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Buy the Rance games.
They made a game after the sauce?
I know this thread is going to devolve into autism, like all Rance threads do. But X is going to release in like 2025, right? I also heard an anon is working on a Daiakuji tl, but for obvious reasons I'm not expecting that to release soon.
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Why is Rance such a hypocrite?
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Already have but good suggestion nonetheless
imagine calling Rance that out of all lol lmao even
She just doesn't count
They made Count von Shekelacula a character?
Why is mangagamer taking forever translating those games?
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>Why is mangagamer taking forever translating those games?

Use JASTUSA dude wtf
Because their company must consist of like 20 people. And at least 4 of them are focused on translation, while the rest are posting shit on twitter for engagement.
>the joke is rape
Helluva Boss tier comedy
That's like half the comedy, the other half is typical JRPG antics.
Yeah, but I wouldn't really recommend most of them if you're expecting something like Sengoku.
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Played a bunch of Rance 01 recently, but kinda forgot to ever return as the game isn't anything special. I'd still like to finish it before I continue with the other games tho.
The side content added to 01 is nice, it gives characters that otherwise make very brief appearances a bit more spotlight. Aside from that, pretty simple game.
Always wanted to try these games, but seems like a pretty large investment of time considering how many of them there are. Is it worth it?
Sengoku can be pretty much played as a standalone. You'll miss some lore and worst case will be left with a cliffhanger of an ending, but whatever.
>Is it worth it?
Literally all hinges on if you can stand the MC and like the world in these games.
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People who say this genuinely have no free will nor inner monologue. Reactionary creatures with no agency.
Try one and decide for yourself. I liked the old games enough to do 2 runs and will probably do more sometime, new ones not so much. Like anon said, start with Sengoku. All you'll miss is some cameo level character appearances that you can appreciate on replay, since the game has multiple routes on NG+.
Just play one of the game. No one will force you to play all the others if you do.
New writers are lolicons, please understand.
God damn SEX
Might as well ask here. Anyone know if Kaeru nyo Panyo~n and ATLACH=NACHA are worth going through? I like the character designs.

Yeah I never felt the desire to finish it either. As my first experience with the Rance series it didn't make me want to continue either.
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