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>Dead Rising 1
>a game that kickstarted the Xbox 360
>DRDR gets announced
>no one cares
what went wrong with this marketing?
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I mean it doesn't really offer anything new. Dead Rising still works on PC.
there are better zombie games available nowadays.
yah, who ever came up with DRDR needs to get fucking canned. Terrible naming.

Should have just been Dead Rising™ (2024). DRDR just makes it seem like some shitty reddit remaster with no soul.
Looks like someone else + no TJ.
Not really. Dead Rising 1 is definitely in my top 5 games of all time. It's the only game that actually has tension with zombies
The last time they made a Dead Rising game it was a disaster so obviously people don't want to get burned here.
Frank West and TJ Rotolo are one in the same. TJ Rotolo is Frank West. This isn't Frank West, it's another Frank East lik DR4. Capcom fuckers got rid of all their union VA so that explains why TJ has been gone since 2016, they can get someone cheaper.
the time limit sucks. games like dying light 1 are better imo.
If you don't like the time limit, you don't like Dead Rising. Dying Light 1 is completely different. The time limit adds tension, if you don't like it you can completely ignore it without much consequence.
>one of DR4 biggest complaints was the lack of TJ
>dig up the much loved classic that is DR1
>do the same thing again
I'm not even going to pirate
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>No TJ
Crapcom is back baby!
he's too expensive. That's why they canned him in DR4, it had nothing to do with "making Frank seem older".
TJ Rotolo is the essence of Frank West. His peformance in Dead Rising 2 as Frank is perfect. His voice acting greatly improved and he is the reason Frank is insanely likable despite being an asshole.
Trying to replicae TJ with a cheaper VA will backfire and this game will flop and DR will go back into obscurity for another 10 years
isn't he a C-lister VA at best ?
I never understood VA casting for vidya anyway, lots of talented people getting zero roles for some reason, is it nepotism or just retardation ?
I mean, he's a pretty good VA. His voice is very distinct and memorable. He's not a huge VA like troy baker, but 100% he is the best casting option for DR1.
hey ho
Capcom here

We just tried our Remilk formular on the Dead Rising franchise.
Why the fuck doesn't it work?

We turn everything into a run of the mill third person shooter and it should work. What the fuck is wrong with you Dead Lising fans?
I wasn't implying he's bad, just that he must be relatively inexpensive.
is a huge faggot and should get cancer
he can't be that inexpensive if they are replacing him. I've also heard that TJ was in a VA union so capcom fired them all. It's something to do with money
yeah agreed, it's very tiresome hearing the same smug voice over and over. He's a bit too over dramatic for my taste and I prefer more amateur VA for their raw peformance Troy could never achieve.
fuck voice actors
>let me read lines
>wow, I'm an actor now
>I deserve 1 quadrillion dollars
i mean, TJ knows his worth. He's the one who made Frank West iconic, not capcom. I can't imagine him asking for a whole lot, it's just easier and less complicated to go with nobody talentless VA over renown talented ones.
How do the virtue signaling shills on YouTube defend this?
All it succeeded in doing is getting me to grab the original on pc to play again after not touching it since the 360 release.
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maybe they shouldn't have fucking reminded us it's already been remastered once
just fucking stop remaking games, holy fuck
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Have they already announced which YouTuber will be doing the the mc now?
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Asking the most important question.
Will this version finally address what was in Frank's suitcase that falls off the chopper ?
yes, it was Frank's dilation device, because you guessed it Frank was actually Frankie and he's a F2M.
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I have little hopes it will be a more enjoyable experience than DR1 and I doubt it will have meaningful additions so I won't buy it.
Still, the original has a lot of quirks that you learn to deal with over time that make it a tiny less accessible to newcomers, some random examples include
>learning to cheese the convicts because they're almost impossible to deal with if you don't make them crash their car
>learning how to tard wrangle the survivors with orders
>learning that shotguns are absolutely useless on them because the AI will wait for the zombie to get in melee range to shoot, except by then they will prefer hitting with the cross rather than shooting
>learning where to get the best erotica shots for one optional case that has a high requirement
>remembering your drink mixes
>learning spots and stores with handy supplies
>learning a few tricks like the trashcans having a high chance of containing a pistol
and probably a lot more I'm forgetting.
That being said, all of these are perfectly fine to me because the game is designed to be replayed several times over.
Dead Rising is funner than ever, it already has all the QoL improvements you need. Also it was bleeding edge next-gen when it came out.
Calling it now, no more zombie blowjobs, erotica toned down, ugly characters, or someone in the main game cast or a survivor is gay and frank goes full reddit for complete character assassination
To my knowledge, DR 3 and 4 were both shit so a lot of the hype died down for the franchise as a whole.
>>no one cares
>what went wrong
too many bad remakes lately, even the good ones are poisoned in sneaky ways
not to mention dead rising kind of pissed its good will away with 3&4
Even today, next gen games can't have big hordes like this. DR3 was a big leap in horde size but the performance was dogshit.
What other franchise have similar numbers ? Can only think of Left 4 Dead, Days Gone and the WWZ coop game.
Anon, its a remaster of an 18 year old game almost.
>same game BUT WORSE
why the fuck should anyone care, retard
Jap companies HATE dealing with unions especially foreign ones. This includes the game industry in the West and Japan as a whole. But at least Capcom could've found someone who sounded remotely similar.
but ftm wouldn't need a dilation device
It was already remastered, how many more layers are needed
no one sounds familiar to TJ, that's why nobody likes it when he doesnt voice Frank.
TJ says in interviews when he voice acts Frank, he's just being himself.
>But at least Capcom could've found someone who sounded remotely similar
They got the dude who voiced Hank East in DR4 to return for Mack North in DRDR.
In Capcom's ears, he is the new Rick South
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it's a teaser for a remake of the first game in a series that has been dead for six fucking years
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Please look forward to Lost Planet Deluxe Remastered.
not enough info
>mfw consoleniggers have to hype for rereleases because their shitty games have garbage backwards compatibility
This already had an xboner/snoy port, all consoles can play it.
An original IP helped kickstart the success of a console over a decade ago. They took a chance on something creative and it payed off. One and a half decade later it's used as a crutch to prop up extremely safe and unrewarding ventures. Is a shareholder ever going to point out that "Hey, they took a chance on this years ago. Why don't we let some developers get free reign, but with supervision, maybe we get another gem like this in the first place?" One day they are going to run out of classics to remake. What then? The Reremake?
Still want to try the weird Wii port with reused RE4 animations someday but it was never ported.
There's no reason to care. The old game is available everywhere, this new one isn't exclusive to a particular platform etc. It does nothing of note.
If the graphics are higher fidelity it might actually have LESS zombies
256k views for a video that shows nothing for 40 seconds is not bad.

bitch when you get barly 10k views when the gameplay reveal happens
People never truly cared about Dead Rising, it was just a game they played because it was an early 360 title, bringing the IP back was a mistake
stfu. 250k views for a game on the scale of DR1 shows no one cares and it was a pointless remaster.
Dead Rising 2 was really good, DR3 was ok but DR1 was honestly phenomonal. Dead Rising 1 was one of capcoms most profitable IPs so it was no way niche and "no one cared".
>the time limit sucks.
why? what is the problem with the stupid timer.
it add a sense of hurry into events, making it exiting.
And when I was young I had no problem with the damn thing, I died once because the military capture me and did not figure out the escape minigame, and the second run, stronger and wiser, I got the real ending.

With that sense of hurry of the timer, the game gets boring really fast. Zombies are dumb, if you have all the time in the world, they are never going to get you, If you are in a hurry, you can commit mistakes because "the stress"?

There you have DR4 with no timer, or DR3 with super generous timers, tell me how that worked?
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>the scale of DR1
you say it like normal people care or even know what the game is now a days
i never really got people who wanted to remove the timer. DR1 let you skip it altogether if you just wanted to kill zombies. Yeah, you'll get ending B, but who cares if you just want a mindless zombie killer, right?
>250000 people care
>"no one cares"
how high are your standards?
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I play Dead Rising 1 every year in September because it is the perfect September game.
250k for a AAA game is a massive flop. These days, these companies consider anything under 3million a failure.
>taking pictures of Jessie's tits
perfect girl
I think a remake is more AA than AAA
They stealth dropped it without any marketing. Wonder why?
Should they try to sell the game more like a rouge like or "improve by trying again if you lose" game, instead of the "wacky kill as many zombies as you can
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Her tits aren't surviving my brother. they'll also give her a man jaw and age her a bit.
>Only gripe about DR1 was managing survivor AI
>Expect that not to be fixed
>Expect all the TECHNOLOGY bits like every surface having different reactions to different weapons to be missing in the name of high fidelity
>100% expecting some of the Psycho music to be swapped to something less good, probably Adam, Cliff, Steven, or the Convicts
>Convicts will definitly be flagged as the boss and not the jeep causing them to die after one go
>No timer mode will be added
>Despite being the single best use of the/an achievement system in gaming history I expect that to be fucked up
>To fucking cheap and lazy to get TJ to voice Frank
>if it's popualr we can make more Dead Rising sloppa to make $$$$
It's weird they'd call it that when it seems to be running on the RE engine now.
to be honest no one gives 2 damns about the original, it wasnt the marketing problem
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i fucking hate society.
Just happy it's not being made by Canadians anymore and development is back in Japan.
You're saying they dropped the marketing without any marketing for the marketing? What, do you want a teaser for a teaser?
It's not on the RE Engine. It's on the MT Framework (same engine) but its updated.
>to be honest no one gives 2 damns about the original,
The fuck are you on about? It's by far the most praised game out of all of them.
normies and the suits themselves dont even understand the original. They think DR1 was always some reddit meme humor. People go back and get disappoint that it's actually a somewhat grounded story without epic crafting weapons
he's a zoomer who was born in 2010
DR2 is "WOOO SO WHACKY AND SILLY" but yeah the original was more of a black comedy and the humour came from dressing Frank up as a tranny while slicing a living survivor in half with a Katana.
The updates are too drastic to be MT.
Seriously, it's MT Framework. Frank even has his orignal 2006 animations. It's a remaster, not a remake.
anon the vast majority of people just dont even remember the existance of the series, are you saying that the trailer should have 5M views? its a forgotten zombie game
They haven't touched MT since 2018. Every team is using the RE engine now. They just overhauled the RE engine for future titles back in January. Why would they go back to an engine they haven't touched in 7-8 years?
its going to be worse than the original in every single way and everyone knows it.
> its a forgotten zombie game
zoom zoom.
It's just poor marketing on Capcom's behalf. They dropped it out of the blue, it has a weird name DRDR, no TJ Rotolo, 45 seconds that shows non promising footage.
There's no Twitter drama so /v/ doesn't care
It's a real vidya and not some meme fotm so /v/ doesn't care
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sure anon, im sure gamers all over the world think about DR1 at least once in a month
trust me, it's MT Framework.
Don't post Frank's wife without his permission.
I was burnt out on zombieslop a decade ago
there's no chance in hell the sexual shit like this will make it into the game. No big bonker jessie mummy milkerrs and no latino super model. They'll age her from 20s to 40s and make jessie a dried up old hag
They already did an HD remaster with MT back in 2016. This is a remake with a new engine.
because its a remaster.
If you compare 2006 version and 2024, the animations are identical.
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yeah pic related is definitely getting cut
It is basically a RE4Wii mod, all the silly enviromental weapons were downplayed to focus more on guns that were totally not ripped from RE4.
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>This is a remake with a new engine.
it's a remaster, not a remake. It's the same source code with a new coat of paint.
Sounds like DurrrDurrr. Like retard noises.
>more pozzed shit
yawn, not even going to pirate this piece of shit.
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Oh right... All "remakes" and "remasters" are just excuses to make the original game worse. I actually had a sliver of hope for a second there.
They are definitely using RE Engine for this Remaster/Reimagine. You can spot with that Lighting, Character Model and texture.
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I'll be surprised if they don't butcher Brad. They probably think he's "too white" in the original.
What's that stuff with the trash cans ?
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If it were on the RE Engine, it would be a remake, not a remaster.
It's a up to date MT Framework, not RE Engine.
Duran Duran?
So far its only been confirmed no TJ, and Suzi is playing Jessie
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The Survivor AI being dumb wasn't as bad simply surmounting the obstacle in pic related.
He is a literal who, z-grade actor. He also is the soul of Frank West.
Anon he's the main star in Big Foot vs D.B Cooper
He's not that low, he was Birkin in RE2, he can't be that literal who. If he was, capcom wouldnt have gotten someone cheaper
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I thought this was a well-known trick. If you see a trash can either throw it on enough zombies to destroy it or throw it on the ground, if memory serves me right the main random spawns are food items or a pistol. Maybe Nips thought Americans have so much guns they throw them in the trash. It's the stone looking trashcans with the blue top.
They should get Keith David to play Brad.
would actually be a pretty good casting, better than Reddit David Fennoy.
>TJ has been gone since 2016
He's been both in RE 2 as birkin remake and mvc infinite as frank again.
Man the ending was a letdown
no one cares because capcom KEEPS making new dead rising games despite no one wanting them. if they wanted to do something fun they'd make it VR
people definitely want more Dead Rising, they just want it to be good.
DR2 Off The Record was the last semi passable decent entry.
>If it were on the RE Engine, it would be a remake, not a remaster.
Anon, don't trust developers with using the names right. They always mix up the names.
nigga, its literally on the MT Framework engine. I can see with my own two eyes.
DR3 was decent if you play it on “hardcore” mode. Honestly don’t see the big problem with 3 and 1 is one my favorite games. Yeah, 3 isn’t 1, but the series basically lost its “soul” with 2 (not that 2 and OTR aren’t good games, but they’re wacky and casual.)
3 was alright, the story and characters werent. I also hated their focus on vehicle combos, just hated how the game encouraged you to drive but the map has constant roadblocks and is muted of colour.
What are they even changing? The original runs fine on PC and the remake doesn't look better fidelity wise
Even Chuck’s one liners tended to slow when things got serious enough. Though Frank being utterly horrified by the shit he was seeing was better, and peak comedy if he was dressed as a Lego man while the scene played.
The Zombie craze died with The Walking Dead, in case you didn't notice.
basically, it's the exact same animations, but updated to the newest version of MT Framework with some additions with gamemodes.
The ending in all of his stories are a letdown.
it literally didnt tho ????
I liked the one with the Harpy, even if you could see it coming a mile off
>Frank doesn't give a single fuck about Jessie turning into a zombie
>pick her up, throw her through window
>take pictures of her cunt
Man that looks like shit it doesn't even look like a next gen upgrade
looks like a thing that would've happened in 2012. announced for 360
It's hard to trust Capcom after DR4 happened, even if it's been awhile and the devs for that probably aren't involved in this. TJ not returning is also a major red flag since DR4 is the only other game that replaced him as well, even if I don't think it's that big a deal.
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I really hope it goes a bit more into the feeling of Dead Rising 2 Off the record. That gameplay was solid.

Also, please let us have coop
they should bring chuck greene back for a co-op partner like they did in 2
Oh that shit was great. He was actually a solid protagonist.
>>Despite being the single best use of the/an achievement system in gaming history I expect that to be fucked up
curious what you're referring to in particular. I got the Saint achievement and it was a pretty tough time, do you mean that?
Fuck you
i think he means achievements having incentive to achieve by giving you ingame items.
No way it's MT.
Dead Rising was never all that popular, and people are sick of remakes and remasters
thats because its on the updated MT Framework.
we already have an xbox 360, we don't need to kickstart another one, that's the problem with these remakes.
Love the og but forgot it had that ugly ass brown filter.
why have they aged him from early 30s to late 50s?
I hate the new design but I also appreciate him looking like Bill Murray
Jimmy Neutron
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classic thread
Kickstart? This shit is already completed by Capcom Japan and releasing in the coming months.
Looks like a character you'd see in Yakuza
Look at how they massacared my boy.
Vegeta looking mf
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outsourced to pajeets, so i dont give a fuck
they gave him corny ass clown facial features
They ported the source code of the original 360 release with 15 lines of code changed to allow for changing FPS and resolution.
They turned Frank into a cone head and changed his voice. We can assume they injected trannies and pride clothing. That’s why
I honestly think Case Zero is the best and it's fucked that it isn't on PC.
garbage game with garbage ''humor'' and garbage anti-fun time limit
>not even exclusive to the green box
xbox really feel off
Shadow Of Rome is much better than Dead Reddit
i can't believe CrapCum passed on making a sequel to make yet another shitty franchise about fucking zombies
like your ESL ass
is the RE engine even capable of having at least 300 zombies on screen with animations that don't go down to 30FPS? pretty sure the RE2-3-4 remakes did that as well as RE8 and those games had like 10-15 enemies onscreen at most and half that gets their animations chopped
DR1 could manage 800 zombies on screen at once on the 360. I cannot imagine the RE engine handling that. Even RE4 pushed it to its limits
DMC5SE LDK mode shows that it can
Why? It was only like an hour or 2
Is it really the DR4 Frank VA again? Or just a different bad one, because if it’s DR4 that’s a whole new level of tone deaf
>1488 killed
Which Snyder movie is this?
>Convicts will definitly be flagged as the boss and not the jeep causing them to die after one go

Wait is that the whole reason they respawned? It was actually an iconic thing that ended up being a bug/oversight?
lol no
At no point there are hundreds of enemies on-screen on LDK mode in DMC5, there are dozens but never reaches triple digits.
Let us have co-op with Jessie as player 2
>he's too expensive
He voiced Birkin in the RE2 remake, anon. Too expensive my ass.
he must've been apart of a union then. It's definitely money related, why the fuck would you not cast TJ as Frank West?
Jessie would be player 2 and her tits are 3 and 4.
raw dogging Jessie's zombified corpse
Guess that’s how Frank got infected.
New one looks objectively superior
superiorly shit
sorry, I need SphereHunter or any other Capcom payroll youtuber to tell it's good first before I agree with this hot take
can devs please stop outsourcing projects to pajeets? I know they are dirt cheap, but you can sniff that shit from miles away.
>its running on the modern MTframworks engine
THANK FUCK!! are we seeing a revival?
Retards like you are the reason we got DR4.
i swear DR4 was a money laundering scheme.
every time people say HURRR DURR the time limit sucks and people say to give a reason and they never do, I wonder why that is
Ah, you’re just a seething faggot. Makes sense now.
You think voice actors get paid by just appearing? Seriously, how many lines William Birkin has in REmake 2? Barely a whole script page worth, unlike an actual protagonist like Frank West who has the most lines in a video game by default.

Capcom’s issue with Union VAs have particularlies we are not privy to, if both parties can reach a consensus then Capcom might come around as seen with Kyle Hebert coming back to voice Ryu in SF6 depiste all other Union contracted EN VAs being skipped.
It has ports for the 8th gen consoles, you can easily play it (and it's absolutely worth it).

>garbage "humor"
DR1 was almost always entirely serious in its story. The humor came from the goofy costumes you can put Frank in (which would show up even in cutscenes) and the ways you can kill zombies.
Dead Rising is already on PC and this "remaster" demonstrates absolutely nothing new besides a bigger price tag and uglier Frank with a worse VA.
3 and 4 would be the children i put in her!
Pis brown filters were a massive L. Also the city of Willamette has literally no detail to it in the original and the Skybox is fucking stagnant, unlike this remake/ remaster whatever it is
You're forgetting the psychopaths
The people who tackled the series later on didn't realize that the main story was serious and only looked at the side encounters and costumes
How are they going to handle loading zones?
if you get a call for a psychopath how's that going to work (Then again it did work with Dr3)
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so far they seem to have kept the cutscenes down to their original angles too, if they do have all the OG content It would be a Miracal so theres a glimmer of hope
Why can't they get his look right? It's been what now? 3 games (including this one)?
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Dude is talking out of his ass it's an intentional but jarring choice to have the park have more tension otherwise it's pretty dead out there no pun intended.
I didnt even notice
He looks fine.
he looks like a hawk had a baby w gordon ramsey
Ninja Gaiden and DOA were super popular as well but now nobody cares even Team Ninja themselves. They rather release shitty woke nioh/souls clones.
No, no they shouldn't. 2 is shit tonally.
He does not look fine original does not have gray hair, an abysmal hairline, giant jew nose, and look like his forehead repeatedly met a sledgehammer and never allowed the break to heal properly also you choose the picture people weren’t really complaining about
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To those sad about not being able to save some characters from dying don't worry. Dead Rising was all just an act and everyone is alive and a happy family as shown in this official video:
He'll look like the last picture 99% of the game. Stop being ridiculous. I remember thinking he had a huge jaw and nose back in 2006. His hair also isn't white. It's the sun hitting it. It's even darker in this game than this first because of no brown filter
I'm excited for the Cult (And by extension the Movie Plaza) to get more fleshed out.
North Plaza will get finished.
Maintenance Tunnels will get overhauled, possibly connecting to the Parking Lot
The Mall will make more physical sense, probably getting major reworks.
The Ending Sequence with the Clocktower is probably gonna get changed to be more interesting gameplay wise.
The xbox is the only system that can play every dead rising you fucking retard.
>brown filter

If anything the original game has a yellow filter
This is representative of how shit it will be. Dead Rising might be the most SOVLFULL game ever made and they will fuck it up
Capcom's stream on July 1st is gonna have more info on it, so I guess we'll find out exactly what/if they've done anything other then just updated the models and graphics.

my main grips are DRDR is a stupid fucking title/acronym and they really shouldn't have gone for that logo, and the music sting at the end of the trailer reminds me of the marketing they went for in DR4, which is giving me all kinds of bad feelings. This is despite what we've seen of the game just being the intro to the game with the lines unchanged but different voice actors.
>my main grips are DRDR is a stupid fucking title/acronym
They went for it on purpose
The Jazz gave me a bad feeling too, it just feels tonally dissonant from the original Dead Rising.
they're a bunch of retards, then
re2make teaser 3.9m views

resident evil franchise is 20x bigger than dead rising 250k is the equivalent of 5 million views
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It's been confirmed that crapcom didn't even contact T.J Rotolo for the remake.
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Lol I made that but no one posted on my thread
You did a good job anon.
I don't give a fuck about voice actors and neither should you
Thanks fren
I can’t wait for dmc 6 to come put and capcom replaces dante and vergil
the shitstorm is going to be crazy
doctor doctor
Time limit whiners have been around even before this game. The mere idea of failure hanging over them makes them throw a fit.

there's something sick about these people who want every game to basically have the same design philosophy. A time limit is inherently wrong and NO game should ever have it in their eyes
He was Birkin since 2007 in Umbrella Chronicles. Both him and Keith Silverstein (HUNK) are the only two VAs to reprise their roles in the remake series.
>I don't give a fuck about voice actors and neither should you
You should fucking care because he was consistently frank's voice everywhere except for dr4 and tatsunoko vs capcom where they used a bootleg v.a.
Having a consistent voice is important, which is something ameritards don't usually get.
In japan for example chris redfield's and leon kennedy's japanese v.a are the same for every single game and crossover they have been in.
shut the fuck up AARON
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>the time limit sucks
Let's see your gameplay, anon.
>They readded the RPG
>They readded Concourse Plaza
Wonder what other cut content will be restored
>Concourse Plaza
I'm unfamiliar with this. What/where was it supposed to be?
Not sure what it was/is supposed to be but if you compare the remasters mall exterior with the original you'll see there's a new section
Tomie has good endings
people who say this never played the game. same with fallout.
I just checked and yeah, you're right. I haven't played in a while so I'm struggling to remember where that connects to and if there were any closed off gates in the area. Interesting.
NTA but there's an "Under Construction" spot in North Plaza that connects to Wonderland Plaza, giving Wonderland 2 entrances from North. Probably there?
who would buy an xbox in the current year? its a $600 paper weight
they ruined all their original ips and microsoft are incredibly incompetent along with all their crappy studios.
youre better off buying a pc and just using that as your platform to play their crappy games.
The time limit adds stress to the game and challenge scares people. If the game just automatically saved at the beginning of new cases it probably wouldn't be as lambasted since people don't seem to fucking understand you can just reload a save to a non-fucked timeline and keep playing.
Your solution is even worse naming in the hopes it'll confuse some people into buying?
RE remakes do it
This game really doesn't need a remake considering how good it still fucking looks.
It is a shitty reddit remaster with no soul
You're probably correct. Time for another playthrough, I suppose.
Speaking of saving, I'm guessing they'll probably add a save anywhere feature, as the original system filtered a lot of people and modern audiences are even worse when it comes to static save points and won't be able to handle it.
>Restored cut content
>100% new voice lines
>Graphics completely overhauled
Feels more like a remake than a remaster tbqhwy
You idiots know that a game engine isn't stopping you from adding more shit to the screen right? It's just the hardware it's running on. Fucking armchair programmers.
They fuckin made his button up hide his glorious chest hair too, what the fuck
We don't know yet, and someone who leaked this said it will be the start of a reboot for the franchise if it does well. So I'd expect stuff like the mall being seamless to be a big feature this time.
Yet another game going woke and removing glorious cleavage.
It was never a good game
DR3 (or 4 - I can't even remember) was a flaming piece of shit and so the series is dead to me.
Why are you just making this shit up
it is. getting this game with the 360 back in 2006 was amazing. the graphics even still hold up
Iirc the Wii port made it a gun
>it literally says remaster
To be fair him they have set a precedent of adding new shit since they added an RPG and new plaza, however 90% of the stuff he's talking about is unconfirmed and hasn't been hinted at
You retards actively want the world to be bad
retards think a texture overhaul means remake.
The sexual shit is still in in their other games, i see no reason for it to be cut here
There's literally no reason to get this. The OG is close to perfection. Why would I buy a version that will probably do the following:
>Remove erotic shots from the game
>Turn all the females into masculine abominations
>Remove survivor suicides
>Remove the time limit that makes the game tense and more enjoyable
>Fucked up Frank's voice
>Make Frank completely unlikeable like in DR4
>Fuck up the general feel of the game and how it plays
>Remove infinity mode or make it paid DLC

No thanks.
no, it is bad.
TJ not coming back is a big one
I kind of like the idea of applying more of his new persona to the original.
I know it's sacrilege, but Frank was like a parody of an action hero and an everyman combined, not exclusively one or the other, so any version of him works. DR1 being overly serious didn't do it any favours anyway.

I don't really get why they'd replace the actor though.
they butchered it in RE4. I'm not even on about looking at Ashley's pussy, just any sort of flirting or comments about sexual features completely cut.
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He seems based on DR2 Frank
Guess they don't wanna have to make a new model if they remaster 2/OTR
>If the game just automatically saved at the beginning of new cases it probably wouldn't be as lambasted
OTR did checkpoints and people still didn't care for it, they want the timer removed COMPLETELY
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Dead Rising might be my favorite games of all time depending on when do you ask me. I have never played any of the sequels and I'm never going to play the remaster.
>Game features an OtR like mode where you play as Chuck
I'd buy it day one
>Guess they don't wanna have to make a new model if they remaster 2/OTR
>implying they won't straight up ignore the canadian games and make an entirely new dead rising 2 completely unrelated to them
those ...
Poor tj
this sucks
I'm stating it, you are a retard for believing otherwise.
Honestly that might be the case, really fucking lazy if it is
Wasn't 2 and OTR well received, if they were gonna start straight up deleting games from the continuity I'd imagine it'd be 3 and 4 they'd kill
>Wasn't 2 and OTR well received, if they were gonna start straight up deleting games from the continuity I'd imagine it'd be 3 and 4 they'd kill
They'd probably do it to dissasociate completely from capcom vancouver
I'm actually surprised Frank never hit it as far as we know
It be ruined either way. Either made extremely gay or made too coomery. No nuance at all.
I wonder if the game will have co-op with Brad being the second player and with him potentially surviving.
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>dilation device for FTM troons
Could work, kinda like the Dick guy in 3
Also Brad's death is major bullshit, fuck Carlito for that.
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This image pretty much is all you need to know that this remake is a dead cash grab with no soul. It will have almost zero additional content outside of some dumb DLC outfits. Frank looks more in line with his beta design and the trailer is fucked up. It almost looks like there are two different models used for Frank in the trailer. The version of Frank looking out of the helicopter looks much better than the cut of him getting ready to jump. This reemASSter is looking like a bomb. I could look past the different voice actor even though it's a major negative but this character model in pic related is unacceptable.
He looks dumb as fuck in that moment in the original too, retard
>I kind of like the idea of applying more of his new persona to the original.
you are the only person that liked DR4, as evidenced by the fact the studio that made it is dead
Look at Frank's eyes you blind motherfucker
Frank in the original is actually looking down at the ground like someone would if they jumped from a helicopter but the new model is just dead-eyed staring forward; no detail or soul. This is just a lazy reskin.
pajeet outsourcing?
His eyes and mouth look fucked up like a retard but keep defending this cash grab slop bud. You and him have a lot in common like riding the short bus I'm sure. Cope.
that looks a lot better and more in line with the promotional art.
Pozzed, i will maybe boot DR2 off the record to finish the multiplayer before even touching this shit
So many remakes
So many reboots
So many remasters
Doesn't Capcom do most of their shit in-house now?
Only outsourcing they've done recently is SF6's World Tour.
yah, but with how poor quality DRDR is looking compared to RE Remakes, i wouldnt be suprised if pajeet oursourcing was used at some point
>it works
>do it again
>it keeps working
Exactly. He looks great in this shot but it almost looks like a completely different character model when he's making the jump as I stated. It's like they mashed up beta bits of footage with more recent footage. He looks fine in the photo you posted. I'm glad you posted that. Doesn't invalidate the fact the jump looks hilariously bad.
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Hasty edit I made when this got revealed.
>You retards actively want the world to be bad
The world IS fucking bad retard. Open your fucking eyes, even you faggot ass president is fucking his daughter in the shower.
I've already played it, every sequel sucked cock (including 2) and 4 was one of the worst titles I've ever played. Who cares?
If it's a game I like, they get a pass. If it's a game I don't like, I hate all voice actors. Simple as.
But the voices themselves matter.
T.J Rotolo's voice acting for frank in umvc3 was literally the reason i ended up playing dead rising for the first time.
There’s already a remaster, this may have been a poor idea
Not my problem
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>he actually fell for it
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fucking retaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
That's rough looking. Why are the footage and models of this game so inconsistent? Maybe it has to do with lighting? Idk.
>citation needed
Sure ignore all the other remasters that use the same exact assets as the originals.
time limit is why the game is good
that nig calling u during boss fights and you literally having to take his call is what makes the game bad
Probably because it's a teaser made up of the footage they had on hand?
We've seen 40 seconds of this game, and it was just some parts of the intro
If you’re going to call someone a retard and use information as an own maybe don’t use Wikipedia info with nothing cited added by some halfwit coping redditor faggot
Keep ignoring the other remasters. Fucking retaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!
>If I just keep speaking maybe no one will realize I’m not really saying anything
goddammit, now I'm onto making covers of gone guru, it's addicting for some reason
>Mfw (my face when) not only are zombies real but an old woman is strong enough that she's able to fight off two fully grown men so she can open the doors holding the zombies back like a retard to save her dog who the zombies aren't attacking
Why does Franks hair look white here? Isn't he only like 35 during the events of Dead Rising 1?
Probably composed of different builds of the game, hopefully he looks better in the final version
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Kek, someone put too many trees in the parking lot.
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>Remake released on modern consoles
>Remake released on those same consoles
Why do they even pretend to care anymore.
I've got DR1 but never played it. Any tips going in for the first time?
Too bright lighting makes black hair look gray sometimes
>>Remake released on modern consoles
It wasn't a remake, it was just your average remaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwU3jbCnZ9Q
Whatever, I don't really give a fuck what we call releasing the exact same shit over and over on the same damn consoles because there's a better word for it: STUPID
>9 years
What's the issue
just remember that you can reset with all your xp and level at any time or when you die, a lot of shit happens over 3 days
Don't worry about the timer or failing a case, explore and learn about the mall then give the story a shot.
2nd is just a better game, i know first one is a cult classic and blahblahblah
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Personally I'd prefer a completely new title as well, however it looks like this isn't just them rereleasing the same game with a makeover but they're actually adding new content as well.
Don’t buy into the lie about the survivor AI

It’s pathfinding is shit so they’ll get stuck on each other and items on the ground but they don’t just randomly stop or randomly stop listening they do it for a reason you just need to pay attention
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>beta version of DR2
>no co-op
>full RRP for another Crapcom rehash that's crammed with DRM and anti-modding rootkits
>>no co-op
They'll add it and your co-op partner will be Chuck trust the plan
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why would I be excited when I can still play the original and remember how terrifying franks nightmare muppet face is
You're really going to pay $70 for a few additions to a game from 2006?
The fact they're acknowledging DR for the first time in years
>it turns out Chuck was also in Williamette somehow
Depends what the additions are and how much they've added. Also depends on if it releases around the same time as Frostpunk 2 or Espicoracy, then I'd have to put it on hold so I can play those two.
I say this as the biggest Dead Rising fan on the planet

Who the fuck cares I got 2 masterpieces I don’t want 6 new shit remasters.
But nice things have happened?
DMC5 happened because DMC4SE outsold DmC Definitive Edition
I was more than happy when it looked as if they gave up on the franchise.
This. I would rather they let it die than keep mutilating its corpse.
>Dead Rising is being revived
Cool, now can Sony get around to reviving Infamous and Activision revive Prototype?
>Dead Rising: Reanimated
Why didnt they name it this? It would make sense too because it looks like shit
I want to go back to 2006.
>what went wrong with this marketing?
everyone knows theyre gonna censor the panties
Nothing lasts forever
Even warm September rain
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I'm reserving judgement until I see jessie. if they fuck her over I riot.
>the reason they didn’t rehire TJ is so they can release a DLC for the old voices like RE2make
>that rolled ankle for zombie jessie
kek zombies can barely walk already, imagine one wearing high heels
>no tj
>claim dr is back
only thing it's about to be is in the back of the bargain bin

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