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Wakamo Archive
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cute toes cute boobs cute legs cute ears cute hair cute eyes cute tail
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Blue Board Archives
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You wanna murder this thread too huh
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you mean repel the SEA tiny dicks?
What I said is the result if someone leaves here milked
Wakamo can't carry threads.
And who can then?
She's hot af
NOT Waaaahkamo. Certainly not Arius either. Shimiko has a better chance.
What about Asuna and Toki
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You are cooking your 3 curry a day, right vee?
Let them cook
let them cock
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Who assed?
Anyone who isn't is bricked beyond belief.
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
serika archive
naturally. just gotta remember to cook ALL the curry on the final day
For me, it's Tsurugi.
Tsurugi killed the thread.
Post more serika underboob
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Cruising reminder
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Back Archive.
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Kirino Archive
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Neru Marriage
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How is urban hoverboat Wakamo supposed to work?
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haruka archive
>tfw you will never tend weeds with her
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Is this the Asuna thread?
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we just don't know, both of them have been outdoor so far. but if they managed think up how Peroro indoor works, there's nothing outrageous about Hovercraft urban, honestly. maybe it just crashes into a port instead of the beach
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Look, she made you lunch anon! You wouldn't decline Asuna's Asunas would you?
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>no new york fuuka, have to borrow a second Mika
I can smell it, the smell of my rotten corpse failing this fucking boss
>AGP archive
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Why didnt you guys tell me Neru would be useful in this raid? I could have prepared
Oh right I forgot this is the raid people meme themselves into using Neru.
what's stopping you now?
>meme themselves
who are you using instead? Meru? sure, knock yourself out, but i don't feel like building her when i've had a fully maxed UE50 Neru for a while now
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i'm out of reports and my neru is level 1
Because we hate Neru here.
Had to check my time machine what team I used for the last Wakocraft but it was just Mika, Ui, Maki, and Summer Hoshino
Are (You) ready?
I probably don't have enough reports for both Eimi and Hare but I'll see what I can do.
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I am missing a lot of these students
it's over...
considering that you need lots of fast hits to shred her defense, i'm not sure how well that team performed to be honest. i used basically the same team for phase 2 but with Neru instead of sHosh
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Can someone tell whats the general strategy for the raid?
Not teams just what should i do
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I remember having zero issues with phase 2 with that team. If anything it was phase 1 that was a pain in the ass with Kayoko being inconsistent as always and my Mika not always doing enough damage.
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I'll just do extreme and take my comfy gold
>Fucking pina
Yeah I don't care gold looks better anyways
We love peanut
We love Fuuka here.
Fill her crowd control gauge.
For the hovercraft you want a few AoE skills because of the missiles.
yeah, phase 1 is a pain in the ass when you're only using 1 tank, Kayoko's randomness doesn't help, but the cunt runs away and you can't really crit mald with Mika so the damage depends on other random factors and it takes way more time to get lucky. as for phase 2, i remember Neru doing a lot of work with debuffing the boss and providing a faster rotation, but i've never tried the sHosh team so i dunno how it works
iirc I'd wait for Maki to do the paint lob then just Mika spam and a Maki or two here and there.
funnily enough, you don't really need aoe thanks to the friendly turrets. you would think that you'd need a healer in that case, but Ako's passive heal takes care of that and the one turret is enough to fend off the rockets 80% of the time while you concentrate of destroying the radar. sometimes the rockets do get through though so you still have to keep an eye on the resort HP bar and restart before it's too late, but i still prefer a more focused ST team to kill the boss faster
We love Neru here.
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Oh fuck that
I am NOT doing that shit
>no mika, no meru
It's comfy gold again I guess.
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the idea of this challenge is cool, but the execution, unsurprisingly, is so fucking clunky that it becomes way more annoying that it needs to be
Do I even bother leveling camp Hare's sub skill?
She's not going to be doing any damage. Especially not against yellow armor.
Figured but just needed to make sure.
also I ran out of enhancement stones for equipment fuck
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So should i concentrate on the cc for the first phase and single targets for the boat?
Im only doing extreme or hardcore aniway
Get it because she farted
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With how pulls and gems work in this game i'm sure not many can actually make several useful teams
What? The game gives you a ton of free pulls. It's the skill books what bottlenecks you. Developing anything but the most core meta units takes a while to accumulate resources for. And raids like this, which want you to bring 2 teams even to INS is where it shows.
The real bottlenecks are the eligmas. Everyone assumes you have a billion characters at UE50.
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Lvl 87 guy here that can do INS mostly reliably.
That's true but it's because of artifacts and mats, not much by not having the units you need, not to mention you need either luck or eligmas to amp them up to at least UE40.
Oh well, another comfy EX gold without trying for me I guess
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Ligma only gates you from absolute speedrun plat times. You can still manage to do some cope INS clears with lower star count students.
Completely forgot about this event.
I disagree. 3 star characters are fucking useless.
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I am doing the needful and cooking my curries sirs
They're "useless" if you're following speedrun guides, which REQUIRE UE40+ students at the bare minimum.
Yeah sure I'm
>daily pyros
>daily ligma
How could you forget?
I play other gachas and veritas is shit, the only breedable girl there is Chihiro.
Not all curry is Indian you rube. Japanese curry mobs the absolute fuck out of poos
Yeah, they're not useless if you wanna use like 5 teams to clear insane because your students do 0 damage.
Correct. You still clear the content.
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Does it? I thought Japanese curry was supposed to be really sweet and not spicy at all which sounds kind of like a downgrade to be honest.
t. never eaten curry
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My wife
it's like the only raid she is kinda BiS. So usually people don't recommend raising students for singular purpose as there are many students you could be raising too.
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It's not sweet like candy, but the flavor is a lot milder unless you go out of way to get really spicy nip curry. The reason why it's better is because its base flavor is a lot less intense there's a lot of room for making it "yours", which is why it's a staple for comfort cooking over there. It goes good with basically any meat and veggies you have on hand and you can add all kinds of things from typical stuff like chopped garlic, butter, and ginger to crazy shit like worscestershire sauce, barely sweetened dark chocolate, and fucking freeze dried instant coffee.

With indian curry, most dishes taste pretty much the same from recipe to recipe and the flavors are incredibly loud and harah. Plus it feels like something is clawing at your insides until you finally pass it through your body. I guess if you only eat restaurant curry occasionally, it's a nice experience but if you like curry for home cooking or simple comfort food than the Japs can't be beat.

I miss cocoichiban so much bros
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Eat it.
Worst girl
Wolfseggs should have taken this bitch out back and shot her
I thought it doesn't go lower than the fish heads.
Me neither, that's the first time I've gotten it, wonder if that means there's one above steak curry too?
which archive has the cutest feet?
I had those 2/3 yesterday :c
for the ones i got it goes
suspicious>fish head>simple>shrimp>steak
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No wonder chihiro has 0 fans, she looks like an alcoholic mom
I'm pretty sure shrimp is better than steak
I like her.
Sensei, it's time to let go, she took the kids and camping is the last time you will be together as family
I don't think I've gotten simple a single time
Nope, steak is best
He means veggie.
She acts like one too
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>insane damage blows up my students before I can consistently reach the running part
>if I do reach the poor placement on arrival gets me killed
I don't feel so good
>insane damage blows up my students
Wakamo's EX stacks petals on your students. If the petals reach 5 - it's an instakill regardless of HP. You need to fill her CC bar to clear the stacks and/or rotate tanks too, since stunning Wakamo stacks the damage she takes AND does.
I know all that, it's the execution that drives me mad, especially since my best stunner is kayoko and you know how she is. Restarts galore
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Fuck you.
Time your CC better
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Once you get all the pyros is it better to keep going for max event points or switch to the exchange items?
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Am I the only one who LOVES Wakamo?
You should be able to hit max points AND clear out the shop. At the very least you probably want to grab the purple and yellow rewards from the item shop.
The event point rewards from the curry are good enough to be dumping the rest of your AP into.
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I love her body, does that count?
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I fucking love Wakamo.
Smol Wakamo
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Anyone have a link to that site that shows all students' attack speed or hits per ability?
Or just use the bluearchive.wiki
pina is usefull?
I fucking love her, she's my favorite. Too bad she became irrelevant by the time Blue Archive became mainstream with Japanese artists. Random skins like NTR Hanako got more art than her.
Mika solos hardcore. as for extreme, it might be a bit tough if you're lower level. if you have a Mika of your own it should be fine to do in 2 teams, some CC for phase 1, main buffers for the borrowed Mika for phase 2. if you're closer to max level it should be possible to do in 1 team and probably even ignore cc altogether if you manage to go to phase 2 without your tank dying to the debuff. hard to tell without knowing your level and investment, the teams that are discussed are usually for insane clears at max level
Yeah. Both her EX and passive increase her attack speed, and that's what you want for Wakaboat.
How do I get a wakamo irl
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You don't.
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Wakamo lost.
what the fuck are you even talking about? the main damage dealer should be UE50 for good results, sure. and those are the ones that you either borrow or will have at UE50 anyway because it's Mika or sHanako. most of the supports are perfectly fine at 3* except special cases like Himari's UE40, but you don't strictly require that. some tanks require UE30, but there are also gigachads like Tsukuyo and Atsuko who don't give a fuck and can tank ins at 3*. even on-fielders like Kokona and Ui can survive fucking TORMENT at 3* with disdvantageous armor. the only one who's fucking useless is you, faggot-sensei
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>Himari's UE40, but you don't strictly require that
Those burst rotations when you press the attacker's EX first, and then quickly apply Ako+Himari on them, before the nuke hits, so you could rotate through your team back to attacker's EX, absolutely require Himari at UE40 for extended buff duration.
That's a difference between an extra EX activation of a juiced up Mika with Himari's +105% ATK buff.
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Mika Mika
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Mika Mika Mika
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Would Mika cut herself?
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I don't think the knife would even leave a mark. She'd need some high caliber rounds to even cut her skin.
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No, even if she is BPD I don't think she's the type who would do that.
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No but Misaki does
depends on the team, if the 4th participant in the rotation has low enough EX cost, or sHosh/Cherino is there it's possible without UE40, it only adds 1 second. but for some setups it is required, i give you that. however, if you're using this kind of strat, you wouldn't skimp on eligma to boost Himari of all people, someone who is used in 100% of the raids without exception. if Ako's UE40 was anything like that i wouldn't hesitate to boost her either, but thankfully it's not the case
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I fixed the game.
Three? I'm dumping all my AP into curry. It's so worth it.
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No she doesn't
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how weak...
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>I don't think the knife would even leave a mark
Well funny that you say that.
Yes that's why she covers her wrists
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Did you move here because nobody was acknowledging you in /bag/?
in the official art Yuzu and swimsuit Mimori have the cutest feet. meanwhile swimsuit Shiroko's artist probably doesn't fucking know what feet look like
Nobody acknowledges him here either.
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Sensei's voice
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from what I've noticed the major breakpoints are levels 3/5 for ex skills and levels 4/7/10 for other skills, does it make sense to level skills up to breakpoints and skips levels inbetween? I guess the theory is to not waste materials where they could be more useful because gains are small between breakpoints
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The only reason I'd build a character up really far is if I liked them a lot. I could roll Mika on bluefes and still just level her to "eh good enough". But when I get Shigure I will absolutely max her out.
The difference in rewards between gold and plat is barely worth becoming a metafag. I'd rather post screens here of me maxing my stoat wife than me in plat.
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And then I can call you based.
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/v/ loves the rabbits?
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How could this cutie have barcode arms?
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>does it make sense to level skills up to breakpoints and skips levels inbetween?
I thought that's what everyone is doing...
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I have a Dutch rabbit.
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high-leg archive
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Please, specify.
If it's Dutch then how can you understand it?
>BA Thread
>no ones posting Asuna
Whats the point?
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His body language is pretty easy to read.
Especially when he jumps on my bed and rests his head on my shoulder to demand head scritches.
yeah, you got it absolutely right. if a skill is useful but not crucial it's fine to leave at 7 if you're short on mats. don't be afraid to neglect some of the skills altogether, like the ones that affect damage of supports, those can be left at 4 or even 1. meanwhile, some skills are so important that anything but 10 is gimping yourself, like Himari and Cherino's sub skills that boost cost recovery
thanks, guess I'm not completely retarded
that's a respectable attitude, but don't forget that settling on gold instead of going for plat is one of the reasons you have so much fewer materials to work with. it's not just the "200 pyros", the extra coins for every clear do add up. however, if you don't care that much to begin with to build anyone but your favorites, it really doesn't make much of a difference
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If you truly love Wakamole, you shouldn't even be participating in this raid since you don't want to hurt your waifu, anon.
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Asuna is overrated by secondaries and really can't compete against most of the other girls BA has to offer. If you are a genuine Asunafag and actually play the game, I'm sorry, that must be hard. But you'll just have to learn to live with it.
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>Has to take care of 3 deranged brats that can bring down the whole school, get her fired, or even start a war
Yeah, i'd be like that too
They have Arrowhead water in Japa- I mean Kivotos?
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It bothers me that she sounds SO MUCH like Albedo (Overlord) VA
However it is Akane who is voiced by her
Wakamo herself is super sweet tho
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She gets her swim suit praised by sensei, and doesn't get arrested
So not quite
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Man I don't want to mald too much since I have underleveled girls but I do love this raid for how fucking insane it gets
>the whole music
>the initial team screen with the dramatic pan
>wakamo putting her mask
>the fucking oversized weapons she uses
>the fucking dramatic zoom in on phase 2 to your leader face never gets old
>the hoverboat in general
>when the radar gets deployed she just waves at you while going off screen
>when you get the DEF Down, she just shakes her fist into the air and shoots missiles that fail to launch and blow up in her face, KO'ing her for a bit
>If you kill her while the radar is on she just explodes off screen
This is prime Blue Archive in a nutshell
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Its the only reasonable way to play gacha games really
save for who you like instead of obsessing on the always new meta
You probably have more fun than most
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Based unironic weeb
All of that
Is an actual good raid
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Plana plapping
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Not quite what I was looking for, but I figured out a team for extreme. Thanks anyway.
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Why are you giving that thing a genuine response.
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>Not quite what I was looking for
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>keeping her PC on the fucking desk
Not MY Chihiro.
I missed it? My bad.
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Cute loli (18)
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>maki tagging walls and getting arrested just so she can get away from chihiro
>kotama using advanced recording equipment to detect chihiro's footsteps
>hare becoming an addict to cope with chihiro's abuse
Poor girls
>you shouldn't even be participating in this raid
Shit opinion. I'm doing it to see more Wakamo.
not sexy
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works on my machine
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fuck your tablet
Stupid sexy Seiaposters.
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I know nothing about BA but I want this figure
>20 hours since the last Bru/a/ca thread
our sister threaf...
Toki cute but I don't want this figgie. Hoping the ALTER one is more interesting than just being a 1 to 1 figure of her art in game.
I want to say I love Wakamo, but while I do own her summer unit I don't own her base unit. I make it a point to not read momos for girls I don't have. I also don't have 100% context for her. I know she popped up in the prologue but is there some event she's in I missed?
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It hit the bump limit and archived just a few hours ago.
it's a bit late for one today if you make it now it'll end up with the seia poster having to keep it alive by himself the entire night again
I want to kiss seiaposter on the lips
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C&C is a certified secondary bait club.
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it begins. someone asked for tsurugi a couple of threads ago so here she is
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I want to fertilize her eggs
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We should be getting this event rerun after the anni right? I want to get my NMGK to UE40
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why do they never post the sexiest cc
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You have to be a true patrician to appreciate Akane.
>2 mikkers
>more than 2t
I hate cc raids
Am I supposed to beat phase 1 ins with just one team? It seems impossible with the mandatory 2 tanks, CC AND healer.
Most underrated C&C is the second best C&C.
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making these is a bit more tedious than i thought, i'll do as many as i can during the weekend but for now i'll leave it here, if someone wants a specific student just ask
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It sucks hitting a wall. Knowing that you need a specific student for raids but not having them or having the student but not having the tons of resources to bring them up to an acceptable state gets kind of frustrating.
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I want to be a Sugar Rush groupie.
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Im level 68 and have cc units so il try extreme and if it doesnt work il settle for hardcore
Didn't JP get that new Aru event instead of valenties this year?
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The previous valentine event gets archived so people can claim nmgk at any point, and yes you get the new PS68 event for valentine.
gold every season
never cleared anything above extreme
only dickroll
read every story
0 unread momotalks
reliant on friends s.hanako
Oh, didn't even knew that one was a Valentine event lol.
Do we still get the reports for the chocolates, right? Or we have to get them differently?
Pretty sure you can get the chocolates yeah, but only on the next event, not whenever.
I'm not sure tho
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Big sensel archive
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I have almost all students needed for insane but most are 3* so my tanks die after a few hits and Mika's damage isn't there.
Whats the trick to challenge 3?
...how did you just read my mind?
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>Still too low level to clear Extreme but borrowed Mika makes it so I can beat Hardcore with my eyes closed
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I can't read minds.
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>didn't dick roll s.Hanako
very unbased
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Them being openly horny does nothing for me
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neru(s) and kayoko please
How does the Wakamo raid work? She has an attack that one-shots a character from full health.
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i don't have neru but i'll see if someone on my club does
It one shots you after she hits someone with it 3 times but it resets if you stun her with Kayoko or someone.
1st phase you need to use CC to stun wakamo so she doesn't hit your tank, with her skill, 3 times( that's the instakill). For 2nd phase you need characters that hit a lot of times, like Neru and Utaha, to stack debuffs on the enemy.
The rabbits can stun, right?
In addition, during the 2nd phase, if you kill the robot quickly enough, you don't need to worry about the missiles, as they'll self destroy once the robot dies
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Even if she's only teasing/pretending? I haven't finished the story so I'm unsure how true that is.
Koharu+Hasumi make a better pair. Yes.
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>or someone
kek I use summer Wakamo
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I really like this image.
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Laser! My beautiful daughterwife
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my two wives fused to form the perfect wife...
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How are people getting this glitch anyway? My girls just push each other and don't fuse with each other.
I think Miyako can, but it can be any type of crowd control.
>Making Wakamo kill herself
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There!! LITERALLY!! aren't!! enough!! pictures!! !(on the boorus i looked at) Of WAKAMO being SCHIZO!!!!

She is not meant to be "FIXED"
>She is not mean to be "FIXED"
Her momos are about fixing her.
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Which is literally a fucking TRAGEDY
Nah, Wakamo deserves a normal life. She's probably acting out due to shit experiences with her peers in the past, like her momotalks imply.
I want to fix Wakamo (have her tubes tied rendering her infertile)
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I have ue50 maxed Shiggy and O.Shiggy. I now desire and save for a swimsuit weasel, meta or not.
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3 teams for extreme.
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They probably fill the whole room up with shit until there's very limited space for them to spawn
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my wifes birthday soon
does she even remember her birthday
That's what she has anon for, dummy.
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probably not, but i can remember it for her :)
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I want to make Mari sin.
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basically, buff and heal NPC Sumire to help her get rid of the killer bears. if you have Misaki or cKotama, you can charm the bears for an easier time, but it's not mandatory. this video shows two team examples: https://youtu.be/vimfRDPxq4o
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I'm gonna make her litter, loiter, and jaywalk and turn her into a bad girl.
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My favorite nun.
I hope she makes a friend during Trinity-Fest
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new tactical manual
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You sick frick.
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I love my ex-wife.
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when do we see THIS side to mari?
What brand would Mari smoke?
probably some shitty jap brand like mevius
Thanks for reminding me to catch up on watching divegrass
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Never. But you can try your luck and hopefully get her during D.Hina/S.Hoshino banner.
I thought she was getting a rerun pretty soon on the JP servers?
I didn't know you could get 50 pyros a day from making kore, im bricked
damn, you're dumber than koharu
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That's why you ALWAYS check if there's dailies on events, and how to make them
Just give up.
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You can't say that
I hate miyako
How is this possible?
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She hates you too.
Most likely, all anniversary students get reruns eventually.
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Hate these new events, I don't want to log in everyday.
Your acc is bricked forever. Might as well uninstall.
it's not bricked you just need to buy the pakeji
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>I'm unsure how true that is.
That's more or less the case. Ironically her swimsuit momotalks are pretty vanilla compared to her regular ones. She pouts over Sensei keeping his distance from her (in the JP version she mentions something about wanting to see how he's like behind his students), and gets on the verge of spilling her spaghetti later on as well.
They're cute
its ok, took me 3 THREE days to realize
>321 posts
>only ONE [sound] post
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Looks like EoS to me.
im level 60 and i dont have mika or s.hanako, what are my chances on finishing the event challenge stages
That sucks. Make sure to thoroughly check every event tab so it doesn't happen again because I know there are other events that have a similar system.
It's over...
I two starred the first one, haven't done the "beat in under 120 seconds" star yet though. Haven't touched 2 and 3 because they're level 85/87 so there's no way in hell you'll be able to do them I'd imagine.
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The amount of art she's getting is just ridiculous.
wtf bros why is she so low on the tier list with a shotgun like that?
where does she keep it?
This dog should not be that fat
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This is what being a desk jockey does to you.
I wish they would stop releasing hags and only release loli characters.
Clear out thge shop of all you need and then dump the rest into curry.
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holding hands with my nerd wife...
>cursor over her hand
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That would break her own illusion of being a princess, so no.
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Lewd horny dork.
I just sweep quest 9 because I need to refill those damn discs, shop clears itself on its own
tldr sweep on artifacts you need
>Like the art
>Play Blue Archive
>None of the lolis are lewd
Fuck this game and you guys, nice art though
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/a/ lost
Koharu lost
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Koharu always wins.
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Akane Archive!
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This is a wholesome game, sorry anon.
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>That artist
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German Rio Archive!
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good night blue archi/v/e
Goodnight anon
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she spooked me enough to nearly be 5*
sorry the second post is for >>681569069 (tired)
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NTA but I love Asuna. I post Asuna, don't ERP and people still nuke the thread.
Post your UE50 Asuna.
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None, but I have no doubts either
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Sorry no UE50 BAsuna. UE50 C&C outside Toki tho
Okay you're a certified cool guy, sorry for doubting you.
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Blue Archive made me appreciate flatties and smaller boob sizes.
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Those gamers are just begging to have their cunnies filled with semen
Teenage cop insemination
Shut up
>cheek pinching
What's next?
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>Like the art
>Never touch the game
Yeah its gamer time.
ahoge pulling
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gonna mimir
remember to behave, /v/aca
good night
her actual banner is in 7 months on global, but hopefully you can get her from rolling on Hina's banner
These threads always make me really horny. I wish there was an ERP thread up.
>he wasn't here for the weekend /trash/ thread
Sucks to suck.
Best girl
>implying that arbitrary number means anything objective, especially for drawings
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if only people truly understood competition swimsuits. separate breasts are a travesty
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>no Ui or New York Fucker
>no tree of life
I just hope(cope) that my Extreme Plat will endure the entire week.
Why are you gae
I'm a bad sensei, I should pick favorites, but for me it's Karin
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>got 2 friend invites today
>one of them I cannot accept because the guy's list is full
Why? I don't even have anything exceptional to offer. Where are people finding me?
silly me I can't think straight, I meant shouldn't
it's like prison gay, I'd vastly prefer a girl but it's not like a girl would ever erp with me while looking at cute anime girls so I gotta settle
I want to be your friend.
So you like getting fucked in the ass?
no? I'd never do anything with a guy irl, text only works because I can pretend I'm talking to a girl
maybe you have a built summer ChiSEGGS set up or something. maybe you just have a cool name
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I'm not even close to beating Wakamo and it's just Insane raid. I'm even using guides and all.
My students start dying after the 2 minute mark even with a healer brought alongside and Wakamo still has 3/4 of her life.

How is this even possible?
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post your team comps
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I was trying with:
>Fully upgraded Mika
>High investment Hifumi
>a bunch of different tanks here, to try and live
>Fully upgraded Himari
>Hanae as healer

I just don't do enough damage.
bro? your ako?
I'm trying now with an Ako+Himari team and borrowing a Summer Chise but I can't live long enough. My only on-field healer is Track Mari which has enough heals to pull through, but using Mika as a secondary tank is causing her to die before even the 2 minute mark.

How do you even heal with that team? No way these two have enough self sustain for it.
Just run Eimi? She has a self-heal on her EX and basic skill
If you do the Hifumi team you also run fubuki
4/M/7/7 Eimi with her T2 bond gear, UE50 and using Mine's EX as a tank swap/def down that's a minor self heal. I let the petals go to at least five before I swap
I don''t have either Fubuki upgraded or Eimi at all.
Then do it dumbass
you use em for every Wakamo raid
Eimi's also useful for Kaiten and (torment) Binah
My Eimi is only 2774 in skills too
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I give up. It's going to be another comfy extreme raid again.
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>a bunch of different tanks here, to try and live
You don't need more tanks, Mine and Hifumi should be enough, learn the ways of Peroro-sama and you'll succeed.
>noob friendly

g-gold looks better anyway...
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>need neru for this raid
BA is ruined I'm uninstalling this garbage
Neru love
She's farmable what's your excuse?

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