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Zoomers are now nostalgic for Minecraft, kill me.
>time passes
holy shit bros
Better learn to cope with it. Time goes on. One day alfies will be nostalgic for the "good old days" of skibidi toilet.
I'm 33 and I'm nostalgic for pre-hunger minecraft.
Garry's mod > Minecraft
I'm nostalgic for games that I played last year.
>inb4 blahblaghlhbu that's not nostalgia

It is the same feeling attributed to games that I played 20 years ago that I might like to try playing again
I hate Minecraftards who say shit like this

You guys literally can go back to any version of your game and still complain
it does look more soulful without all those extra stone tyopes desu
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It happened to you.
As someone who was apart of the Garry's Mod machinima craze in the late 2000s, I can attest that it is indeed better.
>can't have rocks because woke
I'm in my thirties and I feel nostalgic thinking about playing alpha/beta Minecraft with friends. You're just retarded that's all.
Minecraft was in EA 15 years ago, and fully released 13 years ago.
Please note that Mario 64 to Halo 3 was only 11 years.
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Nostalgia for 2011 Minecraft isn't even that bad. This shit is way worse on Tiktok where the average user age is much lower. I saw a video yesterday with the caption "we didn't know how good we had it back in 2017" over a compilation of Cartoon Network show clips. But yeah, time keeps moving.
thanks I was really curious what shitskin fag kids were posting on Twitter today for their 0 followers
This, imagine if they had to download fanmade patches just to get the music back or get mod support. They expect Mojang to just demake minecraft back to their favorite version when they can just go back
>Cartoon Network
do kids even watch cartoons anymore? I thought they all moved on to anime.
nah man every generation after gen x has gotten objectively worse
he's right
the design "philosophy" that added andesite granite diorite is what killed vidya
>install data pack to cut them from worldgen
>install old version in the launcher
Also this board has been doing this shit for like almost ten years.
The shift to anime didn't really pick up steam until the mid 2010s, so someone who was a kid in 2017 was probably still watching CN.
>itt anons forget that minecraft came out nearly a decade and a half ago
Hey boomers!!!

Did you know that...

Fortnite is now 10 years old???
blahblaghlhbu that's not nostalgia
I first played that shit in 2010, 14 years ago
strange, I dont care about that one at all. guess it must be because I completely ignored fortnite existing for the past decade. its never talked about on /v/ either and this is the only platform I use to talk about gaming
Look at this guy, too grown up for Fortnite! Who's a big boy?
brother minecraft is like 15 years old.
There was a point in your life where you were nostalgic for things only 7 years old.
Oh yeah by a GIGANTIC fucking margin.
But that comes with the Asterisk that Garry fucked it up by several magnitudes worse than minecrap
Seriously, why did they add a bunch of ugly ass stone that has no purpose and only makes the world uglier?
>1990 was 50 years ago
boomer bros...
boomers got nostalgic over minecraft after the adventure update
>you can't be nostalgic about something from over a decade ago
Hey buddy, suicide.
Humiliation ritual
So retard youtubers can make new builds that ONLY look good if you're looking at them from 24 chunks away
it's making fun of those people on twitter who say stupid shit like "can't go to the burger shop and have a cheeseburger and fries anymore because of DEI and wokeness."
I had to use a calculator to be sure. Fuck you, anon.
I'm a millenial and nostalgic for minecraft.
This, adds nothing to the game and takes away any penalty to getting injured.

You couldn't stack food, so you had to be deliberate with how much food you are gonna pack. Cookies were valuable because they were the only food you could stack.
>I had to use a calculator to be sure. Fuck you, anon.
American education everyone...
>Minecraft came out 13 years ago
This. I also had a lot of fun playing 1.20 after not playing it for almost 9 years. Please consider that you are nostalgia for a period of time, and not an artifact of that time. You will resent change far less that way.
Minecraft is fucking old. A significant portion of millennials were still kids when it released. Zoomers have every reason to be feeling nostalgic for something that happened over a decade ago.
remember when minecraft didn't have all that paid DLC
the non-meme version never had those
Hell I'm 42 and nostalgic for Minecraft. I don't blame them. Great game. One of the best ever made and I've played nearly everything at this point.
the minecraft soundtrack is legitimately one of the greatest pieces of music written in the past century. It's like pure nostalgia and bliss and I think that is a huge part in the memories of minecraft
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ive never got this complaint, you can be nostalgic for something without having been a child when you played it, and you can be nostalgic for a game less than 20 years old.

im nostalgic for games i played 5 years ago
It's a sandbox game.
hope we can find some new creative energy.
>anon, you're not nostalgic for classic wow(see: old Minecraft), you're nostalgia for the complex web of circumstances in your younger self's life at a specific point in time that led you to play and form relationships with people on classic wow(see: old Minecraft), and its impossible to bring that feeling back, so you might as well make and enjoy something new in the present to capture a different, but similar feeling
get a fucking grip before you drown, schizo
I remember seeing teasers for it back in 2010/2011. It looked like a more cartoony minecraft since the focus was on the base building and surviving the night stuff.
It makes me wonder what would be of that game and the general state of the indsutry if they didn't went for the battle royale craze back in 2017.
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>ctrl+f "joke"
>0 results
Same age and same longing. Hunger ruined it for me. I also miss being able to play in a browser. That mode was great.Oh and weather worlds. Generating a world that always snowed was extremely cozy.
This post being a joke is irrelevant because many people genuinely are. But more importantly, the discussion is mostly stolen valor retards pretending they liked minecraft beta better (they never played it)
post ur vids and we will judge
>retarded faggot statement but with "cus of woke xD" added at the end to try and play it off as some gotcha moment for people who use that phrase to criticize whatever it is they don't like
I fucking hate these obnoxious cunts so much.
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No way man, we're going to dig for diamonds forever!
Builders will kill themselves if Mojang doesn't extend the color palate with every new update.
I don't get it
I was playing Minecraft in alpha when my kids were still toddlers. It does make me nostolgic.
I'm a millenial and I'm nostalgic for beta.

I'm 31 and that was out when I was like 17.
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>add volcanic rocks to minecraft
>no volcanoes
Fucking Mojang and their half-measures
dev team needs to self justify their paychecks with worthless filler updates
>Millennials are now nostalgic for Halo
>Gen X is now nostalgic for Doom
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>be boomer
>actually like andesite and diritoite
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you know you can just mod the stone out right? or turn it off in the vanilla worldgen settings, if you feel like tinkering with that.
>zoomers nostalgic for something over a decade old
Fail to see the issue.
Boomer lite love me pac man machine and sellout whores like Metallica simple as
Of course they don't know that, these retards don't play minecraft and never did. They watched youtube videos.
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it's sad, if only there were a way to customize your experience in a voxel game...
Why are you on twitter stalking children, pedo?
Blockland was better
Time itself doesn't pass, but things within time. You'll be fine.
>I'm nostalgic for pre-hunger minecraft
Same. I pretty much stopped playing after that update.
it came out 14 years ago
>modern version with way more content
> :(
>old version with way less content
> :O
What's up Hank Schrader
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>younger people are nostalgic for games they grow up with
Oh my science how is this possible
they should only be nostalgic for things i grew up
or even better: play old versions
they are different kinds of kino and barely anyone has learned to appreciate both simultaneously.
36 and same
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i play new versions because of new mods, pretty much.
Same. New, and I use the term loosely here, mechanics feel like bad mods.

I unironically miss Minecraft Alpha
>you're on microsofts paycheck making zero effort filler content for a game for autistic children

man the devs at mojang have it good
>Zoomers are now nostalgic for Minecraft, kill me.
Yall gotta be like 40+ years old saying shit like this. Even Millennials are nostalgic for Minecraft.
Like 12 years old at this point bro.
Ok but why are you in tiktok
I've seen minecraft beta nostalgia threads here for years.
>andesite and granite and diorite
i fucking hate that so much in current MC
it got to a point where its genuinely an eyesore, and it adds even more annoyance to the inventory
When are we getting a new update. I hate the snails pace they move at
i miss the days when all you could do with redstone is make a compass or a trail underground to find your way out
Is Minecraft too complex for yall??
go to /a/ if you want to dump your shitty anime pictures
Anime website retard.
We had a thread the other day where posters on this very board were nostalgic for fucking Yogscast.
Yeah yeah like you don’t play the sims every couple years
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here's a minecraft picture, but, anime website.
The only thing I'm nostalgic for is pre-social media internet when people still said nigger and faggot constantly. I can't stand trying to interact in modern spaces like Twitch channels, you have to walk on eggshells constantly and everyone is miserable because fun is not allowed.
>no volcanic biome
fukken saved
And also getting netherite is a pain in the ass. They fucked that one up. Hell, adding netherite was unnecessary.
Its not limited to virtual lego, most anonts wont mod any fucking game or will ignore mods that adresses their complaints. The posts made here are made to induce rage as thats what gets (you)'s. We have become twitter, shitter of minds
>muhh anime
concession accepted
I'm 40 and have nostalgia for Minecraft's potential more than what it really was at the time.
I think I last played Minecraft in like 2019 and remember seeing those new stones. Can you craft shit with them or do they just exist to clog your inventory more quickly when mining?
I'm pretty sure those new blocks aren't used for anything else aside from house building.
>Anon who REFUSES to grow up
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this right here. Had minecraft in 2010 in beta then boom- hunger bar. The worst update besides random ass andesite or granite or other dumb blocks nobody uses
Get out normalfag.
growing up is a meme anyway. like who tf even cares? being a manchild is great lol
My girlfriend sends me videos all the time and you can't see them without an account.
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And yet somehow Minecraft is just as shit as the day it came out. Seriously, what kind of mouth breathing retard do you have to be to enjoy this """"""""""game?""""""""""
Define "grown up". Hard mode: don't mention having a gf/wife, kids or paying taxes like a good goy.
Shut the fuck up zoomer
Back then everyone shitted on minecraft kids for being """cringe"""
liberals only have one joke and think its hilarious over and over
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Is there a way to run a version of Minecraft that only has features from updates that you desire?
Like, is there a mod that, for instance, retains the latest version number, but removes everything after Beta 1.7.3 except for Enchanting and Brewing?
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I've never played minecraft
Minecraft is 15 years old nigga
Mining stone in a 10x4 horizontal grid for 2-4hrs straight is fun. Die mad. :)
I think Better than Adventure is a fan-take on what Minecraft should've turned into post-1.7.3. Might be the closest thing to what you're looking for.
I saw that before, but then saw it was based on the latest version and lost interest since I was looking for 1.7.3 mods at the time.
I'll give it another look, thanks.
deepslate and tuff are harder to mine than regular stone, it makes it to where strip mining isn't as effective to cheese diamonds like you could before 1.19
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damn i remember before it blew up and it was just some autists on /v/ playing LEGO
then Notch became a billionaire
>Nooo I don't wanna grow up over a normie gaaaame
it's not about the game you mongoloid
I mean, also back when people would use those words in a funny unserious way as a joke too and weren't actually racist or homophobic unlike nowadays where everything on the internet taken at face value because it is.
my bad it's about being a manchild and NEVER losing your true self!!! :( !!
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>moves the goalpost entirely
What a BIG BOY you are! Your female massa, little goblin childreb and bank are PROUD of you!
most retarded person in the thread award
Nobody was racist and homophobic because niggers and faggots were nowhere near the shit we enjoyed, same way nobody knew what a tranny was before like 2010.
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>no enchanting
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>Zoomers are now nostalgic for Minecraft, kill me.
Do it yourself you fucking retard. You clearly know the world would be better off
this but unironically
I'm a boomer and although I'm not nostalgic for Minecraft, I think it evokes a very nice feeling when you build a cozy base in a winter biome. There are definitely worse games zoomers could be nostalgic for.
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>Zoomers will feel nostalgic for early minecraft but not this
Bad taste in nostalgia desu
i played with those thoughever
At least you can put netherite on already enchanted diamond stuff...assuming you can find the smithing template to make netherite gear in the first place.
Your parents did good. I wish more people gave kaplas to their kids instead of tablets and whatnot
It's still unbelievable to me that on top of having to go mining for 4 retardedly rare ore blocks in the nether, combine that with 4 gold (like you'd have that on hand) they decided that wasn't tedious nor retarded enough and now you have to go find a separate macguffin that you have to waste resources to duplicate.
I mean minecraft is how old now, 15 years?
a little kid would turn into a fully grown adult in that time
All while copper has literally no use and you can get it by the hundreds.
>kill me.
Believe me, I want to.
>>I mean minecraft is how old now, 15 years?
People were already calling the NES/SNES games retro in the early-2000's.
The SNES was retro the day the PS1 came out
The PS3 will never be retro because it's been 18 fucking years and no one has ever made a game yet that you'd look at and go "Holy FUCK, you could never have done that on a PS3"

That's why they keep re-releasing Skyrim and Bamham and Mass Effect and The Last of Us with minimum alterations, that's just what "video games" are
I hear a lot of freshly 18 zoomer sluts play this game nowadays
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when you see someone younger than you and they tell you the same complaints you are making now, you will agree with that scene, and in all of us, and you will know it right here, because you are here forever
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same with anime and here we are now. We've tried so hard and got so far. Can we get much higher?
I'm nostalgic for yooka laylee, and to a lesser extent NitW
We're never getting one because the Nether already is the "lava biome". Mojang refuses so much cool stuff because of weird arbitrary stuff like this.
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I miss how cozy old Minecraft felt. Larger stars, darker nights (that actually felt somewhat threatening, at least back then), no "warm" yellowish lighting, and a better color palette in general.
> stolen valor
> tfw i dont get 10% discount for being a quake 2 player
> tfw noone thanks me for my service in ut99

You need to go outside.
>They expect Mojang to just demake minecraft back to their favorite version when they can just go back
I mean they should, but they really should just play old versions and ignore. 1.7.3 and tekkit for me :)
at some point you stop caring and just embrace the fact that you're old. Then you realize that just because you've been around for longer you have more perspective and this is why people think old people have wisdom. they've just had more bites of the apple.
Nostalgia gaps are a real thing too

You ever notice there's a tremendous amount of 1960s nostalgia and 1980s nostalgia but very little 1970s nostalgia?

Apparently America lived through that decade and then went "Yeah that sucked, let's not revisit it too much"
This but unironically, fuck all the jaded retards on here like you that act like you are embarrassed over gaming and hold those who remember the good times in contempt. You will sit here and defend shit getting worse because giving a damn is "cringe" in your eyes.
You know Zoomers are approaching their mid 20s now, right?
The 70's were just boring. 60's had a lot of issues (hippies) but it was a very cool time if you enjoy music and animation.
>but very little 1970s nostalgia?
Are you fucking retarded? Of course there was 1970s nostalgia. I remember it with tie dye stuff and peace signs and people wanting to be hippies in the 90s.
Wasn't half of the country's youth in 'nam at the time? That seems like a reasonable for there not to be any nostalgia for it.
for me its minecraft 1.7.3
Disco its still a meme, baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyUEHnmydXE
To be fair, Minecraft is a game that came out later than it could had. Windows 98 could run Minecraft; imagine Notch had pushed it out on 2000?
All that shit was a continuation of 60s stuff though.
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>It's like pure nostalgia and bliss and I think that is a huge part in the memories of minecraft
idk if bait but I'll tip in with some thoughts:
The Minecraft soundtrack is way too bloated now, the music C418 made for the game was a little below 3 hours, and ever since then they've added over 2 hours of music, while I do think most of it is good, sometimes there's tracks that feel really out of place whenever they play, the tracks by Kumi Tanioka and Aaron Cherof fit in nicely but the ones by Lena Raine really don't with how awfully "modern" it feels, not to mention on how they've been adding so many tracks for more specific situations or places when C418's philosophy with the music was to make it as minimal and as universal it could be (unless if it was for something specific, like The End, The Nether or Creative Mode)
And I'm still a bit sour that C418 will never get to release Volume Final due to copyright issues and the fact Microsoft already has these composers to take his place.
People are nostalgic for shit that happened to them less than a year ago.
blacks weren't but gays have always been everywhere on the internet. it was way more openly gay back in the early 2010's. Just because you're underage or in your early 20's doesn't mean you get to spew incorrect information about an era you weren't self aware or had internet access in yet
I mean lots of other electronic composers have the exact same sound. The analord series by aphex, kettel, bonobo (specifically his earlier work), four tet, boards of canada. It's nice but "greatest pieces of music" is hilariously naive
I hate the block bloat
Shut the fuck up faggot. I order you to post "homosexuals are disgusting and poopdick filth does not belong on the internet" immediately you AIDS nigger.
>my nostalgia good
>your nostalgia bad
It's just you, nobody outside of this website, twitter, and white, rich hillbillies in the middle of montana is as racist as you. They're not walking on eggshells, they all hate you.
he's right tho. avatarfagging is bannable
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>live through pokemania as its target audience
>be an adult and have my young nephews in the early 2010s talk to me about things they're doing in minecraft
>be an older adult and have my younger nephews in the 2020s get me to play Fortnite with them I can't build for shit lmao
That's gen alpha.
Fucking this.
go make like a hillbilly and fuck your truck in the exhaust pipe
Wherein this pic is there a mention of nostalgia? Fucking retard, shit thread.
This is clearly a reference/spin on the guys only need this and its a chair + TV or whatever.
>posting the troonsons
>posted on 4troon
It's funny, despite C418's philosophies, when his tracks started playing they made the gameplay all about them (even back in the day when people weren't nostalgic for them). They weren't background noise, Minecraft was background gameplay.
Newer tracks just kinda blend into the background with the other sound effects and I think the reason for that is because C418's tracks focused on slow, heavy hitting chords, making them stand out more (I know fuck all about music theory).
Do you think nostalgia for Minecraft is new? People have been using Minecraft music in nostalgia videos for years at this point
Minecraft is hard boomercore.
Exactly, the hunger bar was the dumbest mechanic they ever added to the game and made the whole game actively worse as a result.
>'eck on 'ich
>avatarfagging is bannable
Newfriend doesn't know what reaction images are. CUTE.
Minecraft Indev is released earlier than Dark Souls. Hell, the survival test java version is as old as Demon's Soul's NA release date. Zoomers seem to ignore the fact that a lot of boomers played Minecraft between 2009-2011, which is already a timespan of 13-15 years in the past.
Im 38 and if i didnt had an old version pirated to fuck arround with redstones from time to time i would feel nostalgia because of how much bullshit they piled up ontop of the game nowdays.
God forbid they try to improve and make Minecraft more complex
Even zoomers played it back then, you're not special.

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