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>this is supposed to be Falcom's apex
>its even worse than previous entries
im not gonna go through 5 bad entries just to play 1 "good" game, they need to stop doing this shit and just make every game standalone. tired of it.
Yeah I stopped with this series because they were literally making games faster than I could play through them.
Trails is basically the Illiad of modern times and I couldn't be happier that it filters out the faggots like you.
but think of the shareholders!
>having shitty entries is their way of filtering
hey man, whatever gets you going.
literally what? kuro no kiseki came out 4 years ago.
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Sorry guys, wrong image.
Spamming threads won't make your crap sells more.
>thread literally complaining about the game
not everything is a shill thread, fucking retard. kill yourself you stupid fuck.
the game came out today
falcom's apex is from a series that starts with an Y and ends with an S
Ys Vs Trails!
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People like OP seem to really hate the ongoing story aspect of this series but I love it. Makes it feel like a truly lived in world. There's more than enough franchises that create one and done games for people to enjoy. Very few dedicate the effort to building something truly grand. Trails is one of the few series that captures that magic I felt as a kid playing JRPGs for the first time, warts and all.
I'm 42 and tried to play these games. It was unbearable.
The worst anime tropes and clichés you could imagine + uninteresting walls of texts. It looks like a parody.
I suspect the audience consists of teenagers and mentally ill LGBTP
no bro, you dont get it. it gets good at Cold steel 3 but you have to play through these games first:
>trials of the sky
>trials of the sky 2nd
>trials of the sky the 3rd
>trials from zero
>cold steel 1
>trials from azure
>cold steel 2
then you can finally play the good game! trust me bro, its vital that you play these ones first.
I don't care about Trails anymore. It's exhausted me.
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Good riddance
>b-but if falcom games sold 5 copies they profit r-right?!
Lmao, enjoy your flop
so he says as the game flops hard.
>The worst anime tropes and clichés you could imagine
I could actually handle and even enjoy that to a certain extent but what kills me is
>uninteresting walls of texts.
Stuff like this. Where every conversation is some overwritten echo chamber. You can't tell someone anything or ask them to do anything without a half dozen people repeating the same noise. And even THAT would be more tolerable if the games weren't just so hollow. They're boring. Nothing actually happens. Everything is stretched out and put off till later. I don't have an aversion to long word games but even something like Xenogears manages to get everything resolved in ONE GAME. This whole franchise has reached lke a dozen titles and there's MAYBE enough plot to fill 4. It's astoundingly bad.
Maybe that's the Illiad for retards
>Milking a dead franchise with mind numbingly boring games
> Milking a dead franchise with mind numbingly boring games: Japan
Literally what. Kuro is fucking dogwater.

why did you feel posting your age was relevant? you want a medal, gramps?
>Download Daybreak's demo
>Playing Honkai Star Rail while waiting
>Daybreak boots up

It's just lazy as this point. It looks and feels worse than Cold Steel on the Vita.
As soon as a game messes up running animations, it's over.
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Falcom won.
Why does daybreak have more players than FF7R which had a 200 million dollar budget
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>Falcom wo-ACK?!
get your tranny ass back to >>>/trash/.
I stopped playing the series after reverie. Is the new saga good?
Haha... 2,009 isn't all that bad...
>2 million dollar budget game has a higher daily peak than a 200 million dollar budget game
Sure looks like a win to me.
Trails games only need to sell one copy, maybe 1.5 at best, to break even. You lost and got raped.
let me guess, you're the schizo having a meltdown on the smt threads.
There's always something that comes off as immediately desperate when you have to compare your shit to classics instead of trying to justify it on it's own merit. Though there's also something equally sad that many people this generation probably DO see the most idiotic of video games as their generations future classic. I dunno. Frankly I've been burned out since halfway through CS3.
Of course it's always a smtvtranny or Xenofag shitting other jrpgs
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Bought it purely to spite Falcom Gen.

Having fun so far :3
You sure weren't this cocky everytime people compared SMT5 to P5 sales
>A-actually sales don't matter!
>Smt was always niche!
Glad you exposed your hypocrisy, see you cry again when Persona 6 outsell smt6
>its smtvtranny/xenofags the ones to blame that my game sucks so much ass!
lol. lmao.
your money bro, torture yourself with it.
>Implying you played it
>Implying you don't sperg in every other JRPG thread
>y-you surely dont like it when the AtlusRPG game does better than AtlusRPG game!!
i play them both, how is this gonna affect me? lol
Trails are everything wrong with jrpgs
mediocre non engaging gameplay
completely linear, non interactive experience
terrible writing

and it doesn't even have the usual pros of JRPG such as good art direction or good music (stopped being good after CS2 and became shit with Hajimari)

The series is genuinely awful
>Nintendoomer discord is here
cute reddit spacing
So you admit Persona and Tales of Arise are superior to SMTV, right, Smtvfag? Since those made bigger numbers, but you sure don't dare to make comparisons with those
Fuck Ys, Fuck Trails, Fuck Tales Of, Fuck Disgaea, fuck all of your needlessly complicated pieces of shit anime JRPGs
Tendies ALWAYS do this. They literally avoid any sales comparisons to rockstar or any others (mods even banned some Witcher 3 threads) or le chart numbers when it comes to Persona
>B-but that's on switch too!
Yes, year later, before the argument was "sales are not important".
yea, sure. love those games.
>tales of arise
never played it, probably.
and this is supposed to upset me?

>tendies t-tendies!!
all of the games brought up on this thread are on steam. meds.
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>Trails are everything wrong with jrpgs
>mediocre non engaging gameplay
>completely linear, non interactive experience
>terrible writing
This is actually hilarious because Trails is genuinely the one JRPG that is an exception to this. It has open non-linear segments, an unique interaction system where you directly select and use specific quest items within the vicinity of objects to interact with them, a quest system with grading and multiple forms of resolution, mutiple dialogue options, branching story, faction reputation, choices and consequences, etc.
People actually believe this shit.
Anon you are just wasting time with Nintentroons, their goal is to get rid of any Jrpg and just have Pokemon porn threads and the same FE generals over and over.
Any attempt at any other JRPG get immediately raided
It's absurd how fast they shit these games out.
It's also a massive red flag, if there are so many games in a series, they can't possibly be good.
See also - mega man, tales of, etc
What about Mario and Zelda and Pokemon?
>t. never read anything in his life
nta but i'm sure he's got more gaming experience and knows more about how narrative should be done than someone who is in their 20s.
>Tfw Trails is so new smtvfag even defend rebirth now despite shitting on it
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You lost, stay mad.
Everything in trails games has been pilfered by JRPG's that came out decades prior.
You really need to play more games.
pokemon is an already terrible series, there's no reason to talk about these dogshit games. you're seriously mentally i'll if all you gathered from this thread is "le heckin' tendies"

Calm the fuck down tendie, we know you want your Pokemon shitty spam
you aren't a food critic just be sure you e eaten a lot
Lost interest
You pretend to like Persona now because that game is years old now, see you crying about P6 like you did with p5 lmao
blaming the flop on bogeymen isn't gonna make it any better, bud.
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I have unironically played like every video game.

Trails In the Sky
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Skies of Arcadia
Wild Arms

Everything else is shit and you're better off playing CRPGs.
That's actually unironically good for being such a niche series with low budget
okay?, looking forward to metaphor btw.
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I literally just purchased it.
Falcom needs to learn not every wester trails fan is some unwashed weeb who's willing to print out Geo-front's scripts to read their moon runes.
It's ok if Nintendo does it
how much does van hold back?
Having fun with it, literally my summer jrpg
Can you start with this one?
It's the 3rd best starting place.
Cool doomer thread you fucking schizo tendies tards
I'd say so, it's like the RE7 of the saga, you also have enough documents to understand the world.
The only one you can't start with is crossbell and that's because it's very specifically designed to be interstitial to sky and cs.
There's just the localization delay even as they've never been localize THIS fast. Now I know how new Yakuza players felt when all off them got dumped on PC in a shockingly short period of time.
You should at least play Trails in the Sky games beforehand.
Yakuza 1-4 are all 40 hours long for a non-completionist playthrough, with 5 being a tad longer. There's no excuse in this particular example.
Yes. It has summaries of previous games and it's set in a different country. You will miss out on shit like callbacks, but that's to be expected.
You can. If anything the only ones that need to be played together would be Sky and Crossbell Saga. Cold steel is also a good start point but Kuro is even easier to get into
There are also rumours of them remake Sky games
>Yakuza 1-4 are all 40 hours long for a non-completionist playthrough,
You say it like that's nothing.
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Kill yourself Alisafag
Son of a bitch
I despise you and your headcanon more than anything in this thread
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>picked up this series at friend's recommendation
>play Sky 1&2
>gameplay is meh, but the story is cool
>first JRPG series I actually like
>End up absolutely loving Zero/Azure, holy shit, can't wait to see what they cook up next
>CS block is absolutely awful, borderline hated it - too many characters, too many ass-pulls, zero-consequence atmosphere, terrible pacing (spend 20 hours of each game getting the party together before the actual story can begin), gameplay pisses me off more and more
> same old tired clichés used again and again (little girl living weapon, "do the same shit 80 times to prove your determination", "the power of friendship", yaaaawn)
> not even a single proper dramatic moment Olivert dying on the exploding ship was such bait, I knew immediately it's a fake death

how the fuck did this series take such a nose-dive??
is Reverie worth the trouble, does it get better?
You are just too old for these games
I refused to finish chald stheel 4.5, but I'm hopeful kuro will reintroduce the concept of people dying when they are killed.
They die but return in some minutes (or the next game)
Kuro 2 is all about people returning from death
What about Xenogears/saga and Shadow hearts, LoD... ? Those are also worth it.
>CS gameplay
It's the same gameplay as before + same combat but on crack
You give players a big party and they complain it's overwhelming. You do it in small chunks and no much pacing is bad.
>old tired clichés
And that's why I keep coming back. They became cliché for a reason.
You shouldn't start with Crossbell because the ending is dogshit and you'd never touch another game in the series. I'm still pissed about how fucking stupid the ending was and it is preventing me from moving onto Cold Steel.
No, I find xenosaga particularly hilarious because it's just people angrily typing at consoles and randomly having hallucinations to string the plot along.
Trials is literally "filler games" the franchise.
i found the hitting multiple enemies with one attack to be satisfying but other than that everything else is really lame
You know what really pissed me off about Cold Steel? You are NEVER given any catharsis. Ever. Any time it seems like your party goes through some training (offscreen I might add) and grows up or gets supposedly stronger you know what happens? The enemy decides to stop holding back and you're back to being a pack of losers who need to bailed out. EVERY. FUCKING. GAME.
>what is Rean getting the master title
It was an absolute kino moment and I am still seething they did not voice it completely
>what is Rean reigning in his ogre power
>what is Rean finally beating Crow after being bodied multiple times
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I see this as a good thing. If I'm never going to be caught up that means I never have to wait for a new game or localizations.
>still at the very beginning of SC
It's always been overrated dogshit and it doesn't help that the entire fanbase are just a bunch of EOPs praising the trannylation.
Kuro is better (not Sky or Crossbell good but better than Cold Steel) but Kuro II nosedives again. Kai (which will finish the Kuro saga) looks promising.
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I liked both Kuro 1 and 2, way better than CS which made me almost quit kiseki.
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i get second hand embarrassment from dialogue like this
Yeah you can fuck right off. I still can't tell if Falcom was taking a giant piss with this character. He is everything bad about shite anime/ln protagonists to a point where he HAS to be a parody but there's never any punch line.
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Hahah, sounds like someone doesn't follow the Spriggan code of conduct...
you dont have to quote me every time you take a new screenshot, bro.
Always ready for more Falcomkino
Yeah, I'm really excited for Nordics too.
Is Kuro 2 good or not? Whats wrong with it?
Rean is good and not a bad aspect of his games. You just went full retarded nitpicking stupid stuff and can't see shit properly. I say this as someone that hates CS3 and CS4.
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Pretty shitty plot and it's mostly a filler that doesn't move the overarching story, that said the gameplay loop is one of the best in the series and some connect events and character interactions are really fun. OST is worse than Kuro 1, but it has some great tracks by Koguchi and final boss is really fucking great from a design stand point.
Overall it's not a bad game, it's just a really disappointing sequel to the great start of Kuro 1.
Is trails into reverie good?
Nice try, CSnigger.
CS4 was so bad it put me off the series.
Daybreak seems good, but the problem is that I need tog et past Hajimari first.
At least it's only 1/3 Reanshit this time.
>finished kuro prologue
>Van said haha once
I don't like where this is going bros
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Because we, the audience, are supposed to be the ones to haha when he jobs
Kuro 1 felt fine. Kuro 2 somehow ended up being far worse than CS2
Unlike CS2 where delay works on everything, the combat in Kuro 2 wasn't completely braindead.
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>Everything in trails games has been pilfered by JRPG's that came out decades prior
On the contrary, a lot of the stuff that "influenced" Trails took their influences from older Legend of Heroes games.

People smugly claim Trails copied Grandia's combat even though ironically Falcom did it first lol
>pioneers in turn based AND action RPGs
How the fuck did they do that
I was not talking about combat, but I do agree with you.
I liked Rean and all but I really appreciate how Daybreak goes out of it's way to hammer in that Van isn't a boyscout like the previous protagonists.
Like the mercy killing at the end of chapter 1. Van understood the situation and that it had to be done but Rean would have had a meltdown over it. Death is handled in a more nuanced way instead of Rean's rigid "KILLING IS BADONG" or the opposite extreme of being edgy and treating murder like it's not a big deal like literally every western game in existence.
It's a good middle ground.
It's very refreshing and you can still go the Bracercuck route if you really want to. It's odd Daybreak 2 got rid of this.
Classic Mega Man and Zero are really good. Maybe it was a fluke, maybe it was raw talent, but they made it work.

You're right about X, Battle Network and the DS games, though.
Rean wasn't the problem himself, it's the incessant Rean circlejerk that was constantly going on all around him by all the useless filler characters, specifically from class VII.
They literally couldn't hold a conversation that isn't about how great and amazing Rean is.
When Rean was alone, specifically in CS3, he was ok. Good even.
this, the only truth is that trails was heavily influenced by suikoden and xenogears (even stated by kondo), but both suikoden and xenogears (fucking takahashi was one of the main artists for the first legend of heroes game) were influenced by the legend of heroes series
I thought Takahashi worked at Square?
he started at falcom but left with tons of other employees for square during falcom's brain drain in the early 90s
Are the tendies in the room with us right now.
>all the useless filler characters, specifically from class VII.
People always say this but I don't think that class seven is really that bad. The only two members I would consider outright worthless are Elliot and Machias. All of the others represent something important either faction-wise or in the current plot.
2/11 isn't too bad.
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Eh I'd really only say the X games have that issue since it only gets worse once it hits 5, BN has its hiccups like 4 but it ends on a high note and the DS games Starforce only get better mechanically since the first one regressed from battle network with 3 being on par with BN6.
>The only two members I would consider outright worthless are Elliot and Machias
Laura is literal filler on par with Elliot, Alisa doesn't serve much of a purpose beyond the forced shipping from Falcom, Emma is made redundant due to Celine, Gaius somehow manages to be Elliot level as well despite his position, and Fie/Sara fill the same exact role of being Jaeger turned Bracer. Jusis is literally the only one that has remotely competent handling and the arc would suffer if he got removed.
>It has open non-linear segments

I don't think that's been true since FC or SC
If i burned the fuck out of rean coldsteel's shit at 4, can i pick things up at the start of this arc?
>FF7 Remake
>a game that has been on other consoles and Epic Games Store for over a year before coming to Steam

this smells like a shitpost by Barry, an idiot who hates anything FF7 related but loves Forspoken
So, how dark is this one? Do we still have wholesome things or is it just edgy emo depression porn that shits on the rest of the series?
>I'll kill you, you shitty little brat
I know this is meant to be a translation of "korosuzo, kusogaki", but no one speaks like this in english. This reads like a bad fansub.
It's insane how localizers will keep inserting their fanfics into those games and yet they let shit like this slide.
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That's the Zerofield fantranslation so no fanfic. I have no idea what he says in the official version.
I miss the simper graphics, it feels like the jump to full 3D wasn't really worth it.
Is this a falcom decision to make evryone swear constantly or was it always the case but translators changed it? In previous games, even hardened mercenaries, the most evil villains, slum residents, whores and rape victims didn't swear. And I kinda liked it tbqh.
God DAMN they went an extra mile for Agnes' model. Pure seggs.
It probably has the best gameplay to date, along with a bunch of minigames. Story and NPC dialogues are the worst they've ever been though.
it's an unintentional comedy
>oh no we got our shit kicked in
>time get Jin in the next loop
>he gets his shit kicked in
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It's Aaron's whole gimmick so it's mostly contained to him. Very crass and likes shit-talking everyone. Falcom censor a japanese word he uses at one point for comedy's sake.
Reverie had that stupid curse dance
Daybreak 1 brought it back for one chapter, arguably the worse one
Daybreak 2 did something even stupider
Oh that's fine then I guess, I thought Van was like that.
>it only gets worse once it hits 5
3 was an outsourced trainwreck with literally unfinished bosses and stages that's way more fun with fan mods (Zero Project).
4 makes X absolute ass to play as and has really weak level design. Fan modded 5 and 6 somehow end up more fun than it. The series really fell off after 2. 4/8 are the only games you could argue weren't fucked up, and even they aren't even as good as 1 and 2. Even 2 has a pretty shitty finale. Pumping them out too fast crashed the X series' quality hard.

>BN only stumbled/it ended strong!
BN6 mechanically is great, but its single player RPG campaign was at its absolute worst there. 4 is a big step down from 1-3 as an RPG, but most of its actual faults are from the way they extended content rather than the content itself. 5 is straight ass if you have any standards for SRPGs. SF3 is the only SF game that's competent, and that's solely because they half-assed SF2 hard to spend more dev time and gamble on 3 saving the series.

ZX was a straight downgrade with cool ideas, and ZXA moreso. Even Tron Bonne and Legends 2 were downgrades with cool ideas. It really is just Classic and Zero that nailed it.
The big issue with Kuro 2 is that its chapters are in the wrong order. The Finale is a ZTD death loop that becomes humorous the longer it goes on (everyone dies like eighteen times in a row for hilariously stupid reasons). The Intermission, immediately before this chapter, is a fucking tense character focused horror arc on an isolated resort island that actually moves the game's star anguis' plot forward and introduces new concepts.
Game would be vastly superior if these two chapters were switched. You could even keep everything AFTER the "real villain" in the same order.
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You can, but you should play Reverie before Daybreak 2 at least.
oh look, Bikinis.

I guess the ban is bullshit
I feel like I would enjoy the Cold Steel games.
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You can really feel the Persona 3 influences that Cold Steel went under to try and get a larger audience. Trails is an awesome series, but there's the caveat of where to start. The best point is obviously from the beginning, but that's hard for a lot of people. I do not recommend starting with the Crossbell arc because it relies a lot on the Sky arc. So that leaves Cold Steel 1 and Daybreak as the next two starting points. The most important thing is to have fun, and take it slow, and enjoy what the games have to offer.
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>begin sc after starting fc
>soiface at multiple cutscenes
>that was just the prologue
is it time? time for me to finally see this "JP-KINO" everyone talks about?
You can stop pretending to be new now. This isn't Reddit.
but i am new? (to the series)
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>>begin sc after starting fc
>>soiface at multiple cutscenes
>>that was just the prologue
>is it time? time for me to finally see this "JP-KINO" everyone talks about?
it's OVER
And they are so shameless about it.
They copied Persona as soon as it became popular but its soulless garbage.
I would really like to point out that Falcom actually invented a lot of the tropes and design you commonly see in JRPGs dating back to their extensive library on the PC-88. Many of the "big names" in JRPGs got their start at Falcom before moving onto other studios or making their own.
Kiseki taking inspiration from many different pieces of media is what makes it unique.
you say this but I bet you watch schizo anime full of subversion because you think it makes you an intellect. However the reality is you're just a contrarian faggot.
>200 hours of games to get to one interesting plot point
>it's just an anime bad guy hinting at some future anime bad things
>gotta play 300 more hours to find out what he was talking about
No thanks.
Take a drink everytime the bad guys say some variation of
>"This isn't even my full power"
>"I don't have to explain myself to you"
Didn't TLoH invent the whole abrupt out of nowhere sci-fi twist that fantasy JRPGs love?

Its okay, but not worth $60. Just wait for a sale senpai.
Take a drink each time Rean does a headpat in CS2
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That's CS problem, Daybreak doesn't have shit like this anymore, almost.
Why do you guys hate everything
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>Literally called kuro no kiseki(trails of dark)
>Translated into daybreak because uhhhhh
If they can't even mantain the title imagine how fucking bad the translation is
Take a drink every time you see haha or any of its variations
Final Fantasy released in 1987, 2 years before Legend of Heroes, unless you are counting the Dragon Slayer games
And if you want to be really pedantic it all stems from d&d before that.
The kanji for kuro is dawn.
Nah, other JRPGs were doing sci-fi plot twists before Legend of Heroes (Final Fantasy, Last Armageddon). The first two games just did the plot twist better than anything before it.
.The world of Legend of Heroes 1 and 2 is a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting, the first game teases at it with advanced ancient ruins and even a skyscraper dungeon but does nothing more with it beyond that, but it's a major plot point in the 2nd game. In the 2nd game the ancient high tech civilization was revealed to be living underground in cryostasis for billions of years and they just woke up recently, learned there were primitive medieval humans living on the surface and due to a bad first encounter deemed them all hostile and went back underground to build up and try and take over the world.
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You would die.
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Back to doing your reps westoid
You will never be Japanese.
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Do you like wokeshit? Then start with Daybreak
Not to mention the "goddess" is literally a computer and her "servant" is just a satellite
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Take your meds you are mindbroken
As always, you have no arguments. That's because you like a woke game and are seething about it
>wokefag melty hour
>He says while seething that people aren't applauding him pointing and going HECKIN WOKERINO
Yes it is nowadays. You are now a shill and there's nothing you can do about it but suck his cock retard faggot.
Everyone knows that you're here from /fg/ to seethe about people who tell the truth.
case in point
You're from /fg/ too Wokefag. and there is no truth other than your culture war delusions.
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I've got days of receipts, you've got calling me wokefag like that's an argument.
>Trails is basically the Illiad of modern times
I guess modern times are nothing but retards then KEK
Why do we allow women and fags to have a voice in an industry dominated and created by straight men?
>weeb with anime watcher level of japanese comments on kanji translation
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Diversty is our strength
Bad take. Megaman is simple ass game to produce.
>Wokefag is still having a meltdown
Haha... that's our wokefag... kicked out of /fg/ because they didn't want to be his echo chamber after they all said they liked Kuro more than Coldsteel and Van more than Rean...
entire thread is paid nisashills tho
>Having politics I don't like means it's WOKE
Only marketers are calling it Falcom's apex.

I've noticed shilling in amounts I've never seen before for a Trails game, which is hilarious because it was getting shit on non stop when it was Japanese only.

And I'm sure that it has absolutely nothing to do with the changes that were blatantly made to pander to the western normalfag audience, like making racism a core plot point, removing the ability to pick your own romance route and physically aging up all the lolis.
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We've reached the point of
>racebending historical figures in movies is not woke
Pretty much pic related, nah bro not woke at all
Explain this, if you may. I am considering purchasing it. Are these objections you are raising true? They aged the lolis? They added racism? I feel like Calvard was always going to have that come up but I haven't played yet.
>Characters aren't allowed to age in a series with continuity
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>Re: adding racism
It's a major plot point and 100% of racist incidents are white people, actually called white now when they wre called western zemurians before, being .. LE BAD
Its a fucking continuous story of course the characters are going to age you fucking retard
It just the same assblasted coldsteelfag who's upset people prefer Kuro over Coldsteel. that's why there is so many instances of the same few Kuro screenshot screaming about WOKE because he's seething that people before a "woke" game over more Reanslop
The sales say otherwise
>Now Salesfag is here
Haha... All of the /fg/ schizos are all coming here to post making /fg/ less shit. Good.
the idea of a long story being told drew me in, but the moment to moment stuff in each game became bad enough to drop it.
All we need now is Schizua and Rennyfag and we'll recreate the average /fg/ thread on /v/!
>haha I called you a name now your argument is void
While some of the lolis like Renne were always going to be aged up because time passes in the Trails series, they went overboard with it in Kuro 1 and 2, and when combined with the current "social trend" and Falcom's recent track record of not having loli characters in Ys despite Ricotta's popularity in 8, it feels blatant.

>Nadia only had one game as a loli before she started growing massive cow udders
>Lapis spends all of Kuro 2 in a different body that can't be mistaken for a loli
>Even Towa looks like a withered old hag and has completely lost her signature youthful, mascot like appearance, despite characters constantly teasing her in the past about how it seems like she never ages
>Although they didn't appear in the game, characters make note of how Altina and Millium have begun magically aging normally after Reverie, despite being designed to be perma lolis
>The new "loli" Feri, is young but has adult like proportions and none of the characteristic loli charm, playing into the same trend that games like Tales of Arise and Atelier Sophie 2 have, making the character whose clearly supposed to be a loli more adult like to trigger normalfags less

They seem to be backing down a little bit with Kuro 3. Lapis is back in her original body, albeit the art style does make her look a bit older, and Altina isn't as hagified as we feared, but I'd like to think that was due to backlash. These were two of most popular female characters during Reverie's launch window, afterall. You can't change them too much. But after Reverie's popularity charts were dominated by lolis, I'd think you'd expect to lean into it a bit more in the new series.
You know what fair enough.
Take your meds, mondblut
What's the better Falcom era?
Overall, the former, but 2013-2016 is peak
PSP has a pretty nice run (except for Ys7) and the post Ys8 era is cool I guess but I'll have to agree with >>681946186. It was the peak of Falcom in nearly every way.
Why are you getting so angry at me? I just asked a question because it sounded like they did the thing where a character is 11 in Japan but like 17 here.
>Noooo stop noticing things!
I will NEVER take my meds.
>Trails is basically the Illiad of modern times
Haha... I guess it's time to not hold back.
>you're better off playing CRPGs
CRPGs are fucking boring and most people consider the "peak" of CRPGs to be either Disco Elysium and Planescape Torment. If you even dare mention Baldur's Gate 3 then you are even more of a hypocrite for saying all these JRPGs are shit.
What about Trails of Cold Steel :)
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No Rean, no buy.
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A pattern I notice with people who whine about falcom is claiming that a game is the worse thing ever then immediately moving the goal posts to the next game when people find out its the exact opposite, so you'll see a lot of posts complaining about the second game now
We don't need to move the goalposts, Kuro is dogshit liked only by the diehard fans and the people who have a strange hate of Rean and Cold Steel to the point that they would praise anything that came after as the savior of the series.
Explains why they made sure to feature him, Altina and Ka-Fai in the third game. Finally.
Yeah all the trails games are great, I just view them as one continuous game. Keep gaming, king.
>Kuro is dogshit liked only by the diehard fans
Why is it receiving critical acclaim on par with trails in the sky then? In fact, this is the first game in the series IGN ever reviewed positively.
>trusting IGN of all game journos
Kek, unironically kys.
Crossbell is literally one giant mega city.
You said
>Kuro is dogshit liked only by the diehard fans and the people who have a strange hate of Rean and Cold Steel to the point that they would praise anything that came after as the savior of the series.
Which camp does IGN fall into?
Kuro is good. Source? Me. I said so.
Not into the group that backs up counter-evidence with IGN, for sure. Might as well post a Kotaku link while you are at it, faggot.
I bought it and I'm gonna play it but I'm three games behind (don't realy know how the order goes though) and also busy with Ys to get ready for Nordics. (Currently playing Dana, then I "only" have IX left.)
Ys games are not that interconnected, but Trails is better played in release order. And if Reverie and CS4 are among the games you didnt play, yes, you absolutely should catch up on those.
You're beginning to understand the kind of people in /fg/.. incidentally the ones who deny that Daybreak is woke as hell despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Might as well post this because it's making the whiny faggot mad.
If you're there games behind, that means you're on CS3, right? It's 3, 4, Revire, Daybreak.
>links to IGN video unironically
Yeah, I think kys.
>Verification not required.
Skyfags, Crossbellfags and Kurofags seem unanimous when it comes to declaring that Cold Steel is the weak link and that Kuro 1 is a return to form. CSfags are the only exception interestingly...
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>Daybreak is woke as hell
The unhinged anti-immigration theme of Calvard was established in Trails in the Sky SC. It's part of their whole shtick as a republic. Part of the trails series is exploring different cultures and political structures.
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> Anti-immigration exists in Sky SC
>Therefore they just had no choice but to make the game woke, they could not have put in any nuance in it at all, they just couldn't do it any other way, bro
Consider pic related.
How about you deal with your /pol/ brainrot
>this is supposed to be Falcom's apex
It's Ao, it was always Ao.
Don't like it? tough titties it will only get worse from here.
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NISA has still not sent me my limited edition Pre-Order. It is Over
This is not only bullshit on its face because they could have done it differently, but they actually retcon shit from Cold Steel such as immigration being a contentious issue that many people disagree with (only terrorists and caricatures of persons are against immigration in any case), or that limiting immigration was one of Gramheart's two primary platforms, for a fucking party called the Patriot party, which vanished utterly from Daybreak.
So not only are you wrong that they had to do it this way, they actually retconned previous arc points to do so.
>Hmm, this piece of media seems to be pushing a political message that I find rather distasteful and so do a lot of other people
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The day will break eventually or something
Why is it strange to dislike Rean and Coldsteel?
>pushing a political message
What political message? You're literally going to different countries with different political agendas throughout the series.
Uh oh, this is running counter to my narrative.
Except none of this is even true and you're just some whiny shitskin from /pol/ trying to use superficial topical political drama as a cudgel to disrupt discussion of anything you don't approve it. If you ask /pol/ what they like it's no coincidence you'll get a list of complete normal nigger dogshit like skyrim and call of duty.
After 10 hours, I'd say everything other than music and combat is better in Daybreak. The other thing I don't like is how you teleport everywhere instead of having those long roads between locations.
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Which part isn't true, liar? Using /pol/ terms isn't going to make you shilling for a woke game any less true.
Pre-Vita. It's not even debatable. Ys VIII is the best game they've made since then, but it still isn't anywhere near the level of Oath in Felghana.
i will now buy your game
Literally all of it.
What political message could a game where:
>Every single breakthrough in science and economy was done by immigrants
>Terrorism is something that white people do, and they're called white people despite never having been called that in previous arc (just "western zemurians" which were clearly white)
>All martial arts are created by immigrants
>What was before a very questionable revolution is now the holiest act ever done in the Trails setting
>Immigration is now loved by 100% of people except literal terrorists
>A sub-plot exists where it's stated that race-bending historical figures in movies is actually a good thing
etc etc etc
> The villain is literally the last descendant of an explicitly white supremacist monarchy
Really, I have no idea.
>it still isn't anywhere near the level of Oath in Felghana.
Like hell it isn't, Ys 8 is amazing.
>no argument
>this garbage got a 8
No chance Metaphor is not getting a 10.
MegaTen combat is the best in the genre, so obviously.
Nah, I've finished 3 and 4 but then I got into Ys. I have Zero, Azure and Reverie (and Daybreak) on the backlog. I know Zero and Azure are "older" games but do I need to play them ASAP? I guess 3 and 4 already "spoiled" them a little already anyway lmao

Sorry for being a dumbass and asking these questions.
I think I'm gonna play them in release order anyway. It's what makes sense to me.
You should play them because they're the best in the series. Beyond that it's just memberberries for Reverie.
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The racial divide in the Calvard Replubic is to distinguish the setting from the classism is of the Erebonian Empire in Cold Steel. This was all set up very long ago. These mirror events that actually happened in real life. The racism element is present to humanize the terrorist faction ironically.
Yeah, you can. Most people played Zero and Ao after Sen 2
>they're the best in the series
Well, alright then. I'll probably jump on them after Dana then and taking a break from Ys.
Kuro 2 is abysmal
You answered like jack shit of what I said.
There could have been a racial divide without making one side pure evil and useless and the other side pure good and good at everything.
And the idea that the racism element somehow humanises the worst written villain faction in Falcom history is laughable.
Gurumin. Sex with Gurumin. Groomin' Gurumin.
Don't reply to yourself man, no one likes fatlus any more here
Sounds like you don't like being portrayed realistically. Show me one thing the terrorist faction says that doesn't read like a 1:1 /pol/ post.
Schizo moment.
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It's obviously you trying to shit up the thread as much as possible, fatlus niggers are genuinely mentally ill.
He can't. He's a well-known schizo on /fg/ who has been at this since Kuro 1 released initially and he saw people liking it more than Coldsteel.
>portrayed realistically
This is what the list of terrorist attacks in France (clearly what Calvard is inspired by) really looks like.
The sales say otherwise.
>Daybreak defender legitimately thinks that 100% of terrorism and racism is committed by white people
I mean, I suppose it checks out.
>strange to hate Rean
>gung ho junior that gets in over her head and way outside of her punching class and still manages to save the day
Roido kun
>junior cop that’s outside his weight class and still manages to uncover a cult and corruption and save the day for a week or so
>superpowered dark evil demon inside him
>introductory Tachi user (NOT KATANA) but is so sensitive and he doesn’t want to kill anybody because that’s bad even during a war against enemy combatants
>gets to pilot a super powerful magi-tech worse gundam knockoff because he was chosen by it
Hahaha… wouldn’t you know it. There are plenty of reasons to hate if not only be fed up with Rean.
>superpowered dark evil demon inside him
It's okay when Daybreak does it
He said it! He said the line! Now post the same graphic you post every /fg/ thread. Surely if you do it enough times you'll be right eventually.
Funnily enough, Kiseki is the most cookie cutter Gary Stu harem series by far. You probably jerked off while self inserted as Rean.
Does that mean sky fans self insert as estelle
>Daybreak sold more than Cold steel in my head, okay?!
Kuro no kiseki gets the benefit of that’s the only thing Van has going for him. Also his seiyuu is Daisuke Ono so he’s already at a better spot than Rean and Uchiyama
It's not even that Coldsteel sold more than Daybreak (that is true) it's that you have Numberfag brain.
>Higher number mean good! I am very smart!
>people like it more
>NOOOOOOOOO how many people bought it doesn't matter!
>2,979 terrorist incidents
Sure is yuropoor in here.
>How many people bought it doesn't matter
This, Unironically. Good games have sold poorly and bad games have sold well this isn't a new phenomenon
there's no way you unironically posted this image as a gotcha on a trials threads. lmfao.
Work with the government and arios
Do the opposite
>CS1 and 2
Work mostly for the reformist faction, nobles are bad
>3 and 4
The opposite
Can't wait for Kuro 3
You mean Kai?
You're so mad you can't even spell Trails right.
i barely remember the name, you also forgot the typo in there. still not a gotcha.
>i barely remember the name
You forgot how to spell Trails?
I'm not going to even try Metaphor. SMTV was so boring I have zero interest in Atlus now.
there's literally a whole series going by trials of, eg. trials of mana. not a gotcha.
What does that have to do with Trails? If you don't know anything about the series, not even what the games are called, then why are you even in here making 75% of the posts in the thread bitching and complaining? Think about how mentally ill this is.
>literal typo
>goes on a schizo tantrum
you're off your meds.
I think I am going to start being a lot harder on Atlus fans in general.
>mentally i'll falcom fanboy gets upset they're not getting a good game and proceeds to blame Atlus
I strongly suggest playing the japanese version, if you have the language skills. It's a disgrace of how badly the translation is at some points.
>mentally I'll falcom fanboy
But I thought you weren't a falcom fanboy
>It's a disgrace of how badly the translation is at some points.
Stop concern trolling retard
This has to be the wrongest shit I've ever read
The very few amount of non linear segments in Trails game are on a much, much smaller scale than the rest and end up being parenthesis in the very linear story progression which is why every player has the exact same experience for 95% of the content
Trails are on rails, and they're very bad at using videogames as a medium. It's been a very long time since I've played the original trilogy so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for many of the things you listed but I can say with absolute certainty that from CS3 onwards :
>an unique interaction system where you directly select and use specific quest items
>a quest system with grading and multiple forms of resolution
>choices and consequences,
>faction reputation

all of this is factually false, unless you genuinely believe that the game rewarding you with good boy points and an item/quartz depending on the number of accomplished sidequest contributes to the game being nonlinear (which it absolutely isn't)
Kuro 2 has an interesting concept that they could use to explore their characters in a deeper way potentially set up some kind of interesting emotional impact through the abuse of the time travel relic, but that does NOT happen. The game starts off ok, but then you hit chapter 2 and the cracks start to immediately show. The Chinatown arc is so terrine, but we can definitely forget about that because the intermission is cool and fun. However, at the VERY tail end of this intermission, there is a clear point where the writers gave up on trying to write a decent story or haven decent character moments, so you instead reach a point where you are collecting pieces of the macguffin time and time again.

EACH OF THESE SCENARIOS PLAY OUT IN THE SAME FUCKING WAY. Nothing is gleaned, the plot doesn't march forward, the curse ensures that the characters actions aren't really their own, so there is no agency, no "oh shit" moments, nothing. The gameplay is decent, but reviere corridor 2 electric Boogaloo was nothing but obnoxiously padding. The final boss was cool, and actually used the battle system in an ok way buy it didn't matter because I was so far uninvited by that point. I played through 90 percent of the game on nightmare and changed it to casual for the corridor cleanup. I was done with this shit

Tldr. Kuro 2 is shit. It is somehow even more pointless filler that progresses no characters or no story elements than CS fucking 2 and that's a feat

It's a 3 out of 10 video game
Eliteist? Maybe. Concern troll? Absolutely not. There's quite a bit of Dubbed anime tier shit here.
Nah, I lost faith in Kuro 2 as early as the black pillar in Act 1 Side B
>enter room
>see ominous black pillar
>beat a bunc hof monsters
>omg they're actually monsters they're possessed people?!
>they're re-possessed and getting up again? Let's fight them and beat them again!
>and again
>and again
>omg we're too tired and now die
>let's get Zin!
>do it again
>let's get Walter!
>Walter beats the stuffing out of the possessed thugs, essentially brute forcing the pillar
>wait maybe we should break the pillar?!
If you're an elitist you should be praising it, because Kiseki gets the best translations in the genre. By a lot.
lol lmao
He doesn't play the games at all.
There aren't 5 bad entires in trails. Its a great series.
I just started playing the series. It's a lot better than I expected.
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Reverie ends the Crossbell arc, but also gives Lloyd and the SSS the shittiest route when it was supposed to be their game
Reverie will be more of the same while being more Reanwanking. It's best just to go straight to Kuro/Daybreak
Didn't Falcoom shat out Kuro 2 less than a year after Kuro?
I bought a sealed copy of Cold Steel at a mexican arcade today
they should stop shitting them out almost everyday and actually write something decent.
Cold Steel 1 and 2 are not worth playing, you can start with 3 and read what happened in the previous games, that feature was included for a good reason.

that's what Ys is for
Did they censor anything with the translation update?
I love Falcom but will never really care about Trails
Ys I > Ys II
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Okay NISA.
Guess I should stop holding back...
I literally just responded to someone else, retard.
I hate those games. I played through trails in the sky 1 on my PSP and absolutely loved it. Then had to wait 2 years for second chapter and I tried to replay 1st part to remember everything again and I couldn't force myself to continue when I got bored. Tried trails of cold steel 1st part 2 times now and also dropped in the middle. I hate those games.
Celine is useless compared to Emma
Celine is only good for exposition and exposition is not relevant when any character could do the same. In fact, Emma has an arc with Vita and is important due to her magic (thanks to her abilities that we had the Endgame moment in CS4).
Millium also has the importance of being a sacrifice and an ironblood
Machias is irrelevant for CS3/4 but his arc is pretty good for CS1/2 narrative.

Old Class 7 characters are far more relevant for they plots than SSS or Spriggans
virtually every megaman game is good af though??
>supposed to be Falcom's apex
Why would the 400th no-budget entry to the bloody legend of heroes series, that uses the same engine they've been using since the ps2 era, be anyone's "Apex"?
>nintenbabby slop
All pure shit ofc.
Even the "bad" X games are good okay maybe not X7
It gets to a point where it's harder to catch up on. At least Rance ended after 10 games.
Let's not pretend that Sky didn't have irrelevant or useless characters either
>Josette is COMPLETELY worthless in both story and gameplay
>Mueller and Julia just exist to play bodyguard for their respective royalty, which is funny since they're playable for a fraction of the time as the people they're meant to guard
>Agate is "big STR retard" in a game where he's naturally outclassed by Zin in every aspect
>Anelace, the eight leaves user who just got forgotten by everyone and left in the dust
Pokémon should but be considered as It's not a ongoing connected series.
damn dude you really owned that strawman you just constructed.
Fuck no they do not lol. They are in fact the worst. Try looking in Varishangout forum for localization for examples. They are numerous.
*should not
It's based that they refuse to kneel to newfags and make every game standalone. Few companies have the balls
This is true. If they are pushing these games out really quick something has to be sacrificed and that's the translation.
It is compared to Trails though.
>have to play through 5000 hours of grindy jrpgs to play the latest installment
Yeaaah no
sup schizos /fg/ is way better
>Old Class 7 characters are far more relevant for they plots than SSS or Spriggans
Haven't played Kuro yet, so can't comment on that, but the plots in Zero and Ao felt way more connected to the main cast than it did for Class 7 in Cold Steel. Zero had the DG Cult which focused a lot on Tio's character, Ao had the Red Constellation with Randy, Elie with her grandfather/his secretary/Mariabell, and Lloyd with figuring out his brother's death and being the MC in general. With Cold Steel, a lot of the main plot events don't feel that closely tied to a single character in Class 7 outside of a small arc where they get some focus before becoming irrelevant again.
Sure, but the sacrifice for that was only having four playable characters for the majority of the time which is REALLY boring in a 50+ hour JRPG.
Even the tiny SSS still has Noel as a hanger-on more or less. There's always going to be a party member with less main plot importance and that's been true in RPGs since the NES.
Confirmed once-in-for-all: Kuro is the wokest piece of media ever made.

None can debate this, ever. WVKVCHVD won

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