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thoughts? did your game do better/worse than you expected?
HSR is still resoundingly on top, but a $200 million yearly marketing campaign will do that
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granblue makes more than all of them
Gacha should be illegal
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Gacha became too powerful
Its kinda funny seeing r/gachagaming pretending to ignore WuWas numbers
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So why haven't your gacha added non-binary options yet?
It's also funny seeing wuwafags ignore Genshin numbers
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kinda insane honkai impact 3rd is outselling tof
I've always wondered why mihoyo market HSR way more than they do Genshin
I can't go a single day without getting one of those shitty HSR ads where they pay some Z list youtuber meanwhile I rarely ever see Genshin ads even though I only play Genshin
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it's over
genshin is way more expensive to make, you have to do all kinds of world additions while HSR you basically just reprint the same fights/zones over and over
The first comment says that numbers are boring because is not high/low enough
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LMAO Rip bozo
Good riddance to limbus
is limbus really that small? i thought girl's frontline was popular too, did the /vg/ threads lie to me?
snowbreak is also at half, i thought they were doing some big audience pandering move?
and what the FUCK happened to arknights holy shit what a drop
Source of that one?
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No kings rule forever. Why don't people care about Genshit Toiletpact anymore?
>hiding chink numbers
the biggest gacha market still loves genshit and hates wuwa for some reason, the game is done
you forgot to mention how sensor tower just omitted a week without explanation and printed the chart anyways
Yep, this shit always happens. People will doom doom doom and then once there's numbers they can't deny they disappear. They'll wait until the end of this month because only Changli will have a banner so the revenue will drop.
Pretty sure Mihoyo spends more than $500 million a year marketing HSR alone. I remember at one point Sony was spending $300 million a year just marketing FGO.
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Keep crying tendie
Why the fuck can't they be normal games tho? It's way past the point where they are some mobile trash with shitty graphix and next to 0 story whatsoever, they could sell those at 60$ and it would be ok, shitton of people would buy smth like genshin/WuWa/zzz. Why are good anime games sticking to the most disgusting monetisation model ever?
Cool made up numbers. Why do people eagerly wait for this every month?
it's absurd how shit the competition is in the gacha space, the quality is so fucking bad compared to non-gacha games. The gacha space is just screaming for a good dev from non-gacha to blow them all out of the water
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It's the zoomers version of console wars, except they're loyalty belongs to Winnie the Pooh.
Why is this guy hiding chink numbers to pretend his headcanon matters something?
If you pander to straight men you lose. Realize how top2 both pander to the lgbt crowd.
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>did your game do better/worse than you expected?
Its doing fine. Decent middle of the road. Liked the past event enough to actually read it and the new girls are excellent.
Hoping Promillia is just as good.
Also hope ZZZ is good too. Not a hoyofag, but ZZZ looks cool enough for me to try it.
>Kuro sees oversea market where they make most of their money
>they start 'catering' to Westerners

It's truly over.
>Why won't these companies make a hundred times less money?!?!?
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Bro, Tears of Themis is outselling ToF
They don't at all you faggot. This shit is made in China and they are against faggotry.
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>Why don't people care about Genshit Toiletpact anymore?

I wonder.
Chink numbers only use iOS and for android they use a made-up multiplier so it can distort things. More women use iOS so female pandering banners or games get artificially boosted by the multiplier they use, while it makes a game like Snowbreak on the other hand seem to make a lot less than it actually does.
Yume Stacies rule.
Iphone is a status device. 90% of Chinks are using Android phones but most whales are Applefags.
>Kaveh Alhaitham
>Bronya Seele
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Chronicling reminder
Still baby tier compared to EA sports games.
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You are obsessed
How is this? I thought it was some idol shit but apparently is a nice detective game
Because it's far less established than Genshin. A few months time, you'll be asking "Why do they advertise ZZZ so much more than Star Rail?"
>Just fujobait
That's it?
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EOS in 2 weeks....
What regions are
>blue globe
>purple globe
>gay globe
supposed to be?
I'm a sis but not into romance sims so it was boring for me
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the model of
>free game
>lots of mtx
is just extremely successful and popular. You can also get pretty far in the games either free or with one of the cheap paypig options, so people are generally happy and keep playing them
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Limb is fucking dead. I hate that they made it a gacha, We could have had a real 20-40$ game but now we get to suffer while the game dies, slowing getting worse and worse, trying to get more gacha money
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She is so fucking cute
That is terrible holy shit.
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Pardon me?
Tried googling, didn't got anything.
Purple globe is the global without China
Ranbow globe is the global + China
Idk about the blue one.
hoyo games pander to yumes and waifufags, both of whom are straight just also pathetic
ymmv but the story is pretty good for a mystery/detective game. Gameplay’s kinda simplistic but the events can have some cute little minigames. Unfortunately, Mihoyo treats it like a redheaded stepchild so there’s not a lot of qol
>wuwa is full of chink mysticism and shit
>chinese market hates it
can I get a qrd?
why the NIKKE nosedive? I just remember Soda Bunny Edition being released. Was that May?
Love and deepspace, you are a cute girl and every kpop wants to fuck you, some of them have a dark past and you can change them
Love and Deepspace
It seems like omnipandering is more viable in the market nowadays. Pro-capitalist anti-woke gang should be in shambles, but won't.
no shot they advertise ZZZ more, HSR prints money and costs next to nothing to make. ZZZ will be as expensive as genshin, but also kind of niche, they fucked up with it
Always happen since people save for the summer pulls
what happened with limbus, I thought it was pumping?
>hoyo games
>pander to yumes
You said what? (ToT aside, that is an otome)
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This... wasn't what I was expecting...
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Shut up and show me your ass Ulrid
>anime airing
>revenue keeps dropping
blue ACKive sisters..............
Jp isn't on here. Don't know why you retards care about a made up number anyway.
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>any gacha thread
>bluetrannies spamming their images
>revenue thread
>literally zero presense
so all the talks of comiket something something numbers are just all a massive cope for their reality?
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After the failure of Engage, revenue skyrocketed for FEH after they brought back Gullveig. What a queen.
No blue archive really is #1 at comiket. Ironically enough blue archive fans not being on this thread shows thier smarter than you console warring retards.
Dead weeks before railway and doomposter discord pajeet cuck who was vanished from /vg/ multiple times (Arknights, Genshin, Blue Archive, you name it).
That and no money on wallet after last Walpurgis. Plus lgbt niggers getting uppity after some vtuber didn't like BongBong getting politicized with the trannie flag.
Either way, that means I got time to read Don Quijote before Canto VII.
Its because femcels actually get into it while dramacels spend more time looking at drama than supporting waifu games
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>we are super popular just look at the number of fanarts we get!!
>noooo don't bring up those numbers they are all fake!!!!!!!
What's the oldest game on this list? Fire Emblem Heroes is like 7 years old at this point, did anything come out earlier that's still paying out?
Also holy shit is FFVII Ever Crisis done for?
Its not a cope its just a fact that they use their marketing budget on commisioning shit for comiket.
FGO is 9 years old. I dunno about the rest. Maybe Dokkan Battle is older but I'm not sure.
Chinese are gay confirmed
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just cope that they will make another game after canto 12
thats what Im doing
Sounds like your the one coping to me.
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I wonder... (also WuWa 6m$ in CN Android, which they got only data for from CN side, Genshin doubles it)
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Total Chinese domination


Soon Zenless Zone Zero
Doesn't surprise me that Limbus made fuck all, Crate sharding means that around 80% of players never buy anything aside from the battle pass and walpurgis pulls
Okay retard. Keep console warring over fake numbers.
It is limbover
nta but I'll apologize as well
I should've known better that Blue Archive is in fact making more revenue than all hoyoslop and that the anime was a complete success with it topping all numeric charts available and instantly becoming a widely loved classic with a masterpiece story and animation that put all top studios to shame.
Sensortower is only mobile, right? I'd assume most of the playerbase for Limbus is on steam given that the phone version is hot dogshit
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You got some seething tards replying to you already but you're right on the money. It's so fucking obvious how manufactured everything about poo shartchive is if you do a little digging. Their "fan"base, their "fan"art, their "fan"artists, etc. Pic very much related.
Everything except their revenue telling the actual truth lol, genuinely have never seen something so astroturfed in my life.
Once you realize this, you realize they're all just hot air that'll disappear when the next shiny trend appears since there's zero substance to any of this.
That way both people who play the game and those who doesn't can still fap endlessly to the girls. What's the downside?
Just that disenginious baggots will claim that is popularity
I never said it was making more money retard. I'm sorry you have to make conspiracy theories in your head that all the fanartist are paid off by the company. I'm sure those comiket doujin were all paid off by nexon.
No one is falling for it bozo, or will care about """"""""""""playing""""""""""""" blue archive
Didn't Vergil kill the mobile playerbase when his animations crashed the client and forced them to replay 6-41
Girl here, if you like uma musume play Blue Lock
ngl when I found out about atelier gacha I thought it'd die in 3 months
happy for you guys I guess
Yet you care enough to respond.
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Daily reminder that these numbers are completely made up. These numbers only track mobile figures, and everyone that follows the industry knows that 80% of gacha revenue comes from whales, and for games that have a desktop client, whales will do all their spends on desktop, so you're missing the only numbers that actually matter.

Doubly so for games where buying the same amount of currency costs more on mobile than on desktop (notably Genshin Impact). Buying the gacha currency costs 30% more on an iOS device than it would if you bought it through the desktop client or the website, which none of these charts capture. So basically these charts only capture the spending of complete retards that spend 30% more for no reason whatsoever.

TL;DR: You're arguing over completely made up numbers.
where do you think we are?
we're just having fun so quit trying to ruin our entertainment with your "facts" or whatever nonsense!
let them have their fun with their make believe numbers, it's all they have
>Daily reminder that [WALL OF COPE]
Genshin is dead as fuck until Natlan, and probably during Natlan if they make nigger spic characters
imagine arguing over made up numbers >>681431036
When ZZZ drops are hoyofans going to be paying 3 welkins a month?
based paimon slurper
I don't care about gacha I'm just here to shit on ba cuz it's funny
I'm pretty sure like 90% of anons here know that
this is just the monthly tribalism shitflinging thread
Arguing over numbers is fun, whether those numbers are accurate or not is secondary.
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Idols will soon be top revenue game in Japan.
most honest poster on /v/
honestly the most fun threads on /v/
kinda sucks it only happens once a month though
Like totk made up numbers?
This does seem to point to me that a lot of "Wokeness" that you see is actually just shit that you get from companies trying to appeal to a broader demographic, the coomer games do not do all that well in comparison.

Not to say that I'm against coomer games, I think they h ave more designs that hit for me than omnipandering ones, ironically Nikke has some good male character designs.
Oh boy the classic I gave up even trying to fight back response
Baggots sure are disenginious. No wonder they are never here, they get BTFO every time
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don't bully us with facts paimon
>fgo in other regions has fallen off this list entirely
It's over
Because ignoring newfags/posers coomer games were always more niche, Kazuya on the cover will always attract more players than DOA girls, it's the DB syndrome, not every normalfag makes the gacha about sexuality, they just see these games as raising sims/collectors
Most of the selfproclaimmed coomers dont even support coomer games, they are just there for the drama, it works like this:
>Someone make a lewd waifu
>Incels start imagining ntr/cuck fantasies because their minds dont even know about seductive stare
>Then start complaining about normalfags censorship at the same time they ignore coomer gachas
Meanwhile make some yumejo shit and you will have females supporting your product. You can't blame companies if the market became autistic
Qrd on snowggers marriage thingy?
Is it like AL where you can marry your bote or what? Why they are making a big deal out of it?
The numbers are fake, this is the 3rd post OP posted. He is desperate because OP got banned from Reddit.
Dunno, i think they are trying to make Fenny your canon wife?
this should be required reading to post in these threads, at least filter the retards that think any of these arguments are legitimate
The big thing is that it isn't a player choice, but something that is happening within the story and will be reflected in the story unlike marriage systems where it is give the character an item and maybe you will unlock some special dialogue.
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Lmao seriously? That's all you got? Nice failed anime btw
Ah. I think I was thinking about something different, but that also makes sense. There is an industry of people that likes to bitch about things, i enjoy whining so i don't blame 'em
Everyone is getting married to the player
even me??
Kinda based desu, but sounds like a whole lot of problems and issues, more than its worth. But if it brings revenue and makes players happy, cheers for them i guess.
No, just the girls in the game desu
It was foreshadowed in this patch comically and a lot of players asked for it after, pretty smart set-up for a unique anniversary idea
Pretty much every 3D gacha has to deal with a lot of trouble at the moment with MHY since ZZZ is about to launch. July will be interesting...
>thread slows down after this post

kek, just goes to show that a lot of retards do actually think these numbers are legitimate
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It's over for genshin impact
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This time for real, tendiesisters
Very excited for this one desu
Why bother with a retard like you that thinks the artist are paid off and other retarded conspiracy theories.
How do you spend so much money so casually on multiple gacha games?
you vastly overestimate the intelligence of the average /v/ poster
I am a multimillionaire desu
Yeah bro, you sure keep convincing people
You have to remember, this is above all an asian market, where people have no kids or even a partner to waste money on
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hm...paimon is not supposed to be this smart...you're not the real paimon!
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>so much money
A couple extra bucks over a couple months is not really a lot money. You speak like every poster here is a hardcore whale. Also, this >>681433789
>thinks the artist are paid off
i mean, they quite literally are, it's practically an open secret at this point among the wider gacha community after people got hard evidence.
the biggest gacha whales are all trust fund kiddies
A friend of mine has gambling addiction, so there's that
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Anyone got any good gacha edits of this?
Yeah bro, nexon is totally wasting money to pay off people to make fan art for their game. You know how much of a retard you sound like? I've never seen people cope so hard that maybe, people just like making art of a game they like. 90% of gacha player don't spend money in them, especially a game like blue archive that isn't as predatory as something like genshin so I don't know why the imaginary numbers not putting ba at the top of the list is somehow proof of you schizo theories.
Of course they are. You keep telling yourself that schizo.
Is this arknights?
Oh please baggot, we have already seen how fanart gets dropped before the character releases.
You are only making baggots look worse
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>why the NIKKE nosedive?
No limited or Pilgrim banner. The most broken nonlimited characters, Naga&Tia made 14 million only. Android revenue malfunctioned before Bunny Alice banner and up to the 15th of June but I doubt it mattered much since these numbers are not accurate anyway but the trend of Nikke doing badly during nonlimited banners is real
How could it be? No furries in sight.
Pretty sure its GFL
that's for reverse collapse
the non-gacha game by the girls frontline devs
OK schizo.
Yeah 8 years ago maybe
Girls Frontline is just old enough to not be that popular anymore, plus with neural cloud and gf 2 they don't have all their eggs in one basket anymore
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Girls' Frontline (although yeah this >>681435017 anon is right it's technically about the Reverse Collapse lore)
I don't know why I have 2 of these
Does anyone have the Griffin and William one?
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So you just gonna ignore the whole bunnysuit thing or what? >>681430154
Like dude it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together on what happened there.
Stop bullying them, the number of fanarts and doujin is the only metric they can still be arrogant about. Let them be.
I can't see shit on the phone version
Yostar definitely does buy popularity. Just look at the Mahjong Souls collab, they went ahead with it despite Nexon devs being against that because the game doesn't make them as much money as it seems.
I still remember BAkucks last year jerking themselves off over being the next touhou because something something fanart something something doujins. Delusion doesn't even begin to describe it
We actually got a good number actually. The moment Philipclair showed up, the servers peaked at 100k players. While the peak was 38433 players, the rest were mobileniggers.
So you canestimate a 38% of players being on PC while the majority, as always , is on phone.
They did the same a lot too with azur lane back when they weren't as well known, so there's precedent for this sort of thing too. Seems like they haven't learned their ways at all and are facing significant blowback because of it.
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What the fuck is going on with Naruto Mobile?
Who gives a fuck about Naruto in year of our lord 2024?

Is the gameplay actually really good or something?

Is there anyone here who plays it who can explain?
Chinese. Its all the chinese.
Asian players are mainly mobile and Asian players spend the most desu. PC-cope only belongs to exceptional cases...and these cases should provide exceptional proof if they want the claims to be taken srsly desu
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Wonder if Azur Lane would've been making as much as it is today if more people found out about that collab Yostar did with this game, where the azur lane girls have a literal LOVE meter with the MC.
K… then why do the Chinese give so much of a fuck about Naruto Mobile?
>nexon is totally wasting money to pay off people to make fan art for their game
I mean, yeah? They already got caught doing so
Blue Archive is one of the few games that isn't infested with lgbt garbage. Is that why /v/ hates it?
no because it's just shit
Idk, AL is less cucked because you can actually marry your units, unlike in BA (from what i understand). Besides, AL is also about multiple timelines and stuff so you can always chalk it off as another timeline that is not yours something like that.
They give a fuck about Naruto;why you may ask, that I can't answer
Blessed prince
it's really low budget for how big of a fanbase it supposedly has
unfortunately all the twitter and pixiv artists don't count as fanbase since they likely never touched the game either
They like shonen, it's that simple.
Naruto is so close to what they write in wuxia shit.
>young master from a small clan who has perfect foundation secretly has insane genetics from another far greater clan that was destroyed vs orphan from a destroyed clan with insane reserves secretly has insane genetics from his pops, (his fathers clan was destroyed as well with zero explanation just incase we want to tell his story on its own.)
>use esoteric training to master a dangerous power that comes from withinvs use esoteric training to master a dangerous demon that comes from within
literally wuxia
I’ll be paying for 7 or so at that point? I buy the monthly in all the gacha games I play.
Yes, it is basic hero KINO (see Achilles for the Western version.)
Two more Weeks?
can you play it on PC or is it mobile only
I get the vague feeling that Achilles would hate every story about him
Everything on twitter is fake, they stole 4chan trademark.
>new hoyokino
>but it's furshit
who greenlit this
>a game like blue archive that isn't as predatory as something like genshin
genshin is actually less predatory than BA for the sole fact that there's no PvP or ranked scoring like there is in BA.
And their purchases are far better value than whatever the hell is even going on with BA's monetization.
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Gakumas eating good
Why? He wanted his name to be etched in history.
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>Mihoyo dominating
>ZZZ will arrive soon
>Will easily get billions of dollars of profit for them as well since they have the soft power brand name all over the world
So what's Mihoyo's plan after ZZZ? Will they make another gacha? Will they invest in multimedia ventures like with the never ever Genshin anime by Ufotable? Will they make a a priced game for fun?
>those abs on top left
what the fuck
Granblue Relink was quite fun so I hope mihoyo does like Cygames
An AC clone is in development afaik.
By other warriors not historians or scholars
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Never thought about it like that but yeah makes sense. Ive seen these charts around and always for some weird ass reason Magic Awakened isnt on them and you can tell that people really drop a lot of cash on it.
>AC clone
Assassin's Creed or Ace Combat?
Two more more weeks bro surely it'll come true go beg at HHPP to make it happen Director will come out personally for ya
Animal Crossing not Armored Core.
Don't know what to tell you kek, r
Im sorry what?
>Will they make a a priced game for fun?
Only one company does this and it's cygames because they know their gachas won't ever be as popular in the future. Mihoyo makes a formula that prints them infinite money, there's no reason to make a shitty expensive game that will be forgotten in a few months, you also need to realize that console gaming in China is not that popular, so they have to make games that work on PC + mobile.
You really like slurping bro
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>N-Nooooo this popularity doesn't count!

Hilarious. And paying for fanarts and doujins is the most based thing a dev could do. Not that you would know, considering nobody even knows your favorite gacha.
he's eating noodles
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>Magia Record
Damn, that's fucking sad. Game was awfully mismanaged.
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>Will they make another gacha?
Fucking obviously, retard, why the fuck would they make anything other than that? Gacha gaming is evergreen content that gives them billions of dollars. At most they'll make some anime here and there or manga because it's not as expensive + will get them even more reach.
>It's a touhoufag seething about BA
I sure am surprised
>Only one company does this and it's cygames
MICA and Shift-Up did it too within months of Relink
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Try again, pal
This shit looks retarded.
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Chinks actually and factually showing ShitterConnectShit that people want Boruto content when it's well made.
Relink's demo was somehow as bad as standard SE-slop kek, Cygames is pretty much fucked in the JRPG space. They will be stuck in the fighting game ghetto unless they can make Uma sell on console, which will be demonstrated one way or another soon enough
no wonder hsr and love deepspace is ranked so high
my knees...... they are trembling....
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I'm just sayin'. If you aim at the king, you better not miss.
And goddamn did blue archive miss.
Naruto is a mix of Star Wars and Harry Potter.
you could, if anyone here played it
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why the fuck is there a giant and kaguya giving her powers to naruto's son?
That's Momoshiki you dumb fuck try hard shitposter.
It's time to enjoy some Naruto gacha kino anon
That's nice sweety, I'm glad you're having fun with your fate moon game.
>The Eternal Emperor of Japan
>Played by the Emperor
Fate-sama...I kneel
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Why do retards keep giving chinks money?
Mihoyo has openly stated what their goal is. Invest in and develop what is needed so they can make an actual Sword Art Online style game. The damn weebs that they are.
Is this what the nuclear reactor is for?
Why is Octopath Traveler on this list?
Would require a lot of power.
I did not watch Boruto, nigger
No thanks.
Do people actually believe numbers out of china? The country of people known for lying and cheating at any give opportunity?
>people actually track how much their favorite dogshit gacha does in sales
we are so spectacularly fucked as a species
It's going to be such a shitshow when that nuclear reactor has a meltdown.
But it's still better than what Microsoft is doing lmao they're destroying the motherfucking planet
Because Octopath is a gacha series above all else similar to SaGa.
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>FGO fags continue to be on suicide watch
You love to see it
You're a fat fuck chevy
You probably watch Bleach or Blacked Clover. That's second fiddle shit to Naruto.

Naruto is the king of anime. Approved by M00t himself.
>bort = Nardo
u wut
Then your despair will continue...imagine turning your back on the light so flippantly.
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Limbabs...how over is it?
If it goes down again this month then yeah I can see it being over
Why do you think the reactor will meltdown? Do you think nuclear power is unsafe still or something?
Mihoyo will own the gaming industry just like how BYD will own the automotive industry all over the world. Complete chink domination in everything besides movieslop, manga and anime.
Doesn't this just mean that these games are making even MORE than the amounts shown here? Since it's not tracking the PC numbers?
That honestly just makes things even more insane.
Hory fuck
You're from /a/ one of those Naruto cucks that live to shit on the superior sequel.
I was just kidding, Naruto without Boruto is actually toilet paper. ahah imagine praising a story that at the end decided to buttfuck itself with retroactive Deus ex machinas.
Considering it's not even the king of comiket anymore for at least two years i'd say you're just delusional. But hey, you're free to tell yourself it's not real, if it makes you feel better.
Nah, there's like 5x stuff for BA compared to FGO for the last 5 comiket at least. You can keep crying though, i don't mind.
total kek archive death for another summer without bikinis, the schizo was right all along
Nuclear reactors are pretty new concepts. And chinks are pretty shit at everything they do.
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With how poorly blue archive is doing, it's really suspicious how much art it generates. You'd think it's the biggest thing ever just based on how much porn it gets alone. Something about the whole thing smells fishy as fuck.
>muh comiket
Are batrannies actually humans or bots?
All they do is imagedump all day and say the same thing every time too
Japan lost the gacha war
Do you know a single person still playing genshin? I sure don't. Mihoyo's numbers are the most made up shit there is.
cute and funny characters
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Hello, newfag tourist #34762849 who has never heard of Reitaisai. Enjoying your summer vacation before school starts again?
America needs to stop bowing to trannies and actually invest in the coomer market
Would you take a look at this >>681430154
Like you need more reasons to hate bort than they cut hinata's tits off
It would take a while to adjust desu. All of the Western artists have been ingrained in pozzed art since the beginning of their educations and careers.
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I've never seen a fanbase so delusionally egostistical yet so insecure at the same time as baggots.
Just read any of the replies by bakucks itt and you can sense their immense seethe, and they even all type the same too which makes me question whether it's just one dude or ba turns you into a soulless drone.
good target for shitposts so I don't mind though
>forced war
its true, nexon spends all their money commissioning loli doujins for a game that makes them no money
someone needs to lock these devious bastards up
5x circles =/= 5x stuff. Yostar can forcibly inflate the circle count all they want like they did with azur lane before, it doesn't mean you're getting a proportional amount of doujin hentai.
Mahjong Souls collab and shitty anime destroyed BA, now Gakuen Idolmaster is taking some of their artists and some devs even left the company to start their own stuff. It's not looking good for the game anymore...
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>almost -90% decline in revenue in just 5 months
totally not a dying game btw
blue.... archived...........
Based, every devs should do it.
Yostar will just whore out the students to their other games. Can't wait for the Arknights and Azur Lane collabs.
or even better, nexon can whore them out to their games
Still #1 in the only metric that matters
Weren't both Relink and Stellar Blade in turbo dev hell though?
I rather have more BA doujins than FGO lmao.
Now say that again when it falls -90% more in the next 5 months just in time for winter comiket
You still think artists will give a shit once the yostar money spigot runs dry ?
kek it's like retards like you have never even heard of what happened to kancolle. or azur lane for that matter
>consistently #1 in comiket
>consistently flopping in revenue
what explains?
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Why are you lying?
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still gets more doujins than genshin and hsr despite being a dead property abandoned by kadokawa
don't believe me? check c103 on panda
has never been popular at comiket at any point retard

you can stop coping now
Of course it's gonna die someday, when another gacha full of actually decent girls like BA comes out. But it's definitely not happening right now, so, wheeeeee.
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>Nov-Dec 2023
>5 months ago
You only say that as a cope for it flopping. If it were topping charts you would be acting smug over other gachas being below it, you dishonest fuck.
>But it's definitely not happening right now, so
Are you sure about that?
Not sure if shitposting nigger or retarded tourist who dont know how banners work
>we didn't retain ANY new players after introducing FOMO hype banners
>in fact we actually did WORSE than last year after introducing FOMO hype banners + official anime promotion
>this is GOOD thing
this ain't the own you think it is, chief
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How much I wish for another

Here I am, on the board I post,
dear old times,
I've made up my mind.

How much we must have suffered,
from this,

Here we are at the fated thread,
I shall make it end...





How much we must have diverged...
[I love you...!]

Here we are, it's the final chance:
with your hand,
do what must be done...

(The game)
(The game)
(The game)
(The game)
(The game)




Oh so you are retarded tourist
Tell me what gacha game you play
maybe if you ignore your revenues it will go away
Devs have already stated they've made enough money to keep the game going for at least another 10 years. good enough for me
if you care so much about revenue you should be playing valorant or apex or whatever trannycore game is popular right now idk
Yep, try again. Idolmaster already has its own public, considering it's a well known IP

A game that could actually do what you wish for could be Azur Promilia, if it doesn't end up a fluke. I'd say BA will keep being the most popular gacha among otakus for at least another year.
People are tired of tetraslop. Doesn't help they half assed the entire bunny event.
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Screeching about imaginary tourists doesn't change the facts on the ground
faggots like you will always be funny thinking you can boss me around lol
maybe I will consider it if you admit that BA is astroturfed garbage
I think those numbers are made up
>still makes way over 5m
>still the undisputed king of comiket
>totally not a dying game btw

No, apparently not. You can cope, seethe and dilate though, if you want.
Yeah and the new idolmaster ticks all of the boxes. It being already a well-known IP doesn't matter when it's eating BA's lunch right now
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Mihoyo will make waifus and husbandos real trust the plan. A thousand year dream for humanity where no one suffers anymore.
>post a character from a game that is actually dying with massive powercreep and mass banning 90% players from their own WC
Come on post more reaction image from gacha games, totally gonna make you not a tourist
>cope archive
mihoyo would sooner turn me gay with a giant space laser
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this might blow your mind
but you can save images of <X> without having touched <X>
there's no magical barrier nor hard requirement
you just right click and hit 'save as'
crazy, right?
Saying you're the undisputed king of comiket is like saying you're undisputed king of HIV-AIDS. Everyone knows comiket sold out to corporations and their ratfuck shills years ago.
>you can talk about a game of genre <X> without understanding the context behind how monetization of genre <X> work
Still waiting for the name of the gacha game you are playing shitposter
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Get on your knees and beg and I just might
We still regularly get materials of the most popular idols and BA is still above them. Either they release some absurdly popular girls, or BA will keep being above that.
You're just a Naruto hater.
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burrito is dead to me
Simply KINO
I Trust Mihoyo.
The thing about BA is just how fucking low budget it is despite supposedly being this Next Big Thing(tm) or whatever. Literally just autobattle against faceless mobs and tap menus, then read some VN story attached with the cheapest presentation (no animations, no voices, repeated sprite art everywhere, etc)
Idk man yeah some designs are cute and all that but everything else feels underwhelming as fuck. It's really fucking boring when you get down to it and probably explains why people only care about the fanart and never talk about the gameplay
the game always gave me the feeling that the animation guys for the chibis are legitimately good at what they do but are tied to everything else being corporate as fuck
>despite supposedly being this Next Big Thing
Telling me you are mihomofaggot without telling me you are mihomofaggot
It has really good character designs and the plot made you somewhat care about the students, plus all the porn. But it seems it's going downhill now after Yostar's fuck ups.
You are correct. Look at stellar blade. It is without a doubt the most coomer game in the console market today despite the censorships and yet coomers didnt support it because of said censorship. What bought it instead were a few normies. Meanwhile omnipandering games like mihoyo despite multiple censorships still rake in hundreds of millions of dollars because the audience will lap it up either way, especially the girls in the fanbase who will jist write and draw characters in sexual scenarios anyway. Case in point, look at how strong Messmer's fanbase is despite him being a weird lanky humanoid by Fromsoft standards. While men bitch about supposed principles regarding fanservice, women will just make their own fanservice.
Based, Kancolle is a mainstay IP now that will stay relevant unlike genshit, flopped archive, azur lamer.
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LOL shut the fuck up acting like you're better than the rest of them. Know you're fucking place.
And I think this just reflects on men vs women spending habits. Men have always been conditioned to not pay for porn, meanwhile women will literally spend thousands of dollars just to see a boyband concert.
Tell that to the other BA fanboys talking shit everywhere about how huge it supposedly is, that's where that line of thought was coming from
>chinks see tencent with hate like westerners see EA
>tencent funded wuwa
>chinks ironically see wuwa as a cheap copy of genshin
>wuwa performs like shit on mobile, which is most of china fanbase platform
It literally on the verge of EoS during its 1st year
90% of the fanart you are seeing right now are from 2nd year onward where it made a comeback
Fuck off Sunday
Is there a gacha that's even less of a game than Blue Archived?
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1 more week
Memento Mori? It's dying as well.
Grub is a 2nd job simulator and FGO is lol lmao tier
There's no reason for coomers to own a PS5 other than Stellar Blade. No one is going to buy a console for 1 game especially when it was obviously going to come to PC later.
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It's crazy to think that people pay for this slop...
This is false btw
The chart is frozen but the number is still counted
Look at E7 and summoner war's numbers, their revenue has been consistent for years, and this month's revenue for both of these games are barely different compared to previous month
Blame modern v
Gaming. I bought the ER dlc which while nice, provided me about 4 days of entertainment for 40 dollars. Meanwhile I can spend 0 dollars with modded skyrim, fallout 4 and gacha and get the same amount of entertainment and more. I am a super dolphin so I probably spend like 5 dollars on gacha every 2-3 months depending of theres a banner coming up that I like.
Good to see WuWa is doing ok but I expected way more income from them.
>Tower of Fantasy making less than a million
Towerbros... its Joever...
You could stop cooming?
The game is currently unplayable on mobile btw
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It’s fate of meduka, fate of all meduka games
Female hands typed this post. Troon hands, even
>raid shadow legends not on list
>despite it clearly making shitloads based on global leaderboards and millions being spent

so its a made up list for weeb shit?
I don't think Raid is a gacha to begin with. Also yes this is just for anime games.
If you include raid, you also have to include shits like honor of kings, whose revenue will make all mihomo's games look bad in comparison
Cant have that for the main audience of this monthly chart
Just posting my observations my dude.
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The majong soul collab was just ntr plain and simple. The chinks had the right idea bitching for the dialogue to be changed. You dont whore your ip out and destroy your character’s consistency
You know its bad when there is a Japanese xitter post with over 9k likes questioning why the collab characters call the MC “jyanshi-san” and not sensei. Even up to today, /bag/ is in full denial mode
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How do you even pick one to try and play at this point, good lord
It just comes to you out of curioisity. Then you drop it for something else years down the line and the cycle continues.
Because everything you said is full of shit. Genshin’s female banners make much more money than male banners. Honkai star rail’s female banners make much more money than male banners with a few exeptions. They make money because they are well-crafted games in a sea of gacha turd, not because there is a untapped female market.
Funny you talk about stellar blade. Where is the female console coomer game that sold one million? Yeah, thought so
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Last of Us 2
Thats a game made for nobody. How often do you see women cosplay as tlou2 characters?
>female console coomer game
nta but it's called an "untapped market" for a reason. If something like that existed, then it'd just be a market
How much money would ZUN get if he gained 0.01% royalties from all the touhou doujins that were sold?
Hina killed the game
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No cosplays but ive seen two people with the branch arm tattoo
He sells the CDs, digital copies aren’t his main source.
He makes barely anything from the CDs. Nobody plays touhou in 202X anymore. Probably gets a cut from all the (unofficial) touhou gacha money that's out there tho
I'd pay the revenue of every single game on that list combined to permanently get rid of all the schizos that plague gacha threads, starting with shay
Female untapped market has always been hidden object games.
Nancy drew should have clued people in.
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>300 to 10
wait what the fuck happened
I don't even know what the game is
Actual EOS
EoS announcement
girls frontline siphons the soul of yet another
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Where your servants at though?
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You know it.
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I don't remember inviting garcher to the lan party
they'll have a gacha for every game genre
next they'll make an idol gacha or something in an attempt to take over the music industry. fill it with homos and the kpop fujos will stan it up.
It's EOS but they announced a new game replacing it.
post really rustled some jimmies kek
FEH is in the green. All is good in the world
cute tummy
I'm bottle necked and losing interest. I only log in for minimal maintenance of things. I will never pay for this slop so I'm looking for new slop to pass a few months with. It's a vicious cycle.
Broadly speaking, the numbers you see above are probably around 10-15% of the total amount games like Genshin make.
they did it again with swimsuit kanna and its way more obvious this time
wuwa lost, genshin lost, hsr lost, limbus fucking won
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>rolling for characters
>rolling for cute dresses
What fuckups?
Do you have a single fact to back that up
hunbreds of twitter artists got comissioned to draw kanna day 1
Which artists? I wanna assemble a list if you have any links
Source: trust me bro
ZZZ will be the next cultural phenomenon of our decade.
Yes it's painful seeing such qt girl designs with grounded (and not coomer) outfits being wasted on a femoid-aimed game.
It should be made a mixed toilet
Yeah but overseas also includes Korea and Japan, who will zip closed their wallets before Kuro has even finished speaking the sentence when they suggest toning the game's waifuism down.
Actually, the West barely even matters for most Gacha games, it's really the big 3 that are the determinants.
The west has been contributing a lot more to games like GI and WuWa since they're pretty much the only gacha games out there that caught their attention. It's not 1% anymore, more like 15-30% nowadays. Expect that number to grow for future games like that as people get more acclimated.
genshinbros...how we holdin up?
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Reminder that this don't mattah
None o' this mattahs
As long as you're having fun with your game, that's enough
I don't know a single person who plays League or Valorant, therefor nobody plays it.
why is it dropping? are lobfags actually seething over limbus being a gacha still?
how is a turn based gacha above genshin
Which game is that?
Non stop shilling.

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