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What's the one game that you go back and replay frequently?
Uh spelunky or nuclear throne. Spelunky 2 being gay kinda put me off spelunky though
I know a lot of people hated Spelunky 2 compared to the first game, but what exactly was the issue? Did it just kinda jump the shark in terms of overly difficult, cheap bullshit to cater to the sweaty "git gud XD" crowd?
Super Smash Bros. Melee rollback on Slippi
Resident Evil 4
Streets of Rage 2
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The one and only kino to rule them all
I feel like I'm in the minority but yeah I feel like they added too much shit making it unfun for non autistic people. Runs are too long too.
Half life 2
I easily have hundreds of hours in Dynasty Warriors 3 at this point
>play through single player game, never want to play them again
And online games I either grow to hate, or they get ruined with balance/updates in general. So nothing.
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Hotline Miami, New Vegas, Fable 2, Ocarina of Time, Arcanum, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1, Dark Souls, Ratchet and Clank 2 and 3, Jak and Daxter, Bully, Red Dead Redemption 1, Dragon Age Origins.
>carefully crafted /v/ approved list of games
Cmon give us some kinda shitty and weird games that you still play bro I need to know
I have many
Yoshi's Island, Tales of Vesperia, Zelda Twilight Princess, Pokemon HeartGold, Mario 3D World, Fire Emblem Echoes, Metroid Prime 2 and so on.
I tend to replay Lisa; the Painful once a year or so
Fucking love that game
Fire Emblem 4, Fire Emblem 5, Fire Emblem 6, Fire Emblem 7, Fire Emblem 8, Fire Emblem 9, Fire Emblem 10, Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Emblem Echoes. I've also had the misfortune to play FE11, 12, Awakening and Three Houses multiple times but won't be doing that again. Only played Engage once so far on the hardest difficulty and never had to the urge to come back yet.
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I always play Jet set radio future around this time of year.
4 and 3 were shrimply some of the best games ever made.
41 year old zoomer here
ninety nine nights
ocarina of time
majora's mask
way of the samurai 3
Play the fangames
what is it like having a dad?
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Slay the Spire. I have to keep it uninstalled or it will just eat up all of my free time.
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I never replay games once I'm done with them. Am I missing anything?
As long as you aren't spending all your time playing gacha sloppa or online shooter sloppa and instead are getting through your long backlog of single player games, you're based.
A special game comes along once in a while. I can't imagine making a 3x3 with games I played once.
That's actually a large part of the reason I don't replay games. I have such positive attachments and memories to some games that I don't really want to taint them. I will occasionally go back and retry a game that didn't click the first time though
eve online, masseffect
For me I have a terrible memory, and after a decent chunk of time I tend to forget the fine details even of things I was obsessed over. Eventually this fades down to a few misc details and a general memory of how I felt about something. It make discussion a real bitch but that does mean every few years I can replay my favorite games and get to savor them mostly fresh.
How do you define frequently?
At least once a year, for like the past 20 years I will boot up MOOII or Alpha Centauri and waste an entire fucking weekend shit stomping enemies back to a single dogshit colony while I expand and control every inch of real estate on the map and avoiding win conditions, researching Post Singularity Tech XVIII for a laugh.
Sim city 4 was something I always played, but I cannot get it to run on my new laptop, and every bit of troubleshooting I have found
I'm fucked where I have a really good memory for plot details so I remember shows and games from 9 years ago perfectly still. It probably takes me 12+ years before my memories begin to fade for games I actually liked.
Sonic 3D Blast
Mostly just for the OST, it's my favorite video game soundtrack of all time.
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It’s my ‘Break glass if bored and no games’ game.
If it makes you feel any better I'd trade you in an instant. I live in a hell where I have to explain to someone that I both really enjoy and recommend something and simultaneously could not name the main character if you put a gun to my head.
That's more than one game.
outrun 2006
katamari damacy
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No matter how hard I try, I cannot get a perfect combo in Mercenaries.
Honestly that is pretty common I think, /v/ just defaults to saying the game has soul instead of actually giving a single reason they like it. Still in the end the way the game made you feel is what will stick out the most and why gaming is such a great hobby.
Sorry, I'm stuck in my ways and don't really care for much else anymore.
Mario 64 and OoT
Both games are infinitely replayable.
>Ratchet and Clank 2 and 3
>not 1
You blew it
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MGS5. I like coming up with self imposed challenges and seeing myself constantly get a little better at the game. The fact that I get to see numbers go up constantly are little dopamine hits that help. Seeing my PF score go up, my number of S rank characters, my resources, tanks, blueprints, etc.

Does anyone else have another game recommendation like this? Where the core gameplay is solid, has a bit of freedom and you can just keep upgrading little things, even if theyre not super important?
Sleeping Dogs, just started a new campaign for like the 6th time.
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Sengoku Rance, Final Fantasy 8, and Dark Souls 1. I end up replaying at least one of them nearly every year.
>Final Fantasy 8
Holy fucking based, glad to see some kino enjoyers on here
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There are too many games these days that i want to try. But i guess every once in a while i go and replay SoRRemake, Duke 3D, Dungeon Keeper 1 and start HoMM3 campaign to never finish it.
What new games have you been playing recently? Anything good?
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Resident Evil 4 and 5
Pokemon Yellow
Red Dead Redemption not 2 because I get too engrossed and that game is way longer than 1.
Dead Rising I replay every October but I'm playing through it again early because of the remake reveal.
Def Jam FFNY
Scarface The World is Yours
GTA San Andreas
GTA Vice City
Fallout New Vegas
it feels like it was made for people who've been playing spelunky every day since it came out rather than the majority of players who were out of practice.
so they made it harder in all the wrong ways
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I envy you.
Kingdom farts 1 and 2
Dark souls 1
Pikmin 2
Deus ex
>KH1 and 2
>Pikmin 2
based as fuck
>Tropico 4
>Hunipop 1
>Plants vs Zombies
>Postal 2
>Peggle 1
I'm sure there's others, but these are the main 3.
*5, derp
Every couple of years I gotta replay the entirely of the Sly Cooper trilogy
Kingdom Hearts, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, Kirby 64 and Paper Mario.
Based Kiddy Kong chad
mystical ninja starring goemon
only takes like 8 hours to beat so i usually do it in a day
All of these are so fucking good
just replayed the operation flashpoint trilogy. and thanks to mods the experience never ends
Sand Land is basically Toriyama-themed MGSV.
Vice city
Wait really? I almost bought it just because I wanted a simple openworld Mecha action rpg and that seemed like the next best thing. Didn't realize it had similarities to MGSV.

Good amount of customization and fun toys to unlock? Stuff to do post-game?
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GOD MAKE IT STOP. Nothing scratches my autistic itch like this goddamn game
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Despite how buggy, unfair, and undeveloped this 3/5 game is, the core gameplay is fun enough for me to keep coming back to.
I rarely buy brand new releases. This summer sale i picked up Battle Chef Brigade and Outward. BCB is fun but it's niché not for everyone. Outward is jank and after 12 hours in i am not sure i am actually having fun. The only new release i bought this year was Berserk Boy a mix of Megaman X and Sonic. Sad that it went under the radar for many. I think it's pretty neat.
Berserk Boy sounds dope, gonna check it out
Dark souls 1
Soulcalibur 2
Burnout 3 Takedown
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easily replayed this at a good few hundred times because of it's short arcade-y gameplay
Are the monkey ball games on steam any good? I used to play whichever was on the GameCube way back when and I've been itching to play one again
Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64, Fallout NV
I feel bad for Europeans, the yearn for nature must hurt so much, the best they get is to walk through a park and even that feels artificial. Couldn’t imagine going a summer without camping and swimming in a lake. I suppose you guys have nice architecture and culturally rich cities but those are quickly becoming desolate and dangerous with all the brown people you are importing
The fuck are you barking about mutt? Europe is full of nature, you can easily get there on a short train ride.
Kek, I remember when there was massive hype for this game but it kept getting delayed and delayed for years, and when it DID come out, it kinda just petered out.
Holy based, underrated series that is
Overwatch 2, it's my comfort food. I'm pretty sure I'm depressed and it feels like home when I play it, especially when I get high.
you seem like you have a low rating. you will never climb to the top of the bracket. your competitors have wives and houses and also a higher rating.
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i have over 1300 hours in pic related
Final Fantasy 7 and 8
Metal Gear Solid 3
Diablo 2: LoD
Road Rash: Jailbreak
Advanced Wars 1 and 2
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For multiplayer? from most to least:
>CS 1.6 & CSS
>Darkest Hour 44-45
>United Offensive
>Ghost Recon (the original)
As for singleplayer? I love me some Mount & Blade Warband, Battlefront 2004/05 since these 2 games have absolute peak of modding communities. A little bit of Call of Duty 2 is also nice, very good campaign even if short.
this made me realize I haven't really touched games in a long while but oh well.
>Final Fantasy 7 and 8
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Advanced Wars 1 and 2
Hello? Based department?
I have al ow rating in life
Monster Hunter
Dark Souls
Tales of Symphonia
obviously, you play overwatch. watch as your life is over. it never even started.
Are you an internet demon?
you only have yourself to blame. you had every tool you needed to have sex and own a house.
The highest power has my back no matter what, my eternal life is secure in his unconditional love and there's nothing you can do to take that away. Begone.
thats a decent selection for a total failure. i can tell you dont even own a high end gaming PC because your fathers worked hard.
yeah but thats not going to happen for like 50 more years of celibacy and slavery just to survive. your only entertainment is overwatch. i'm pretty sure i'd rather kill myself than play that fucked up depiction that literally scams you when you turn it on.
The Division
Mass Effect
Dead Rising
Mass Effect 2
Civilization IV
Incorrect on every front, you run on malice which is an element founded on deceit. You know no truths. You're repelled once again.
based and real
when was the last time you had sex?
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ask your mother
more than one game that's for sure.
Ocarina of Time (don't care much for Majora's mask since it doesn't have Adult Link)
Fire Emblem Conquest
Silent Hill 2. Played it back in High School and I think I've played it at least 100 times... My dream was to be a filmmaker and make film inspired on this game but I never had the balls to follow my dream... At least I have a good job and a family but I'll always wonder what would have happened if I went into filmmaking.
lol that actually makes you look so bad. everybody can tell you're an incel. everyone who read your message pitied you, because we all know what your life is like.
Soul Calibur II on extremely hard. I don't know what it is, but I never get tired of the gameplay. The combat is just so fluid compared to its successors
Saints Row 2
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Whenever I think of buying a new game I just get the itch to play Skyrim, this has being going on since it's release date. Im not even talking about incel doll dressing, I legit play the game to 100% every time. Todd has literally stopped me from buying over a 1,000 games so far, with only very few exceptions.

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