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>The buyout will be only for Sega as the rest of the company will be sold off due to their agreement with Sammy.
>Sammy will stay independent but their game library will be sold to Sega/Microsoft.
>Non gaming/animation/toy divisions will be kept by Sammy.
>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand, plus after a failed buyout of SquareEnix Atlus will be a much easier buy for them.
>Sega Toys will be sold and absorbed into BandaiNamco, Sega/Microsoft keeps the rights to the Pico and Beena however.
>TMS Entertainment and Telecom Animation Film will be sold to BandaiNamco and will absorbed into BandaiNamco Filmworks/Pictures, staff will be spread out accordable.
>Marza Animation Planet will be sold to BandaiNamco but will remain the same, meaning other then a new owner nothing will change (except they can't do anymore Sonic movies).
A foreign company cannot buy a Japanese company, how many times does it have to be repeated?
No Japanese company wants to be bought by Microsoft. The brand is actively toxic in Japan and has been for years. To allow themselves to be bought by MS would be brand suicide.
explain my company then
Okay and from where did you get this information?
False information ignorantly parroted in online gaming circles. Regardless, OP's thread is about a twitter post. Microsoft isn't making any moves in Japanese acquisitions, especially after buying out Acti/Blizzard. And that's a good thing.
Weebs still trying to convince themselves the japanese game market is relevant. Nintendo is in freefall chasing mobile and Fromsoft is hard carrying the rest of the industry.
Nissan (Renault), Sharp (Foxconn) and SNK (a Saudi prince) will like to have a word you you.

Also that "law" you brought up is only valid if you are a bank or have ties with the government or military, entertainment, electronics and automotive companies like Sega and the above not under protection from the west so someone like Microsoft can buyout Sega and the LDP wouldn't give 2 shits about it because it's not a bank.
Holy shit a time traveler from 2015, sit down, we have a lot to discuss.
Switch is Japan's main focus, and Nintendo barely had anything for mobile as it's been a afterthought to them.
This is bullshit, retard. Tango was bought by Bethesda, who was owned by Zenimax.
I don't care about the chink stuff, but all the Total Wars since Rome should be ported over on Xbox.
That too.
This is literally complete bullshit that /v/ loves to repeat for some reason
A source came to OP and Twitter in a dream, the dream was walls speaking.
>Microsoft promised all the devs they bought out creative freedom over their projects
>they're all getting shut down or sent to the CoD mines
Bravo, Phil. Xbox Game Studios of the future: The CoD company
Not bought, investing is not he same thing as buying a company.
officially a merger/partnership deal, but pretty much.
Also not true, Foxconn not only didn't outright buy the company, but they aren't even the only investor.

That guy is wrong, though.
Just like the original post?
chink is a slur that applies to all east asians, shrimple as
Was this made by the Bandai Namco dick sucker that's a Anit Sega Schizo?
It was inevitable, Yakuza and Persona are already xbox franchises now.
Fake and Gay kill yourself faggot
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>random xfagbot post
Sega is throwing MS a pity bone with timed promotions because they know firsthand how bad it is to lose the console war. Xbox's future is competing with Steam.
Big if true
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>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand, plus after a failed buyout of SquareEnix Atlus will be a much easier buy for them
Oh god please no...
Aw sweet, a larp thread!
OP is legit.
Sega is only getting Yakuza, Sony is getting SMT and Persona.
I hate Microsoft so goddamn much
>posting skies of Arcadia like that’s an important franchise to sega or they even remember it exists
I don't think Sega is ever going first party with a platform holder. They advertise their games heavily as multiplatform, why throw that away? Especially with how well established their presence is on Steam/Xbox/PS/Nintendo systems. They're on the same level as Bamco and Capcom with getting their games on many systems as possible.
>>Atlus will be sold off to Sony
This doesn't make any sense... just because it has deeper ties to another platform doesn't mean they'd just sell it off to them...
Why are Xbox faggots so retarded
Microsoft only wants Sega, they don't want Atlus because they're too Japanese for them.
Kys larper
SEGA is a hawaiian company?
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And where, exactly, is the source for this information? Because it's certainly not in the OP.
These xbox fanboys never talk about games only about what Microsoft should aquire next.
Anyone who could still be an Xbox faggot after 2013 would need to be retarded just to exist
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That doesn’t make sense. Fatlus is the quintessential muttmerican
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God I want sonic to die
Please Microsoft do it
Sega has no purpose for Microsoft
>Atlus will be sold off to Sony
lol lmao
huge cope
There was a very tiny detail a couple of years ago that laid the seeds in my mind. Football Manager (a pc game) has a shit console port for the last few years, one year the ps4 version got delayed indefinitely a week before release in november and then finally was released the next march, while the xbox version came out on release date. It was very fishy to me.
Haven't we had this conversation before?
Sega has partnered with Microsoft, that’s why their games are play anywhere, I doubt Microsoft will buy Sega. But if they do I really want sonic to die, the series has been a rotten corpse for ages. Can’t believe some people liked the sonic frontiers shit, basically a made in unity tech demo.
No that one was Capcom
They were founded on a US military base so it counts as American, modern Sega however is Japanese.
And Capcom rejected Microsoft's (and Disney's) offer.
>>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
Yes, because that makes total sense lmao
Sega has literally nothing else outside Sonic
Actually fucking retarded, God/v/ is fucking stupid
How do you even typo 'surface' like that?
Microsoft buy Sega and continues release everything everywhere. Why would anyone hype up an acquisition anymore? It's not even fun for shitposting.
They got total war
Why do you fags keep ignoring this? >>681414353
By far the worse thread on /v/ which is a an achievement congrats Microshit larper
PlayStation fans buy SMT and Persona, XBox fans don't, in fact Microsoft has blocked Japanese games on their console where as with Sony they just have to have the women to not be scantily clad.
It’s the opposite of hyping, pretty much every Microsoft acquisition withers and dies
>Buy every studio
>Fire every employee
>Release no games
The perfect plan
>No source
>Shitty twitter console warrior account

Meanwhile on windows you can buy the games with scantily clad women and mod them to be even more lewd
Yes anon, because Microsoft would sell the only worthy part of SEGA to playstation kek
They saved Activision/Blizzard from Tencent.
>Pay Billions to buy SEGA
>Let's sell the most profitable part of it to our competitor just because
You're not very bright are you?
The only time Atlus had "deep ties with the Playstation brand" was during the PS2 era and with the Persona franchise. Every other era Atlus went Nintendo first (and weirdly enough, Sega with Devil Summoner) and ported to Playstation later.
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>xsirs still believe ms is going to buy more studios after their 70 billion blunder
>xsirs still believe ms is going to buy more studios even when they panic are closing studios
>xsirs still believe ms is going to buy more studios when xbox is so dead ms is panic porting their games to their direct competitor's platform
0 good games there so perfect for Microsoft to promise new games, cancel half of them, half bake the others then eventually close them all down and use them as devs for Call of Duty dlc
And Sega keeps selling marketing rights to a lot of Atlus games (Persona 3 Reload on Gamepass and Metaphor ReFantazio trailers being revealed first on Xbox showcases) despite of how well they sell on the platform or not. I don't know why I'm humoring you because I don't even believe in this hypothetical, but Sega wants to be a strong multiplatform company. Again, just like Bamco and Capcom.

>They saved CoD from being chink propaganda
Bravo, Phil. Worth the $70billion USD.
Sonic is the most profitable part of Sega, not anything from Atlus as their stuff is niche at best.
>two Sonic games a gen is profitable
I don't even like Megaten shit but the series' keeps growing in popularity while Sonic stagnates.
Sonic is more profitable because of merchandising and movies rather than the games i swear
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>Sonic is the most profitable part of Sega
Football Manager and Total War have been in decline for a while, so yes Sonic is
Other way around, Sonic is growing while Persona is stagnant.
Sonic is much more profitable period.
It's true.
Microsoft and Bandai Namco not gonna suck your dick lil bro
Persona 6 is gonna sell more than Sonic Generations X Shadow. screencap this
This is so goddamn obvious it's insane that it even needs to be said.
Not that I think Persona is bigger than Sonic, but Sonic is not fucking "growing" at any rate, hell, Superstars and the last couple remasters caused it shrink if anything
sega should order creative assembly to make another horror game
"serface". You should be banned from speaking English you retard.
Not going to happen.
Sonic is growing.
>rumors about microsoft buying sega surfaces
>its nothing but a bunch of xbox fanboy accounts just saying microsoft should buy xbox
every fucking time. this shit pisses me off so much.
its not just with this, literally anything now.
No it fucking isn't.
So best time for Microsoft to buy it
404'ed; Can't find link.
That tweet is the first twitter post where I've seen everyone unanimously agree that would be fucking retarded if it happened
obviously mean to say *microsoft should buy sega*
Why would you lie about something so easily proven wrong?
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All MS acquisitions do is release zero games, fire 60+% of the staff and ultimately kill the studio.
Every time they've bought a studio, it has only resulted in less games being put out. Fuck them and their acquisitions

>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand

Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
The link is 404'ed.
Why is Sea of Thieves a best seller on Playstation Store, then?
>Buy every studio
>Fire every employee

2 studios worked on Redfall (something you would never have bought), one worked on mobile Doom game, and one made unprofitable games that didn't sell. What's the problem here?
If profit is the only thing that matters then Xbox's future is producing CoD slop only.
I'm not buyin it
maybe I'd be mad if sega still made anything good
Sonic as a game franchise isn't that hot but Sonic as a media franchise is big, and there's a lot of money to be made in merchandise
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Sonic and Yakuza have fallen off past the point where Microsoft could do any real damage to either IP so whatever. What else are they pushing these days? Is PSO2 still going? Couldn't pay me to play that.
Literally the only thing rare has developed in 18 years this is what we call withering retard
Sonic is still going strong.
Sonic as a game franchise is hot.
Why are Sonic furfags like this?
Beware, the sanic autists are here
Yeah but the games aren't good, that's my point. There's nothing of value lost if Microsoft doesn't treat the IP well.
The atlus part makes it sound fake, but i would love to write off sega ip in its entirety.
It's real, Sony's attempt to buy SquareEnix got rejected by the Japanese courts so they have to settle for Atlus instead.
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Imagine him finally having his own spinoff greenlit by Phil but spending 7 years in development hell and ending in the dissolution of sega
This sounds more like bamco buying Sega and giving some scraps to Microsoft. Xbox is retarded enough to do it though.
Ms would pay more for the whole thing, it sounds like someones fantasy more than a reality.
No, it's Microsoft buying Sega from Sammy and Bamco getting some scraps.
Microsoft has no interest in pachinko, slot machines, anime studios, casinos, golf clubs, whatever else real estate Sammy has, very niche hyper Japanese games has nor toys; Microsoft just wants normie games and Sega fits that bill.
>Sega Toys will be sold and absorbed into Bandai Namco.
Got a dumb question, what will happen to franchises created in partnership with other companies, like Jewelpet and Rilu Rilu Fairilu? (Both made and owned by both Sanrio and Sega Toys) Will something happen to them or not?
>>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
the fuck is this move?
>>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
this is not true.
Nintendo hard carries it
>The only time Atlus had "deep ties with the Playstation brand" was during the PS2 era and with the Persona franchise. Every other era Atlus went Nintendo first (and weirdly enough, Sega with Devil Summoner) and ported to Playstation later
ps owners do not buy atlus shit now compared to switch owners
there was a leak about this just a week ago
>believing a literal roach
Microsoft fans are mentally ill and need help


Please sir do the needful
shut up weeb lol
>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
Most games this gen sold better on switch, even SMT VV sold better on Switch despite being a rerelease. Anyway looks like a retarded decision so it might as well be real since this is atlus/sega we're talking about kek
Tendie troons getting uppity
This is a random Iraqi xbot fan boy, how is this news and not shitposting? Why do we have a 100+ reply thread about this nobody? Are you all illiterate and believe op based on anything?
Op is a fucking weirdo.

Rights will be transferred to Sanrio.
Nintendo doesn't want Atlus, Sony does.
That isn't even from the same person.
Not an insult here, faggot.
Sega payed next to nothing for Atlus, P5 would have made back it's costs with ease, Nintendo could have bid when they were literally the only third party publishing Atlus titles and had a strong relationship having multiple Atlus dev teams working on content for their consoles exclusively, yet they didn't, this says all there is to say about the matter, Nintendo doesn't care for Atlus.
MS bought marketing rights and gamepass access for multiple Atlus titles, they'd absolutely demand they be part of the deal, this is someone's blatant larp because it's Sega going to MS something people have speculated for a long while but also the part of Sega that they personally like miraculously ends in up in Sony's hands, it's so blatantly full of shit it's like a shitty Zelda subtitle in a Nintendo direct "leak" thread.
ok weeb lol
>OP keeps remaking Twitter threads
>Microsoft SARS typing payed instead of paid
3rd worldies really begging for an impossible acquisition.
Sega was founded by americans in Hawaii. It's not a jap company.
This entire thread is cope, but Phil Spencer did internally try to drum up interest in acquiring basically all of SEGA's game development business internally at Microsoft years ago which came out as emails during the FTC hearings for the Activision buyout
wtf is wrong with microsoft fans?
Games going multiplat, massive layoffs, gamepass not working out
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>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
Nintendo was in the running to buy Atlus after their Index company's bankruptcy back in the day but Atlus execs didn't want to be locked to one platform so they went to Sega instead.
Microsoft console fans thought they they were going to get full exclusives in 2024 but that didn't happen. Some of the Xbox insane diehards went to PC and have constant PC fanboy vs console fights in their heads play out on social media and on /v/. Phil Spencer uniornically mindbroke Xbox console fanatics very hard.
Microsoft and Sony are done buying studios
Fake or cope, purely out of the atlus thing written down there
MS has been paying atlus for years now to get ad priority and some games release day one on gamepass. Almost any persona/smt game gets an xbox only logo for their first reveal before going multiplat
If there is one company MS would buy to shit on sony, it would be atlus. Cheap and with good rep among normies
Sammy is not being sold.
Sammy is selling their SEGA assets
SEGA has been dead for 20 years
Kys larper and shove a Xbox One X up your ass
you know this Xbox buys Sega thing has been going since the Dreamcast.
>Atlus will be sold off to Sony as their IPs have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
You faggots are fucking broken.
No one thought that. Seriously no one. Everyone knew it was always gonna be ported to pc.
SEGA doesn't exist anymore. SAMMY bought out SEGA 20 years ago.
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>net loss of $45 million because of hyenas
They won't, Microsoft rejected a bunch of Japanese game and they want western style shooting games on XBox, not JRPGs that are extremely Japanese.
Persona is niche, Microsoft wants normie games and Sonic is as normie as you can get.
They weren't, Nintendo only buys companies that are on their death bed (Next Level Games) or are so close to Nintendo that all they ever did was Nintendo work (SRD).
>Absorbed into BandaiNamco Filmworks/Pictures once they're sold off to BandaiNamco.
Okay, let me go over this since you're a retarded parrot that keeps spouting incorrect information. A foreign company can and has bought many nip companies in the past. The only ONLY fucking requirement is having a Japanese branch. Guess what Microsoft has. Retard.
do you think they are sad now?
Hawaii founded, American company.
The series s is the most successful Xbox console ms ever sold in Japan, Sony nigger. It’s why Phil tries so hard to get shit like ff14

You have got to be absolutely fucking kidding me. Fuck off
They're were founded on American own military land, it counts as American.
OP made a typo, everyone makes typos every now and then.

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