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Ok why so few people play this?
price + botched launch + came out literally the same day as Tekken 8
Fighting game that isn't the big 3
Its fucking 10 in the morning, 9:30 when you posted that. UNI's peak is like 280-300 in the evening consistently if these stupid chart sites are to be believed. Its a small anime game, that's just the nature of the genre.
you dont need more than 100 people for a fighting game
>anime fighting game with female characters as covered as burka kombat
yee you tell me
>coomerfag wants strippers in his fighting games
Go back to your extreme beach volleyball you fucking loser
>discount Melty Blood which already wasn't very popular in the first place but with uninteresting characters
Gee I don't know.
Both meltys have even less players
Doesn't have a big marketing budget like SF, MK and Tekken so casuals don't even know it exists
Isn't cheap or heavily discounted so people who play other fighting games won't pick it up on a whim
Was completely nonfunctional online for the first week so many people who did pick it up on release refunded it and are now waiting for big discounts
A combination of the name filtering out regular people and anime fighters in general filtering out the typical fighting players that stick mainly to SF and Tekken. DBFZ and GGST are the exceptions and not the rule. You can see GBVS Rising also had a large drop off.
NTA but I wouldn't mind a UNI Ball mode. Also volleyball in the DOAX games is unironically fun.
No one ever used steam to play the original and Type Lumina is a soulless demake. If Arc ain't wearing a granny skirt it ain't it.
Not everyone is a third worlder.
Fight me in AACC
this game was always more niche
i am happy that this is one of the few new fighters that didnt introduce training wheels
it should be more popular with ppl complaining about scrub mechanics yeah?
>it should be more popular with ppl complaining about scrub mechanics yeah?
GBVR is there to mostly soak up the absolute beginners and also look more enticing because it's free.
The artstyle and "intended minimalism" in the character designs are also in this grey zone between being "too anime" and "too bland". People will actually make excuses like this but there's no accounting for taste and the general audience's ironic enjoyment of anime.
Plus there's no good porn and that keeps most secondaries out.
No legacy or licensed IP attached to it and sprites don't entice people. The fact it has a dedicated playerbase and has shown up as a main EVO game a few times is a testament to how solid the series actually is. I genuinely think UNI has some of the best gameplay mechanics of any modern fighting game.
>no porn
say less im an artist for fun, maybe i should get to work
but first a nap because i am tired from my dayjob but when i wake up someone should get a lobby going so i can get inspired
And no crossplay
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The series is lacking group art so I'd personally want more of those instead of just more fucking porn.
And commissioning group art is expensive and we can't trust artists to actually play games, much less read the story mode.
Keeping secondaries out is a good thing, anon.
I stopped playing it because it was too hard to get a match and it has those dogshit lobbies every French Bread game has that can only host one match at a time. It's bad enough to have a small playerbase, making it more of a chore to get matches on top of that by not even letting a lobby host more than one game at a time is the worst. I do appreciate that it let you go straight from ranked to a lobby if the other person wanted to so when I did find someone in ranked I could usually get a set out of it, but still, I often found myself having closed the game thinking it was more trouble than it was worth to the point that I eventually decided not to bother at all.
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>it should be more popular with ppl complaining about scrub mechanics yeah?
These people complain, but either still play the game they complain about or just don't play anything at all and I'm convinced of this. Every time I hear someone complain about recent trends in the genre I think "So why don't you play UNI?" It has nice sprites, it has rollback, it doesn't try to re-invent itself with every iteration. Its a solid game. I thought most people who play fighting games were like me and dipped their toe in every pool, but apparently not. Hell, KoF XV should be so much more popular. It even has crossplay now, and yet here we are drowned out by faggots complaining about Strive. slime, and heat.
I personally think that the game has a neat balance between attacking and defending, which is a thing most devs have been moving away from lately especially because noobs do not like blocking.
In most modern games, blocking means you're handicapping yourself, in SF6 for example you're at risk of getting burnt out, while in tekken chipped away by fast lows. UNI gives you shield and GRD to fight back eventually, and if you know your frames and your opponent's rebeat moments, a chance to abare and turn the tide.
TLDR new players hate blocking and UNI is a blocking fest
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KoF's numbers have been incredibly telling.
CotW will either expose SNKfags for a decade or actually give their arguments some teeth.
what do you mean by that?
i would be down to draw both!
but my mains are getting priority just so you know bro
The last thing UNI, or any fighting game needs, are threads were people dump art and never play the game. UNI doesn't need the classic baiken/angel/bullet poster threads.
>but my mains are getting priority just so you know bro
Almost scared to ask
Unironically a shitty PC port.
Even ignoring the botched launch, it's still having issues today with the most random of bugs causing insane netcode fuckery.
i will tell you anyway!
i like akatsuki!
dont worry i am not confident enough to dump art, i will just quietly upload somewhere
if i see a thread for uni you bet your ass i am going to call for a lobby!
thats what this game needs, yeah?
>Cursed with Arcsys netcode for most of its life
>Get an even worse PC port from Cyclone Zero
At least they fixed it within a week instead of a month like MBTL.
Not like that mattered to keep the newcomers and anyone who was going to play it regardless but I always figured they'd leave after the honeymoon period anyway.
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because strive is the king of anime and the new big third dethroning mk
Kek, and it's not even a UNI character
Exactly the same game as the first one but at full price, released a day before Tekken 8, no crossplay, bad PC port
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>bad launch
>mechanic bloat
>20s combos
UNI2 has some good ideas but it's really shackled down by being an anime fighter and appealing to the trainingboars
>dethroning MK
There wasn't a throne to begin with.
NRS was never part of the big three.
We make lobbies on the weekends.
you can't deny the game used to sell a lot among normies so always had a spot at events
As someone who was excited for and bought Type Lumina on release and enjoyed it the first few weeks I bought it, I really regret getting it. It just didn't pan out like I was expecting it to. There was another fighting game that came out around the time TL did, and that also had a hand in me getting TL, because it was supposed to be a fuck you to the other game, but the funny thing is? I don't even remember what the other fighting game was.
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KotH lobbies can hurt a game a lot. Anons "fix" this limitation by hosting two lobbies at the same time, although this won't stop you from having too much downtime between sets if you are a shitter.
>don't be a shitter then
That would require you to play the game more and KotH lobbies work against that
>mechanic bloat
Motherfucker WHAT
>20s combos
Cut that down to half and maybe you have a point.
Sold a lot sure but it NEVER had respect in the wider fighting game scene. Not only was MKX like the only one people actually "liked" but you had Sonicfox around too.
NRS never had any respect. You could always argue that Arcsys had the third spot between Capcom and Bamco.
Was it DNF?
It sold for the funny gore and finishers. No one actually cared about it competitively.
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>>mechanic bloat
>>20s combos
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>Motherfucker WHAT
Just because you've got experience with the game doesn't mean UNI doesn't have a bunch of intimidating mechanics to discourage new players, bro
The vorpal system alone is basically a fighting game in the fighting game. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but it is objectively difficult to wrap your head around, especially for beginners to the genre
whats wrong with that?
i like his moveset and his theme
its the weekend right now!
is one coming this evening?
Well I can open up a lobby
Calling the DEFINING mechanic that differentiates from other fighting games as bloat just feels incredulous.
Like calling the entire Roman Cancel in GG bloat
Just call it difficult, not bloat, bloat implies something else.
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>it's not bloat, the game is just big-boned
You're a retard but that was funny.
What's DNF? Dungeon Fighter? No, I don't believe that was it, no.
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Some of us are good enough to play real fighting games and don't need to relegate ourselves to obscure titles with tiny playerbases
I'm coming back from lunch, you open up a lobby in like 10-15 minutes and I'll play a bit.
That's the only one I remember coming out at the time MBTL did.
I don't want to coexist with discord trannies if I can avoid it. So I avoid it.
yeah you associate with them irl like a real man
no I avoid them there too.
>is one coming this evening?
Yes. Weekend lobby threads start around 12:30am EST.
based and true
I've played this game for 4000 hours and never once touched discord.
UNI is a 4chan fighter
Ready when you are
But most 3rd worlders play fighting games.
When's the announcement anyway
Evo you dork
7PM PDT during Arcsys' Anime Expo stream.
Last night's thread said there was an announcement today you dingleberry

My mistake then
Looks like he was a square
kw: vee
Wouldn't have minded a regular drawfag too
Nobody actually likes fighting games
this but uni(2)ronically
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You know what? Drawfag, if you're around to read this, I'd like to request Uzuki doing pic-related saying
>after 10 years i'm playable!
the big 3 are all really easy
if you route into IWEX do you kill there?
What the FUCK
Is there a slot open?
Probably. I think a full combo into IW would have worked as well, I cut mine short
Yes, but I may need to close soon
I'll continue hosting a bit if you join up.
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How fucked am I if I buy this in EU?
Alrighty then, joining in 5 minutes or so. Kick me out if I happen to be too laggy, I'll understand.
Kind-of to pretty fucked
I pretty much stopped playing it but I was having a hard time getting matches in Europe even months ago when it was presumably more active than it is now.
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Too hard
Too anime
People don't know the characters
Fucked the more to the left you are (portugal and spain). I imagine eastern europe gets good connections with japs and koreans, a shame that japs don't play on PC.
>People don't know the characters
People didn't know the Strive DLC characters either
Closing after this match. Make a new room peas and carrots
Uh, the room seems to have bugged out anyway lel
ggs bud
Anyways, GGs
tsurugi's force function is so goofy
Wow they're playing 4D chess
Wanted to squeeze one more match in, GGs for real now
I noticed its on sale rn and I should realistically get it now, but evo is in two weeks. do you think it'll get a better sale there or should I just say fuck it and get it now while its cheap?
i think $25 is about the right price and probably the lowest realistic one
>a better sale
My gut says no.
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I love it.
Finally a fucking SHIELD character
he's just standing there
50% is surprising 6 months in, don't think we're gonna get something better so early
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Wonder if Mika's 22X is useful against Yuzu in some aspect. Probably not.
She has no projectile so you're definitely just approaching her slowly.
figures. half off is good enough. I'll just get it later today
ggs i'm gonna go water my dog
Understood. Simple dashblocking it is then. Not that I mind the uphill battle, I'm sure there are Mika players who know how to deal with Yuzu's keepaway style.
Staying in the air became a much riskier option overall against Yuzu because she got a new no-fly zone one-button flashkick equivalent which hits both sides that also happens to be an absurdly good starter.
yuzu's stance autocorrect and 2FF being directionless as an input is very annoying
who the fuck would want to play this game when those some 100 people playing the game are psycho autists that have spent 10 years on the game and will perfect you two rounds in a row with 100+ hit combos.
I like playing against better players.
You just have to be retarded and/or autistic yourself.
most people see this thing and just assume it's dead on arrival like every other meme anime tranny fighter. The tranime fighting community really needs to back one horse like soive and quit fragmenting the genre with these flops.
Are you fucking serious? There's like a million mechanics in this game, and the tutorial is long as fucking sin.
hehe he says ice cream
People scream about devs not meeting players halfway and teach them their game but now tutorials are too long.
If brainlets can understand Strive, they can understand UNI.
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I dropped Strive on the 2nd beta.
I made the executive decision that it was not worth my money. I have no regrets.
where is the story mode
why is the art worse
why did the general graphics drop the useless writing everywhere
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Fighting games need to think of more fun ways to teach the game. I heard that pony fighting game does a pretty good job. SFVI's character tutorials do an okay job cause they at least give you some concepts like stand at around this range and use these two things. World Tour mode also does a few interesting things in this regard. But long ass text explanations, an example then a do it yourself part is not it.

Yeah okay.
The combos are far too long.
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>where is the story mode
Because 98% of people won't read it
>why is the art worse
Artstyle evolution rarely turn out good
>useless writing
Actually in the game files but not used for whatever reason.
That's it for me lads, GGs
Tsurugi really is just Shirou but with a sheild.
>Yeah okay.
If the general audience can explain to you which color roman cancel can be used at a given time, they can understand shield, green shield, and CS
>Yeah okay.
They probably could, mostly just because UNI isn't a terribly difficult game to pick up either. Harder than Strive, but still easy compared to most anime fighters. Despite being fairly easy, it still doesn't feel like a game specifically designed for newcomers like Strive though.
Been playing this game for a few days now after a long hiatus from [cl-r], barely remembering anything, and it's the only anime fighting game I've enjoyed desu... I'm only looking to play Vatista though and it's spiritual torture, any good guides/players ?
I don't think Vat got any new routes.
Forgot to add: at least from what I've seen.
Some crazy person can probably combo the entirety of her new EX disco ball, I just haven't seen it yet.
I think you guys underestimate how hard UNI is to pick up frankly
its a discord fighter anyways so just check out the eu discords instead of asking here
I don't think it's easy to pick up, but it's hard to pick up because it has a small playerbase of mostly good players. That matters far more than the mechanics of any game, +R is a tough game, but it was very easy to get into when it first got rollback because it got a good influx of new players, Persona 4 Arena is a simplified anime fighter, though still tough enough in my opinion, but it's still really hard to get into now because if you go online you're just going to get your ass handed to you by pink Yukari players that won't let you anywhere near them. UNI is tough to pick up, but it's not the most daunting game mechanically, not even close, it just has a small playerbase which makes any game hard to pick up.
Frankly if people can play SF, memorize 6 buttons, know which specials are attached to each button, know what properties exist between said versions of specials, and know Drive mechanics, UNI isn't THAT different to learn because every special move only has 3 versions, with one of them being an EX move like 90% of the time.
I think shielding and rebeats also make it very hard for people to make the jump from more popular fighters like SF or GG
Maybe if you've played Melty it's not so bad but otherwise it's rough
Bad shielding being incredibly punishing I can understand, but that guy never specified what exactly he found difficult.
Reverse beats sure, but I think a solid 10-15 minutes in training mode working that into your system really goes a long way for muscle memory.
>A million mechanics
I'm gonna see if I can remember all the UNI2 mechanics
>GRD cycle
>Celestial Vorpal
>Veil Off
>Cross Veil Off
>GRD thrust
>Blue shield
>Chain Shift
>Green shield
>GRD Break
>Creeping Edge
>Steer Ender
>Infinity Worth
>Infinity Worth EX
These are a lot of words for specific contexts of the same mechanics. If you boil it down to only just the mechanics and not different contexts these mechanics are in, it'll be
>Chain Shift
>Veil Off
>Steer Ender
>Creeping Edge
>Infinity Worth
which is cut in half, and this is being very generous since these also include very situational mechanics reliant on characters chosen. Compared to Strive, which has:
>Wall break
>Instant blocking
>Faultless Defense
>Roman Cancels
>Deflect Shield
>Psych Bursts
>Wild Assault
which is also being very generous (since if I listed every situation like with UNI it'd be three times larger).
It's not that Under Night has a lot of mechanics, it's that the player has more control over the mechanics than (for instance) Strive, both offensively and defensively.
Rebeats aren't that hard to get your head around. I'd consider SF having 6 buttons for normals a more difficult thing to get used to than that and SF has no problems with popularity. Shielding is a bit harder to get your head around, but it also goes back to the thing of the game only really being hard to pick up because of the playerbase. At lower and even middling levels of play you can get away with not shielding, but what would make the game hard to get into for a new player is that good players will know new players won't know how to make use of shield right and will prey on it. If they were fighting someone of their own skill level then neither player would know how best to make use of shield or have pressure oppressive enough to force one another into feeling the need to shield.
What the FUCK are you talking about? There's LITERALLY a busty nun in the fucking roster
Oh yeah? Post porn of her then

Shut the fuck up, American
Always funny how steam chart numbers always bring in people who aren't interested about discussing the game.
The absolute thing that pisses me off is that Strive and SFV are literally exactly the same damn fucking game at their very core and design philosophies and one is apparently okay despite the fact it requires a fucking 3/5 tournament format for the ENTIRETY of its official tournament runs outside of top 8.
chinga tu madre
el taqueria senor
My Strive hot take is that doing bo3 for all matches is actually based because it's much easier to download a gimmick in two games than one
No. I don't feel like making cropped porn. But there's hot ladies on that roster.
Strive should just have matches be three rounds to win instead of two. I say that partially because the game is so volatile and rounds are more likely to go by fast compared to the previous games where two rounds made more sense, but it would also let any track in the game other than Ups and Downs actually be able to play out in a match.
I don't know, man. That universal mechanic that skips neutral and is plus on block isn't going to be exactly solved when you fight Goldlewis again and hope you don't get one shotted. But regardless, what I don't understand is what exactly the difference between crush counters killing you and Strive practically having ToDs at round start if you block even once.

Its so fucking stupid.
i told you i was taking a nap!
if the lobby is still up lets rock!
im not a pro
this would be funny
good idea anon!
Okay I didn't say the game itself was good champ I just said I liked bracket matches having more games so your tournament run doesn't die in the cradle
Do you guys actually think City of the Wolves will take off in America despite it being defense oriented? Do you actually think people are ready for just guarding to come back?
Kof games are usually pretty boring but this one is 1v1 so it should be more popular by default.
game didnt find the room so i will remake it with the same password
please dont tell me everyone's hands are already cramped up?
Damn it, we just had a proper room close like 30 minutes ago.
I'll play 3-5 games then, that fine?
I wouldn't call Garou defense oriented when Jenet, Gato and Kevin are in the game
I don't think it'll take off, but it's nothing about how it is mechanically, I just think a lot of SNKfags are all talk and I also think a lot of people already have games they're playing and will be more likely to stick with than moving over to CotW. I'm sure the game will be fine, and it may do better than KOF tends to do, but I don't expect a big hit.
>defense oriented?
as someone who started with uni, I do think that it is easy to pick up.
rebeat makes pressure and conversions easy to get started with, most hits can be converted into a single simple route and GRD/Vorpal can be learned down the line.
the only rough aspect was delays in combos
awwwwwww i napped too long, ok ill be here :D
Its active defense, mate. Think 3S or Xrd.
>Do you guys actually think City of the Wolves will take off in America despite it being defense oriented?

I think it won't take off at all if SNK doesn't get the netcode right out the gate, nobody is spending 70 USD for training mode
damn the king of the lobby found me and he is killing me, SAVE ME GUYS
every move he makes is a hissatsu!!
/v/ keeps saying it's going to flop so that means it's going to blow up and outsell KoF XV 3 to 1.
It would be nice for SNK to get one fucking win after all this damn time.
The art got really fucking bad for some reason
Oh speaking of which.
>Oh hey Leon's released another video. I wonder what his stupid shitty opinion is going to be this ti-
>He continues to hate setplay in Guilty Gear. A series known for setplay.
Fucking idiot.
I'll join for abit.
the dawn of a new era? will the lobby king be de crowned?
how do I get good at this game without having practice with discord trannies
I'll bow out now since I played with anons a while back. GGs
You practice it with gay anons
Play sets with the random people you find online.
anime fighting games are truly awful
it doesn't get more niche than that garbage

this is why Arc Sys made the correct change and moved GG away from that 75 hit air combo bullshit for a more normie-friendly Strive, no one except a tiny tiny group of weirdos wants to play that shit
thanks for joining man
practice by yaself
btw guys who is the fastest char in the game?
Fight 4chan
No. It's like all SNK games. They will always have 15 seconds of fame vs the others 15 minutes of fame.
Last time I checked Mika had the fastest dash.
Mika has the fastest run in the game and then Seth is after her.
i meant in general movesets as opposed to dash speed?
It's simple
I can coom to yuzu
I cannot play yuzu
Startup frames you mean? Probably Yuzu I have no idea.
Akat, Mika, and Linne have the mashiest close-range buttons with decent recovery. Seth probably comes up close to them.
The new-baikenfag era
Meant for >>681971509
Linne is pretty fast. Her ability is called "Speed Star" even.
i guess i was asking who has the closest playstyle to chipp zanuff (ggx2)
Definitely Seth
he even has maximum spider
did you buy it?
Imagine if Seth jC hit multiple times like Chipp's jHS
>b-b-b-but the console numbers!
you are clown, every single person who was playing old melty on pc was going to play new metly on pc. sadly, type lumina is kind of a shit game and no one cares, despite all the free dlc. You can see this reflected in tournament entries too and those are all played on console by the way.
play ranked, watch your replays to see what you did wrong, check the wiki for extra info, and fight people in the weekly 4chan lobbies.
It's a niche anime fighting game
You're looking for Seth. Maybe Linne.
Seth but I would recommend Linne if you wanted an easier time with execution
>will it take off?
No, but I'll check it out anyway.
they need to stop dropping the ball with the online, their last 3 games have had major online issues. If they could at least get that right they won't hamstring themselves out the gate and actually have shot to compete with the big boys again.
Seth's the "ninja" but I'll also say Linnay.
Mika's closest Strive comparison is Gio.
i did not like strive
felt very braindead to me
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Does anybody have a how 2 beat Yuzu 101 guide for brainlets (me)
Who's your character?
prob cuz i was playing may but idk
Can't help you much there chief, just run 50/50s after a knockdown and don't let her play.
tsurugi looks like a ben10 character
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>dash block
>if she teleports, 90% of the time it'll be behind you which you can punish if you get a read on it
>don't push buttons after a slash, she can cancel it into more slashes
>don't jump at her
>if you get in, bait the counter
>play patient and wait for the yuzu player to commit to something unsafe or make a mistake
No one likes anime fighters.
Do people actually react to Yuzu teleports
That shit mixes me trying to block it let alone punishing it
Some humans have god-like yomi
Hilda's buttons are big, slow, but disjointed.
But Yuzu has a much more versatile teleport that can work around Hilda's buttons, plus Yuzu feels like she does more damage in general.
But if she gives you space, nothing says you can't set up orb for an approach.
More than MK apparently kek
I'm getting old bro I cant react fast enough to overheads sometimes
I'm not pretending to be a fan of the game
you have to deal with the fact that unfortunately you are the aggressor in this matchup and have to come to her. Dashblocking is key. You also generally want to stay more grounded, if you land an air fireball it won't lead to much but even if she trades one of her slashes she'll probably pick up a full combo so it's risky to approach from the air. You can use 3B if she ends up above you and you want to try to find good moves for sniping her when she teleports, maybe 3C. 22C tracks so it's pretty good for this.
it's definitely reactable if it's the only thing you're looking for and if she's spaced for it
offline seems much easier though
what about for gordeau
they seem to come out of nowhere sometimes dont beat urself up over it
t. not old
I definitely need to try 3C more, it's just such an awkward normal to use because whiffing it is death
you can react to teleport but because of how the move works you won't actually know if she's going to teleport to you or not, you just have to guess. you can put yourself in a position to check her teleports if she gets predictable with them and punish accordingly.
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thx for the games bros. I'd play more but I wanna take a break for a bit
hey pyro, u wanna try joining tns this week?
Unless you live in the US it's a discord game, also the price is nuts for a sequel of a niche game, it doesnt even have regional pricing to the point it's almost as expensive as t8 on release
Gord's 236X aren't as fast or as far reaching as Yuzu.
But he CAN swat her out of the air.
GGs and maybe hahaha
Nta but whats the point of making an overly convoluted fightan? Fighting game mechanics have to be intuitive, fun and effective. Busting up your fingers in order to play your fighting game is a sign of poor design. Most anime games tend to do that in order to separate themselves from the "big 3"
Sometimes complexity lends itself to more interesting matches, both for the viewer and the player
I agree that sometimes game designers miss the forest for the trees though. Xrd is a perfect example of this
Yuzu teleports are pretty easy to follow. I've literally only had trouble once ever even before Uni2 where I genuinely got mixed up by her teleport. Same with Seth to a lesser extent, since his corner teleport shenanigans could be annoying.
Knowing mechanics and busting your fingers are two completely different things.
Yeah and look how that turned out recently
>GBVSR is boring as shit
>DNF is boring as shit
>MBTL is boring as shit
The thing that gets me is that it's not just front+back or high+low but that she can pick from three more positions
Really fucks me up
was nice playing with you all i agree
what is tns? a tournament?
last time I checked both Tekken and SF6 were considered complex because of the sheer quantity of moves to get knowledge checked by and link based combos respectively.
Overly simple games life vanilla grand boobs and DNF historically have failed and sucked ass
>combos too hard
Uni really don't have that hard combos compared to other anime games, I wouldn't even say the combos are as hard as the hardest shit you would have to learn in SF4. The mechanics are also very intuitive and reward the better player but if you want to keep getting two touched by a bison player that spent 10 minutes learning the combo, you do you.
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ye. it's an online one that anyone can join for free https://www.start.gg/tournament/tns-under-night-in-birth-ii-sys-celes-tournament-15/details
the worst part is that u need a start.gg acc that's connected to a discord and u need to use their server to register, but u can always just make a new dummy account for it
all I'm saying is that we got nothing to lose lol
also I need to practice since EVO is already in 2 weeks
>Spongeboy, I swear to god I CS'd on wakeup
correct, this series has serious movelist bloat and having to memorize hundreds of moves just to be sure your getting the optimal punish is more than any new player could reasonably do, it's why most tekken players don't become pro's until their second or third tekken game.
hahahaha you can't be serious? what the fuck are you getting knowledge checked by? Ken's no mixup kick rekka? get the fuck out of here. and the frame bar shows people what combos into what very easily, not like you need it when most combos are just mp>drive rush>mp>mp>special>super
>spongeboy me bob I was GRD broken and now I'm jailed and can't get akatsuki off my ass argargargarg
>esl title
>tranime art style
thats a deal breaker for 90% of players whod be interested right there.
uni's title is kino, faggot
Someone in this thread actually listed NOT ENOUGH ESL WRITING to be a downgrade from before.
187 people aren't third worlders?
>esl title
what do you mean you don't like Under Nigh: In-Birth EXE: Late[st] Clr?
>esl title
unironically true
i personally like those cluster fuck titles
>wants strippers in his fighting games
Correct. Every fighting game has to have a full set of beach skins for each playable character.
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GGz and thanks for hosting Akatanon. For someone who's just getting your bearings you were landing some nice hits. Hope you manage to land on a character that you like to play as. What other fighting game experiences are you familiar with? Perhaps it'll make it easier to recommend somebody.

How long does a 20 or so man tourney last? Was considering but plans might have me wait until another day.
nice playing with you all
i have a group on steam full of euros who usually play this but they have been dead for the longest
should she be coming out of a hole?
Any others trying to play?
They should've released a full custom color thing. I don't want to have chunks of it colored in already I want to customize every individual detail.
Gimme about 10 minutes
back in the st days there was an old ass palette mod where you could edit sprites a la CvS2 palette editor. Wonder if it still works with 2
why not you understanding the english
i actually played akatsuki unist and uniclr
i also play many of the titles on fightcade, tekken 7, guilty gear xrd and xx, and many more
i love fighting games, i am only rusty because i have not been playing fighting games for about 2 years
i was remembering shit as i went along, but im not gonna lie i had the thought occur to me whenever i got rekt off a dumb error: "man i need to get my ass in the training room"
cross tag battle is the best fighting game
The next Uni guest character should be Eko from AH
for the tourney length, maybe 4-5 hours if you stick around all the way through
assuming you win it or make it to top 8 somehow
>Eko from AH
ah is arcana heart right?
i never messed with that game like that but that seems deeper into the fighting game rabbit hole i doubt any game is getting guests from there
>He pays $60-70 dollaryroos for
>A Discord fighter
>When it'll be $30 or less in six months to a year
Do FGCfagotrons really?
is that so? In that case you should hop in the regular weekend lobbies if you're looking to derust and the time is not bad for you. There's a decent amount of regular players there.

Hmm while I'm not too confident I'd manage top 8 that might be abit on the longer side and throw things off for plans. Perhaps another time.
no it should be Ryougi Shiki from Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
It's not dying. It's dead. Outside of South America, KoF has not been a thing since 2002 (and even THAT was SA strongholded).

It's dead and buried. CotW will be popular for a week and then fall off fast. Just like every other KoF.
i intend to bro!
i hope i join a full lobby one day, those are the best!
Alright, is there a lobby up already or do we need a new one?
Could other people see it or is it just on your side?
other people would see a completely black character, which made it impossible to see on some stages.
iirc, it only worked on a hacked ps3 so it wouldnt' work on sys celes.
need a new one
Don't even know what this is.
Fill me in, /v/, should I be outraged at something?
Hmm, up to you I guess?
Just having that frame where Rita is popping out of some weird cosmic jar works too.
Then why does nobody play it.
Coming right up
kw: vee
>cosmic jar
i thought that was just some random hole
t. my first power rangers was the best one- ninja storm
Wouldn’t want Kof to become normie and ruined with slime like Guilty Gear with Strive.
Here watch the intro to get a fuller shot of that particular scene
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you should play this game and be happy
thanks for that anon, i also found a reference image on an etsy shop that seems to have closed
post lobby
No normie is going to see that game's name and give it a shot. It's a niche game for a niche sub-genre and it will never have a big active playerbase.
And the game sucks.
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To be accurate, Uzuki should say
>After a decade and two years I'm free!
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I searched for it but couldn't find a lobby.
Maybe it's full and if it is, have fun bros.
Just wanted to sneak in a few matches before I had to go do something.
he probably dipped if you took too long
Unlikely. Thread is not nearly active enough for a full lobby.
You're putting vee as your keyword right? It's just me in the room
I tried it as soon as the post was up and a few minutes after which is what made me believe it was full and went to go prepare some stuff to head out.
Guess it was just not showing up for some reason. Maybe next time since I only got like ten minutes.
Honestly respect these people more than xturdies but it's not a high milestone.
xturdies said strive would be dead when it got rollback yet here it is top 3 at evo
>as soon as
I actually didn't make it until a few minutes after the post. I was hoping you'd be a little slow. Another time then, closed.
I think you're missing some other fighting game thread to do this in.
nta but 3135
no here is fine and it'll be fine the next time and the next no matter how mad it makes you

is the thread going to bed?
This +
>Anime designs, which are far more niche than "your country as a stereotype throwing hands"
>Not just that but a fairly ugly anime style; so much so the pic in op is drawn in a different design, void of the giant even by anime standards eyes the game actually uses
>Also a fighter, which is a niche genre
>And a famously scummy genre, so only die-hard fans or retards will rush out for a game that's gonna get chars locked behind DLC, added in an expansion (full game price this is all it adds btw) or both
>And a genre most of the world can only really play online
>But the online is bad
>And price tag is too high for poor countries that have fighting game locals to play, making it basically on relevant for japan (who have active arcades) and America (who just play SF and Tekken)
And on top of all this
>Most people simply gravitate towards things most other people gravitate to simply because humans are wired to go into groups and like the same thing, making the popular series popular simply because they are popular, like many celebs, even if quality falls
Anime fighters have been doomed for years, they live entirely off retards buying them full price day 1 then dropping them 2 days later.
Arcanna Heart had to crowdfund its last game + DLC, most other series are dead and the only particularly succesful one (GG) is basically just a party game
Also forgot
>The characters in this are all just copy pastes of GG or BB characters
>console numbers
Nowhere in his post did he mention consoles. People use caster, not steam. That said, both meltys do have less players.
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personally, I'm a man who prefers the idea instead of the real thing. UNI has cute and pretty characters, whereas MK doesn't now. Yep, leaving it to the imagination is where it's at.
You're so fucking retarded. KOF is international. Its popular everywhere but America. It has Chinese, Japanese, South American and South Korea tournaments. Its alive and thriving in other countries. Stop thinking you're the main character, American.
yeah i don't get why fgc seems to have a mindset of ft2 rds in 2d games but no one calls ft3 in 3d games degenerate
games have never been faster, SF4 was quite literally the slowest fighting game of all time and everything has been faster than that
UNI doesn't even have timeouts anymore, it should be ft3
Strive should be ft3 because it just keeps getting more degenerate over time
SF6 already has bo5 in top 8 which i guess is a fair compromise, it also has the biggest brackets so i imagine you want to save time when you can
Melty doesn't need ft3 because you can regain health universally
>doesn't outsell SF or tekken anywhere and hasn't been more popular in any region besides SA during arcade era when the cabs were cheaper
sad cope. it might be more popular in those other areas, but it's still not "popular"
I'm conflicted you're a /vt/umor but you're also a Tako which is the least offensive thing you could be.
So SF6, Tekken 8 and Strive are dumbed down but UNI is too complex? That's what people used to say about old ArcSys.
FGC is full of retards.
Will it be the Uzuki trailer today? Let's find out in 45 minutes
If either are around, I'll play some AACC.
Who plays fighting games? Masochists?
Seems like they're just going to be talking about the Strive anime
i like to buy them when theyre cheap for the singleplayer
they dont tend to go cheap enough these days though
Nobody plays anime fighters. This is a well documented universal constant. Probably like 90% of annoying posers in the fgc specifically are posers for anime shit (or marvel).
Yeah, that's the scheduled programming before the UNI and game stuff in 30 minutes.
We'll get another screenshot at best. There's no way they're showing her off before EVO.
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I swear I am the only C-moon player in a SEA of F-moon fags
I'd play C if it had the funny doritos
no primarily because people are already mad about current prices and this is meant to compete with SF6
i think it will get regional pricing which will help the usual suspects but it's definitely not going to be very popular after the first few months after the casuals fall off and the content creators with them
Everyone I knew boycotted it because of Bridget and trans shit in Guilty Gear.
>Everyone I knew boycotted because of an unrelated game
Sure anon, sure
What kind of retarded question is this? It's a anime fighter on PC.
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Evwry Anime fighter is shit because the gameplay boils to
>you mash dash to get to enemy gamer
>you just mash whatever next to enemy Gamer and you get enemy Gamer stuck in blockstun
>enemy Gamer does his scrimblo guard cancel reversal
>now its his turn (or not I'd you play better character)
Not to mention every character in anime games is either gorilla masher or fucking 420d chess autism gimmicks that their gameplay consists of fucking random item drops or lvling up or fucking playing tic-tac-toe offscreen
I'll play a bit more in a bit if you're still down, GGs for now
It's not Late[st] Clr it's just Late[cl-r]
GGs, back to the stream
Nitroplus Blasterz and Cross Tag Battle have Heart from AH
File deleted.
>Let's release the same game with the same sprites over and over and over and over and over and over again
Oh hey UNI on stream
oh shit kamone doing the sakurai thing
This confirms Type Lumina news or Dengeki Bunko news at EVO.... please....
I didn't play much Skullgirls but that looked kinda like Peacock if I'm honest
I played a lot of Skullgirls and she doesn't seem like Peacock at all, thankfully.
>let's divide
>does a multiplication sign
Don't worry, French Bread have to do something else to put food on the table besides make 3 DLC characters
What is wrong with Xrd
Any of the melty players up for some more?
I'm going to pour over the trailer a bit more.
yo who the fuck is 8ing kidding
i can already tell hisoka will be top tier until season 2
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Uzuki looks sick. She reminds me of +R test and DNF enchantress
>nen impact
>new snk game
bro's which one do i pick
First Kuon and now Uzuki have Air Dust attacks
get wallbounced
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Not so fast
Looks cool, but Ill still probably stick to Kuon
Can’t stand ugly af anime fighters
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the return of hidden missiles. It's an increas move so it might be a normal? maybe like hilda 5[C]
Are JJ and Tempest a reference to something or just random names do you think
I mean, have you seen literally every other modern fighters?
There are some chargeable specials. Either way, that's a nice overhead.
>moves that linger on screen and attack when your opponent gets near
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Finally, the Nero function
So what's her skull icon mean?
So I assume they're going to show Ogre's trailer at Evo then?
She's a lvl. 10 spookster
Curse status lmoa
No, she's going to be playable at Evo and we won't see shit about Ogre until January
Probably poison
Damn, thats a nice moveset, might learn as a pocket character, Im sure she'l be played a lot for the knowledge checks
not as many summons but I do love all the bone creatures
looks like some kind of debuff for the opponent. Probably not poison? the health doesn't seem to tic down after she applies it but maybe it only activates after the combo ends
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There's no reason to show Ogre's trailer if Uzuki isn't even in the game yet and he's not scheduled until much later.
Just give TL some signs of life.
Means you can use mudoon and hamaon to instakill
I mean sure, they did show that Len is coming, but I don't think Len alone is enough to make me reinstall and go back.
I need Sion.
Why would they bother with the UNI waiting room now that UNI2 is out
They don’t have ugly middle school tier character designs.
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But UNI2 is just the Len/Sion/Roastbeef/Satsuki/Nanaya/Nero waiting room???
You forgot robo maido and the other cat.
Instead they just look ugly ugly.
how long has it been since Len was teased? why is she not in the game yet? Wasn't it before the UNI dlc announcment?
they promised unbirth
there was no unbirth
Probably 2 years ago, I've lost notion of time
How is witch lady
Is she a charge character
December 2022
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Nanaya was teased since the first Boss Rush
Len was teased in Boss Rush 2 which was when Dantes and Ushiwakamaru dropped.
inbirth you dyslexic dink
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>2 years
can't wait for more uzuki footage from EVO. I need the anons going to record some footage.
So it looks like the bigass air hat attack activates the skull icon for Uzuki.
No idea what it does for now though.
Might be waiting for Red Garden. Was she even in the remake?
Len doesn't exist in Arc's route to give Shiki a wet dream, no.
No. Unlike Nero and Warachia, I don't think there was even a mention of her. I thought I was never going to see her again honestly.
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>rng items
>debuff applying wall bounce air normal
>weird disjoint summons and goofy normals
oh god, he's coming back
Not Teddie
it happened the same day as tekken and tekken is objectively the more popular game. melty still ain't shit OP.
At least she's not +R Testament or Zappa (so far anyway)
Not quite the Dizzy function I was hoping for but she does look pretty interesting
I'll at the very least try to get back into the game when she comes out, the mechanics are neat but I didn't really mesh with any of the original characters
I appreciate how big her hat is, but I think it'd look better as a pointy witch hat instead of a top hat
Apparently the debuff drains GRD
unironically top tier day 1
Nero function will never be a thing because fightan devs have realized how degenerate projectiles persisting on hit are
Depends on how easy/hard it is to apply, right?
>forces you to block all manner of bs setplay skeletons while mixing you
>you don't even win grd if you block everything
it probably won't be hard to combo into, comboing into merk ff isn't a problem and ending combos with that basically guarantees the cycle in most situations.
The deer will always make me upset.
To be fair, this isn't the early 2000s anymore. Uni2 realistically does NOT have enough new shit in it to warrant a full price. The sprites aren't updated, there's only like what, one new move or some shit for existing characters? Themes are basically the same with slightly refined instrumentation with a new section, there's 4 new characters if I recall, and the "story mode" is literally PNGs, text, and voice over. There is quite literally nothing of substantial value to warrant a full price. As much as some on here will diss SF6, it has WAY more going for it to at least be worth the price, with a full open world, character customizing, moveset customizing for the avatar, preinstalled arcade games of past SF and other games, a new gameplay system, and more I can't think of.
She's got Mini-Fausts
You can see Chaos' GRD drain in the trailer when he's got the debuff
That happens anytime someone actually lands a hit though. Watch when she actually lands any hit, GRD is always taken away. I'd say it's more plausible she gradually decreases your GRD instead with the debuff active.
>her puppets activate automatically and don't go away when she's blocking
>merk needs vorpal for this otherwise they just go away
it better be automatic. If it's negative edge like +R test it's going to get very fucky trying to fight her
It doesn't have the meme cat with an average penis size
Nobody plays MBTL either though.
it's not happening on the individual hits, you can see it progressively goes down regardless of if shes hitting chaos or not. compared to the clip right after where she's hitting enkidu the bar doesn't drain.
fighting games are already niche
this is a difficult to learn fighting game so there's extra few people playing it
the way combo scaling works (not damage scaling but when people drop out of a combo) you basically have to learn really specific shit for every situation or you drop and die (more or less depending on the char u play ofc)
most people don't want to invest that amount of effort just to play at a base level, especially when the player base is so low.
it's high investment, low reward.
that said, the game is kino. if you're not bothered by any of the above just play it anyway, no other modern fighting game will let you be as stylish
How does the gun nun play
she guns and she nuns
gives the opponent a stiffy if they're not gay
she goes pew pew and has kinda weird setplay
she can shoot you fullscreen and gets extra air dashes. She can set up grenades to do mixups and does a lot of sideswaps in combos.
ehh, on one hand there's a reason games stopped doing the re-release model, but also I think it's not that bad in this case
uni2 adds rollback which is easily worth 50$ to people that are already fans of the game and are actually going to play it, and people that aren't already fans are unlikely to have purchased an earlier version at full price. Maybe it's not 50$ worth of changes compared to the last version, but as a standalone game it's easily worth 50$ in a vacuum. Just because someone bought Unist for 4$ on sale once doesn't mean they're getting ripped off by Uni2 not giving them a 50% discount on release.
Also even if it cost 5$ it would not have any larger a playerbase.
it doesn't matter if the content is old because no one played the old game either.
it's basically a new game with rollback to 99.999% of the population
>Also even if it cost 5$ it would not have any larger a playerbase.
this should could be free 2 play starting tomorrow and in a month from now no one is playing it
it just doesn't have mass appeal. it appeals to a niche audience but to those it appeals a lot.
I feel like I'm reaching the point in fighting games where I don't really care about fighting other players, I just like pressing buttons and doing combos in training mode and learning characters. Fighting other players is just an added bonus.
I just want the satisfaction of Nero or Wara j.C man, we need more extremely meaty hits back in fighting games
Speaking of, fucing bring sidewinder back to GG you cowards it was a crime to not have it in Xrd and it's a crime it's not in Strive as well
She flys around shooting grenades and then knocks you down in the corner and starts doing setplay.
Nah, but you can just kill your opponent with 3 clean hit Volcanic Vipers instead ;^)
They should unironically fix the name first, they can't even get UNI fans to say the name of the game
I mean it's GG and he's Sol, jumping and pressing j.D has been enough to delete people for over a decade now
I just think sidewinders are cool and they should bring them back
it's funnier to call it UNI Sys-C
we'll have to remaster that one "it's gay up here" comic
The name has never been easier to say than it is now since release.
I think it would've saved everyone more headache if they just went the xrd route and very clearly called it their own version of "Rev2". Because somehow everyone is able to make a distinction between Xrd and Rev2. So Frenchbread should've done the same. Make it 40 bucks and call it a day, and call the main price of addition the solid netcode.
I never said the content was old, just given a new coat a paint. It just makes it look lazy.
they should copy Dota and make the acronym canon
This but unironically,
UNI2 already does that
they should copy KoF and make the acronym canon
FB had the perfect chance to remove all the extra shit thanks to the "2", but they just could not resist the chuuni in them and added sys celes
Why even use that example, we have something newer with Granblue and it worked with that game.
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Umbrella Attack and Coffins (fishes).
I'm really liking the Super Skrull Rolling Hook and that 2B skull attack.
and that's why it's the most based Dramatic Stylish 2D Fighting Action game
I pray that she's not a charge character.
Well Granblue sucks, so it didn't cross my mind. But you're exactly right. Call it "Under Night In Birth Awakening" or whatever. Then people can call it Under Night Awakening or UNA or UNIA or whatever.
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Watch your dome
I pray she's a negative edge character
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Wow that's a big spooky arm.
Full screen whiff punishes
French bread has dogshit designs and has made 0 progression in style or production value. Their PC ports suck (this one was especially garbage at launch). Online functionality is mediocre.

I also just don't care for anime aesthetics, even though I do like the game's pace compared to something like SF.
can't wait to block the puppet and then guess between this and the disjoint skeleton that's probably a low.
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My mind immediately went to that too kek
>Cute huge hat
Wow she's grea-
>Horrible annoying playstyle
Fucking damn it
so it's true, poor chaos' GRD is getting drained here
I can't tell when this girl is crouching since she's always sitting.
Her perching on top of the coffin is THE shot of her, man.
She has some really cool looking attacks. Always liked me some skeletons.
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Woops, meant to attach
Can't really tell if it's just the regular "gains GRD while comboing" effect or not. I should pay more attention to it tonight during the lobby.
>Poor chaos
He deserves it and you know it
What did you expect? Her to be a unga bunga playstyle?
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It's either a command jump or a jump follow-up like Sion.
And funnily enough, Sion and Uzuki have the same VA
He's nerfed to shit this version, how does he deserve more than this?
He's paying for his crimes with 2 already.
i see Baiken JD
MvC 2 Venom so yes
I want my boi back, and she unironically has venlm fang
I wonder if the shit coming out of the coffin is random or are those all different moves
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Like with most other characters, I bet her IW is cooler than her IWEXS.
This character is too chuuni even for uni
>that shit eating grin alongside the skeleton riding super
she looks pretty fun..
she can set summons so you can mash on venom fang like mvc2 getting covered with your assist. Another perk is she'll probably be way better than mvc2 venom
Yea probly random and you can choose between vertical and horizontal with A and B.
Bone Tentacle 1: Horizontal
Bone Tentacle 2: Vertical
Fishes on the ground
Bats in the air
Surprised we didn't see EX Coffin
Pic related shows another air coffin move though.
They really fucking need to shorten them
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Wait a minute, that rabbit.
Shorten the move that you can't do unless you're at red health and costs all your meter? Fucking live a little.
or maybe not, maybe 22X is vertical and 236 is horizontal
Yes anon shorten them a bit, I am tired of stupidly long supers. At least it's not Ganryu rage art tier in UNI 2 but still
there might not be an "ex" version, C might just be another meterless version
I don't care unless she gets a version that hitgrabs for 30% of your life like with nero
you should be playing marvel 1 if you like venom...
That would be nice, avoid the issue of Carmine 22C, Byak 623C, Hilda 214C, and Lond 22C
She looks to have enough screen control
ive literally never once had any inkling of an interest in trying any anime fighter. i dont like tag fighters either but ive at least tried getting into them a few times since they look cool
Most people use IWs anyway unless you're fighting people who love to do IWEXS raw.
Breaking news: dumb bitch gets the slowest overhead out of the entire cast
DNF bros...
the problem is that vorpal 200 EXS red health is even less uncommon than in prior games and for some characters it's their only invincible move other than VO so it's not very rare at all
they're a double edged sword.
having bullshit done to you can be annoying, especially when you don't know wtf is happening.
but doing bullshit to them is pretty fun.
plus you look cool doing it
still looks faster than merk 4C
The hat take-off is really smooth.
no anon, you NEED to watch the 30 second long anime cutscene after struggling the entire time against the zoner who's been impossible to interact with. ESPECIALLY if that IWEX was completely unnecessary and the regular super would have killed anyways.
When are we getting Ys VS. Trails?
Nen Impact will also lose to 2XKO
CotW is definitely locked in for next year
And even though MK has been performing poorly recently NRS is still too big and too American to not let them have their 1 game
If there is a big TL update, one of TL or UNI2 is definitely getting shafted
isn't it some shitty arena fighter?
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Looks like swordfishes and the doll are the go-to oki tool since the bats just fly up.
Cute hat,
you guys host lobbies on weird days.
There's also the very, very fucking small chance that the new Bleach game isn't a garbage arena fighter
Weekends are weird now?
we're on that 12am to almost 6am grindset
Is a lobby up
20 minutes but if there's enough people here then I can just start one.
is this a skull girl
Give me 5 minutes to go get lobby snacks
I'll play right now.
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weird for me, weekends are the only days i leave my house, so when i get home i'm not as in the mood to play fightan.
This + only sweats play online
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Her cut-in is also fucking great.
Easily the best one out of the newcomers.
it's not Marie but it's close
Warc has the skirt though
Don't take Neco Arc quaternaries seriously
that's so much better than the rest of the cut ins it's not even fair
Homie you're so lucky my amigos can't hop the border and TAKE OVER EVO mang... because we would DOMINATE el boardo...
I'll prep up the thread and the lobby then.
i think its the unappealing looking gameplay coupled with the lame ass characters 99% of them contain. if i dont find any of the characters cool ill absolutely skip it without a second thought
You jest but they literally showed us numbers about how the biggest percentage of foreigners per game being in KoF by a fucking huge margin for EVO, even moreso than Japs for SF and koreans for tekken
sleep snug, smug
that sounds like you just don't like anime in general. i think most chars are cool lookin
This is why I can't play female characters.
They're just not cool enough
I think UNI designs are a good in-between for simple and overdesigned compared to something like Melty or Tekken where they're just plain boring mostly
Thread and lobby up
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i don't but i still think cool is cool regardless of artstyle
Yeah all seriousness aside, it's really fucked since it presents a skewed narrative. Koreans and such can at least afford a plane ticket, mexicans are lucky if they can buy a console. I just hope KOF reaches at least 1000, but man, why the fuck is it so unpopular in tbe west? It literally has the makings to be popular. Big titty waifus, cool characters, fun gameplay, cool moves, good music. I don't get it.
What if i cant beat the other 99 because the 100 people who play uni are all 10 year vets
It's urban fantasy chuni. I at least like the cohesion compared to the mish mash fantasy you get in Arcsys games.
To be fair mexico is also very close to america comparatively
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E...even the boys?
It's still very much not america though.
not just that nevada is as close as you can get to the border without being on it, not like travel to vegas is hard
EVO is extremely expensive for Americans, much less Mexicans
I stopped caring about seeing vtubers after they did that collab with the Dodgers. Shit is mainstream now

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