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It's actually crazy how much worse this game is compared to Fallout 1. If it released today, it would be universally panned as a terrible sequel. Why do people pretend to like this trash?
hi emil
Oh look, another low effort shitposting thread. How original.
what is the story of the person who spams those fallout PDF's in these types of threads? if this is going to be fallout discussion for the next 10 years then that's fucking grim
Someone is butthurt that people don't like the same Fallout game he does so he tries to autosage it by hitting the image limit.
it's miles better than fallout 1, much less forgettable too
Which to be fair is an impulse we all have we just keep to ourselves.
get new material
Oh look, it's another "Bethesda fan whines endlessly about pop culture references in Fallout 2" thread. Hasn't this gotten old for you faggots already?
The only people who claim Fallout 1 to be actually really good and way better than Fallout 2 bro are people who haven't played it. It's leagues above Bethslop, but it's the shortest mainline Fallout game and doesn't do anything particularly interesting with the setting. Even the story is kinda half-baked and simplistic, all of the factions that made the setting so interesting in F2 and FNV were only introduced in this title, like the NCR or the Khans.
It's not bad by any means, but F1 definitely is a much better game and I never understood why people prefer 2.
ummmm bethesda le bad ok? uhhhh....... kill loot repeat emil todd jet poo in loo brotherhood LE BAD new vegas wholesome trans rights 100 sweaty :))))
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Fpbp only someone who loves them some betheslop would shit talk fallout 2
The couple that approaches you in the bar so you can be their bull.
>10x the size
>nearly identical combat & levelling, with objective improvements
>more quests
>revisit all the previous game places and see progress
I fucking WISH games still got sequels like this.
elder scrolls 6 will be all you mentioned and more
Emil you really should get back to chat gpt’ing it up, elder scrolls 6 ain’t gonna ruin itself.
cheers todd, now stop making fallout 2 hate threads
its fucking cringe
People have been shitting on Fallout 2 since the 90s. It was always considered vastly inferior to the first game.
Fallout 2 ruined the mood and lore set by the first game. It was a satirical mockery of the first game not a continuation of it.
No, people have been shitting on the retarded pop culture references that permeate it and the atrocious temple of trials tutorial for years. People love it for the progress the world has made, and the fact that you can whip around with a talking deathclaw and a supermutant. Also Frank Horrigan has always been a fan favorite. You’re coping, nigger.
Fallout 2 is great when you use the mods that removes retarded pop references and keep in line with Fo1
>the fact that you can whip around with a talking deathclaw

Bandwagon zoomer shitter found. The talking deathclaws including Boris have been shat on by the Fallout community for 20 years now. They turned the wasteland's most feared boogieman until a generic noble savage.
this is some revisionism. fallout 2 is bigger and better while being way less consistent. the biggest issue in the 90s was how buggy it was
Yeah, those mods are a necessity.
Plenty of people like them including myself, no mutants allowed isn’t the end all be all for how people perceive the OG fallouts. Also the lore in F2 has been better received as Bethesda has continued to show what REALLY fucking up the lore looks like. New Reno is one of my favorite places in all of fallout.
Have you played Starfield? TES 6 is going to be awful if that's anything to go by
I think Project Arroyo is doing that as a option.
Which isn't a bad idea seeing how Vault 13 who now is part of the project Is making use of FO1's cut stuff as bonus.
someone give me a fun build that isn't just agility and intelligence
>Fallout 2

It's fucking terrible. Just play the first game. You actually have multiple ways to solve quests in Fallout 1 while you're usually always forced to fight in Fallout 2. You can't even use speech on the final boss. The battles in F2 are the most tedious and broken shit ever, too.
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I actually finished both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, and I prefer Fallout 1.
Fallout 2 has a few kino moments, but it's overall worse than Fallout 1. Fallout 1 is a cohesive, satisfying adventure. Fallout 2 is just many hours of going back and forth. There isn't anything wrong with Fallout 1 having simple good vs evil conflicts, especially when the overarching threat of the Master and his army is constantly there. Fallout 1's towns make sense, while Fallout 2's towns are often just themed towns, such as the tribal village that was inspired by a book from 1949, the wild west mining town, the mafia gambling town, etc.
Wow, you actually finished both games?! Can I have your autograph? It's amazing that people can actually stand this old jank.
grug melee build
>The only people who claim Fallout 1 to be actually really good and way better than Fallout 2 bro are people who haven't played it.
>I actually finished both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2
>Wow, you actually finished both games?!
Dumb faggot.
Once you said kino I automatically knew you were some bandwagon shitter.
>but F1 definitely is a much better game
No? It's a better story, sure.
Starting up the car for the first time, listening to 'My Chrysalis Highwayman', and flying across the map is kino.
>mod for zoomers can't handle pop culture references

It's perfect. Pop culture references are like kryptonite to them.
It's so silly that kids romanticize this game I've beaten a dozen time by now. At least the show convinced you fuckers to finally play it.
Ah yes, how dare those damn kids enjoy something you enjoyed.
I just said it was good that they're doing it. Learn to read, moron. It's just funny to me that they act like they're discovering some long lost knowledge or some shit. People have been playing them the entire time.
Apparently no one has ever thought to explore downward at the start of the game and accidentally find themselves overpowered through a quest the game just hands them when they get there?
I didn't and won't watch the show. What little that I do know of it shows that it is completely retarded.
I said that Fallout 2 has a few kino moments, then you claimed that I was just jumping on the bandwagon, then I gave an example of one of those kino moments. What is your point?
Autism never changes.
You're using a /tv/ meme and you're wondering why I'd jump to that conclusion? You can admit to being a showfag, anon.
I have never been on /tv/, and I didn't watch the TV show.
you get raped by the encounters unless you go east
That and it's probably faster to get the car and go roughly clockwise, unlike the first game, where going roughly anticlockwise was faster.
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I haven't owned a console since the dreamcast. It's a known fact that vehemently hating pop culture references is definitely zoomer characteristic and a cornerstone of their ironic humor. Don't deny it. Older people just ignore the shit that they don't find funny. You guys have to actively mod it out because it triggers you.
I am old enough to remember everyone at Gamespot forums hating fallout 2's retarded Pop culture bullshit and straying away from FO1's grim plot
the 4th wall breaking and pop culture references are catnip to redditors
No they didn't. Fallout 2 was held in very high regard everywhere even NMA. The hate for Fallout 2 and its jokes are a recent thing.
It wasnt and NMA wanted to neck people at interplay for that, stop lying newfag, you weren't there and not havent seen even the death threats at interplay devs at that time.
No they didn't you fucking moron.

Here is NMA from the year 2000. Screenshot a single post where you see people doing any of that. You aren't fooling anyone, faggot. I was actually alive and posting back then unlike your fake ass.
you can just not fight them, no one has thought to do this
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Here is one of the first posts I see. I don't see any threats.
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>Fallout 1 is a cohesive, satisfying adventure.
>Fallout 2 is just many hours of going back and forth.
you are not saying anything.
>There isn't anything wrong with Fallout 1 having simple good vs evil conflicts
This is a cRPG, you get to make choices. attempting to engage the player to think and decide for themselves what is the right and what is the wrong choice rather than having it painted black and white makes those choices meaningful.
>especially when the overarching threat of the Master and his army is constantly there
You are saying nothing again, it has zero relevance to what you are addressing
>Fallout 1's towns make sense, while Fallout 2's towns are often just themed towns, such as the tribal village that was inspired by a book from 1949, the wild west mining town, the mafia gambling town, etc.
Again a completely myopic view based on "fallout 1 good fallout 2 bad". As for being themed, the same criticism could be used for Fallout 1 settlements: "junk town, zombie town, trading town". As for making sense - that is completely incorrect. Can you even answer "what do they eat" for half the communities in 1? The "nonsensical" Fallout 2 towns on the other hand are deeply tied to each other in drug trade, politics, slave trade, resources (haga silly mining town).

I'll rate your post a 2/10. Its cool to prefer Fallout 1 over 2 and there is something resembling an attempt, but none of your arguments hold any water.
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>being desperate enough to cave a NMA post to defend FO2 after the mods wiped the slate clean there once Interplay called the cops during the entire Tactics and VB development shitshow
Predictabo to spot the tranny
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>The absolute lengths Bethedrones will go to defend their favorite shitty company
Imagine getting humiliated by NV, absolutely fucking destroyed by Witcher 3 and then analhilated by Baldur's Gate 3, so all you've got left is hating on original games as a wierd form of copium
>pic related - mfw
It's hilarious how you can easily view forums from back in the day with a bit of digging and see that none of the shit that you're saying actually happened. Tactics wasn't even released in 2000. People did not hate Fallout 2 or its jokes and NMA hadn't turned against interplay yet.
>if it's not there, it was deleted
You're one of those moronic Bethedrone Youtubers, huh?
Warlockrasy(or whatever), Kevduit orthat idiot who makes hours-long videos about Bethesda slop?
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>NMAtrannies raiding /v/ in a fucking saturday evening, almost night even, instead of watching sports or do any other shit.
Get a life faggots, nobody one cares about your shitty game either.
someone posted this old usenet thread recently. even in 1999 the pop culture stuff was contentious
>get proven wrong

lmfao. You're a clown, kid.
Yeah, that was a single troll and everyone was shitting on him.
>obvious esl shitposter larping as a forum oldfag from 20 years ago
who do you really think you are trying to fool?
This thread reeks of attwhorism and falseflag
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Like any thread started by butthurt Bethedrones
enclave troopers dont ask nicely
Damn I can't believe Fallout 2's release deleted all copies of Fallout 1 from the world
fpbp, fuck off faggot
>you are not saying anything.
Many of the quests have you going back and forth, while in 1, you were just helping people along the way.
>This is a cRPG, you get to make choices. attempting to engage the player to think and decide for themselves what is the right and what is the wrong choice rather than having it painted black and white makes those choices meaningful.
"LE GREY" is pretentious crap. Fallout 1 had you make choices, but it was in terms of how you wanted to tackle a problem.
>You are saying nothing again, it has zero relevance to what you are addressing
Several towns repeatedly show the threat that the super mutants are posing. Broken Hills has Maxton talk about trade caravans going missing somewhere north and wants to investigate it. Necropolis has super mutants being stationed there. The Hub has trade caravans going missing. And so on.
Taking too long has the Master's army slowly advance, massacring one town after another.
Almost every settlement that you enter helps push you forward to the goals of finding the water chip and destroying the Cathedral and the Mariposa military base.
>Again a completely myopic view based on "fallout 1 good fallout 2 bad".
>"junk town, zombie town, trading town".
Junktown is called that because it is so unusual to have such a strange town made out of junk. There isn't much to do there other than a small hospital, a general store, an inn, and a casino.
Necropolis has a good reason to be filled with ghouls because the vault door didn't close properly. It's also irrelevant other than the water pump and the water chip.
The Hub is built around an old town with water not very far from Los Angeles, which grew into a town with farms, factories, shops, and so on.
>Can you even answer "what do they eat" for half the communities in 1?
Mariposa and the Khans rely on attacking caravans to take their food. The BOS and the Cathedral rely on trade. Necropolis has no explanation. The other towns are shown with crops and/or cattle.
>The "nonsensical" Fallout 2 towns on the other hand are deeply tied to each other in drug trade, politics, slave trade, resources (haga silly mining town).
Dumb faggot. With the exception of Junktown, all of the towns are normal towns.
Why does Redding have a wild west theme? Why can't it just be a normal mining town? Why do the gangsters of New Reno dress and act like 1920s mafias, even with some of them having Italian surnames? Why is Arroyo filled with backwards tribals when they are all descended from vault dwellers?
>My favorite game is Final Fantasy Tactics
what a chad

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