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Splacoom thread
Nobody cares about your toddler trash, marketer.
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Isn't the girl on the right underaged?
Pretty creepy
You keep posting that but I don't know what you mean.
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Callie or Marie?
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Pearl or Marina?
Make the OP with a different image next time, how boring
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Shiver or Frye or Big Man?
Which one gives the best succ
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Why isnt frye wearing any undies..
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Callie Pearl Frye
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Probably safer with an octo considering these are squid tentacles.
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It's her culture, don't be a bigot.
which one poops the hardest?
Pearl because she isn't a nigger

Easiest choice of my life
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Mariefags I summon you.
that's what keeps these threads based compared to the safe horny hag threads full of tranny cuckolds
Squid cameltoes...
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camels dont have toes and neither do squids, they dont even have feet.
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source on that image? reverse search didn't find it, i like the style
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out of ten
That squid is too big.
i want both of them to sit on my face and bully me about my getting hard sniffig their spats!!!
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Too not big enough
>all this off model big tit horseshit
You don't even like squids.

No matter what, I must get them pregnant and no one can stop me
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Anon, renowned cephalopod impregnator.
Do we FINALLY have the friendship bracelet in 3?
Yes as of this season, but that pic was from the nude glitch that was fixed multiple patches ago.
You are no arbiter of cephalopod enjoyment. Squid and octo women are pseudo-goo girls and can change their form so bigger tits are trivial
That military pack bra is so fucking hot.
squid tits...
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I cannot overstate this:
Tearontaron, latest comic lo
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Ink sacs...
Bloated, swollen ink sacs...
Smash squids
Mating press squids
Fill squids with white ink
Impregnate squids
Make harem with squids
Sell pornography online using squids
Put womb tattoos on squids
Get squids addicted to aphrodesiacs
How the FUCK did you get a hold of my to-do list
Good, I'm back then. Easy to get?
It's a handful of silver scales in the Grizzco shop rather than a bonus, so yes and no?
So it's not limited? Good enough, I'd rather do some kino salmon run. Thanks bro
pump up squids
plug up squids, seal squids' holes
massage squid ink sacs as they swell
blimp up squids
get wedged between two bloated, taut squids as they exceed their limits
Is it perhaps edible ink?
Would I die if sucked it off them?
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What would you do if a ceph came up to you and begged you to squeeze the ink out of her overfull ink sacs?
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>Pearl with tits

She's an octopus.
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Big, brown, saggy, ink tanks.
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Life just hasn't been the same for the Takozons after the peace treaty.
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It would be very arousing.
God, the temptation to let her swell to bursting point would be overwhelming, but I guess I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to help relieve the pressure.
Big, bloated octo tanks
The winner is the one passes out last from my absolute dicking.
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I'm sure it's difficult to adjust to a civilian life after years of war.
What are those tight shorts called?
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Mint-flavored Choctopus 100%
Dolphin shorts.
sex shorts
Left ones are spats, right ones are called dolphin shorts.
Spats are completely skintight the whole way down and dolphin shorts have that small bit of flaring on the bottom.
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I'd block their ink sacs up with tape and watch them swell until they go boom
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Canonically mint coloured nipples and anus
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Imagine them swelling all over as the ink backs up, turning them into a taut rumbling booyah bomb as they moan
I can't read a single fucking thing with those saggers in front because the only thing in my mind is how much I want them in my mouth. I apologize.
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I have dumped so many buckets to Marina, anyone else?
or they could just turf war. is their hair style an option yet? god i love takozon hair.
my apologies
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>Heart Contacts
>The player will not be killed, but will be unable to move for a certain period of time. After being revived, some abilities will be increased.
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Yes especially with the help of ANons.
i guess the idea is that you get bukkaked without exploding.
Big ink bombs...
or raped, which is what I think it's implying happens because you can't move
Coop is always a good time.
Imagine the pleads for relief from the pressure fading and turning into burbling pants and groans of pleasure as they swell to twice your height, and all you can see is ceph tummy and tits looming over you
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Why are these the only coom threads on /v/ that trolls don't vehemently target with garbage wojaks or backhanded greentexts shaming people for being horny?
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God yes it's such fun to fool around together in coop. CHarging each others ink guns and randomly splatting ink around.
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I wish it wasn't 2 am over here...
But alas.
This is the only blue board image I have in my folders.
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There are others too but they seem harder to get started and keep up. God knows I could use a good old fashioned Samus thread again like /v/ of old had.
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What the fuck are they gonna say?
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Same here. Lets go to bed and think of Marina and Anons
Man, I love wardrobe accidents.
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We still have our problems. Why in this very thread there's a discord tranny constantly trying have faggot ERP sessions. Annoying little nigger.
Why hasn't anyone made a splatoon h-game clone? No, I don't mean that one, I mean a full clone of it that doesn't die instantly from Nintendo's gaze.
Hope I can grab you on a future splacoom thread to mess around to mint flavored choctopussy, anon
a lot of "coom threads" arent actually there for people to be horny in, but are just started up by shitposting brigades or saltlords.
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Fuck off to >>>/trash/ to do it and spare us your faggotry.
This. Especially the ones where they set horse porn and shit to 1 alpha transparency over every single image.
Have one ontopic for the way.
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Belly button popping out from the sheer pressure and nipples straining against their impromptu seals, gurgling and churning audible inside the swollen squid as she distends
Imagine kissing and worshipping her taut, hot, slippery-with-sweat tummy even as it creaks ominously
get madder
You will never be a man.
Agreed, it's really annoying when people start doing the faggy ERP shit in these threads
Jtveemo is a national treasure
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Shiver sex.
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I will look out for it. Night night.
Yes totally this omg THIS other anon!
they have these weapon model gatcha shit in japan
I bought 4 now and 3 times i got this shit same weapon
Why is everything gatcha here
because retarded bugmen fucking love gacha
yeah man
>buy garbage multiple times
>wtf why does gacha exist??
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>utterly baffled by the possibility that perhaps more than one person could think he's an annoying faggot
you mean a shooter? 3d games are too much for hdevs, the only finished ones I played were simple unity asset flips based on a simple concept
Anon learns that Gacha is a scam, even the physical ones
Yeah, I meant a shooter.
The sealing tape bulging from their solidly erect nipples. Rivulets of colorful ink leaking out and running down their massive tummy. Frantic and strained burbles that rise in pitch as they teeter on the edge of an ink bomb orgasm...
Obnoxious /trash/ faggots lurk under every surface of this board and manifest whenever coom is posted. It's unfortunate, but there's literally nothing to be done against them other than reminding them of how disliked and unwanted they are. Mods literally never clean them up for some reason, even when they pollute an entire thread with their garbage.
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>actually talking with each other about jerking off while...you erjk off with eachother is now called "erp" by newfags
That's pretty hilarious and completely lacking in selfwareness.
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Stupid sexy Shiver...
you're a splatcoom thread complaining about off-topic bruh
This is why you go to places like Nakano Broadway and buy the opened/complete sets for slightly a higher premium.
She wears a collared bikini?
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No matter how much you try to spin it, you're just an annoying cockslulrping faggot. Go back to whatever discord you slithered out of.
How am I supposed to fap to this?
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Bunny Shiver.
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Man I haven't been to a Hooters in years.
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Is there any way I can get *all* of this guy's art while evading the literal shit?
I want to splat to ink sacs
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Can probably filter it on r34.
I want shiver to pee in my mouth
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vore and big gut is trash
I want Tao Blu to blow her trombone on my cock.
Can someone explain these goo games to me? Is it like a secret club for coomers who love to splooge on each other or is my autism acting up again?
It's a fun shooter, really the only shooter that matters, on the most popular console this generation and the character designs, even of the squids, are drawn by obvious perverts. The first game had them sway their hips so far that it went outside the bound of what their spine would be capable of doing if they had them and weren't made of goo.
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>touch waifu
>die instantly
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i gooning to this right now like oh which grandiose butt she having
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for anal only
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It's a family friendly game where two teams of adolescent cephalopods run around shooting goo and trying to cover as much of the arena in their goo as possible before the time runs out. And if a ceph gets covered in too much of the other team's goo, they suddenly explode and get sent to spawn to rest for a moment. It's a perfectly normal competitive video game.
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We can only go so far anon.
We've got to do something about our girls getting addicted to ink ups.
Hence why I'd be fucking her trombone while she plays it instead of her herself, it's still technically a blowjob.
Post feet
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this or more spats
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perfect size
We can all agree that Shiver is the sexiest right
Sorry, but...
My dick belongs to Marina
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Wrong, Marina is
I was in nakano but didnt see these weapons
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octos are for petting right?
imagine licking Marie's left hand after that
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I have come around completely on Frye. I used to be a shiver fan but after playing through the campaign and several splat fests, I like her high gremlin energy and outlook more than Shiver.
>tfw sold my WiiU
online pre jewtendo online is dead anyways right?
>tfw played s2 solo and soon s3 solo
god I wish these games were on PC
Pretty much, you can do some hacking to make it work via pretendo but you miss out on things like the plaza anyway
I understand japanaese shit fetish now that i am in japan
After a week your shit smells like the food you eat but more intense
Its like double eating
>its like double eating
Honestly she's great, her basic outfit sucks tho
Go to hell.

Scatfags get the rope.
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Preggy cephs.
I wonder how coom-able the Spl4toon idols will be.
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this better be their first splatfest
I started splatoon 3. I wish I liked playing splatoon more, because I really like the premise. I wish more was going on in the campaign or mechanically or something. Idk.
I can get down with this.
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Imagine the smell.
>hectocotylus is basically a squid penis
I'm hoping for femboys.
SUPER coom-able, Frye and Shiver were just the beginning of seeing what they can get away with.
What age should cephalopods be?
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I do agree on that front, I still think her default clothes aren't great.
>buy a blind box
>have no control over what you get
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>I bought 4 now and 3 times i got this shit same weapon

Fucker, there comes a point when you need to stop.
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well second one could be a fluke
third one could also be a fluke
by the fourth one gambler's fallacy kicks in and you believe there could not possibly be another
BOTH, I can easily see them being a package deal
Not enough CUNNY I’m afraid
Try a little harder
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You could always try not to be a pedophile.
fuck, I love blue board posters. Glad I started something. I love choctopus bodies so much
>I love choctopus bodies so much
Is there anything better?
I'm inking a splatzone to her right now
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Does Frye count as chocto?
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Me on the right
Marina would be proud anon.
Close enough.
She loves young white woomy boys.
Who knew she was so... naughty.
Gonna be a boyband, I guarantee it
Doubt it. Saved this from back before 3's reveal.
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I feel like you might be right but that would suck. I want more waifus.
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Callie is the best
>Shy titty monster octoling
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i think the most erotic part of splacoom creatures is the fact that due to their natural black "mask" they look like they have permanent mascara on them which makes their eyes way more sexual
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Hopefully another delicious brown.
Can't have too many of those
>not expecting much
>scroll down and check a handful of images
Welp. I'm not making it to the bottom of this thread.
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Summer = bikini sploons
what is she gonna do to those boys?
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Must be the ink capacity upgrades.
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'ight that's all I got. Good night, thread.
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Woomy feet on my face
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i can look past the fact they're squids, now. but i can not look past the fact they are kids, now!
The boobs are way too big on the girl inkling in these!!!
I can't fathom why anyone gets mad at that shit. It makes zero logical sense unless you're a closet faggot.
I love chocotacos!
imagine being only a few inches tall while they tease you
Does Marina have light brown soles on her feet or are they green?
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Other dark skinned cephs have light brown soles.
Imagine two of them will keep their feet on your face while other two will milk you dry with their feet.
Mariana's darker than that, have you ever seen a black woman's feet?
Bros listen.

>Inkling Onahole doll
milk truck
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her pants are kind of weird but everything above that is squid sex.
Will lick her soles
Reminder that Cephs belong to male humans.
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I don't think these Squid Girls should be wearing spats, they're too tight against the crack.
>camels dont have toes
I mean I don't think there is an Octopus species that lives to be anywhere near as old as Octolings are, so they're all hags.
They have toes on their hoof.
camels don't have toes
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FPBP why do nintendies want to fuck children?
those are simply cloven hooves like deer, you dumb
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Bros my Shiver daki by JTVeemo arrived
Honestly love using NAI to generate shit in jtveemo's style because it's so fucking good at it.
Loving on octo booty
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What does it feel like
like a kid now
well probably more like a squid now
Rank 'em by chest size headcannon
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I can't stop pumping, anon
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show pics
hair over eyes superiority
I just did an ai chat with an orange hair girl inkling. I can assure you it was VERY erotic
>zoomie sees an anime girl pic
>immediatelly checks her age on a wiki to see if it's morally right to touch himself to her
Why are they like this?
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What did you talk about?

I made a bot on spicy chat and it seemed to reach a peak of 1.8k interactions, and then recently it's popped off and is at 7k. I wonder what happened.
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>missed the chance to post my wife in the splacoom thread
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show the other side NOW
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This was the best gun in the original Splatoon, I'd be hyped
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Yes, absolutely.
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I prefer regular inks and octos to the idols.
Nice. I would like to get a Marina and Frye ones.
I love you
I'm gonna coom
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I love how the mods have just accepted these threads and now they happen twice per week
One more
All three
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QNeed plump octo wife who will pump up with ink as we make love until she swells up and goes KABOOM
Imagine the liters of white ink that have been spilled, and will be spilled, thanks to these threads
Please I'm almost there
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That belongs to Marie, but Shiver sits comfortably in second.
She should sit comfortably in my cum
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Thanks anon felt good
Are you aware the thread you're in right now?
I'm sorry anon I fell asleep
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Marina is the hottest idol from any game

Shiver might be able to claim second though
>off model fanbase
So puffy...
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imagine the smell
Marinas big Marinas in the morning make me ready.
Imagine having those for breakfast every morning
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While I do am a big eater I doubt I could handle both of her big Marinas alone every morning. That's a whole family meal.
Weak, I could have them for breakfast and for dinner every day. Gotta show her how much I appreciate her, and her big marinas.
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Wow such a big eater and huge fan.
>splatoon thread on /v/ is a better fapping thread than dedicated fapping threads on /trash/
what's the explanation?
Fuck off you whining subhuman.
>Wow such a big eater and huge fan.
You have no idea what I'd do to Marina and her marinas in that image you just posted...
I guess the thrill of getting banned for public indecency adds to it
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Pearl is under appreciated
/ss/platoon anchor
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>anon doesn't read their magazines to find out their cannon ages

dumb bitch won't like the feeling of the bandages being ripped off off her tits and pussy
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Oh I have some ideas but maybe tell me more in detail about it.
Both are good but all generals get the squatter problem of people just treating it as their general discord channel to hang out in and chat about their random thoughts.
Imagine burying your face in the pillowy crease formed by her huge marinas
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Suckers shaped like vaginas
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Which way?
I require further explanation, the moon runes are making these images even more confusing if anything
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Only your face? Why not something more in dire need of them. Something long, hot and throbby perhaps?
>Something long, hot and throbby perhaps
Gee, I wonder what are you hinting at... but it's true that it'd be a waste to just bury your face in between those and do nothing else at all...
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Tanline squids are intriguing.
One thing no one ever says about Splatoon fanart, it's amazing not only the amount but the level of quality there is
No one says it becasue everyone is too busy jacking off to it.
But I agree.
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I agree
Incredible ass that activates my primal instincts. I am left wanting more however.
JTVeemo pulls 40% of the load
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Moving your hips in rythm of her music. Waiting for the climax of the song to synch with it.
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Do you appreciate the other idols?
Getting there for halfroasted squid.
There's no octosquid I would left unimpregnated on my watch. I am coom.
>Moving your hips in rythm of her music. Waiting for the climax of the song to synch with it.
Sounds intriguing, but also lewd for some reason
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Tanlines and wedgies just for you anon
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How brave and bold
I suddenly want to eat grilled squid, for no apparent reason...
>looked through whole thread
>not even close to dick twitch, let a alone boner
>squids are just cute, nothing more
anyone else?
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I'm sorry you feel that way anon, unless you enjoy that more, then congratulations on it.
Eh, some times these threads fulfill another type of horniness, other than carnal horniness, if that makes sense. Or that's how I feel about it.
I know anon, bold statement. All idols are hot and worth fucking hard
But you can't post delicious bare ass on string bikinis and not expect me wanting to punish them with my cock for showing off.
which idols would fuck with human men?
Yes, for some reason. Heh.
These strings and pasty Marina is wearing are seriously leaving nothing to the imagination... not that that is a bad thing...
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What about those who aren't idols but are trying their best?
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Colossal squids
Oh no
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There is still plenty for you to image to be doing.
gummy tummy
>There is still plenty for you to image to be doing.
I think I have imagined plenty of textures, smells, tastes, situations, and positions already
sounds like an insult a woman would use, do they frequent these threads you think?
They still deserve a slightly less hard fucking. They don't have the extra spicy feeling of knowing that you're creaming a celebrity, but still hot.
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I want to be eaten by a giant squid's other mouth
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Marina has shown in interest in human men several times
Nah, it's all gay men trying to make other men spill their white ink
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I will post this creature in every splatoon thread and force you to look at her.
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Totally unfair, how can they ever compete
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Pearlinafags on suicide watch
Am I supposed to not want to fuck this?
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I mean that's people's typical reaction in these threads. Ass too fat, tits too big, that's what they usually say.
No, you are supposed to not not want to fuck it
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How does a squid change hairstyle? Cutting?
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Come work for grizzco anons, opportunity and rewards await you
those anons ngmi
She's so fucking pumped up
Packed with ink
Imagine her creaking and bulging with every movement, ready to fucking pop
Yea, they slice their head tentacles.
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The uniforms are too small!
It's not a competition! Everyone gets love. And by love I mean dicked. By me, obviously.
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You sure have a wild running fantasy there.
And thanks to you and your posts, I can enjoy all the ideas coming to me from seeing these luscious images of Marina
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Ok you fucking faggot, go write a shitty blogpost somewhere else about instead of sounding the alarm on what a cock slurping gay boy you are.
Bro, we all are being faggots here. Where do you think we are?
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You should just leave instead of constantly bitching at people and killing momentum.
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Speak for yourself nigger. I'm posting squids.
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>the EPRing euro tranny woke up

Green nips... I wonder if they taste like green apple
Anon.. I can see them...
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Please kill yourselves as quickly as you can. Thanks.
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You are trying too hard
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I will download every single picture on this thread and help on future threads.
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>you realize the future is bright because most ai slop generators are heavily trained on splatoon characters
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Use google translate next time my dude.
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Slop is still slop anon.
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Based. Plump, jiggly squids MUST be squozen and filled.
it is, but i lived for decades without it and dont mind giving it 5 years or so to mature in to something better
Dang. Imagine the flavour when the octopussy gets grilled
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God I just want to be buried between plump, ink filled squid and octo women, pressed in on all sides by warm jiggly cephalopod flesh as they pump up to exploding, hearing them creak and groan ominously
Teasy images where you can tell just letting that string go would reveal all the good stuff get my blood pumping.
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It 5 GOLD scales actually. I still need one more scale. Triumvirate this weekend, i hope i get it then.
Between Splatoon and Elden Ring i have like no time at all. I really need time off work.
Fuck, I made the mistake of having a generic Nintendo porn folder, now everything is so disorganized.
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Christ will you PLEASE shut the fuck up about this shit already? We get it, you've been going on about it the entire fucking thread. SHUT UP.
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You need more scales to get different outfits anon
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You should work on those abger issues, ANon. You are justw ay too pentup.
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Pomf 2, the Pomfening.
btw forgot to thank you, Marina-posted, for indulging me for a while
Kill yourself.
Uh, no
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Always alluring to see a gremlin character depicted with plump proportions
I wonder how many of the anons who posted ITT have spilled their white ink
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Why the fuck would you be thinking about other anon's cocks? I'm sure there's an appropriate thread for you on /trash/ or /lgbt/.
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I'm sorry anon if I upset you, it's hard to resist when I see all these lewd, plump squids. I'll try and lay off.
Also based taste. I want to plap her until no, not this time lol jk _____________
It was fun but next time post some too for a proper coop session.
I was just wondering about the white ink, not the cocks
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I did not notice how selfish I was being. Sorry.
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Frye deserves all your pumps, she's actually best girl in splat3
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A whole squad for sure. It's get messy on the battlefield.
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Such a shame it's so easy to ban evade, otherwise we'd be rid of you for awhile longer.
Those dresses were tailored using some sort of anti-gravity sorcery
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She's one of the first examples of a character I can think of where I've had the dual "this character is cute" AND "I want to fuck her" response.
>deserves all your pumps
Please do not mention giving Frye pumps that's too suggestive, I'm trying to be good for other anon
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Don't be such a rude baby, that Marina poster is just helping
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Really wonder why you are so bitter and unaware what type of thread you are in.
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Help yourselves right on over to the fag thread on >>>/trash/ then. It's better suited for you.
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>He says as he keeps posting lust-provoking images aimed at men
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You are posting images to make men on the internet jerk off.
You do like that fact but somehow you get upset when those me also talk to each other.
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Boobs too big, and I do not mean this as a meme
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I don't play much nowadays but if I didn't have a clear preference for splatfests I would usually side with Frye because she's my favorite.
I said I would lay off for that anon I really shouldn't
No such thing
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Yeah that's fair
honestly the shape of the characters in this game is weird. Why do they have a stick upper body and stick legs but disproportional hips (and huge feet and hands like a street fighter character) ?
Must be the first picture I see where realistic gravity-deformation on boobs is applied to a Splat girl. Nice.
Butt cleavage...
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I used to always side with Shiver, but Frye has made a few good points to me, and has stood out among the three that has made me run some lobby games on her side.
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Is anyone else extremely close to inking a splatzone white?
New thread?
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Seems that you are not alone, seeing as there is a final push going on now
Nah, one is good
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Please no. Spare us from more of this kind of faggot shit.
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>this kind of faggot shit
You keep saying this sort of stuff, yet you keep participating in the thread. Curious.
I am very intelligent.
I'm pretty close and enjoying this thread a whole lot

Would love to know when I should finally finish because I've denied myself several times

Splatoon girls are great
>Would love to know when I should finally finish because I've denied myself several times
lol, gooner
How unsatisfying to finish alone if that's the case
By the way, file limit reached, so fap all you want to what's already been posted.
sure, but like a team coordinated attack, it's better to finish with others
Sadly, there's been many casualties. You may be alone in this mission, soldier.
What an extreme shame. I've routed out a pathway straight to the finish line to invade the enemy base and coat their base white, I just need backup so that our bombardments synch up.
Well, I guess I'm finishing this mission alone
It's not too bad, I've got quite the angle to explore all over them

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