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Now: Levelhead
Next: Hyperbolica
Later: Curse Crackers: For Whom the Belle Toils

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681910613
Why did mods ban me? i'm a 4chan pass user
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Any ZeldaFu pics? Those fat rolls make me rock hard for some reason.
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Make way for miggers
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Zelda mig
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Miglev train
Born to mig
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>the dalmatian runner is actually a woman
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Nice fucking game
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rip persona non migrata
>dev on couch
oooh there are no ulterior motives there ;)
His name is Catherine.
Wait, so we're deadnaming Birdo every time we call him Birdo? Pretty problematic.
he's not on the couch
"Hey look at this drawing of dudes eating poop."
"That's pretty gross man. I don't wanna see that."
"But it's just a drawing."
"Yeah, a drawing of dudes eating poop. I don't like the drawing."
>tfw watching two run streams and practising stuff myself
a-am i a tranny?
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Guys, I have an adblocker but there have been continous ads for the last 40 minutes. Any help?
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I wwnt to sleep during Grand Poo World 3, did I miss anything? How were the threads?
you sound like a feminist complaining about violence in video games.
It's your end goal, yes

not even a dev, just a QA tester
i miss gari and the gari clique..
You sound like someone who likes art of dudes eating poop.
>Curse Crackers: For Whom the Belle Toils
A bit racist, innit
just literally uninstalled dolphin
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I have an add on called alternative player for twitch (firefox), it blocks all adds
>QA tester
Get TTV LOL PRO, but even that's not a guarantee of no ads, Twitch has been throwing everything into defeating adblockers, especially seeming to go for the middle of these marathons.
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acrobatically migrating
Me too but it doesn't stop this ad for a game called Levelhead or so.
It was a joke about the run being an ad. Not sure if I'm the retard or you are. Or both.
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I get no ads at all. When theres an ad theres a popup saying hiding ads
Why are YSG and BoneSaw still banned?
watching this stream is giving us all shared brain damage
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Rate this run
fuck this ad
kill yourself
daily reminder lovare is the reason ESA has been cancelled
D for aD
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God that belt swing and whip made me laugh so hard. Gotta love the Hulkster
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If god exists then why did he put fat everywhere except her tits?
D I guess
more like nig lol
z for bad QA
>allowing women into men only spaces
serves ESA right
he thought it was funny
Why are you posting a picture of sideways Ns?
kys you're self
so you can fuck her fat armpits
ah sweet we get crime crackers after this
Odd. I've never had twitch ads when using ubo. That said, I also use noscript and there are some blocked domains visible in the menu that don't seem to be needed. Being yuropoor probably helps the most though.
C and thats being extremely generous for an ad
She's not though, it was already going to shit after Winter ESA where Metako quit ESA entirely, all she really did was cause more people to decide they were done with it.

Edenal and Planks have been mishandling it for ages, acting like HR managers while hoping to go full corporate.
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should i buy penny's big breakaway, i like sonic
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Curse Crackers is a great game. It was also meant to have started TEN MINUTES AGO
No, it's pretty bad
It handles it on a region by region basis, so it really does depend on where you live, ttv lol proxies some of the process to other regions, usually attempting to hit ones that have no ads or few ads.
Nah you're getting this

It's like a Game Boy Color game, but wide.
>Greetings from Germany, my dog just died, kill the frames, save the animals, pet the doggo
The misery train begins.
Nothing like Sonic, and very unconventional 3D platformer.

It has a demo, be sure you play that first.
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so her tits are just fat-rolls?
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>This is a 2021 game
Are you sure?
Muting stream.
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I've heard that they've managed to sell over 50% of copies of this game (with a different title) that were on American game store shelves, even though they produced much lese of those compared to the Japanese release
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Another fucking ad game?
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>so much red and orange
Ahh fuck, I'm getting sick from all this motion
>daily reminder lovare is the reason ESA has been cancelled
No, it was just another nail into their coffin.

This pretty much. The irony, we were loving ESA instead of GDQ because ESA was less corporate, but their owners secretly strived to achive the same. Double irony: The GDQ people coming into ESA discord to dab on them, though nothing what happens at ESA makes their own event look any better. Triple irony: The only one actually being helpful was, of all the people, Coolmatty, Mr. Corporate himself.
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Oh man i hate video games that have movement.
>Triple irony: The only one actually being helpful was, of all the people, Coolmatty, Mr. Corporate himself.

Uhh no lol?
I'm happy with them wanting to grow their events, Edenal should have just taken a public relations course first.
At this point, I'm suspecting him, Planks or habke are the ones trying to blame Lovare
oh man this game is trippy
This a VR game? Seems like this could really mess you up
probably just kleenex
woah dude im fuckin trippin
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What's Gregory Alan Williams doing on the couch?
Hi Das
You work at a vet or at least work with animals, right? What did you think of the dog speedrun? Is that animal abuse (as marked on the chart)?
Quadruple irony: I just shit my pants
its easy for most to blame her because her pastebin served as the trigger and thats all anyone saw from the outside, ignoring or not knowing what Das already said about the questionable decisions and tension that was already there beforehand.
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Not my take by the way. If you were referring that Coolmatty isn't Mr. Corporate instead, you should have made it clear instead of your vague response. But even then, lots of people were blaming him for GDQ becoming even more sterile and slick under his rule.
damn this guy fucking SUCKS
Why's the runner wearing referee gear?
The run itself wasn't animal abuse. Fucking the dog onstage was a bit much for my tastes, though.
pretty sure the only cool parts got lopped of.
good to know you're not canadian
i will still blame that one chick for ruining esa even though esa was literally only good for 1 single year in its entire history and she wasnt even in most of it
no real reason its just her fault
You have to be a serious fucking old twitch dude to know about this one man
Slow morning
Get cancer tranimal.
Deuteronomy 23
Leviticus 20 13
im 34
Those were the good old days.
They didnt know the crippled bean was sending in peopel to shit up the discord then try and act all magnanimous, hes a slimy fucking weasel od a guy
10 years ago when I was 11.. time flies
Because it's a rare and kino body type. Fuck balloon tits, I wanna see her entire body jiggle except for her pathetic, perky little tits.
>wake up
>tune in
can someone explain what the fuck is this
He's turning more into a worm with all the limbs he's losing.
video game
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kek, thanks
actual eye cancer
zoomer groomer troomer shit
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>actually pay attention to their mouths
>2 second delay

wow fuck
nta. I didn't see it, but I hate it on principle. I also hated when ESA pulled a similar thing in... 2023 maybe?
got a laugh out of me mate
i dont follow speedrunning that closely (like not at all) is there a recap somewhere of what this drama is about?
huh, she could definitely feel how revealing that was

I didn't think she was like that

She ever get with anyone again?
Wait, she has tattoos now? Dropped.
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What exactly are they "proud" of?
the fuck
Mandatory if you're american.
You just know
>big ass
>no saggy tits
it's a win
they're temporary tats you mook
It's also been a case of the people at the very top mistaking the hard work of people below them as their person achievements.

Losing Metako on short notice probably screwed a lot up, ignoring his runs and other silly shit, he used to do a shitload between scheduling, fundraising, keeping shit like stream 2 going, and a bunch of other crap.

Now they're having to scrape together after a ton of walkouts of staff, announcers and runners, and they're probably realizing they're not the big dicks they thought they were.
Cereal -> Milk -> Spoon
Quite simple.
What an original post.
>I also hated when ESA pulled a similar thing in... 2023 maybe?
I vaguely remember that but I can't recall what game they were doing
and remember to pet that dog
and remember to pet that dog
and remember to pet that dog
and remember to pet that dog
pet that dog
remember to pet that dog
and pet the dog
pet that doggo
>She ever get with anyone again?
you mean outside of the autistic guy she dated (FiFiDragon), the indian guy she cheated on him with (Talon764), or the OTHER white guy she cheated on that indian guy with?
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The fuck is "WACCA Reverse"?
The hecking pupperino?!
Those are clearly not actual tattoos you boob
Fell asleep last night during grand poop world. Did I miss anything? Schedule is looking like a whole lot of nothing until this evening
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another one
1hr30mins of terrible rhythm game
the knowledge is inherent.
this shit actually hurts to watch
what the fuck
There was some run but it was a lot of years back, pre-covid I think, where they were doing I think a relay race and they got to pet somebody's service dog.

The dog didn't seem very happy about the noise or having loads of people, and they eventually got taken away.
just joestar being painfully boring with a dash of cringe for MGS
what do you lonely nerds see in her
Cheers, big ears
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do you need a trigger warning anon boohoo
she's so tasty
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You shouldn't do that, you're just going to be eating makeup
Apparently I am out of the kffc loop...
no I need this shit to finish already
I have a flashbang fetish. came 4x so far
she has a big cute face made for bukkake
Please tell me she's in her 40s
>the music in this is amazing so we're going to talk over it.
right, I want to say it was Mario Odyssey and it was definitely 2023
the fuck is this visual bloody diarrhea
>this is a total banger by the way, the soundtrack in this game in amazing
uhh ... 2 minutes remain!
she went through massive image rehabilitation for GDQ but she's been a known slut for years
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It was the Mario Odyssey relay at Winter 2023, that didn't look like a happy dog.
> I'm happy with them wanting to grow their events
Honestly I'm happier with it dying in that case.
We don't need another corporate sponsor semen slurpfest that goes down the same route as GDQ.

GDQ isn't even non profit
hubba hubba awooga
>this music is so goop
>bleep bloop deeeee dii doooooooo
Sounds like fanfiction
No, it's got an awkward control scheme, bland art style, and the physics aren't fun like Sonic, like it's more streamlined for modern audiences

I kinda regret buying the game desu
>tune into gdq
>some pastel colored vomit with le kawaii robot, pet da doggo in the thread
>tab away
>tab back
this game sucks, doesn't it?
Uhh 20 seconds remaining??
I just need her to get a little bit older and uglier and I'll have a shot.
I want her to ground pound me
Rate this run
>over estimate
shit run
>tail down
>basically a statue
yeah either this is some kind of therapy dog and trained to do what he does or that dude didnt have a good time

>KFFC being thirsty
shut up no she wasn't s-stop lying
I remember now, it was the only event I didn't go to post-covid, so it was Winter 2023.
>can't find the vod because their youtube channel is chaotic
At least he had a good estimate.
I was gonna do it a C, but over estimate, so it gets an F.
it literally isn't, she dated fifidragon, cheated on him with his best friend talon then cheated on talon with some white dude, it was all well documented on /srg/
god DAYUM that choco queen ass
F as in overeFtimate
Z over estimate.
D for dogshit and overestimate
Z, overestimate
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I'm doin' him a D
damn ugly game
F overestimate visual AIDS
Where is Plum?
another ogre estimate
What's going on with Trackmania Sunrise? Why is it color coded different
F, guy fucked up constantly and the run wasn't even interesting
It definitely wasn't SSS... what's your endgame?
frog runner
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>game is a shitty tech demo devoid of anything actually substantial
I looked through those but it definitely didn't look like the clubhouse Games relay.
oh, many thanks anon. yeah, that is a very stressed dog
wow inspiring words... who the fuck would want to spend years of their time applying to be on gdq for 30 minutes
C borefest
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D, another bad run. Curse Crackers better be better
oh shit QFG2 run did not see that coming...
Is everyone ready to see some Crackers?
You better be hecking hydrating /v/
Thigh arms
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>next game isn't actually Crime Crackers
spacegulls on finnruns atm with two white male
Curse Crackers is good
Bonnie is best girl
Speaking of their youtube channel, some anon claimed that they deleted youtube vods & twitch highlights of certain runners. do we have a list of runs/runners yet?
Show what the gdq staff wrote.
are they gonna wear them for the rest of their lives? or is the virtue signalling effect gonna fade out
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you're right...

anything to help with the smell
>trans rights
you'd think this was a tranny fundraiser not for MSF
I don't see the problem if you have a cold or something, but GDQ would throw you out for sniffling.
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She looks kind of retarded why are her eyes like that
>three kids in power rangers costumes cheering for trans rights

you hate to see it
she looks like a band nerd I partied with in college
don't say that about my down syndrome waifu
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tail down
ears back
standing still
yeah he's fucking terrified
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looks like my mom
What rights are they missing again?
>metroid crime
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Belle is a silly clown
be gay
do crime :3
groomin em young
off-brand kffc
Why aren't you taking this seriously? Stop fucking with past rankings you fucking retard
what the fuck
GBA has unnecessary low quality audio sound bytes when Link hits something and screen crunch
Holy shit they actually started the run before meeting the incentive
Leave it to a woman to choose a game that can be finished in 10 minutes (slow)
>10 minutes
gonna be that much over the estimate...
back to your containment mousey
depends, gba is comfy
if you have friends, playing the 4p multiplayer via link cable is fucking awesome
god I want to fuck her pussy so bad
Wtf is she/they
be positive test negative!
kungfufruitcup from temu
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If there's ever another version of a game alongside a GBA version the non-GBA version is always better.

The GBA soundchip was a piece of shit.
Is that a real biofem on stream?
Is she stinky?
no thanks
It was neat to have it on GBA and all that but there's not much reason to not play the SNES version now.
They want to be interesting
we had a black runner with "he/it" pronouns before
SNES. The GBA sound chip is a war crime.
The poster and panel art is way better than the sprites, which is a pain
>having a good bate sess with the stream on the second monitor
>ogres on screen
>immediately flaccid
some of these chicks looks like they could've been something 10 or so years ago, but you see them now and you just wonder what could have been

women should not be spending most of their time playing video games
>entering cheat codes

no way fag
>starting the run with cheat codes
How the fuck is she/they a set of pronouns? It should be she/their
she can split into two beings
she cute
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jesus fucking christ, threads during these hours are fucking horrid
>indie game with pastelle colors
Instant F
>make GBC-like game
>no .gbc version
wtf is that game
Wouldn't bate to them but can definitely see both being a good fuck. I'm not that picky irl.
>entering cheat codes
run invalid
we have warioworld at home
it should be she/her
I think its an abbreviation of she/her/they/them
aka she has two sets of pronouns, like when people have any/all
I like how she makes sure to keep "she" there, while also clearly just being a regular female ("female presenting" as they twits say), making the any completely meaningless as everyone's just going to say she.

Just trying to be trendy without actually doing anything.
bros how do i get a speedrunner gf?
wtf is going on in indonesia
I hat e trannnniessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not like how the screen lurches to the side nonstop.
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what throws me off more is it wants the GBC aesthetic with garish colors.
at least all of Metako's runs, they are on his personal youtube. there are probably more but I can't find a comprehensive list right now
introduce yourself as someone looking for someone who likes to speedrun fast and die late
Just tell her you're gonna p in her b. (I don''t know what that means)
make a trans rights indie game
sexual harassment
I don't even get motion sickness and it's kinda giving me motion sickness.
1. Get a gf
2. try to get her into speedrunning
Not a single speedrunning female got into that by herself
Same as any other
Have dark triad personality
1 become troon
2 have wife
3 get gf
>dono reward: waste time
>he says on /v/
I just had an idea to check their schedules & reddit just in case they're private and still have a link to them
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is ESA canceled?
>ok so the Gameboy didn't have a backlit screen so stuff looked a bit washed out on it when playing
>so....let's make our game washed out
women ruin everything they touch
Lots of people in the audience, are they all trying to use chibis condoms?
you can barely manage a bowel movement. how are you going to tell other people to live their lives?
Doesn't "Any" stand on its own? Why would it need to be preceded by a "she"?

Unless what I think any means is not really anything
She looks much better in motion I'm sorry
Bring caveman back out
Basically, yes. They're Weekend At Bernie's-ing what's left of its corpse.
I don't think that dog is getting pet unless they magically have some huge donations last moment
but what are the odds of that
It means that she doesn’t care that much about being a woman and believes in the fluidity of gender. It’s a useful thing to know about someone
because she's not serious about it, it's just a regular girl trying to join the bandwagon without having to change anything
Should we tell him...
And yet she's dressed, styled, speaking and acting like any other feminine woman
check lovare's twitter, she tells the whole story about abuse herself
a real shame the staff of ESA let that happen to her
not yet
It's a alive, but not as we know it
I think it's time to retire this one anon.
They arent gonna pet this dog huh
>the music tho
>yall heard the music?
>ooooh the musuuususuusic
Fucking BIGOT showrunners allowing real women run games making us trans girlies look bad!
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wtf real women?
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It seems like the recent ones are gone but like the ones from five or more years are still there.
shes cute i would say hi to her
get ready for the vocal part during the final boss
good gramphics
Lyre a cute
ESA staff are furiously determining what the next annoying sound byte will be this year.
I WILL pet the heckin pupper
This doggo WILL be pet, or else
what would you do if you found out those two had pps?
Why are you so surprised? There's lots of female speedrunners in GDQ!
I want to taste lovares gender fluids
No but it's difficult to see them bouncing back from this, the schedule is pretty grim and half of the people on it have said they won't be coming back.
She seems fresh and full of life, yet to be crushed by existence
Teetering on the edge thougheverbeit
let WHAT happen exactly?
outsiders bring weird?
got the ick?
an autist overshared?
what did she want ESA to do other than put her on a pedestal and ban anyone she ever had a minor issue with
I would not be surprised in the slightest
Rate this run
>cam stuttered and desyned
What kind of disease is pps? Can I donate to fight it?
Did metako have a falling out with them?
How does it feel knowing that you’re probably more particular about your pronouns than half of the runners and couch commentators?
sweet and short game with cute runner, enjoyable run
look at those prime specimens of youth. our future is bright.
Fast run, good movement tech, no donations
C it was a run
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for boobs (real)
A, good run, fast movement, cute chubby girl
Game has cute characters and runner/couch were very descriptive with pleasant personalities
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>It’s a useful thing to know about someone
yeah if you think of it like aposematism, the use of warning coloration to inform potential predators that an animal is poisonous, venomous, or otherwise dangerous. when you see someone with those ridiculous gender terms then you know to stay far from them
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Tfw no 5'1" 150 lb chonker waifu
get fucked
Yeah, sometime after Winter this year some shit happened and he walked, after having moved to Sweden to be more involved in ESA.

Nobody really knows what exactly, but he's still showing up at stuff like BSG later in the year.
You OK there?
How are there still people coming in this far into SGDQ not knowing what the fuck happened with ESA? I'm begging you to check the archives, it will be harder to find a thread NOT talking about the ESA happenings.
>no doggo
why didn't you donate /v/?
team buddies on finnruns now
B for bitch didn't even save her boyfriend
it existed
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not the hecking doggo
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short and sweet, pleasant biofems
C I guess

She did it.. Not bad
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A. The donation begging was annoying, but the run itself was very nice. Runner was good and knew her route, I only caught one slip of note. Play Curse Crackers if you wanna go fast
C af
too tall
Incentives are too damn high
You're the very definition of a midwit who thinks he's the smartest person in the room.
Yeah it was ESA's responsibility to protect her every second she was there representing them
A, short and sweet and the runner didn't make me want to kill myself. Also they failed the incentive, which is also funny
>How are there still people coming in this far into SGDQ not knowing what the fuck happened with ESA? I'm begging you to check the archives, it will be harder to find a thread NOT talking about the ESA happenings.
stivitybobo allegedly raped someone at an sgdq my guy
w2c acrobatic clussy gf?
Literally nothing happened to her though.
>"Pet their cats and dogs and various furry friends at home"
they clearly can't do that, but the total lack of interest in anything but keeping it under wraps was the problem
that dirty fucking sex haver!!
>was saving money to finally attend esa
>all this shit happens
Dodged a bullet but it's still bittersweet.
The only time I was in europe I was with family so I couldn't go there
again, nothing happened
Oh come on they meant furrets or mice or polar garloids
where the fuck is the audience
Get Argick away from those kids, he runs Sonic games.
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she was literally RAPED
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How would they protect her from herself?
What kind of lunatic brings kids to this event
It's 7:43 AM there
Don't remind me. That shit still makes me nauseous
fuckin job centre phone hold music
Sleeping before the real runs later and they have to pack their rooms
B, runner cared about her time
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also why are there teeny tiny children there?
>Argick giving the kids a highfive
He's ok.
*follows you around ESA*
>keep it under wraps
should they release an official announcement about an autist oversharing?
oh god oh fuck
>bringing children to gdq
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Finally, an actual gamer.
gotta convince them that they're girls early.
"HRT them when they're young" -GDQ
>Gordon Ramsay
Argick cool for talking to those rangers
Going back to bed.
>another 2D side scroller
Make it stop please
Having sweaty smelly nerd sex.
She herself doesn't know what happened. Someone grabbed her head and she gets instant rape flashbacks. That's really not too bad. If the guy said 'you smell like my mother. I love that scent' you can start weirding out but that's just way too overblown.
She's trans?
filtered by the best genre
ah yes garcon just what we needed more slop merci
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Argick grooming
It wasn't even that the shit happened, it was that ESA's response was to try and cover it up and keep her and people like the safety dude silent, and after she posted her pastebin they went even harder with trying to silence the dissent from others also voicing their complaints.

It's the kind of reaction you get when they're only giving a fuck about their public image.
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Oh that is just me convincing my daughters that they are trans too so I can use their test prescription
I feel like GDQ is now not kid friendly despite their "efforts" to try and be. Trans rights is not only something you should have to explain to your kids but you also dont want them parroting that phrase at school if you dont want them getting bullied
Rapid fire = cheating
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>three dudes on the couch
>main guy is silent with long hair and a beard
yep, its speedrun time
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Just buy a ten pack rape whistles and we can move on.
that cracka zesty
how else you gonna hide a micropenis?
What's wrong with sitting like that?
I sit like this too and people call me a fag
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How old are you? I wonder if only zoomers still waste their time watching this.
zoomers never understood what it means to give context
good think you're not in charge of deciding what is and isn't appropriate behavior in a professional setting.
I completed the first level of Gravity Circuit all by myself.
I dislike the color palate of this game
Proud of you, sweetie
this is lovare's account on what happened, I believe her
read the pastebin you lazy fuck
in general, nothing happened
did john snow show up to run OoT?
Holy shit they got Gordon Ramsay on the couch
I just leave it on the background out of habit, I've never played 99% of these games so I have no context as to what a good speedrun for these games look like.
> Summer 2023 - Incident 4

> After the ESA Dinner, I was talking to a volunteer and gave them a compliment about their partner’s outfit. To which their response was unsolicited, explicit descriptions of their partner’s body and other private details. We were alone at a staff area at this time, so their partner was not there. I was not prepared for this information and neither asked nor consented to talking about this.

> I felt that this was extremely disrespectful to both me and the partner in question. It made me feel disgusted and I got myself out of the conversation as soon as possible.

> I reported this to the security team [...]
well done
Literally nothing conclusive happened. It looks like she has major complexes. How do you react to that? I would also give them the benefit of the doubt since they probably get bombarded all day with nothingburgers.
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tempestmask on the couch? good
>people thought GDQ was the ones who was doing money laundry
>turns out, it was ESA all along
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You can't say the inward here.
I remember there was a rumour going around about that autistic German runner getting into trouble for going around and sniffing the women but I thought it was a joke.
That's not ok. They should have called the cyber police.
What does vers mean
Saw a fur suit or two on the last ESA broadcast. furbing fucks always ruining nerdy shit
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to sniff is to be alive
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THE autistic German speedrunner?
>no pronouns

lol who was that
60k ain't bad, they probably do a month of work a year.
This. If ESA could be said to have tried or at least cared, then all this would have amounted to is a general virtue signalling like your average me-too shout. Instead, they look sloppy at best and enabling at worst, and that bothers more people than just her

early morning burgerclap hours at a venue where no one had a good sleep schedule before coming here
the incidents 1, 3 and 4 are literal nothingburgers. dudes just walking in a hallway makes you panic and rush to you room crying? what the fuck? you sat in a room for 30 or 40 minutes? you had to listen to someone describe their partners body? holy shit people just need to try to start shit over nothing
Oh my, how far the standards have fallen
"why does it smell like ass?"
Yes, that guy.
I'm not the only one old geezer here. Cool, that feels reassuring.
strangers describing their partners genitalia is psychotic, as is following a woman on a restricted floor
This game seems like it was made with a lot of care and yet I have zero desire to play it.
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not much choice, is there?
thats like $30k after taxes
How were the overnight games?
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>blatantly refused pronouns when they asked "what should we put for you to accommodate our agenda?"

GDQ is boomer hours. I don't think it's possible to get into its current iteration if you haven't seen one before. The only thing that keeps me here is nostalgia and an inability to let go.
I thought it was a lot of fun even if it is derivative. Just feels good to play
One of the guys who did the million hour ff14 run at esa last year
we're burned out because of the sheer number of indie retro pixel games available to play

i'm sure a lot of them are quite good but I simply do not have the time to play even a fraction of them anymore
4chan user base is aging. Zoomers spread slurs and cp on discord/Twitter now
The part part of that run was that anon donating to shuffle them around so Metako was on the German's machine and he was as far away as possible so he couldn't see Metako fucking up his skillbars.
They forgot the + after LGBTQ. That's not very inclusive.
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it's an indie cashgrab for old geezers who still haven't moved on from megaman
how else do you attract a gf for you and your troon wife to share?
I'd like to see this fucker try. I'm a fat ass, I'd just jump and land my fat ass on his spine and leave him as crippled as his brain is.
kek isn't that the redhat guy?
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umm actually its LGBTQIA+ now
qrd on "incidents"? I just opened the stream
Dare I say this is a good run?
I didn't watch GDQ until I found these threads but I do speedrun myself
t.zoomba zoomba
wtf does this even mean?
What's he gonna do, throw a wig at me?
fucking kek
I feel like "QIA" is included in the "+".
Kek zoomers don't watch this shit it's all millennial man babies who never grew up
see: >>681923947 pastebin
My condolences.
It's a lot of fun an pretty short. The movement in this run makes me want to play it again honestly.
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I enjoy watching it with you guys
>Winter 2022 - Incident 1
At this ESA I was followed to my room from the event floor by 3 men. These 3 men were not attendees of ESA and should not have been on the event floor in the first place.
When going to the elevators from the event floor, 3 men decided to walk with me and follow me into the elevator. We talked about gaming and speedrunning in the elevator, but then got off on the same floor. Which raised red flags for me because this floor needs a specific elevator and keycard to access. They should not have been able to get to this floor.
I started walking towards my room and they continued to follow me. I was apprehensive in the elevator, but this is when I became really scared. I was alone and tried to get to my room as fast as possible. They continued to follow me down the hallway. I could hear them. I felt incredibly unsafe at this time and feared what might happen if they caught up with me. I raced to open my door and locked myself inside my room. I could still hear them in the hallway outside. After this, I burst into tears against my door due to all of the stress and fear.
When I came to ESA with what happened, they told me to go to the hotel desk instead. So I went there, alone, and repeated what I had just told ESA. When I told the hotel what happened, I was told that they were aware this was an issue and that if it happened again, then they might be able to do something about it.
At the hotel reception desk there were other women who confirmed these men were already harassing them in the event space.
I felt like the hotel didn’t take this issue seriously until a large man came and threatened to take matters into their own hands. Only then did the hotel do anything about the issue, and I finally felt heard. After that, miraculously, it wasn't a problem anymore and the culprits weren't seen again at the hotel.
However, after all this I was told by ESA not to talk about it.
Skilled runner, not a lot of donations, just going fast. Yep, that's a run.
Says something about a lot of people around here that they don't think there's anything out of the ordinary or kind of fucked up in that.
Glad to hear, as an oldfag I want it to finally die so better events can grow
I'm just hear because I can't let go
Jesus, does this fuck have to shill the game during the run? Do that after
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothingburger
retard, most people would be able to deduce the meaning from the word itself
you will do the other role. aka a vers top will fuck and then take it afterwards
Winter 2022 - Incident 2

In one of the staff areas on the ESA event floor I was just sitting for a moment. That’s when out of the blue, my head was grabbed from behind and I felt the other volunteer's face coming closer to the back of my head either kissing or sniffing me.

This caught me completely off guard and I immediately started to panic. I stood up and left right away, saying “I have to go”. I felt that my personal boundaries had been completely violated.

I told the security team what happened straight away. They reassured me that the problem would be handled and asked me not to talk about it and to give them time to address the situation. I was also asked what my preferred outcome would be, and I told them: “I don’t know, I just want to be safe.”

Later at this event, I was once again asked not to talk about this incident by the security team and was told not to engage with the individual in question. To me, it seemed as though the security representative was being asked to repeat this to me and that they were clearly uncomfortable with this, as if they were being forced to do this.

I didn’t receive any follow up on this until I saw the same volunteer attend the next event.
no one here is actually watching the runs lol
/v/ told me Gravity Circuit was good but this is literally just a worse Inti Creates game.
Chad runner
>calling me a retard over a word almost no one uses
okay champ, go you
my pronoun is The Iliad in hexadecimal
can't imagine why nobody really cares about generic metroidvania game #45217750
31. Basically only visit /v/ for these speedrun events and game award shows these days
why would you lie? >>681924715
Winter 2023 - Incident 3
During this event, I was taken away by a volunteer from my day-to-day activities and asked to interview someone. They took me to a room with another person and then left us alone for about 20 minutes, taking the camera with them leaving us unable to conduct the interview. Neither of us had a clue of what was happening, so we just waited.
After that 20 minutes had passed, I was pulled out of the room by said volunteer. They then told me they needed a little more time and that the other person in the room I was waiting with was an alleged groper under investigation. They then sent me back into the room to wait with the alleged groper. By myself.
I was completely blindsided by this information. Knowing the person I was left alone in the room with was under investigation without any further information, without me having any idea about what was happening or the timeframe of the volunteers' return. I felt really scared and that it was inappropriate for them to be left alone in there with me. I was basically left to fend for myself, constantly being on high alert and prepared to act in self-defense in case something happened.
After another 10-15 minutes, the volunteer finally came back informing me the interview was canceled.
I reported the volunteer to security because I felt like they put me in a dangerous situation. In response I was told, as before, they would handle it and that I needed to stay quiet about this. However, later I found out that there was no security report made as it wasn’t perceived to be a safety & security issue by some of the ESA owners. I was given no later follow-up about this from the security team.
Later this event I was told by both parties involved in the alleged groping incident that nothing had happened, so my distress during the interview situation was avoidable.
After this, I was told that some of the owners planned to promote the volunteer who put me in this precarious situation.
>get asked what the outcome should be
>say "I don't know"
>get unhappy with outcome
women have toddler brains
because we love speedrunning and the awesome speedrunning community and kicking cancers butt
Same here
It's actually generic megaman, you uncultured swine
It was GOTY 2023 to be quite honest family
That donation was genius. Honestly the best moments of those 24h runs were people fucking with the German.
Was it English_Ben?
Summer 2023 - Incident 4

After the ESA Dinner, I was talking to a volunteer and gave them a compliment about their partner’s outfit. To which their response was unsolicited, explicit descriptions of their partner’s body and other private details. We were alone at a staff area at this time, so their partner was not there. I was not prepared for this information and neither asked nor consented to talking about this.

I felt that this was extremely disrespectful to both me and the partner in question. It made me feel disgusted and I got myself out of the conversation as soon as possible.

I reported this to the security team after this happened and was told, as per usual at this point, that they would handle it and not to talk to anyone about it. Without any further follow-up about this to me.

I later found out that this had been a recurring problem and overheard that “some people just shouldn’t drink”, shrugging off the entire problem as insignificant. Once again I felt like I wasn't being taken seriously.
The run becomes more enjoyable if you imagine the one guy's wiggling foot is speaking.
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32, watching during work because I got nothing better to do than shitpost in defiance of the no-fun shit GDQ has become
Almost 30
why is everyone trying to sing this sgdq? every one that tries sounds like marbles in a blender
This game being run right now?
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it was one of my favorite esa runs for sure. i loved it when metako just started erping with some player in the game.
just woke up
wasn't this run supposed to start a while ago
is this schedule fucked
wait, those guys are wearing hats. aren't hats banned?
English Ben has posted his dick here way too often to not be a massive bender
I wish we'd dispense with these letters and just call them "queer".
When is the schedule ever not fucked?
the schedule is about two hours behind from what it was supposed to be
Sorry, the BIGGEST TOURNAMENT OF ALL TIME took a bit longer than expected
Nah we know Ben only gets off by going back to his hotel room and posting his dick in these threads.
Schedule's just an estimate, mate
why he do it :)
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22 and no wonder the specifics of the ESA drama is constantly getting mixed up like a game of telephone. Its because you're all fucking ancient and suffering from dementia that ESA failed to prevent.
I mean, it's still creepy and uncomfortable. But ESA dying wasn't because of these events, it was just the spark that ignited the fire. If ESA just admitted fault and promised changes so this wouldn't occur again, then they could have easily survived this. But instead, Edenal decided the best course of action was not putting out the fire, but instead throwing gasoline on it
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so 3 guys just went in the same direction and that caused her to have a panic attack
if really happened then ok this one is fucked
what happened here? Whats the problem? I mean actually
someone was shit at planning, thats it, thats the "incident"
so people were being autistic talking about private stuff in public, thats it?
This is what killed ESA? Really?
>always wanted to try my own marathon
>never go through with it because it's too unrealistic

I just want to host a fun vidya marathon with only speedruns and skilled players (no lets plays), no forced trans rights, no charity, etc.
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What has been the most autistic run/runner so far. I require cringe kino.
I'm kind of over retro throwbacks but I really liked Gravity Circuit because the movement and melee mechanics are actually fun unlike stuff such as Cyber Shadow, and also I want to fuck the nurse robot
never seen it, is it big?
You're trying way too hard, kiddo.
Please leave this place. Look around you, is this what you want to be?
That wasn't just some player, that was the WR holder of the category they were running, who the German dude was obsessed with, and instead of going to him, she beelined to Metako and latched onto him.
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Same, same
three guys walking on a restricted floor (no security)
telling someone that the person you are interviewing is a groper and then leaving them alone (no security)
sharing details in public and making the whole thing unbearably cringe

kill yourself autistic nigger
Feels like I'm reading a novel.
Nah it's small and looks like it smells of stilton.
>Interacting with autistic weirdos
>They act like autistic weirdos
>Help me authority I'm being oppressed
I hated the run during the first few hours, since the German just ruined a potential fun and comfy $20%. But then it slowly became ludokino. Watching the German melt down in real time while Metako and co were just fucking around was an unique experience.
excuse me youre literally invalidating every qia person
literally nothing happened
what does she want, a big dude standing next to her to make her feel safer? i dont get it
Isn't a qia a car?
You're a decade too late. I've been around for these threads since I was still a kid and im going to continue to do so. If it makes you feel better, I don't bother with /v/ for much else.
Well guess what, you can't ALL have your own special flag.
Hi Edenal.
they can be whatever they want
being a young adult during covid times must have been tough. Can't imagine being this jaded at 22.
I also like chat gpt.
ask again during american hours, i guarantee you'll have more zoomer drama queens like >>681925159
thats not very inclusive of you
What could possibly be more inclusive than "everything under the rainbow"?
I just watch the mario runs
>“sometimes you just need to throw 4chan a bone.”
Uhh... yeah
Don't be like that friend. I'm happier and more productive than i've been in years
>zoomer drama queens
I'm the post in the thread that said to stop constantly asking for QRDs on the drama and look through the damn archive so as to not flood the thread with amply discussed drama >>681923251
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