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Lovecraftian games? I'm currently playing forgive me father, I highly recommend it if you like boomer shooters
Cthulhu Saves the World.
Call of Cthulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth
These are the only good ones.
Lovecraft is from a bygone era of racist white men writing about how scary brown people are. He's not a good writer and the video games made after him should be ashamed for garnering any inspiration from such a hateful, vile man.
Eternal Darkness, Cultist Simulator, Book of Hours

Not Lovecraft mythos, but the game that nails his vibe the absolute best
>racist guy types up a strawman of an anti-racist to look silly just so fellow anons can dump on him

you aren't fooling anyone because EVERY thread is like this.
youre just mad at the name of his cat
Gibbous: A Cthulu Adventure also Lovecraft is a hack.
What was his cat called again? Please don't be aggressive, I'm tired of people insulting me and jumping at everyone's throats whenever we try to discuss about something.
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post ur fav story /v/. i like herbert west: reanimator.
How can he be a hack, he died in misery, always lived in poverty and his work was never recognized as he lived.
Cultist Simulator seems interesting
African American gentleman
Penumbra (1st one and Black Plague only)
Amnesia the Bunker
Lovecraft changed his political beliefs multiple times throughout his life and by the time he died was opposed to Hitler and married a Jewish woman.
>Saddam Hussein
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It's a tie between "The shunned house" and "Under the Pyramids". Both have great twists and monster reveals.
cats of ulthar and the old terrible man, I always loved the idea of evil people getting punished by stronger and starnger beings
For me it’s the Shadow Out of Time for long-form, and From Beyond for short stuff
>you arent fooling ANYBODY
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Shadow of the Comet
Prisoner of Ice
Infra Arcana
The Last Door
Fallen London
Sunless Sea/Skies
Cultist Simulator
Book Of Hours
Lovecraft's Untold Stories 1
Omen Exitio
Stygian (unfinished mind you)
The Sinking City
Arkham/Eldritch Horror if you like tabletop
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The Dream Quest of Unknown Kaddath always stuck with me. Randolph Carter series was really fun
Super Based
Stirring Abyss
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return of the obra dinn
The Music of Erich Zann
The Whisperer in Darkness
Also an incredibly good buy
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Mountains of madness
Learning just how dangerous the place really was and the glimpse of yogh sothoth itself was a superb ending
His fear of foreigners was just part of his larger fear of the unknown in general.
>Constant pulp horror
>Starts writing epic horror fantasy
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>The Dream Quest of Unknown Kaddath
Ever since I read about "Thalarion, that daemon-city of a thousand wonders where the eidolon Lathi reigns" I've wanted to see that shit in a game or painting.
I have this strong mental image of it as this slate-grey city made of a uniform concrete-like material under a red sky not unlike Caelid from Elden Ring in terms of color, resembling Sellia but as a huge metropolis with buildings stretching to the sky, Lathi itself some sort of patrified monstrosity perched over the cityscape itself.
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The Color Out of Space. I loved to imagine how a color which doesn't really exist on the light spectrum would look. Also saw the movie since I'm a fan of Nic Cage and it was alright. The book is obviously better though.
The Shadow over Innsmouth
The Face in the Mirror
The Temple
>I have this strong mental image of it as this slate-grey city made of a uniform concrete-like material under a red sky
So London?
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Pathway. It's okay, the devs fixed the most glaring issues negative reviews are complaining about but the game never got a second wind.
A Woman Wearing Trousers and Italian Next Door were terrifying
There's a pretty neat German filmatization about it too.
>So London?
"Into Thalarion, the City of a Thousand Wonders, many have passed but none returned. Therein walk only daemons and mad things that are no longer men, and the streets are white with the unburied bones of those who have looked upon the eidolon Lathi, that reigns over the city."
Cultist Simulator, the vibes are peak, you truly feel like you are trying to untangle a cosmic mystery, while the mundane world tries to stop you.

I'm sold
>forgive me father
I liked that one. Though the priest was way better at boss fights than the reporter to an almost laughable degree
>cool sword ability that gives heals on hit to really drive home reporters risk reward style of gameplay that works great on encounters with a shit ton of enemies
>whoops you can't melee any bosses
>the priest can become fucking invincible and heal himself through prayer
>Cultist Simulator, Book of Hours
I loved Cultist Simulator. I got filtered by Book of Hours before repairing the bridge or whatever. I should probably try it again

>Cultist Simulator seems interesting
If you like Ape's library, posted in >>>/x/omg, then you could like Cultist Simulator
Cool, never heard of it before. Gonna watch it in the future.
>The Sinking City
I enjoyed it.

Tried it, got filtered by the combat
Been playing Skald. Wasn't really expecting the lovecraftian stuff but it seems pretty well done. I'm not that far in but so far it's been pretty interesting.
The Whisperer in Darkness. I was glued to the paper when I first read it, I couldn't put it down until I was finished. The ending always gives me shivers.
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dat Colour
Yep, that sounds like London alright.
Amazing when Lovecraft never even left the NorthEast US.
people keep making threads requesting lovecraftian games when it's apparent there are so very few good ones, now that's truly lovecraftian
*divorced a Jewish woman
She dumped him
Maybe the real Lovecraftian games were the friends we made along the
The Colour Out of Space.
No, I have not watched movie version of it yet
>After their marriage in St. Paul's Chapel in Manhattan on March 3, 1924 (Greene was then aged 40 and Lovecraft 33), Greene and Lovecraft relocated to Brooklyn and moved into her apartment. Soon the couple were facing financial difficulties. Greene lost her hat shop and suffered poor health conditions. Lovecraft couldn't find work to support them both, so his wife moved to Cleveland for employment. Lovecraft lived by himself in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn and came to dislike New York life intensely.[9] Meanwhile Greene lived on the road, traveling for her job. She sent Lovecraft a weekly allowance that helped him pay for a tiny apartment in the then-working class Brooklyn Heights. Greene slept there one or two days out of the month. During this time, Lovecraft claimed in letters that he was so poor that he lived for three days on one loaf of bread, one can of cold beans, and a hunk of cheese. A few years later, Lovecraft (who had returned to live in Providence, Rhode Island) and his wife, still living separately, agreed to an amicable divorce, which was never fully completed.
He's a phenomenal writer.
forgive me father is probably one of the worst boom shoots ive played so far
What's wrong with it?
>Lovecraft was increasingly producing work that brought him no remuneration.[113] Affecting a calm indifference to the reception of his works, Lovecraft was in reality extremely sensitive to criticism and easily precipitated into withdrawal. He was known to give up trying to sell a story after it was rejected once.[114] Sometimes, as with The Shadow over Innsmouth, he wrote a story that might have been commercially viable but did not try to sell it. Lovecraft even ignored interested publishers. He failed to reply when one inquired about any novel Lovecraft might have ready: although he had completed such a work, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, it was never typed up.[115] A few years after Lovecraft moved to Providence, he and his wife Sonia Greene, having lived separately for so long, agreed to an amicable divorce. Greene moved to California in 1933 and remarried in 1936, unaware that Lovecraft, despite his assurances to the contrary, never officially signed the final decree.[116]

Hes just like me
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Already mentioned but Eternal Darkness really nails the cosmic horror setting. No jumpscares (except for one really good one) just really good psychological horror that was way ahead of its time. Although I really want a sequel, I'd take a remaster since some of the game hasn't aged particularly well
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Read Color out of Space
this game also utilizes multiple playable characters really well, it's one of the few video games I've played where a macguffin serves as a way to follow a bunch of different disconnected characters, some of them are related and even cross paths in interesting ways, you see this quite a lot in film and books but rarely in games, very unique structure
true, I'm so glad we can evaluate our biases and be better as a society
There is a manga adaption of it too. It's alright but the depictions of the people infected with the color didn't look as fucked up as I imagined.
My favorite Lovecraftian story actually substantially predates Lovecraft's oeuvre, The People of the Pit by Abraham Merritt.
Also there's a novel by Tim Powers called Declare, which has a theme I would label Lovecraftian, the plot being sort of James Bond crossed with Indiana Jones.
I'm playing Dredge at the moment, it's pretty good. Was thinking of picking up Sunless Sea/Skies as well.
Bloodborne really is THE quintessential Lovecraft kino and its not even marketed as such.
He would've done good for himself on patreon if he lived today.
He hated Italians and irish more than Nogs IIRC. Kind of cool to think my great gramps could have been called a slur by Lovecraft.
If you are mudstomping shit into the ground every 5 seconds its not really lovecraftian in anything but aesthetics.
He hated what he was confronted with in New York so thats gonna be mostly Irish and Italians yeah
Bloodborne is the best Lovecraftian game ever - even if it’s not purely lovecraftian : the game start off as gothic horror, and very cleverly shift to Locecraftian cosmic horror 50% in.
Seconding Cultist Simulator. It’s not everyone cup of tea (lots of grind), but both the writing and the integration of theme into gameplay are excellent.
probably the inspiration for the fishpeople, he thought they just swam out of the water, so many dirty immigrants desperate to go into the US
Made by the /v/lancer devs
Phoenix Point with the Terror from the Void mod
The Consuming Shadow + Trilby's Notes
he literally wrote shadows over innsmouth because he found out he had Welsh ancestry kek
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That is a reason to be concerned
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>typical UK immigrants
>Call of Cthulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth
Arkham Horror LCG is probably the best Lovecraft game mechanically
Yes and each character feels very unique. I also enjoyed things like the voice acting, and the scene that starts in Latin and morphs into English. Really cool to hear a language like Latin in a game.
Half Life 2, unironically.
He was spot on about miscegenation. Mixed race individuals relate to the horror he writes.
why can't you faggots ignore these baits?
>The remains of humanity live in soulless, cultureless, hyper cosmopolitan urban environments. (Lovecraft notoriouslyhated New York
>An incomprehensibly vast and intelligent alien power easily overtook all of humanity in mere hours.
>Hero is a book worm who probably just read books all day.
Holy shit, maybe you are into something. I hear people compare Ingsoc to a Lovecraftian god, and honestly, I think they're not too far off.
>Lovecraft changed his political beliefs multiple times throughout his life and by the time he died was opposed to Hitler and married a Jewish woman.
So he was an NPC that changed his opinions on the world to whatever the mainstream was being fed
Don't forget to read Epistle 3 after finishing the game.
There's more to lovecraft than just big squid
I like Pickman's model, The Dunwitch Horror, The Music of Erich Zann, Dagon and The Outsider is cool too even though predictable
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Not my howard
>herbert west: reanimator.

I'm kind of surprised someone has that as their favorite. I felt that herbert west was where you really saw the drawbacks of Lovecraft writing for pulp magazines. The way each chapter has to account for the fact that the reader might not have read the previous one is very annoying. I also think it's probably one of his least imaginative stories because it's just more classic science horror, but that's more of a taste thing.

I really like Color out of of Space and Dunwich Horror personally
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The Dream Quest of Unknown Kaddath
It felt like a culimination of all of his works
Operation Lovecraft
Kaddath is too much for me. Too surreal.

The best one is "Mountains of Madness"
There's plenty of Lovecraftian games, but what about Klarash-tonical games?
NYC real estate and rent prices will drive anyone into penury.
Call of Cthulhu (the game from 2018) is pretty good imo. Dagon is a free game which just is a point and click retelling of the short story. Not groundbreaking, but it is free. Sinking City was mostly ok but the endings were just painfully mediocre
color out of space is probably my favorite. i also am a big fan of Dagon.
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based Kaddath enjoyers
the absolute best
None of games based on his horror are good. Where are my Dream Cycle-based masterpieces?
Also Celephais and Kadath are ultra based.
How so?
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Obligatory Bloodborne and Black Souls recommendations.
Rats in the Wall is a favorite of mine. I also like The Outsider.
At the Mountains of Madness, but I have yet to read Dream Quest which I suspect I will like the most.
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Play Quake mods.
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would you a fish?
Unironically, The Lurking Fear and Dream-quest of Unknown Kadath
>Really cool to hear a language like Latin in a game.
You'd think you'd see more give how often you see Romans and Catholic priests in games.

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