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SGDQ 2024 starts in 9 hours.

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Now: Hoyp
Next: Pre-Show
Later: Yoshi’s Story
I cant wait to be all comfy!!!
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I'm in
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its almost time
Christ what an ugly skag
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is OUR GUY running this sgdq?
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Hey SGDQ 2024!

I just paused my speedrun of trying to find matching socks to make this donation. I'm not saying I'm bad at speedrunning, but my PB for making toast is still 'pending'. Shoutout to all the incredible runners who make this look easy while I struggle to beat my morning alarm!

Here's $20 towards the cause – because saving frames is great, but saving lives is even better. Let's crush that donation goal faster than a glitchless any%!

Good luck to all the runners! Remember, no matter what happens, you're all winners... except for that guy who speedruns taxes. Seriously, who does that?

Keep on running and keep on being awesome!
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>another GDQ waiting room thread
thread status: hidden
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Is that an actual woman?
>no mention of a dead family member
I feel...sad and ashamed knowing my waifu Flygon got married two years ago and fools around behind her husband's back with crossdressing trannies.

I wonder how much weight Fruitcup has put on this year as well? Seems like every year she gains weight. I don't know if it was last year or the year before, but she did some kind of skit and it was insane how much weight she put on, like a good 30-40lbs.
>starts with yoshi
Just had to donate during Hello Kitty Adventure Island, my favorite childhood game, can't wait to see it DESTROYED. My aunt died from colon cancer. Here's to an amazing GDQ, an amazing game and an amazing runner with an amazing run, let's kick cancer's butt!
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what the fuck lmao
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will we get rat kino again
Pretty sure you can calibrate it by yourself, so I figured either that's his girlfriend or she just volunteered to do that because they thought it would be funny. You really don't need a second person to do what she was doing to the ring. I can't even tell if that's a female or not, but the whole head shaking like they were licking dick was kind of off-putting.
>I figured either that's his girlfriend or she just volunteered
Anon that's Argick...
>100k donation goal for me to perform this little glitch that you could just look up online
>100k donation goal for me running this game that we already have in the schedule and that we will stall for until we reach the goal
>Let me remind you that the donation incentive closes in X minutes, get your donations in if you want to see this AWESOME RUN YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS
>Let me interrupt this run to shill for a donation incentive that we still need 75k dollaridoos to reach
Oh boy, I can't wait to watch a bunch of trannies play video games slightly faster than other trannies.
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can't wait for HOOORAYkino
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>he posted it again
I don't watch the European speedrun event, so I don't know any of the people. I literally didn't see the person's face on the ground, but they have long hair, so I thought maybe it was a girl. If it's a guy, then he did a faggot gesture.
oh god oh no
There will be an obnoxious and unfunny phrase found and spammed in chat and for every "Name the character" option, and it will happen by Monday evening.
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I'm off Monday and this this coming weekend, not like it matters. The schedule sucks, literally see nothing I care to watch. The only real fun will be staying up and shitposting with people. A lot of anons don't even watch the runs, they usually do something else while GDQ plays in the background.
The threads will be the real highlight.
always is
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>8 hours remaining
>I'm stuck working under the sun and will have to sleep when i get back, a 45 min drive
i don't think i will make it
bro you do not want /srg/ to come back, trust me
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GDQ has been healing, they better keep it up
>Elden Ring 2nd to last game
>no dlc incentive
at least its glitchless

Also aren't the two guys behind him gay lovers or something?
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nothing will ever top this run for absolute hilarity
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Will we get more Kungfufruitcup fap material this year?
Are you mentally ill?
jesus christ
>see hoyp
>get hoyp
For a moment I thought this was the old clip and he was gonna fail, didn't look the the cam. That jump is tight af
>more fat literally everywhere else except her breasts
Im gonna be honest theres no way I'll be able to sit down and watch a single run after Fast 50 was so fucking good.
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I guess I am to some degree
That's the best part, her flat chested uniformly tubby body makes me want to motorboat her armpits until ESA Summer starts
Reminder that speedrunner Duke_Bilgewater was banned for life from GDQs after this leaked.
Dude is ice cold....
To hit the wall this hard... I guess that's what a life of vidya does to chicks.
So did anything actually come from the sexual assault scandale with ESA a few weeks ago or nah?
yes, i came
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of course not lmfao
I wish she would assault ME
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kill yourself
Can't believe she got away with it. All those young boys...
Don't be cringe thanks
>sexual assault scandale with ESA
uhh, quick rundown?
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wood berry
ywn baw
how many years ago was this?
Source e.g. Twitter? Otherwise any anon could have typed this up.
Hey guys, long time viewer, second time viewer. It gives me great joy to kill to a great cause. Greetings from cancer. PS: save the cancer, kill the Germany.
It's cringe that y'all still unironically watching GDQ trannyfest shit.
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The only change is they appointed skenmy (the b-b-b-bumper guy) to security volunteer lead. Other than that, the larger part of the community is still pissed at orgs, but that's it.
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>dress like a slut among hordes of spergs
>gets offended when a sperg spergs out around her
>puts all the blame solely on the event organizers
at least she gave us some fapworthy moments before she women'd
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ESA tards please move to your own dead general.

This thread is for the world renowned GamesDoneQuick marathon that raises billions each year for CEO's.
>gotta throw 4chan a bone lmao
Don't pretend orgs had nothing to do with it, they knew bloody well what they were doing when they okayed her into the role
I get the other three, but that fourth one is literally fucking nothing. It might even be a kink of theirs.
>presumes 3 random dudes going about their business are going to rape her
>sits in a room with some dude for 20 minutes, is told he's a creep and then proceeds to sit their another 10 of her own volition
>random sperg who i assume was on good terms with oversteps a boundary and spergs about his sex life(complains to the internet about this event instead of just telling him it's weird)

The only valid complaint she had was the sniffing which may not even have happened.
Attention whore
>"hey ESA I want to dress like a fucking pole dancer for the prize segments, are you cool with that?"
>ESA approved of it whether with enthusiasm or indifference
>bitch gets groped
>"n-no that can't be the consequences of my own actions, it's someone else's fault!"
>makes a call-out post on twitter.com
I would bet my right nut (it's the biggest one) this is how it went down
Imagine still caring about GDQ in the year 2016+8.
Oh but I am sure there are very lonely people here, and on Reddit specially, who still find GDQ to be amusing and worth watching, I am sure it totally is not the work of an Indian Internet Guerrilla hired by the GDQ staff to bait people into believing there is still a speck of interest for GDQ, and perhaps some may be baited into checking out the stream (and potentially donating* (*giving money to GDQ)).
>That’s when out of the blue, my head was grabbed from behind and I felt the other volunteer's face coming closer to the back of my head either kissing or sniffing me.

If what she said was true about other people also complaining about the three guys then it's likely valid.
no cosmo? no watch.
duh duh duh, duhduh duh duh, duhduh duhduh duh duhduh duh duhduh
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If it wasn't for Minecraft the first half of the day looks pretty good.
I'm not going to argue about dressing code because thats just up to each person, honestely it doesnt even matter what happened to her and whos fault is it the problem is orgs not doing shit about it, if they didnt think there was enough reason to pursue a ban or warning on the people involved they just had to tell her they werent going to do shit about it instead they tell her to shut up about it which creates resentment, ofc it does
>surprised pikachu face when it eventually blows up on their face
>I was given more demeaning comments like “I didn’t think you would do any work on your own.” or “sometimes you just need to throw 4chan a bone.” This made me feel like I was of little to no value to them as both a volunteer and a person. Instead it felt like I was being seen as either a sexual object, or as an individual with no worth.

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>they spend hours shilling an "awesome" incentive like it's the coolest thing in the world
>they hit it
>when they actually do the incentive and run the game nobody gives a fuck and they just shill the next incentive
You now remember the Dark Souls run with the awful donation reader.
>Four unrelated incidents
>1. Three random dudes kept following people around in the hotel, up to their hotel rooms, complained go staff who did nothing
>2. Some guy tried to sniff her hair forcefully, staff did nothing
>3. Get out into a room with an alleged groper for 30 mins by a volunteer who got promoted later on
>4. Some guy/girl started describing their boy/girlfriends body in a suggestive way probably just wanted a threesome or something
So basically the big complaint is that the staff does nothing when told of security issues and that's it.
This is what's consistent across all the pastebins, orgs inability to do anything but telling everyone involved not to spread the word
>they tell Lovare not to say anything about any of the incidents
>they don't do anything about the drunk sexting (2016, whatever)
>they don't do anything about the pervert running around multiple events and verified by a bunch of different people that it was indeed a pervert and should have no place as an ESA volunteer
If the rumors are true, they also told everyone in the audience of Celina's run not to say anything about the hug "because it was just a rumor and totes didn't happen"
>Celina's run and hug
>Destiny - Wrath of the Machine Solo
Might be neat.
damn, im actually playing xg rn
I think about replaying it now and then but I wonder if we're gonna get a remake soon. Maybe actually flesh out the disc 2 content that got abridged.
I might sound pretentious but disc 2 being like it is actually added to the charm of the game for me
The game is already like 80 hours long so it almost feels like a mercy. Maybe they split a potential remake up into two games.
When's Runescape?
I played it at the start of the year. Amazing game
Just started a Heartgold playthrough to play while watching GDQ since I probably won't want to play anything at my desktop
You remember the German autist?
>Celina's Super Metroid run
>at the end, right when they cut the feed to go back to intermission
>runs towards her and hugs her screaming "GROUP HUG"
>no one joins him
>celina is cool about it, her friends are not
>go to orgs and demand something be done about him
>their answer was stomp out anyone claiming the hug happened and paint it as a rumor
>also the reason why they gave the volunteer speech in the beginning of the next event telling them not to feed into rumors
Oh, I forgot to mention, you cannot find the feed of the intermission between the SM run and the next one. They removed it from their vods.
>the German autist
>>runs towards her and hugs her screaming "GROUP HUG"

Imagine the smell.
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>still caring about SGDQ and it's variants
Explain it to me, I'm not sure how you can stand such a tranny infested shitshow. Is the potential for cringe kino really worth it?
Fun threads when the ESA staff mod is not there
Great background noise to watch while playing games
Fun to talk about and shitpost about
the threads
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I like video games. Especially done quick. Dunno what gargabe your thinking of.
threads are fun, and even when they're not running games i care about it's still decent background noise for doing chores and stuff.
i'll probably switch over to the euro footy cup when there's no interesting game being ran this year though.
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SGDQ on one screen, Euros knock out stage in another.
This is PEAK comfy
>GDQ/ESA threads are fun
>euro footy cup
Who's playing? I don't actually care
>can witness england being absolutely being buttblasted
>doesnt care
fun things are fun
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It's about the threads.
Shitposting about runs and other related stuff with anons is just fun.
Ending of last ESA is pretty good example of this.
That's an impressive collage
can we draw GDQs mascot this time?
comfy! plum
GDQ's mascot looks so bad though...
Buy and Ad, stupid nigger
whatever happened to that speedrunning commenter who went off on camera about how she loved eating semen?
she was from esa though (so actual real biological female)
I married her and we have 2.5 kids
I'm sorry for that one bro.
Also grease and you are a cuck.
if you mean maral, i happened to see her in a stream with some "athene" guy just a couple of days ago
no idea what the deal with that is, i don't care enough to investigate
I've been waiting for this...!
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the impromptu childrens drawing corner was more more fun than it had any right to be
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Friendly reminder that the mods are very ban-happy during the first few hours of the first day. Chill out and lurk for a bit.
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my plum is immortalized now kek
im kinda pissed what they did this year for ESA though. i actually tried to submit a run this time and I made it past the first cut but
>esa no longer has night shift
>esa no longer has b stream
my long run would not have survived the main stream and now esa is gonna be shitty to watch with just 1 stream but at least there's gdq now to distract us.
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dont they usually hire more jannies when GDQs come around? i havent seen any positions advertised
>mfw this will be the first GDQ where ip addresses aren't counted
Does SGDQ tend to be better or worse than AGDQ the last couple years
>muh safety
>muh bipolar
>muh rape
I always knew she was a mental unstable bitch.
better quality runs usually
but less cringekino, bit more boring
Worse. Although this AGDQ was better than usual.
yeah last AGDQ was not as shit as the ones before it. wonder if they can repeat that for this week
never could tell them apart
i dont even remember a THING about agdq 2024 holy shit
I generally enjoy SGDQ much more but that's because Winter is fucking depressing and everything during Winter is shit
Moderation usually lasts all event nowdays, especially if you complain about them or give any criticism towards thread culture
I think so. The pandemic absolutely destroyed GDQ and it took them until last GDQ for them to find their way back again.
Same, but it also feels like it was like 3 weeks ago.
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can they live up to fast 50
Ever since Metako took over ESA I'd say GDQ has been more fun to watch
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>The perfect Sunshine run
>RE2 no hit run
>Worms (only for the memes)
>vtuber of a green furfag baby being held by a tittymonster
>vtuber of a green furfag baby being held by a tittymonster
i think that one has been at a gdq before it lol, just minus the tittymonster
the speedruns kind of sucked and i didnt know any of those clowns
i ended up just shutting off the stream eventually
the tungsten cube was like the only gimmick that stood out
I have successfully migrated
gdq more than anything completely fucks with my sense of time. really badly like i'll go to gdqvods and type in a random game and find a run and see it was in 2021 or 2019 or something and i get anxiety attacks
can't stand that fag
i remember once he got a PB in i think it was FFIX, he started getting all defensive and bitchy when people in chat started mentioning him having to sing the credits song. He refused to do it. A music teacher.
Where's the ice cream in this joint?
I'll go to my death clinging to the opinion that Sunshine is the most overrated run of all time

How come they never show us any of this stuff?
Okay, die bitch.
>ctrl+f keizaron
>only found in staff segments and on couch
lmao he really got shitlisted didn't he
also caveman hoyyyyyp
>Metako hate talk
guys ESA staff mod doesn't like that
whats up with the boltgun run
Not an arguement.
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you'll get used to it
If they hadn't shot themselves in the foot at every step of the way in epic fashion they'd still have loyal volunteers yet here we are
Aren't you supposed to be dead?
>Starting with Yoshi's Story

Renting this game, I didn't hate it. It's not until renting it again that I realized how bad it fucking sucks compared to Yoshi's Island. Still probably among the upper eschelon of Yoshi games.
because that's only for the 2500 people that pay $100 to be at the venue
That's not how it works man
point to me where prize mommy hurt you anon its okay
>slips in a little comment about two white men
Alexa, remind me how they treat these people in non-white countries
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What do you mean? You didn't enjoy Topsy-Turvy.
It fucking sucks. Holy shit do I hate that game.
The single biggest problem with GDQ is the occasional shitty announcer that keeps interrupting the game, forcing shitty memes and sometimes hijacking the entire show. Nothing can ruin a run harder.
>no kusogrande on stream 2

Missed opportunity
I never even knew this game existed. What is it?
Real organic hate Edenal btw people will always prefer him over you
Why has there never, ever been a monster hunter run at any of these events?
Yoshi game with none of what makes a good Yoshi game and the most abysmal obligatory (game isn't playable without them) gyro controls known to man.
Wheres Prize Mommy?
tiltan game shovelware
if you want a good tiltan game get wario ware twisted

gay kazooie has no personality.
Wasn't it designed by Square-Enix or am I remembering that wrong?
What runs are you most looking forward to?
Also is chart anon really banned? I guess the rating spam got a bit annoying, but the charts became a pretty great resource to have since you're bound not to catch some runs that interest you
'eckposter got banned?
>implying everyone isn't going to be watching house of the dragon ep. 3 instead

First run is Mega Man 9.
What's he gonna do, sit in front of the entrance to block it?
i dont remember ever seeing a tranny on the esa streams.
and the amount of negros is also slim.
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>pre-thread for trannies done quick in the year 2024
>i dont remember ever seeing a tranny on the esa streams.

eyetoy showcase a year or two ago had one that fooled the thread
Bit over 4 hours remains, lads
last one had some pretty decent ratio of (cringe)kino to tranny cringe
The Super Mario Sunshine guy redeeming himself was kino, boomers playing old games was kino, Darkest Dungeon was (unintentional) kino
At this point I'm waiting for them to just show hard core tranny butt sex on stream.
Wouldn't bat an eye. It's called normalizing it, bigots.
They exist but aren't as prevalent as GDQ and they pass slightly better
Do you guys avoid games you havent played? Maybe im autistic cause I dont want to be spoiled on secrets/level solutions (unless its a shit/meme game)
is fishtank that boring you've already migrated to SGDQ before its even started?
Ya, there's some pretty great cringe
>Maybe im autistic cause I dont want to be spoiled
no i don't think that's a weird thing, it'd be like reading cliff notes for a book you want to read for fun.
If I'm interested in playing them I avoid watching, if not idc
If I did that I'd see next to nothing all week. I do avoid some recent games if I'm quite sure I'm going to play it myself at some point.
Reminder: No migrating, forget to stay hydrated, and under NO circumstance should you remember to be comfy.
Why the FUCK do they keep putting Pokemon on at prime time?

It's one of the biggest earners. No matter how awful.
4 hours bros
You guys gonna be playing any games during the marathon? Which one(s)?
Trips decide what I scream loud enough to be heard on stream when I go (won’t be there till wednesday)
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Schedule for RTA in Japan, if anyone cares
I'm gonna be (hopefully) finishing xenogears during the marathon and then maybe head on to suikoden or ff6
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>millions of anons have learned Nipponese over the years here
>not one (uno) hosts an ENG restream
>FFXII non-international version 6hrs run
>Ghost Babel
well, at least there are these to look forward to.
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I'm still malding as a yurofag on how we couldn't have Warioware Twisted but SURE, this Yoshi game was no problem
2 and a half
dude I just gotta heckin donate pokepuns
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I'll be playing Hyrule Warriors and writing whenever I'm not working
Make it 3, best I can do.
i hope this woman isnt going to be there again, she is exhausting to watch
>start event with sonic 4 episode 2
too much work involved, speedgaming used to do it many years ago but iirc they stopped because they had trouble finding volunteer commentators. (probably dwindling viewer numbers too.)
meanwhile, japanese_restream commentators can sometimes be just people who have played the game like once but never seen a speedrun of it.
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sorry im late.
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shes staff now, and guess whos back!
Shit, it's that time of the year again
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I'm too busy to bother making charts for SGDQ, so here.
This contains everything needed to make charts for SGDQ 2024 except the script to get rankings since it's so broken (you'll have to find another one elsewhere), so I've included two "goodies" as compensation.
Link is temporary because I feel like I could improve the code, maybe even fix the rating collection script, by the time ESA rolls around. Even so, I set it to last as long as possible (3 days), so there's no rush. (But who wouldn't?)
Test all of the features, maybe even add your own. I trust that you'll make the best charts you can.
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>have to rely on a random /v/irgin to pick up the torch
Owari da. Guraspic won.
im here
to open tab occasionally
get bored
and close it
its just dolphin porn?
we are all chartanon now
wait thats not even the original chartfag
Gonna finally get started on my Diablo 4 season 4 character, play some Monster Hunter too
The game list is shit this year lmao.
>Ryza 3
>X command
It's going to be so comfy
is the design for the schedule picked from some kind of pool at random every year? it feels like its the prize for some highschools frontend class
>Ctrl + F megaman
>MM4 and x5
>saturday looks terrible
does GDQ just not accept MM runs anymore?
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retard-kun, the third game played today is MM9
We ready?

Our boy Cosmo is finally dropping the troon shit and getting back into the speed running
gdq is unironically going to be better than esa this time due to no night stream and no more b stream
Does that mean no "bad games done quick"? Because that was one of the only sections I watched anymore unless people hyped up a particularly good run.
this was literally the worst run ever
simp mod dropping like $200 worth of bits to spam shit across the run was the saddest thing about it
1 hour 22 minutes
>Thread stone dead this close to launch

It's unironically over
gdq is still 24/7 but esa now shuts down at night. the image posted was from last summers esa which is why I brought it up. I should have been more clear.
only Yoshi and Megaman will be good today mark my words
What are we suppose to talk about? We're all waiting
and we don't want the mod to ban us for having fun
>why aren't we yapping about nothing
Don't know yet. Maybe total war shogun 2 or dynasty warriors 5 empires.
>dynasty warriors 5 empires.
man I havent played this game in ages. Are there any new DW games that are any good or are they all crap?
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Reminder that Chibi won
Chibi was always a gigachad and Caveman a seething virgin loser
No idea. I stopped playing newer dw games after 7.
I'm sorting all my GB games... what's a good Game Boy game that is good, but not definitely must play like Mario or Wario games. Since I played all of them.
Sit down, Chibi.
Not personality-wise.. Caveman is lucky to have that sort of hair. Unless I thought he was in his 30s.. if it's 20s I guess it's not that impressive.
fun stuff, is chibi still hopping around japan trying to find an english teaching job?
Will keep it on in the background
GDQs are so uneventful in recent years that not even the threads can save them
hoenstly what im excited about is seeing how uyama's transition is coming along
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
yeah I'm just gonna watch the vods later
not even sorry
Have any of the attention whore hosts transitioned yet?
Does the schedule show my local time? says the pre-show starts in 1hr48 mins
another event run by kids
no because, there's a high chance that when I get to play said game, I'll forget most of what I saw or at least the finer details
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Unfortunately these people are probably in their 30s by now.
That shit was bizarre. And then he introduces his mom who turns out to be not an Asian lady but a Jewish woman. Can't make this shit up.
can this shit start already i'm bored
LGBT event
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Weclome aboard!
who wants to help me paint her giant forehead with cum?
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any good troons to watch out for?
what's a "good" troon?
I'm going to be routing a category in a game that I speedrun
Wtf why can’t I get a gf
one that is especially eldritch or freakish, such that it leads to higher than usual funposting
finally a schedule so I can add with the rest
>Finnruns July 3rd-7th
>ASM July 15th-21th
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
Where do you guys watch it? I don't want to go on twitch
>I don't want to go on twitch
Chartanon is a faggot that ignore scores he’s biased as fuck
for me its v4c
another cringe year of everyone talking so fast about their game that it becomes annoying

if their game isnt mario, zelda, etc they shouldnt even be here like holy shit

also why arent they on youtube aswell? fuck twitch
Not him, but I prefer to watch streams on Youtube because the adblock actually works and it's immensely easier to go back and forth through the VOD.
I don't like it
My man
I missed you bros
>I don't like it
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Same. I caught myself wishing there was something to watch after the last ESA many times.
I know it just started but whats the Tgirl count so far?
Is that you Anon? Remember me? You sucked my cock greedily last event, it is you, look at those dick-sucking-eager-lips
>its already time for another GDQ

fucking kill me. this year has gone by so fast
Where's the s oylent?
they posted the webm so 3 methinks
no, no HOYP cause no sunshine
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Whats everyone snacking on this time?
good to see you again
>this year has gone by so fast
Every year since 2009 has been going at highspeed
>ctrl+f zelda on schedule
>alttp swordless
>twilight princess randomizer
>oot ganon no srm

Why all the meme categories for Zelda? I thought they didn't do things like randomizer because it's "illegal" in nintendo eyes
>missing the threads
>actually watching this garbage
lol double retard
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>game has unbeatable bosses
>Every year since 2009 has been going at highspeed
and soon we'll all be ash
I've got my ritual posts primed and ready
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>I thought they didn't do things like randomizer because it's "illegal" in nintendo eyes
have you memory-holed the HERE TOGETHER bullshit?
>have you memory-holed the HERE TOGETHER bullshit?
no i barely watch these things anymore
ice water
>AdBlock actually works
Git gud
Don't. The mods are on high alert the first day.
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should have watched PACE with us.
threads were fun for the mario tournament
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favorite rareware game?
nicotine and coffee
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Dipping tobacco
My fingernails
it better be just black coffee with no sugar
>implying I haven't been doing it for years with no ban yet
I'm not an avatarfag or porn spammer, anon
Please let the prize segments not be agony this time

Based twink bro, that was my diet until I hit 30
Every time I looked in they were running Mario 64. Like, day after day.
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We're in for a good week of speedy games done fastly.
pure /comfy/
oh shit I watched it last year did I already miss this years pace?
yeah it was great
lol. lmao even.
Runs today that interest me:
How many more hours before the cringe?
Thoughts on AxelLarsen reclaiming Ocarina of Time 100%?
didn't ask faggot
oh fucking great, argick and keizeron. the only thing that could make this better is if rubie was there too
It's latte macchiato

Good think im not a twink or 30! yet
Argick was fine at ESA, I hope he's mellowed out overall
he was just on some small sega marathon and he would not shut his fucking mouth for even a breath. a little bit of that guy goes a long fucking way
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>less than two hours until GDQ starts
>my new headphones that were supposed to arrive today after my last ones broke still haven't arrived
didnt think he had the talent
so i only watched him rarely
you fags will excuse anything to pretend ESA isn't pure shit
argick is insufferable 100% of the time
Should've bought headphones you don't need to replace. I've had the same sennheisers for a decade plus and I have spare wires and parts in the closet. Hope you get em soon though
It's Elderflower season so I'm doing just that. Trying to go on a diet right now so I'm not a fat fuck for ESA summer
Kino, I need some good background noise
Holy mindbroken, this early in the marathon too
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They're like 70% the same thing, but I'm sorry for setting you off
What emotion is he trying to convey?
> https://gdq.alligatr.co.uk/comparison/
oh no no no no
>anon brings up esa in a gdq thread
>comment on esa being bad
>euros seethe
are you pretend to be retarded, or is it natural
They had a two for one deal at the local shop so I got Cheez-Its. Cheddar Jack and White Cheddar and threw them in a bowl together.
Not bad, honestly. Cheddar Jack overpowers a bit if anything.
>no srm
doesn't count
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what hedpohnes anon
zfg still king
He has been cancelled! Closed down! Shuttered! Condemned as unsafe! We don't talk about The Hour of Shame!
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zero fucks given
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>It's latte macchiato
SRM is dead. Let it go.
Mentioning ESA constantly when watching gdq is the definition of being mindbroken anon, especially when we're discussing annoying dono readers. Mr game and shout is infinitely worse than argick to name just one.
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Which literal terrorist organization are they funding this year?
Sennheiser HD206. Bought them every few years. They tend to break every five years but that's cause I'm a moron. The sound quality is good from what my non-audiophile ears can tell, at least for such cheap headphones.
What happened to SRM anyway? I remember zfg mentioning a deadlock in discussion on what kinds of SRM should be allowed, have the rules for the category been decided yet?
Does zfg do anything other than play Zelda? I'm totally convinced he rolls out of bed to play Zelda and nothing else. Might even still live with his parents even though he makes six figures. He never talks about things he does outside of gaming so I have no reason to believe he does anything else.
Argick is fine when he's running solo, when he's on host and doing co-op I tend to mute because that's when he gets the loudest
>israel defense force
what did he do, help people not pay medical bills?
chartanon will awaken from slumber to mspaint again
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Wouldn't start my morning any other way
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Red bull and sips.
he was in several pictures wearing a military uniform
so they bombed him and half a dozen of civilians while he was cycling to work at the hospital
glad they got pizza tower in here

luv me some pizza tower
what is the status of dilation stations?
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ah, so you're not pretending
>7 day ban
look under your post
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Life is miserable all year round until these threads
So glad to be back on our digital holiday bros
>GDQ threads are ruthlessly pruned by tranny jannies who also work or "volunteer" for the gendersdonequick stream
I love seeing them get triggered
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Everyone will have corporate mandated "good vibes" as the kids say.
Hey xirs! First time, 3rd time long time! From Scandinavia! Here's 300k and to drs without borders! Definitely not a globalist money laundering scheme! Love you! Kill the animals!
I can't feel safe in a gaming space knowing someone in it doesn't like doritos.
Let it go man, just enjoy the runs
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24-hour comfy cringe kino in 1 bong 23 bings
Chat will be cute.
Chat will be hydrated.
Chat will eat Doritos brand corn snacks.
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for how many events can they keep the pretense up?
>What happened to SRM anyway?
New route is WiiU only and nobody wants to play it because the WiiU port of OOT is dogshit.
>say you don't like Doritos
>get literally banned for the week
I hate these fucking faggots so much, they really are just asking for someone to get fed up and start shit at some point with petty garbage like this
>New route is WiiU only and nobody wants to play it because the WiiU port of OOT is dogshit.
Even worse I thought they were talking about iQue being the fastest. Can that chinese shitware even play games that long without overheating? At some point you realize this shit is all ridiculous
Wtf I love MSF now.
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Ten years have passed since SGDQ 2014.

How are you doing anon?
Has your life gotten better or worse?
These "people" also think their money is going to drs without borders and isn't going right into the pockets of gdq. If you bring this up you will be immediately banned.
Worse. World really went to shit around 2016.
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oh so that's why obama drone strike'd them.
2012. But close, tds chan. Gdq went to shit around 2019 when they started doing the pronouns and shit. And then there's the whole money laundering bit. They're stealing from you if you donate.
worse for sure
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please use the complete image
>only 2000 dollars
try donating more
they'll definitely read your comment if you pledge 4000 dollars!
What's wrong anon? What happened in 2016?

How so?
>account is still banned because a mod thought my username was meant to be anti-trans memeing
been banned from GDQ since 2012 for typing "cosmo" in chat
my income hasn't really changed, still making 30k @ 30 years old
>their merch store has nothing i want
guess im not donating this year
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Worse. Every hobby that i enjoyed at that time, has been ruined by the activist and trannies.
what was the username?
I'm a mechanic
Post the webm. You know the one.
Have you learned your lesson yet?
>"wtf why was I banned??"
I got banned from GDQ before they had trannies
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It was based on an /a/ meme from 2007 that had nothing to do with trannies.
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>New route is WiiU only
it's a shame since I thought SRM runs were fun
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Money is not everything as long as you can afford your basic needs my friend.

What kind of hobbies are you into that those people can have an effect on it? Go hiking or something lmao
same situation as men named Adolf
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>sitting 7 feet away from screen
>oh hey a girl runni-
>it starts speaking

ah oh well
Trump won.
I just realized, this is probably the last GDQ before the Switch 2.
>nigga laughing his ass off
ban that bigot ass nigga
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can you explain the meme?
has the chair sniffer been surpassed?
do they still have cameras on the audience?
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They're making a movie out of him so nope
When does this shit start?
If that is how it is, they should really kick the 3rd release of DKC Returns to the new hardware.
30 minutes
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god damn I miss those titties in the red shirt
The first run is Dan Salvato? Isn't that the guy who made Doki Doki Panic?
During the airing of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, which was an extremely popular show on /a/ as it aired, there was an interview with the staff that involved them saying that the last 5 episodes of the 27 episode show had about 40% of the budget put into them, implying they were going to be a much bigger spectacle.

People got really hyped based on that and as a result the phrase got posted a lot until eventually simply the amount became a meme of its own.
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Underestimate how paranoid their chat moderators are at your own peril
For the last fucking time, he didn't sniff the chair. I was just getting something underneath my seat at the time
>ratshit and clank
0/10 first day
Sure bud, we all believe that excuse :^)
>thing happens
>faggots in twitch chat "YAY TRANS PRIDE!!! WE DID IT"
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based positivity anon
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oh shit he's here
protip: if you ever find yourself in such an embarrassing situation just embrace it, play along and laugh it off with everyone else
denying it and getting mad will only make things worse and everyone will keep memeing even harder about it
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Turns out he also speedruns Yoshi's Story of all fucking things
Weird, innit?
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cute chat :3
drink water cute trans chat :3
remember to breathe oxygen and blink :3
what is this rancid chink doing these days?
There's a difference between "haha yeah you got me, I was the one that farted during the meeting" and "yes, I was the man that sniffed the seat of a stranger in front of tens of thousands of people".
One you come off looking like a goober, the only you look like a sex offender.
Go slovakia!
I'm ready
Why are they offline wtf helps pls.
wrong thread wrong board
>Just noticed its past noon
>event starts in under 30 mins
Where's my fucking countdown timer
This is Britbong territory.
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we gaan?
ok whatever rocks your boat assniffer lmao
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Nein, ich denke nicht
Ska den här skiten börja idag, eller?
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soccer/football sucks
Is he actually dropping the trans stuff? That's pretty exciting if so, happy for him.
Eurochads are we here?
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Haha, ja. Arbeit ist gut. ^^
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>SGDQ is being sponsored by Blizzard
Guess they don't care about all the sexual harassment after all
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rare tim
if anyone tries to argue they "cleaned house" don't forget how these people will cancel anyone over the past, no matter the present
Twitter says she's senior manager of eSports for bamco
yep, he's finally getting better mentally
here and comfy!
>tiered sponsors
why are amerikikes like this?
>dropping the troon shit and getting back into the speed running
All the troons coping in the comments lmao.
that's really great, thanks for the good news
I wonder if he's ever going to actually address it.
youre mom suxx
go back
Will we hear from Médecins Sans Frontières grandma this year again?
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Let's also not forget that their esports are owned by Suadi Arabia who actively kills LGBT people
He is lying to you Cosmo just decided to stop even trying to resemble a woman.
Pre show starts in 20?
Why? Being a trans icon has real world applications and benefits. Speedrunning does not.
what esports game does bamco even make? Kekken? they don't even run their own tournaments, so she has to send a few emails a day to the local TOs and then does nothing. women really do be living life on easy mode
Racoons are not CUTE, they are BASTARDS that DIG UP my goddamn garden like the RAT FUCKS they are.
don't count your chickens before they hatch, the game he's running is forspoken
literally where? there's like 20 comments
I'm already about to pre
Being useless is better than being evil. Being trans is actively evil.
this bitch ruined TI, I hate her so much its unreal
Honestly this approach seems so dumb. At that point theyre just bring more attention to it.
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Being a troon means your life expectancy goes from 85 to 35
probably not, this is all he had to say
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still calling him narci after he started calling himself Cosmo again. it's the most psychotic shit
>Are you trying to reclaim yourself from the trans community?
>no no you're one of us now forever
>and if you disagree all this fake niceness vanishes in a second
15 minutes hooooooooooyp
>judaic charity tranny week
Gayer than LGBT month
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>Just to be clear friend you still ARE one of us correct haha?
yeah you missed it. it was in May
Weegee constantly resetting was a meme throughout the tournament. Cheese won with a 1:37xx.
>“sometimes you just need to throw 4chan a bone.”
Ok, so this confirms that at least one of the big dogs at ESA lurk this threads
Reminder: New threads are ONLY authorized once the current has reached page 10.
Thank you for complying!!
what happened
What are they, the fucking mafia?
damn that sucks, I thought it was in july or august last year, I dont remember it being that early.
Devil's advocate but he hasn't officially said anything about it yet so I'm hoping a chunk of those people are just erring on the side of caution.
yup, tekken
i guess she got headhunted because she handled dota 2 tourneys before and speaks both english and japanese
Lol, so many yellow cards already. This is a bloodbath.
I don't even watch the runs anymore. I just shitpost in these threads and play games. GDQ is nothing but background noise for me.
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remember what they took from us.
he was too good for them, and they corrupted him.
he found a place to belong despite his autism.
they used it against him, making him bend over backwards to try to fit in, then shunned him out of jealousy of the attention he was , but never giving him a solid reason why.
he apogized, not even knowing what he did wrong, and all they did was ghost him, and shun him.
now he's a husk.
confused, alone, and trying to find that sense of belonging that the GDQ leadership took from him out of spite.
A sex cult, but yes. Hoping he can weather the tide.
unironically they will do everything in their power to make your life a living hell if you disagree with them
this guy is a bigger creepo rapist than Doc Disrespectmychildren
turksmell ref is why
I'm not going to take this bait and turn this into another culture war thread.
>applogized for all the troon shit he pulled
>started calling himself Cosmo again
>got back into speedrunning after the shit from 2015 where he said he couldn't anymore
Cosmo is healing and i'm all for it!
name exactly one thing he did wrong
having so much raw talen and playing this bad during the entire tournament holy hell
KFFC status?
brits are a joke of a people kek
sexually harrassing a woman at GDQ
inappropriately touching a girl under the age of 18 at GDQ
arrested in his home town for attempted rape
Ballooning by the day
It's a disgrace. Southgate's gotta go.
>10 minutes till event starts

It's so fucking over bros
No 30min countdown on the stream this time?
The weirdest part is that the runner just kept playing through it and didn't even seem aware of the fact that the stream had been blanked out. Even said "there's nothing crazy about this" or some shit.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The faggot club's two blocks down.
you just made that up, why would you lie about him?
not for thepreshow no
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I will get some chicken today
Isn't typing of the dead pulling from dictionaries so it won't be the same lines every run?
southgate should say, I love england being a fucking embarassment
Can we get an early mig?
Hello, Scot friend!
Nuh yet
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fuck off
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wrong thread fren
come to sp

im german
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AHAHAHAHA You got your wish
>goalkeeper jumps to the same side every time
>they still miss
He is cute
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>obs instant replay
>gdq reaction folder
it's time!
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no. I want brit fags to leave this thread
>Cytube is dead apparently because it won't load

RIP /v/ shitposting chat??
the fuck is this
Israel bros our response?
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what snacks you got?
dj max games are such nonsense
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brits STILL kneeling while americans watch kek
>stream 2
too soon, man
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>no stream 2 this year
>2 minutes

>tech issues before the event even starts
Can we all acknowledge that Croatia got robbed in the Euros?
Are the SMS Zoomer twins back this year?
They had to evacuate the building because of a bomb threat
Are they late?
So did they not even bother playing the gaym music or what?
It's postponed
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Blueglass spotted on the rooftop beating his chest and throwing things at passing cars

>30 minute pre-show
footy it is then, at least until half time
The time of GDQ's execution....
has been delayed..
Goddamn this is what happens when your tech crew is full of troons and niggers
His stream is weird and gay baitey for viewers and then he drinks to cope with being a glorified OF whore
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>already over
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:clock emoji:
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RATE THE PRE-SHOW not really

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>Tech issues starting BEFORE the event even begins

This is honestly fucking impressive lmao
good event, cya next year boys
what happened to human rights aren't politics
>modem test stream

Uhh did they forget that it was today?
wow, no nobody fucking cares
Rate the event so far guys.
Off to a roaring start.
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>litterally the exact first run
Well this is a good start
stop with the ratings, you're using up valuable thread posts.
these things don't grow on trees, you know.
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It’s up
>take a peek
>think this isn't a 'major' issue
Good. Hope it won't be because I like TinyTim.
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It's up.
>stream late for a... countdown
1 more page, cretin
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>another 15 minutes
>it's actually up
F5 F5
>page 9
it's over
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We're already behind, wonderful.
Wonder whose run is going to get cut to make up for it.
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Only 1000 bucks so far. It's joever.
oh my lawd it's up TransDance HOYPE
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1.5k before the event even started, what?
>deltatroon music
what PS1 game is that?
What's Kungfu gonna be wearing?
the fuck is this shitty countdown timer? where's the movie theater timer? did it break and thats the reason we're behind?
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Hey it's a pretty good track
Real mig

You are a bag migger.
Hank hill
>he doesn't know




why was this picture taken? like the intent behind posing like this? there's no way it's a creepshot
no bully
Shut the FUCK up retard
3k and the streams been on for 5 minutes what the fuck is even going on? also why is the chat subs only wtf

What a foul time we live in
What's current local time at the event itself?
>also why is the chat subs only wtf
It's been that way for 7 years now because of trannies
kek, and then hes a groveling cuck. incredible
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nice theater you've got here. be a shame if everyone were to pass out
also why is GDQ stealing ESA memes now wtf they are stealing goosebert
Let's start the first 5 Dollar Train!!
Hoooooype!!! OOOOOORB!!
How much Israel/Palestine activism do you think we'll see at this event?
it'll be spammed every 5-10 minutes except during the night time hours
Never forget
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will we get the chair sniffer again this year

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