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Dear oh dear
Wuwa Beats genshin in global sales thoughbeit
This is what pagfly posters have kept shitting up dozens of unrelated generals for for months?
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>Girls' Frontline 2 increased by 300,000
Say thank you to her fat Finnish ass
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Because this baldnigger keep advertising the game and he already abandoning wuwa for next month furry game.
Ooof, not even Janpoke can push uma back to top. Even with the movie boost. No wonder they've finally decided to release a global version.
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She lost to Aventurine
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the powercreep is getting too crazy in star rail though, every month they release a new character that's miles better than any character released before, at this rate no one will keep up
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>Azur Lane still alive
Another 5 years for AL
Release some news Manjuu Onegai!
>Wuwa lost to genshin with TWO turbo slut banners
And next month they only got one banner rotation vs ZZZ, can't wait for them to forward the 1.2 schedule again because daddy tencent is angry.
Go to your containment boards tranny
>global better than china
hope wuwakeks enjoy censorship, diversity and males lol
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aren't these lists made up?
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everything is made up, the only thing that matters is how many people agree with the made up thing
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Here the one without made up multiplier and purely copying from sensor tower.
I absolutely despise this fat parasite. He infests a game, creates pointless drama for views and then either gets driven out or the game dies, after which he moves to another game where the community doesn't know what a piece of shit he is.
>HSR down

Uhh... FireFlySisters, what the fuck is this?
3 weeks of the worst selling banner in the game's history(boothill)
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uh oh, i thought pagfly was supposed to save the game???
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So now that firefly flopped are you rolling for the true fire phoenix wife?
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Genshin 1.0 First month = 245M

Honkai Star Rail 1.0 first month = 130M

Wuwa 1.0 First month = 45M
wuwa lost
cuktone lost
delete this chud
Why would anyone play and pay for a gacha when there's infinite VNs you can pirate? I just don't get it. Is it for the parasocial experience you can share with other current players? In that case I can honestly relate.
Wuwa beat Genhsin in global.

I repeat:

Is Mihoyo currently the MOST profitable gaming company in the world?
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Genshin bros

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>DMC:POC lost money despite the shilling
EOS by the end of the year
you forgot to list your pronouns
This is oddly mesmerizing.
>anons cheering on this shit like it's some fucking sport
How's that shill campaign going snowbreak bros?
why you fucks fighting over mihoyoslop and wuwaslop the fact that real Waifu game like snowbreak still cannot reach top 10 is fucking disgusting, you know what happend in the future more gacha game with homo and cuck shit will get released.
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Global already EoS before it even came out.
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what's the gameplay like
how I feel about nintendies and snoytards fighting all day
It's a cancer that plagues gacha discussion in general
Quick, they need to do collab banner with Persona characters to seal the deal!
nobody gives a shit about your ntr game cuck
Now say that in the weekly famitsu thread
How's dokkan battle these days? I might come back for the WWC
You got banned in their own Reddit threads because of people saying you lied. Your opinion doesn’t matter.

Don’t trust this idiot, every month he posts a fake number sales from random ass company with only Chinese sales.
Don't worry, anniversary this month will save it surely!
>kektone seething and naming wuwa as "THE BIG 3"
>Are you rolling for a penis shaped character
No, I'm not a faggot
Another dominant performance by Mihoyo. And ZZZ launches in a few days...
They deserve it for making the best games of all time desu
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is HSR censored dogshit too? I never hear anything about that game really. Here's Zensored zoomer zlop btw
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>Blue archive
Mahjong oji-sans were too strong...
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>Wuwa launch
>13 mil despite the hype
>1.1 biggest update ever, archon level character, shilled on every board
>Still makes less than genshin's deadest patch
>ZZZ comes out in july taking away what little was left of wuwa's playerbase
How does a game flop so hard jesus
That Dori isn't bad.
Not short enough though.

Before MHY it was TM.
Makes sense, Siris is one of the most unpopular characters in the game due to being yuri-shipped in the Mingdeng patch. Chen managed to salvage some popularity by being the Jade Beauty trope, but Siris was completely trashed.
It's over...
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>Not short enough though.
By just copying everything genshin did, and I wish I was joking. Remember the first genshin zone that got added into the game? Wuwa added that in 1.1 too. Remember paimon? We got not-paimon now. It's fucking sad honestly, they could've just copied the open-world design idea and not copy everything that was trash about it
In terms of devs, yeah. I think some of the big publishing conglomerates might still be higher however
They even copied the shitty targeting.
It's even worse in Wuwa because the game is faster.
Harem marriage has been announced and two wedding dress girls are coming in a week or so. It's going to be a big anniversary for Snowbreak and a lot of people were saving.
Everything would include the shitty targeting yes, also they broke the camera recently too.
No, that tencent.
But Mihoyo is the most profitable game private devs company.
>most profitable game dev
>only does censored slop
What a fucking waste
Blame the CCP.
Whoa, cool gunblade
I mean, yeah, last patch was Cherno and Enya who are very popular, this patch is Siris who is extremely unpopular. Plus Acacia rerun vs Tess rerun.
I do, but not all chink companies do that shit so some fault is within mihomo themselves. Look at other chink games, a lot of them are just giga coomer shit so why doesn't the CCP force their hand?
Money of course, why do you think wuwa copy the blurring out character model effect if you moved the camera under them to do panty shoot just like genshin?
Look at them now, making big guy money.
MHY is in the CCP camp officially.
Other devs probably aren't.
>Two of the most shilled banners
>still can't beat genshin lowest revenue
I hope eos soon, fuck them for wasting my time with retarded crashes.
So the camera thing is not just my device problem? Not surprised
Wait gi has targeting system? I never know that.
I thought the devs "fixed" the game by firing the old writer?
What's the full story on the Snowbreak fiasco anyway? I know nothing about it.
Yeah they fucked the rendering of the game, stutters after 1.1 for a lot of people. The camera is fucked after 1.1 except this one is for everyone. Still no way to disable auto-targeting and auto-camera btw, the in-game options don't disable all camera movements
The numbers are fake, OP got banned from Hoyoverse subreddit and others for fake numbers.
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Reminder that sensortower 'accidentally' froze the revenue numbers for 15 days, and refused to fix the numbers afterwards

Reminder that sensortower data is a paid service
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Answer me p-please anons
the kuro mafya...
There's no before and after, but it's still a MHY game.
Just check the character designs yourself.
>firefly faggots melting and calling the data fake
>tries to re-capture the success of genshin for the xth time instead of doing AL2 with cool mecha riggin girls or something else
Still disappointed. The takeaway from genshin should've been to move up from 2D png collectors to something of higher scale in its own niche. But instead everyone thinks they just need to do exactly genshin with some new bits tagged on and they are set, when even hoyo clearly already started moving on from genshin and there won't be a huge influx of new players excited for that type of game again to replicate it.
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Weird since genshin and ZZZ had a before and after. Oh well, I was kinda wanting to play a turn-based game for a change. Thanks anon
sensor tower literally admits it tho
>schizo ramble
you LOST
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wait wtf happened to the android sales? google play went down?
IIRC HSR never showed character design changes, if any.
Enjoy, HSR is pretty good for a 4 niggas in a row gacha game.
it went down so they froze it and released as is
keep in mind FF released in that time frame and WUWa peaked right before
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the freeze affected all games, so any game wirth a banner release in that time frame is probably lower than it should be
the censors hit before anything else gets out, so yes but you won't see the results

there are some helpful mods i've seen, though
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Oh right.
It's even more funny since she doesn't have the darkened area in the splash art.
Yuri pandering attracts too many schizos, its why BA is falling too
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>HSR is pretty good for a 4 niggas in a row gacha game.
That's what I heard, also /u/ likes it apparently. Although it's one of these male or female MC games so it's just typical mihoyo omni-pandering obviously
That's a lot of small detail changes, can't say I hate the after here. Extra navel is nice. In genshin they just straight up censored stuff without re-designing anything
That was what I was thinking, maybe they learned from genshin? But that makes no sense since they censored basically everything in ZZZ launch so that clearly can't be the case
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>boosts revenue by 50%

See? This is why games need more bikini hebes
Blue archive has literally 1 male char and that's the MC lol.
It's not even fucking out, it won't survive like this for western release I bet
this bitch really sneaked her way into the express (think like someone joining the crew in one piece) without consent and nobody talks about it
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h-how did it happen bros
>also /u/ likes it apparently.
There's enough yuribait for them to work their crank.
>Although it's one of these male or female MC games so it's just typical mihoyo omni-pandering obviously
Yes, I think almost all the mainstream gacha are omnipandering.
if you like loli, clara is peak, runs around shoeless and you can hear her pitter patter change based on the surface type, 10/10 attention to detail

>also /u/ likes it apparently
while i'm sure not all of /u/ is like this, there were a bunch of brain-damaged yuritards dilating about anyone who dared to suggest that robin isn't gay (her sexuality is never discussed in game and she has like maybe 10 minutes of active dialog)
500 too 800 is fucking sad.
It's not going to survive in global, especially because of the NTR stuff.
I'm tired of seeing this balding cuck everywhere
Snowbreak is male MC only, started out pretty interesting and tacti-cool but it's become a coomer harem game. Bit hard to take it seriously anymore but I'm glad there's a game for this crowd
I heard it's super power creepy and I'd be starting it TODAY so I'm probably fucked whether I give it a try or not
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>if you like loli,
There's other loli game.
Fixed sure, but people still remember. Look at Wuthering Waves, one character was a giant fucking asshole in the beta, and people still have a seething hatred of him even though they changed his name, design, 3D model, backstory, personality and more.
Anyway, the Snowbreak story;
>game had a large dev team, including a lot of women
>big development mess, some want to make a waifu game, some want to make a more twitter friendly game with male characters, straight shipping, and yuri shipping
>beta literally had the MC being a nobody that people shit in and ignored while all the girls fawned over Chad Thundercock, who literally had lightning powers when MC-kun was a weak human, and eventually steals the MC position from MC-kun
>panic rewrite (and writer fired) when all of China laughs at them, Chad removed, story rewritten, girls actually acknowledge MC's existence, and show interest in MC, some only very slight crushes or slight interest while others a lot
>story is mediocre, has some cool ideas but suffers from the poor writing
>some annoying shit like yuri-shipping that got left in, a dumb "I can fix him" scene where a woman insists an evil cultist that grooms children to be human sacrifices can be redeemed and other shit, and the game's direction is still a mess
>all 4* characters are extremely covered up and most standard 5*s too
>mid-2023 there's a big change
>a number of women left Seasun due to "creative differences"
>Haru patch comes out
>Haru's design is pure sex, the main story plot, story and writing quality is MASSIVELY improved, in the side content the girls are much more open and affectionate with MC-kun, but the game still has a stigma
>and then ultrasex Katya brings back old players and brings in new players, and people are surprised at how good the new content is
>revenue spikes
>story keeps getting better
>girls getting hornier
>game getting lewder
>outright romantic confessions, but also characters are getting actual character arcs now
It's available in CN only and still makes more money than both GFL and Neural Cloud globally combined.
Where are the sales including PC and PS5 though?
>hat's what I heard, also /u/ likes it apparently
It's actually really funny because it's not a relationship. For context, Black Swan is a seductress that collects people's memories. She wants to take the memories of a deranged hobo samurai woman who can kill her in a second, so she opts to do so by seduction. Black Swan seduces both men AND women throughout the story. And Acheron is based of a canon bisexual character from Honkai that Honkaitards insist isn't bisexual because yuri fanfics are more canon than game canon.
>>game had a large dev team, including a lot of women
>>big development mess, some want to make a waifu game, some want to make a more twitter friendly game with male characters, straight shipping, and yuri shipping
Dumbasses should have settled this mess before launching the game.
The game could have done better if they simply picked one thing to do from the start.
never recorded
Star Rail's "end-game" is still doable ezily with the first limited characters desu. There is pretty much no powercreep in the game, just shilled characters for x,y,z mode of the end-game (lasts a few weeks each, rotates between DOT, crit, break, follow-up attackers generally.)
If you can't finish it with full score I think you lose like 3 rolls a month
>started out pretty interesting and tacti-cool but it's become a coomer harem game
A lot of coomers want the tacticool too, but the tacticool was collateral damage between the war of troons and coomers. One side wanted the girls to be completely covered up and the other didn't, and the result was leotards and plugsuits and the like instead after all the fighting.
Am I supposed to be impressed or something?
>outright romantic confessions, but also characters are getting actual character arcs now
They confirmed marriage as well now too. The protagonist is marrying both Fenny and Lyfe in the new patch. This isn't an If-thing and he's marrying both of them and it will be part of the story going forward.
They're going all in and the protagonist will likely be married to every playable girl as the game goes on.
luckly, both the rate up characters are incredibly synergistic and if you bum rush, you might luck them out
they make half of the current meta teams (super break) and the other half is the free MC (yes newest MC is meta defining) and a 4* currently on rate up
jannies wtf
>a lot of the coomers
You mean a few westerners who make a lot of noise kek. China never gave a shit about that and that game is largely driven by China, more-so than others that are popular here
>There is pretty much no powercreep in the game

LOL shut the fuck up!!
Gacha revenue makes the companies who pay to shill here mad, plz understand.
It's true but your choice on what to believe desu. I use random stuff to clear and reclear and it's still ez
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Global is coming
Just a question of how soon
God I hope they're not taking their time because they're doing a dub

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