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Thoughts on this random rotation?
It's okay I guess
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Hopefully I can sneak into a good room to get a triumvirate badge.
it's not that hard
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here's the full chat logs if you are interested
>fucked up cross board
ignore that
To sneak into a good room or defeat the triumvirate? For me its both.
Defeat. If you really can't beat it, I'll be there to help next weekend.
>10 thousand miles long discord log epic
how about you keep that where you linked to?
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>I don’t think he’s 3100 power good
Bless you brother! I was on a team that almost pulled it off but we ran outta time and joe only had a slither of health.
>If you're going to say they are hackers, then I'm afraid you've fallen for the shitposting
pack it up boys
when is this?
What an utter shitshow lmao, TO is a clown
retro... my bro... don't go on /ink/ right now
next weekend
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>no idea whats going on
>watching /vg/ tear itself apart over dumb shit

Is the /ink/ post Ben Dover pretending to be someone else? I can't imagine anyone licking the feet of that fag this much
retro got teamed with our thread's shitter on the 2 matches he posted, of course he'd lose no one works for 4, he cherrypicked those for a reason.
What a cunt, /ink/ really is full of faggots
I hope you retarded faggots learned your lesson. Stop trying to be friendly with /ink/. Nothing good ever comes from it.
SR tourney when
Discord cliques ruin everything
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I fucking thought fucking triumvirate was a fucking random event that could replace kings fucking anytime, fuck.
>the sample size of two replays isn't enough to really say if brostar is hacking or not
>proceeded to cherrypick two results to try and declare a player as shit
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>that first post by IO
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Based smirker
What's this month's pop culture reference?
That's Octavio's Splatoon 3 helmet
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oh snap, it's true end times once the salmon run rewards are things from the game itself.
it's such a kino series
>all this drama
lmao good fuck you faggots that want to be friendly with /ink/ fuck them
/v/ was right
What now?
salmon run
We fish all weekend. Maybe have a PB?
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can i get a tldr
>Pool players have some concerns about suss /ink/ players
>Pool rep takes them to /ink/ rep
>/ink/ rep handles things very poorly
>pool pulls out of tourney due to faggotry
tournament is cancelled
Who could have seen this coming?
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that's a shame, i enjoyed watching the previous ones
yeah it was fun, it's a shame.
Yeah it was fun watching you retards lose
The Side Order run is happening at GDQ. They chose Marie's palette. Just beat big ball boss
Yeah I don't care
Go back to /ink/ no one here cares
>charger NG+
>runner is playing like shit
i'll pass
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I'll tell you what I told you last night. Shit looks fucking sick and I can't wait to play it. Thank god it wasn't on the boat, though that is most likely inevitable.
Someone name drop me
i won't
John Madden
calm down, ricey & g!!!
you were from inkgen too
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Hosting a SR room on the hour.
Host: SS

Invites will be sent to pool, open to all. Going just for dailies/1 slain King Salmon.
i can help if you don't mind me being at 520
I'll join
Nah that's not a problem, I can handle HLM.
ggs salmon
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GGs SR Crew, extremely smooth fishing.
Until next time.
bro check on your small fry he looks dead
Fuck off /ink/fag
>Splat Zones
>Flounder Heights
This is fucking terrible
Can we stop interacting with /ink/ now? It's obvious that they bring nothing but pointless drama to these threads.
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>they bring nothing but pointless drama to these threads
Yeah, something we've never had before.
before the tournaments with them it was pretty much always chill
we love bigjohn here
I wouldn't go that far. Though I will give the tourney changed people here that led to the drama.
cliqu* killed the pool, sadly
The main person from /ink/ you should avoid is Kold. Genuine underage schizo that samefags alot desperate for attention.
nah I'll avoid ALL of /ink/
It was fun while it lasted
Don’t stop it now
You people disappoint me.
You're all a bunch of faggots
but enough about /ink/
lol you 2 with the goldie statue
Lotsa bitching and shit going on here. Know what would improve things? Playing some goddamn video games. Gonna open a salmon run room at the rotation.
How does someone being gay affect you?
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Fuck yeah, full group. Let's go fuck fish.
Ah, that feels good.
you sound like redddit
At least he talks about the game unlike you.
she is our muse here
This is seriously like night and day, the randos I had last night were dogshit.

And you sound like a faggot, so that balances out.
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Oh come on, that was worth way more than 2 silver. One more for me.
Skill issue
fug meter farming
discordfags get the rope
>fish stick blocks my inkjet shot despite the steelhead's bag not being even remotely covered by it
Fucking geometry.

Glad we're in agreement.
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ive been sniped out the air by flyfish when using inkjet tonight
You tell em sis!
Nice quick kill plus gold scale.
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ggs gold eel killers
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Solid gold, baby. Really solid weapons, though I did feel really vulnerable with the blaster at times. You guys sure get a kick out of handicapping yourselves on high tide, don't you? Got a chuckle out of me, at least. Didn't think much of the making waves emote, but it is rather cute.

Second kill was even faster than the first one, we were rewarded accordingly. Good job.

You fucking madman.
That's a cute woomy
She really is. Almost as cute as veemo.
>carried by her clique
this is canon
You can do it G!!!
I didn't really feel motivated to go for HLM trium since it's only a locker deco and not a badge for a reward. But I have gold on Jammin so maybe I'll give it a shot this time.
3/4 going
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You're allowed to think that, but consider this retort.
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here is mine
lol cringe what are you 12?
g is pinksuit
>got enough silver for a suit

which? Granted I already have Orange Gloop and I don't feel like anything can top it.
gold is the best one
black gloopsuit is also great
get camo
koi is the best
Now I'm wishing I had some sort of splatoon version of the Vergil face.

By default, orange gloopsuit is pretty good so I can see why you're hesitant. Personally I think the black one is alright, but my current favorite is pink gloop because it makes me want to hug veemos even harder.
get blue
>my current favorite is pink gloop because it makes me want to hug veemos even harder.
gay, as expected of a veemo
get the brown gloopsuit only the best use it
If you already have your favorite suit, buy one of the super gaudy ones like gold/silver/iridescent.
Can confirm, I wear it.
How do we know, you're telling the truth?
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Gonna start using a new weapon. Custom Dousers, or S-BLAST '91?
fuck those niggers hiding under ledges
BIG swig express
I'm a sicko who already likes vanilla Big Swig. Run a shit ton of ink efficiency abilities so I can actually use wall and not run out of ink in two swings.
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Plus Custom Jet is already my spam ink storm weapon of choice.
>Custom Dousers
Fuck off /ink/fag
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the side order speedrun was boring as hell. all hacks with charger and the guy played like shit
Did he pick Homing shot? It's shit
I usually take long range, distant damage & quick charge.
Enough to blitz all "destroy the portals" levels in seconds
he was unlucky and took a bunch of homing shots, so you don't get the satisfaction of a nice build.

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