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>love game
>join official discord
>hate game
Bros... they are oppressing us ;____________;
>let the community affect your enjoyment of a game
>go to a well-known groomer platform and get mad about it
>cry on 4channel
i hope you rope yourself, transition not necessary
Caves of Qud isn't even very good. Play ADOM instead.
your reaction is pure projection lol
do you know what projection means
I'd be more concerned about joining a discord and their mascot is an anthropomorphic character
>join official discord
that's a self inflicted wound, OP.
You are the only one to blame
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dumb bros. how we feelin about this
Hey hey people,
I looked forward to Discord's inevitable data leak.
>retarded eceleb tells you to like game
>do whatever he says
yikes. opinions are only valid if you discovered the game on your own
I think it would be easier for them to just list what words you ARE allowed to say at this point.
yes and I look forward to Amazon, Microsoft, and Google’s infrastructural collapse. I also look forward to China being the world leader in 2025
>don't say hateful or racist words
maybe the problem is you :)
This can't be real
i'm not reading all that shit bro
>Join game's official Discord
>Pride flags and degeneracy everywhere
>Bunch of cliques and popularity contests
>Disagree with lifestyle
>Banned for bigotry
Many such cases.
>love game
>join official discord
You don't love the game then, you don't even care about the game. You're purposefully seeking things out that don't involve playing the game. You're just looking for something to waste time.
quit victim-blaming, you ingrate.
>anons in this thread pretending they dont use discord
lol, lmao even
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>assuming everyone does the same cringe shit you do
i'm pretty sure it's everyone mocking OP from expecting anything but the worst from discord communities.
Big issue. You'll have grifters poaching the Discord and getting members because of the popularity of a game to push their ideology onto people and have power. Sounds stupid until you think about it. Remember Helldivers 2 furry drama? Those were the mods, had nothing to do with the actual company. Official Discords should be run by the official developers of the game.
I don't use discord, twitch, or follow any e-celebs.
Can we all please agree to stop using the word "problem"? I suffer from severe self-diagnosed mental health issues and that word is deeply offensive to me because it acts as a reminder that there's something wrong in my brain. Please let's be respectful.
i think you're a dumb nigger
>buying a game when it's free on gog
Yikes. It's like self-castration or something.
I opened Discord a total of like 5 times in the past 3 years because I'm anti-social and don't want to risk getting messaged so I don't have this issue.
How are Discords so consistently awful in the same ways? Obviously it's the same people, or type of person, causing the problems but why are they always in a position to be able to do that?
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official server identified pronouns
What a very enlightened and sophisticated individual. If only we could be so philosophical. I swear these Discord people must live on the internet.
>Call something retarded
>Call something stupid
>Say something is unbalanced
>Respectfully disagree about anything
i may be dumb but im not headfucked retarded enough stupid to post idiot shit like this in a discord as if it helps anyone gain any intelligence or dignity
no, that would make it plain that they are censorious commie retards who intend to oppress you
better they maintain the illusion that they aren't and just use arbitrary rules and definitions as needed to trap/weed out the ideologically non-conformant instead
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Hes a yikes poster
>They/Them (Plural)
We can identify as multiple people?
no the problem is you and the entire world is so sick of your shit they are blaming all innocent folks for your actions
>Discord announcement
>a bunch of fag tranny flags reactions
>the only other reaction that can stand up to them is the Ruskies' one
Tonight, I'm a red blood Soviet.
We have to be inclusive of the multiple personality disorder sufferers.
sseth approved game everybody
looks like the vast majority want normal people pronouns
your reward for simping on them is to be called a pedophile and a stalker so enjoy your all inclusive society unopposed demons, yourself turned to evil to fit in
I wonder how mad they are that most people know of their game from the 4chan youtube guy.
Use my pronouns, schi/zo
Yup, I don't. Also don't use Shitter.
better not call it a whitelist though uh oooh
sseth really mindbroke those faggots
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mega yikes
Just like irl. The problem is that they don't oppose, and rather incentivize, the mentally ill on their delusions.
hivemind bro
just like /v/ (plural)
>"dude I entered the pedophile website with the furry photo on it and now I am mad, how could this be happening?"
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humiliation ritual? live in the pod? grummz? billions must die? grummz?
using it to talk to friends isnt the same as being social in little faggot servers
The vast majority, as in the billions of people on this planet, don't use pronouns. Only clinically online people use it to be special and have infected other communities.
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Your own fault really
So. Explain this to me. They literally call themselves queer, say things are queer coded, and queer is literally in LGBTQWERTY+
So why the fuck so I get shit when I say queer?
Fool, it was my plan all along to be evil.
I now identify as every single minority, how's it feel to be racist sexist anti-semetic anti-muslim homophobic ablist AND specist?!
Game died for me when they replace the brave, stoic, and laconic Warden Ualraig with some cringe inducing reddit quiping fag with a backstory that he insists on telling you.

I was willing to tolerate the dev's trans fursona self insert, but getting rid of Ualraig ruined Joppa and with it the entire early game.
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>join official game discord
>have to scroll down through a bunch of dead text chat boards nobody uses to get to the only one or two that people actually use
>ask fairly specific question with clear details about game that I already tried googling and didn't get any results
>"lol i dunno"
>see a bunch of voice chat lobbies with weird names that always have a single person it at the bottom
>close window after wasting enough time
>Using it at all
Any friend who uses that piece of shit is not someone worth being a friend. They'll turn trans any moment
There is your problem
>shitty communities can get horrible fucking updates forced in through sheer autism alone
Anon idk why i'd get annoyed that the vocal minority of the player base talking to devs might have a sway.
i’m not gonna bother with screenshots but the ‘introduce yourself’ channel every single person is trans or autistic or has a non normal pronoun. even the girls that go by she are she/they for whatever fucking reason. discord is so deeply disturbing in how it alters people’s personalities
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pirating games is ethical and decent
saves money too
Name three(3) games where this has happened
How do you people even walk out the door without sperging and punching yourself in the head
Oh wait you don't walk out the door
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>pick no pronouns
>report anyone who pings or talks to me to the admins
>walk out the door
>get on the floor
>everyone does the dinosaur
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Discord's ruined a lot of communities.
There's someone like that in my tranime fighting game community and it fucking sucks. he starts every single fucking sentence with whichever one of his personalities is typing (???)
you're braindead. risk of trans is only when they're active in little faggot servers. i'm not gonna use steam chat or text message or a schizoid app to talk to people.
>that server banner
caves of qud more like caves of cuck, you fucking queers keep losing
Too bad even DF isn't save from your gross AGP-riddled hands.
You actively risk exposure you retard. Just use text like normal fucking people
They have all these rules to protect the fragile nature of brownies, but then, does a single brownie actually follow any of those rules to begin with?
I'm a /v///v/
>Give inch. Take mile.
They said this about gay marriage. We just want equality! But slowly they push and push the line until it goes from acceptance to encouragement. Remember Republicans being laughed at for saying that we'll have gay ideas being taught in schools to brainwash the youth? Yeah.
That character is the dev's fursona and is featured HEAVILY in the main quest kek
i wanted to join the Monster Hunter discord. And they said no mod discussion is allowed. these people are the biggest corporate cocksuckers and stick in the mud boring assholes.
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I'm glad I get to avoid this kind of shit, that's an actual game-ruiner right there.
this is why echo chambers are cringe
didnt the devs get caught employing a serial child molester on their team or something?
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find people who don't get offended by text or are porn addicts, if they are those people then picrel
Discord is for fucking faggots. You signed up to have discussions with faggots, and now you're complaining about it. STFU.
>devs use a discord because it lets them control the narrative in a way they can't do on steam forums

borderline reason not to buy a game.
>love game
>go to the general on /vg/
>hate game
Honestly not sure on a finite number, I just know Deep Rock Galactic and A few mmos I've played have had issues with shitty small portions of the player base pushing for things no one asked for.
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>"greentexts are hate speech!"
>"jokes make people unsafe!!!"
>"if someone just doesnt like you we'll strike you for it!!!!!"
>"the puralkit users are heckin valid!!!!!!"
you could kill one of these guys with a simple "fuck you"
if discord didnt exist it'd just be another platform.
if forums were still the go to communication platform they'd be just as bad as discord is now.
Why is it like this? I've been terminally online as long as I can remember and I haven't thought about using another damn pronoun in my life.
I got banned from a game's official forum recently where I posted the first time in years after an enormously fucking retarded update, just asked the devs if they're too dumb not to notice that the stuff they added is pure garbage. No big mean words, nothing, just asked them if they are dumb. Immediately permabanned.
People are getting way too fucking coddled.
>Etna was never intended to be sexy
>Her entire persona revolves around being a sex bomb and even has a signature move called "Sexy Beam"
did you at least explain why the content was bad?
these are average gcj tourist replies btw
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>game gets this weird underground modding scene around it due to the jank coding
>infiltrate the modders discord by helping them rip assets
>rip everything, archive it, post it to 4chan
>discord account gets like 20 DMs that I never bother to look at
>saw I got banned from the sekret discord server
>learn a couple months later the sekret discord faildoxxed some guy on twitter who they thought was me
gnu compiler for java? did ya forget your meds son
it’s autism. i also live online and have never given pronouns a second of thought. these neurodivergent fucks view their existence like we view character skins, something they need to endlessly tweak and change to show off and get attention. and 99% of it has to do whatever their fetish is. bullying was an integral part of society and this is what you get when it’s outlawed.
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Call them facists for having rules.
Only da ebil facists have rules and they should know better.
If you paid for this game and THEN found out it's packed full of mentally ill trantards then the problem is you. Should have dine your research befirehand because now they get to keep your money AND exclude you.
they can't because whatever is used next in derogatory fashion because the new verboten.
They COULD just defer to "no deriding each other", but that would be to simple.
>'kek' is a hate sign
How brainrotted can you get?
>Only da ebil facists have rules
Who the fuck are you quoting? You don't even know the people you allege are your enemies.
I knew when they inexplicably went after 'retard' that all other playground insults would be on the chopping block next.
They actually just want an excuse to ban Koreans.
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>>join official discord
if you still use discord you are the problem
>retarded game pic
>retarded statement
sasuga retard-kun
>love game

Stop at this step.
kys LGBT faggot shill
>discord is a groomer platform
>4chan isn't, despite the fact that every underage person who comes here turns into a far-right caricature
Yeah, terrible clique community. The funny thing is I've heard lots of people in the Qud community unironically complain about being gatekept in other gaming communities yet they're the biggest gatekeepers around. The developer is extremely far left where it feels actually not genuine.
Wouldn't it be better to ban any negative forms of dialogue instead?
i've yet to see the great flood of ancaps that 4chan allegedly produces. i mean that's far-right, hating jews and wanting socialism is far-left
what a sausage fest
>love game
>Talk about on /v/
>Hate game
I basically don't talk about games I like anymore and if I see a thread for a game I like, I hide it. Ita going to be filled with contrarians and shit posters anyway.
>hating jews ... is far-left
Kill yourself you stupid fucking kike faggot.
Yeah you can be just like the possessed guy that identified as legion in Mark 5:9
Would one be morally justified in refunding a game with this type of community?
>600 they/thems in one location
this should be illegal
nothing good will ever come of this
>uhhh bad thing that we all do? yeah that's actually something LIBERALS do.
>4chan is le fascist grooming platform
>Even doe every notorious person from here ends up a tranny commy faglord
i'm sorry you got emotionally attached to a label that doesnt apply to you in any way, not socially nor economically
libruls arent far-left
It was a genuinely interesting game that keeps getting worse with each update
>the thing i wish was real isn't actually real (people getting hilariously mad about people using the wrong pronouns on accident)
>i guess i'll just have to do it myself!
He called out the cringe parts of it in his review, don't be a moron.
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Uhhh, based?
Obsessed with trannies I see.
>be black
>join this sort of discord server where they ban people for being racist
>they make racist jokes all the time
>tell me what I should be offended by even though they're all white middle class people

>libruls arent far-left

is this the part where you say something stupid like "leftists are so crazy that being normal is actually just being liberal now"? you don't believe any of this shit, you are inventing it on the fly.
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please go outside and touch grass
>letting tertiary factors like fans and "the community" gatekeep you from enjoying a game
Theres your problem. Disconnect.
I feel like the mental health clinics/autism programs they would normally go to are encouraging it too, which is fucking sad.
pre-emptively banning all references to 4chan in the rules is genuinely a good thing if you want to keep the tards out

you will still get people browsing from 4chan but only the ones with a decent iq
Hang every single mutt.
sorry for guessing correctly
Just leave the server then
okay, i will start using 'retard' instead :)
"Trans" and "Rights".
based fuck tards who greentext outside of 4chan
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you should be sorry for neglecting your meds, yet again
or at least i'd like to assume you're schizophrenic, thats nicer than assuming you're a 60 iq gorilla i suppose
>implying leftists don't always cry about muh facism when they break a law and get vanned for it
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it really seems like he's letting the game's quality suffer just so he can stay popular and relevant with his cult. Honestly, just closing your discord after the game gets popular is one of the smartest things you can do. McPig did that for Pizza Tower and you don't see any fucked up shit coming from THAT game. Discord is just "Bad Actor Central" when it comes to trying to host a community of any size.
The internet is so fucked up
are these memes you've saved because people posted them at you? if you look at what i've said vs what you've said, how could anyone possibly see ME as the schizo of the two? again, you are the one who said hating jews is a far-left thing.
they're literally not the same though
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i don't get why people get upset about this discord
i liked caves of qud, i didn't use its discord because it's not for me
the owner made it as a safe space from the internet toxicity according to him, why do you want to barge in and invade their safe space? let them have it and move on with your life
If you have over 110 IQ its very easy not to use an obvious NSA honeypot program.
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because anons are addicted to being oppressed but it doesn't happen to them naturally, so they have to seek out situations where they get 'oppressed', like joining lgbt-friendly discords just to complain about pronouns or saying "nigger" in game chat just to be banned for racism
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I go to harass the tranny dev daily personally, good content
I did
If only it were as simple as "let them have their safespace, they aren't hurting you!", but unfortunately the Tumblr Porn Ban Exodus taught snowflakes that they need to be aggressive, territorial and thieving in order to maintain their safespace.
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>1 to 4 female to male ratio for a roguelike discord
Yeah like me.
I am an average guy and a young 9year old girl at the same time. The normal me fucks the 9year old girl me daily in my head.
>not mentioning transphobia
umm zirs? what did he mean by this?
who is barging in?
no one is suggesting that. doesn’t mean i can’t make fun of their gay homo shit
Uh... Didn't they say they weren't 'political' ?
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anon, how do you lack so much self-awareness? youre constantly coming up with shit in your head, assigning those things to me and then getting upset over them. this is genuinely a sign of low iq
>you are the one who said hating jews is a far-left thing
thats not what i said, also, do you seriously claim only heckin' redpilled /pol/ chuds hate jews when the current jew hatred is coming from the same crowd who hate white people for the exact same reasons
you could not be more terminally online if you tried
i don't care about tumblr or what others do, i am talking about this particular server
who did they invade? the owner himself made this and attracted those people specifically
One flag wasn't enough?
making fun of them is fair enough, but i've seen people here complain about not being let in or something and I assumed OP is one of them
>libruls arent far-left
let me guess, you're one of the "REAL" liberals right? kek
That's good, they were probably trying to bait you into freaking out just for laughs
>thats not what i said!

either this is you or you are just talking in this man's stead without mentioning you're a different anon.
i’m 100% ok with safe spaces as long as they leave me alone but im tired of them infiltrating and co opting entire scenes. jungle and breakcore artists were the biggest transphobes on the planet for two decades and all of a sudden trans autist redditers think they own the genres for some reason. they’re parasitic
hi kestrel
Oh nooooo I can't get away with saying the n word abhosen!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>jungle and breakcore artists were the biggest transphobes on the planet for two decades and all of a sudden trans autist redditers think they own the genres for some reason.

this is the dumbest tidbit of information i've read all day
just how bad is your reading comprehension?
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Nigga got banned on discord and came crying here. lmaoing@ur life
two different people came to the same conclusion as i did with your post, at what point is it your fault for communicating poorly?
Huuh calling me a problem is disrespectful towards myself
It reminds me of my abusive father
Please, do better.
more like caves of chud
>hating X and Z makes you Y
>wow so youre saying hating X makes you Y!
anon...do you have diagnosed mental retardation :D
I don't get why mouth breathers reply to these sorts of posts with any actual sincerity on their site.
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Hold the fuck up is that the pedo flag in there?
>just ignore it why would you even notice the guys who made the game are kikes?!?!?!
Based King.
>screenshots from today
stupid fuck
Made me look
Maybe not as far as communists but close.
how is it dumb?
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>MAP flag
why am I not even a little surprised?
uhh... which one specifically? cus technically, they're all pedo flags.
which one is the map flag? also i thought the map flag was made by trolls
>>join official discord
Only reason to do that is if you're an underage retard or a groomer going after the former.
ok groomer
trick question, they're all pedo flags
>shawne benson
what kind of fucking name is that?
it's a tranny, isn't it?
Discord is peak "toaster fucker" metaphor
#8, the one with the pink and blue gradients
you need to be 18 to post here anon
>banned within a day
You're speedrunning this shit?
They'd never, because it could theoretically lead to a situation where they'll go a long time without having anyone to ban. This kills the mod.
you pay porn artists directly through bank transfers you fucking retard?
If there’s any trannies in this thread can you explain why you’re all so fucking gross looking? It’s obviously to literally everyone you’re hideous and don’t look like a woman at all, do you guys realize this or is it like a collective delusion? Do you ever get tired of it one day when you wake up? I just can’t imagine looking how game dev trannies do, so maybe you can help me understand better.
Leftists hate those words because they describe them so well
>he doesn't have venmo

what awkward excuse do you use when friends/coworkers say they will pay you back?
...what? the reason people use paypal is because you dont have to trust the service provider that their shit is secure
what a goddamn moron you are, you must be like 18 yourself
2020 was a crazy time, but I agree. There's better alternatives to PayPal. I've only heard of awful experiences from people. It's okay until something goes wrong and then it really goes wrong.
>join trooncord
Yeah I found your problem, retard
>German makes a dull joke in the year 2023
what a world
>every underage person who comes here
Every day I thank the lord I was a little gay rule-follower. I can't imagine how much worse off I would have been if I started posting at 11 or some shit. Stay off the boards until you're 18, kids, this place's no good for you.
I was using paypal before you were born retarded zoomer.
Pathetic flip the script of the recent meltdown progs had for that new chibi zelda game. You need more therapy.
total war warhammer 3
What a weird asinine thing to say, it's not like you have to pretend things don't exist in order for them to simply not be a factor in the story.
please dont use greentext as that is a 4chanism appeal your ban at https://www.meatspin.com/
im in their discord

people are aware of this thread and are currently raiding it lmao
>Discord announcement
>a bunch of fag tranny flags reactions
why the fuck does this always happen, and it always gets like 2/3rd of total reactions too
I only use it to fap together with anons and cute Femboys
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Would you buy it?
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Use a credit card like any normal adult lmao. Literally the only people who don't are always underaged
>you pay porn artists
who the fuck pays porn artists? actual discord groomer behaviour, neck yourself tranny. kek
>maybe the problem is you :)
This. So much this.
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>no pepe speak or pepe spam
based as fuck

only tourists ever liked this
Post a screenshot, not because I don’t believe you but because I want it for future use
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every time an ultrakill update is released the (primarily troon) community bitches and moans because the new weaponry is strong in a single non-mandatory side mode.
lmao of course they are.
someone start posting lolis, that usually scares those kinds of people away and i dont have anything meaningful saved.
also nigger
...what? the reason people use paypal is because you dont have to trust the service provider that their shit is secure
what a goddamn moron you are, you must be like 18 yourself
using fedcord is fine as long as you're not in public servers. That's where the groomer shit goes down
>*gluck gluck gluck*
>ooohhh yesss jewish daddy... i love me the debt you putting me in with this credit card...
>*gluck gluck slurp gluck*
Let them know that I will never spend my money on their game and I will actively encourage the piracy of it whenever possible
What the fuck is "plurarlkit"
We do not care. We do not need it.
>not keeping the userbase on their toes so can slam them at anytime for that dopamine rush
Ngmi. Power abuse on a hostage userbase is the only reason why someone would do this kind of job for free.
first they came for retard
then they came for idiot
now they are coming for dumb
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This fucking faggot voice acted for ULTRAKILL as a Christian robot, by the way.
>people use paypal is because you dont have to trust the service provider
paypal is no more secure than a CC lmao, if they get your info they can charge back and claim fraud. Still didn't defeat my arguement, udner 18 spotted
umm xir? no ant semitism allowed or I'll have to ban you from the discord!
>letting a discord server ruin your enjoyment of a videogame
you fags deserve your self imposed misery
Are there any games left where the main form of communication is on the game's official forum and talking on Discord is actively discouraged?
Yeah, you in fact do care, otherwise your game would be free, shitbird. I, however, am holding you to that word and will make sure your game recieves the minimal amount of money I possibly can.
The dude that likes to spam the Facebook Twitter memes is probably in it lol
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>paypal is no more secure than a CC lmao, if they get your info they can charge back and claim fraud. Still didn't defeat my arguement, udner 18 spotted
you didnt understand a single thing did you? what do you think happens to the cc info that you enter to valve or any store? why do you think the store remembers your cc details the next time you buy something?
holy fuck man teenagers are the most retarded beings on earth, they know so little yet act like they know everything
fat retarded american has outed itself. great job you disgusting piece of mystery meat.
>thinking goypal is more secure than a credit card
HOLY fucking larp, you have to go back kid
that's d-word

I feel this way about /v/. None of you recommend good games you're just addicted to games that you don't enjoy.
result of a single mother is a destructive nihilist retard, many such cases
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I like vite-ramen, but I've never seen this packaging with all this cringe before.
look guys! he posted another one!
4chan isn’t grooming because everyone here besides mods and some fags are all anonymous.
Also having the opinions of a 2006 moderate democrat isn’t “far-right”
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the case of gianni will always be a shame.
he has MASSIVE vocal range, making him desirable for any project that'll have voice acting since you can have one guy fill multiple roles.
but, as the monkey's pawn goes, due to his social stances he harbors the absolute worst attention. bringing him on board will absolutely fuck any possible community your game could have.
it's collab vtuber ramen from a bunch of english, indie vtubber (whores)
>why do you think the store remembers your cc details the next time you buy something?
again, literally can claim fraud, you STILL haven't defeated my arguement, and are just seething posting "muh teens" cope now. Literally, without a shadow of a doubt, with no other possible outcome, you are under 18/unemployed and are larping
how does anonymity protect against grooming?
If devs link to the discord from their website, they approve of it.
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I can't even join discord channels because some fuck registered my phone number and theres no way to unlink it
>gays calling others gay
How is that your worst insult?
the lgbtq are closeted paedophiles, bet the discord mods share cp behind hidden channels on the regular
I think you would be happier if you stopped looking at twitter for things to get mad at
im not talking about chargeback or fraud, im talking about you spreading your personal info across multiple platforms when you could significantly reduce the attack surface against your finances by using a single, centralised point...you are a literal child, or have the cyber security understanding of a child
>look guys I'm reperforming gay acts to own him
uh anon? this isn't the own against me you think it is rofl
enough with your kvetching
that specific discord had a dev get outed as a child molestor who had a criminal record of diddling 3 different kids and also had a fuck ton of traffic related violations
>im gonna get a vasectomy cause i was raised in a bad household
ok why dont you just make sure your kids have a good household? also
>it changes NOTHING else except [CHANGING EVERYTHING]
Good morning baby sir I am Mr. Groomer sir baby please show punjab bob bitch lasagna
The devs fucked over SSeth a lot because he promoted the game
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>goalposted to personal info now
>he thinks paypal doesn't have this info as well
let me guess, you think your location is masked too ebcause you use nordVPN? kek

run along little larper, the men have some trannies to harass :)
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what game?
It's just annoying if you want to go to a place filled with people of like-minded interests, and you have to deal with the fantasies of perpetually self-hating constantly-victimized individuals.
It's tiresome, constantly walking on eggshells with these people. They have no agency, no self-reliance, a persistent thirst for validation. They're delusional narcissists who imagine their constant oppression.
Ted Kaczynski was right; leftists perpetually feel like losers, and need society to cave to their demands rather than adapting to the demands of society.
I've simply given up any hope of interacting with any non-anonymous online community.
they sound soft and cute
More like Caves of Chud
I hired him for a project and now I fear when it comes out, it will attract the handicapped trannies from his community to it and they might stick around... but hopefully not, I know at least of how I could immediately turn them away, but by doing so, I might as well just risk him blocking me then for being "problematic".
But then again, I don't think that would even be that huge of an issues, considering the fact I might not actually be willing to hire him again in the future specifically due to all the shit I've seen of others post on here that he rambled about on Twitter like a schizophrenic over.
Why yes, there are still some humans on /v/ that aren't trannies. No need to pretend when the alternative is being a fucking tranny and ACKing.
meh, he got a reasonable popularity boost from the groomers seething over him online, that's a win in my book
Basically the same reason 90% of moderators in the average discord server are trannies: normal people don't care. People who are not miserable and severely mentally ill don't feel the need to attentionwhore by posting a reaction to every message in the announcements channel, hell, most normal people don't really use "reactions" at all. Trannies are extremely overrepresented in the amount of people who do, because they need to feel like they're participating and "fitting in" at all times, otherwise they'll blow their brains out with a shotgun.
Uh, did you just badspeak at me? The word hateful is extremely negative and offensive. Calling the thought police immediately. Do better next time, sweaty.
i joined discord like 8 years ago, realized it was an app for failed normies and AGP twitter cumbrains, and just uninstalled it
stop posting facebook memes tranny
same. Me and my friends swapped from skype to it but after we went other ways I just dropped it
how are you going to cry about other people playing victim when you've written this cringey ass post about a semi public space asking you to not use slurs
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that was my point the entire time which you would know if you werent so fucking arrogant yet so fucking dumb at the same time
>>he thinks paypal doesn't have this info as well
first off its not about companies knowing your personal info, its about blackhat hackers not gaining access to your personal info. secondly, spreading your personal info across multiple, often less secure platforms than paypal, exponentially increases your risk of getting your credentials stolen. that doesnt mean its gonna happen, exponential growth in small cancer risk is still small, but its an unnecessary risk
im not going to reply to you any further, its clear that you are having a temper tantrum because you didnt know why people use paypal (or other payment providers) instead of spreading their cc info and just waiting for the database to be hacked
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what the fuck did I just read
What the fuck is grummz?
>still larping
not reading a SINGLE sentence of that word salad. Keep larping troon, and post more facebook memes plz :)
Can someone tell me why they always single out fascism and Nazi stuff but never commie stuff?
Xisters, we're making the chuddies so mad!
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>play tranny furry game
>surprised the "community" is full of furry trannies
a libertarian, Voice Actor cuckold from Canada complaining about Roe V Wade getting overturned in America and talking about how men should just get themselves snipped cause abortion is not enough anymore
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>life isn't Star Trek so give up and die out
can someone post that one caves of qud dev's criminal record? The one where he molested multiple kids and had like 30 traffic tickets
Discord is shit regardless of politics, tired of seeing this crap platform spammed everywhere.
>It's tiresome, constantly walking on eggshells with these people.
This sums up the modern left quite well, they don't seem to enjoy anything, any topic is just a chance to watch what the other person is saying and trying to find something to be offended by
i don't laugh at you because you decided to join a community of furries, i'm laughing at you because you decided to play a furry game.
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>Xisters, we're making the chuddies so mad!
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>got called out
>seeths for an entire paragpraph
>I'm outa here guys! Not replying anymore!
KEK, I haven't witnessed a meltdown this good in a bit, thank for the laugh anon
>they don't seem to enjoy anything, any topic is just a chance to watch what the other person is saying and trying to find something to be offended by
it's amazing you guys can post stuff like this without being embarrassed. what the fuck do you think this thread is, if not exactly what you just described?
Why the fuck is this retarded immediately assuming that everyone criticizing him for spouting out retarded shit is underaged and misogynistic?
>join official Discord
Why would you do this?
Holy faggot shit can you guys stop arguing about PayPal and credit cards?
yeah but you tolerate it because they give you money
>clearly shows egg and meat in the bowl
what's wrong with coffee
holy shit, the facebook psoter is about to 41%!
We're trying to find something to be condescending about, not offended about. Totally a huge difference.
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still playing CoC though.
They may harbour hate in their heart against me but I just like the game.
Then he's not a libertarian, seems like the typical lefty cuck
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>make game about space GDR
>exclude alcohol
well, he personally describes himself as a libertarian at least. but yeah, i guess he's just gone completely off the deep end there.
>My mom was a retarded slut who constantly dated abusive men, and never learned her lesson.
>Why didn't the government help her?
>Sterilize yourself. NOW!
and a 99 to 1 "female" to female ratio
Pointing out pozzed developers is as good journalism as Kotaku and IGN.
>this is your brain on elon juice
shit nigga, wish i was this retarded and confident all the time too
okay, but why is the PluraKit bot talking?
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This is him and his "wife" now IRL, by the way.
If you want the state to control what is done to people's bodies, that's not very libertarian
>Also having the opinions of a 2006 moderate democrat isn’t “far-right”
Ah, yes, everyone knows democrats in 2006 wanted to gas jews and send blacks back to africa and establish an ethnostate.
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Merican website 3rdie.
holy fuck here I thought the Elon spergs were just religated to fucking /pol/ lmao. Do a flip faggot
I remember how Obama in 2006 said that we should have drag queens teaching kids how to do anal sex and become women and also why capitalism needs to be abolished.
>no u
Yes tranny, we can see you
kill yourself fag
people here aren't concerned with accidental pregnancies because for that to happen they'd need to have sex
>everyone who participates in wrongthink is a tranny
no wonder you think they're everywhere
I wish retards like you would point out your issues so I didn't have to guess.
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Early access games should be limited to 2 years with one 2-year extension if Valve can determine that the game is actually making progress, or else selling the game should end until it is finalized and released. These eternal betas are getting fucking awful. At least 7 Days to Die is finally getting a 1.0 deadline and it only took them 11 years!
you have to be 18 to come here, unlike discord
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>like animators work
>decide to open up his twitter page
>instead of seeing something like him just reposting shit he likes maybe and maybe making the every now and then update on his next project, i'm instead drowned in a flood of politically charged shit and other types of bullshit propaganda
>with the author constantly getting in spats and arguments with random retards and then looking like a fucking idiot himself in all he says
Just how fucking hard is it to not engage with social media at all unless it's for the purpose of announcing your next project or whatever or the progress you've done far and that's it?
Yeah, /v/ does that all the time when it makes threads assuming everyone cares about trannies or woke shit.
>is there a fix for this
>yeah, join the discord
>nah, just give me the link, you've got it
>join the discord ;)
>uninstall game
Ain't fucking with discord, you shouldn't either.
Its not the supreme courts job to override state rights. You didn't say abortion, you said Roe v Wade.

No libertarian supports Roe v Wade
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ignoring all the nonsensical schizo lying, most identity theft isn't from "blackhat hackers", this is some 14 year old made up fact. Most of it is stolen from family members, then by store employees usually using card skimmers

stop trying to look smart and fuck off
why is that downie striking a "muscle" pose?
xhe has no muscle mass to flex, it's all just fat there.
Libertarians are completely inconsistent and pointless. No libertarian actually believes in full liberty. They all agree on some government intervention, usually on morality.
For me, it's
>join discord for fix
>this channel doesn't allow users without a verified phone number
>exit discord, uninstall game
The entire concept of grooming, is that an individual(or group of individuals) establish an intimate and trusting relationship with the person they're attempting to groom. You can't do that, when you don't know who you're talking to. Grooming also takes steps of increasing boundary crossing. While 4chan takes no such steps.
my post is neither about identity theft nor what is the most likely way to lose your credentials. your meltdown is a completely embarrassment
>how hard is it to not get mad at stupid twitter bullshit
anon you're on /v/, the board which may as well be named to /twt/, getting mad at stupid twitter bullshit
it wasn't always like this
I fucking hate that faggots like you defend this behavior now because "that's just how it is"
>I'm done
kek, classic
chuds lost the culture war, keep whining about it for the rest of your life tho
>Calling others a coon when you can't even read properly
I'm making fun of you for getting mad at stupid twitter bullshit you fucking retard.
Well yeah it's libertarianism, not anarchism, but there's clear limits on where the state crosses the line. Ron Paul is a good example of what they believe
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i mean, i have to make fun of you after like 5 absolutely seething samefags with similar spelling mistakes. what do you call that if not completely embarrassing?
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>chuds lost the culture war, keep whining about it for the rest of your life tho
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the difference is that we like gaming (well, some of us at least). and it saddens us to see our hobby invaded and hijacked by trannies so that they can push their cancer further.
you, on the other hand, intentionally came here from your discord to get mad at us. you have your own space and we have ours.
OP did not bitch and moan there to try and change the rules, but YOU came here to bitch and moan at us because we are le heckin racist bigot chuds.
>keep whining about it for the rest of your life tho
oh the ironer
What the fuck is this nonsense? None of what you said is even remotely true...
kek I love how much of a pussy yong is. like he is incapable of not acting like a pussy for even a single second
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nice to see Dwight on the right there getting /fit/
good for him
beat me to it
>god dude just join the discord, grab what you want, and leave it's not a big deal
and then i get hit with that shit
you talk like a fucking fag
please don't use "we" so much I hate that you think we have anything in common
2016 is over, go back to where you belong
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>have to make fun of you after like 5 absolutely seething samefags
>everyone who disagrees with me is samefagging!
so nice to see two handicapped people found love in this cruel world :)
>everyone who makes fun of me is a discord tranny
you deserve the misery you've made for yourself
File deleted.
>im not a discord raider! i swear! i swear!
lol >>681313434
concession accepted kiddo, on the bright side next time you know not to embarrass yourself with the same topic. as an aside the claim of "only underages use 3rd party payment services" just screams projection, i know youre a big boy with your own cc now but there is actually a reason most people dont enter their cc info to every site they want to buy stuff from
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>was gunna reply to >>681315915
>"oh wait this guy's a retard, better make fun of him"
>forgot the file
it wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't talk about the "muh blackhat" hackers lol holy fuck, peak cringe

that's some 2012 youtube type language
when you kill yourself your deadname will be on your tombstone
why did you post this image
I understand that you wouldn't like the idea that your peers would make fun of you, unfortunately for you so you're retarded that that is 100% what is happening right now.
>All three of the animals are still being co-parented by us both
Holy fucking cringe. Modern white people cuck their own species for tranimals, it's unreal.
Lower than F tier voice actor grifting his way into big name companies. Sub over Dub gang. Also if they're a youtuber it automatically means they're garbage at voice acting.

Same goes for that human pig looking fuck prozd
>our hobby
Wrong way to look at things.
If a bunch of troons can just waltz right in and completely dominate the indie market and some other gaming related fields then it was never yours.

Leftists saw a space they didn't like how it looked, walked in and changed it. They compained about muh racism and muh soggy knee 10 years ago and now we have token niggers and troons all over the place.

But what are you guys doing? Seeting on 4chan again instead of walking in and changing things. Watch another rage bait video and upvote it? Join a super counter culture steam group like sweet baby inc detected?
The little pushback that's recently happening is pathetic compared to the large scale invasion the leftoids pulled off.
>im not going to reply to you any further
Rofl >>681316156 >>681316392 rent free
I just looked up "PluralKit" because I had never heard of it before the image in OP and it's an entire ass discord bot system for people who are "plural" or have multiple personalities lmao
see >>681316913
(doesnt change the fact that you will be a statistic when the tranny cult's influence fails you)
you can always go back
Sseth got banned from all their media and they have openly been seething about him promoting their game.
What the fuck is with this obsessions to replace real children with "furbaby" pets?
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are you going to actually defend yourself or are you going to continue to try to gatekeep poorly?
he's still going bros!
I am certain they won't bother with English dubs again so it will be even sadder when he's still holding on to this in like 5 years
>the character with mental health issues borne out of being raped by her father became a fatty to cope
I'm ok with this, being fat isn't stunning and brave, or healthy
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I hope he is. he's based and funny.
To fill he void of the parental affinity of whites to distract them from reproducing. Every leftist agenda serves to destroy white people. Every single one.
>implying it was just some "walked in and changed thing" instead of machinations behind the scenes at the topmost level
>leaving out reams of context
lol faget
they aren't twitter leftist they/thems they're corporate globalhomo stooges who only promote that shit to demoralize the population. they infiltrated from the top, which is why it happened to quickly and seemlessly
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Get with the times, old man.
caves is excellent and receives updates. adom is dead and needs patching.
>>join official discord
But why?
Why are roguelikes in particular so tranny? Is it the autism?
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>machinations behind the scenes at the topmost level
AHAHAAHAA he actually believes that
>>love game

>>join official discord


Ask yourself why. There's absolutely NO REASON to do that.
>Leftists saw a space they didn't like how it looked, walked in and changed it
because leftists are normalfags, do remember that this all started when the normalfag surge happened.
they more or less zerged the hobby as a whole and there was nothing that could be done.
claus schwab and the jews are at fault that the coq devs are leftoid troons!
>QoC discord is comfy
>youtuber with le 4ching humor makes video on it
>people think the whole QoC community is le epic 4chinz
>have to make shitty rules lists now because the flood of nuchanners don't understand the concept of lurk before posting
I mean, what can I say, the community was pretty comfy and on toppic before the flood from seth, but nobody knows how to behave when joining a new community, so 12 year olds kinda ruined it and now its all about rulefagging thanks to faggots like OP.
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to find things to get mad at to cry about on /v/, of course. remember this is different than looking for things to get mad at to cry about on retardera. why? don't worry about it.
not that anon, but holy fuck i only it realized now. how long ago did they revert back?
>quoting troon kazcynski for your online schizo spiel
no underages allowed
also if it bothers you so much start your own community, a discord server is free
>its your fault we have to censor and control you
Are all trannies psychos?
>that was my point the entire time
It really wasn't though desu. You just decided to pivot to that when you got called out for your retarded BS about paypal being way "safer" and then went on a rant about everyone being underaged or some shit >>681313682
Most creative types hate chuds. Idk what else to tell you
you go out of your way to get mad, we go about our own business and get slapped in the face by your retardation.
Or maybe he wants to talk about video games you deluded faggot
buy only non EA games, problem fixed retard
Fear and Hunger 2

Though i agree with not using discord and engaging with the ""'community''''''
>concession accepted
you didn't disprove him tho, read >>681317736
well he isn't doing a very good job of that going by the contents of the OP and thread, is he?
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Sad how accurate this image is. If gender dysphoria is a real thing you have, wouldn't it be better to try and deal with it as best you can instead of doing all that?
>is it my fault for being a loser neet who never learned any skills despite the dozens of indie devs who came from literally 4chan?
>nah, must be the jewz
>gets proved no samefagging
>heh, looks like I won!
actual elon brainrot lmao, get bent tranny. Keep "not replying" tho, you sure got me! LMFAO
>ResetEra troons
>In my /v/
Leave and take yo shitty roguelike with you
>we go about our own business and get slapped in the face by your retardation
people here will look for multiple years old tweets, take screencaps and post it here. Your statement could only be true if "going about our own business" is looking for things to get mad at to cry about on here
>we like gaming
>troonposting instead of talking about the fucking game
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join your sisters and blow your ugly head off tranny
Yes, he's pointing out why he can't on discord

Why do you get so angry when he points out discord troons are ruining vidya discussion?
both are though
you dont fight ad hominems with more ad hominems
everything this board does on the daily they learned from obsessing over retardera troons, outrage addicts here are just the other side of the terminally online culture warrior coin
>Why do you get so angry
By that logic everyone ITT who asks a question is angry.
Are you angry?
Am I for asking this?
Just assuming everyone is angry doesn't seem very good faith to me.
what the fuck does this mean?
>i cant talk about this game I like without slurs
youre a giganigger.
>if you NOTICE us ruining games then you dont want to talk about games lol
This is why people laugh when you join the 41%
nowhere in the OP is there any rule against discussing the game in the server anon
most creative types are chuds
not trannies trooning out
that's a man
but I've never bought an Early Access game, only pirated or accept them as gifts. The amount of incompetency that Early Access has given the world should have been a bigger wakeup call than Kickstarter ever was.
Yes (no)
caves of qud is one of the three actual roguelikes to come out in the past ten years you troon. if having more games from my favorite genre counts as ruining gaming idk what fixing games is like
Wew lad, looking up that last rule was a rabbit hole that I greatly regret going down.
>no u
I didnt say that though, and you're still seething that OP is pointing out what it's like talking about games on discord. Are you a tranny?
There's no samefagging, everyone is just dunking on your retarded ass lmfao
CoQ is a good game. Nothing the devs say on discord or anyone says on 4chan will change that.
But I also don't care about a dev's politics if they don't dominate the game and aside form that one cringe bear OC it's just a grognard tier roguelike.
which is which
i cant tell
is that why you lads spend all your days crying about every single piece of modern media
name 10 right now.
But you don't want people playing it or talking about it?
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dodged a bullet here bros. refunded it because I found the use of language irritating. Didn't know about the rest.
>Wahhh no new roguelikes
Genre peaked long time ago
"Egg cracking" is code finding young people with insecurities and nerdy hobbies and convincing them that they're trans.
I have 500 hours in qud. it might be my favorite rl. If Donald Trump asked me to personally through the devs and every discord member into an active volcano i’d do it. I hate lgbt and trannies but separating the art from the artist is integral in modern society.
TRVKE trannies are internet bottomfeeders who steal and repurpose old chud memes
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>your meltdown is a completely embarrassment
>your meltdown
>posts this >>681315003
People's values and actions are more important than your babby video gaymes, I'm not funding mentally ill degenerate troons, cope and dilate more.
show me the rule that says you cant talk about the game
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no, thats leftists
I literally am only part of one Discord channel, and it's with the real life friends that I play vidya with.
guessing this without looking it up: bot that autocorrects you if you use the bad pronoun on reply to a faggot with it enabled
High IQ post
you're just a right wing retardera poster
>Using shitcord
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blow your ugly head off tranny
"chuds" (hateful slur) don't wear it on their sleeve. they make everything, if not the most popular games of all time
This. leftists don't create anything
>moving the goalposts
Read the opening post tranny
I'm not that anon.
But I have more questions!
>>no u
I wasn't accusing you of being mad. I was asking you beacuse you were abritraiily assigning anger to someone who just asked a question.
>OP is pointing out
Mabye OP is angry about that. How can you tell that OP isn't mad?
>Are you a tranny?
No. Why would you ask this.
I don't think you're acting in good faith at all.

How could this exchange net anything if you just randomly dictate what someone else is ""actually" saying?
Like why even talk to anyone when you just make up what they're saying anyway?
Btw. my reply here has nothing to do with politics and I'm not angry or transsexual and I can assure you many more wierd things you want to attribute to me are also false.

((Don't reply, I'm just killing time here working from home, I know you're gay))
I was on your side till you 180'd and posted this pile of bullshit anon. For shame.
i dont see any rule in that post that says you cant talk about the game, anon
moving the goalposts is when you ask for someone to provide evidence of their claims now eh? nta but I did read the OP, nowhere does it say you're not allowed to talk about the game.
>right wing
Do trannies really?
post your reddit account, lets see what you browse
>Twitter users "fixing" anything
I don't dislike the guy, but lol. lmao even. Everyone knows all they'll do is virtue signal and maybe throw some money at a charity. But they'll never go out of their way to help anyone in their community.
No one said that Doreen, read the opening post
I don't use that shit, you retarded subhuman
It is absolutely the autism. Proper roguelikes are an incredibly autistic genre, and there's like a 70% chance that a very autistic gamedev will troon out.
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>try to partake in any non-4chin community
>the most retarded mouth breathers imaginable are always the ones running the show
>current year as well so there's more and more landmines being put in Teh Rules that result in you getting banned
As much as I hate it here, this is the only place that doesn't result in me getting smited with a perma for liking "problematic" vidya developers.
oh I'm sorry was that idea a bit too advanced for you to wrap your head around? allow me to elaborate, you engage in the same behaviors as they do, except you do it here.

you first, though I'd hate to bring up bad memories of you getting booted from the donald and coming here as a refugee.
No. It's a bot that lets you reply as different people for "plurals" (schizophrenics or people larping at them). But the way discord works it tags every alt as BOT. Which an unaware user would question that a bot is talking to them.
I also came across the somewhat amusing slur for normal people by these lunatic/lunatic pretenders "singlets"
Ermmm, maybe you shouldn't have been transphobic? Don't you know PM is for valid trans girls. Ego is transitioning and distortion is being an egg.
>no one said that
>>But you don't want people playing it or talking about it?
trying to gaslight on a text based forum always makes me laugh because all you have to do is scroll up
ive never had a reddit account. stop projecting please
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(original poster) i dont think ive ever had a singular poster get this assblasted before in all my years, endless samefagging, one feeble attempt to discredit and then back to samefagging. im just in awe at you lad, 4chan must really be your life. how the fuck you got *this* mad over someone pointing out why people use 3rd party payment processors ill never know. it sure is a spectacle though and ill have this thread archived so ill never forget it
>you're just as bad as us trannies
>even though you believe in free speech
Nice try tranny, but you will never be a woman
please kill yourself
you too
>noooo I can't say nigger outside 4chan!
lmao at the triggered /pol/tards replying
The new meta is hating anyone that likes PM since a Feminist quit during their summer event last year
Genuine question to all discord raiders ITT, are you enjoying the fact that you need to use a platform that regularly harvests ALL of your data for malicious purposes so you can chat with mentally ill individuals that will cancel you for a single bad word, generating the most obnoxious echo chamber possible while inserting their politics into the game? (Besides the tumble OC, the devs didn't want you to play cyborg templars because they are "le evil")

4chan is fucking ass nowadays, but you can freely call anyone here a faggot and hold discussions without walking on eggshells. That's far more valuable.
>responding to your own post
they arent sending their best
the word "chud" implies its some schizo retard who doesnt have self control goes on public rants about troons or blacks. if they have ""chud"" beliefs but keep it to themselves and only act on it by voting/other forms of passive protest then they're just a conservative
Then why bother making strawmen when you can read the opening post?
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not only did that anon not even read your BS >>681315103 <--

but you schizo'd out and started claiming samefagging just cuz you're getting dog piled >>681316392 <--

never have I seen such an large ego cope so desperatly, after getting BTFO'd this badly in a random tranny thread... wow
it's hilarious that people think being told they can't say nigger or tranny means that they cannot discuss anything with those rules in place. whatever happened to the idea of not acting like a 4channer outside of 4chan?
I thought twitter loved PM because they used their media literacy and concluded it has gay and communist themes
all of your dead tranny friends killed themselves like cowards
dialeight meight
This dude used to be the kind of person to have a level head and even make fun of stupid shit like this thread but then he met some OF whore and how he might as well not even have a dick anymore. It's a real shame.
did someone post this thread to their own discord? There's some unhinged shit in this thread that's not baseline /v/ being retarded or trolling.
>Misandrist and Heterophobic speech is allowed
Fuck these people. Why are they so hatefilled?
That's stupid, dumb and, dare I say, idiotic
strawmen are when you directly reply to someone making a claim and making fun of that claim while also pointing out how factually wrong that claim is now I guess.
It's been a rough week for them, first Biden lost the debate, then JK Rowling is back at it on twitter and every tranny is a day closer to joining the 41%
That's what I am talking about. There's a falseflag operation going on, and jannies can do jackshit about it.
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Zoomer can't believe that people would actively avoid a den of trannies
Yes some troon unironically had a melty in the thread and everyone is laughing at his pathetic worthless life. I hope he actually unironically commits suicide so he can feel joy for once in his miserable existence.
I hope so, it's only fair that a group of outsiders comes here to ruin your discussions after you did so to the original people here for years at a time.
here's a free (you)

>invasion by a foreign power
>bombs going off in his city
>please donate to relief funds or to help repel the invaders

wow i can't believe he got so political out of nowhere for no reason at all.

up next: man gets political by mentioning a natural disaster happened. If only he was good by existing in a perfect vacuum where nothing ever happens and nobody is ever in danger.
Damn how will we get the piss out of this piss ocean

Referring to someone else as a problem is problematic in of itself as it suggests that that person(s) is not valid, and this only perpetuates the cycle of bigots suppressing marginalized people.

Do better.
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Hope your suicide is soon, valueless discord troon.
jesus fuck that sounds even more terrible than i had imagined. this world has gone to shit
tranny butthurt that xhe got gatekept KEK
How is pussy so fucking powerful?
im a leftist! i hate myself, my country and my family! and im proud!
at this point I don't care about removing the piss, I want all the pissers to drown in the ocean of their own making
There's definitely one tranny from that discord, he got way too offended at people reading the rules and keeps samefagging trying to defend them
Tfw white heterosexual married male and just happen to enjoy traditional roguelikes and anytime I enter a modern roguelike discussion place it’s an absolute hive of nigger faggot politics and unhinged freaks. This used to be a genre almost exclusively occupied by normal computer nerds.
why isn't he on the frontlines dying for his jewish lead false state?
you couldn't gatekeep your own shit from your diaper
you will drown in blood when you shoot your head with a shotgun and miss your brain tranny
Troons reproduce by preying on weak, vulnerable men, manipulating them into a state of gender confusion and then push them towards taking hormones and getting their dick gouged out.
They call their prey 'eggs' and the act of selecting prey, mindbreaking the prey and pushing the prey to become one of them 'cracking an egg'.

It's every bit as disgusting as it sounds and is deserving of death.
When some men literally can't get any, they make the mistake of putting all their dignity on the line for the first one they find.
Ruin? How? Nobody on 4chins invades Discords because they have better things to do. Are you delusional or retarded?
>normal computer nerds.
All those nerds became trans eventually
>using 4chin
you can just say youre a white heterosexual old male, anon. its okay
i'm honestly burned out on this weird fake "ummm sweetie" joke
it's been almost a decade now of you guys pretending to be trans and saying gay shit like sisters and i'm starting to assume it's not ironic anymore
>a-actually i'm mocking you CIS chuds
>i'm not angry you posted our discord rules and tell us to dilate

You will never be a woman
>control f "tranny"
>32 results
/v/ has such a way with words.
your newfag is showing
>invasion is when you take back land you already own that's been squat on by inbred pigs with no identity of their own for a couple decades
to be fair it was pretty amusing, now he's gone back into "not replying mode" after being outed as a retard. c'est la vie
>jannies can do jackshit about it.
the jannies are IN ON IT, why do you think so many trannies seething and spamming are beinglet on the loose?
are you the type to post about donnie and you eathing shit to own the right?
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The insides of your skull will be just as ugly when they're beaten out of you and forced to the outside of your skull
do you cry if someone says faggot?
in english asshole
I can't think of a worse slur than that. Can you?
Everyone in the world is getting sick of trannies at this point, even the pride shit this year is half assed as the public is just getting annoyed now
Considering how many discord troons are raiding this thread they need to be reminded they’re mutilated AGP freaks who will never ever pass for a woman.
>normal computer nerds
normal is going to bars and playing golf, those places aren't experiencing the tranny problem
Okay, this thread is run by a discord bot.
>4chan in any shape or form organizing raids in 2024
Relax, newfaggy, you don't need to try to fit in so hard.
join your xisters and shoot your head off tranny
you have to go back
we used to make fun of you internet tough guys. but I guess that was before your time, eh kiddo?
Only 32?
This is pathetic, you're truly incapable of formulating real responses. Humans aren't supposed to act like ChatGPT.
99% of those she/hers are still he/hims irl though
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>he thinks I'm talking about organizing raids and now how the userbase was displaced by outrage faggots
not only are you new, you are incredibly stupid. a deadly combo, for sure.
>over 500 posts
>literal tranny pushing censorship and seething that his discord got posted
In context that's not a lot
i dont ever meet trannies in real life, where I live I've seen ONE tranny in about a decade and yet when i come here every single day
it's Twitter, Reddit, Discord, tranny seething, social media snips about tranny seething, lame ass jokes calling each other sister, and coomslop

whatever effect gamergate had was completely overshadowed by how lame and repetitive /v/ has become
You weren't even alive back when ITGs were a thing you fucking troon. Grooming children is far worse than murdering (You)
its a discord thread anon. also
tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny. YWNBAW. leave our hobbies alone.
paypal tranny is that you?
the only pathetic thing here is that you lot think you should be able to act like you're on 4chan everywhere else.
Computer nerds haven't been normal since they started identifying with anime girls
trans kids committing suicide and getting turned into pepperoni in a basement somewhere
>going outside
No shit they don't touch grass, they spend their time modding discords and subreddits to groom kids.
>no u
truly we're dealing with an intellectual titan here. got any more insults of mine you want to repeat, or will you go in the bold direction of repeating someone else's insults?
>I summon thee HRT Gods!
holy BVSED
If this thread isn't proof /v/ is just twitter and redditfaggots who come to this website to shitpost because they're too scared to say tranny and nigger on their favorite websites, i don't know what is. also you will never be an oldfag.
I really don't give a shit about trannies
keep it up
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jesus, the transphobia in this thread is vile. i may need to lie down. go fuck yourselves
You are a tranny, and since you're trying to censor every website people don't have a choice but stand up to you
>jesus, the transphobia in this thread is vile. i may need to lie down. go fuck yourselves
just kill yourself and get it over with sis
if only moot kept /new/ dead, bringing it back as /pol/ was the most disastrous long term decision I think he ever made.
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>pic is very much rel
>trying to censor
I said it was lame and repetitive, if that motivates you to change that's on you.
Do not misrepresent my arguments.
Tranny falseflag.
nah any time a thread on /v/ gets vaguely left-wing economically speaking the jannies delete it. It is simply another echo chamber that doesnt reckognize it because they call each other chads instead of sister or whatever
how does anime attract so much leftist trannies?

I get it, it's made by lonely otakus who project their own autism on characters, but anime also makes fun of trannies, are often sexist, they heavily embrace national identities and conservative values.
cry about it with you last surviving oldtroon sisters lmao
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Symptom of a dying civilisation. Read Spengler. It has happened before and it will happen again.
You will never be a woman
you can't really mock anyone else for having a melty when your post is flanked by this retard >>681321467 >>681321349
>leftist trannies
does this imply there are rightoid trannies?
>but anime also makes fun of trannies
>What is genderbend shit
Didnt this slutman start a crusade against Chugga?

Why are people so retarded to keep giving these people views and attention?
It's over
how are you going to accuse anyone else of crying about anything when you've turned this board into exclusively crying about nonsense
There's one or two with a high enough IQ to be based, but they're usually quiet
Lie down. Rest. You've earned it.
trannies hate anime
lol sis you came here to defend your discord because mean chuds were laughing at you. anyway enjoy being gatekept from here forever kek
Nime website 1stie
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spamming 3 words in caps VS actual emotionally filled egotistical meltdown are 2 different thinds 3bh
if your idea of gatekeeping is writing fanfiction about me you're not very good at gatekeeping
You can't use the words "kek", "stupid", "dumb", "idiot", you have to pretend that whoever you are typing to is actually 5 different people if he so demands else you get banned, it's a fucking obstacle course.
i am schizophrenic
cope seethe and dilate jaded oldtroon. blow your head off and join your sisters
now this may be a foreign concept to you, but you can discuss a videogame without being inflammatory.
>ctrl-f "nigger"
Wow, it's nothing.
Video games?
kys cumgargling faggot
how are you going to say anyone else is seething when your go to reaction is to write a fantasy about the writer of the post you dislike killing themselves
If any and all banter is classified as "inflammatory", no, you cannot.
you can discuss a video game without being a crybaby faggot too
a concept you would be struggling with, it appears
people bought NAI through bank transfers
>no u
kek sis you struggling to keep up?
"Eggs" are sensitive, autistic retards that are one nudge away from trooning out.
Discord trannies love them because they get to gro- crack their eggs without any interference since doing so is now considered "transphobic".
Before this thread dies, I just want to say that the only thing I wish for is to not run into freaks everywhere on the internet
Correct, I will always be a man.
first step would be to get off 4chan
That's all he's done the entire thread, pretty sure he's from the discord
confession denied gramps.
all of your tranny friends died like cowards and you will follow their example
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we won the culture war chuds, the nkvd will kick down your door any day now
>everyone who disagrees with me is an outsider
how's that paranoia diagnosis coming
are you blind?
arrest yourself and go to bed newtoon, take your own advice.
>genderbend is trannies because I say so
gay shit, but not people thinking they can become a woman irl
what if female, but not people thinking they can become a woman irl
more gay, but not people thinking they can become a woman irl
either a fetish or mockery of people thinking they can become a woman irl

he doesn't know
I would if there was a place that properly gatekept
you aren't going to find that here
I'm not even implying this place gatekeeps (it doesn't)
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>this thread
>comparing trannies to rats
why do the rats so dirty, anon?
Futa is pure troon shit
>AIfags still thinking it'll replace artists
>This image
fucking kek

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