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FFXIV is bad and dead game
This thread is bad and dead /thread
No this thread is great and FFXIV sucks
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Wuk Lamat thread
name a better mmo if you are so great
It's called WoW because I see it and say "Wow!" and keep walking.
Umm that’s a alpaca
alright then, name a good mmo
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She saw a cool bug.
very true and based
Nta but Lineage 2 and Perfect world was better than ShitFartCraft. KEK 2 chiniese free games.
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at this point I'm convinced there isnt an mmo worse than FF14.
pso2 ngs
Why do WoWfugees post like this?
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Saw a cool a rank, it then killed me for 620k
Honestly I never played wow before and probably never will, it’s ugly to me
maybe. didnt play that. PSO2 was k though.
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WoW players are mad because they have to pretend like this shit looks good. like they have to pretend they're having a blast exploring "Azjol'Nerub But Updated, Kinda" and they know Chris Metzen has gone senile but they still have to pretend that he's going to deliver a banger story when he's still binge drinking alcohol as a middle-aged man.

You don't even understand how mind-broken the average WoW player is.
We can probably just use this thread to talk about the game desu, other thread is already full of shit posters.
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what would you do with your life if you didnt have the wow bogeyman?
anon relax holy shit
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I really like the blue zone so far.
he said wuk lamat thread, not palworld thread
Is there a single anon here who likes Wuk Lamatt?
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I think she is decent
DEI shills love her
Me. I like Wuk Lamat.
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Do NOT post that image again
nope. female naruto isn't interesting. she's the worst parts of a shounen anime without any of the good ones.
ugly troonbeast
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I love Wuk Lamat!
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I like her
Didn't hate the concept too badly, but holy fuck the execution was horrible
I usually don't care for desert areas and the desert was my favourite part of the MSQ because it was nice to just adventure with Erenville for a bit
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Estinien's Trueblood armor got the fucking update and mine hasn't for absolutely zero reason.

I don't know why they didn't just update the actual wearable armor. This means Estinien has a completely separate item ID for his Trueblood armor, for... a clone of the player wearable version that actually has the update. And the same applies to Urianger, Thancred, and Alphinaud, most likely Y'shtola's mogstation set.
On the contrary, I am struggling to think of an NPC I like less.
The music is great https://ffxiv.tylian.net/ex5/BGM_EX5_Field_Sha_Day.mp3
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>haven't skipped a single cutscene from ARR to EW
>Literally every cutscene in DT is making me tab out or fall asleep
bros do i just start skipping? this shit is so boring its kinda depressing me.
There's possibly tiny differences from the player versions like how thancred's hair has one piece that's different to the one players can have
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Wuk Lemutt is beloved by all
I think she's completely fine. I don't really understand a lot of the complaints about her, though I am still early on doing for the first two succession trials.

People say she is like Lyse 2.0 but I absolutely do not agree. Unlike Lyse, she has a sense of humor and is goofy, and also unlike Lyse, people do not suck her dick wherever she goes and often times she gets shit on by people as the underdog of the competition. This expac in general is exactly the kind of thing I wanted after Endwalker, a low-stakes adventure in a new place, exploring and solving the mystery of the golden city. It might go to utter shit later on, but for now I think it is fun and lighthearted. Everything I wanted.
Are these "wow" players in the room with us ? You delusional tranny
The music is top notch, yeah, I just don't care for deserts because growing up in the prairies made me fascinated by things like forests and mountains far more
>people do not suck her dick wherever she goes
Oh my sweet summer child
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This is the first time I've even felt like skipping the game. ARR and Stormblood's padding didn't even make me skip but I've started to skip around the making food contest arc because holy shit I don't give a fuck about any of the new races at this point. I genuinely might drop the game after this because it doesn't allow you to effectively skip story like WoW for example to get to end game and the main draw was the story. Please tell me it gets better, I'm lvl 95 now and the story is ass it's not even ""comfy""" like some anons are saying
>Wuk Lamat out of character decides Zoraal Ja NEEDS to die
>When everyone else would have been forgiven and she'd use her talk no jutsu
I'm not the only one that thinks this is out of character for her, correct?
Some people just need to die, can’t walk to everyone
The SBaHJ avatar marks Sena Bryer as a flesh-monster of taste and wealth.
Now that the dust has settled, which tank is doing the most damage?
To me she's Lyse 2.0 because she's woefully unfit to rule a nation but is handed the job anyway. Having someone be naïve is fine when it's acknowledged in the story, hell even her dad says that no one in the running is good enough but despite not changing her approach in the slightest, apparently she's ready by the end of the trials just by practicing her talk no jutsu
She was right but it was very out of character
Naw Wuk shows a moment of clarity and realizes Zoraal Ja is not ever going to be dissuaded from his stance and the only way he'll be stopped is a violent death. There's a reason they give Krile an Echo vision for Zoraal almost out of the gate and even she can't figure out what the fuck it is he actually wants, just that it pretty much consumes his entire being.
Gunbreaker iirc
Get me out of this garbage are there any good fics yet?
>Chris Metzen has gone senile
He's 50 years old
I have come to the realization that an Alexandrian used a soul-sucking device on my character before I even logged in for the first time.
Where's the fic about my WoL in specific knocking up Ryne and Gaia? Someone get on that.
Who did Zoraal ja fuck?
Gnb > Pld / War? > Drk supposedly
I'm a huge XIV fan but I would never defend this dogshit expansion. This is a level of quality so low I didn't even think it possible for XIV. I'm only level 92 and it's felt like I've been watching a trainwreck is slow motion the entire time.

Someone, probably many people, need to be fired over this. There is zero chance anyone stays subbed after this abomination of an msq.
Yea she showed it both times she got echo headaches that he is fucked so far in the story for me, he also killed his retainers who I thought was going be the final bad guy for ??? reasons
Holy shit, DRK in shambles.
May as well be senile when that's 3 times the average age of a /v/ poster
He killed her father in front of her and massacred her people
Yea don’t care talk about what you like/dislike so far in the expansion
Good fuck DRK
No. So far she just flip flops between being pathetic and "power of friendship!" bullshit. I unironically liked ARR Alphi better because at least he was fun to shit on.
Nah, she'd talk.
>Thancred was in it
>Wuk Lamatt
>The story
Anon you can spoiler that shit it’s not hard
The MSQ is explicitly mentioned as a dislike.
Woman post
>became unga-tier
>lost mitigation
>now in the cuckshed damage-wise
Was it fair?
shut up BITCH
Tranny post
No. If there was a "kill Wuk Lamat" button in my hotbar I'd press it even if it ended the MSQ and the expansion immediately.
Do I use the presence of mind AOE on single targets too or just on groups?
>getting with with a tank buster and taking zero damage as a pld
Oh baby
why did square hire a guy that bankrupted his own company?
>Dungeons and trials are all fun
>Story is trash
Why can we never have both?
>special ui shit for quest that does not even allow for any play input at all

yawn, just another wasted opportuinity. CBU3 always knows how to disappoint and not walk the exrta mile
drk has always been ungabunga so you can remove that
Who is that?
The story is so fucking bad.
It's literally worse than ARR.
How the fuck did this get approved?
Glare 4 has 640 potency, Glare 3 has 330
Creative Studio that is completely creatively bankrupt
But financially, the opposite of bankrupt.
Hiroi, the new lead writer.
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Not only is the story worse than ARR the characters are worse and it has none of the world building we got in ARR. Even the "new" tribes are just the same tribes with a pallet swap.
Not for long. Ain't no one staying subbed after this abortion of an MSQ.
i dunno man, that double whammy of FF7 failing to hit it big, FF 16 being mid as best in both game quality and financial performance and potential fallout from bad ff14 expansion might get square spooked a little, which is good, because i feel like they were getting too comfortable again
t. ShBab
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you said that after Endwalker too, and now the game's just as healthy as ever.
>Same writer gave us Athena and Wuk lamatt
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>even the official forums are shitting on the expansion
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>drk has been ungabunga for like 6-7 years now but i'ma keep holding onto heavensward like it was yesterday
I did my part and dropped a positive review
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There was not a single moment that felt like pic related the whole expansion. So much for adventure.
FF7R is genuinely a great game that was horribly mismanaged by management as seen by the lack of PC, Xbox, or even PS4 versions. With even the bare minimum of competence from management it would have sold double what it did. Regarding XVI I'm not the biggest fan but it was at least adequate and, again, horribly mismanaged by the lack of PC and Xbox versions.

DT though? This is a legitimately terrible game. It's an objectively bad story in an MMO that's supposed to have a good story. It's a disaster.
I dropped a negative one to counter yours
>shadows of the erdtree
do indians really spend their entire lives seething
No, I did not. I like EW. I have liked every single part of XIV until 2 days ago.
sisters, our all-time peak?
sure buddy
Thanks for reminding me
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I did like until the 2nd part of the story where she was just saying the same things as the 1st part over and over again. The ending made me straight up dislike her though. I was saying i liked her before the expansion release, but now i'm shitting on her. Fuck.
I've seen HRPGs with better storytelling
I'm not even joking
I'll stand on a cliff in VPR AF and recreate it and probably feel whatever the fuck emotion and sense of adventure that splash image is supposed to convey
finally a expansion where msqfags get humbled
How did Galuf give birth to Krile did he fuck a lala? What the hell. Sicko.
Dawntrail made me think about going back to World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery: Phase 4.
Releasing next week.
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Wuk Lamat needs to be louder, dumber and have access to the power of friendship.
Whenever Wuk Lamat not on screen,
all the other characters should be telling the audience how much they love Wuk Lamat.
>other thread got hit with auto sage
Oh nooo
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Not remotely fair to say considering the Rance series unironically has the best worldbuilding and plot in video games.
Of course Dawntrail is worse.
Retard bro....
>one minute of interesting lore and plot relevance followed by 1 hour of talking to fucking farmers and following an npc around
every time the story starts to pick up and get interesting again we immediately break to do something wholly unrelated for WAY too fucking long
Thank fucking God, everyone in that thread should die.
No fucking wonder the thread became super shit in just a few minutes
Monster Girl Quest blows it out of the water.
Krile is your 9th shard...
I thought you guys wanted low-stakes adventuring?
I thought you were talking about the ending until I read farmers.
>Three stealth quests
How did they not get the picture that they fucking suck?
Everything else aside, this had made me want tacos.
when do I paint? it clips the gcd
>an unbearable amount of cutscenes featuring naruto + lyse lecturing you about cultures
>low-stakes adventuring
First time ever since 1.0 I skipped msq cutscenes. Congratulations Yoshida, congratulations American transexuals.

You got me with that float boat arc good
Hey WoL how did that adventure go? What was the most interesting thing you found in Tural?
you can swiftcast motifs but you're gonna have to paint eventually since those are huge sources of damage
I'm changing to the JP dub fuck this
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>it's an NPC follows you around quest
>>it's a stealth quest
>it's a "With the chat in Say" quest
>it's a "look at a thing in first person and click on spots" quest
The ancient artifact created by my past self that lets me open portals to other shards.
>she's been upgraded from naruto to naruto+lyse now
>every complain is about the story while the dungeon and trials are decent
I'm okay with this, I hope they remove every cutscene from now on and focus on actual content
>Valigarmandr is a total nothingburger with the fight happening through stupid circumstances through a retard villain

reminder, that the next feat required all contestants to be present as well before starting.
There was a choo-choo train.
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Chicken breast or chicken thighs?
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It belongs to us now.
you forgot the /emote quests
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I don't like wuk lamat. she's an annoying mary sue and the entire expansion is about her
Make up your minds jesus christ
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>Wuk Lamat is the key to all this. She's a funnier character than we've had before. If we can just get Wuk Lamat working...
Do you know what nothingburger means anon?
Its crazy that WoW might tell a better story with WW than FF 14 lol. Crazy times
I'm sorry for shitting on the acians I'd take 100 more trips to elpis and suck off emet selch over this garbage
>other thread gets saged
>this thread gets overrun in seconds
kek fuck this board man
None of those things are "gameplay"
So who's the first person getting fired and/or demoted over this msq?
Dunno. I just hear them say it on the news all the time when talking about Biden's latest fuck up.
Well can always just make another non shit one, guess the other one was too positive op
>half the positive reviews are crying about people rightfully shitting on this dogwater story
>"waa, how dare you want dopamine from a game"
Is there some kind of zoomer brain damage that makes people simp for the worst fucking characters possible?
We got low-IQ adventuring instead.
anon, the people in that thread were always in this one. you didn't have a super speshual safe bubble.
soon hiroi can put "bankrupted 2 companies" on his resume
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all the epic shitposters from the other thread have filtered over going by the past 30-some posts
Thighs have better flavor.
wait until you get to the final trial lmao
>"we want the wildstar audience"
>It is with great regret we announce that FFXIV will be closing it's servers-
Certainly not the ones responsible.
Even when they try to do something different like this instead of the basic "collect 5 items" or "kill 3 monsters" then I honestly don't think they can do much more with questing in this game, it's just a really old game and it shows.
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poor little guy
It's not hard to see the immediate quality plummet
That’s why we should try and keep two threads up, it’s like the shitposters are too stupid or something
Unless the journalist reviews are bad they won't give a shit. Which is impossible due to the tranny VA.
Genius move from Kate, really.
I don't think I actively hated a NPC this much since the Tarutaru children in Promathia.
you are genuinely brain damaged
Yea I’m probably bake some for dinner, also they are cheaper.
low stakes =/= boring makework chores.
Thing is, they already had a template for a good "new world" exploration expansion in FF11 with Seekers Of Adoulin.

It's the SAME BASIC PREMISE, but FF14 fumbles the ball and reverts to 1.0 writing.
This is embarrassingly bad, and the only reason it's so bad I can think of is that SE gutted all the talent of their MMO division to make them work on other projects and we're seeing the literal C team fuck up their golden goose.
says the person eating yoshi's shit. at least I have some self respect to not buy this garbage.
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>you guys wanted low-stakes adventuring?
I didn't get adventuring. I got escorted around various tribal shit holes while a gay furry spoke for me while I stood in the back.
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At this point it's hard to justify a story being not wol centric, we are literally a higher being than every NPC since were 8 times re-joined instead of 7 and have slain numerous Gods
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seeing xivfags be given exactly what they deserve has been a huge blessing for me this weekend
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>Escort quest has mandatory places to stop by so the character can say "I like this place because [IT HAS A NICE SMELL/IT LOOKS GOOD/I'M A GAY RETARD]
>You have to do this five times
Arguably the worst addition from all of ShB
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>Anon! You're finally here on our hiking date.

I loathed her since post-Endwalker.
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I haven't seen a single second of the MSQ as i've been busy comfy grinding VIP and PCT in Zadnor
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This is the end result of an MMO focused on story, if the story ever falls apart due to bad writing as it did in this expansion, you suddenly realize you're playing a subpar tab targeting combat game with nothing really fun or engaging about it whatsoever. At least other MMOs understood they live or die off their gameplay. Now with FFXIV having died, the MMO genre is officially buried until Riots attempt comes out in 7-10 years.
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play her game!
>8 elden ring threads
>only 1 ffxiv thread allowed
why should I pay $11 per month to be the side character of an annoying retard's story?
holy shit pvp is absolute cancer
it's literally impossible to kill anyone 1v1 lmao
you just sit there trading doing 5% damage to each other for 20 minutes until the match ends
Compared to EW and ShB, HW and ARR are small scale stories but still manage to be more engaging than this slop
>can’t even make a new thread yet
im ngl this is genuinely how the entire game felt when I played the free trial so idk wtf you faggots are bitching about I thought you liked this shit?
cute lion
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>Now with FFXIV having died, the MMO genre is officially buried until Riots attempt comes out in 7-10 years.
GW2 is alive and doing well
I will now play TESO
everyone is praising the dungeons and trails doomcuck
back to your discord to think of another retarded argument
The other thread should have been killed anyways but shame on jannies for not referring anyone in a ban because they don't wanna be caught actually making a decision in their lives.
I'm actually considering not finishing the MSQ and just stopping the game and unsubbing.
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>more engaging
Haha yes she loves to eat
>the buttplug wilds
fuck you
Also can’t make the op too positive or it will get auto saged
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Okay, bye, I guess. Thanks for sharing. Tell us more about it the next time you make an "I'm quitting" post.
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>people do not suck her dick wherever she goes

>Bring foreign agents into the kingdom days before a contest to decide the kingdom's new ruler is run
>Most intelligent NPCs IMMEDIATELY sniff out scion interference
>"No they're with me bros it's cool"
>'Oh... okay...'
>Proceed to do exactly what the NPCs were trying to guard against
This is literally 5 minutes into the game
>now with FFXIV having died
Jesus you fucking drama queens are unreal
You don't even play this game
it's akin to being the tallest dwarf but yes ARR is more engaging than DT
Enjoy your adventures with a story written for a 12 year old audience.
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>majority of these reviews are just complaining for the sake of complaining
What kind of copium is this dumb nigger huffing?
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Where are the blue mages?
Light sissies queue for Origenics please
I'm waiting until RebornBuddy updates and has a profile out that goes through the MSQ. This shit is intolerable so far.
I like her design but the EN VA is fucking bad
I'm just afk'ing in Tuliyolal afraid to progress the msq because I know it will mean spending more time with Wuk Lamat.
The entire first few expansions of the game we were treated like a murder hobo that our handlers pointed us at problems they wanted disappeared. We weren't escorted. We were charged with killing the fucks and we did it from the front.
Really wish we had a page that showed all bans, no idea why it just shows a few bans
I don't understand this whole "we need to subvert expectations and force the main character to be a good little cuck in the background" shit, it usually leads to things bombing, the only game that can get away with it is Genshin Impact because it's played by like 30 million cucks that get off on that.
you couldnt buy it if you wanted to
you have no job or money
Is there a wuk voice replacer mod in the works?
Enjoy making more than one post telling us you're quitting, we heard you the first time.
What was the point of the scions officially disbanding?
Wuk is a good character tho
we had it good and didn't know lads
Shut up bitch
One T. Lamat.
I can tell most people posting whine in these threads aren't even playing the game.
Illegal materials and bullshit/stupid bans
EGS doing damage control.
>Arcadion will just feature regular people high on beast-souls
kinda disappointing ngl. i was hoping for more variety but only fighting animals is kinda boring
plausible deniability. LIke when the CIA wants to do regime change but pretends their agents/assets aren't part of the CIA
>First introduction to Fantasy South America is political corruption and passing over paperwork for foreign agents
DT had the highest launch in FFXIV history enjoy spending another thousands hours on mongolian fingerpainting imageboards getting assmad
There wasn't one when you asked four months ago and there still isn't one now because of the astronomical amount of work for basically no gain over just turning voice volume off
A hit dog hollers
and thus the biggest fall
What's with the defense crowd in this thread? Do they think they can bully us into liking the game?
Yeah, off Endwalker's success.
i see, sad to hear but thanks for the update regardless
>Now with FFXIV having died, the MMO genre is officially buried
The era of WoW lives and dies by WoW. A WoWclone getting shat on doesn't dictate the end of the genre. Unfortunately for us WoW still has several million. God please kill WoW and it's clones.
They also post stuff you cann easily find out if you play the game. Like some regard said they didn’t see any lion people or cat people in the main city when it explained why alot of them aren’t in the city
I thought we were getting fighters from random other shards baka
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>tfw 2 1/2 years away from Fantasy Australia
What do they need plausible deniability for? Saving the word for the 100th time?
>couldn't even beat Endwalker's launch when people were stuck in 10k queues
it didn't even break a new steam record
>he thinks we're going to Meracydia
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>Anons coping that there will some form of reckoning.
XIV's cultish playerbase will whine their asses off about the shitty story and bad job design and then go right back to chugging fantasias and buying mogstation glams. Nothing ever happens.
no longer the case in ver2 and this shitshow makes the lack of story mention on its roadmap a blessing in hindsight
never skipped credits so fast, ending absolute cringe without any kino, sb wasnt half this bad
>we have 2 and half years of this kuso expansion to put up with
Kill me now
nah just unsub.
Xbox bro
>tfw Fantasy Australia is untouched because the Final Days took one look at the snake monsters and spider monsters and ran off
>the Garleans once tried to invade and were eaten by giant dingos so they just said "the territory has no resources" and never returned
>SB managed to turn it around somewhat in 4.x
Can 7.x do the same?
>final boss goons to how hard she loves wuk lamat and how she is going to miss wuk and the wonderful friendship they had together
>wol still sitting there in the corner like the good cuck he is
who wrote this crap?
Got any numbers? the DT trailer has less than 1/3 of Stromboli's views.
I can't believe both Barry and WOW own.
I liked the story and I was happy the changes to my main job.
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>implying it'll get better on the next expansion
spoiler if you haven't done the msq
we meet an ex-arcadion gladiator. he tells us that they compete in the arcadion using beast-souls, but since Zoral Ja need those souls for his army they aren't alowed to use them for the lulz in the arcadion anymore. all fights are going to be someone high on beast-souls with his regulator
xbox can't even play because square doesnt playtest
You can see the third worlders get into a frenzy when this is pointed out
explain what you liked about it
Maybe we really should have just gotten the cancelled Westwolves expansion.
The last zone spoonfed to us that we are going to the South Sea Isles as patch content, which is right next to Meracydia.
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You know, i don't want Meracydia or shards expansion anymore. Just make it super alien threat arc taking you to other planets that may or may not be about auracite & dynamis which could destroy the universe or whatever. High stakes, low stakes, i don't really care. I just don't want anymore "ADVENTURE!!!!!" if this is the result.
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It's not over, we still have the raids, alliance raid field exploration and patch quests
>think this will be the FF9 expac
>It's actually the FF type 0 expac
>new metals wanting random Stormblood ores as secondary materials
Motherfuckers why do I even bother trying to clean out my inventory
Someone needs to keep this writer away from ShB jesus fucking christ
Can i get this outfit somewhere?
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two other threads on the 'log that aren't full of retards who like to hear themselves talk
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>WoL finally figures out Emet was duping him and opts out
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>Fuck off, World is full
>Place in queue: 9999+
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I don't think you guys understand how a reception this bad on day TWO of an XIV expansion will impact the health of the game. It is unironically over for this expansion. XIV needs hype and positivity early on, and this launch is getting DRAGGED.
Can we just bring back Matsuno and get a Dalmasca expansion? Give us Judge (tank) and Sky Pirate (bootleg Corsair, DPS).
>have to pay for Xbox gold and sub
No fucking wonder, xbox is so greedy
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I liked exploring new regions, meeting new cultures, and solving their problems. They all felt fleshed out and interesting.
I liked all the new characters' character development over the course of the story, especially wuk and gulool ja jr.
I liked Zoraal Ja, he was a subtly complex villain.
If Bozja is anything to go by he can't write shit anymore either
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At this point i'm just yearning for a WoW style "gather 10 bear asses" quest where you have to kill like 2000 bears to get the aforementioned asses
just get me out of talk and gimmick quest hell
They're going to be a beast tribe fuck this allied society shit so that will probably be the glamour you get from them
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I don't think there's much inherently wrong with the concept behind her character. The problems are her story. It's 70% filler, she never meaningfully interacts with the characters I do like, she constantly occupies the spotlight to the point where for most of the story the wol and company might as well not exist, and her development is virtually non-existent or so glacial that I can't see it. It's strange because she seems to be the one of the only characters on the continent that wants to talk to the wol. Feels isolating. Also she's a furry.
>"Hey wanna join my fc?"
>(User was banned for this post)
I want to fuck Koana.
Please let the game die , I need less of you faggot making queues longer
It's good to see xivtroons be given a taste of what its like to return to ANY of the expansions that aren't fucking Shadowbringers. A game having one good expansion does not make it a good game.
Not only did YoshiP fucked up ff16, but 7.0 as well.
I blame Hrothgar presence for that, anytime Hrothgar are involved the plot gets bad no matter who is writing.
the cultures all felt very juvenile to me, at least in the msq, felt like a pbs kids special
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>Ra'Kaznar blunderbuss
why does that name sound so familiar
what youre telling me spamming chinese cartoon imageboards didnt do anything AIEEEEEE HELP ME METZEN
Is the expansion as bad as people are saying it is?
I heard it's just more of the same monotone fetch quests and awful emote-based cutscenes?
>Wuk Lamat kill steals the last boss
Maybe Dawntrail will bring them back with the forced wokeness
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Is it them just adapting the story to their new audience of tranny zoomers?
Bozja and GNB job quest were good
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How is Pictomancer?
For the anon if he's still here.
>Bozja was good
Absolutely not
>he actually thinks these tortanic chomos are playing the game
lmao you can easily tell the actual playing complaints vs the parroting fuckheads
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The story is garbage
what are the actual complaints?
>spend like three GCDs doing 0 damage setup moves
Shit sucks
>I heard it's just more of the same monotone fetch quests
I fucking wish, it's all walk to npc for 10 minutes cutscenes, then walk again for 20 seconds for another cutscene.
the best way I can describe it is it feels like post launch ew writing, focus on a character no one gives a fuck about, lots of shit happening no one gives a shit about, it drags hopefully it gets better later
was this guy even in the expansion? I skipped all the cutscenes and didn’t see him once
It's failing
>Unlike Lyse, she has a sense of humor and is goofy, and also unlike Lyse, people do not suck her dick wherever she goes and often times she gets shit on by people as the underdog of the competition.
t. cutscene skipper
I know right, I had a 1 hour 15 minute queue yesterday if only this game was dying
>Its crazy that WoW might tell a better story with WW than FF 14 lol. Crazy times
Never underestimate Blizzard's ability to dodge victory.
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Bros I can’t stop doing the first trail, it’s so much fun. I expect the EX to be fun aswell
>Eureka 3 is a treasure hunting expedition into Shade's Triangle led by Tataru
Get ready for it.
i need my plugins
i can't hunt without them
>all these seething replies
Good job son
nta but do the questlines attached to the aethercurrents. They're pretty good
>That first one
Im married, my wife is pregnant and I still hate Wuk Lame-at and Yawntrail.
I don't like it
>six months from now
considering how passive the wol is in this expansion im just assuming she doesn't even want to be here and is silently nodding while drinking meczal and being half zoned out
complain to the dalamud devs for putting a password to enable staging instead of telling people to fuck off for bricking their game by enabling it
don't care, i'm having a blast
I fucking hated that shit so much, but redditors seem to love it so it's gradually become more and more of a focus for the expansions.
thats supposed to be the WoL retard
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all 3 trials are gems.
as long as wuk isn't anywhere near it i'll be happy
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World of Warcraft Won
I've just finished the second trial, please tell me it somehow does a 180 and gets good from here
No, not really. Some of the framing of the early parts of the MQ are a tad annoying until you hit Xak Tural but the only thing outright bad is the english dub aka nothing new there.
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>inb4 muh timeframe
Shadowbringers still sits at 6 million while Stormblood (7 years old) is at 4M
this just sounds like par-for-the-course XIV to me?
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Will there be rape?
Only gets worse aside from a bit of interesting lore.
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so we never got an explanation for this giant crack in the ocean
Now it's a 120 second cooldown tied to your other 120 second cooldown that you only get to use at level 92. Thanks CBU3!
>player wins fights not just the poochie mc
TWW is already better than DT
Keep coping kate.
>It's fine if the msq is annoying for the first 70% of the game.
Nigga you just finished the best part
Please let the game die, I need less people playing the game
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Wuk Lamat is ruining this expansion for me. I'm level 95 and just did the quest where her dad was kidnapped and this VA cannot fucking scream or get hyped for anything. Why did they hire them? The story is boring as shit so far
:Local folklore says it was caused by two old gods (Mother and Father) fighting. Implication is it's a result of the fight between Hydaelyn and Zodiark
It is but i'm merely answering anon's question.
The real problem is the story is bad and boring. When the story is good (or at least just ok) you can overlook the simple mechanics of how the game presents it to you.
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shazam trannies tried this with elden ring too
>some of the framing
>all of the MSQ
Doomposters being illiterate faggots what a shocker.
>Promised an adventure with Krile
>Only finally get that in the last zone for one little trip through Lalafell history
Can't wait to leave this god awful continent behind.
plus DT trailer was also riding on EW's success
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No fucking way, it's the thing the devs explicit enforced to NOT be a requirement on playstation else they wouldn't do it (because sony wanted to double-charge people back then).

No way this is real, it would be borderline illegal if you kick up the EU laws hornets nest. And most of all, you'd have to be THE biggest cuckold imaginable to actually double-pay for this shit.
I absolutely refuse to believe xbots are that fucking retarded.
the msq being bad is a good thing, now less retards that only play the game for the msq will be in the game and i'll have less faggots that know nothing of what they are talking about with the rest of the game exist
Put on japanese. Wuk's JP voice actress is skilled.
>Noooo you can't critisize this perfect game.
It fucking sucks dude.
imagine the brownoid that sees this and looks up the steam numbers to see DT down 3% off EW's peak. all that time spent, literal thousands of posts, every single day, for 3% only for the xboxchads to fill it in instantly

lmao, LMAO
Elden ring was because the difficulty, XIV is because the story is terrible
That was the end of the good part. The final part is just whatever.
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They bought a fucking Xbox, you're giving them too much credit.
but it completely flopped on xbox
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Where is she?
>shiteater excited for a dead game
who would you rather date, german or french?
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>go to the New world
>blue mages are mentioned in a single sentence
That's what I was doing.
What you're doing is reading what I wrote, not understanding it and pretending it said something more harsh because you're just that low IQ that parsing 4chan-tier english is too hard for you.
i dont care how well the game is doing, i dont give a fuck seriously. i dont care about wow either. this msq just sucks and i hope they fix it.
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My takeaway from the sudden crush of spam that I already saw last night, is that some of you guys hate the game and want to scream at it so bad that you don't sleep.

Because the alternative to that is that the very moment you woke up you decided you were going to be a huge fucking faggot today.
....? It's the same thing, both are those things are only true if you are a subhuman thirdworlder with room temp IQ
What the fuck I hate Americans so FUCKING much
Not canon
under my table
Is it only English where the VA has to be a member of the ethnicity or pretend a stupid accent when delivering lines for brownoids? Like is that Jap saying tacos all stupid or is it only English speakers that have to deal with this dogshit?
>retard that has always liked shounen tier writing now complaining about shounen tier writing
yeah i'm doing the fun raids with my friends eat shit and never come back
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>the german one has more views than the US one, even though typically its the version of trailers with far and away the least amount of views
Did they set the viewbots to the wrong trailer?
imagine if we had an expansion dedicated to following her around instead
It literally lines up with prime indian SEA hours then transitioning to south american hours, every single time without fail
>The French got Athena
>people dislike something
>they criticize it
wow anon, you just discovered how normal human brain function works
>what if we made an entire expansion where the players play as a retainer for poochie?
I genuinely cannot believe this was actually made.
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It sounds what the average Limsa idler would make.
Dunno about the others but the JPs don't do it.
Enjoying her strictly platonic relationship with Ryne and going out for Coffee Biscuits.
Ah yes the buzzword people use when something is dogshit but they consumed it anyways like a mindless drone.
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Yoshi p is my friend and i believe in him.
This is like the 100th time you posted this and guess what it did nothing. DT had the highest peak in concurrent players lmao.
1st half is just Allied Society quests which they made into MSQ
gulp shitto moment
>first ex has 6 tank busters in row with angled aoe
>DT had the highest peak in concurrent players lmao.
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>people dislike something
>they criticize it
>with no variation
>no change of vocabulary
>no change of topics
>for multiple sustained days
>with the same "it's criticism" excuse
>whenever anybody notices
>that it's all the same
>normal people make the same posts every day with no variation and complain they're being critics
>zoraal completely jobs to his father, actually blown the fuck out
>only wins by reviving and consuming beasts souls
>every time we see him on screen after he talks about how good and cool he is and how he totally beat his father without any help at all
>goes as far as to insult wuk for using help when he only got this far because of someone elses tech
man this guy went from a pretty cool character to a complete fucking loser huffing weapons grade copium
wrong, you loser shitskin
I want to impregnate a Pelo Pelo girl.
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i mean he is literally huffing souls as weapons
>EW Peak: 95k. Would have been higher had people not given up on being able to get in.
>DT peak: 91k
people have come to a consensus of what's wrong with the MSQ, yes. there's a lot of variation of how they say it, because they are different people, but people generally agree that wuk lamat is annoying and that the wol has no agency
Story is easily fixed. Leave the gay furry in the New World to lead xir people. We continue on to the South Sea Islands to continue our beach vaca and learn about Krile's ancestors.
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Present state of these threads
>its all in the same lower case esl faggotry
Why do they love posting like that
what was the point of not killing the roe?
He was huffing weapons-grade copium the moment he said GARLEANS WERE RETARDS.... *MY* WORLD-SPANNING MURDER MACHINE WILL SURELY SUCCEED
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Every fucking part of this trade quest is “carry this new item, pack horse, otherwise Erenville will be mad”
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>92,039 was steams highest player # so far since DT Early access
>412 reviews right now
>55% positive (185 negative reviews)
>This means out of 92,039 players we know have played since early access, 185 people decided to leave a negative review
.2% of the XIV players on steam left a negative review
Caring about capitalization/punctuation over the actual substance of a post is peak pseud
>steamDB had 92k
>plus Xbox, which EW didnt have
And DT still has queues pajeetbro
That pink chick has been the only redeeming thing about this expansion so far.
posting with uppercase has always outed you has a phoneposter, but there's too many newfags to even remember that.
NTA, but doesn't ff14 have its own launcher?
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and the english va is a man trying to sound like a woman and trying to put on a mexican accent at the same time and failing at both
Hey that's nearly the percentage dropoff in players since EW. If only these brownoids spammed just a little bit harder. 10 years for a 20% decrease is possible!
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Which shard are we visiting first?
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Even skipping cutscenes the MSQ feels like a slog. I predict DT story skip to be a bestseller when it releases.
I mean did people actually think FFXIV was ever more popular than WoW or even just right now? Most people you'd try to get into XIV will get filtered by the extreme amount of filler/slow world building quests and storyline that takes hundreds of hours. Even after all that, there's not a lot of end game content unless you like RPing. With WoW you can cut the fat and get straight to endgame with more content than XIV but WoW has become so shitty and gay people are even leaving that -- but even though it's below 50% of its peak it's still probably quadruple Final Fantasy.

FFXIV has a decent story, but it's a HUGE barrier to the vast majority of gamers and it doesn't help even this expansion is like a solid 30-40% of filler to pad the time out with bullshit leaf collection quests and whatnot
>seething about trannies out of nowhere
Why didn't they give erenville a new outfit? It's hard to take his mom being dead seriously when he has a comically large backpack
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>GW2 is alive
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Not 2%
There is no substance to any of these posts. They repeat the same ill-educated """complaints""" with the exact same lack of knowledge of context within the game. Calling them retarded isn't sufficient due to their understanding that it's fact, but calling them ESL due to their lack of grammatical awareness seems to always get a rise out of them.
what was the exact moment you decided to start skipping cutscenes?
yes but it's funnier to pretend there isn't, like when people try to pretend like most POE players use it's own launcher
most people don't leave reviews, doesn't matter if the game is good or not. this surprises you?
remember that the goal of cultists like this is to simply get you to stop criticizing and all their opinions is merely a means to that end
This is an extremely interesting take from somebody who very blatantly did not read the post he quoted
bro have you actually tried playing wow in the last 5 years it is giga giga giga giga giga dead

classic only has 17k concurrent players
I'm going to need a written apology from all storysissies addressed to us based skipchads right now
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I just watched the final boss on someone's stream. When woke lamat crashed the scene, one would think she comes screaming, but no, she sounded really flat. Does the Japanese voice come in screaming?
so i'm supposed to support men pretending to be women just because it has a name? it makes the va horrible at their job
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reminder she has nothing to do with the game and you are just a schizo
don't use*
keep in mind that back when EW released it wasn't mandatory to launch Steam in order to play the game so the EW numbers were even higher most likely
I responded to the entire post. What issue do you take with my statement?
it’s a negative attribute worth pointing out and explicitly demonstrates that the voice actor has no relevant qualifications for voice acting a female. pointing out something as it is doesn’t qualify for seethe
>its true
If you want I can do the numbers for Elden Ring's DLC and we can compare.
Nobody is claiming these numbers are 100% of people playing the game, but this sample size is the best thing we have to go off of to determine a general trend.
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The only winner in DT
it was a really weird choice to use the steam review strategy when it just failed with elden ring

do these fags really play zero video games
>Japanese voice come in screaming?
of course it does, the japanese voice is better in every fucking way
I genuinely don't even think the writers know.
I think I could rape Wuk Lamat and get away with it.
10k players disappearing is okay! because... because... other launcher!!!
I haven't but from streams I've seen it does seem fairly populated and there were lots of raid logs yea?
why did dawntrail fail? i thought it was going to change the world
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I'm actually extremely confused.
The slow pacing
The lack of combat
The tranny va
All of this could have been forgiven and the first two have repeatedly been forgiven but they really managed to alienate even the fans who would have supported them by treating their wol's that they are attached to as irrelevant side characters.
I truly wonder what goes on in their writing room.
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>from streams
people don't even argue about games they play anymore they argue about games they've fucking seen.
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>Downbraille is literally GW2 with Traherne replaced with a tranny lion
>we're just going to ignore from now on the fact that we're fucking up the aetherial sea by doing this despite it being an issue as recently as anabaseios
You didn't respond to any of the post, you cried about lowercase ESL faggotry

Bottom text
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wow mogs this piece of shit. no other mmo has this type of endgame participation
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So does the WoL get any kind of acknowledgement for helping Wul? or does she always get all the praise while we all do the work?
Really starting to remind me of someone if it's the latter
Yes steam is sub 5% of the playerbase
>it’s a negative attribute worth pointing out
It makes you look fucking obsessed, my guy. It's not relevant.
When is ACT getting updated?
you don't know this.
It's the final zone of FFXI
Pretty neat atmosphere
Lmao it’s an actual Bolivian begging people to play his dead game so he doesn’t starve to death
>By the twelve
No graha, you were there
what is with these posts and "my dude" "my guy" "broski"
its very transparent
I literally said there is no substance to the posts to be criticized. Only grammatical failures that only ESLs get mad about. If you're going to repeat other peoples' statements ad nauseam with no variation like a spambot, I'm not in the interest of correcting you for the ninth time. I'll simply mock you for lacking in grammar as you parrot other statements.
you get acknowledgement all the time for helping, you literally get her fathers blessing because of how strong you are
if steam lost players, every other launcher also lost the same amount of players
Only from Wuk.
There's no reason to believe the trend with Steam doesn't also apply across the board to other platforms.
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>Eren's mother is cute
At least that. Otherwise I'm forced to sit there in a corner, feeling like a cuck, with the loser cap on, while Wuk has the time of her life with her own personal harem, tonguing the qt3.14 hebe, everything she has having been acquired through my back breaking suffering of this shitty MSQ. What the fuck is this shit? It was supposed to be Final Fantasy not Final Destination. What sort of allegory is it even supposed to be? I'm fucking done.
The handler is cute and goofy.
Wuk is an annoying tranny.
>1.5 hours played: story is shit

powerful review
Thousands of hours wasted and DT had the biggest launch lol
No anon "making the same post over and over" is not a grammatical failure, don't waste your third attempt to explain yourself on completely lying again like you have on your first and second attempts
This is edited, right?
The entire story so far has been Wuk Lamat succeeding and every single relevant character showering the WoL with praise for helping Wuk and hopes that they'll continue helping her. You'd have to literally not be reading cutscenes to miss this.
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Where is it?
it's how leftists talk
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My point is that it's not really a good way to gauge how well or badly it did, esp when the numbers are this close. You can easily say that more/less people are using the launcher and not steam this xpac, and since that can't be argued against because there's no way to verify it, you just end up arguing in circles. Just seems like a waste of time imo desu. Of course this would be a different story if half of the steam players were gone, or if the steam players doubled. Just my two cents.
You're being condescended to in a jovial and familiar tone, my wholesome duder.
a man was hired to voice act a woman. It’s relevant
Are you implying Kathryn isn't Kate or just baiting
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Your difficulties with grasping my point shows me that you're the precise kind of ESL I have come to mock. Have fun being torn apart in these threads every time your failure to read outs you.
>Like is that Jap saying tacos all stupid
Japs actually love their tacobros so no it's probably an English VA scout thing.
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No, it isn't.
Final dungeon boss.
Pretty cool but what a disappointment that it's in a dungeon.
what point
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whoa are you some type of math wizard? they dont teach us math in bolivia
Numbers are down across every single verifiable metric, which is Steam players and trailer views on Youtube. Youtube numbers in particular completely cratered compared to Endwalker.
Sure it *might* be doing better than Endwalker, but there's little to no evidence supporting that.
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>It’s relevant
No it isn't.
>She's only the localiser bro she doesnt have that much power
Palworld won.
I went to sleep and seen the same shitposts from last night, you have be really hateful to bdo this nearly nonstop for 3 days
I suppose you have an explanation as to why the english voice actor for wuk lamat is objectively terrible at doing their job?
Every expansion with a peacemaking message, needs the one irrationally violent character that can't be talked down, or else we don't have bosses to fight. See: Nidhogg completely ruining Aymeric's beautiful speech on peace and a better future for your children.
Are they a bad voice actor because they're bad or because they're a man? Figure your shit out.
I seriously just can't get over the fact that there are just modern day american accents in the game now.
>Youtube numbers
I did not think it was possible to find a worse measure of success than twitch viewers
Did I just doom an Elezen immigrant to years of indentured servitude to Goblins?
You shouldn't be shoving arrowheads up your butt anon
no it’s 100% because they are a man. I was being courteous and willing to give you a chance to defend your stance. if you even have one, of course
It was took over by a white liberal with coloured hair.

That tells you all you need to know.
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>they're bad because they're a man
That's not relevant in the slightest.
why is that
I didn't know I had to walk you through your own argument.
Source on that?
I’m asking what you believe. you are artistically screeching without saying anything of substance. are you too retarded to figure that out?
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Picto is fun but FUCK the sounds are annoying as hell
I like her and like the MSQ. It's a shonen anime and that's a good thing.
Oh yeah, Twitch Views. Peaked at 92k for EW, 58k for DT, and that's WITH drops enabled.
Thanks for reminding me of yet another metric that shows DT is down.
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>no now now now nah how is that not re-le-vant??? it's TOTALLY relevant to to hate voice OHver because she's-- he's a TRAHNNY
damn I guess the poor retard just couldn’t come up with anything
Why are people so shit at this game?
Nidhogg never felt irrational though; it made sense why he'd want to kill all people
Of course, we're not dragons, so we had to do what we had to do
He's honestly a fun villain that people don't give enough credit too I think
NTA, but what he's saying is that all of those women he posted in succession are voiced by men, who are good voice actors and sold the female characters they played. If your point of contention is that Wuk Lamat is a bad choice because in EN she's voiced by a man, then the issue you have is singularly that she's voiced by a man, without regard of how well men can deliver roles for female characters. If your point of contention is that the VA was amateurish and bad, then her being a man is irrelevant, and thus pangs of some kind of obsession. Do you understand now?
someone give me a quick rundown on dawntrail
the good the bad, and if i should skip the story and watch a recap later
it’s mostly played by coomers, groomers, and trannies. what did you expect from a lower life form that is so easily brainwashed?
>other thread got nuked
good content
horrible story
stormblood 2, basically
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How the FUCK did they go from Shadowbringers to this expansion? Please tell me it gets better, I'm on the 96 level MSQs and this is honest to god worse than any expansion and including ARR. Even if it's just build up, you still need to make the build up as fucking interesting as shit that came before it christ.

Feels like an Aranara quest in Genshin but spread across dozens more hours
brain degeneration from having to sit through the bad story
Why do you keep trying to derail the conversation and argue with me about if DT is doing better than EW or not? Do you think I disagree with that or something?
remember next thread i WILL be checking ALL of your posts and if i see even a SLIVER of an already held opinion posted again ill throw another tantrum and accuse you of being discord raiders
were those other voice actors trannies or no
I want to have sex with Not!Magnai's wife, God her voice is so hot.
gets better once you're about to finish the 4th zone
He's irrational because he refuses to acknowledge the fact that the people he's submitting to endless war and butchery no longer have anything to do with the ones that killed Ratatoskr, and that in fact they don't even now what the fuck is his deal. The other dragons know so it's not a matter of him somehow being the ignorant one, it's just that "dragons remember everything perfectly" thing, but if Hraes and all his brood and basically every other dragon in the world managed to understand that message and move on, then he has no excuse. Nidhogg is just angry beyond belief, crossing into irrationality.
I want bird loli back.
ohhhh you're doing it! you noticed i posted this the last thread too! same image and everything! you're doing it! you're doing me a heckin' microaggression
>slow and boring story
>annoying character you follow around
>dungeons are fun
it gets better because they just did shadowbringers again lmao
sorry, you posted that you liked the previous expansion, im now filtering you and contacting your FC for doomposting and transphobia :)
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All that matters is Krile is from Alexandria, she was given to Galuf by her parents with the key to the portal there. The Lalafell tribe her parents are from are actually from the South Sea Islands of the Source (The Milala) and they created the teleportation technology around the time of the 5th Umbral Calamity to escape the ice age. So Krile is an alien, but actually ancestrally from the Source. We will be going to the South Sea's with Krile in the patch content to investigate. There. That is all that matters.
xiv troons not dodging the allegations that SHB is the only good expansion
midgardsormr outright says he's completely insane and took it well above and beyond a dragon's sense of time too
granted hraesvelgr says he'd have joined in too if he didn't have shiva's soul keeping his cool
wuk lamat wasn’t created with the intent of the timbre of voice being part of the joke/personality. look at the other regions voice acting to confirm this. what was posted is not relevant to ffxiv
hes even dumber than them
>haha surely my world spanning empire will succeed
>let me just take my country who have had peace for 80 years and go wage war on most likely first stop, Eorzea, the people who have a massive alliance across multiple countries and much better tech than us
and then he gets sat by airships before he even touches ground while Cid flosses in the distance
so patch content will be the actual krile adventure and wuk will be nowhere in sight? thank god
It's crazy how bad the left one was. Worse than PS2 graphics.
>Krile fags still coping and hoping she will become relevant
Less than 1% of players leave reviews unless there is something extremely wrong with the game.
If 0.2% of the playerbase is writing negative reviews, that's extremely troubling. That's like 20% in real sentiment.
If the goal is sustainable reflection teleportation then yes. Almost all the relevant lore you receive in the last zone is related to Lalafell's and their technology.
One of the first things Wuk Lamat tells you is that they don't even have ships
which means they don't have a navy
which means they have no means of transport to the other continents anyway
the guy with the lizard brain doesn't seem like the smartest tool in the shed
>That's like 20% in real sentiment.
Why should I trust this assessment?
>Lalafells are the chosen race again
>No explanation why highlanders in Tural shave their eyebrows
Feeling the bias
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>it was sitting at 67% with 78 reviews
>its now sitting at 56% with 427 reviews
The trend shows that its ACTUALLY GETTING WORSE, and I doubt its gonna get better as more people finish it and realize the ending is a complete retread of Shadowbringers,
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>/v/ hates it
>/vg/ hates it
>reddit hates it
>the official forums hate it
>5ch hates it
it's wukover
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but it's fine when cute grill does it
>Talk no jutsu
Perfect image for your post just above lmao
It's okay to have someone else zoom in and kill the final boss for you?
Yeah but tbf, the fact Hraes also points out he took it even beyond dragon standards shows that Hraes, even if he didn't have Shiva and had joined in at first, would have called it quits at some point. Or alternatively would have just wiped them out instantly and ended the murderers while they still existed, something Nidhogg specifically avoids to prolong the suffering.
your own fault for playing in english desu
playing in english doesn't fix the bad story, just the bad VA

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