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Now: Enter the Gungeon
Next: Bayonetta 2
Later: Silent Hill

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681354405
first for PRIZE GOBLIN
have i migged or have i not
you do not know
wow. ugly
>Summer ACK Done Quick
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miggin for lootgoblin kino
you're all miggers why are you watching this?
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
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i genuinely thought this was Peaches the entire time zozzle
holy SHIT what stinks?
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the bukkake event is two blocks down
prize goblin is the only person on staff who truly cares about GDQ
did anyone else notice the dude in the crowd squeezing his hog
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Behold my migratory pattern!
Was the pokemon run just boring, or did something else happen
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piracy endorsement spotted
he's getting migged
shut up hammy
Mentioned in last thread, but download streamlink and watch on there if you're having audio issues. It defaults to VLC so I recommend installing that if you don't have it.
based 'ick on 'ecker chartfag
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>get those pride month donations in
>for the Palestinians
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We're back!
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if Sent ever left these events i would be so sad
it would never feel the same
i miss his covid era grandma's house too
Trans shit is the biggest litmus test for awful humans literally telling schizo the voices are real and to act on them.

Dangerous and ugly cretins.
>pride month
we should have a video game month some time
anyone else feeling like the bayo 2 run is going to suck ass?
>being black = mean mugging
I like how "Pride Month" is now just "trans rights" over and over. The LGB in LGBT? Irrelevant.
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I just noticed the guy on the right is the person trying to make out with frozenflygone
why doesnt this guy just invest in real gloves instead of shitty gardener ones?

He looks unnatural with them on.
oh hey it's their segregated event
Reminder that scent is happily married and has a kid and you’re sitting there dick in hand waiting to masturbate for the third time today
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im awake
what did i miss in the past 6 hours?
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Anyone else feel like GDQ should be an annual event rather than biannually? It just doesn't feel special anymore. And I get it's a charity event, but I wouldn't be surprised if a single event would actually make more money rather than two a year.
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miggin' to the good ol days
I'd like to suck Bayo's ass if you know what I mean.
All miggers get the rope.
there's a 0% chance this fucker is 33(34), he genuinely looks at least 10 years older
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gonna post some kino real quick
k thanks for telling us bud
I haven't thought about milky holmes in literally years
i do know what you mean because i would also like to do that if you know what i mean
which is the reason why homos and lesbians have started to hate troons more and more
it was a fucking snoozefest
KFFC wears long dark sleeves to hide her fat arms instead of just eating less.
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How do I acquire a kungfu gf?
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You should legitimately, genuinely, unironically kill yourself if you give a view to these demonic tranny cretins.
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He looks like he builds and animates golems.
no its part of GDQ's DNA that the next event is so soon that you feel genuinely self disgust at how little you've accomplished in your own life since the last event
its priced in
I miss Blueglass. His autism was charming instead of annoying and he was actually great at the games he played.
It was a Pokemon run, what do you think
holy shit its fucking july already
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>tech crew
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many such cases
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Same, anon
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>she's still attending these
I feel old..........
god i need me a fat and constantly insecure about her weight gf
I think it's the voices in your own head that are getting to you, anon.
Too bad they punished him for a bonus stream ecco the dolphin run. Let’s be honest the last level is pure aids
33 years old btw
>that post
>that image
lmao you seamonkies are like living parodies
Finally a race war.
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It really sucks they never brought him back. One of the few runners I truly miss from the golden days.
is this game any good
>we've added some house rules
>if something is too good, then uh, they can't use it
yes great wonderful fantastic
So it's over.
>c'mon bill race war
I can't believe this guy is my age.
fuck is wrong with the stream this year
audio keeps getting desynced
shout outs to the tech crew
i want to architect her
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holy shit i thought the audience was like an infinity mirror effect but its actually some kind of airplane hangar or something

ive never seen this many chairs in one place in my life
I love ritual poster
I'm bouncing for the night /v/, going to play some video games. Enjoy the rest of the night everyone!
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WHY FUCKING BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i-i don't get it?
I'd say it's pretty fun. Pretty difficult, though.
see >>681360553
>i-i don't get it?
you'll understand when your older
Guys, what's it like to have friends?
What with so many gamer girls hitting the wall and getting disgustingly obese now?

First momokun, then enji knight and now kffc

What about video games making women fat an unlovable
if you want friends its not that hard as long as you put in the effort.
it's so everyone can sit far enough apart to not smell each other
>one of each rarity
Oh fug Barneyfag's coming!
Wait, are these screens on the wrong side?
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It's fun. You get invited out to do things and share unique experiences.
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huh how do people in the back see?
I didn't say I want any. Just curious.
left dude choken
Idk but if it's anything like persona it must be draining constantly having 10 people spamming you with random shit
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>39k viewers
These dudes are throwing a fur party in their hotel after this
Do you guys just watch for trannies?
aren't they small
I think they are
so who do we have winning rad or dan
Doesn't ESA get like sub 500 views
wtf is this from
>sudden camera change
well that was confusing
It's night/morning in Europe.
i'm here for the thread and hoping for the next caveman vs chibi
>momokun, then enji knight
those were always fat
>disgustingly obese

Low T
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Is it me or is this not a speedrun that does well on an event like this? I barely understand what's going on at one screen, and there are two of them.
if you have too many, it can be pretty overbearing
i'm sort of glad i lost touch with many of them after college
shit was draining when you have several groups
certainly better to just keep to the same 4-5 friends with the occasional mutual friend or two
It's fine if you played the game before—
Is what I'd say if he didn't just buy a crest from a shop. I'm pretty sure this is modded to make chokes less embarrassing.
>no awp
What's wrong with the awp? I don't remember it being amazing in this game but I haven't played it in forever.
why is dan so trash
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It's just Wonder Woman getting fucked by some goons
Races and Randomizers are always shit in marathons. I'm not sure why they haven't figured this out yet. It's hard for people who aren't familiar with the game itself to tell wtf is going on or what they are supposed to be impressed with. Pokemon and FF randomizers are the worst
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You guys playing anything while watching?
Just pay attention to the guy leading. You can safely ignore the other screen as he'll never catch up.
its binding of isaac with guns not much to understand
Did CoolMatty allow you to post his picture?
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maintaining 5 different gachas I play :^)
You’re pornsick if you think obesity is attractive
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>playing 5 gachas
That's like having a part time job. How do you live?
where the fuck is the people
Squares (word game)
How was the halo 2 run /v/ros?
How is this meant to be competitive?
One guy started with a weapon which is massively more powerful than the other guys, why even make it a race if skill isn't a factor in the slightest?
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I just arrived at my workplace and I'm ready to shitpost
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maintaining current all 5 gachas only takes like 20mins max. which is shorter than 1 game of war thunder (that i also play)
Wait, did they not use the same seed?
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she's so fucking cute
all she needs is some dick so she can calm down
why the fuck do you retards still support this trash and then go on to spam threads about troon shit
>different seeds
but why
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They don't really
lol there is a 2+ minute gap
that's a big cat
It's literally impossible for Dan to catch up.
Good race.
Which gachas do you play anon?
infinite fucking armor
now how is he supposed to choke for my amusement?
Dan Bros why wasnt the RNG god on our side>
I'm eating Nandos
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>staring at blinding lights for hours
fuck that
you're pornsick if you don't. its ok tho, u'll prob never marry and die alone. but if u did manage to marry, she'll gain weight and cuck u because u won't be high t enough to fuck her well
say it with me
Is sdgq dying? I hope so
fuck this tranny trash
Do you not have any better use of your time?

Imagine all the books you could have read instead of collecting jpegs
Surly they could afford a big projector and screen by now
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There's a Mr. Snee. Maybe he's not up to the task, perchance.
Did he finish or did they remove him?
why did he moan
>tune in to stream
>happy pride and transrights!!!
alright im off to the store
the projector is placed literally infront of the image it is projecting

shoutouts to the tech crew
its almost hilarious in an absurd way of how fucking shit this experience is for the audience.
barely even an after thought, heres your tiny projector sheet, about the size as the one you get in a classroom.
id like to believe they knew attendence would be shit anyway this year. but this isnt any different than previous years
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Might as well just bring the stream up on your phone.
>all fagdonos
I wouldn't even say one weapon is inherently stronger than the other here. Beams are hard to keep up if you don't use them right.
When you gotta goon, you gotta goon.
>spent all year round never shutting up about trans shit and pride flags
>for some reason Pride month is still needed
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genshin, hsr, blue archive, guardian tales, ZZZ
Just be thankful today is the last day.
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>gambling simulator
Not compatible
>reverting to discord gibberish when called pornsick
didn’t realise you were a tranny which means you are terminally pornsick. I’m sorry your parents didn’t raise you right
Why is trans part of the pride stuff? I thought pride was about sexualities?
>runner finishing the floor as the other just enters it
This is a race, right?
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>no nikke
The ai gens need a bottle of water under the chair so his plausible deniability lore still exists
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any good runs today? watching these with you guys every six months is the only thing keeping me going. This would mark the 10th year anniversary of watching GDQ along with these threads, I've made some late night OPs as well. Cheers, lads.
what about feh?
Would you let yourself get steamrolled on stream for charity?
for (you)
>There's a Mr. Snee
out of sight, out of mind.
I NEED her
gaylo 2
Was that epilepsy warning always there?
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I'd play your ass jiggler if it had more chibis in it
too 2d4me
Oh man, I love watching trannies play video games slightly faster than other trannies.
What warning?
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how do you play zzz if it's not out yet? tell me ur secret anon
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they should make it alternate with yellow at 30hz so people see it
man poor anon got cucked hard
i play jiggler for the depressing bad end character stories
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I had CBT access
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why do you keep posting this? can i get a qrd?
why was the time set so high if they only needed 30 mintues?
he's live with it rn
Oh God my eyes
They weren't sure so hard Dan would choke.
Having a buffer built in in case of slower runs is better than having a lower estimate and going over if one or both runs end up with slower items.
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ofc the gacha player likes cbt
what do yawl think of nocturnalhanna
Rate this run!
Why do I hear Slim Shady?
Do they even have those japanese imported arcades at the venues anymore? I never see them advertise it now. That was one of the reasons I wanted to attend a few years ago.
F fucking boring as shit
rate this garbage "race"
lame race
Imagine all the vapors sticking to that ceiling.
D for Dungeon.
is that one fag that runs pokemon every year gonna do it again?
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I'm about to start tosa campaing in fots.

C painfully mid
Just go play ETG yourself, this shit was ass.
F - boring time fill for the graveyard shift
how horrifying
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D for didn't watch
C for Chicken. It's what I ate during this.
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C a mih 'niod m'I

Atleast it didn't have any trannies.
didn't watch/10. Let me know when the next run starts
No tranny, ok bench
Warband baby
Nevermind the nonexistent race, but Rainbow runs are fucking boring to watch.


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>pride never ends
it sure as fuck doesn't
Make that a Z for trans rights
chud bros... we lost
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And soon as i wrote that, they had to say trans rights.
Why do they say trans rights every 5 seconds?
Z for Trains rights and Pride comment
This event sure is gay.
Why the fuck do they say trans rights every 10min? It was never this bad before even when the place was infested with trannies.
thank god I wasn't born in june this shit is obnoxious
What about Trans ups?
Z for trans wrongz
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>turn on stream for like an hour and a half
>hear "trans rights" literally at least 15 times
why are they like this
Stopped watching/10.
Isn't this event meant to raise money for Doctors Without Borders?
Because I've heard far more about these magical trans privileges instead of it.
virtue signaling
that doesn't narrow it down
I don't know why there is not a Speed running board or why you faggots are not forced to keep your literal year round threads on /vg/.

There is a thread up at all times for some kind of autistic speed running event.
>what if mawio but metal

My favorite ladyboy is up next
who was that cute blonde girl that just passed?
Yeah and there are waifu threads daily which are also not vidya. Your point?
>anyone at GDQ
>unpause stream
Yeah, I think I'll skip the next run too...
it's always overdone shit too
someone died on stream? wtf
I think people were too harsh on the first 3 runs. i think they were Bs
because SGDQ is the tranny event and AGDQ is the money laundering event.
there was this one cutie playing mario kart
I'm amazed I haven't heard any donos cry about palestine yet
there was
they never talked about speedrunning there
the general is ... different
cause you touch yourself at night
I've heard some talk about Gaza, but I think they're actually filtering out the direct references for Palestine.
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Playing new XIV xpac, mega comfy rn
deal with it faggot
>Dan Schneider on cam
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gaben in the audience
go back to your twitter screencap thread, retard
aww look he didn't sign his post with a vtuber this time
kill yourself newfag
Wizardry remake
>tfw Fighter somehow gets +29 HP level up
is that jack black?
trains don't have rights?
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yeah I wonder why, I truly do
they have the right to pass your station
shout out to the tech crew
SMT V for now, though might shift to something more relaxed soon.
>I think people were too harsh on the first 3 runs
anon like to mix up F/Z with things I don't like.
>S - god tier
>A - Great
>B - good
>C - okay
>D-F - bad
>Z - Shit
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Its astounding to me that anyone kept watching these things after they trooned up and killed off everything good about the event.

Anyone left must be some of the most mentally ill individuals on the board, or actual participants.
i go on trains rides all the time
black man said swish
Depends on the track.
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you WILL watch Flame Fatales, r-right?
trans "people" should be executed in all cases
This guy is acting like v and by have the same culture
the frame fatale mascot is manlier than the GDQ mascot lmao
You talk like a newfag
Who do you think the $2 mil comes from, real viewers..?
nah they got 12 hour breaks
not a marathon
Who was in the wrong here?
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this is the event that changed their venue from Flordia to Minnesota because of politics. They are fucking retards.
not a fucking chance, you just KNOW that shit is 90% men.
Why am I constantly being ordered to "stretch"? Is there an influx of yoga instructors to the GDQ staff?
but enough about ESA
Damn shame what happened to this slampig
Friendly reminder that the next runner is trans and frequently masks up! Please be nice!
hydrate or die
Ruined my day reminding me of her
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what rights dont trans people have?
hydrate or diedrate, chat! Thanks for the stretch redeem! Remember that you are loved and doing the best you can ^_^
Not true. Sgdq has been in Minnesota for like 10 years. AGDQ was in Florida but changed to like south Carolina or some shit because of politics, like you say
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happy Canada Day bros
what does this donor look like?
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Trans rights!
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its funny cause its true
nah using on screen kb from couch. ur sad beta response proves ur a genetic dead end tho lol.
Just turned this shit on and have heard 'trans rights' about 20 times. This is why the vast majority of even normies hate them now.
The Uh-man.
was this suppose to happen?
No one. Just a bunch of guys having a good time. Just like the current GDQ
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>there's a guy sanitizing JUST the top of each chair
yeah, THAT'LL keep the coof away
Is that dude really cleaning the ends of chairs for free?
Grooming Done Quick is going on now? Maybe I should check it out, how bad it is?
>oh hi mark

holy shit, I know what that is!!
>wearing a mask when you're in a giant, empty room with like 5 people
They still act like it's March 2020.
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gonna be real funny when wednesday or thursday rolls around and the crowd is still barren
people still care about covid?
100% a volunteer
I'd wear the mask to help with the smell
oh so that's why I heard fireworks earlier
He's a janitor
in real life
in a tranny speedrunning event
he does it for free
>like 5 people in this huge venue
yeah it was on the schedule too
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dude in a silk dress
good point actually
No not really.
Iceplug chuckling somewhere out there
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story time before the game
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>y yea well this trash
Do whataboutism all you want. You are still a autistic faggot who watches "people"(the autistic and trannies) rush/glitch though a game year round.
What's Covid?
Projection lol
If you're tired of modern culture being pure cringe, stop giving events like this attention.
That's what I'm mostly confused about.
Only the top bar gets a little wipe. Still have like 90% of the chair to go champ.
You weren't even born when these events were last good.
I seriously don't get why they chose this huge venue
under no circumstances were they ever going to fill all the seats. Is it really just a social distancing thing?
only terminally online people that listen to metal mario remixes
>run ends
>30min of downtime
Am I crazy or are over half the event time just waiting for the next run now?
Virus rights
trying too hard newfaggot
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you can tell by the voice
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Packed house
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first tranny run
>lip smacking ASMR

are they both trans?
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i'll have what she's having
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she's talking way too fast and it's making me nervous

this is uncomfy
What are these mouth slapping noises?
>doing the best you can ^_^
Highly debatable
jesus fucking christ the mask filtering is so fucking annoying
I'm out. Sorry.
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>2 hours of heavy breathing through a mask in 2024
Time to mute
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the gwailo is not
This is going to be a hard one, /v/. The mask is a good mixup.
Mmmm cloth over mouth nightmare audio filterFRRRFFFF
Is the runner a tranny again? The autism is literally audible.
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there's a girl!
I think tophat is actually a girl
Ssssseveral other Frame Fatalessss eventssssssss
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Annnnd I'll be back later.
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I'm fucking done with this bullshit
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Do you think they like Bayonetta 3 ending?
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she's not wearing a mask because of covid, its a self esteem issue
mask to hide the adam's apple LOL
This guy has the exact same facial tics and mannerisms that a 50 year old korean guy I lived in a sober house had.
All right literal Z

I cannot deal with the audio
The tiny hat on the goth girl in the back is really cute
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welcome to autism, anon
They're taking too long for setting up the next game. Useless tech crew retards.
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incoming kino?
I don't think that's how masks or adam's apples work
Some idiot with disposable income donate saying Bayo 3 is their favorite and you love the twist & ending.
this woman is making me nervous with how fast she's talking
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I love pippy's delicious but slightly stinky pussy
Hell yeah brother I love Ween
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Is that a girl?
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based pipster, here for the HHHFFRRRRRRR
The lisp gives it away.
>2h of this
>I'm seeing double!
>Masked up tranny
Can't this shit fucking end already? Tired of these fucktards still scared over a fucking common cold.
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no, it is well known through FF runs that this is a tranny
Yeah, pull your mic about 2-3 inches away from your face so we don't hear every inhale, please. We'll still hear your voice.
the mask is to try and hide as much as possible so it's not instantly recognizable as a tranny
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wait 1 hour and 43 minutes!
Good indication that they have no personality.
>thinking it's because of covid
None of these people actually give a shit about that anymore. They wear masks just to hide their ugly faces.
Would anyway, I'm so fucking starved for touch
you mean Type B cis-scum
100% a woman
If this tranny would take their mask off maybe we wouldn’t hear every one of their retarded forced inhales
Two hours of tranny fake girly voice. Buckle in.
What did she mean by this https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2183990087?t=01h31m46s
>somebody ushered the 5 attendees to the front row
poor guys
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what makes autistic people go out of their way to find the most adult sized childish clothes in the world to wear? you cant find anything like this in 99% of clothes stores
trannies wear the mask to pass or hide, adding the mask mandate was their glimmer of hope and ending it was their 9/11. so many posts on reddit and such had trannies crying over it ending as if they couldnt just choose to keep wearing them
No. What do you think the "variety pack" is meant to be?
>what makes autistic people
only terminally online people who never go outside do. in normal settings, you basically never see masks anymore. the only people who still wear them are the clearly mentally unstable types
in other words, the exact audience for SGDQ
She totally doesn't seem like an insufferable person
what's up with the mask, covid was fucking overwith 2 years ago.
*moves away from the mic to inhale*
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Jesus christ let the cute girl behind you do literally anything
Are these women?
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You gotta go back.
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Eating lays dill pickle chips how about you guys?
>That lip smacking.
Man, transfolks really do love their lips, don't they.
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Not about that. I just don't want to hear 2 hours of mouth sounds.
I'll leave it muted.

For all the shouting about trans pride, why hide behind a mask?
here, have my upvote kind gentlemen
>wearing a mask in your own home
Couldn't make this up if you wanted to
That adam's apple needs a mask of its own then.

>the disgusting lip/mouth/spittle clicking noises on top of the FSHHHH
>1:45:00 estimate
Doubt it. I'm nearly certain I saw an adam's' apple on the goth looking one when they nodded.
its amazing how personalities shift between GDQ and personal streams
>concerned about lore in a speed run
Why, though?
>For all the shouting about trans pride, why hide behind a mask?
They have no pride in themselves, thus demand it from others.
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Has the girl in the back said a single word yet?
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I honestly can't tell anymore. This place has ruined me.
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the air sucking is insufferable

wouldn't be as bad if she just calmed the fuck down
Who's the person on the couch?
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she said hi
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That is a decorative piece for the run.
Meh they deserve a lynching. They have became terrorists anyway.
What about trans fats?
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>people are still masking
i thought covid was over?
oh hey, they finally angled the camera down a bit so it's less obvious the audience is 7 people in a room that seats 1,000
wait, is this one a tranny? checking the instagram they pass super well and I can't find shit just from googling about them being trans. fuckin weird if they were since I figured all the trans streamers couldn't stfu about being trans but this one never even mentions it
did any junji ito character escape their fate
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Makes asians look hotter
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fuck me fuck this
>all these is that a girl posts
Bros if you don't instinctively recoil at that guy for not speaking in his modal register you're not gonna make it.
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Wearing a mask in crowded spaces makes sense to me. There are other things going around besides Covid. People are disgusting.
Sorry bro I put all my points into sniffing out the jew
Because the white men loves the asian phenotype when it comes to eyes but their teeth are often times ... yea lets not talk about that
>"I call it a crow, I think it's a falcon"
Tranny identifying something as something it isn't. Makes sense.
This runners voice sounds so moist like there is always saliva spewing out.
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The nervous energy is overpowering. Calm down tranny.
I wanted to put on GDQ to help me sleep but this constant lip smacking is gonna give me nightmares
No. But people like to pretend it's just a cold now. The next time someone complains about brain fog in a /v/ thread about why they can't play games anymore? Yeah. coof-induced brain damage.
Getting blackout drunk and varietypunk sucks your donger and you never tell anyone
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>1 more hour of this tism' runner
theres nothing crowded about that space
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The End
let the girl speak. this runner is giving me a headache
Go back in the vod for the tomb raider one. Comfy bing bong voice
take off the mask, the sniffing is too much
>it struggles breathing
>still decides to wear a mask
actual subhuman
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hell yeah brother so do I, with a passion
Imagine how wet that mask is from spit
Joke's on you, I was already brain-damaged before 2020.
And the rest.
The girl on the couch is cute shame how she is clueless.
Guys, stop, I'm getting a boner thinking about a sloppy wet mouth.
Haven't seen any signs of cognitive decline since 2021 in purebloods i know, can't say the same for everyone else
bro the other girl is so nice.
This dude can slob a knob.
i don't get it
The shit story was better
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Nah she looks goofy because the gothic look only works if you're more on the chubby side.
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can someone explain why wearing a mask, alone in your home, is necessery?
Says the cousin fucker.
where new thread at
Oh, and trans rights *mic drop*
>trans rights dono for the hundreth time
aight im out
>the gothic look only works if you're more on the chubby side.
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brainrot retards the one on the couch is clearly female
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It hides your masculine jaw line, cheek bones, and probably facial hair
if I take it off, will xhe cry?
Good, do something worthwhile
now this is a pornsick comment
Just woke up. How is the 'thon so far?
I just want long truck simulator runs
Opening like a wet fart. One decent run.
What did he mean by that!?
alright guess I'm watching this on mute, also, Trans Rights v4ty
Been alright, pretty par for the course
So par for the course for nu gdq
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is it really a tranny?
umm Can some give an F for me I don't think I'll make it.
>Dono name: PlebianGoth
lmao gottem
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>Is that a call for a train?
>I wouldn't be opposed
Ummm you're not a transphobic BIGOT right??

That's the wrong question. The question you want to ask is, is that a chance you want to take?
The fashion sense isn't from grandma's closet at least, but the voice and cumming over the donos saying trans rights says otherwise.
what are trans rights, what are they missing
Pippy's inhalation laughs while i tickle her toes with my tongue
it will be extremely clockful
does this person have the tism?
why not trans lefts?
Yeah i'm not sure how you cant tell man
It's a meaningless slogan they use to show fealty to their cult.
why are they still wearing mask?
The right to groom children, dominate women's sports and hang out in women's locker-rooms.
>what are they missing
awareness, self or otherwise.
Trans rights probably.
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how do you guys think sneedevil is spending Canada Day?
Hiding the man-face.
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getting blown out super nasty
Yabba dabba do
they unironically believe all the pills and surgeries they need to fulfill their mental illness should be free for them, and denying them these for free means they have no rights
unironically they want the rights to give little kids puberty blockers and gender affirming surgeries.
That laugh is terrifying.
>and denying them these for free means they have no rights
Not just that, they believe denying them this (and the right to groom your children) means you "literally" want total genocide of all LGBTP people.
There's so much pfthphrkhrpthkpthfk noise caused by the mask and the lipsmacking I can't even understand half of what this abomination is saying.
He doesn't want to show his face and became reliant on the mask for this.
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I'm here to save the thread with the best ito story. one last one for the night.
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based dad, ngl

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