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What are some Lynchian games?
Alan Wake 1 and 2 , Deadly Premonition, Life is Strange
I guess any games that imitate the poor man's Stephen King.
Baldurs Gate 3
Hades 2
Tears of the Kingdom
Elden Ring
Disco Elysum
Hellblade 2
The Last of Us 2
Alan Wake 2 feels less lynchian and more like it’s just aping Twin Peaks if that makes sense.
Harvester, it's very obviously influenced by Lynch
Link’s Awakening, overtly so. I’d say Majora’s Mask as well.
Zelda games
Michigan: Report From Hell
>What are some Lynchian games?
Not film, but this film is just as good and wierd as a Lynch film. Like a wierd cross between Lynch and Cronenberg.
Amazing film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLXW-oVbTxE
the majority of suggestions ITT have nothing in common with lynch. lynch is about meeting the ever-present perversion in our daily lives. the underlying darkness of everything, the dread, but also its banality and simplicity. how our minds make more out of it than it actually is.
I thought it was just "weird stuff happening to symbolize weird stuff happening"
no, it's "weird stuff happening to mask the sin"
Indigo Prophecy
kinosoft games
indigo phrophecy is lynchian in a sense that it was written by his long lost indian half-brother using only the power of watching matrix a million times without understanding a single word that was said
Is that the Western DBZ game?
pseud post for a pseud game
proof him wrong by suggesting something more lynchian
I can't it's the perfect recommendation
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200% lynchian reply, I kneel
Why doesn't he give us the daily lucky numbers anymore?
they were correct too many times so he was told to stop
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One of the best ever made. The sequels are good too.
I watched Mulholland Drive and i didn't get it
it's as basic as "it was all a dream" gets. and it's still a fantastic movie.
kane & lynch 2: dog days
the simple rundown is that blonde girl was in love with black haired girl but was humiliated by her. so blonde hired a hitman to get her killed.
what you see in the majority of the movie are her justifications and delusions of everything that happened after the hit. how she sees herself as innocent and naive, or how she dreams of the diner where she hired the hitman and the monster behind it - the truth about what she did there.
just watch it a second time and everything will come together.
persona games
Here's that teenage bombshell I was telling you about i would absolutely fuck prime dern at full force
>Look out for my cousin
>Dale doesnt
fucking idiot.
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fucking kino
really when you think about it, cooper was kind of a hack
Moonlight Syndrome
fire walk with me
Yeah, and if Lynch was able to get what he wanted, dragging out the mystery for multiple seasons, Coop would have been flanderized quicker as an idiot since he would never solve the case.
Hi-Fi Rush
I want to say Mizzurna Falls, despite being directly inspired by twin peaks, but it fails to capture the more mystical aspects of twin peaks as it plays out like your standard murder mystery. Its also jank as fuck.
Killer7 (never watched david lynch)
a hawk tuah kind of girl
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What does Silent Hill 1 have in common with Lynch?
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This is prime Dern (the one on the right).
>You'll never get to show her your amateur rocket.
Lynch has a hard-on for the absurdity of tragedy, it's a very theatrical approach, in that he mixes Melpo and Thalia (Tragedy and Comedy)

For example, the scene in Twin Peaks where the dad climbs ontop of his daughter's coffin causing the lowering machine to break and go up and down over and over while he's wailing
So many indie faggot suck their own dick by pretending they "understood" lynch and made le insane shizo games.
Truth is, lynch just learned how to lucid dream and came up with some midwit Story along the road and now fags make it their whole personality.
Like Elden goy on here
you can never really understand someone else's art :^)
quirky dialogue
something about Hollywood human trafficking, watch Inland Empire next.
what the fuck the plants make it look like demonic nails, never noticed it before, kino kino kino
Alan Wake is movieshit trash
Only the first third and the Angelo Badalamenti soundtrack
Life is Strange is the closest thing.
>so blonde hired a hitman to get her killed.
holy based
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I unironically love LiS1/BtS but simply having a missing girl in the PNW doesn't make something Lynchian, nightmare level might count though
> Recommending Inland empire under any circumstances, ever
Fuck NO. Never watch that film, it's a gibberish, incoherent film that can only be understood and deciphered by Lynch. He made that gay ass movie for himself, not for an actual audience.

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