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Second Edition
Summer sale is here, what prevents you from sharing the Joy of videogame /v/?
I don't play games, sorry
>last thread reaches bump limit
>not a single game gift

To you and every single e-beggar that comes into this thread
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This nigga used a dlc unlocker for DARK SOULS 2 AHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Any kind anon for multiplayer slop?, i want to try Chivalry 2

How about this: draw a pony, I buy a game
Post it on catbox to avoid GR15 (or post itt for bonus janny seething points)

If you've never drawn before, I can get you something cheapo even for an mspaint scribble as long as you put in effort (look at some references before drawing, but don't just actually trace).

Post friendcode with drawing. If I go to sleep before the thread dies I'll go back over it tomorrow
Alwa's Legacy: 3G4W6-2L5PK-T93V7
Beholder : EQ6PP-IX0DX-TN2ZE
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Please play some fun video games so that you can have fun, sweetie. Escapism will make your miserable existence become bearable. Don't even claim that you're a "happy" person.
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Enjoy the drawing painted with fine water colors. Everyone in this threads a faggot and I don't give a fuck I hate video games. Buy me shit if you want I'm going to Arby's and getting my dick sucked
>57647163 is the code bitches
Praise the creator of creators I'll post some codes in a couple of days when I get home I'm too busy eating meats and supplying them
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>post your profile
>no alts
>no troons
>some schizos allowed


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Can any anon help a fellow chud with a copy of CAVES OF CHUD?
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>epic gaming moments
I did this crazy Orphea play on Heroes of the Storm recently, its not much but I am proud of it
I'm the Hades 2 fag
Friend ID: 96692453
Im too retarded for anything you listed Mike. I cant make OC since I have confirmed double digit IQ.
>Heroes of the Storm
gift this guy something good
lol, you're a faggot. Mike would never be here, he doesn't play video games, and the style of your post is nothing like him at all. kys
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imma steal all your keys as fast as I can. romanian style.
>romanian style
a fucking gypsy? give that PC/smartphone back you fuckin roach
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You don't specifiy what pony so enjoy this shitrats

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Here. I really don't care about getting a game, I just wanted to draw something.
I never claimed to be Mike I just like Redbar in the wild and and you are a FAG
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i want blaz blue entropy effect
I've never actually played Starbound before. Is it fun?
t. someone who enjoys Terraria
Also, I'm not asking for a key. I just didn't want to make a thread.
Actually a passable pony, nice
Also I can't read the top line
Lmao based, why is it french
>t. someone who enjoys Terraria
Ask over at >>>/vg/tg
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heres my chinese pony and my friend code 55339375
>what prevents you from sharing the Joy of videogame /v/?
I got literally 1$ on my bank account right now.
My dinner for the day was a small pack of lardons and some tea.
Put some effort in anon. I'd give you a game worth like $1-2 for this and it's just not worth the hassle of adding, discussing, and buying.
>Lmao based, why is it french
I dunno. I just remember ponies have some markings on their asscheeks or something, don't they? Never watched the series.
Glad you liked it.
looks dead
i never used paint before and im 28 lmao no joke. ok then ill try next one with some guide
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>I've never actually played Starbound before. Is it fun?
It is, but whether it's worth buying or not depends on whether you feel like a game is worth purchasing if you're only going to enjoy half of it or so.
If you liked Terraria you should have some fun with this, but the building aspect gets old real fast.
They do and you're not wrong. Usually those are related to the pony's talent or profession, so your pony is an expert at France

You know what I can respect that, if you actually come back with a passable pony I'll make sure you get a game
Okay I have fucking attempted to send but my email is shitting itself
Let me know if/when you receive it and if it works
How the fuck do I get steam keys? I want to giveaway games to anons but no way to buy them off steam. Is Humblebundle or other sites the only way to grab them?
Yeah — Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming.
Pretty much. Either you get keys from Humble Bundles, or a key reseller site like cdkeys or g2a, who probably also got those keys off Humble
Key sites are the best bet.
Or you can just add an anon and gift the game straight. Which is better since romanians steal keys.
Steam keys are only obtainable by the dev themselves I think, they ask Steam to give them X keys and then the dev can give them to others.
i cant do that shit wow im retarded anon sorry i cant draw in paint. thanks for trying and being generous.
Key sites too. allkeyshop.com
That or have to friend the anon to send a gift directly
Check out https://gg.deals and compare prices between different stores for the best deal.
They all sell keys outside of Steam/Epic/Microsoft obviously.
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>so your pony is an expert at France
Damn, now I feel bad for creating it. I'd never subject someone to such an accursed existance.
Anyway, since we're already here, I'm gonna eat my words and beg like a homeless for a cheap ass game. I'm already spent for the month and I really don't feel like buying 2hu: Lost Branch of Legend right now, but if you can afford it, be my guest. If it's too much money, then something cheaper like Path of Achra or Rift Wizard will do. 93671757
I believe in you anon. Look at some pony images on google, they're all 2D shapes, try looking at how they're built rather than drawing from memory.
You don't have to follow a guide or shit, but I know you can make a recognisable pony if you spend like 10-15 minutes of effort on it
I used to get plenty of free games years ago when I was a neet poorfag. I guess things are different now.

Hope you like my drunk goblin anon
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I just like to draw at this point and it's fun to see what I can shit out while sitting in the car waiting

I expect nothing you're all poor niggers
>Believing a horse fucker who is trying to lure you with penny games
Back when I got molested atleast the candy tasted good
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I don't want anything. I just wanted to draw.
I am >>681047491
Can't believe that I did this for caves of chud of all games
What are some key sites to AVOID?

CDKeys, HumbleBundle and GreenMan are the only good ones I know of
what's the deal with this? I don't think i've ever seen a giveaway thread tied to a sale before, they tend to be out of the blue or during the holidays. What game do you want, OP?
I like kinguin too.
Gamivo is extremely annoying to use, I avoid whenever I can. I've heard bad things about HRK.
Not even that guy, but you could've easily made a furaffinity ccount and sell that shit for enough money to buy CoQ 20 times over.
Consider doing commisions in there, and you'll be swiming in cash pretty quickly.
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This is a long shot, but I really want to play Shadow of the Erdtree, it's too expensive for me at the moment. I WILL beat the DLC 100%, if anyone can send me a Steam key for SotE that would be great. pokad48961@joeroc.com
you didn't post what you want anon
I will draw anything you want for a Sekiro key
Who's the hottest level-up girl in all of Soulsbourne?
just use creamapi
Based, if you wanted a game I would happily give you one

What the fuck anon, I had to reverse search this carefully, and I'm still not sure I fully believe you. I honestly didn't expect any actual drawfags to bite.
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i cant draw shit dude especially in paint it would be 100 times better on paper but anyways heres second try
then draw on paper noob
Might give a try

What I have to show you today is a picture of my room. I just got this really cool atmospheric lamp and it cost me 10 bucks
I change the colors on it depending on which vidya I play
I'll take anything that's a good bang for a buck, but I really have the itch to play something tactical like Yggdra Union or Slay the Spyre
i dont even have a phone to take picture of what i would draw i dont have a printer to scan that shit too.anyways hope anon will go through to those other anons and actually will gift em.
I hope you find someone to get it for you, I am a poor fag and spent what I had to get it!
Jesus Christ, you really are poor, aren't you? I hope that guy does gift you whatever you want, you're the only one on this thread that actually needs it.
Well, that and a job.
I like Maiden in Black the most, but the Doll is a close second.
Not him but the hottest is firekeeper from 3
However, Doll will always be my favorite
Im pretty sure it wont work on expansions that need files downloaded. CreamAPI unlocks licenses locally so you need files for that to work. Is fromsoft that retarded to push in expansion files into regular game? If so then it will work lol
>Clean room
>Aesthetic items
>Nice coffee table
>Nice dresser
nigga buy your own games you clearly got money unless u underageb&
I appreciate your effort anon. And that's visible improvement. It's more a horse than a pony but I think you've earned it.
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Hades 2 is still not on my library, I will actually play it

Friend ID: 96692453
get a job
gaydes 2 is pozzed garbage. you ain't getting shit.
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If I answer the question, can I get a key for it too? Because for me it's my Irish lass the Emerald Herald
i am but if you mean about phone then im just oldschool guy honestly. i have a phone its 10 years old sony xperia with broken screen and camera but for calls it works 100%. im type of person that will keep my shit until it will brake down completly.
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Im dumb

i made my pic oc cause its a cool pic dont think itll win anything but i think it looks fun
Is the steam wishlist only broken for me?
I swear this is the first time in my life I draw a pony, and I didnt have to dig up certain drawing tutorials buried in my brain from 13 years ago.
Battle Chef Brigade or RE7 would be very cool.
I'll that as a big compliment anon, because I found the coffee table in the trash and just painted it
It's shitting the bed because every third world nigger, like the ones in here, are trying to get on at the same time. It'll work better after a day, just like it does every sale for the past 15 years.
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I managed to hit these sick ass shots
Sekiro sounds good but anything is ok
i wish i could be gifted 1 month of eso plus, rip my wallet hate paying monthly subs for mmos , such a rip off
Today I bought my first game, with my hard earned money, to play on my rig, which I bought by my own means. I know this might not be a big deal to you guys, but I'm a 3rd worlder, and I've been banned from online shopping my entire life because of our government, today I just broke free.

My first game was Risk of Rain 2.
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I did this repurposed Ragnarok Online MVP card for an unreleased video I was doing.
I ain't getting shit, probably. I just wanted to post it somewhere in case I never do anything with it.
Someone please donate nine sols to me i've had a hard day
I don't have a pc or a job.
Trying my luck
Hoping for monhun rise
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lets try this
Good to hear you escaped Venezuela, m8. Good luck on your new life.
>30 bucks for furfag chink metroidvania
>not even on sale
just play castlevania games instead
gonna drop random keys from bundles i never redeemed until i get bored. most of these are not redeemed for a reason







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I've draw a pornhwa girl doing a cosplay of Sona (league of legends)
well shit that's very decent
kek anon did you mean to reply to me (the pony drawings anon)?
They all are now
wait i replied to the wrong guy KEKW
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Again thank you very much ponyanon. Now im going to pray that my power supply wont kill my PC until i will replace it because its fucked lmao.
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idk what the fuck i'm doing so here's a pic of my deformed looking horse anon.
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Never sent. Never trust a horse person to give you anything but aids
Well, yeah. Dropping keys without any kind of encryption gets them lifted in a second by literal bots set up to get them as they get posted, like the Barneyfag bot that immediately responded to any image it detected in its database.
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Took time to think about the OC, Enjoy anon

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people are usually just faster than you. i used to snipe codes manually when i was broke and it was always very funny to see people scream BOTS!!!!!!!!!! after i did

bonus ultimate doom code that i was too lazy to crop into the image

NOOOOO i missed Victor Vran fuck me in my ass.
anon is a cool anon
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I'm pretty bad at drawing animal
Human and mechanical stuff i can draw
Any chance to get dbz xenoverse 1 or 2 ?
nigga you tried not to show his profile but you can see that BALAWR is based
epic gaming moment incoming, over 600+ hours playing this game btw, so mad skillz right here

anyone has a callisto protocol key from Humble Monthly up for grabs?
I got one but you gotta post your profile for me to send it to you
silly anon you cant see the full name
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First come first serve, those rise codes (should) work, since it doesn't redeem in my friends region

pop an email or someway to send it to you
bots literally exist and routinely spam posts here. there are programs that auto scrap codes and immediately redeem it.
half the fucking internet is fake like facebook instagram twitter are full of bots
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Well, pony anon held their end of the bargain for me, so I'll stand by it.
risk of rain 2

Could I get the Lego racer?
You know what that's a pretty horsey horse.

Anon, I meant like cartoon pony. I'd say you get a game already, but if you wanna try again with an MLP style you'll get bonus points.
You can draw a robot horse too if you want kek
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tfw Shrek broke into my house in DS3 and gave me infinity amount of souls
Anything from my wishlist would be cool
Steelrising? ocqligrxbtrfzylwlp@cazlg.com
stray gods please its in my wishlist
can I have lego 2k drive awesome edition? vlp74631@doolk.com
amanda? specthenerd@gmail.com
Miasma Chronicles
yakuza like a dragon
Are steam games/keys region locked?
Can I get Knights of Honor?
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anyone would bless me with a gotham knights key? it goes for 4.5 euro on key sites. i want to play this game for my nigga red hood
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This is basically the opposite of an epic gamer moment, but here's me getting my shit pushed in so bad on Halo that my head literally got buried into the ground
King of the Castle please
You know what? Just in case I actually win something.
hi fi rush if u got it still 0ii94@navalcadets.com
Not him but you can. Last letter is obviously R from positioning. Shit crop dude
rise code doesn't work in NA, damn
I'll take Amanda the Adventurer
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its not working in EU too. its probably MENA key.
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based ponyanon
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Thanks anon!
Based for actually sending Steelrising, thank you bro
Do you have any idea how high inflation is right now?
Ten bucks can't even buy you a burger anymore.
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anon did deliver after seeing my mad skillz on barony, a very cool guy 10/10 and i'll be checking out redbar in the wild
could i get risk of rain pls?
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e-begging for like a dragon gaiden because I'm apparently too poor to afford vidya without deep discounts. I can only promise that in return I'll actually play it instead of shitting on the game here on vee.
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thanks blud forgot to screencap the activation
Thanks. Now I will be a knight of honor.
oops I was too late for the other game, how about Loddlenaut?

Is there a price range you're comfortable with?
This looks really cool anon
posted this other day on bale but here it is again i love rawrity
Would like Kh but if thats too much, lego starwars with the dlc would be nice :)
Let me beg Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Just a screenshot cause file is too big. Made this pape when I was bored a couple years back and still new to Ps. Specifically catered to my then phone, hence the empty bottom bar for icons. Here goes its internet virginity.
Would love Diablo IV (Yes, I know it's been shit, but I couldn't pirate it lol). If that's too much, then a $10 wallet code so I could upgrade my PUBG account.
Friend Code: 117660597
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Pony anon is a real one. Thanks again!
Even with the sales Monster Hunter Rise is still expensive.
Can any Anon help me out? I want to play with my friends before they farm half the game ;-;
Anyone? Please i kneel. I just want to clean streets of Gotham from criminal negros.
thanks for Loddlenaut man, I redeemed it on humble without a problem
could anybody gift me Dark Souls Remastered? big mcthankies from mcspankies
>post ANYTHING COOL and get free shit
>/v/ niggers would still rather beg
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thats all i can do without reference
Depends on the quality of the pony I'd say. If it's just an mspain scribble you're probably looking around $5-$10, if it's an actually good mspaint sketch then maybe $15, if it's an actual drawing then it can go higher

So I'll probably stop responding here. And I'll try to fulfil all actually decent ponies by tomorrow.
KH 1.5+2.5?
i don't get it. Why is it always furries and bronies that have money for this kind of shit lmao
leftover games nobody seemed to want

GMN35-PLDJP-NAKN8 = guidebook of babel

I found an exploit in Underrail that let me make boots that gave massive movespeed and actions during combat
doesn't work now so RIP
I have a recording of it somewhere lemme just look for it and convert to webm will post it in a bit
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Ofcourse. Look at those amazing games i play and enjoy.
can any anon gift me amid evil?
Based /bale/friend
I never said you couldn't use references (in fact I mentioned they're a good idea) but still that's actually not bad sketch-wise, plus that's two horses now so fair enough
Did hi fi get claimed? 0ii94@navalcadets.com
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Thanks for the games, dood.
I wasn't expecting to acctually get something from one of these threads, but now I believe in christmas again.
Post your gmail and I will send you any game you want
doubt I'll get shit with bots catching most of the codes on the go but thanks to all the anons that hand over games, really makes v a nice place
furries and bronies is white man traits and the one's who constantly shit on em is always niggers and brownoid
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>UNI2 half off
>already a discord fighter
send literally any key
>no profile
here you go maxgamepow@gmail.com

DBZ xenoverse 2
send me cyberpunk
cat from ds2

sonic origins
post your id and I'll gift you any game you want
Shadow of the Erdtree would be based anon but if that's too expensive Halls of Torment, Balatro, or Skyrim would also be based
Steam friend code: 196205385
cp2077 or forza horizon 4?
I just wanted to flex my games and taste. I already got gifted by pony anon so not going greedy please dont call me a nigger,you nigger.
baldys gate 3
Now i know i need to practice drawing animals
sekiro but I know that's asking for too much, so send me any game you like

Post a picture of yourself with your steam and I'll send you a game
cp2077 plox
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I rarely e-beg but jaspur1202@gmail.com
Tiny Bunny, please. And, also please don't spam my inbox with furry porn.
why would you do that
Nioh 2?
do what? i just want the game anon like other people here. i want to beat thugs with Red Hood and look at Batgirls booty.
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took me longer than i was expecting to get this under 4mb

bored, will gift the first 10 people to add me. Also here's lego 2k drive from the humble I had spare H49V3-CD83H-AV8(10-3)M
post results
Man y'all are stupid
give whatever you feel you can, if you want
don't bankrupt yourself for retards on /v/
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this is a lie. he posted this same thing on /b/
I happen to be still awake because I have zero discipline, but I gotta say, that's a pretty mare. A bit rough around the edges but it's got soul.
added! thanks for this I'll be happy with anything really
no, why would he lie?
I added you earlier senpai, can you check it
sent you a friend request
I think the actual guy was cheating in some game so anon is trying to prank him
>added anon from here
>logged out of steam account
>password changed email
Uh... do I just contact steam support?
anybody want Cuckold Sim?
Yakuza 0
id totally play recettear if someone bought it for me its only 4 bucks
9 7 and 6 is not working, whats the correct answer? am i dumb
you motherfucker
dwarfanon here, got all achievements at 444 hours
could i ask for top 10 on wishlist since i havent redone wishlist since new family share
dealers choice is fine too if you have a good recommendation
forgot the image
added u

Bug Fables
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oops I kinda messed up
thanks again!
>deep reddit galactic
OOPS i messed up, tee-hee~
Does it have to be gmail?
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Someone posted this in a previous thread.

What's the Pharaoh one with the rabbit character? 10 down on the far right side. Below "The Spy Who Shot Me" and above "Clinically Dead". I can't find anything but an old RTS and a shitty slot machine game searching for it.
He didnt sent a single code anon. Hes probably gathering mails to put into some automated spambox lol
Sorry I mistyped, it's
looks like rebirth maybe
Callisto Protocol or Hi-Fi Rush
nice try
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Figures lol. It's always a coin toss when it comes to chans. You either get a legit guy or a guy who signs you up for the scientology website.

Friend Code: 110928475

Ponyanon I seriously tried to replicate the MLP style, but I couldn't resist drawing a stylized cock on it
yup i was right
fuck off
If anyone got a key for Like A Dragon I'd really love to play it. Or any cool game really. Thank you.
>locked me out of activations
devilish, well done
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I try
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Friend Code: 110928475

Ponyanon I seriously tried to replicate the MLP style, but I couldn't resist drawing a stylized cock on it

Reposting because I posted a broken link
pirate it bro.
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Drawing with a mouse is aids and I really suck at drawing in general but even more so living things, but I tried.

Who wants bad rats?
my email
SMTV Vengeance please, you'd be so based
all fake btw i forgot to mention, also i spend hundreds of dollars on overwatch 2
does bad rats even work on windows 10?
i have 1 and 2 and they both crash when I try them out
those poor pajitas fell for it
what's the point in asking for games that can be pirated/emulated. i'm retarded.
can i get a key for mhrise or hifirush?
i play on steam deck and i want to have the best compatibility for games and steam offers that, emulated/pirated games are too much of a hassel
I just gave the email I use to create coom accounts. I hope none of the anons ITT were dumb enough to type their main.
Spoiler Alert: They were.
Any anon kind enough to give me Halo MCE?

ugh, can you start post working game keys?
how easy is to hack a gmail account ?
salutations anon!
Give me your best shot!
this thread reminded me of an anon potraying as Dr.Robotnik and dropping keys on crude sonic porn images kek
thanks to pony anon for the kingdom hearts
>40gb for 3 ps2 and 1 psp game
square enix are so retarded but this will be fun on deck officially
Did anyone screencat it?
omega based
there is a special character that can be appended to gmail accounts when making a new account that will make it access and receive all emails that dont have the character at the end
Its a known security flaw for what feels like forever.
Google has not actually developed improvements to gmail in a very long time.
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>the year of our Lord 2010+14
>there are still people who are triggered by pastel colored ponies
I'm still amazed wojaks never received the same treatment.
I don't want anything but just wanted to draw something.
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Took this screenshot while I was destroying my gf at Tekken, at one point I started finding new ways to make my character watch under Lili's skirt
passing out for real now, I'll get to everyone tomorrow, I just wanted to say
that this is absolutely gorgeous, I love it
and this is great too

and you two will also get a game tomorrow
(the cock should've been a horsecock)

I'll also check the archive in the morning in case of deleted posts lmao
here's the catbox if this gets fucked up
Friend code: 50145305

I want a rating too, I'm not the best at paint or drawing but I do it sometimes for fun.
yooo thanks for Dota 2 King!
this is more of a horse than a pony, anon, this wouldn't even fall under the purview of GR15
but it's a decent horse so I'll say worth 7 bucks despite that (tomorrow!)
he said a pony not a horse.
>that this is absolutely gorgeous, I love it
ty Anon. If I get monster hunter rise for drawing a pony my friends just won't believe it lul
>GG gets a big playerbase
>but it's filled with trannoids and other subhuman
It's a weird monkey paw.
you know what his grandma used to call baskin robbins "baskin roberts"
I'm decent at drawing, what particular pony should I draw for a 30-40€ game?
It's like 4am here right now, but tomorrow i'll draw you a pony on paper. Good night pony appreciator.
Why is it that fellas always draw the cowboy poney?
Hick horse is best horse.
that's the one that's got the lowest iq in the show and anons can relate to her the most
I just wanted to say thank you to this anon for going through a lot of trouble to help me get Shadow of the Erdtree! Now I can play with my friend
I need some ideas for the drawing...
Pixel Art drug loving Pony
>Enter thread ready to swindle more games out of anons
>Realize that i can already play everything i wanted to thanks to steam family beta
>Only games left in wishlist are either unreleased or can be easily pirated from gog
No more reason to beg until i get a good pc i guess
I forgot steam friend ID is 196205385 if you're interested ponyanon
yellow quiet best pone
hope you like it anon, i haven't draw in ages
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Can i get something ? anything, im broke af this summer and used up all my money on a new ac to handle this heat

Funny thing about applejack

ALL the Asians in the fandom love her lol
Doesnt matter where theyre from
Seriously, Applejack is like my least favorite character, while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are my favorites, but for some reason whenever I felt like drawing them, human or pony, I would always gravitate towards Applejack. I guess it's comfy to draw her?
Could someone send me a game on my wish list so I can platinum? I finished RDR and I have nothing to play now

Is it any good? Also, thanks bro.
>anon is gay
>cowboys are gay
simple as
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>(the cock should've been a horsecock)
You're right, anon, here's the second version

kek, I was having problems with T8 for some reason, can't even remember how I fixed it
My friend code is 836535107
Bump for Callistro Protocol key
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You know what guys, you're right that wasn't a proper pony and I can't sleep until I try.
Here's my pony attempt.
Posting friend code again: 50145305

I'm off to bed now, have fun.
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I will really appreciate if some kind anon can gift me wh3
very nice - HH
On the subject of keys, does anyone know how Steam determines your region for region-locking?
I'm asking because I moved from Brazil to North America last year and now I was planning on buying a key from another online store, but it says that the key activation region is only Latin America.

I didn't change any settings on my steam account when I moved and it still shows the prices in my original country's currency, so will I be able to activate the key?
Is it because it's a caricature of how americans are perceived or because it's yellow?
what did they mean by this
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isn't there a 3 day waiting period now
he said no troons
>actually amazing art
based as fuck
Yes. No problem. Just don't try anything funny otherwise Steam could flag your account.
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I wish I had some funds right now. I'd lift some weight out of ponyfucker to give you any game, holy shit.
>samefagging this hard
You might want to contact steam support and ask about it more since many people get fucked over hard if they move continents.
I want to gift anons "elden ring at home", but it's currently cheaper on Steam than on keyshops so post your ids so I can find your ass when I wake up (I'm in bed)
what is elden ring at home?
whats elden ring at home?
It's a secret kek
But it's really "at home", so don't get your hopes up
My drawing is kinda bad so give me some $2-3 games that are easy to achieve.

Friend code: 300376390
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I don't know what schizo theory you have for this being a samefagging attempt, but you should probably stick to taking your medications.
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Peep this fed (real) https://steamcommunity.com/id/Jee-No/
>only request(s) is on wishlist
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Idk what that is but I'll give it a shot here's my friend ID anon
>friend in common
fucking LD
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.....Applejack is the orange one

Its because of the Texaboo Sterio type because asians really love Southern American stuff, and She proves the sterio type right from what ive seen

Its a shame im at work and the threads gonna die , im actually an artfag that does pony Semi Regularly and could draw you something nice
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>dat profile
I like the cut of your jib, may as well give you something better
Wait for me, anon
is this real or a scam guys? anyone gotten anything from this guy?
Huh, so they updated 4chanX to also add or remove (you) from posts so people don't even need to inspect element anymore kek
But seriously, what would I even get from samefagging in this instance? Let's hear your logic.
OK, tomorrow I'll get in touch
almost all the replies are anime and he said no troons so idk
why not, I'm already playing elden ring, so let's try the at home version
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why not

Achievements on your games are unlocked at the same time for multiple games which is VERY gay
>>681055595 >>681058245 >>681054341
its simple psychology, really. you would (you) yourself to be like, "damn Im broke but that is a real work of art anon" and hopefully one anon would be like "yknow what they did put in effort, that guy is right, I'll get him something from the wishlist" when otherwise they'd just keep scrolling past the image
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small world, kek
>I like the cut of your jib
thanks fren
I wouldn't be a good fed if I didn't abuse the tools at my disposal, now would I? :^)
are u the gifter anon?
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I made this animation in photoshop, took me like a week
eh what the hell
My friend code: 86935304
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>Charmhole on Steam
look me up, if ur real buy be Black Myth Wukong
now check out this double bullet dodge i did in Nioh 2
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Man it was harder than I thought, but I think I started to understand the animal thing.
Sorry for the bad quality. Also I don't want nothing, maybe tomorrow I'll remember something I want to beg for, but for now nothing.
kek based schizo profile. Added
OK, you three then
As expected of Tonfa chads.
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thank u anon
not proof, just screencap your buy gift/history
What game u got. whats discount elden ring
Why are you being so bitter, anon? He showed you proof of people that have been gifted, what's your issue?
Do niggers really try to steal steam accounts in 2024?
meant for
>steal steam account from gifting games
stop smoking crack
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Oh man i just woke up, did i miss all the gifting?
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Am I too late?
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here's a 2b drawing i made a while ago, i'm pretty proud of it
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>here's a 2-VACKED!
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Tried coloring it simply
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KEK, based wishlist I'll added and will buy some tomorrow
>maximum SOVL, literally
will add
funny schizo profile review, added
best profile on thread, actual based gem. Added
>idk what this retard is crying for >>681064121 your cheated achieves are for literal shit meme games like adventure capitalist rofl
I am still ITT

Cheated for:
>Life is strange (LMAO)
>Metro 2033
The list goes on
>Do something retarded 7 years ago back when i was 13
>Mark of shame still not gone
Owari da
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lets try this https://steamcommunity.com/id/KMS214THSM/

heres a very mid clip of me playing zoomer shooter back when I still have friends to play vidya with
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Just have a drawing I made a bunch of years ago

NTA but i'm curious to know what he meant by "ER at home". I thought it was either Ashen or Outward.
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here's a jolly santa hat i made during the christmas!
>inb4 troon profile pic
nah me and my homies hates the dick cutters
Why does your ass have "Alfredo" tattooed on it?
How tf do you steal accounts from seeing gift/purchase history? He's most likely just larping for attention and now is in panic mode kek
>aaah look guys I gifted my alt a game and then refunded, keep replying plz
Why are you posting games you cheated in? I don't understand
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I didn't even check all the profiles for achievement fraud but this is just retarded how all the super gamers CHEAT.
using SAM is not cheating, valve has no rules against it and gives no fucks about it
the absolute state of beggars, you should all be euthanized
>hurrdurr 100% every game I got, I'm totally not idling and using SAM to unlcok cheevos
based beggar
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The girl is from a comedy youtube series from years ago.
Alfredo is some imaginary no existent character they made.

wtf no i did not cheat??? If i remember correctly i think its some funky stuff that happened because of seamless coop and my save.
Could be because i played offline as well because of mods
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check my most played games ,all souls games minus elden ring and the reason is ,the game is too expensive for my economy im argie , barely surviving since 2022 , played all souls games but not elden and in the foreseable future dont have the money to spend on the game , what makes me cool honestly nothing im just a poor anon or at least since 2022 in a sea of million of poors anons around the world but someday i want to play elden ring , the pic is my waifu in nioh 2 saga that i love just like souls games , this is my profile, if some anons wants to add just to chat about movies , shows,vidya or play, feel free to add https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056809441
It's not actually cheating, since there's no rule against it
average Vedditor lmao. I like how you're getting dogpiled too, SAD!
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I don't want games, I want to post my shit. Sarabada.
>anon bragging about games he cheated in
>the absolute state of /v/
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Must be why this also happened in Nier Automata and a dozen other games
This is embarrassing
It makes you a fag when you display achievement completion on your profile when you actually didn't do it
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also beat the final boss and his twink like a couple of days ago with a big sword.

But nier automata literally has a thing in the game where you can straight up buy all the achievements in game? I remember the devs said they did it as a joke
dude this is a tranny profile mixed with SSeth eceleb garbage
Why is Factorio never on sale?
Help me get it folks :(
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Must be why this dude was completing Nier Automata and then 20 mins later he hopped on Sekiro to get 10 achievements at the same time.
based autist detective anon, expose that fraud lmao
holy fuck, actual GOATed profile! accept friend request and I'll gift
nah fuck that sperg >>681064121
the amount of effort to link all that shit and make that OC art work is beyond what most profile fags do. I'll gift one on your wishlist, and fuck that fake gifting faggot seething over achivos, he's literally too scared to even share his gift history cuz he'll self out himself LOL
what's the point?
your gf is in the profile comments bro
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Uhmm Hardcore bros???????
so which one is the gifter itt? are all of them just larping to troll poorfag
>It makes you a fag when you display achievement completion on your profile when you actually didn't do it
if your game setting are public it shows ahievements though? No one is "displaying" them. You need your game details on public for others so see your wishlist... kek. Least obvious newfag
yeah this one i can't explain, that is pretty weird.
although i remembered getting a ton of achievements at the same time recently from transferring my save from a pirated to copy to a legit one for Remnant 2
that is not how it works
this guy in particular is known as Revy on /b/, he's a notorious tranime avatarfag who larps as le quirky anime girl and baits gifters into gifting him shit he'll never play
he also exclusively asks for the latest 70$ aaa fotmslop that he isn't even interested in playing
>he keeps replying to his own images multiple times
why is anyone giving this autist attention?
is it still full of cheaters?
>haha so weird guise i totally don't know what happened
kys brown fat malay monkey
>No one is "displaying" them
Can you not read the words Completionist Showcase
Someone share an onirism key so I could finally beat the peak of 2 active players this week
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dude's also on the list of known scammers
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That's what happened though, load up that save and suddenly a ton of cheevos get unlocked
and so the sales drama begins...
can u guys shut the fuck up and start gifting games, igaf whatever tranime drama you guys have with each others
Dude you actually completed Digimon Survive, you played it for like 6 months. Holy shit.

Cool drawing wn
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>Came back after 100+ replies
>Thread now filled with schizos

Bloody hell, it's cool and all but where's the keys
I don't like how steam uses so much tranime art
That video's from GO, but I still do CS2. In terms of cheaters? Hard to say, but it's guaranteed that the highest ranks of Premier have them. And who knows how many people are closet cheating. Casual's been pretty fun, in contrast.
Dude, nobody likes private profiles.
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no keys, just a guy seethign he's been found out to be larping. He won't even show his gift hsitory now he's spamming the thread trying to move the topic onto somethign else lol
really? the lighting kinda looks like 2
are you trying to dox a guy or something?
Are there any cool Tacticool SP games nowadays? I looked into the latest Ghost Recon ones, and they're ridden with dlcs + uplay aids. Such a shame too since Breakpoint's vibe is what I'd love to play atm.
Oh, that's probably from some of the demo reshade tools and whatnot I'd used.
okay with FPS? Ready or Not is a decent Swat 4 clone
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It's pictures he posted himself to try and get games.
>seething over SAM'd achievements in LiS
found the tranny
pictures he didnt post here? Is that allowed? Im not sure about the rules here
I thought that was a MP game
I doubt it'd run on a 960
>playing Life is strange
>liking it so much that you would SAM the achievements
Who is the tranny again?
Okay i want to try if kind anon still exist, Killing Floor 1 please?, it's only 2$

You should marry her
Well if you know swat 4 then you know it can be played single player with orderable bots as your team members.
so yeah its not only MP

As for your rig, then im not sure, i think i remember it being pretty decently optimized? Maybe you can lower the settings.

i make music, here's an unreleased song

i would like you to get me a game you like!
adde u
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>Just checked and he literally has 1 minute of playtime
KEK. I was kinda on the fence about your achivement sperging but I'm on his side now. Get bent tranny gift larper
>still hasn't shared gift history
many such cases
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Man, I actually have money for the steam sale this summer...and there isn't SHIT to buy.
kek its true, its the Omori guy there.

What a faggot holy shit
wait which one is his profile?
what happeend to /b/ thread?
what /b/ thread?
thank you, anon. she's my fiancee, weddin gonna be q4 2024
You can't make this shit up
you need your achives public to see wishlists
>using SAM is not cheating
dumb cheater
the steam wish one thsi but in /b/
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These two were on steam the others are from keysites

I am gift anon and I am still itt looking and the replies.
If you have more cool stuff be sure to post, steam was acting weird on my last purchase and it denied it multiple times so if I don't send more stuff by the time the thread archives be sure to check your friend requests!
>no comeback
yeah that's what I thought larper
>dumb cheater
proof it's a cheat larper?
which profile did you just checked? i think i got skipped..
any third party usage is cheating
there's a reason why devs disable achievement unlocks if you mod your game. Third party = cheating
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>any third party usage is cheating
not proof, steam allows it, try again?
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Posting my rarest color-changing Pepe.
devs don't. you lost
not OP but why are both of you nigs in /v/ermin groups in fucking steam? Please elaborate and justify your actions.
yes i am from uhh abu road, your computer has virus
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>"free stuff" thread
>english proficiency drops after every post
>devs don't. you lost
Valve did the same thing for TF2 weapon unlocks, but they didn't ban it, not proof try again?
People used to play and chat together on Steam back in the day before Discord became a thing.
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I haven't bought a game on steam for over 3 years, convince me to buy a game and I'll also gift it to you or someone in this thread.
He's refering to this one I think >>681063582
wouldn't know, I don't play shit games.
no way that guy is a huge fucking chad and his games are hidden
>Only based profile worth a gift
>Gifter didn't gift
Many such cases!

i got this but already have a copy
I cant believe he didnt gift you a game, your profile is based as fuck
You could buy granblue fantasy relink since it's finally on sale, so you could have multiplayer sword and board adventures with anime chicks, with your friends or randoms. I wouldn't mind a copy myself
Friend code: 172432519
What kind of games are you looking for? Or into?
Pirate single player, buy FOTM Multipel slop, simple as that
Achievement fraud is a crime punishable by DEATH
not activating any mystery niggas.

Last time I did that, it was some literally who game made by the guy giving away the keys. He then proceeded to VAC ban all of us.

wtf is a dlc unlocker?
halo mcc. im a big fan sunk over 600 hrs into halo as a kid. worth every penny because you can play it with friends.
it's just some indie horror game I got for free
That's based tho, creamapi is for KANGZ
There's a shop in game where you can just buy all the achievements
Kojima is such a fucking hack holy shit
Creampie maybe?

I think he meant achievement unlocker since that guy frauded cheevos for ds2.
If it was only in Nier it wouldn't be so bad but he does it in multiple games and in the same minute.
>lost arguement
>pretend ntot o ahve played TF2
SAM users STAY WINNING. You owe us all a gift anon, pay pig up!
gimme Xenoverse 2 cause cheap

You should buy 24 Killers, it's a marvelous game and has real love put into.
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I've read on here that Lies of P is one of the best non-Fromsoft soulslikes
Log into steam on the browser or open in the client to see games. Just checked and yeah he only has 1 minute played, based. Was worried for a sec anon trooned out but he solid
>also peep the profile comments. lol
>I removed the free game from my lbirary and put it to ignore
>surely he'll believe this!
holy L once again. SAM. users. stay. winning. Gift up paypiggy!
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Here's a cool hidden gem for you

Don't let the visuals fool you, the game is awesome.
also frogs
You think I did all that in 1 minute? I can't even show you the time played is zero since I don't have it on my library, never did.
I don't play trash with westoid cartoon artstyle.
You are arguing with a schizo who is defending a cheating troon. Don't bother
from software just got hacked

check the catalog guys, its real. Kadokawa made a report on it already
this game is fun. It comes from Newgrounds boys.
NTA but thanks, was kinda keeping tabs on this and thought he might secretly have played it cuz of the achivo sperg. My faith is restored in fed chad
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Gift me a friend pls
https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/orderofmetatron/#sortorder elden ring or a spooky game would be nice.
>still lying
>still won't show proof
this is your 3rd post not showing play time anon. SAD!
You are pathetic.
The playtime is not even public you are such a fag you can hide your troon games and be done with it but you have to samefag the thread.
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JFC hoooly based profile, I fucking kneel. Gifter >>681047162 out of every single tranime profile in this thread, this one stands tall right here by far. Give this man his game.
no shit, the game is not on my library
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Well, I don't have much to tell, I gave myself a Steam deck and tomorrow is my birthday, since I have nothing else to say, I'll leave you the photo of my Kson fan dog.
If I had to choose Infinite Wealth or Dragon Dogma 2 they would be my main options, but basically whatever it is I will be very grateful.

I don't want anything for myself. Give the next person to get dubs Bad Rats or something retarded
>from software just got hacked
How does it feel to have kindergarten-level reading comprehension?
literally not samefagging, but go off

It was literally public like 3 minutes ago, go check again
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You tell me.
I really want to buy a rimworld anomaly dlc but can't because russian :(
just get it off gog dash games lil bro
>can't because russian
Your brothers invented Creampie and you don't know?
you're russian, you literally made creamapi for case scenarios such as this one
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You're literally the Mecca for piracy zigger
Nigger, how in the everloving fuck
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I really enjoyed the Rock of Ages series. Very fun racing/tower defense games

happy birthday bro
screencap it's storepage then since it shows you your play time even if you remove from library :)
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Wouldn't be surprised he hid it since the anti SAM sperg was spamming his profile a bit ago lol
no way wtf, maybe I'll pick it up since its just been sitting on my wishlist since it came out
I got 4 keys for a mp game but only 2 of my friends wanted it so i got 2 extra keys have em ig
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I very much appreciated if someone got me Hades 2, I can't get it right now cuz I got a birthday gift for my brother instead, he turns 36 tomorrow.
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Forgot this
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Kino profile, respect.
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see? nothing
>team fortress 2 is in your library
>image pasted over hours but forgot to remove this
well well well, not even photoshop could save your retarded ass, KEK. I accept your defeat SAM sperg. Total and UTTER defeat.
a VAC b& from an indie dev is literally meaningless. I piss on indie dev VAC b&s
yeah but its not there,

also no time played
New thread?
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LMFAO sam sperg got BTFO'd even with an edit... You love to see it! >>681072498
no, stop begging broke ass nigga
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And with that we have reached bump limit!
I will make sure to comb trough your replies and profiles and check for FRAUD.
Keep an eye on your friend requests as REWARDS will be coming to those who have done COOL things.
I thought that I made myself clear when I mentioned no troons but there were still many submissions which contained Anime (no loli so cringe) and FRAUD, which is very troonish behaviour.
What does count as troon for you?
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Thanks bro!
WE HAVE A WINNER >>681063582
>didn't gift or prove gifts
fuck off attention fag, I already rekt your sorry ass --> >>681072701
what does that mean
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based, thank you again for nuclear throne, anon, you rock
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Mostly LIES!
These can be:
>achievement fraud
>conspiracy theories
>pretending to play games
You get the gist.

I am not that anon.
anti SAM retards are literal autists
>I am not that anon.
you are literally that anon and phone posting lmao. Get fucked SAM seether, can't wait to fuck up your next fake gifting attention seeking session
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So did you consider getting Hades 2 or was my play of the game not that impressive?
I'm saving mine for Christmas giveaways that is a better time to give gifts
I like how even though people asked for proof of your sent games the entire thread, you spent so much energy denying it and just came up with fake reasons why you can't
>muh privacy
>muh hacking
>MUH... something!!!
LMAO, least cringe fake gifter, my God
What the hell has been happening in this thread? Were there even any gifting happening?
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I already posted proof in two separate posts.

All I needed was to see Nosgoth in your library and I was convinced expect good things!
No, none gifted anything, no one got anything
It's just a bunch of broke ass niggas and troons going at each other for hours
Also that Hades nigga is so desperate is making me sick to the point I wish some faggot gives him the game so he fuck offs somewhere else
I pray whoever redeems this code has a spiritual experience with the game like I did. Please confirm once you redeem.
>Were there even any gifting happening?
Nope, jeet sent his alt a whopping TWO games and wouldn't show proof of anymore, then rambled for a dozen posts why he cna't show more kek
what if he gets the game and he changes account and begs for another one?
see you ain't schizo enough
There was a brony gifter at the start of the thread gifting people for drawing ponies. pretty based ngl.
Another dude also got the Elden Ring DLC
>that spray
is that a common one? I swear there was a dude on a server I was regular who had that one
It got claimed instantly lol
That nigga got 2.5k hours on warframe, he is too autistic to use two accounts like the other broke niggas here
>only gifts two games
>gets rekt half the thread
>Stay tuned for next juan gaiz!!1
The absolute STATE of vedditors.
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Man I wish that game never closed servers, it was so good. There is a group that runs a private server but it has like a hundred players that know each other for years now
>expect good things!
I'll take your word and trust you will deliver, have a good night
This is getting very GAY!
I already mentioned that the rest of the gifts were keys! Do you want me to post my Eneba G2A and Driffle history? Or will you claim that it is fake too?
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>this thread
you know, I thought /v/ would be better than /b/ when it comes to these kinds of threads but they're exactly the same
Only profile that deserves a game. Every single other posted profile is some obvious jeet ALT or tranny animu bullshit. Rare based poster on /v/

Protect this man at all costs!
It's literally the same people. Reviola is here begging on both threads
>conspiracy theories
nigger you're on 4chan, wrong site to be concern trolling over this
I didnt get a friend request, am I cooked

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