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NOW: Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion
LATER LATER: Lords of Exile


Previous: >>681904004
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fuck yeah
next run is gonna be a bullet hell
Hell you say?
Like all of SGDQ this year you say?
rail coon
why is they wearing masks
>Raelcun became a faggot
God dammit, is nothing sacred
what happened to this guy... holy shit
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Hot take: Cave games mostly suck. The built in slow/lag is awful and the bullets just look like particle barf.
Deathsmiles is the only one I've really enjoyed
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>"I go by they/them pronouns"
Instant Z
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>"This is not a speedrun"
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I stayed up this late for this run. Crimzon Clover a good game.
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>faggot said his "pronouns" right off the bat

ZZZ run holy shit that's a PB
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What year had the bullet hell with the guy who was silent the whole time, had basically a perfect run then made an autistic speech at the end?
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how to properly speedrun (most get this wrong!)
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Would you have said it /v/?
isn't that the cheater bitch on the couch
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>magical enby hat
nah, she hated him and she was too busy breaking cosmo's brain
Reminder: If you fuck someone's wife at GDQ they will thank you for it.
>can't even commentate over the tutorial
>is just a single guy
Is he Eddie Brock or Yugi Muto or something like that with 2 beings living within the same body?
she certainly did her homework, lol
Reminder that being "non-binary" is not a real thing. You're just a faggot.
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Just realized who that last runner was kek
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there are two wolves inside him
Rip bitrate.
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super sissy huh
He's a weirdo furry vtuber, I like how he literally doesnt even try in real life
My name is anonymous and I go by HE/SHE pronouns.
>Explaining a shmup

I'm in danger.
Based retard

There, I got it out of the way. Fuck trannies.
>games done normally
who keeps accepting this bullshit games
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>no more Deathmarch at the Olympics
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Good morning my slimes how was Ocarina of Time?
The Japanese on his hat says "Magic X Gender" but it isn't really written correctly.
Especially Arrange mode. It's fun to play, but it's not fun to watch; the screen is just sprite vomit.
a fucking sidescroller "speedrun"
>reading from a book full of notes
this is the worst kind of commentary, it's not a school presentation bitch
I agree, it has become a thing to like because it's cool to like
not an argument



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That was a pretty good drawing.
if i donated $100 saying "this isnt a speedrun" would they just not fucking read it kek
tourist not understanding how boards work is always cute
of course they wouldn't read it dummy
They'd pocket it and deadass ignore it
>45 mins for a side scroller
see you next game
not an argument



Whatever happened to cosmo btw? Is he still around?
That is a hot take. I love built-in lag, or even natural lag. I remember in older games you used to try and cause as many particles as possible to slow shit down. You knew you were fucking shit up if you could do that.
all the numbers are arbitrary
>We have $100 from anonymous saying "I love this game, good luck to the runner! TRANS RIGHTS!"
is the bitch reading a script KEK
At least this slam pig came prepared.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could give every game from now until Penny's Big Breakaway an F for me while I take a nap, thanks.
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here you go little fella
maybe if you get uppity enough the mods will take notice and reward (you)
He goes by Nova and made a new twitter and youtube, he did a detransition-lite to gender neutral
The problem is that CAVE games rely on using it and masks their games being hard while you play at 3FPS
Good. The amount of people fainting, dying and worst of all, shitting themselves was alarmingly increasing and the committee could not bear the weight of their sins anymore.
Same. See you faggots for Quest for Glory 2.
not an argument



De-transitioned into a nebulous 'they' and goes by a new name like Volt or something
>muh pronouns
>mask in fucking 2024

this is the average shmup fan
i migged
At leas the she/her is actually a she/her.
>Bullet hell game
>not on the hardest difficulty
What's the fucking point`? This is no more than a lets play, why do they constantly showcase CAVE games during these events?
one step at a time I guess
Thanks for the bumps!
With your help we can stay on page 1
not an argument



Actually, is a chea/ter.
Annoying tone to couch coms
turned into marxissa after john numbers laid the smackown on him
Wait, I missed Cosmo lore? Is this real? He de-transitioned? Wow, no wonder they're pushing the trans stuff. They really are desperate. Everything's falling apart for them lmao. About time.
At least the mask isn't causing endless SCHHHHHHFFFFF sounds like that one tranny the other day
spike thinks they're cool so puts them in
7 left
2 right
long straight
tranny hairpin
>Runner is they/them

So, what does that mean? In the process of transitioning?
It means literally nothing. It's just a way for unremarkable people to pretend that they're special, and to impose the smallest of things on other people so that they feel a little less unremarkable.
He just wants to be non-binary, i think he knows hes too fugly to make it as a girl
They don’t identify with either sex. They’re gender fluid.
Cool game. Too bad about the mask wearers
it's just a way to be part of the special snowflake club without trooning out or being a fag
He's definitely the latter.
game is cool, but it's not a speed run
Luna, can you explain to me why she's reading from a script?
>Actually good, informtative commentary by someone who can speak
>Shitty genre no one with taste cares about
It means they are a special snowflake and thinks this makes him the modern equivalent of a avant garde weirdo.
How the fuck do you speedrun that commieblock twin city in QfG 2?
>Is this real?
Yeah, I get gay vibes from him, doubt he's into women.
All the bullets getting despawned doesn't look like a cool or fun gimmick to me.
It's not. I just looked it up. Faggot.
It means "I show allegiance to the cult and will call you out if you don't"
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it's to hide their ugly faces
how do you speed this run?
45 minutes of this bitch yapping holy shit
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let it go man enjoy the runs
You can't, they said this is a score attack run for 20 trillion points
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kill stuff as fast as possible and don't die
Is this not just Two Who? Wtf If I wanted to watch 2Who I'd go back 10 years and watch CirnoTV
>bosses keep "transitioning" according to the couch commentary
>runner keeps killing them as they're transitioning
What did GDQ mean by this?
They don't save time by killing ships faster?

Either way it's a game done quickly. I wouldn't want 8 days of this but it's ok to have one.
Jesus, genuinely hope he can find some peace.
It genuinely feels like he is one of the biggest victims of trans false promises.
The guy needed some proper help instead.
I bet this bitch gives good head
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This is your runner, say something nice about them.
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>runner says "You have to kill them as they transition."
fuckable fursona
I almost wish I could get into shumps but whenever I see them played I just get pissed off
>They don't save time by killing ships faster?
speed run and playing a game quickly aren't the same retard
He definitely thinks so too
It's an ironical representation of Israeli war crimes that cause trans Palestinians grief and suffering from the river to the sea.
Is there any alternative to celebrating and showcasing a variety of video games in a timely manner besides autistic speedrun events?
the runner literally said this isn't a speedrun guys
i sense skill issue
what a clown show this whole event is. fighting tournament without timer from earlier was cherry on top
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god this sucks
It's a scorerun not a speedrun
The event is called summer games done quick
does this bitch breathe
>furry has tranny flag colors
Holy shit the insecurity, how do people have such an incredible lack of self-respect that they put their """identity""" above all else like this?
oh yeah I also suck balls at them BUT THAT'S A SEPARATE ISSUE
She has that breath control.
You would love it if you were good, that's how games work
i know you guys hate her and she's a cheater or whatever but man i would wreck her shit and make that bitch fall in love and never text her back
I don't mind her at all, I'd bring notes too if I had to remember all this crap about some trash game
How has she been talking for 22 minutes?
smups aren't that deep what the fuck
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good god
what the fuck went wrong?
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I certainly would like to taste lovare's gender fluids (before she gave ESA the coup de grâce)
Garish crayon foxes and co ruined the monochrome skunkfucker niche and still wear the shell of it around as a hermit crab as well. The 90s OG's are just as much victims. RIP Hardiman, he called it in his comics.
she prepared a whole script
if singles then everyone in this thread will get sex
(from a troonie)
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Honestly he seems legit mentally disabled af, these pictures are hard to look at, hes like surely I look girly right?
these faggots are too positive for me
>playing on normal
>still choking
It means they are whatever gender they are but they MAY or may not dress in a weird or haphazard manner.
the real speedrun is this bitch talking
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late mig for anon
>Not a man
Alright, dude
>smups aren't that deep what the fuck
dead glassy eyes
mkultra prozac looking ass
>H E double hockeysticks
Rating just tanked a point
absolutely dysgenic head size to shoulder span ratio
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>dress like this around a bunch of incels
>surprised when they act like creeps

it's too bad
Is that's the 3rd death so far?
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Time for me to sleep. Good night /v/
>dat captcha
>not a man
meanwhile rocking a full neckbeard
This reminds me of the Looney Tunes clip of the telegraph operator reading out messages rapidly and hysterically.
>RIP Hardiman, he called it in his comics
Do tell, I haven't heard of this
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>what the fuck went wrong?
Speedrunning is very stressful. Stress makes cortisol. Cortisol fucks your brain.
gimme the lore
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so what was the deal with her? I heard people complimented her looks so she decided to kill ESA? I'm not too deep into the whole speedrunning thing, but I did enjoy ESA every now and then.

>captcha: saxd0g
Sweet dreams!
The lore is that she admitted that she likes to swing around her shit
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plum will save esa
Is their first time playing?
does this bitch have an instagram or twitter
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God that was a great ESA.
She was literally RAPED by GAMERS who leveled up.
unironically: too fat
not my dream girl but I am incel-ish so still would
Rate this run
She really wanted to be the prize bimbo for ESA.
More recently she released a pastebin in which she makes it clear that she is pissed that she did not get as much screentime as she wanted.
She also made a bunch of accusations of feeling unsafe, someone following her in the hotel, and someone speaking to her about their partners body, which made her feel unsafe.
Which is basically rape of course.
Naturally this caused the last bit of damage to ESA which was already struggling due to mismanagement.

You want a woman like that though, good strong frame for bearing many children
hey, let me get off my high horse here. me too.
She wrote a screed that's basically schizobabble about how she's afraid of everyone around her but because she's a girl it isn't dismissed out of hand.

Comfy run and destroyed the estimate. Loses points for pointless masking.
tried to speak japanese, yup thats an F
that part about being "followed" in the hallways was so fucking stupid. Actual paranoia.
What the fuck was that?
jesus simps are so pathetic
>same outfit, but one with a belt mid torso is somehow a totally different look
>cleavage is giantess booba
>dark dress is evil goth
guess how i know you're obsessed with anime
based weeb
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With her not much. With the domino chain that happened because of her? oh boy, where to even start? there was a tripfag here giving details but he nuked his trip last night and hasn't shown his face since
>banning and timing out waves and shadowbans across the board cause a mass exodus of team leaders
>their star, metako left before any accusations were made so things were already bad before
>mass deletion of run vods to scrub the existence of the banned people from the event

i hate it, i actively hate it. I can't believe how affected i am by it. I fucking hate it
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Runner intro'd with they/thems and flubbed a lot.

Couch was impressively coherent and actually female, but absolutely exhausting to listen to non-stop for 30 minutes
C for Charbunny being annyoing
Has she tried to be a normal attendee and not an attention whore? Her outfit looks like a sex worker.
But the girl wasn't nearly as annoying as people were making out. Runner not good.
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C for Crimzon Clover. Awful run. Plays on arrange original instead of either arrange unlimited or arcade unlimited. Chokes and no extends by the end. Not really interesting.
She likes to cosplay
Lovare isn't a speedrunner
I'm more into games faggot.
>no more good runs left till baldur's gate
good night
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I never heard about those games.
welcome to 80% of GDQ now
The girl was the only good part of the run
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Speedrun marathons are filled with people who get their social cues from porn.
They unironically think that if you sniff random girls hair they think it's cute and silly that leads to unzipping chibi's condom supplies.
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who's this cutie
She was literally just there as a prize bimbo.
In other words for her ESA was some kind of self promotion to become more popular, she doesn't speedrun, nor does she attend events, she is technically just a titty streamer with <500 followers.

annoying, shut up
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nobody has ever heard of those runners either, except for the people running the event
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This song though.
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shame, I had my fun with the events usually, especially since gdq is a bit too much nowadays for me.
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Anything new on ESA situation? Last thing I saw is more people banned from their socials (Lordmau5, PowerFacowaty and a few more I think), and Das accidentally leaking her tripcode here in an thread, which might invalidate some of the infos we've been given. But that might also have been a false flag. I also saw in a post here that Metako will make a statement soon, but not sure how reliable that info was. Hope it's true though.

Checked ESA d*scord again today, it's all smiles and sunshine now. No surprise, since the haters are all removed now. Saw this cringy post bei havrd, thought I'd share.
I see. Here’s her paste bin comments if people are curious: https://pastebin.com/sSEJm6vk
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I'm confused, do you want women to dress like sluts or not?
ESA in two weeks likely swan song
wanna go out winks
only if u donate $5000 for TRAINS RIGHTS
I actually fucking sad, ESA was the much better event in recent years in my opinion.
But honestly they also started to make a lot of incredibly stupid decisions, like running VODs all year round.
If they dress and act like a slut they shouldn't be surprised people treat them like one.
You can't have the cake and eat it too.
uhhhhhhhhhhh based
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nice audience
What's the point of having a cake if you can't fucking eat it.
What if you dress like a slut but don't act like one
strong autism vibes
sent ;)
I only want that in an environment where an autist isn't likely to act creepy around them
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I knew that sounded familiar
Don't even @ me nigger.
>Immediate softlock
>White men can't dan-
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you can eat it, but then you won't have it
>oh I softlocked
I did nuke my trip lmao, not making a new one
last bits from me, this is from the ESA server so not really private information
>ESA has never managed to raise more money than Speedons, the French only marathon (they made 2 million last year). Edenal was crying that was only because Speedons is backed by French influencers
>there will be no donation screening for Summer 2024, so have fun with that
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What a great start
based trainposter
it's 3am bucko, most attendants are sleeping, playing video games or banging a mormon's wife
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I'm 26 why'd it just make sense...
Time for this nigga to join the DRAGON FUCKERS LEAGUE
it's almost 5AM
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─── beep beep
gay porn delivery

Hate this artstyle
who is this?
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>lifelong friends
how do you know that unless your life is over
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> there will be no donation screening for Summer 2024
please no, I don't think I would survive this
that one guy in the audience is my nigga
he a real one to sit these dogshit who games
The runner, or at least the account he's playing on.
oh wow Omno I love seeing my favorite childhood games get destroyed at gdq!
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Bachelor thesis game project ass looking shit
bro is already asleep KEK
I, too, was also born three years ago.
Let's kick cancer in the butt!!!!
i'll be going to bed, this is gay, can some kind anon give this a ZZZ for me? thanks
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by this logic if you look rich you deserve to get robbed
Yeah i saw that, too, had a good laugh. They seemed kinda butthurt that a Frenchie-only marathon made more than all ESA marathons combined up to this point. Didn't even know that event existed. That said I donated a small amount to every ESA the past 2 or 3 years, not sure what will happen now. I'd not be surprised if someone who is still attending despite controversy will pull a stunt like giving them the middle finger on stream after their run, mic drop and off they go.

Might be time to turn to smaller marathons. I see suggestions ITT every once and a while, hope this won't scatter the community too much.
its pretty obvious to the non retarded which posts are yours even before the trip and even with it idiots still bungled the information up. its probably better this way for plausible deniability. thanks for keeping us updated
Lords of Exile was a Kickstarter game, it only came out two months ago so I'm surprised it's here.

If you like Castlevania, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, etc, you'll probably like this one.
so lets be real, the only reason he's playing this unity game is because he made it in highschool as a class assignment right?
She didn't get "raped" tho, people were just talking more frisky with her.
You don’t deserve it but that’s what happens. So your point underlines his.
>Lords of Exile was a Kickstarter game, it only came out two months ago so I'm surprised it's here.
This is what is commonly known as an advertisement.
game looks fun but world is empty
Check it
what a gay fucking chat
Probably the same as Penny's Big Breakaway in that regard, it's coming up not long after.

I'm interested in seeing that run because it's supposed to have really high skill ceiling and great looking execution. I got the game on Switch but it didn't immediately click with me and my backlog is way too big.
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> Speedons
Didn't know about that event. Any frenchies who can give a quick review/overview/comparison?
My french is a bit rusty, but salvageable enough to get back into it and watch some french streams again.
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>there will be no donation screening for Summer 2024, so have fun with that
I know you've screened my shittier donos.
I'm not sorry. Nor will I be.
>it's not really a backup for me because I always miss it
I tried the demo for Penny's but I couldn't make it more than ten minutes in. The gameplay seems really cool, but the art style is pure, unadulterated dogshit. I couldn't stand it. Penny is so fucking stupid-looking.
Save the tranimals
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>Everything is so fucking gray and the textures are mute or have no detail/tesselation.
Some indie shits are so fucking lazy and shameless to even exist.
I would love to hang out with bailey
How can you say your's is soul when it doesn't even have the original danmaku?
Checkmate Atheists.
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Just woke up and ready to ignore GDQ for most of the last day. Anything nice on in the last 9 hours?
So are you and yet here you are.
And do what anon??
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The environments and aesthetic are nice, but yeah the character designs are bleh.

Arzette designs are unironically more appealing and they're *meant* to look janky.
Which one is even bailey?
Good. I'll tune in for Curse Crackers and DKC3
That makes absolutely no sense anon, do better.
so this is a shill run, yea?
Nothing good since the 5 min mario speedrun
This runner is clearly autistic but in an innocent, wholesome kinda way.
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I was never in fundraising anon, sorry
Roll it
This is the blandest game i've ever laid eyes on
Cursed roll...
Give me bailey or give me death
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Oh jeeze
50 years after mario 64 and several magnitudes worse
Child of Light rerun on esa, i love that game, amazing soundtrack.
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play video games of course and drink her gender fluid, what else?
Better framerate
game is boring but I like this runner
fine, this run is shit anyways
Bailey please
Firm proof that framerate is irrelevant.
Whens ESA?
I am always sad Twilight Princess isn't higher than 30 fps
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im not going to make fun of this guy.
>playing a game that hasn't been played to death at trannygamesdonequick, even if it sucks.
>isn't a tranny
>has 2 people in the audience
>is beating the game
>is clearly nervous as fuck even though its 5 am, but has 38 thousand people watching

There's been much, much, much worse this year. This run feels like 10 years ago agdq.
Based anon
He's doing fine. It's just only 'fine'. The game is clearly special to him, I just don't feel the same way while watching this run, and that's okay
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Why do people want to be an oppressed minority so bad if their lives is supposedly hell?
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too bad the game SUCKS
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For how many years have you been banned from gdq chat fellow anons?
Never played the game
I'm not a faggot using twitch chat, so none.
what did you do
I don't think the information was bungled up due to retardation, I'm 100% sure Edenal himself samefags here with the help of at least one other person
>the metako hater who also called yato a nigger
I will never understand why you people still go there. I mean how hard do they have to shit in your face so that you'll leave?
I'll never be banned because I'll never pay money to chat, and I wasn't banned before that was the case.
I haven't used the website in a long time.
reading or interacting with the twitch chat is a grave mistake, always
>Greetings from Germany
Hello, old friend. I missed you.
I don't remember but the the upper bound is when it started being sub only because I sure as fuck never posted during that.
Rate this run
C it was a run
B, game not really good, but nice runner and couch.

it was inoffensive but ultimately extremely boring
B it was kinda nice
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I was banned a while before making the unban request so sometime from 2019-mid 2020
I only went there once to post a troll comment
This is some real autism
Giving it a B, not a great run, but a great runner
C , boring game but cute runner
B Shy guy
if trans are getting representation when will frogs/wojaks appear for a gdq game? hasn't there been fair attachment for 14 years? are they just bad?
B for boring, but I forgive him
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Y'know what, B. This game is in the weird sweetspot where it feels too jank to take earnestly, yet that jank also lets the runner do a lot of tricks that he clearly put a lot of practice into. Some of them were right easy, others earned the grade. Hope he feels good about it
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is this intermission song a joke???
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>I'm 100% sure Edenal himself samefags here with the help of at least one other person
then I'd like to personally congratulate Edenal on single handedly fucking up ESA due to being a retarded mouthbreathing fuckass
Z garbage indieslop shill run
He's being hard enough on himself for being 2 minutes slower than he was in the practice room
It was back when blueglass was still around, I posted a link to a gif of him picking his nose and eating it
C, extremely average game and extremely average run
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Awww you don't stream
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>saying f*male in twich chat
They hate women. Deserved ban.
I haven't got a Twitch account to be banned on
>last day
Once again I will not miss this POS when it's over.
wow how come no one showed up for the pc runs at 5 am on the same day when everyone has to leave the hotel
Last time I wrote something in GDQ chat the event moderation was still sane. So I'm not banned. But sure as hell am not going to pay another dollar for Mike Uyamas new house
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see you at watching the entirety of ESA anon!
>2024 pc indie advert run
>Blacktastic on stream
Keep your hair in a safe place now, sisters.
waint didnt blacktastic do all that stuff?
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I'm doin' him a C
Fuck I don't want the shitposting to end
holy fuck videogames are dead
endless derivative shit
You guys just catching on now that GDQ only care about appearances? Their talk has never been about caring about wrongdoing, just raising up their tribe
Argick ugh
Wow very original game
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Yay it's Guy
I dont see any blacktastic, just Bobbeigh
This is shit lmao.
Good night, /v/. Someone rate this garbage an F for me.
>I'm 100% sure Edenal himself samefags here with the help of at least one other person
Before all this, I would have called you paranoid. But considering how much he has been on a banning spree just to silence every slight criticism, I now fucking believe it's pretty likely. Fucker probably can't stand it that people here can criticize him as much as they want
this looks like castlevania
no RETARDS. Blacktastic is related to a separate incident with the security guard quitting. The hair sniffer's identity is unknown
>argick and blacktastic commentating the same run
this must be really awkward at least for argick with all the ESA drama and shit going on now
Because it is basically a castlevania fan game. The default player character is basically a belmont with a sword.
argick being there is the weirdest thing, have mercy on him i guess
It was me. I huffed it. And it was worth it.
Doesn't matter, from now on he'll be Bobbeigh Sniffles in my heart forever.
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never, but I also never chatted

whats the lore
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why do all these speedrunners suck at what they do, back in my day they actually put in practice and effort into their runs... well some did but in this SGDQ there havent been any success stories
Castle Gaiden and Ghouls
>speedrunning marathon of first time speedruns
Sounds hilarious and an absolute shitshow
>yeah uh so i think we can make this jump *tries and fails 60 times in a row*
i'm just saying he's a sonic dude, probably just got asked to be couch
Always loved throwing knifing faggot ass tears of denial gank squads at aldritch's.
yea cuz they said the player character looks like sonic or something
> hair sniffer
It was me, AND I'D DO IT AGAIN
They're streamers first, speedrunners second.
That's a false comparison. It's like looking rich and then walking through some dark alley in the poor district. You don't deserve to be robbed, but everyone knows how fucking stupid that was and that it could have easily been avoided by the person themselves.
>Argick quitting ESA because alleged sexual predators arent dealt with properly
>one of those alleged predators is Blacktastic
>still sits on the couch with him at GDQ
>they're all chummy
I think we're still missing some crucial info here, guys.
Worse graphics than animal well
Not-belmont's home kingdom has fallen to ruin while he was in exile, and so not-belmont is angry and goes out to kill the big bad. Ninja girl is just someone the big bad had captured, she didn't really have story presence
SERG is dead, NEGA prevailed
>lovare's alleged sexual predators
June's over you can stop mentioning that fotm.
just the ones involved with Lovare
based thanks lore bro
none of the top autists want to go anywhere near gdq, or are already banned.
the only ones left are the types that just do enough to get a run accepted, which is why we see so many dogshit unoptimized indietrash "speedruns"
Bubbles still banned for blazing it?

The Lovare stuff happened afterwards as far as I know. Not sure myself, but Blacktastic is the thing over which Pottow was fired.
not a single person that publically distances themselves in such cases actually cares about anything.
They just want to save their public image, so if some incident does not reach any critical mass in online media/forums and they don't expect it to do, they don't give single fuck
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we knew
>I'm 100% sure Edenal himself samefags here with the help of at least one other person

Bet its the guy that thinks everyone is Gurafag
>black guy actually knows about the music
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>woke up from some dogshit OCRemix being played during break
Back to sleep I go.
and he's actually wrong, PID is a publisher, and they weren't involved in blazing chrome
so is esa officially kill? the main faces dropped out before this pastebin thing came out right
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shave those yucky goatees. .
no that's me and the other guy who made the schizo gurafag image
Not quite. Pottoww quit well after the Blacktastic incident, not because of it.
The thing is, this incident was kept so well under wraps I think Argick and a lot more well known streamers don't know anything about it. GDQ knows, but he is convenient for them to keep around because he's from a minority.
Yes, Lovare did not kill ESA, she just stuck a knife into an already dying beast
Are halo runs always good? I've never seen a bad one
Theres some magic blessing protecting them
>SMW sickos
tell me who the main faces and i'll try to tell you what happened to them
>the main faces dropped out
Depends on what you think the main faces are. What we know is that a lot of important runners left, and a lot more of important volunteers, and that they had to slash first 24/7, and now stream 2 because of lack of volunteers.

Still, theer's well known names on the schedule:
>Big Jon, ThaRixer, AEtienne, TimyTim, Kotti, Aeshmah, bbf_, Catalystz, Joshimuz, 360Chrism
That's less than usual, but far from
>everyone left.

Thanks for clarification. We really need a pastebin for that, I'm messing this stuff up every time I think about it.
i feel like i'm having a stroke but i swear the score distribution on some of these runs was different from yesterday
Yes but only for me.
So only privately?
see Cody Miller's Halo CE run, which is the reason why mercy killing runs as a concept even exists in GDQ
>Big Jon
the grommr stigma....
i don't know how people forget that legendary disaster
hes actively influencing the ratings now
>wants people to enjoy the music
>keeps calling for donations
The ballets arent trust worthy? How do I mail 4chan my votes?
It's really old at this point, newer faces here probably haven't seen the ancient runs so I don't hold it against them
It's a must watch for everyone new and old for sure
was a good run before this choke
The transitioning process is absolutely devasting on your immune system. Also people that know they can't pass would rather hide their face.
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>they had to slash first 24/7, and now stream 2 because of lack of volunteers
ESA Summer won't have a single Final Fantasy run because of this. it's sad
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I'm actually not interested in any of the runs remaining, they're either games I don't know or runs I don't care to see, except Super Metroid but that's at 1am my time.

I'm just here to enjoy talking to people about video games.
hes to blame for lack of 24/7 stream with his shitty legends event
Me too
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>ESA Summer won't have a single Final Fantasy run
ESA can be saved by selling out to Saudi blood money.
>"welcome to ESA Summer 2025, powered by Aramco!"
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I'm sooo looking forward to the Metako statement on all this. I have the feeling it could be the shitpost of the century.
>ESA Summer won't have a single Final Fantasy run because of this.
Mistakes into miracles
In what way was the Link to the Past run trainwreck/cringekino? I'm a bit surprised since those are usually rock solid.
Rate this run
Runner screwed up the out of bounds glitching and this caused a bunch of issues in his routing
Comfy morning run
QRD on Wacca Reverse? Is it a "not a speedrun" issue?
S but I didn't watch it.
In fact I'm just going to vote everything else an S
B, it was solid. Little disappointing no one got molested during the run, though.
B for bobby
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I'm doin' him an A

solid B
That sucks. Thanks for the explanation.
I somehow forgot that Riekelt existed, with everything going on.
the only two that matter. and they will be running back to back
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Aw man I only saw the last 10 mins. I actually played this game ,it's a pretty solid classicvania clone.
They are doing Strangers of Paradise
Orgs were the ones that wanted the Legends event to happen to test the no 24 hours streams
It's alright, but I felt like it tried to add gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks
Also the not-belmont walked a bit slow, and the girl is turbo fast in comparison
>no good runs now until DK country
>Not a speedrun
>People constantly talking over the music
>It's not at all obvious how much skill it takes to play the game compared to something like DDR
There was a DDR (or something like that) showcase a few G'sDQ ago that got a really high rating, so it's not like /v/ hates rhythm games or anything, this one just wasn't entertaining.
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>more games no one has heard of or cares about
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Made for irrumatio
is this a fucking phone game?
what is this shit
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>Using shades inside
It's the GBA version of DKC 3 so don't get your hopes up.
>shirt is the game he's running

is this another shill segment
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>at least it's gonna be short-
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im look forward to Qwest for Glory 2 being ran before that by /ourguy/ with the lisp who ran Kings Qwest last year
We have rayman at home
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what the fuck is this shit
I love indie slop block! I love pixels! I clapped when I saw classic game reference!
Are you retarded or/and ESL?
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Downright peculiar.
Isn't this robot the PlayStation mascot, what's it doing in a Xbox game?
>shill game

see you all in 50 minutes
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>50 minute run of a 2D platformer
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>dies over and over again on basic jumps
Jesus fuck, this is boring. Gonna take a nap.
boring but cozy
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since this run is kinda ass and this thread consists of people who actually play video games, can i get some opinions on Plant vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2/Battle for Neighborville as a single player experience? they're sitting in my Steam cart since they look comfy, but i'm not touching the PvP modes with a 10 foot pole
it's better than a whole bunch of other shit which really doesn't belong in speedruns
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sorry i was busy and typed too fast but the Kings Qwest spelling was on purpose and was a run by the guy in question a couple of years ago
I was referencing "im look forward".
isnt the whole point of that game to play pvp? i havent played it but thats what i have gathered from seeing it
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enter BigMig to use this pic in chat
seems like it, but they have actual single player campaigns and i want to know if they're actually good or not
I typed that in a hurry while doing something else
why are there so many unknown games (advertisements) this year
I played more engaging freeware platformers in 2005.
stop masturbating anon
The state of these games makes me question my life choices
but it feels good
i remember people announcing they were quitting but i dont want to prey into individuals
>shitty indie games for the next 4 hours
I'll go play some games see ya anons
And what would I do instead? Watching a 50 minutes indie game speedrun?
What's so shit about this game?
The art assets look fine and the gamplay looks fine but this entire game feels like nothing, like less than the sum of its parts. What even is all this stuff I'm looking at?
It's not "shit" as much as it's "nothing".
I'll watch his run
Yeah, it looks competent but utterly uninspired.
ok but when is GOOD games
this game is the definition of "soulless"
Fuck the dog fuck the dog fuck the dog
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>got into ESA just in time to watch it die
Last summer was so damn fun, I thought oldschool GDQ vibes were finally back.
anon, I...
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Yeah that's the general idea.
Yes, the idea that I simply don't know how to use "I'm looking forward/I look forward to 'something'" makes much more sense then me typing in a rush and fucking that part of the sentence up.
No it gives me an energy boost during my midday slump
Just woke up, what did I miss since wacca?
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It's like the quintessential example of the kind of game people who studied "game design" would make. Completely overdesigned yet thoroughly unappealing and devoid of any sense of adventure or self-expression
he got married with Lulu in XX-2
Wait, jerking off energizes you? It always makes me sleepy.
ESA canceled?
i fucking fell asleep, what run are we watching again?
Nobody knows.
who knows
When im sleepy/low energy and I jerk off it energizes me.
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some phone trash something i dont know
imagine coming home after a day of playing water ball poorly and coming inside lulu
every single day
Huh. I'm the exact opposite. I masturbate when I want to sleep but am still in that weird inbetween state where your mind can't rest yet. Always does the trick.
In a few hours bro
a GIRL starts running Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue on FinnRuns in 7 minutes
>baldurs gate 3
>good speedrun
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wow it's almost like showering is a meaningless habit that serves no purpose
When its my bed time and my mind is still awake it does well to knock me out but if its midday and my mind is hazy it wakes me up.
I think the gameplay looks solid but the level design just screams "I placed these out in a gamemaker"
Like there are no setpieces, just separate elements all of the roughly same size
Same, I usually masturbate before sleeping. I think I might've Pavlov'd myself because I always feel like sleeping after fapping, even if I did during the day
No just let it die
where? did you accidentally look in the mirror?
Should I watch the balders gate run and get spoiled? Or is ir worth playing
yeah i aint linking it because this thread is pg13
You made me look at it for a split second. Fuck you. Hope you burn in hell.
no. it's wokeslop that shits on the legacy of original BG's
I think that's one of the game gimmicks, being a level editor/maker.
BRO im so fucking sorry i got fooled as well at first when i was looking it's vods
why is nobody discussing the stream?
look at whats on
Causes a flood of prolactin which makes you sleepy
the game is like 100 hours long and the "main story" is the worst part
you wont really get spoiled outside of them getting some really good early items and using meme mechanics to defeat bosses quickly.

in any case i'd recommend a walkthrough
huh. That just makes it an even more odd game to speedrun.
>800 reviews
decently successful. As much as I wanna grill the game I'm kinda relieved it still has an audience, I guess.
what do you mean? i thought you guys loved speedrunning?
You're going to see about 1% of the game.
ur mr mig

huh. that makes sense I guess, though I think the official levels should have a bit more sauce.
This isn't speedrunning. It's an ad.
4 and a half hours until something good, fuck me
yeah ok sorry not sorry she's a she after all
it's a really generic looking game

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