mandala Alaverga
I'm beggin' ya, gimme a mod that lets me change the Bino's innate skill. Magatsuhi Spring is alright but I want him to have Taboo so I don't have to carry Loa with me at all times.
that would be neat if they added a miracle that lets you take the innate skill from essences. balance it by having it use the essence like it would for affinities.
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>do the Armies of Chaos challenge battle
>everything except Chernobog unlocks
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Jesus, this new form takes forever to unlock. I just started the third area and I'm still in the old beano look.
That would unironically turn the combat from a 9/10 to a 20/10.
I forget, how do you unlock the giant rock golem guy from the first area as a fusion? beat him ages ago but cant fuse him yet
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Well Marduk already appeared in Dx2, but in a human form so he could manipulate and lead a bunch of humans into controlling all forms of mass communication to prevent more progress and to control people easier
Don't know if that gives more chances of them making a design for him or not, they did make playable versions of Demons who were disguised as humans to control organizations but those guys already had old designs they could use while Marduk doesn't
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Okay as it turns out I'm retarded and he's not a special fusion just normal

Gotta do the challenge battles back in the Tokyo Diet Building. There should be a quest for it.
what a Cutie
thanks, been neglecting them after beating the first two boss ones
Thats a generic phrase many demons share, Beelzebub says it too
>occultlets think they are getting the demons wrong
There are two quests that ask you to kill the guy, one given by the Sakuya DLC and one by Take-Minakata. One of those will do it.
Are there secret routes in CoV or just law/chaos?
Just Law and Chaos. Satan and the Godborn was the secret.
Just Law/Chaos. You can unlock the True Lucifer fight (the one with 3 phases) from CoC too if you beat Shiva before the lock but it doesn't affect the ending.
Really wish we could start at level 1 and keep our resistances skills etc
I’m not doing fucking demifiend again for another essence lmao
Why Eisheth's fusion recipes were Mitra, Loki and Forneus? It doesn't make any freaking sense with Forneus.
Look at my dog.
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fuck yeah Forneus
you just know
wtf shes tanky as hell
Did you unlock Glasya-Labolas yet? Because if you haven't, that dog might need to be sacrifice to get Glasya-Labolas if youre going for the 100% demon Dex. And you need Glasya-Labolas to get Naamah
he can save her to the compendium and just pay to get her back after fusing
It doesn't get recognized. The official site noted you can't transfer Lilith or Panagia Tao.
Yeah, there is that option since you treat it like a phone book, but I just want him to be aware of this specific. Also, you miss an important detail:
>get Dormarth's phone number
>summon an original stock Dormarth
>use that as sacrifice
>call the Dormarth you dismiss early
Technically, you didn't sacrifice your original, but its just much easier to get it out of the way without this annoying tidbit.
someone help me decide
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>just overwrote my save despite always rotating
>last one is 7 hours ago
>again I must kill my girl I bred to perfection, last one being mermaid
I'm going to hee-hoo myself.
Do you want pokemon collecting game or soul game base in japan?
she just doesn't transfer like Panagia Tao, I'm of the opinion not being able to use her in Vengence the first time and letting you just use old design for CoC
Just do this >>681058267. Just remember to save her phone number in the demon compendium and dismiss her
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Just read it
Can I get Raidou Kuzunoha XIV in this game or not?
both seem fun but I suppose I would get more bang for my buck since smt is longer
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I really want to play this game but I keep getting exhausted by my completionism making me comb the whole massive area and everything and I'm 15+ hours in and only just got to the second major area
and I keep putting off playing the game every day because it tires me out going through all this stuff
I already put like 150 hours into the original and so far it hasn't diverged a huge amount so that isn't helping
what do anons
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The recipe for Glasya-Labola is Dormarth, Anzu, and Macabre, so around +48-50 level
mimans will always have a Chirronup that'll sell you the locations for macca in every zone. you could just save the exploring until you're at the end of the zone and then pick it all up.
Never played it on the Switch. The story fucking sucks and so do the characters. It's tremendously generic. Hey here's your obvious law dude, the neutral dude and some inane and minor quarrel between gods and demons. Someone's gonna win and recreate the world teehee oh dang I lost welp see you in the next world
Also there's barely any mystery or exploration at all. The moment you step into a new area you're bombarded with quest markers and pointless tasks. I feel like I'm playing a ubisoft game at times

I haven't play sekiro so I cannot comment on it and I would be bias to SMT, and this IS a SMT thread. SMT in general is replaying the same game a few times to get all the ending, collecting all demons, and then do the challenge it offers. The biggest challenge, beside the virtual test, is killing Mega Bosses and playing Godborn mode where everything, including trash mobs, are level 150. Require killing a specific mega boss Satan and you unlock the level cap after that fight, which cost the most miracle by 999 glorys. There is also a modding scene there some guy is just dumping SMT DX2 (Gacha game) asset as more demons in to this game for the PC.
50 hours in
I'm in the second area, of which I can only assume I'm almost? done after reaching Fairy Village
I just keep checking the Haunt and talking to all demons I can fuse at least once.
Fusing, combing the world for every item.
Yes, I know its autismic of me, but I will continue to do it.
Maybe, but he only healed once for me.
I just kept attacking with puncture punch.
Story wise, seeing its made from FROM, I am sure their story telling and character telling is shakespare compare to VV. VV isn't really the best story in the SMT series and VV existed because V's story was laughably bad to non existent
How late into the game is it before you start unlocking all the fun stuff to make demon builds with. At most right now I can chose to get a skill or 2 that maybe covers element weaknesses but nothing to really synergize together.
Is Hasou tobi the strongest physical move if target doesn’t resist physical? Level 99 Yoshi put in serious work vs Masakado
>Supposed to be the Satan from the old testament, a judge and servant of God
>Give him seven heads and chainsto reference the new testament, which is associated with Lucifer
What did Doi mean by this?
It looks cool as hell, simple as.
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So what kind of team should I be aiming for? Right now I've just got one physical nigga(me), a magic nigga, another magic nigga cause gotta cover them weaknesses and then a healer. Should I be doing anything different?
Right at the end of Area 4 when you can finally unlock all the skill slots for you and your demon, and having access to Aogami's powerful essence
>the new testament, which is associated with Lucifer
... in fanfiction communities
Alternate is getting the Satan with titties
I want to start making shit like>>681057592 cause that looks cool as fuck Having every skill serve a purpose to a greater whole rather than just being a mismatch of random bullshi.
Don't forget to make a tank ;)
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no not even close he falls off at taito
Unless you have the DLC girl, you're going to have some MP problems. In that case, make 2 healers instead of 1. You also have an entire stock to switch your team around
If you want to play a From game where the combat is actually good for once get Sekiro. Just be warned that it is basically Miyazaki's fetish fuel so you are going to get a lot of femboy barefeet.

If you want pokemon, but demons and tiddies get VV
>you are going to get a lot of femboy barefeet.
this is somehow bad
Made to the empyrean and I really do miss the back-and-forths between Tao and Yoko whenever you finished a quest where you helped one demon kill another demon. You can tell Tao was slowly getting more and more fed up with Yoko’s shit towards the end of Shinjuku.
I have the DLC but I have no idea how to access it honestly. I might not even be far enough in the game to get them.
Yes, it should be Emma's feet, not Kuro's
If I were Tao I simply would have slapped the taste out of Yoko's mouth every time she starts with her redditor nihilist word vomit
For me it's konohana sakuya's theme.
>mfw 00:48
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Yeah I know. When you get all the keys in the 4th area, at least with VV, you finally get access to Aogami Type D. There is also Aogami Type 0 that has Murakumo. You should already be killing every Abscesses, too, and unlocking the miracle that give you all the skill slot for you and your demon
Can't wait.
Does Yakumo ever join as a guest in the Vengeance route?
Why is FeMC there?
You can do that whenever, you just first need to identify what demon you want to have the skills then try looking at how to mesh some things into their fusions.
It can/will take a fuck ton of macca.
Everything will be mashed around until you see which you have to lug around, which can be essence'd etc.

For that dog I've been fusing Resistances up since like lv 15, and had ice/elec/force as what carried onto her with my skill limit. And so I had to find some random Essence for the final Res Fire.
If I took a look at my other demons most are still carrying random ass resistances and are completely meh since I made em forget essentials of their own. I just took a bit of effort for her since I saw her Innate and thought I might as well go full meme on it.

I'd say for sanity's sake just leave all that shit for the endgame where you can just play with your favorites freely.
But if you really want to do some coordinating do it at like 35+ once the Ma/Pleroma skills start coming online then you can start to see how to blend em all around.
Thanks for the tips. Yeah it's definitely too early I'm literally only like 5 hours in and level 16.
Aren there better skills than gay bulge spam with how weak it is even with guaranteed crit?
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Resist Phys is very funny to watch since any attack on her means she could potential instant kill the target.
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You know the drill for Apocalypse designs. Higher ups changed stuff.
Dream fist and Hysterical slap when the enemy is asleep or charmed.
>You can tell Tao was slowly getting more and more fed up with Yoko’s shit towards the end of Shinjuku.
I thought that was pretty funny as well.
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Still mad they didn't use this design.
One of my favorite doi designs and they never put it in the game.
>dat ui

persona V, failure of a game
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Nice, can't wait to do the same.
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the fun is finally hee-here, ho
How much time/effort does it take to bring one demon along for most of the game? I'm seeing a lot of lower level demons at level 99.
God that piano bit makes me fucking cum every time dude.
A lot of exp and money dumped in the compendium doing fusion loops, not worth it until endgame where you can easily get a lot of both. The only demons you can feasibly use the whole game need busted utility like Idun
It's not thar bad since there's mitamas that respawn in fixed locations, usually a little hidden but easy to find, plus there's like 20 or so statues in the game that give everyone in your party a free level up. Combined with essences to give them better moves and sutras to boost their affinities, you can take any early game demon to the end very smoothly with minimal grinding. That said it's better to wait until the end game so you can make use of that one miracle that gives bonuses based on the level of the fusion fodder to go nuts with early game demons.
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I'm gonna fucking cum
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Rent free
Why are Latinx like this? Or is this a sea monkey?
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The build is imperfect, sadly. Either I dump more for AGI so Figment Slash can hit more often or get dragon eye. Same with survival and getting Endure. Thankfully, Godborn is a thing where you could just buy all upgrades and max out the Sutra.
I thought Latinos were the ones that got offended if you imply God isn't real tho.
Goku is their god.
Are those low accuracy moves reliable if you have Dragon Eye?
yes figment slash wouldn't work without them
Unless you shove 100s of agi incense into my dog, Dragon Eye is needed so Figment Slash can hit reliably.
>Amanozako side quest
>you approach during the full moon
>"Careful! Amanozako is going berserk!"
>*Will you approach them?*
The fuck? Its even weirder when the lore actually says "Japanese goddess" and "she/her" pronouns.
Grimoires are pretty common even without the dlc if you just remember to check the guaranteed spawns every now and then. Use the dorm room (quickest reload) to savescum stats and they're more optimal than some later demons. I have a sandman who I level up to my level so I can abuse dream fist. The most important thing to look for is innate skills and affinities, since those are fixed as you can only improve an affinity if it's atleast +1.
The final area of the game let you buy Grimoires
>to savescum stats and they're more optimal than some later demons.
Nice to see someone else using this method. I hate myself for not doing this sooner and try to do the elemental fusion Up and Down with shitty result.
Are there any other Magatsuhi skills worth using that carry over across consecutive battles or is it just Critical?
Chaining 5 battles together for 6x money and 3x EXP and just critting 25+ everything to death is hilariously OP as it is.
I mean, you're talking about the original Creation story which everyone complained about how it just was barely there. Some people say you should play Creation before Vengeance, but that's just dumb, just go Vengeance.

Well, it's alignment representatives also are obvious in Vengeance though, but the overall story has much more presence and twists.
Probably omagatoki free or dance?
But that is a very specific circumstance.
nah bro just use aramasa and critical for the entire game
It works in the context of IV Apocalypse since YHVH had sealed Satan away, like how Revelation Satan is imprisoned, and then frees himself for the Apocalypse. Although by splitting him into Lucifer and Merkabah, rather than by putting in hell or an underground prison.

In this case all designs are based on the Revelation Satan though, just different takes on it.
anyone know what makes the aogami essences respawn? I ran around Tokyo to pass moon cycles but did over 5 cycles with no reset, I don't think it's amount of battles either so is it just actual irl time?
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When does amanozako's quest/fight unlock? The last miman stuck behind the asshole angel is killing me.
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At some point during the tailend of Shinjuku an angel will tell you that the angel gatekeeping that area died and will ask you to check it out.
An angel around midway into the third da'at gives you the mission, IIRC. In Vengeance, at least it's near the northernmost save point.

You can do it yourself with this, but I haven't messed around with it to know how it works. And yeah, I kept expecting to get an upgrade to Nahobino's trait as the game went on, but it never happened.
Like what >>681064869 said, the editor works. If you want to just change your innate, you can use the cheat table (not the one that makes you download ModEngine, fuck that guy).
Also don't forget, you gotta have a full moon for her to go apeshit.
This shit seems cool has anyone tried it?
Its not the Lucifer-the-adversary Satan, it's Satan the tempter of man/loyal opposition. The one from the Book of Job.

I know modern Christianity just made every bad/heathen god into an alt-form of Lucifer but there's a difference. Read a book.
The two newest demons aren't quite fleshed out yet, but it's nice to see a DD1/2 throwback.
Dunno if constantly updating will break anything on existing saves, especially with mod author shifting around fusion stuff, but I'm really eager to see this down the line. Not gonna bother with it just quite yet for now.
Thot namedropped him as well and said that atum ra got cucked out of the throne, because Marduk put a curse on the throne to prevent snake gods from ever assuming the throne so that the reign of his line will.continue forever.
So atum gave the power of ra to his son whose name I forgot and let him assume the throne.
I thought something like this would happen but I didn't think it'd be updated so often, guy is doing one-two demons a fucking day
>try to install the HD music mod for Nocturne
>get error messages when trying to extract the zip
Well I guess it's the sovlfvl compressed audio for me then.
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Doi is a fucking cretin and shits all over SMT like its nobody's business
Savage, Adversity, Dance, Strategize, Omnipotent Succession are all great and you can get more out of them than Crit if you build your team around them.
Since OS is a charge skill you can use deity skill charge, unsummon your party and have MC go 4 or more times each time procing OS since it won't fall off as long omagotoki charge is active. 16 attacks at least, more if you use any of the press turn boosters.
I don't have any FUCKING Glory, Nahobros
Who did Michizane? He was sick
>Balanced-growth demon
It's so over
New Cycle or turn on the Mitama DLC
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I can fix that
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This was too easy to put together, why is he so OP out of the gate?
When does he fall off?
>Ainu kamui
>does a South german/Austrian dance
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>wanna save shiva and lucifer negro from true neutral coc run on ng+
>don't want to be overleveled and make them easy.
I kinda wanted to save satan for my 2nd cov together with demi-fiend since I heard those two are the hardest, but whatever.
the area in Minato where the Egyptian branch is hanging out at has a guaranteed spawn of each Mitama with a greater chance for them to be more than 1. Pop an attract pipe and go to town anon.
Lucy's now level 99, so unless you're doing a Godborn run, you're not going to overlevel. His stats also got a nice bump compared to the original Switch release. He uses his regular attack way less often too.
How does the Nahobino ninja form works? is it a straight upgrade or a optional change?
You get Omnipotent Succession but otherwise, it just an appearance change until the last two fight
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Call me autistic if you want, but I've been keeping a very specific group of demons in my party (no fetching them back out of the compendium or anything even) -- mostly themed around 'human' demons, with some exceptions -- and I'd like to share them with you as I approach the end of my playthrough. So if you'll allow me:

the boys
>Cu Chulainn
>Finny McCool


they were a little more reasonable than the other two (also I used to have schizo delusions about Lilith so it would feel weird not bringing her along)

Aogami's waifu

Aogami's daughter

black guy

protector of my virginity (very important)

adoptive daughter

adoptive son

the family dog


her smile was too cute to turn her away so I just kept her around

I haven't even been using half of them anymore, I'm just pretending we're all rolling around as a big happy family :)
I never really found this guy's niche. He's got some stuff that looks good on paper like an early heavy fire AOE and high crit rate, but dedicated MAG demons are already better at striking weaknesses by the time you get him. I did bring him out for Lahmu because he's fuckin cool and I wanted to use him but his damage fell off too hard afterwards to justify keeping him in the active party.
Theoretically he should be very good but for some reason he was doing way less damage than he should with his moves for me.
2 damage 2 support (split buffs and debuffs on them, put heals on one). i just keep spares of these archetypes in the stock for backup/mp/coverage. will get you through 95% of fights. i
used beano primarily as buff support with ruinous thunder until luster candy/debilitate became available then switched him to full damage
I had an idea to make him into a dedicated fire dracostrike user, his agility will be higher than most bosses and maybe it would be good with crit boosters? I'm not sure if that'd be any good but it's an option.
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Jesus somebody yesterday told me to try phys enhancer to improve my sleep team and that that 8x'd my damage per round. I see why only two demons have this ability now because it's insane.
>sandman: low level so you can grimoire him into skyhigh strength
>bugs: has twilight wave, a 700 power phys gauge move so it's improved as well, which averages out to more damage than the crit skill
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I'm hee-happy for you Anon, or hoo-sorry that it happened.
I've been doing the same for some on my team and already had a lucid dream about amanozako bullying some fairies as we're traveling magatsushi rails.
The lowest possible level you can be for black Lucifer is 87 even if you leave Shiva for the last possible moment before the alightment lock.
Satan literally means "adversary" in hebrew, several benevolent angels are described as "Satan" when they opposse humanity, so in theory, Lucifer is Satan but because he is an adversary, not because he's evil....I'm not a Christcuck or a kike and I know this, fucking mythlets
his unique skills are actually weaker than regular moves of the same tier (I'm guessing because you get him before you usually get access to those skills); and not to mention AOEs are generally much weaker than their single-target counterparts. I don't know why they can't just put damage numbers in the skill descriptions in this day and age, but at least linkrel exists
Jesus is jews
Jesus is brown, not white
So does evolved Tao still leave you on the new route?
>get both Tao and Yoko in my party at the school
>feel compelled to use the human characters
>only 4 slots means I get 1 slot for a demon
I'm conflicted, I like the inclusion of the human characters and I like press turn, but I can't help but feel having active human party members in the team felt better in the old games with the 6 character parties. but a 6 character party in a press turn game would be absurd.
So, the only good attack he actually has is the one that nulls boosts.
>why is he so OP
>With that stat spread
I wanted to like him but he just kind of exists and that's it
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Starting with 26 strength at level 36 is rough but with the amount of resources the game gives you I'd say it's possible.
yes, before the very final fight
Bad stats, expensive moves with questionable utility, his innate skill is only beneficial to him when there's demons that will have that effect for the whole party, not as good at matador for mobbing, which you don't actually mob that much in this game. Looks cool though.
His innate skill buffs critical damage even further, and I shouldn't neglect to mention that sometimes it's nice to have a guaranteed free press turn button
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>Hell Burner 40 MP 150 pwr, St-based
Why is Hell Biker doomed to always be kind of shit?
Bummer. Has any poor soul dumped all their incense on her?
Hell biker's not terrible in nocturne either go might + attack all or focus + kamikaze.
Meanwhile Matador's Andalucia is insane and doesn't get overshadowed until late, late game
How far is Dormarth in Vengeance?
>Carnage Fang
>260 pwr, 400 pwr when crit
Holy shit, it's like the devs apologized for Hayataro's treatment in vanilla V.
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Her unique is retarded, a debilitate with good damage...wish Tao's was as good
Level 40 fusion and/or recruit able at Shinjuku at VV route. Dunno about CoC
this. cu's a fantastic damage dealer for the entire game, gay bulge just works. high force pleroma is also the earliest and easiest high pleroma you can get. the man just does work.
not sure what the issue is, all his skills are the same damage as other equivalents, hell burner is like 5 less damage maybe but still not a big deal
did anyone actually go through the campaign with beano as their taunter because in retrospect that seems like it would break the game apart very easily with some light essence micromanagement
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Pic very much related
its a lot easier to just fuse demons with taunt so no

Sudama makes for a very good one early on as early bosses love single target force spells, as well as anyone that resists phys
i did when i got onyakopon, used him from the moment i got him til the very end, and i always kept taunt up on beano with him.
very strong and only gets better
bros I love this game I hope I can play it for a long, long time
maybe pc modding can make it last forever
actually it was I making fun -- and it was at the expense of Americans
beano has enough flexibility to do pretty much anything you want from damage to support to tanking to ailments, anything works
Someone already shoving tons and tons of DX2 demons into those 100s UNUSED slots
There's already some shoddy skill balance mods out so with time I'm hopeful we'll get some good remixed/challenge content.
"skill balance"
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>the boys
>>Cu Chulainn
>>Finny McCool
Sounds like you should get into Fate, bro.
im loving smt v on hard, what other games had good hard modes? i remember 3's being pretty half-assed in places.
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Are there more interactions like these? This was great.
It's weirdly balanced. The third area is pure starvation mode no matter how carefully you plan your build, but then the fourth area dumps shitloads of Glory on you with apples all over the place and Large Glory Crystals being rewarded for almost every quest.

I'll readily admit that I spent most of Shinjuku with the Glory Mitama DLC turned on since it really got on my nerves how you'd unlock a thousand Glory's worth of Miracles every few minutes with maybe 120 Glory from a single apple and a few Miman along the way.
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I used hayataro for almost the entire game.
>diamrita that heals more+ is dirt cheap.
>taunt that also maximizes it's agility
>carnage fang does insane dame ehile critting.
>has good resistances and naturally learns a passive that covers one of it's weaknesses.
>gets ziodyne early.
He was a real good boy.
Satan just means Adversary retard, read the bible

Lucifer is the so called "king of hell"
Antichthon bros, we're back.
More than an hour and a half worth of them.
how much harder is demi fiend on hard, I stomped him after spending 20 hours preparing demons to seal spam him to death.
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Dude doesn't know it's 2024.
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You're actually black.
>its a lot easier to just fuse demons with taunt so no
i disagree, i feel like if you're using a taunter for a boss fight, it can be a pain in the ass to get one that has A: the resistances you want and B: a desirable stat spread and moveset. beano can have anyone's resistance spread for any fight, always has good stats AND hp AND mp, and won't have his moveset constantly shuffled around from fusing or burning slots on res/null skills

i've only been on coc but everything about that nigga sounds absurd. i'm happy for him
bible black
Like really hard,chaotic will does 16k damage,so I'm just doing jim un ng+
oh fuck, guess I'm not going to get to try him until I farm 999 super demons up since I already went into godborn hard.

Then you should get on your knees and start licking his feet clean, christcuck faggot.
nice reading comprehension, retard.
>His innate skill buffs critical damage even further
I thought it only applied to ally doggo demons.
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>buy the location from that little fox for the mimans in the first area
>I missed just one
>figure I'd be more thorough in second and wont need him
>pay 10000 macca just to see, positive I left no stone untur
>>>>>missed 9
Why isn't sin devil trigger Dante recruitable?
within smt; 4 apocalypse (both war and apocalypse are good) and soul hackers 2 (no items in battle, boss fights were very challenging). strange journey redux is fine if you have self control with the apps, and vanilla game p4 expert and p5 merciless if you want to stretch it a little bit. i'm blanking on turn based games with good hard modes otherwise though, vengeance really fixed the combat system and is a pretty damn good standard to hold hard modes to.

tales of vesperia/graces/xillia 1 and 2 come to mind outside of atlus games/turn based rpgs. hard is the highest you can select at the start of the game, and you can kill quick but also be killed faster
there are 50 miman per area
It's going to be a lot of fun when people learn how to add more slots and even start making their own levels. The latter is probably a long ways away though.
its them plus him as well
Critical is just the easiest one to use and squeeze in in any kind of situation and honestly Vengance does a better job pushing players out of its comfort zone too.

Thread theme
Dazai's transformation scene was better in CoC.
>Ally dmg dealt by crit x1.25 when they are a Avatar, Holy, Beast, or Wilder
Are you sure from how I am reading it sounds it's ally only.
Though it could be pretty good with crit zealot, but might as well use Yoshitsune at that point.
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Yeah crit is overrated unless you go for a setup with murakumo beano, hayataro and Fionn where their damage output is increased with crits.
But most of the time you're gonna have 8 press turns anyway if you're team is competently setup and 8 attacks + magatsuhi skill does more damage than critting 8 times.
Omnipotent succession feels better in this regard.
So uh what's YYHW up to in V? Is he canonically dead after apocalypse?
V follows up Nocturne's TDE kinda, not Apocalypse.
based live leak enjoyer
True masakado is insane, what the hell
Ah I see.
I guess the github got it wrong.
I would check ingame myself, but couldn't at the moment.
gay bulge has pierce, yoshi can sometimes be inconvenienced by physical resistance. cu's passive is directly suited for doing damage and can buff hayataro or any other applicable race demon on top of it, while yoshi's passive is for press turn stacking and burst setup in lategame.
both good demons, but i preferred cu chulainn for most of the game
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Smug Shota get DLC when?
He has a reputation to keep
Atlus doesn't really do expansion dlc, but I guess they do now with episode Aigis.
>Heal :)
>Heal :)
>Heal :)
>ur dead :)
>and ur dead :)
>mm guess I'll Dracostrike now darn turn's over your move :)
I recall there being one between Mermaid and Kelpie where they bond over drowning people in the original release
i can just spam mirrors and use demons with a lot of drain resistances just to eat all of his moves but the problem comes when he just one shots me with the fucking almighty attacks, what the hell.
Just facing trumpeter and ut's not funny how badly he got nerfed in this game. How does he lose all his resistance and only keeping his immunity to dark and light. Mother harlot's only nerf was just being weak to ice, her reflecting physical and abosrbing electric helps alot for zeus, odin, and that other hindu guy. Did trumpeter fuck someone's wife? Why berf him this hard
smt4a apocalypse mode is the one smt game that most made me want to rip my cock off, so theres that
How's negotiating in this one? Still random? Heard they made health & money gifts fair at least, that true?
The negotiation phase is somewhat random but once you get to the "give me shit" phase you've already won the recruit, I don't think a demon has ever ran away with my shit like in other games.
They sometimes do, but they will join you for free the next time yoh talk to them in another encounter
It definitly still exists, one time when I tried recruiting valkryie she left saying she had a date. It could be rare because it only happened to me once
they'll still do it, I had an incubus take a fuckton of my HP and a gem I wasn't using and said he suddenly heard his name being called and left
>I don't think a demon has ever ran away with my shit like in other games.
It happened to me with an Eligor, Tried again, I gave him the Life Stone but then refused to give him money, and he agreed to join me
Damn people were right, the demon king castle was boring, actually made me take a break for few days.
And apparently the fan puzzles were even worse in original?
How does the "Prayer of ..." miracles work?
Is it just from base level or is it from when you get it?
i.e; Should I re-fuse?
Eligor took like 7k Macca then just say "uh I left my stove on" and fucked off.
I slaughtered his whole squad after that.
If you have all prayer miracles bought a demon will gain +1 all stats every level until a cap of 20 stats were granted. If your demon is level 79 or lower it's fine but if it's higher then you have to re-fuse to get maximum effect or unlock the level cap to 150 with godborne.
The bonus stats last for the first twenty levels they gain after fusion. It mostly just helps naturally low-level demons catch up with higher-level ones that come with better stats baked-in. You don't need to worry about autistically re-fusing all your demons, but you'll need them if you're the type of persona that likes making super-strong Pixies and Jack Frosts.
bros I can't choose between Tao and Yoko
>playing CoC because I never played the original release and I wanted to see the "original" story before doing CoV
>Defeat Abdiel + Dazai
>Expect to get a final convo with them where they reiterate why they're doing what they're doing and how I'm retarded
>Nope they just fucking die and that's it
Was the original release of this game just rushed out the ass and barebones plot wise or is this just par for the course because the utilization of NPCs has been not great
Both. The excuse is also that it tries to emulate Nocturne's "show don't tell" crap
I only summoned him because he looks cool
I mean atleast his resistances are pretty good for beano.
I only replaced beanos resistances with red rider's resistances who has a reflect and drain instead of 2 nulls
Yeah but can you say family is really a good thing? Hitler had a family too.
Shut the fuck up, Yoko
If you don't have at least 1 representative from every race you didn't beat the game
Yoko very clearly states people should think for themselves. The game isn't preaching or tell you its for or pro cars its telling you one character is anti cars.

This is actually how in the before days politics were like in media.
Did you know the name Station Wagon comes from the fact they were used for driving cars to the train station? I just thought that was interesting.
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ok, i did it. Idun's "Eternal prayer" magatsuhi skill is very helpful from when he's mowing through your demons, my head hurts.
I cant make a Amebie or any of the UMA and its killing me. The last time I tried fusing shit I got a level 60 Gigmagog when I was at 50 which was fun though
>CoC endings
>Law: Unique miracle and 2 route specific demons
>Chaos: Unique miracle and 2 route specific demons
>Neutral: No miracle
>Finally get the higher tier angels
>Fuse Gabriel and the gang
>Options for Sandalphon and Baal
>They feel weak in battle
Do I need to pump up their potentials or what? I expected a little more, but maybe its because I'm shitting out damage with crit Murakumo's. A lot of times I come to a point where I feel my demons should be stronger, and I just don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.
I got mara and the elephant to talk which was hilarious
So if I want a strong Pixie I have no choice but to fuse a new one from scratch, huh?
I got a level 88 Amon while I was level 77 which was cool
how fucking long are these credits jfc
What is beano's best resistances now that mother harlot got nerfed.
I heard it's namaah with phys resisting passive.
>Thats literally not what Satan is
Get something to drink, take a piss or something. You can't even skip or alt tab it
honestly i dont think that having an essence with multiple resistances is a good idea since some super bosses will start spamming almighty attacks, a good essence would be one with multiple drain/repel resistances since they take all of the enemies turns, Shiva's essence is a pretty good example since it drains both fire and elec.
If you talk to them again they join you for free
I'm almost finished wih my first COC run so for my new game plus run should i try to get the other endings of COC or go straight to vengence?
you're gonna get bored before you get to vengeance, go straight to vengeance.
When I realized there were multiple super bosses, fun innate skills, and godborn, I realized this game was worth $60 for me. Being able to use ailments made it my favorite combat in the series.
>Amanozako asks why some roads go up into the air
>Yoko: "it's for efficient movement"
>Amanozako says that doesn't make sense and humans should just move faster on the ground
>Yoko: "Yeah that makes sense, fucking media tricking us sheeple"
>Tao: "wow Yoko you're so smart"
Are they actually stupid?
Not always true. Might be influenced by how many things you gave them. Had a Loa leave after giving only 1 thing and it didn't join for free the next time I talked to it
Even in reborn with your overleveled everything it's still a slog? I should mention I'm in the chaos route rn
>I forgot to do the Shiva quest and bricked my Neutral CoC run
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Jesus Christ.
Why is she like this?
its honestly more boring. there's also a key item that you can only get in CoV, it unlocks a harder super boss of Masakado in CoC, so, there's that.
Seeing this dude makes me sad there will never be a new Raidou game because Korea/China is still seething after half a century.
godborn or newborn?
Alright thanks, even though I haven't started COV I'll simp for yoko and go chaos route again
Only go Godborn if you can unlock the 150 level cap miracle. Doing stuff in Godborn is miserable as a level 99
Dayum I'm getting wrecked by Lahmu's second phase on Hard at LV 35. Seems like most bosses are DPS checks. Am I doing something wrong? I ran out of chakra pots towards the second phase.
I don't really understand how to make strong "weak" demons, is it just getting the Miracle that gives them better stats for their first 20 level ups and just stuffing them with 70+ grimoires?
I remember struggling in that fight. The game doesn't tell you but everytime lahmu uses babylion curse he recovers all his hp for his first phase. Also if you can get hell biker with a normal force attack. I believe his innate skills gives extra crit for other allies also using force. Also run ice immunity to possibly block him. King frost can be super useful if you leveled him up enough for that skill that buffs the entire party's attack
Though in OG V there was no 20 level cap so the lower the level the more stats a demon would get.
Though this time it's warrantes by the fact that some demons low to mid-tier demons have a unique passive that makes them pretty good in certain teams and setups.
Loa is appearantly the best demon in ailment strategies.
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More or less. Its important to note on the grimoire that you need to use it properly if you want to maximize your demon's stats. Here how you should do it:
>give grimoire to demon
>if it gain the stats that you like, you save and give that demon another grimoire
>if it gain a stats that you don't like, reload

The stats distribution is usually 3 points in one stats, 2 points on stats A and 1 point on stats B, or 1 points for 3 different stats.

At somepoint, you will unlock the 150 level cap miracle after you beat Satan and if you go godborn, you can just buy the stats directly from the merchant.
Yoko definitely is, Tao is just playing along.
getting to level 80 is, erm, kind of a f*cking grind...and, erm, yeah, i'm clicking riberama and omagatoki luck. is there a better method than clearing mobs in temple of eternity? thank fuck for loa
>his innate skills gives extra crit for other allies also using force
Looks like I'll do some grinding to overcome the wall. Lahmu second phase makes me wanna kill myself with the confusion aoe. My party got obliterated hard.
Now you know how it feels talking to the average /pol/tard
For that part have some one who can use me patra, can be anyone but mothman learns is naturally
Am I retarded or wasnt Amanozako referring to some grating that is "going up in the air" as the "roads" and not the actual inclination of a road?
It was over the moment he cast the aoe. I need to get me patra onto a demon that blocks aliment. I thought I could breeze through the fight but guess I need to build up a team to counter his bullshit.
I was wrong about hell bikers skill. He only gives crit to himself when faster my bad. Still very useful though. I swear there was another demon who had that skill though
do you not have gospels? are you not doing quests? how in the fuck are you needing to grind?
there's a kusi mitama spawn that gives said gospels at the end of the bridge in the bethel egypt if you're that desperate for levels, and probably a few others; but I can't recall where they are
Just remembered quatzecoal is the demon that increases crit for force attacks
When bosses feel like DPS checks it usually means you aren't using buffs/debuffs enough or aren't consistently hitting weaknesses enough times a turn.

Yoko is overtly an edgy teen who gets the world is fucked up but doesn't really understand it all that well. She admits to be a contrarian. Tao has zero real life experience and at first lacks confidence. Both iron out their ideology over time. Yoko is still edgy but you can see why she dislikes authority and the state of the world so much. Tao strengthens her convictions in wanting to fix the world even if she has to force it onto other people. One of the few times I feel like the endings were natural extensions of what the characters believed at the start.
He probably used them up as soon as he got the.
To suck newborn fetuses from wombs
Now you know how it feels to talk to the average woke lefty
>get prayer miracles
>find low level demon with good innate skill (dream fist team, loa, ect)
>go to your dorm (for quick load times) and grimoire all the way up
You can make it as autistic as you want but I usually just save if I hit
>1-3 in main damage stat
>1-2 in vitality
>none in opposite damage stat, like magic for strength dudes
Agility and luck will come up naturally.

I wish you unlocked combined hp/mp drain earlier because there's a team comp I've been thinking of where I just jack up the vit up at least 2 points a level and then just auto every battle, using the maga skill that heals you a bit each turn as even more of a buffer.
>no u
A lefty would never say to not trust the media
Stop. Bullying. Me.
>Grind temple of eternity
>Have mitama dlc and fight the gospel mitamas(lol)
>Use riberama/attract pipes and omagatoki luck in any area where there are tons of enemies near each other(So in that one spot with all the snakes or temple of eternity)
>Do the virtual battles in challenge mode(I'm in the high 80's and it gives me a level every time for each battle) You can probably also use luck for this, I'd just do the first two battles for grinding, anything with four takes too long.
There is probably more, but I'm too retarded to think of them.
Just started playing, how do you make random ennemies respawn? Just by waiting or is there another way?
Wait one moon cycle
Saving and reloading respawns enemies
Except for Mitamas, who respawn after some hours of gameplay.
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Anyone know the guaranteed mitama spawns in shinjuku? I found a kusi but forgot where and I know where one red one spawns.
Just google it tbf.
Can't find anything for vengeance, only the old game
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Wow, this guy looks incredibly trustworthy.
What an incredibly unique and inspired statement.

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