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>out of the Nine Sols, two of them are certified sisterfuckers and another one makes her children her sex slaves
Is incest just a solarian thing or are the Sols just freaky?
Just Fuxi and Nuwa.
so fucking hot considering they are twins, i think they are right?
Thats 1/3 of the sols
Is this true? Because I will absolutely play this game if so.
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he's exaggerating a bit.
>there's maybe some romantic undertones with fuxi and nuwa's relationship in-game, but most of the perception of them being incestuous comes from the mythological figures they're based on, who actually ARE an incestuous couple
>yi and heng are in a somewhat similar state, in-game they're just siblings, while the myths they're based on are married (though not related besides that)
>goumang barely counts since her "children" are adopted apemen (and the only evidence she might fuck them is that they're called "goumang_lover" or something in the game's files)
Tl;dr:True but its just heavily implied instead of outright stated.
Like how romance animes handle sex without becoming hentais
>Chinese devs
These threads feel like a genuine shill campaign and I don’t say that lightly
taiwanese, not chinese.
Good enough for me, thanks, picked up.
>literally the republic of china
The ccp have found the Nine Sols threads. Run.
After 400 years of isolation, every Sol degenerated into sexual deviancy.
Like 40k eldars?
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What the fuck is this thread?
Yes. Have you seen the party Fuxi and Nuwa had going? The only reason there was no on-screen sex was because of age rating. And the other solarians got just as crazy. Kuafu ate to excess, Yanlao hoarded riches, Jiequan subjected himself to more and more extreme body-modifications, and so on.

Wait until they see the sequel where Taiwan and reincarnated Solarians fight the CCP.
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Reminder that eigong was already a fucked up person even before creating the virus. the fact that she had so little morals that she would willing to give people experimental test serum in order to keep the feng's funding says a lot. All to selfishly keep her personal dream alive.
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We must not let solarian women (especially those from Yumin) near our children
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Nothing a round of thorough rape can't fix.
FurryTRANNIES hijacking The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
they are cats
Good. That means they can be pet.
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Looking for some feedback on Boss rush:
I saw a cat fuck his sister yesterday
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:O !
Even with her dumb looking headwear, Nuwa is very cute
> when the hidden in the seat dildo suddenly hits
I almost finished the game, but there's still one thing I don't understand: where did Yi (and Eigong for that matter) learn kung fu? They're scientists first and foremost, why would they bother with martial arts? Or is it just a thing that Solarians do?
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Yeah, they are.
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She will pay.
Every time I see chien I get mad
Why couldn't I save her :(
Will give it a whirl, much appreciated, anon.
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Do you think it hurts for her when her body forcefully underwent mutation, slowly robbing her of her consciousness as her face and limbs get disfigured?
I think she finally became able to see when she mutated a eye
what the hell is wrong with her feet?
you don't wanna know
why does she have goat hooves
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Chinese foot binding
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ah dammit i took too long finding a reaction image
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Don't worry she took it off afterwards.
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Since Nine Sols was a Sekiro-like, would its sequel be an Armored Core-like?
How do I go about uninstalling this once I'm done? Will it mess with my savefiles?
just delete winhttp.dll file
Skibidi Sols
The compilation date on the boss rush extension, the realvnc strings in the winhttp and debug detection makes me a little wary. It's probably nothing, but I don't own the game so I can't explore further.
winhttp is part of Bepinex, it is open source Doorstop
I'm not sure how you'd translate the soul of Nine Sols into an Armored Core-like game.
Eigong recommended martial arts as physical therapy and Yi being mildly autistic way overcommitted.
Sorry about that. I saw >>681186184 and just assumed the worst. Oh, some guy's passing some shit around, I thought.
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Why wasn't Heng allowed to sex Yi when it's normal for Solarians?
Any other notable parry focused game? I've been sleeping on Sekiro, this is exciting stuff.
Why isn't this game on sale
It just came out.
Oh yeah, I've played that demo. But I remember it being more like Souls parry, a single big counter that renders you invincible.
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Solarian Women.
But she did?
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Those aren't hair, it's a hat.
See >>681190191
it should not affect your files
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We will never truly know the reasons why she was so angry that Yi was picked over her by Eigong, to the point she held that grudge 500 years later
>why she was so angry that Yi was picked over her by Eigong
That is headcanon, there is literally NOTHING in the same that implies or states htis
It's not subjective 500 years, she's been on ice for the vast majority of it.
Feel like it was somewhat implied when she started going off over him being picked over her but held back to start her fight

I really don't agree with the notion the game is too dialog heavy. I would have gladly taken more dialog to help me get more out of characters, mainly the sols. This isn't just for goumang, yanlao also feels super one note because they only focus on his backstory JUST in the soulscape, so his character ended up just being "respect the elderly" when there was clearly a focus on him wanting to save as many solarian records as possible for the future. Gimme more, PLEASE, because otherwise it makes a few of them feel very one note.
She was constantly insulting him during the council meetings. So she clearly didn’t like him
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I love this solarian sneasel so much
Agreed, they should gotten more.
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She was just a bitch, but nothing in her behavour implies she was mad about not being... picked? Picked for what? She is already a Sol, that is as top as it gets. She has her own thing so why would she want to be Eggnogg's apprentice in.. science?
All of this makes no sense. She just hates the manlet for being nosy manlet. Everybody does.
She’s a poor orphan girl with no family who clearly has issues. Eigong suddenly becoming obsessed with another student probably pissed her off. Shuanshuan asked if the fight was over Eigong picking favorites if I remember correctly
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That and Eigong admiting that Yi was her favorite when you meet her in her soulscape
Yi being her favourite does not imply someone else has to be jelly or mad.
You are way too invested in your headcanon, bro. I dont mind it but dont push it as n actual lore, do outline it just your fanon.
>Literal homeless child raised up to be a sol by Eigong
>During solarian mass extinction crisis, gets overshadowed by newbie that already rubs her the wrong way by how autistic he is

I agree it's somewhat headcanon and why I wish they gave me more to work with. I want more about the sols, their back stories, their reasonings, because I found them much more interesting than the apemen. It's fairly easy to infer that goumang has some mental issues both from growing homeless and without a family, plus getting groomed up by Eigong, but more context would have been lovely
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True but her being second banana also could be a good explanation of her aggressive behavior towards Yi during the council meetings
Sex with Goumang
Literally everything in the game points to that conclusion.
their songs are kinda goated ngl
The concept art has multiple dildos and a box of fuxi sized tissues on the sofa next to the pair, they were definitely intended to be getting all kinds of freaky.
goumang twerking oiled up in the ship for 500 years
There's enough of a reason to be pissed at Yi just for him showing up on his first day as a Sol and basically taking charge of the whole council and setting everyone up to follow his insane and costly plan. He didn't have time to earn that kind of power or respect.
Why does Yi have that green Glory Hole on his chest? Can you fuck it?
The main character damns their civilization because they left on the spaceship without his sister and both he and her profess in cutscenes that they do not want to live on the planet without the other. Yi is such a big sister fucker he saves an entire species because one of the reminded him of his sister.
>Even the scrawny oversexed crackwhore is twice as big as Yi
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what if instead of causing mutants. th3 virus just made Solarian women even bigger?
I'm gonna assume that retarded reading was an attempt at humor.
I'm more of a permaloli kind of guy.
Speaking of which, actually, why did Heng stay smol?
Bro the game stats that, I think Yi and Kuafu literally talk about it
I know a LOT of anons discussed this but I, like some others, will keep saying this if we want hope for these poor cats.
Its sequel should take inspiration from Dante's Inferno and Dìyù from Taoist religion.
She's just a little lady. Still taller than Yi though.
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It’s Eigong’s rhizomatic stabilizer that helps keep him alive
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okay, but can you fuck it?
>teacher gets a new student
>oh no he's hot
>try to impress him, get trendy body mods
>he's too autistic to notice
>fuck it, stop wearing pants
>he's standing there, short as fuck so his head is at crotch height thanks to your new bird legs and not even a glance
>wind up as the solarian equivalent of a crazy cat lady
It would be extremely painful
how easy would it be for (you) to give yi a prostate orgasm?
Science accident blew up his heart. He's Chinese cat iron man now. He's also stuck as a kid thanks to it resetting his lifespan constantly.
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No. There’s no hole
Oh I Saw Tenma Play This Game It Looked Like Fun :)
So do they explain what exactly heng's weird root miracle thing did? I only remember it being mentioned that it along with the stabilizer is why yi is technically immortal
It kept him alive and started regenerating his cells. He survived long enough for his family to take him to Eigong
She's got friends on the other side.
Crazy Eigong never questioned how his body was regenerating when they brought Yi to her. Sounds like something you'd want to look into
She literally mentions it in her research recordings. Yi is the retarded one who denied any possibility of the roots saving him
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Tell me about Yi, why does he wear the skin tight clothing?
Super easy. My cock would be grinding against his prostate like a chainsaw. He can't parry the cock, nobody can
Mentioning it in the reports and actively looking into the cause are two different things. Mind you, she probably won't believe that it was some spiritual root shit anyway, just like you said with yi
literally nothing does hence why you did not quote it because you know it will look like a giant ass stretch, much like your asshole when you play with it
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She literally talks about how lucky she is for Yi to fall into her lap
She never does ANYTHING with the fact he regens to the point of immortality, nor does she pursue the cause for how he survived the science explosion in the first place.
>She never does ANYTHING with the fact he regens to the point of immortality
nigger, she was already researching the roots long before
She abandoned it only when 1000 yo twink appeareed
Nah,I would rev that shit back up if I found a nigga with literally regeneration from the roots, of which there had probably been NO cases like that prior and regeneration to counter the degeneration of tianhou being EXACTLY what you want. Poor decision on her part
nobody knew yet at that time he would come back after death
That isnt what matters, he was supposedly already regenerating back from literal death when he got brought to her. Regeneration of cells would (seemingly) counteract the effects of tianhou, or at least slow it down immensely, and its shown that he does exactly that ingame. You dont need to have knowledge that he can seemingly never die, all that matters is knowing this kid somehow can regenerate cells for some reason
regen isnt much of hot topic for solarians they had conquered GM so ehh
Besides, she was busy with twink
I thought it was
>boy gets mauled in an explosion
>girl uses magic bullshit to keep him alive, unbeknownst to anyone, maybe even herself
>medics arrive and perform one of a kind implant
>boy survives, but stops growing
but maybe I'm missing something. They'd see his recovery as a fortunate medical success.
Eigong is waiting for Yi to collect the seals, but I'm not sure if that plan came before or after the brain harvest.
>Eigong is waiting for Yi to collect the seals, but I'm not sure if that plan came before or after the brain harvest.
Eigong had no idea Yi would come back from being dead. Her need for the seals is relatively recent and happens to coincide with his collecting them as well.
The research logs state Yi was brought directly to Eigong, not the other way around.
God, I want to hug Yi...
Yeah, never mind, I've been speed reading.
Pretty sure the statues in front of the Nobility Hall of Fuxi and Nuwa bowing to eachother are supposed to signify marriage
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Pat the Yi
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You must be reminded, every thread, of Jiequan's humiliation at the hands of some random girl, and the over 500 years of seething that followed.
Yi is just biologically immortal from getting ROOTED.
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>Yi gets to marry this in the Tao realm
Lucky bastard
every game would benefit more from br sister incest. this is an indisputable FACT.
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>Level 1 run
Finally beat Ji and Fuxi. Ji is pretty chill since you can always choose the gourd to heal. I found you can even hit him before and after he does the roulette. Love this little twink nigga. Can you parry the red pillar attack?
Fuxi is a frantic as fuck fight and you're lucky to even survive one hit. Actually feels really fun and satisfying. Using talisman without popping it for the internal damage to optimize as much as possible
The amount of mistakes you can make comparing the two is pretty crazy. I was stuck on Fuxi for an hour or two but after a break I beat him in one try. Both are tanky as fuck so shadowplay couldn't record the full fight from the beginning.
Recording wasn't working for the successful attempt on Fuxi but here's one where i die.
Ji's fight is so funny, legit felt like a stage play where he wanted me to win
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My fat gf
>Using talisman without popping it for the internal damage to optimize as much as possible
oh fuck, just dashing through does damage? I kinda had the idea, but always just focused on charging.
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>tfw no chubby lynx gf
Why live
Just remember that enemies can heal their internal damage over time as well.
I think as long as you're damaging them or parrying they won't heal it
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It will surprise no one that Yi is once again losing
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I can fix her
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Alright, tell me about your plan to do so
Playing the boss rush mod, did I just fuck myself? I didn't take the charge attack so now I can't break Jiequan's shield, kek.
You can use arrows but other than that, good luck outdamaging his heals
Arrows just go through him. Guess I should restart the run and reconsider my skill choices. Works great so far though.
Arrows should break the shield and interrupt his healing. Maybe a bug with the mod?
Max or lvl2 cloud piercer arrows do, it's an upgrade.
Arrows only break shield after the first upgrade
Didn't know that. Neat
Possibly. Also in the Yanlao fight there's no target reticle which tracks you that Yanlao uses so you just gotta let the claw go apeshit.

Oh gotcha, but you can only have so many arrows though so charged attack is pretty much a must.
>they patched the grotto parry challenges so you can pass with imperfect parries now
I'm a little mad.
>You will never be the apeman that nurses goumang back to health, both mentally and physically, after they find her still mind controlled in her area in the normal ending
Hurts to live, brehs
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I will now play your game.
Goumang looks like she’s in a porn game
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I hate how well yi and kaufu look with MMX style limbs
Haven’t seen you in awhile
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>Hurts to live, brehs
Be strong brotah. GMs are getting there slowly.
What even is a Sol?
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A member of the council
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Kill Yi
Bash Yis skull in with a hammer
Stab yi with a centaurs lance
Drown yi
Ntr Yi with shuanshuan right in front of him
Put a control collar on Yi
Parry Yi's Parry
Ntr Yi again with Heng
Fucking kek
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Battle lord moves like such a retard.
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One of the ten head honchos of the Tiandou Council. A previously underground and secretive group of sc*entists who rejected Lears Inaction Declaration and opposed Taoism. They are partially responsible for pressuring Eigong to research immortality, causing the Tianhuo disaster.
Something's definitely wrong
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Had CHOSEN her as in HER solution to the issue, not manlet's one with apemans, retard.
She is talking about the last council meeting where fateful decision was made. That meeting happened few hundred years past their college days retard.
Bro literally every agrees besides you just take the loss
You REALLY think she didn't hold that as a grudge for 500 years. You know, the 500 years she spent doing her part of the plan made by Yi and not her. Really.
>HER solution
Which is?
Goumang apologists are we losing again?
> can't provide any arguments
> "bro just agree"
I did even break a sweat

it's retarded. You are retarded for stretching it too far. She just didnt like the manlet, and rightfully so. You dont need some retarded school grudge to dislike a manlet with superiority complex
We never get to know, that is the point retard. Devs only decided to show what the manlet offered
>no evidence
You’ve literally rejected every piece of evidence that disproves you kek
We all know goumangs solution to the virus was to injest copious amounts of apeman semen. But Yi wanted to hog it all to himself which is why she's mad at him.
Can't reject what does not exist.
I've only debunked retarded headcanon stretches
>nine sols isn't on sale
why not
>The plan between some of the most influential figures and scientists of the planet to save their species being from the newbie and not you, the student raised by the leader for years
>Same level as a high school grudge
You need help
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read the fucking thread, you fucking retarded mongoloid before replying to me
or even better - dont fuckign reply to me, you low IQ imbecile

the original reasoning was pushed as "she didnt like the manlet cat because she wasnt eggnog's favorite student boo-hoo"
fuckign kindergarten I swear. there is a reason why writers have to earn phd and ear so much where as you live in dirt like cattle you are with your dumbest primitivist elementary-level school """""""ideas""""""""""

fucking hell
Absolute autism
Who would Yi be voiced by in english
How am I supposed to take the goumangfags seriously when they repeatedly claimed they haven't played the game?
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Ah yes, that line refers to a meeting that is only referenced 20 hours of playtime later. Specifically to a Goumang's solution for the virus that she brought up in one of meetings, except none of the recordings have shown it or even mentioned it in passing. Meanwhile, the conversation about student rivalry right before the fateful meeting is pure coincidence and has zero dramatic connection to the fight.
I should have never read the Chien comic...
>Ah yes, that line refers to a meeting that is only referenced 20 hours of playtime later.
Literally. A lot of the shit from the start of the game actually gets only unraveled in the end.
> "no no you dont understand it was kindergarden grudge because this is my level of writing at my IQ capacity and this is what I like!!11"

It's literally only me that hasn't played the game in these threads. I still don't wish goumang died.
Yes. That is the argument. >>681191110 That Goumang is still mad Eigong chose Yi's plan instead of hers. You agreed with the argument. We are in agreement.
>We never get to know, that is the point retard. Devs only decided to show what the manlet offered
Goumang says her plan when she's defeated.
Please explain why she dislikes him
YI wanted to slaughter all solarians didn't he
>They are partially responsible for pressuring Eigong to research immortality, causing the Tianhuo disaster.

Actually I believe it was Eigong own personal dream to invent immortality. She was under pressure to produce results from The Fengs or they would have pulled their funding.
I dont disagree with this. Are you being dense on purpose or just retarded? When GM was accepted to the Sol Council her student day were ages ago over. She didnt give a shit about that. She did give a shit about the decision of the Council ,swayed by Eggnog, to do with manlet's plan, sure.
But the original argument spawned from some retarded notion she had some childhood grudge.

>Goumang says her plan when she's defeated.
I was talking about the plan how to handle the disease and its consequences at the Council meeting. The farming aint gonna solve that. In fact, GM's "anti-famine" plan is orthogonal to the whole disease problem, it is a just a summpementary.
Correct but she was also under pressure from the Council too.
did the incest bros wanted to live and fuck each other sibling pussies forever?
what was the point?
Greed and hubris. They were really fucking rich but it seems a fortune of material wealth accumulated over a millennium was not enough. They wanted more. Greed and hubris killed the Solarians. If only they listened to Lear and took the Taopill.
Honestly, if she had gotten her back blown out by an apeman, she might've chilled a little and been less desperate. Especially if his seed took root in her.
But the dumb dog wanted to go to back to feral
I wonder what the council makeup was at the time. Old-ass Yanlao's probably a safe bet but it's possible every other seat was someone different when Eigong started this shit. For that matter it's unclear if there was a fixed number of seats prior to the Eternal Cauldron Project.
oh right you are, anon.

I personally believe it was perhaps thier mother who originally started funding it. To answer you question, immortality is an ingredient for creating paradise, but many also forget it is also an ingredient to hell.
>ywn have a cute solarian gf
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>after eigong found the cure
Lmfao nice plan goumangkeks
Every disease has a cure. They just needed more time.
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Stop posting, Goumang. You have fields to inspect.
Haha imagine watching her lay eggs
I honestly thought that was a dude
I' fertilize them right now
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Plot twist: they're BOTH autistic. No wonder they never got along.
Imagine *helping* her lay eggs by gently massassing her belly.
Why must dead sisters associated with regretful memories be so heart throbbingly attractive...
>I don't think it matters who wins or loses. I just hope you're all still on good terms.
>Did you make up?
Ease of movement and to distract his enemies (and co-workers).
Little fucker knows what he did was evil as fuck
>"So do you think the people she persecuted deserved it?"
What "people" does this refer to? Enslaved apemen working under her? Or solarians? If the latter, then which solarians exactly, when, how and why?
This goes to show that we basically don't know shit about these characters other than brief snippets. There's a lot of unknowns with things they might've done: before the Tianhuo plague started, after it started but before New Kunlun launched, and during the 500 years before the game start. And that doesn't even get into every character being an unreliable narrator due to their own biases and holes in knowledge.
That's a shitton of room for if not DLCs/prequels then at least supplementary materials and lore dumps.
>you really didn't need to finish her off like that...
if someone takes the collar off, she's still fine though?
>If the latter, then which solarians exactly, when, how and why?
it werent solarioas, solarians were offer to actually work as in have a job at the farms, there is a flyer about it

I have no idea what is this about desu
Idk how mind control works, but I would assume prolonged exposure could lead to mental issues after removing it.
Who the fuck did she persecute? Apemen? YI FUCKING PERSECUTED APEMEN WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT
yes, just with a few minor details
1. she fucking dies in the true ending after a root impales her head
2. she'd need a wheelchair or leg replacements, which we don't know how available are after the collapse of society
3. she would only be fine if the collar did not fry her brain, thing that we don't know
4. she would either bleed out or die from all infections known to man after a short while if no one finds her body AND takes off the collar
She literally tells 2 apemen to keep working hard or she’ll kill them in one of her memory shards
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Post Shuanshuan
That specific line is that she likes those two specifically, and even calls them her children. She probably planned to let them live longer through the zombie mind control after they died but did it earlier after they were both tortured to death by solarians
Yeah now imagine what she did to the ones she didn’t like
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keep thos cross over away from my incest fuel
Probably worked till they died or sent back to w/e camp they came from? I'm not gonna say goumang wasn't doing awful stuff, even the zombie stuff is fucked even if it was possible to be for a good reason
You know it's funny. Clearly Goumang gets the most brutal fate out of the bunch. And it's likely that the writers did this because she was possibly a favorite of the sols for them? None of the other sols seemingly get as shit of a defeat as her.
I was thinking more along the lines that since the sol meeting mentioned that she's been dabbling in jiangshification even before New Kunlun's launch, then (unless someone else did all the experimental legwork before her) she probably did some likely-inhumane experiments on solarians themselves. If that were the case, it would explain why Yi flipped out and jumped to conclusion that she mistreated her bodyguards - he thought she's simply doing a repeat of whatever fucked up shit she did back on their home planet.
Then again it's also possible that all the jiangshification research was done on already dead bodies, in which case the only crime she committed was desecration.
Lady Ethereal tried to commit suicide and then got her brain put in a jar so she could never die
eh she'll be fine for a while before she starves
They wouldnt allow to do it on solarians, I recall Eggnog mentioned that when Yi was talking about brain jars, etc. hence the reason they had to go for apeman.
Though they still did to a degree, like with the solarians participating in the dream shit test-drive
At least she can still think bruh
Real talk, why did Eigong even do that? She legit prolonged Ethereals nightmare for 500 years, was it just to keep the sol symbol safe? Just fucking take it at that point, Jesus christ
She needed someone with know-how and experience to controls dreamscape.
Yi basically mentions this
>sent back to w/e camp they came from
No one comes back when the gods take them.
>jie clan conscripts citizenry into lobotomized ruthless soldier program
>the guild wields powerful technology including robotics and tells them to knock that shit off
>lmao what if we lobotomize some monkeys and make them till fields
The dreamscape project is at least necessary for suspended animation of solarians on board.
Kino mod. You should be paid, thanks anon.
I'm talking about when Ethereal turned off her life support, someone (near 100% Eigong) plugged her brain in. At that point, what is ethereal even doing. To my knowledge, she was stuck in an endless nightmare, nearly beyond mentally broken. Was she SOMEHOW controlling all the dreamscapes too during that??? I doesn't make any sense to me, shes too gone to be doing anything but coping
>I'm talking about when Ethereal turned off her life support, someone (near 100% Eigong) plugged her brain in.
Got a clip?

Either way even Yi admits he needs her support to control Dreamscape, so. Her brain was too valuable.
Then I guess she just works them until they die. There isn't really much to go off of, I don't even remember seeing any apemen in her territory nor do I recall anything about their treatment
Oh you've seen plenty. Jie's guards you fight are apeman
disking her down for hours every day, she'll be fixed by the end of the week
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Ah, sure, probably Eggnog. Does not matter who, reasoning still the same probs. And plus, she is a Sol

At 8:40, she says she disabled her life support but someone put her back in as just her brain, forcing the endless nightmare. I don't know wtf Eigong was thinking, other than forcing the sol seal to be harder to get for yi
Then why do they spawn from lumps of flesh (likely Kanghui's) in the factory?
If only it wasnt furries.
But they dont?
Unless you talk about something else
>If only it wasnt furries.
The cat theme is effectively just how the devs decided to depict an alien race. Think of them like Chozo.
Thats a cool pic.
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>he wants to see human women get dismembered instead of furries
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but Chozo are furry too? Well, birdie
>Apemen sent to goumang just work the fields and are likely feed well enough to survive.
>Apemen sent to jiequan are subjected to endless torture and used in bio weapon experiments
Please send me to the fucking rice fields
Smart monki.
And if mommy notices your hard work in the fields she might take a liking in you~~~
Now that we know that Solarian writing is translatable to the Cangjie input system, what does the writing on Goumang's lover's coffins say?
You get a log book entry on it
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I just think there's a difference between some zootopia furry world and a fictional alien being based on an animal
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nah not really
Kanghui spawns his own near-identical versions of the red tiger dog things, plus there's an enemy that is only able to regenerate because of Kanghui. Somewhere else in the factory, near those unkillable goo things, you get ambushed by a pair of red tiger guards that seem to materialize through a set of pipes like they're mounds of flesh being molded into shape.
why? just because they are ugly?
something with some degree of beauty fits better for actual characters instead of mysterious mostly background lore
>I just think there's a difference from [planet with beings with fur] and [planet with beings with feathers]
We wuz Kanghui n shiet
> Kanghui spawns his own near-identical versions of the red tiger dog things
these are just GMed

> you get ambushed by a pair of red tiger guards that seem to materialize through a set of pipes like they're mounds of flesh being molded into shape
I think you are reading too much into it, as far as we know apeman immune to the both tianhuao virus and the monster infection
One of the reports in that area outright says that apeman parts are used in the GM process for guard creation for the whole island along with a bunch of other shit.
I thought /v/ wanted more attractive characters. What is happening?
I think I'd say I'm like 85% sure with Fuxi and Nuwa. With Yi and Heng, I'm like 60%-70% sure they would've gotten freaky if everything didn't go to shit and certain they would've had some weird thing going on if he stayed and the world had gone to shit.
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>causes technological degradation
>becomes tree
he is not, Nuwa and Fuxi literally in love with each other
> taopunk is just return to apeman
It's good of the game to make a point of criticizing that aspect frankly.
Probably the left over parts from the ceremonies
The lame answer is just because it's a good setup for a rivalry trope. She probably didn't get the appeal of him and felt like she was thrown to the side when he came along when she probably imagined herself as someone who had to suffer to get where she was. .
I think only Nuwa has fallen romantically in love with her brother. Fuxi just loves his sister platonically, like normal siblings do.
their dream vision literally directly states "their feelings only grew with each day"
Anon, everything else is a MCFUCKING hude stretch, like Yi an Heng, but Nuwa and Fuxi is literally told outright.
It would be way more obvious if humans were picked as an exploiter race. If roles would've been reversed, it wouldn't have the mystery aura which slowly uncovers as you progress, and "humans go enslave half the galaxy for selfish needs" is a very popular trope.
Objective female degeneracy ranking:
Nuwa > everyone that attended Nuwa's orgies > Goumang >> Fudie >> average solarian >>> Eigong > Heng
if I had to guess, Eigong did it simply because Lady ethereal taking her own life was somehow insulting to Eigong. Eigong could even regard her suicide as a betrayal to the consul.
yeah, i know, and it DOES work. i've said it before, but the biggest thing i would add to nine sols is more context and backstory for the sols in general. they work well enough for the story as is, i just find them way too interesting for what little the player knows about them and does make a few of the sols motivation for the fight that happens feel underwhelming (goumang) or completely one note (yunlao)
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>Proposes world peace (nobody listens)
>Freely distributes essential technology (it wasn't enough)
>Dissolves a world-changing organization before it corrupts from the top down (becomes a pariah to scientists everywhere as a result)
>Grows tired of mortal affairs and leaves them behind
I'm at Eigong with the boss rush mod, but I'm trying to do the XingTian reward encounter and I can't kill off the mutants since I don't have the super mutant buster. Am I supposed to get the upgrades for this?
oooh fuck
I KNEW I forgot something
I will fix it tomorrow, sorry anon
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Specifically, that's what Nuwa says in her soulscape's final memory. Fuxi's soulscape's final memory is his mutation-deformed body. Nuwa's memories are all focused on her beloved brother. Fuxi's memories are not all focused on Nuwa, like hers are with him. Probably because he was the head of his clan and had responsibilities and shit to deal with while Nuwa happily grinds her ass against his lap and lives a carefree life of decadent luxury, not having to do anything but party and perform in plays, all thanks to Fuxi.
It's not like this is a hill I will autistically die on, nor do I think it's impossible Fuxi was also romantically in love with his sister, I love wincest as much as the next anon, I'm just saying from the evidence in-game only Nuwa appears to have developed romantic feelings for her sibling.
it i directly stated in game and indirectly via allegory

You are literally ding on this very small and dumb hill, come the fuck one retard
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>I want to be Gee-em'd so I'll be fluffy like you guys!
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too far NIGGA
No worries, anon, I'm having a ton of fun with it. I don't know why but Fuxi was a huge pain in the ass in the boss rush. I'm stuck with only 4 heal vials since I'm unable to beat the second XingTian for now so I'm grinding away at Eigong 3rd phase.
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>clinging to Fuxi, repeating "big brother" over and over
Starting to see where the relationship comes from. Her reliance on him must have crossed some wires
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Now draw him pregnant.
How is the gold balance, you feel it too low?
My idea is to give you just enough so you can get/upgrade most of the shit but not everything.
Also, XingTian 2 is pre-last boss, after him there is GhostKeeper so you dont miss that much.
I'm not sure if I should add some other mini-bosses. Celestial Enforcers seem too weak, and the sword-guy in the mines is just a common enemy placed early so ehh...
anyone has that super-cute hatless Nuwa saved from the other day?
Nuwa's death is the saddest, but coombrains fixate on Goumang and Lady Ethereal.
nope the other one, it was just a Nuwa head but super cute, almost bedhair
I think it would've been nice to be given the option to get 4+ health vials, maybe before the second XingTian too. I also couldn't get upgrades for my arrows because I haven't received any dark steel, is this intended?
Did you mix up Nuwa with Heng? See >>681223246
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Sorry, I only have this.
>Kuafu, this isn't medicine.
he finally shows his mouth
>couldn't get upgrades for my arrows because I haven't received any dark steel, is this intended?
No, this is a bug, which I also will fix. Thanks again!

>I think it would've been nice to be given the option to get 4+ health vials, maybe before the second XingTian too.
May be I can add some weaker mini-boss at the start then
It's over so quick though. Nuwa are just a princess in a golden cage without any real agency.
She got one boss fight to shine and that's it. The other two actually had some struggles.
I need more pics of these big-eared freerfs.
I dunno if I'd say it's the saddest, but it's definitely really sad. The poor girl didn't even want to fight. She just wanted to be with her brother. Fuck, the way she died was just awful.
>but coombrains fixate on Goumang and Lady Ethereal
Nuwa's more attractive than Goumang. The Feng hat thing makes her look more human than other Solarians.
How would Yi react to seeing this?
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wont lie, im a goumangfag but i'm glad nuwa has been getting some cute art. i was worried being at the later half of the game would make her less appreciated.
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not enough lewds
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I like how when this started it was the bird cat everyone was cooming over. Then it was Not-Toriel. Now it's funny hat cat.
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The donutsteel pipeline is now in full swing!
That makes two sisters in this game who just wanted to spend the rest of their lives with their beloved big brothers. Fuck Eigong.
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Reminder that the amount of fanart certain characters get is going to be limited by how far in the game people got.
not true, just look at the retarded goumang fag in this thread who never even played the game
Even with all the GMs, I think it's fair to say Jiequan had some actual combat skills. I don't think generating weapons is something that can be done effortlessly. It seems like he actually studied a lot of Fangshi guild combat.
he should have studied how to not sip lean midfight
Actually kind of neat
You only say that because you have no idea how addictingly delicious Yi's Fusang-infused fluids are.
its yellow


it's probably not sweat
that sad sounding cn opera song hits hard
Reminds me of Nosk from Hollow Knight
How did she die
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Post more art of Yi getting FUSANG’D
I'll say it again. I don't want to play the game because goumang dies. It's a waste of a cool looking character fuck you.
After you beat her brother, his infection starts to fester and she clings onto him saying that she'll fix him again right before a spike goes through skull.
No. I even have gotten art for her that I posted in this thread. I don't care what you think of me.
Gotta love Jiequan's monster hunter potion flex
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don't worry, we know
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At least she got a piece of candy after each foot folding session.
that's kinda cute and sad.
Secondaries exist but most art comes from primary fans especially in early days.
Could use a better name. Since a lot of the names are playing off Chinese mythology(even Shen Nong is 1 for 1 Shennong). If he was part of a set, maybe he'd be Peng Zhi, one of the 3 Corpses in Taoist medicine
everyone in their family but them really needed their ass beat
Even if i told you i played the game would you still be mad at me?
You'd be surprised how many "fans" of series have never actually played the games they're "fans" of,and just get all of their knowledge from watching streams/youtube series and reading fanfiction online
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or even /v/ threads.
Like i've been in these threads for weeks. And i'm just surprised that a game i haven't played has made me so emotional.
God please commit suicide already
Why do you want me to join tao so badly Heng?
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The game hasn't made you emotional at all, because you have not experienced any part of it. You've worked yourself up into a heightened emotional state over characters you know nothing about and have never interacted with, because you are mentally ill. Kill yourself
I'm never gonna kill myself. How else would I get more art of goumang?
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Sigh... Fine. I will play your game.
How is seeing this webm not interacting with the game? Also I do know everything about the game. I've been in these threads for weeks now?
>I will watch everything about the game
>but I won’t play it because my waifu got hurt
Absolute fucking autism kill yourself
Fine I'll kill myself. sorry for being a nuisance.
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bro... :'(
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fucking finally
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Goumang deserved it.
based and true
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The concept art in question
>that lucky Solarian getting a kneejob in full view of everyone
Just beat Eigong phase 3. Honestly she wasn't that hard, but I agree that it's a really satisfying boss fight, and incredibly "fair" if that makes any sense.
It's a pity we don't see much of her in the story, if they showed more of her relationship with Yi it could have given her fight more emotional impact.
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She deserved the copious amounts of cum in her womb that her Jiangshi provided for her.
Can you believe Yi was even smaller early in development.
>this is the strongest solarian in existence
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>bring me Shitgong
I love Yi so much it’s unreal…
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we know, Shuanshuan
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Finally beat the boss rush mod.

>Oh neat summary
>35 tries for both Fengs and Eigong

Holy fuck I'm trash at them, kek. The biggest hurdle was only rocking 4 vials and I was constantly getting cucked at Fuxi's phase 2. I'm going to grind some more and do a no hit eventually. Thanks again for the mod, anon.
very nice well done
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>only 4 parries needed for Ji
Did they ever explain what's up with Eigong'sFusang hat thing?
She bald.
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I hear there is a true end
Do I go for the normal one first?
I assume giving the shota all the gifts is what procs it?
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So which Solarian would you name a cat after? I'm expecting a lot of cats named Yi in the near future.
Yi is the only one I can pronounce.
Calling a cat a mispronounced name will probably sound less weird to random people
It looks cool
True end is gotten by saving all the apemen. There's also one collectable you need past the point of no return.
If you’re new, probably Basic Ending unless you want a challenge. I’m not gonna spoil anything but the final boss is way harder In the True Ending
I think that's an exaggeration. If you can beat phase 2, you can definitely beat phase 3 with some more tries.
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Solariansona with a dangerous cleavage window.
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>dat Ji
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don't forget to call your imouto today, anons
my imouto is gonn have a baby in a few weeks. I'm gonna be a uncle :)
no way same here, except she's my onee-san. i was gonna go visit her tomorrow actually
wish i had one
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It should go without saying, but never accept uncle Jiequan's invitations to his lair, no matter how much fun he says it is.
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Left coffin says 窮, Qióng, which means poverty. Right coffin says 虐, Nüè, meaning abuse. These must be causes of death.
Lower part on both says 得年, meaning years.
The horizontal lines on bottom 三三 must mean a number.
The database entry mentions an "Abused - Dead at 19" years, which must be referring to the right coffin. I don't know how to decode the 三 lines that represent how many years they lived.
they really should've just given them both log entries, having us do this shit to get lore
Understandable. I don't blame him.
I suggest the Solarian ending first. It makes the Apeman ending even better in comparison.
No, I think Eigong is just ugly.
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It seems the Jie clan has been in hiding since getting bitchslapped by Lear and his Fangshi warriors all those years ago.
Goumang the innocent
Goumang the righteous
Goumang the saint
Goumang the cultivator of nourishment
Goumang the harpy of kindness
Goumang the ringer of bells
Goumang the lover of children
Goumang the feeder of the starving
Goumang the graceful
Goumang the beautiful
Goumang the humble
Goumang mother to all
Goumang enjoyer of life
Goumang the wise and fair one
Goumang harvester of love
Goumang purest of soul
Goumang the excellence of equality
Goumang the angel of awe
Goumang the gifted
That kinda makes it all the more pathetic how much effort he's put into genetically modifying himself and then gets destroyed by a tiny cat. Granted, that tiny cat is immortal, but he basically resorted to douche tactics in that second fight anyway.
>but he basically resorted to douche tactics in that second fight anyway.
He did? The only foul play i remember from the bossfight is optionally nerfing him with the gene eradicator.
I'm just talking about throwing mines and shit. It's not every sportsman-like!
Me spamming nuke arrows at him probably isnt either
Wonder who own's Jie's territory now, then? Could it be the Rhizomatic columns Yi and Heng fly past are actually on former Jie territory occupied by Xia? It'd explain why a solarian that looks similar to them was bullying Jiequan.
It was Fuxi who held her close and comforted her during those painful times. It was her big brother who promised he'd make sure she never suffered ever again.
Look at the size of these radar dishes.
Imagine if Yi got drunk and came up to you and started humping your leg.
Average day in the life of Shuanshuan
No, Shuanshuan is so small that Yi can just go straight for the ass.
This but heng
You have two legs, anon. Well, presumably. Why not one for each leg?
Two holes
That could be the name of the nine Sols sequal
every boss track is fantastic
I have them on a playlist
what did the devs mean by posting this on their official account
He had a cut 3rd phase
that and he just floats there for ages and lets you beat the shit out of him
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It's their way of thanking us for supporting them, they know what we want.
came out like 5 minutes ago
Try again next sale
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I entered this thread expecting it to be an obfuscated andrew and leyley thread, what the fuck is this bugman furfag shit?
did they fuck
fuxi is like 3 times bigger than her, before the change
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Sorry man, there's a new incest game on the block.
or maybe she just needed Ethereal's brain data or something
Neat I guess, will this one get a multi-site shitposting campaign to try shutting it down as well?
china is already trying there best to do that
This company dealt with the Chinese government trying to shut them down, they'll be fine.
>putting in all that effort to draw something that cool just to ruin it with shitty watermarks
Nope, it's not that type of game. Its just us anons fucking around.
Thanks for the info guys, but I am really just here for the incest porn.
Its pure testosterone and anabolic steriods
Cute. I want to see Yi blasted on catnip, all cuddly and affectionate and rubbing and rolling. And then he suddenly sobers up and is like "Never tell anyone this happened."
"But let's do it again sometime."
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you don't get the emotional catharsis of incest if you don't know the lore
otherwise you'd jack off to the untranslated japanese doujins
Dont you use logic on me, sir!
fuck off

this is what it feels like being 5'6

I could breeze though phase 1 and 2 but phase 3 had me on the verge of death the whole time
>I could breeze though phase 1 and 2 but phase 3 had me on the verge of death the whole time
How? Phase 3 is just the same thing with one new move.
Phase 3 is straightforward once you realize that if you just go insanely aggressive she'll die before you do. I unloaded a bunch of seeker arrows and landed two full control counters and that was it.
He was healing mid fight like an asshole
Yi can do it cause his health bar is tiny
Very valid point actually. I think the real reason I like it in fictional media is the idea of an unbreakable lifelong bond with someone who you already know better than anyone and you treasure so much that no one else could fill their void for you.
I also think it's kinda hot to have so much lust for one another where you're driven toward each other despite the social consequences, but I don't think that would really apply in Solarian society.
I want Ji to hug me.
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He does seem very soft
Solarians know how to party
It's over. /v/ has fallen. I repeat, /v/ has fallen
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Translated the text on the boat. It says 㡣舟, which means long boat. :]
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long boat is long
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㡣羿 is loooooonger.
Yi is smol
Immersion ruined.
besides the chinkware, you're basically describing what /v/ has always been.
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Do solarians headbutt like cats to show affection?
If it wasn't for Fengshui, they would literally be ordinary house cats.
It's 龍舟, which means dragon boat.
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>He doesn’t know
wtf do these runes say
looks funny as fuck regardless
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>jiequan does pic related to yi
>ahhhhhhh shiiiit I'm about to cum
>I just came and now I'm smoking drug
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I can only read Japanese, and I recognize 死 as death. I assume
>Aaaaaaahh, I’m gonna die!!!
>Some good weed, feeling better now
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google translate says this
I would willingly become goumangs jiangshi cum dispenser
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Alright, /v/, as the last Nine Sols thread approaches it's end, it is now time to choose your fate.
Would you rather join the mutant collective consciousness with Eigong?
Or would you rather return to heaven and earth with Heng?
Why didn't anyone tell Eigong that putting the magic spirit roots that noone understands into her head might have been a bad idea
There's no reason to not die if you're a solarian.
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Third option.
Remove Fusang from our bodies.
Return to cat.
What would it take to help Ji regain his will to live?
Says the chain smoker
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Yi likes tentacle rape
Its related to his sister after all
Jiangshification removes 90% of your IQ. No amount of catpussy would make me take such a deal, unless I was already through 90% of my expected lifespan I guess.
Someone who could fill his loneliness. Someone who he could care about and would never make him experience the suffering of being left behind, like all the others he's cared about have done.
Someone immortal, like he is. Someone who shines like a beacon through the fates and forces a divergence in the hexagrams.
Someone like Yi.
Yi has a blackbelt in juul-jutsu, it's his fighting style
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All the boss themes are bangers. They fit the vibe of the game so well
Made for her brother's extra-barbed mutant BSC.
Made for BDSM anal rape by a horde of pissed off solarians fresh from soulscape.
Made for (Me)
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it's still not on sale, just checked
ok I fixed today, I will post update later, i wanna check something else first
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Doing god's work, anon.
I wish telepathy was real so I could make all you faggot freaks explode
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Should you not wish for a higher credit score chinaman?
I want to _______________uwu Ji!
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Ji has broken me
they're organized bugmen posting the same things in circles, they're immune to telepathy as is the case with things that don't have souls
I bet you can make her ass wobble like that one hentai artist always depicts if you fuck her hard enough.
Next time eat a salad
(and use my cum as caeser)
>4 parries
>1300 damage taken
Did you just facetank everything? That's metal as fuck.
It includes both internal and direct damage, but internal can be recovered so
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I'm not sure if the parry counter is wholly accurate because I'm 100% sure I perfect parried most of the daggers. Another funny thing I noticed is that boss rush mod Eigong gives 10 skillpoints even though there are no bosses left to warrant spending them.
I will look into it as well as splitting internal and direct for better stats.
I think in case of Ji his knives are spearate entities and I only monitor the parries against the monster base
I will look into it
Is there any way for you to make it so that certain bosses give the skill upgrades that you would have learned from the Tao limitless realm? Like the air dash, charged attack, and unbound counter. Oddly enough before the Fuxi fight I had to go through a limitless realm sequence for the double jump skill, even though you could actually purchase it before that point, which I assume is unavoidable due to how the game is structured.
> Is there any way for you to make it so that certain bosses give the skill upgrades that you would have learned from the Tao limitless realm?
Elaborate. I've unlocked all the skill in the skill menu, you can purchase/acquire it.

>Oddly enough before the Fuxi fight I had to go through a limitless realm sequence for the double jump skill
Really? This is odd, I never encountered this in my testing. I will check it. Is this the only tutorial you've encountered? Anything else? ideally you should never see he following:
- any Lear shit
- any NPC dialogues at the base
I was the anon that cucked myself in the Jiequan fight since I didn't get the charged attack, and seeing as you get the charged attack before fighting Goumang, maybe you could reward it after killing YingZhao? Just so future players won't do the same mistake as me. If that's not possible than the current way of acquiring skills is okay as long as players know which skill to get first.

and yes I can confirm that the Lear sequence happened before the Fuxi fight. I also saw Shuan2 at one point but I didn't check if I could interact with him. Are the dialogues with Kuafu when you get more arrow types supposed to happen too? Also what happened to the elevators? Because they were missing for me, kek.
How can mainlanders even compete?
Forgot to add that I didn't see any other tutorials aside from the double jump.
>I was the anon that cucked myself in the Jiequan fight since I didn't get the charged attack
Oh I see, I've missed this, yeah, this is a logical bug.
Yes I can grant it at anytime. I need to revise the abilities then.

> and yes I can confirm that the Lear sequence happened before the Fuxi fight.
Ok I need to address it. Did you purchase double-jump before FUxi?

> Are the dialogues with Kuafu when you get more arrow types supposed to happen too?
Yeah I can't remove them. I was thinking may be granting all the arrow upgrades from the get go.

> Also what happened to the elevators? Because they were missing for me, kek.
Which ones?
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It's a critique of capitalism.
Goumang has many happy men and solarians in her harem
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>Ok I need to address it. Did you purchase double-jump before FUxi?

Nope, I don't think I did. The upgrades mobility upgrades that I purchased were the air dash and unbound counter. I remember because I couldn't afford the double jump, and it wouldn't make sense to have double jump pre-Fuxi anyways.

Oh, and it's the the two elevators in the pavilion. You can see they're totally missing in this pic. I was still able to get upstairs through the grapple hook node to the left of Kuafu.
Another bump limit thread. I expect another on monday
>Oh, and it's the the two elevators in the pavilion. You can see they're totally missing in this pic. I was still able to get upstairs through the grapple hook node to the left of Kuafu.
Yep, that is a bug, and a weird one. Also will be fixed. So to recap:
- Lear tutorial before Duxi
- missing Elevators
- logical softlock in Jie fight with chargedash
- parry no counting separate boss attacks (Ji knives)
- Darksteel not being granted
- Mutant buster missing

Anything else?
Nope, that should be it. More health vials before second Xingtian would be nice too. You could also just add all of the minibosses as well since they can be pretty fun to fight against, even if they're just amped versions of standard units.
>More health vials before second Xingtian would be nice too
Vials here mostly limited by your gold.
I dont really want for the player just to get EVEYRTHING, I feel like it is more fun if you have just enough to commit to specific path or two, but not everything. This way you make strategic decision that suits you rather then just pressing forward "I will get everything anyway"

I will see about more min-bosses. Which ones do you think would make sense to have?
>I dont really want for the player just to get EVEYRTHING, I feel like it is more fun if you have just enough to commit to specific path or two, but not everything

Yeah that's understandable. As for mini bosses, I absolutely can't remember the names for all of them but I guess as long as they have a boss HP bar at the bottom of the screen, it's fair game (excluding Sols)? Up to you, man.
Fair enough, I think I will add the floating one from Yanlao and the choppy-chop samurai from the mines
OH right, almost forgot to mention that there's no target reticle mechanic during Yanlao's fight so you can't bait him to shoot his own claw machine, which is kind of a nothing burger, but good if you could fix that too for the sake of consistency.
Yeah, this bug has been since the beginning and I have NO IDEA what causes it. RIP.
I think it makes the fight harder (?) so may be I just leave it as it is
that's how i feel about seeing random cunts talk about how much they love project moon games when they jumped in after everyone shat themselves over limbus
It's a nothing burger because you can just camp on the left or right side of the arena to avoid the laser going apeshit. At worst, you lose a small dps window.
How is the gold? Do you think gold reward for sub-bosses too low or adding more sub-bosses is a better way to go?
I think the gold is on the lower end since I got to Eigong with just 4 health vials and no arrow upgrades which is kinda brutal. Having more options is always preferable, in my opinion.

Personally, I prefer having more sub-bosses too so it feels like you're earning the gold and making progress. Make the easier sub-bosses give money and a selection of the harder ones give HP increase so that it balances out. And the combat is fun enough that it would justify fighting all the sub-bosses again.

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