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H-Games Thread
no WEGS unless they're actually good and not slide show bullshit. Keep it clean.
What is the game?
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Annerose>>>>>>>>>>>you're h-waifu
kinda unrelated but do those audio things on DLsite ever get subbed?
based, vajra is a miracle of the universe and the perfect wife
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>you're h-waifu
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Based trollbro
Chat, is this real?
Everytime you fags don't include the sauce in the image, file name, or post I'm gonna rightfully call you a faggot
Its called Lady of Anusgard
It's not out yet but they do have other similar games Niplheim's Hunter Branded Azel, Explorer of Iggdrasil, you can find all their stuff on dlsite.
what was the name of that one on the OP from a previous thread? it looked like "Space Hulk", but anime.
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I only play ACTs
hopefully we get another good ACT soon
cope, annerose is canonically exclusively for rick
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You guys REALLY buy h-games? lmaooo
zoom zoom
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>not supporting the devs
>buying shit on steam
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She never married Rick in the visual novel unlike to Trollchad. Trollchad also impregnated her in both eroge and hentai animation.
They dont even bother anymore do they?
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Just finished this fairy game.
Overall, it's great, but my biggest grip is you need to reach day 90 to get the good ending but the game pretty much runs out of content on day 50 or so.
Imagine paying for porn
If so I wouldn't recommend it, it literally has no scenes, just a handful of gifs with no writing
I have only bought one game (Hexa disorder war)
>She never married Rick in the visual novel unlike to Trollchad.
Bad routes are non-canon.
> Trollchad also impregnated her in both eroge and hentai animation.
damn cuck, needs literacy correction
Is there stomach bulge and/or cum inflation?
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>paying for porn
>Lilith games
Remind me again where does Rick appear again after that? He is nowhere no be seen or mentioned in both TABA or RPGX.
Any new good non gayfaggot/tranny h-games (male protag only, no cuckshit) come out lately?
>he's not in these non-canon spinoffs, making him non-canon
anon what are you doing?
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There are nothing canon in Lilith games since the it has been stated multiple times the exintence of multiverses and shit. There is no denying, however, the expression of pure love in pic related.
>Want someone to make porn game
>Don't pay for porn games
>More developers stop making porn games
Any good H-game releases recently? FemMC corruption preferred but not mandatory
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yes I buy every h game I play because I'm not poor
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>twinkfag will be forever tainted by the zoomer haircut
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Is the Rance series any good?
Best femboy games?
Star Periphery (unfortunately), Tales of Androgyny, Crossdressing in Camelot and any of those games like CoC or TiTS where you have character customization that allows you to be a femboy.
>Crossdressing in Camelot

this game is full of bugs. As soon as just a few quests are turned in, your UI and your inventory gets completely screwed up. Meanwhile the dev just blows his time posting dad jokes on f95
Yes but the quality and gameplay style vary strongly from game to game
You might enjoy one game and hate the next entry in the series for how different they are from each other
He asked what the best games are, and I listed them. I never said they were good, just that they're the best available.
I need some games where I can romance my mother.
Futa games are kill

That's the bad kind of bulge, where it's just some ridiculous stretched out pocket that comes out of nowhere.
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where did futafaggotry go wrong where it went from cute anime girls fucking other cute anime girls to hulking shemales fucking twinks?
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>I need some games where I can romance my mother.
the left is for straight people
the right is for gays
When you slap a cock on a woman then eventually people are going to want that cock to be used on them.
>damn i want to make asari but not get sued by bioware
>i know! I'll give them pointy ears and inflate their head instead
peak creativity
>when did gayshit become gayshit
I feel like once you've seen one of his game h-scenes, you've seen them all.
And the gameplay are always knockoff of other popular game.
>be into a fetish
>now it's all filled with faggotry
fucks sake
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To be fair in context the fairy takes a drug that makes her body extremely stretchy. Her body would be too small for a penetration otherwise.
Magical Princess Lily, combat is fun.
I hate every character in Midnight Paradise except for the whitebread but otherwise innoffensive childhood girlfriend girl. Is it just me, or is the entire cast of that game all shit?
>doesn't pay for h content
>creators refuse to put effort in H content because it doesn't sell
>why is my fetish about cocks filled with people that like cocks
it is a mystery
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Thinking about making a porn game based off that old game where you mix potions for the girl and she transforms into different fetishes.
The gimmick is going to be you're summoning different women.
Should I keep it simple and just have it be
>Summon and they're instantly fuckable/you build up sex acts in succession
>You have to romance the summoned girls over a period of time.

Oh pitch YOUR porn game idea too I guess.
Fuck me, I realize now that I really want some H-games focused on a foxgirl, especially if it could be an ACT that'd be a dream come true. This one kinda looks like ass, though, and the MC isn't a foxgirl by default it seems? Is it just a costume, or something like a powerup mode or a different character?
Summon and instantly fuckable sounds pretty good, but you should add some mini games that unlock more scenes.
Excellent, now to find the source
here you go
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Many thanks
god i love cock
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in that webm it's a +attack -defense form you have access to for the whole game. It does have limited duration but it pretty generous for the time limit.
closest I know of for an ACT is a wolf girl also it's all vore
there's a couple fox girl rpgmaker games though
the leading ladies are named milfa and kiddi, I'm not 100% on whether it's an act of defiance or if he's given up
this and some of the animations from Dragon's Dogma 1 are the only vore-related stuff I have coomed to
>why is my fetish about not wanting to see a guy in porn filled with guys
it's a valid question
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when mofu started dragging his heels trying to coordinate translations into every living language instead of just finishing the fucking game
still, there's still a nonzero amount of decent actual futa coming out, shame about the game parts but that's never been a strong suit
Anon if that's what it was about it'd just be lesbian porn. It was always about the dicks.
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playing flipwitch, it's enjoyable for a shitty hentai metroidvania even though it's technically a tranny game
The answer is that your interpretation is becoming less prevalent than the other obvious interpretation. Your voyeuristic proclivities aren't as overwhelmingly popular anymore compared to the bisexual males out there that want to get fucked by futas.
Vore ain't for me, but I do see value just in the apparent quality of those animations and gameplay with a wolf girl. Maybe I'll give that a spin.

Is there a reliable tag to find said foxgirl rpgmaker games? Or am I going on an easter egg hunt for them?
>textractor doesn't work on it
Well shit
if its good sure, h-games are usually pretty cheap anyway and id like to see more from the dev
if you play for the plot and gameplay is it ok?
I just like the cumflation scenes
but how's the game?
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Are there any jap Hgames like corruption of champions? Mainly just wanna play a game were I can beat a bitch and fuck her immediately afterwards without having to set through hours of dialogue.

Also just finished mercenary adventure. Shit was nice.
I've been trying to play an rpgmaker game but my character keeps walking up and to the left. does anyone know what causes this?
Press the 4 key on your numpad.
disconnect your controller
im playing kemono games
does /v/ like furry yet? can I post some suggestive furshit?
that's what I thought too but that's not it. other rpgmaker games don't seem to have this problem too
male dogs disgusting
human male on anthro female is alright though
i LOVE cock
Finished DancingReaper (terrible game, coincidentally uses Unity) and both of the Battle Orc games (based). Gonna finish Anthophobia later on.
well, where would the danger of impregnation come from without it?
I am a huge sucker for cute shoujo adventures. What game should I play that's not a nightmarish slog written in ren'py
Unironically, even if I wanted to buy a game, which I don't. I can't see buying them on Steam.
These are censored by nature, and you need to go to an outside source in order to get the h-content.
It seem more annoying that just getting them somewhere else.
Turkeybaster dildos
Not my problem.
I'm enjoying free games, cuck
now that's just silly, anon
What are some good futa games?
>>creators refuse to put effort in H content because it doesn't sell
Was never a problem before, won't be a problem ever. There is SO much porn for free out on the internet you will literally never be able to consume it all, to have all of that available and still choose to pay for it is the lowest a human can sink to, lower than literally anything else in the entire scale of human respect, there is nothing one can do in the realm of reality to sink lower than it.
What kind of cuck waifus these idiots, not even for the idea of fucking them but to watch them get raped by every evil cretin under the sun until their body and mind are reduced to trash, just for it to be handwaved in the next scene as a dream or alternate timeline.
>B-But their not idiots! In the true timeline, they're actuall crazy competant!
Sure. But they're KNOWN for being suckers and losers. That's their brand. Fans unironically don't want to see them succeed and the only reason they ever 'win' is to lose somewhere else down the line.
This doesn't happen because there's always some paypiggy who gets off on buying porn.
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>Gay men are becoming more prevalent
Just know that things move in the direction money moves towards. Don't be surprised when porn moves in whatever direction you don't want it to because you couldn't spare a few pennies to support artist aligned with you.
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>no WEGS unless they're actually good
How do people feel about Superhuman here?
I'm really far in now, and the art has improved a lot from the hyper jank it was at the beginning. It's also probably the only western VN that does the action segments to the same level of quality as some of the JP shit I've read. Honestly at times I feel it might even have been a better experience if it wasn't porn at all.
You're fixated on porn for some reason but the arguments you're making apply generically to any media
I've seen it brought up more and more recently unless that's just you which is making me want to try out. Give me the quick pitch.
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Holy shit, this was fucked up.
The Monstrous Horror Show is your standard high school girl with no friends or talents actually has a secret talent of being passionate and makes friends with everybody in adjacent social circles, but in the setting of rocky horror
Rune's Pharmacy is weirdly shoujo-y for a game about the usual fabricated gajillion dollar debt repayment sex game
there are none, the best you can get are good games with sporadic futa or good futa that happens to be in games. Setalia or maybe the old premtl flash version of fuujuhime would be the closest you can get to a good futa game
nothing rn
just reinstalled my os few days ago
also nothing rn
honestly only porn games i genuinely am looking forward are
Star knightess aura
sinisistar 2
inb4 weg-idgaf
kinda also waiting for your picrel taimanin vns and more gaptax stuff
I saw that shit and it has like what, five CGs, 2 animations, and 1 cumshot? What a joke.

Chronos Gate is ok if you like time stop. It has guro content that can be toggled in the options, I think the default is on so be warned.
do it
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>unless that's just you
Nah I saw someone mention it in a Prototype thread maybe a week or so ago. Basically the plot is you're a college student that gets that super shapeshifter powerset that you get in that game. The story follows you trying to maintain you humanity, secret identity, and also just survive the monster attacks that are becoming more and more common. Also half the girls in the game are hot goth chicks, but the game really, really suffers from the art being way lower quality in the early parts compared to the second half. Especially when characters that have been there since the beginning are standing next to characters that were introduced after 3 years of updates. Though this will probably be fixed when the game is in 1.0. The plot is shockingly good, with great character writing for a lot of the cast, and really fucking good fight scenes that made me feel like I was reading Fate S/N again at times. It's definitely a fun little rabbit hole to fall into.
It's good , but it's one of those games where you have 2 hours of plot before you get to a sex scene and it gets really tiring. I was gonna replay it but I can't be bothered because it's involved with lots of dead ends if you don't level up properly.
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Been enjoying the demo of 夢吉原のあやかし妓楼 (RJ01208749) basically another take on the club bifrost whore management formula with youkai and monster girls and Lansane art.
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crazy that her game is still getting updated
Thanks anon
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>buy stuff from futa creators I like
>they stop making futa and start making normal male x female content instead because they get more money out of that from other people
every time
Let's not get fucking crazy with it. It's very good for a WEG, but not that good.
wtf it is? What is even being added? I remember it being pretty bare bones when I played
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>How do people feel about Superhuman here?
Story ranges from good to great chuuni VN. Fighting scenes range from good to TOP KINO.
Old art ranges from very bad to almost decent.
New art ranges from decent to good.
Majority of characters range from decent/good to REALLY GREAT, with few exceptions like the teacher whose content got cut midway and I'm still pissed about that
Porn scenes range from bad (first part especially) to decent/almost good.
Like this anon >>681893878 said, it's really reminiscing of chuuni visual novels FS/N.
>wilt I show thou
>the full might of the
These do not go together.
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i usually get filtered by rpgm slop but not-tomoko's game gave me some marginal feels
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Idk maybe I just have really fucking low standards for western properties in general, but it really nails that edgelord shit that I love. I was really surprised at the quality of some of the character writing that went on, especially for the MC's friend group. It helps that a lot of the fetish content appeals to me specifically, so I'm a bit biased to it's shortcomings.
That scene where the mc rescues her after she was bukkaked was hot af.
Looks neat. Is only the demo available so far?
Best h-games in the Steam sale that are not
>3D pig disgusting

Already own Melty and Karryn
make your posts quickly

once the tranny mod wakes up the thread is getting purged
star periphery
With what? Like new scenes?
Im just waiting for the karryns prison update. Nothing else even interests me anymore. That game ruined h-games for me.
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any of you guys have any guilty pleasures with kusoge?
for me it's pic related
i was hooked by the tittymonster catgirl, but my god, the rest of the game is bad
source on right?
Not something I'd ever fap to, but a very fun experience. It has some great fucking fights. Just seems to suffer from "probably will never actually fucking finish due to the scope of it"-itis.
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They always win, anon, even though they do not want to admit it.
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I just want a h-games with gameplay like sengoku rance and kamidori
your brain has been rotted by porn
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Best Sengoku
ive played a bunch of this (im actually giving it a break because its so long)
i like it, fairly impressive, and there's something really charming about the amateur art and edginess
Why do all of theses games invariably look like complete dogshit?
Can they seriously not hire an artist?
>any of you guys have any guilty pleasures with kusoge?
I've been mindbroken by RPGM games and unironically enjoy default RPGM combat
Give me any game about crawling through a lewd dungeon or climbing a tower of corruption and I'll be happy
I've cleared an embarrassing amount of these games with the purity route because I actually try hard to not lose
You're in luck, Eushully made another two games just like Kamidori (minus the shop management thing), Amayui Castle Meister and Amayui Labyrinth Meister.
new outfits/hair styles, changing body type (inverted nipples, probably more), new scenes, post ending content (so far for ending 2 where you get married)
likely more stuff planned
Senhime is a hell of a woman
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Is F95 filled with virus?
And before Kamidori they made Himegari but that one has no translation or edited MTL, just raw MTL
Are either of them anywhere near as good?
Yes if you download a porn game for free your PC will brick and your parents get notified
the dev is working on the third installment to depravia. he's getting the beta done already. it's looking like it'll be pretty fun.
By virus you mean tranny and furry?
Then yes.
I've been using it for years with no issues. If anything gets flagged as risky by your PC it's just because downloading .exe files off the internet in most contexts is a horrible idea unless you know what you're doing, but it's not actually a virus (unless it is).
Ive only ever detected one virus because the dumb indian who uploaded the game literally left his malware named as malware.exe
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Anyone else play this? I kinda like the idea, but I dislike the survival elements. Feels way too tedious when at the end of the day I'm just trying to bust a nut.
I only played the first one but, yes.
Futa was always a bottom of the barrel normalfag fetish just like feet and nbr incest.
Says you, in a porn thread, who has been throwing a tantrum over the idea that people paying their rightful due for a product they consume.
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after playing through a game like evenicle, i've come to appreciate smaller, simple, lower budget games at this point
less chances for disappointment
crazy tedious, thank god you can just /get any item you want
yes. the survival elements are more or less pretty easy to get past once you get companions and figure out how to get them to work for you. set up bases at the right places, and it's not too hard to get an abundance of basic resources. what i hate is the part where you have to go through the ruins to get certain items afaik. it gets tedious going through the same useless rooms before you even get to the guy with the core. as for busting a nut, it's an easy enough game, you can play it with one hand if i'm not mistaken. personally, i like a little more involvement before that, so i'm ok without constant sexual content.
Did you guys play the DLC yet?
Yeah, full release date isn't fixed yet but ETA is late July.
Basically east vs west
There are still plenty of doujins coming out with futa 2hus, idorus, fighting game gals, and many more anime girls fucking each other. Sadly the hentai industry is a shell of its former self.
Meanwhile the west has embraced hyperdick, hypermuscle POV animations
I'm a little afraid to ask, but how so?
There's dlc? I'm torn between learning how to run a vm and looking for this dlc you mention.
Yeah. Adds more scenes, and a post-post game. There's also more H scenes with the other girls, although some of them are dreams.
Why do you come into a H-game thread asking questions about the quality of gameplay. That shouldn't matter
I filter every post of this game and all soulless WEGs btw
Didn't even know it was out. Thanks for letting me know.
is it translated too?
I don't disagree with him, there's always the potential to have a fun time beyond the porn
see >>681896628
it's a redux translation from the old f95 that was complete garbage
>Says "prpr Revised Translation" at the top
gee, I don't know
if you play female protag you are gay and should kill yourself
>HappyLambBarn STILL haven't completed the Dog Princess port to Unity
Jesus christ
chill, its mostly azn guys
and they are already hanging by a thread
Not sure what you were expecting with a title like that.
I don't care if this post is 3 hours old this retard must be told Bioware ripped their blue bitches off of Farscape anyways.
how did you respond to that post then
I started with VH and I'm not about to stop now.
RPGM is a fundamental staple of H-gaming. Like bread and rice it can be bland, but sometimes that's all you need.
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We just got a new update, I have yet to play it but I can't wait to see the fight with Cole. The writer has a keen understanding of how to write fight scenes and how to handle power scaling in his world. Way too many VNs have an MC who is either a nigh invincible asspuller or some perpetual underdog that never makes progress when put against an ever escalating power level of villain but instead gets his shit kicked in every fight and then power of friendships out of it every time.

Superhuman does a very good job in how it places the MC. He can and often will be outclassed by the established upper tiers in his setting and can barely win/lose close fights with the wrong choices but also has moments where his growth manifests in dominating opponents or performing feats previously beyond without the need for 20 minutes of his shit getting pushed in followed by a powerup. Sometimes he can narrowly beat a clearly superior opponent that was previously weakened or with the help of others, sometimes his small contributions allow victory for a far stronger ally facing an immensely threat, and sometimes he IS the cavalry that bails out weaker folk. MC's place in the power scaling of the world has a lot of thought and nuance put into it.
should I watch Farscape?
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It's not about quantity. It's about trying to filter the quality porn from the trash. It's the same reason behind why as a person who's pirated 99% of my game library, I still go out of my way to financially support small indie or niche game studios and buy their games, usually gifting them to friends or family. I donate to or pay archiving/data hoarding websites, modders, patch creators, FOSS apps devs/maintainers, fangame devs and H-games devs as well. While some people have both the resources and free time to build stuff you enjoy, a lot actually don't. I don't want to see a world where standardized, anti-consumer corporate soulless media shapes our culture, even if it's basically a losing battle. I help financially where I can because I have the money and want to help the guys making stuff I enjoy. Without financial incentives, a lot of people are never able to achieve what they want, unless we're talking about rare cases where (usually youthful) autism, resource availability and free time all align, allowing creativity to thrive. It used to be more common before 2008, but times change. Those flash game devs and animators grew older. An entire generation of failed parents, weakening schooling system and lobotomization through smartphone advertisements has significantly impacted the creative potential of younger generations. So yes, I WILL financially support the rare zoomer autist trying to make my life better instead of getting cucked by corporations over and over.
thank you fairyfucker!
I liked it. I'm legit considering buying it because workshop support.
Format your post, nigger. I'm not reading that wall of text.
yah its good
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>no 3d game with tf
>no drug/substance use
>no good 3d sims

there's no innovation in this part of the industry.
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>porn in an open market (eg. Steam)
>everything is drowned out by asset-flip shovelware
>porn in a subscription-based market (eg. Patreon)
>devs are incentivized to maximize dev time and never deliver a finished product
>porn in a hobbyist market (eg. Comiket)
>work is driven by passion and curated by and for an equally passionate dedicated consumer base
It's as simple as that
Sure, it's sucked off for a good reason. Last season is an utter mess imho, no engagement.
You're right, Tales of Androgyny it is
that's not usually the case with steam h games now, steam doesn't require the devs to do that anymore, some still do but it's easy
also steam came out with privating games so you can mark games as private and other peeps can't see you have those games
I'm afraid doujin circles are productive very much because eating food feels nice, and so did paying rent. Very, very few things are done on enthusiasm alone, and it typically doesn't last long. Women hate when men do it in particular, it doesn't serve them in any way.
By "last season" do you mean the last season or Peacekeeper Wars?
It's literally just Kagura Games. And nobody else.
>calls others niggers
>openly refuses to read
No, the last season of the actual show. Peacekeeper wars is like an epilogue mini-series. Oh, and comics are shite, the creator did write them, but he wasn't the reason the show was good...
this is wrong in so many levels because while an open market does allow shovelware to exist, it also provides a stable and safe platform for small established companies

in a subscription based market games are allowed to get developed and progress well past their shelf life and allows a smaller dev team, often a single person, to pilot a single continuous project as opposed to releasing a mediocre product and hoping to do better on the next.

And while passion is a noble endeavor and pretty ideal, it's not a sustainable model and it's incredibly naïve for you to demand other people to put an effort and only receive claps and a pat in the back for their efforts
Alright. I liked the last season. But I think it was really building up to the next season being really great. RIP.
Lol, no wonder. You have all the reading comprehension of a 16 year old white zoomer kid. Next time I'll put it on a tik tok so it can fit on your attention span
Ok Nigger.
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I didn't say they weren't motivated by money, I said their work was passionate. The doujin market is entirely founded in the expression of one's own personal tastes and sharing that with like-minded degenerates. The selling point is not just in the artist's technical skill, but in their character. If they were simply interested in maximizing profit by appealing to the lowest common denominator, the doujin market would not exist.
I was bored out of my mind. I watched the whole thing like two years ago after having forgotten most of the story, and it was still boring. PW is alright.
>stable and safe platform
lol. anime games that aren't even eroge get banned just for implying a high school girl has sex or shows too much cleavage
>If they were simply interested in maximizing profit by appealing to the lowest common denominator, the doujin market would not exist
They are. Female protag stuff, NTR and femdom are popular, and so that's mostly what they make. Could be that all the devs are into all the same shit but I'm not buying it. Memes do perpetuate themselves. Fucking wegs also exist in their own bubble.
What fucking game is this.
Worse. It's filled with ESL retards much worse than found on this site.
h-games are the only ones worth buying anymore
Anon those are not things that have mainstream popular appeal, those are niche subcultures you don't like
Appealing to the lowest common denominator would be making the most safe inoffensive and popular porn possible, which is just vanilla sex with big-breasted women
Choinese slop is always slop though.
Soul of Knights got dazed so I'm replaying it.
Too bad it'll never get a real translation though.
I want you to march your butt to dlsite and check the tags. They have a convenient number next to them, that's how many products have them. Take a guess which is the most popular. By contrast, wegs don't do much NTR at all. Femdom, too, for that matter. There aren't less fags ion the West, is just how it shook out, is my hypothesis. Every new dev emulates what's already there.
>>no good 3d sims
>>no 3d game with tf
Cause that would be stupid hard to make and there's no market
Anon... These games are niche by default, even more niche than your shitty wegs.
its called child porn, google it
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>game has pregnancy tag
>literally just an end cg
>These games are niche by default, even more niche than your shitty wegs
First of all, I can't parse what point you're trying to make, second, Steam sells a bunch of both. Arguably, Japanese amateur stuff is more popular overall.
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a question for h-connoisseurs, what would be a good motivation to rape girls involving time travel?

1. you have the power to go back in time when you touch a dead girl and you rape her in exchange of saving her.

2. your daughter from the future asks you to rape her mother so she can be born
I doubt you'll be able to squeeze a story out of the second one, so the first is better.
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Not sure what you fags are talking about but I pay for my shit.
both awful, you'd want it to be a domination reversal type of deal where you encounter them in the present and they're bitchy, demeaning, rude whatever, then you go to the past and rape them and return to the present and it changes their personality/situation.
Number 1, does the spirit of the girl know she is about to get raped into life again, or is the girl getting surprise revived into it?
I cheated in every WEG/H game I played
My bullshit about pron vidya markets being driven by memes more than the different audiences' interests didn't interest anyone, is what happened.
I recommend playing more vanilla games.
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You're not understanding me. The appeal of the doujin (indie) market to the consumer is the personal aspect, whether that be any particular kind of artistry that goes into the work or the work appealing to niche degenerate sensibilities in such a way that the consumer gets the sense that the author must also be a degenerate like them, a brother-in-arms who offers them camaraderie and understanding.
Appealing to the mass market necessarily destroys this sense of personal appeal. Nobody is making loli tentacle monster-breeder games or Getting Cucked By The Elf Princess In Another World if their goal is to appeal to as many people as possible. These works can only be made by people who are appealing to particular niche interests, typically interests which the creators share.
This isn't to say that the doujin market is some ideal personalized utopia where there is truly something for everyone and general market trends do not exist, but point is distinguishing the character and unique appeal of a hobbyist market from an open one.
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i found this in an elden ring thread

do you guys know the source so i can buy?
im going to go ahead and agree with this anon in that the butterfly effect seems like a fun gimmick and could be the cause of some problems for the mc down the road
at least comparatively to the 2 options that were given
Evening of Vengeance.
That is Night of Revenge. Great animation gallery, no clue about the gameplay but it's supposed to be Souls-like or something.
That's just it, I don't believe it's a hobbyist market, I think it's exactly the same as the weg one, it's just that japs work in a system that compels them to keep making completed products, fast. You're needlessly idealizing this shit. Open source projects and mods are far closer to what you're talking about.
Twilight of Retribution
Actually, japs have a freeware scene that has all kinds of shit. Not a thousandth female protag or an NTR game, because that's how it's done and what sells, is my point.
He's on a toilet, so no.
we have the technology today to make it less hard and what do you mean there's no market? anywhere a good game is made a market follows.
look at them go
You think someone would just make the save scumming a mechanic at this point.
Master of Orion mentioned!!!
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If one system incentivizes fast and consistent releases while the other is plagued by endless unfinished betas and patreon scams because it fails to do that, I don't see how you can say they're the same system.
For the record I also never made this about eroge vs. wegs, I've purely been criticizing the systems of payment/distribution for porn games in general. The Japanese side is not immune to this shit either, there are PLENTY of JP subscription services that let artists sit on a game forever instead of making something new.
>I don't see how you can say they're the same system.
Dude. How. Of course they are not the same system, but I AM suggesting both sets devs are motivated primarily by money. You cut off the money, they'll simply stop making their porn. For better or worse.
>there are PLENTY of JP subscription services
I actually don't know a single one (or any game coming off of them), but I believe you, why wouldn't there be. For porn, I know dlsite and dmm, they sell completed shit. More every year sell these same games on Steam.
Why are her tits pulsating
what games have good rimjob content other than hero party must fall
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2 years
the devs have been working on this patch for 2 fucking years
at $73700 a month, that is $176,880 in patreon "donations" for 1 single patch
and it isn't even the main release - it is a dot patch with 1 character's path
you don't understand the technical effort it would take to pull that off, its simply impossible
I don't know how you can bear to play yet another rpg maker game just because it has a different girl having 5 sets of lewd pics
Just go to sadpanda
$7370 per month
but even if it was $73k per month they still wouldn't actually try
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Kunoichi sekiren but it's only a demo for now and i think we will have more kunoichi to play with
If you're lamenting the fact they don't give a fuck, well, they don't, c'est la vie. Accept it. Are you sure you wouldn't behave exactly the same in their shoes? That's some monetary incentive to be a useless fuck.
game was garbage anyway
people said the same shit about realistic clothes physics nigh on a decade ago. we have that now and more. technology doesn't advance by waiting for someone else to do it. negative nancy ass
What possesses a person to pay for this shit, knowing they're just encouraging these people to drag shit out in perpetuity? I would never pay for any porn, but if you're going to, subscribe for a single month when an update comes out, then stop until the next one. Devs would be encouraged to actually make progress if they wanted payment.
I'm pretty sure like half of them are dead in Ukraine after they got conscripted by the Russians. Like half of all WEGs that F95 love went belly up the moment the first mass conscription happened.
The only ones that kept updating were the slavs that made it to Croatia, Greece, and Czechia.
If the game is good then yes. I think developers of good games should be rewarded so they'll continue to develop new good games
>people said the same shit about realistic clothes physics nigh on a decade ago. we have that now and more.
Improvements in computer hardware are plateauing, plus you need a bunch of really smart people on board to make the game you want

>technology doesn't advance by waiting for someone else to do it.
Be the change you want to see in the world

>negative nancy ass
You're the one who wants a 3d sim h-game with tf, its never going to happen
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help me out anons, I am looking for a game I remember playing but I forgot the name of

you play as a guy who is in a relationship with a girl and you are tasked to defeat/find information about the demon lord(? I forgot).
In game you go to different locations and end up fighting enemies. Losing to them end up with scenes of you getting stolen away from your gf
The first enemy is a posessed loli in the same town as you and another enemy I remember is a bee girl.

In return have some cool art of one of my favorite games.
Wouldn't the money be declined at that point?
Where is it going?
He's current event obsessed. Don't give him (You)s.
>Improvements in computer hardware are plateauing
that's only legitimate snag. and you think people aren't sick of rpgmaker and renpy shovelware? i'm not the only one who wants something new, i know that for a fact. i'll throw my hat in even if i have to use ai to code.
Which games have black guy routes?
>and you are tasked to defeat/find information about the demon lord
This really narrow down things anon.
this one
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japs have definitely plenty of unfinished H-Games in endless development cycles with updates locked behind a paid service, the big difference being that most of them don't even have a demo or a v0.01 release (whether you think that's better or not it's a different matter).
The thing is you don't know japanese so you have no visibility of the actual doujin scene and all you have is a western perception of it where only major successful project become official releases and gain international attention. but do take a look a C-iel every now and then
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>no good futa h-games
Its not fair
Looking for a game like dark hunter kuro, good gameplay and h scenes
I don't think I've ever seen a h-game or doujin were a black character was in a vanilla romance with a Japanese one. It's always ntr or rape.

However, I have seen a doujin were a loli date rapes her black babysitter and another were a milf date rapes a depressed black guy at her beach bar. Completely caught me of guard honestly.
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>my most expected eroge of the year got delayed
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>I AM suggesting both sets devs are motivated primarily by money
Yeah that's how markets work. Nobody is arguing this point. I specifically emphasized that I was NOT saying that the people selling a product for money did not want to earn money.
The point I have been making from the start was that eroge/indie porn games have a particular character that, when cultivated in a specialized market (such as Comiket or DLsite), creates a unique appeal to a specialized range of consumers who represent only a small share of the general market but are far more likely to browse and purchase content that appeals to their particular sensibilities (hobbyists).
This is the fundamental nature of erotic creative expression for profit, due to the larger economic, social and legal forces involved across countries and cultures. I repeat again, this is NOT a "glorious Nippon eroge folded 1000x superior to gaijin weg" argument, although obviously there was no western equivalent to something like Comiket to shape our culture and give our artists those opportunities.
Subscription services unavoidably alter the nature of this relationship. Going from purchasing a product to nebulously "supporting an artist" with no immediate return or even a guarantee of a return in the future inherently strains the social contract that the market previously operated on.
Finally, an "open market" where porn is given (more or less, usually less) equal standing with "normal" products destroys this relationship entirely. The porn hobbyist becomes an ordinary consumer, with all that implies for their attention span and spending habits. The hobbyist producers who enjoyed their walled garden are suddenly dumped into a vast ocean, finding themselves flooded and competing for store space with Sex With Hitler 12. Those who are already established might find a publisher to throw them a lifeline, but one way or another change is necessary to find success - because the market has fundamentally changed.
>>However, I have seen a doujin were a loli date rapes her black babysitter and another were a milf date rapes a depressed black guy at her beach bar. Completely caught me of guard honestly.
titles? this sounds hilarious
yeah I know its pretty generic but I managed to find it myself. It's called Stolen Hero Reverse Rape RPG and the code is RJ339178
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Play Claire's game!
What's up with vanillafags and puritycucks infesting every single Taimanin discussion?
I don't like wegs...
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whats the best alternative to DLsite ?

that shit is banned here in Germany since we are ruled by 50y old women
I blame action taimanin.
>plays cuck games
>calls other people cucks
>plays games with more dicks than pussies
>calls other people fags
why are "people" like you so insecure?
depends on what you want to do?
just play them then use f95zone
buy them?
just use steam/gog/key sites.
There is none. Wouldn't a VPN work?
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you have setallia, flower fairy, and both their sequels
Yeah I can't imagine wasting my money on this, b-b-but anon its not a waste if the games good, nigga no money is worth spending when I can just find a free download for any h-game 1 hour after release on multiple sites. In my 14 years jacking it to h-games I only have bought one game and it was for a major update that nobody ever posted, and no I didn't upload it.
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ngl I've found so many good games through the thread on gurochan, and most of the time I never even touch the guro content.
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>[Bu-chan] The Beachside Store and a Midsummer's Pervert Beautiful Woman

Could only find the beach one and its not really rape. It's more of a "sneaking a shitload of dick pills into the whiny bitch's drink" kinda thing.
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Did you buy Rance yet /v/?
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My dude did you just yuck someone else's yum? Kinda cringe.
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Blacks getting love is just a BL thing.
Better than to yum someone else's cum
Fanza (DMM)
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is there a list of h-games with the highest production values?
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>motivation to rape girls involving time travel?
Protagonist wants to bang lots of women but can't, then suddenly he obtains the power of time travel. Instead of rigging the lottery or becoming a billionaire on the stock market, he decides to bang lots of women first. At the end of the game he becomes stuck in a time loop as a result of his own misuse of his power and never gets to do all the stuff he planned to get to after banging all those women.
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I need your best elf games, best elf rape games, best elf bdsm games, best elf corruption games. ELF GAMES.
are general threads allowed now on /v/?
Hachina Monster Tale is amazing.

You will never be a janny.
Rather a general h-games thread than 10 weg threads
I'm just asking because there are already a bunch of generals here like:
>30+ year old threads
>DoA threads
>weg threads
>ffxiv threads
>gacha threads
I think we are about to hit a critical mass of generals on /v/
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What other h-games let me disregard whores and acquire fish? Already played Summer/Winter Memories and Self-Defense Dojo
honestly id rather have these threads than yet another twitter x /pol/ thread here.
Yeah we need to make room for more twitter screenshot threads.
Holy Knight Ricca
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>not impregnating the entire town
Some of these aren't even "real" generals. They get made like once every two days and stay for a few hours until they reach bump limit, not like they are available 24/7.
>stable income as long as you don't finish your game
That's the plan of course, but first I need money, thus the fish.
give me an Oppai Loli game of high quality
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Any game where you can progress from being a loli to milf?
based sff memer
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not a porn game
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Look at my cute, dog fucking wife
why are 90% of hgames cuckshit?
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Say it with me
honorary weg
NTA but these arguments in favor of doujin seem to be a defense for generic RPG maker games that cost less that a 100 yen, you know the kind, those which recycle 99% of the default assets besides the few drawn GC, almost no one really makes it, at least enough to dedicate full time and even then there's next to no doujinshi version of ZUN also
>The appeal of the doujin (indie) market to the consumer is the personal aspect, whether that be any particular kind of artistry that goes into the work or the work appealing to niche degenerate sensibilities in such a way that the consumer gets the sense that the author must also be a degenerate like them, a brother-in-arms who offers them camaraderie and understanding.
Basically mom/son or oneshota which has always been normie-tier fetish
I don't know, there could be a joke twist that he excitedly goes back in time then realises he never learned what the mother looked like before going, so he has to rape a certain amount of maidens to be sure.
getting a virus in 2024 is practically impossible unless you are an actual retard
Have someone send them 'that' one VN?
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I actually thought about that a lot.
How can I excuse that?
maybe the girls come from a futuristic planet and medieval fantasy past mom looks like a primitive/feral slut in their eyes.

I was thinking maybe take her with you, since she knows she died, at least the first one. Since the mc needs a companion in his rape quest.

I'm inclining for the first as well, so you can get adult companions, if I did the second, your companions would be your daughters
they're just subtle now
before they bragged about infecting you. Now they're just harvesting information about you for money and will make sure you never notice
did right ever get scenes? haven't played in a hot minute but i'm thinking of waiting until the full transition to RPGM MV happens
why do people pretend to care that people "know information" about them
Filled with retards like you who keep asking for android version of a game
because there's hordes of black cuckolds wanting to see that content and being retarded enough to buy it
Always liked these npc rape games. The idea of being able to fuck any character at any moment is pretty hot to me. Only wish the games had actually gameplay behind them to enhance the fantasy.
part 3 never ever.
The science is settled. If you don't like my low quality threads you're a hecking /pol/tard.
isn't part of the charm that you can walk to the first female npc you see and rape her in situ?
because that's how big tech makes money
by using your phone, you've already been infected
Noelle does her best
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>"There is so much [resource], it will never run out!"
just finished RJ01175469
it's fucking great
Yeah, but I also like the idea of going on an actual adventure and fucking every npc in sight whenever I wanted to. Basically Imagine playing pokemon or persona with the added bonus of being able to fuck any female character, at any moment in the story.
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Will we ever get a low poly h-game?
Only h-"games" I ever bought were like 3 or 4 VNs, regretted buying all of them except Our End of the World.
Oh and there was Sakura Dungeon, played for an hour and forgot to refund it.
Because despite being easily the most catered to audience they still can‘t handle games being made for people other than them
That game was pretty good.
I'm curious about what happens in the bad route if you torture her and even rip off her antennaes considering who you fucking meet on day 90 in a good route, but I don't have the heart to bully the fairy.
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Techque hit, bee bee
Huh, I didn't know Flower Fairy got translated.
I'm never buying a Rance game again after how shit MG's translation of Sengoku was.
Been craving a dating sim type of eroge so I bought Summer Clover. It's pretty high quality.
All I need in life is under the witch

Insult order is good too, made by same developer
>Ricca's expansion still isn't out
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>meds still preventing me from enjoying H games
Truly the worst timeline
Overdevil is pretty good, relatively comedic tone though which might bother people.
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Posting some kino h-games I recommend

Evil Guards of Merchant City
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Girl Knight MILK
>inb4 he's on ssris
New Saltpeter art game when?
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Academy Nymphomania
Ambrosia and Enishia and the Binding Brand
Both from the same dev
What's wrong broski?
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Mind Luda
thanks anon
I don't pay for normal porn because then any amount of my money would go to women.
I buy h-games because it supports smelly japanse nerds (but only if they don't have voice acting).
yo is that sid from ice age?
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Got to give JAST credit on, they talked for almost the whole panel why Steam sucks for H-Games, and why their own website is far better.
TL:DR Steam has no clear rules, they can decide at anytime to take back the patch policies, and JAST reinvests in their own platform when people buy on it.
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>Also just finished mercenary adventure. Shit was nice.
I really ought to finish it one of these days, but when I started playing it, I reached to the mantis forest, didn't particularly like the scenes there, got lost trying to find the next objective, lost interest, and then trying to get back to the game later I had completely forgotten at what point the story was in and what was I even looking for.
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Lolicon Gai (LoStreet)
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Tail of Desire
i cant find a translated version anywhere
one of the worst i've ever played. forever regret wasting my time on this
H-games have the kind of experimental freedom B-movies, indie bands, and underground fanzine comics have/had. I’m not saying gaming is downstream of them, but they certain can be fresh mechanically.
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Shikomura no omo
Is there an english version?
big sexo
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what's the big deal? move on to the next wegger game and that's it
most of these weg games stuck in """"dev hell""" have a ton of content already so rotate it until the next update comes
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Sherly Golden Dragon and the Ancient Island

wholesome h-game
With the exception of the 30 year old threads, those are vaguely related to video games. What I do wonder is why jannies allow a DALL-E 3 general to be up at all times when that place is just a circlejerk with borderline avatar-fagging.
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Any game with cursed items? I played Ero Dungeon and it gave me this new fetish
Which will get finished first: Deltarune or Summertime Saga?
wtf is it with japanese h-games and having disgusting dog scenes, everytime i see an actual dog come out and rape a girl i become so flaccid its unreal
No game, it was something some guy posted that he was trying to make, and then deleted all his stuff.
>Is there an english version?
don't think so
could be translated with chatgpt
I finished the good girl route
Sheryl is my precious daughter and I will not let her encounter H-scenes
Any actual sex in this?
Someone posted a image of a unfinished RPG Maker game a few months ago. Some with a hot barb girl in loin clothes.
Her deadbeat "teacher" deserves to be in the brothel though.
Doesn't work on my machine :(
yes she does
only losing the store is too good of an ending for her
i think the name for this one was different something with Black Guards of Odom - Desert Town
Do Loli dream of black Dick. I think.
install Japanese locale/language pack on your PC or get a locale emulator from github to launch the game
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>247 words 1,494 characters
>Wall of text
Stop browsing tiktok and start reading. You are having trouble reading small messages, it will hurt you in future if you keep having that attitude. I have seen zoom zooms have trouble reading anything longer than Twitter posts. You are heading towards same direction.
JAST have a reputation problem more than anything, they used to be shit and censored things on the regular, but around 6 or so years ago they got their shit together and took an anti-censorship stance and decided they'd be ok with publishing anything regardless of content. I have to respect that even if I don't care for most of the games they release.
Especially when those fags at Top Hat Studios set up their storefront ostensibly in opposition to Steam's censorship yet they refused to allow loli content.
Any h-games with Megaman/Metroid type of gameplay? I mean the shooting and abilities part.
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Here's an idea:
>new world wide pandemic
>terrible disease that makes people puke blood nonstop and die in horrible horrible ways
>it is airborne and transmitted by pretty much everything
>people have a 99.99999999 mortality rate
>but if you survive it you become immune permanently and can even transmit the immunity to your children or anyone you fuck
>protag is a shitty poorfag that was about to die and gives up on life on his bed
>the next day however he wakes up feeling much better and was cured
>he goes to his local medical lab or whatever and inform them of his immunity
>they inform him that the world population has collapse so much there is little to no hope even with someone that has become immune
>however there is a secret plan
>you alongside other immune men will be sent into different periods of time
>your mission?
>fuck as many women as you can, sire as many children as you can and overall spread your immunity before the disease even happens
There you go.
You can call it something funny like "Vaccination Cock: Through Time For Humanity!"
It's canon in the sense the continuity used by the various games. Sequels and sidestories set in the same verse need to have a canon route picked or nothing makes sense.
games where i have a penis and rape women? preferably lower teen women
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For me it's the fat tiddied cosplayer
I might be late, but check out Eiyuu Senki and Eiyuu Senki Gold. It's literally the "senpai pls notice me!" game to sengoku rance.
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Why do you guys only play depressing shit?
but when is it getting updated though?
we are waiting forever for this and lost life
We don't. See >>681916257
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>in a subscription based market games are allowed to get developed and progress well past their shelf life and allows a smaller dev team, often a single person, to pilot a single continuous project as opposed to releasing a mediocre product and hoping to do better on the next.
Nta, but you are being ignorant if you don't acknowledge the huge amount of monthly dripfeed h-games. Those games would be easily finished within few months but if you either make 2k(which even grows over time) every month for 3 years or 2k for 5 months, why wouldn't you just stretch your game with " fixed some writing"-updates? Or are you genuinely saying that trash like Summertime Saga takes so long in development and it never could be finished faster despite having 29k paying members paying minimum $1 and some most likely $5 and $10 tiers? Not to talk about the highest tier $20.
Let's say 10k of the supporters have $5-tier. That is $50k, and to be extremely generous, let's say rest of people are just $1-tier. That's 69 thousand dollarinos monthly. Minimum.
And Summertime Saga ain't the only one practicing dripfeed model.
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found it. was in some old screenshot folder. anyone knows the game?
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>first sex scene is MC forcing himself on loli annerose
>final sex scene after they profess their love MC suddenly becomes rapey and he tells annerose she's a whore for enjoying sex with him
nuke black lilith
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is it really ricca's if it's the witch girl claret instead now?
hows being a shota surrounded by bbw's during summer vacation depressing to you?
How exactly would a virgin failure fuck women in the past when he wouldn't be given time of day to even talk to them, nor would his immunity spreading powers be known by anyone?
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Absolutely terrible writing and art, but at least there's a lot of content. Also poor choice of name for seo reasons.
Yandex says One Way Heroics. I'm sure this is the wrong answer but you should play it anyway.
>H-Games Thread
>vnfags and wegtards appears en masse
So tiresome
gore H
every time, granted OP did say no wegs unless they're good and retards will insist their slop is good
how does it compare to new game?
I really liked that one and the scenes with the wife were the best
Barely, the best things they had was dog sex and a few sex-toy robot. it's lacking but I stopped at the first boss. I like the "corruption" aspect of it where the girls never really stay the same and slowly their "normal" classes like clerc is replaced by something sexier like bunny girl/cow/maid.
any good slow corrupt / choose when to corrupt games?

like Salvation, Ambrosia, nightmare Knight, Curse of Kubel, Grace Labyrinth, Celesphonia
Will do.
How long were you playing it?
Was it just those two with actual penetration/fucking?
Dog one does sound good and i like corruption.
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Why haven't you subjected her to unending gangrape from horrible monsters and spirits yet?
>you can find all their stuff on dlsite.
also on steam and gog
Dead Red Hood WHEN?????
Tenants of the Dead
any games similar to bound by love in which you have a captive and can do various things to her against her will
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any recommendations if I enjoyed
>cosmic abduction
>SUMMER - Countryside Sex Life
for some reason I didn't like repurearia, tried it multiple times
why does her face do that retarded vtuber thing
looks kino
wonder if there is some kind of demo of it
defo waiting for it
a weapon to surpass metal gear
This isn't on F95, where can I grab it?
>no futa

I sleep
Have you tried Paizuri Slave Training Program and Flower Charm Sequel?
>no futa

I'm awake
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celesphonia has cursed items later in the game
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What's in the box
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10/15 hours I think? But I downloaded the patreon build after a while and used some cheats toward the end because It was getting boring having no new content.
From what i've seen, there's like 3 sex toy robots that can have sex with the girl during a battle, and the dog that also fuck them. If the girls are slutty enough, they can molest each other/masturbate I guess, but it's just a PNG, like some ennemies that can lick the girls and shit but it's a qucik gif too.
The corruption aspect is what I liked the most. You can't get a game over but if a girl lose all of her HP, she have the risk of being kidnapped. I had a pretty good warrior that was kidnapped and corrupted into a obedient cow. Since it isn't easy to change class again she became a good healer and never went back to a warrior. But I guess you need to imagine it more than usual.
It's a fun game but it takes way too long if you want a quick fap. It's a hornier Darkes Dungeon if you like those type of games, could be a great game in the future
it's on nyaa
I thought Nyaa was just anime, huh.
Learn something new everyday, ta anon.
correction: it's on sukebei, which is the nsfw version of nyaa
sex with those four cuties
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I can't believe "Japan did nothing wrong, ft. space Hitler" is getting translated
Did that bloke making Teaching Feeling ever continue it?
Last I heard he quit because people were pirating it.
It is? I thought that was a never ever.
got announced last night
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there is nothing much to it.
you play a mini game while the girls have sex.
there are new outfits you can unlock if you get enough points in the final mini game
Yes. You probably have to hunt in one of the sketchier forums for it though. One that makes you feel like you'll be put on a list.
Art is great but otherwise it‘s absolute garbage
Also got abandoned no?
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It's janky but i dig the concept.
Wish i could do more stuff with fMC but doing stuff with giant tribal woman is alight, i guess.
There needs to be more games with character creators.
Pray game
Portals of Phereon is a tactical RPG sandbox thing and it just has females(with dicks) and futas, instead of explicit males.
It's got a breeding component (like Breeding Season).
It's not perfect but the dev is actually working hard. The tactical gameplay is (sadly, for an h-game) the best part.
Any games which feature the femc becoming increasingly evil as she becomes more slutty? Oneone1 seem like the only ones doing that sadly
Well fuck i need to know too
Thanks, think i'll check it out.
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The Last Sovereign just got a public update. Personally I'm waiting for the game to be content complete to do another run. 60+ hour RPG.
He gains charisma by virtue of having to save humanity.
The character arc would be the protagonist fighting through his insecurities and putting his weakness aside for the sake of the world.
It will be the kind of game that ends up being surprisingly inspirational and motivating in spite of its themes.
>I-I can't talk to this woman...
>sh-she's way too cute...
>...b-but if I don't...
>...my family... my friends... the entire humanity will suffer...
>...it's time for me to stop being a coward!
>For the sake of humanity... I'll fuck a hundred... no a thousand women!
Last Evil.
Free Cities. (original is dead but got taken over and continued through Pregmod)
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finally canelage bros, anons have remembered we existed
how did they get away with making an unbeatable boss in the game?
Good game, but just like Rance its a game with porn rather a proper porn game.
I do like that theres lots of aspects to it like breeding and farm management, dating cardgame, srpg combat and 4 different mc's that go at it in a unique way and the art is pleasant to look at despite being western.
The learning curve and choice paralysis in it is insane though.
Now that's something I need, evil women sex that DOMINATES weak men and overcomes even confident ones.
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Can't beat this boss. She just oneshots.
I'd be surprised if the fox doesn't pick it up, though it has to be finished first you know.
I demand more ugly bastard NTR to be honest.
I'm ugly and a bastard, both morally and genetically.
Get a girlfriend and I'll fuck her for you.
H-games that get anime adaptations make for the best anime. We need some new ones with a story instead of goblin tapes the heroine #272848

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