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Now: Penny's Big Breakaway
Next: Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
Later: Donkey Kong Country 3

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681925151
>watching speedruns unironically
holy cringe
Is this game fun?
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>another 30 mins of this + ads for Black and Epic Fast Cumshots + Quest for Glory (never heard of it)
Fuck it may as well take my weekend walk now and be back in time for DKC3

Have fun bros
Doesn't look like it.
Doesn't look very fun desu
This run isn't as bad as people are making it out to be, the movement is visually appealing even if the game itself isn't.
>sleep for 7 hours
>come back
>only gained $27k
>on the last day
Penny's Big Baldaway
Legitimately sad what happened at ESA, let's devote the thread to discuss ESA drama. Do you think it can be saved? Why are European such sex pests every time?
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>every level looks the same
>ugly female protagonist
>movement invalidates the level design
Mario Odyssey and its movement was a huge mistake for the rest of the 3D platforming genre. Galaxy is the only good 3D Mario game
Qwest For Glory 2 coming up next with DavidTki. I always enjoy his puns
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cum in plum
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many people are saying this
I'm not cynical enough to act smug about not watching speedruns during a speedrun marathon, maybe you should look in a mirror, lose some weight, do something with your life besides project to others.
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is this good character design
Edenal is in this thread right now about to do damage control!
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Jill... I miss your tierlists so much...
QRD on the ESA drama?
They still have the yelling/crying segment where they beg everyone desperately to donate. The yetee will be sure to get in some tens of thousands.
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Imagine speedrunning video games.
How pathetic.
I bet these people have no lives and masturbate to imaginary AI waifus.
sorry, the European viewers and metal gear fans are kind of poor
maybe if youre making a phone game for 5-9 year olds
Fuck off
Why even post ITT if you aren't actually interested in speedruns
I'm bald and I ate a pizza.
ESA will be better, it always is.
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Enedal was a greddy asshole and ruined everything for everyone. Also titty slut went metoo on them.
no, but I've seen worse
Anon I was being clearly sarcastic, it's just that this run is so fucking boring. I've had enough of platformer runs for a lifetime in this GDQ
YETEE bros????
I think it's salvageable with some changes if they were to make a sequel. Could be like a more homely Marina from Mischief Makers.
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You and me both bald brother.
This your game?
NTA but I saw your rant.
I hate gimmick posters eating up the first 50 posts so much
>I've seen worse
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anyone feel kind of "stuck" by these marathons? like i've spent a lot of this week watching this shit even though the marathon (and threads) haven't been good. my time would've objectively been better spent doing other shit, even playing vidya, but I'm caught chasing the high of how good this shit used to be even though it hasn't been good in a long time.

i don't mean this in a serious mental illness way, more just the surprising power of FOMO
Why does every level in this game look exactly the same?
Too brown.
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just tuned in
so this is that game /v/ was posting about a bit ago about horrible designs
yeah, i think i can see why now
really, it's the color palette that's affronting
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I'm the only one interested in the qfg run
You're literally not even watching it.
Cousins are celebrating my birthday with homemade pizza later today. Kinda hyped because one of my cousins is a legit professional chef and he's one of my best friends.
thread culture, fuck off to twitch chat faggot
Don't post this Curt Hennig slander
yeah a little, but when theres a truly shit game being played i go do a 2 mile run and clean the house
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I'm just here for the threads. This week has been rough though. Sleeping at 5AM, getting up at 10AM. Not doing work to waste time watching runs and posting.
Every time I look back at it, it's a load of square areas in pink and blue.
why are we doing pizza donations during this game

isn't this gimmick supposed to be saved for pizza tower
>ESA not even 24h
What are we gonna look forward to after this...
Oh damn someone speedran Lob
That's pretty based
Speaking of smaller speedrun events, is Northwest Speedfest running after GDQ again this year? That was kino, it was what started me checking out non GDQ and non ESA events.
Judging from the absolute state of the thread with
>ESA drama stirring
>sperging over people assuming each other to be charteckerfaggot
>off-topic garbage
>no one actually talking about trannies for once
No one actually watched the run and anyone rating it high should be taken out back and shot.
Normies infest hobbies/subcultures they aren't even interested in to mock the userbase and inflate their egos. They are animals
>cheeks clapped
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get me the fuck away from any faggot that wants to talk about pineapple on pizza
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agree, ritual posters didn't annoy me when it was just umaru and a few others, but now that every thread is 50 "haha miggers XD" posts and 50-100 rating spam posts, it really dilutes the threads
>>no one actually talking about trannies for once
esa saving speedrunning marathons as usual
Wouldn't it be the opposite? Low ratings mean you were too busy shitposting to give a fuck, your opinion means nothing.
why are they still wearing masks?
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Reminder: Do NOT under ANY circumstances wear a hat in this thread, you are distracting others. Thank you!
But I am watching it fag do not fucking reply to me ever again unless you know my setup
some guy has been hyping up the aussie marathon in a few weeks that werster will be at
what an annoying fucking retard
Alu remains undefeated
it's over. i got left behind on page 10
lmao sit
I think ESA has bigger issues than no 24 hours anon such as:
>No stream 2
>None of the regulars
>No staff
>No chance of survival beyond ESA summer
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To complain about speedruns.
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>that drop in vote count from ESA 2023 to 2024
hate to see it
Good thing they're wearing masks. They look contagious.
kek she's going to kill herself after this event. Her whole purpose was taken from her
So you're not watching it since you feel the need to prove it in a thread dedicated to that exact purpose. Kek, what a bitch.
>Pokemon speedrunning legend "Some guy on /vg/ said he would donate 500 dollars if I said fucking niggers on stream so there you go" Werster will be present at a speedrunning event
What's not to love?
interesting, i'd kind of expect something from the northwest to be a lot of portland/seattle types, aka a bunch of trannies and purple-haired woke people
Is it a male or female?
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>pineapple on pizza
Your silence on the topic is deafening. What are you hiding?

Also any comfy modern retro indie game recommendations? Gravity Circuit run earlier got me in the mood.
200% MAD
wait so shes was told not to wear any hats not just the flappy one? what?
Uhh.. Covid? Duh? We're in the MIDDLE of a pandemic! You chud.
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>she's still at it
When exactly did GDQ started thier "no fun allowed" tyranny? Covid era?
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>Evil Zone was one of the best things about this SGDQ and it wasn't even a speedrun
Caveman won.
well imo all of that is secondary to the 24 hour thing because that means i can't even watch most of it live to see if its shit or not
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Why's he always pointing?
way before that
he fat
Talk shit about pepperoni and pineapple pizza to my face and see what happens.
kinda. but whatever, i'm on a vacation for three more weeks anyway.
No one ever watches ESA judging by the speed of threads anyway
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Wow they actually ran it?
Any decent?

This game is fucking hard.
And I love it's metaphor for our society right now. It's simple, but it's effective.

And I reckon it could be interesting to see strats.
Problem is, it's so open sourced. It's so easy to mod this game. I'm learning C# from it.
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The fans love it!
God he's scrumptious
hes a showbiz man
>game was released like 3 days ago and this is essentially a let's play
>tech is banjo kazooie lite
>art direction is same color pastel puke that makes everything indistinguishable until like 3 minutes ago
>techs are lame because game is so recent
Is SGDQ 2024 the most godless of all the nights? That's a looong list compared to the others.
>go to bed when they're discussing pizza toppings
>tune back in and they're still doing it
Way before that, they were taking away doge signs and doing other shit like banning people for hats before then.
An unfortunate side effect of his fagdar
>werster will be at
Only one game, Pokemon ORAS
>tfw 6 am for me
i clap
after recently having pineapple curried herring i could see how this could be an interesting combination
I folded after Grand Poo World anons. Was MGS4 worth it?
It's like the Chibi debacle fundamentally changed him.
From No Fun Allowed to Fun Mandated.
When does it start?
That's what he's known for! He's a pointer! When people see Caveman they think "Hey that's the pointing guy, I know him JUST for that and nothing else!"
If you look at the schedule there's like four regulars and I think most or all of them have said they won't be returning after it.
>3 days ago
Five months ago.
>Tech is banjo-kazooie
Banjo has zero momentum.
>Art direction is bad
You are reaching.

Last complaint is just restating what you said before. Take a deep breath, anon.
No earlier, I think it was the year after Protomagicalgirl had his massive public meltdown over chat emotes and gay streamers.
That is also around the time they started doing their scripted comedy skits
16/17? Whenever Jewyama banned fumos.
that shit was ten years ago man, people grow, chibi didnt - did you?
she is absolutely seething. you can wear hats you dumb bitch, just not the ones that flap around. she's being intentionally dense and trying to just rile up her nuthuggers. posting the "^_^" to pretend like this is an innocent post is even worse. fuck this attention whore
I did not.
just the flappy one, she's basically throwing a tantrum while pretending to be not-mad. classic woman move
Name one good run that's happening today
god SGDQ 2023 fucking sucked
I think a big misconception regarding Caveman is that he's a serious "no fun allowed" kinda guy due to what people saw of him with the Chibi video when he's actually a pretty fun guy.
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He's charismatic as fuck now
the fuckin uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
16/17 feels right
In my memory it kept getting bigger and bigger up until 2014 where it kind of topped out, and then after that they started trying to purge anything with like a whiff of controversy
Almost all of them, if you ignore /v/ autistically screeching and spamming ratings because they know chartanon will let it slide.
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check out the reply count of threads with the tournament (exluding the 1st one) vs threads without it
SGDQ 2023 got me fired from my job lmfao
it was during one of the absolute worst string of runs of the marathon, that especially made it seem better than it was
Qwest for Glory w/ DavidTki (King's Qwest guy from two years ago) and maybe DKC3 w/ Tonkotsu (but its on GBA)
He really leaned into the caveman thing, huh.
Kirby please
is he bulking
i lost a girlfriend
This is some deep lore but the entire reason he was even mad about Chibi in the first place was because he couldn't move his shoulders during the Tomba 2 run. He was uncomfortable and if you watch the full run after the jumping jacks bit Caveman loosens up a lot because he can actually move again lol
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hold up anon, we are watching GDQ not COPS
Yeah an oasis of testosterone in a desert
mario blindfolded
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>every game has a boring diarrhea gray brown color palette
>/v/ mad
>game has color and vibrant locales
>/v/ mad
i will never understand you retards
Quest for Glory 2, baby. /realboomers/ know.
Because were nostalgic for brown and bloom
i enjoy both styles desu senpai
>muted down pastel colors in levels indistinguishable from each other
I'll fucking PASS THANK YOU
Must have been a really bad run
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>the thing to kill that burger TV show was BLM and picrel
why is in america so many troonies
I'm not watching it because these advert games always have
>new game with no kids playing this
>is just being ran to spam it

This shit has to stop.
Start by seeing new speedrun games that actual teens play.

They're not even trying to break out the community to new runners. It's so incestuous. That's why gdq is full of trannies that stay in their lane.
I don't want to see people my age playing games. I want to see new kids break something that is new and interesting to them legit.

Which is kinda hard, because I still see teens playing Zelda and Mario, nintendo 64 sometimes. It's so strange to me. There were no adults playing the same games I was playing as a kid or a teen. Even GTA.
This game seems like fake soul
oh, it's an ad
>>game has color and vibrant locales
It has "bright blue" and "bright pink" and all its locales are just big cubes.
I want a sunlit forest to look like a real forest, I don't want it to be grey or bisexual colored.
It was so boring I got my dick stuck in some office furniture and my boss caught me and fired me on the spot
>Writing a whole essay about why you're not watching a speedrun
Then leave the thread.
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Remember when kffc had fun?
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This is Knitler (the "can you stop?" girl), on the bed.
Pastels everywhere
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kill this man
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I think it was the end of 16 when they got really draconian with shit.
it's fake soul
>he still sees ads
Yoda go back
How about an art direction with actual balance? Btw, the brown and bloom era was garbage.Anything even this clusterfuck of a game is better
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cops all got bodycams now, so no need for the show anymore. can just watch it on youtube
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>banned fumos.
This, but I think it was earlier
signs of choking
When Evil Zone started it was a whole different energy, it was like I was transported back in time to GDQ 12 years ago, just a bunch of friends having fun. Everyone seemed genuinely relaxed and having a good time and not in the weird "We're having a good time! This is GREAT!" fake positivity way of current GDQ. Commentary seemed relaxed, there was actual banter. This is the energy GDQ should have. Thats ACTUAL positivity not fake GDQ toxic positivity.
>double choke
can we get a third?
remember vide ogames?
This. Forced "vibrant", "colorful" art direction that won't go past three colors.
It's gonna be 2030 and when this game gets mentioned you guys are still gonna keep complaining about the art direction. Please just shut the fuck up already, holy shit.
that's not the looks of a woman having fun, it's the look of a HIGHLY AROUSED woman
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Does Mike Uyama even do any work for GDQ or is literally just raking in the bucks personally while doing absolutely nothing?
both are bad you fucking dog
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>this generic trash hat in time wannabe
>getting mentioned in 2025 let alone 2030
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Brown cnnuy sexo
I'm seeing green, blue, red, purple and yellow on the screen right now.
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Oh god that would be awful. Aussie streamers and runners are fine, but if our government is being an asshole it will be boring as fuck.
This place is a fucking nightmare.
We have made like 2 decent games, pic related and Hollow Knight, because of how bullshit our government often is with this shit nowadays. A fucking totalitarian shithole.

I don't know how Cherry deals with that horseshit. Must drive them nuts.
>game comes out at any time ever
>it has shit art style
>/v/: wow this art style is shit
It's not hard
tranny flag color palette ass game
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95% into the game. They kept a fourth color as a fucking surprise.
You just enjoy being miserable because you like making others miserable. None of you are watching the run, none of you care about this event beyond shitposts, you don't even give a fuck about ratings anymore.
Warms my heart that Sent knows better than to touch any of these people
Skimming, he tried to quit in everything but name only and leave the other dude in charge but that dude lost most of his limbs.
This is Mario 3D World if every level actually looked exactly the same
Look at those bears cruising on the front row
If that is true why was Sunset Riders SSS then?
or maybe people just like playing the video game???
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I'm not sure which is uglier, the main character design or the game itself.
orange purple and blue? what fucking flag is that?
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Given her amount of adultery and whoring out there is no way she doesn't have several STDs

Also can't wait for Quest for Glory
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he doesnt do anything.
kyle thomas is the guy that organizes all the tards: staff, and volunteers
the staff and volunteers put the schedule together.
i dont know what the fuck coolmatty does besides sperg out on reddit, but the only think mike is doing that anyone can see is failnig his transition

>implying there's a difference
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FYI /v/ is not one person in case anyone forgot
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>that venue
Yeah, that was really the end.
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Someone made The Amazing Digital Circus into a game?
Because the runner played a ukelele and everyone stopped shitposting to pretend it was anything more than a distraction.
Why was Killing Time SSS rating? Because of the thread. People literally admitted to this while giving it an SSS.

Nobody here cares anymore.
>I'll fucking PASS
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every level seems to heavily include these puke inducing colors
It's the flag of jumping at shadows.
>even by then we were complaining about GDQ losing its soul
>almost 10 years after this we're still here watching a reanimated corpse falling apart
What causes this sort of autism?
That’s because adults in our generation didn’t grow up with as good as games as we did and thus weren’t as widespread interested in games

Zelda and Mario is appealing to all generations and ages
Fuck this runs been going on forever
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I think one of the biggest problems with GDQ now is that incentives doesn't mean jack shit, before it used to be interesting and actually stuff you wanted to see and changed.
Now it's whatever the fuck with no meaning behind it.

But that's not the biggest problem, the big problem is how they keep begging and hyping it up for hours and hours, and then when the incentive is actually being run there's zero interest in it and they just shill and beg for the next incentive instead. Everything about it is so annoying and fake.
hmm, just a weird coincidence in this enby protagonist game
oh thats who this guy is
I don't think he's done anything since 2018 or whenever he "had mono". Every event after he only barely made an appearance, and only finally tried to leave I think a year ago (or the event after Sumi left) but couldn't because matty was a nigger and got sepsis.
There's problems when it's just rainbows without intent. I like blue-red use in horror and dark settings when used effectively. Often with sharp greens.
I'm a simple man, I like myself a simple 'roni 'za.
I think that might have been the venue they pissed off by pulling out at last minute because the venue wouldn't enforced GDQ's covid rules on people there for other shit.
Pizza Tower run guys are livid that these guys took their pizza gimmick just before them
as much as I want to deny they wouldn't allow the characters to bypass the obstacles like this, that girl has fallen out of bounds every fucking episode so far
artificial banter / camaraderie
They'll just have to spin the question differently
Which pizza topping would you romance?
why's her pants bulging?
Some runner went over estimate and started crying because of it, then started laughing because he was crying because he went overestimate
Empty your balls before you post, thanks
Super Metroid has skilled runners.
yeah, he sometimes shows up in a video or at the goodbye segment but hes the one that runs everything behind the scenes, the fat and the amputee do fuck all
>500$ dono totally ignored
lmfao based
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Is that why they won't show the date on the schedule now?
Come on now anon.
for me, its reindeer pizza
fupa bigger than her ass
Million Dollar Mike is gettin' paid and killing prostitutes in Thailand
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Imagine donating or subscribing towards a for profit organization whose owner does not even lift a single finger and just collects paychecks.
And even if we ignore the for profit part and the fact they don't publish their expenses, earnings and paychecks, PCF alone pays almost ~1 million towards their 3 board members yearly.
Anon every game shown so far has had its release date under the title on the stream.
>gut passing your breast
the point of no return
for anyone really
If you prefer realism in games that’s your preference, but criticize cartoony/colorful games on what they’re set out to do - why does this game fail in it’s aesthetics as opposed to Mario, for example
>Let's speedrun Fortnite
>Let's speedrun PUBG
>Let's speedrun Minecraft
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For me? It's Swedish pizza. Try it out next time you're at ESA
Will this be the lovare moment of gdq?
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Holy shit she's STILL going on about it. I've switched. I'm team GDQ at this point on the matter.
Jesus christ, does ASM drag overestimate runners out back and execute them or something?
I've seen way worse games
>i dont know what the fuck coolmatty does besides sperg out on reddit
Not very much these days, he doesn't have a hand in running it.
The hat is the problem. Nothing about it screams "busker" and the concavity of it clashes with the general flow of every other element of her design. Either remove it for a rounded head of hair leading into the buns or give her something rounded that's short-hand for a performer, like a jester's hat or flat cap.
>next time
Are you one of the devs or something? You're shilling this candy colored slop as if there's money on the line.
You seem to be being sincere so I'll do the same with you.
The problem is twofold, one is that speedrunning irremediably gets old after a while. The "destroy my childhood game" thing gets old while still in a seven day marathon let alone 10 years of events and there are only so many classic games people can play. The competitive edge they try to bring with the races is just a clusterfuck due to mostly shitty layouts. Zelda, Metroid and Mario have gotten old for most of the people from what I read in threads and the options left are either really technically impressive games nobody knows or popular flavor of the year.
On the other hand you have the GDQ administration which has, through an entire decade of bans and blacklisting, been left with either rookies nobody knows and cares about or people willing to put up with their bullshit, which is hard to do for genuine autistic people like every fucking runner worth seeing.
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I didn't watch anything yesteday(stop after KH2)
Can anyone post the list?
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reminder that this was a moment from the last FF
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ESA schedule is out. Big lad is still running anyways.
Years ago we watched a Minecraft race that was actually pretty cool because it was a format where the winner wasn't decided in the first five fucking minutes.
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Rate this run!
She was being quite annoying with the flappy ear hat but I'm not sure why she's not allowed to wear hats at all, they could've just told her to stop flapping
I'm not watching this godforsaken event anymore but how are donations stacking up to previous years? I feel like the last few GDQs have been on a consistent downward slide in terms of total money raised, even with the inevitable last-minute flood
D for didn't watch
Z fucking advert run
This embarrassing, it was a gay hat, holy fuck.
Couldn't stand that attention whore in years past, this justifies it.
Yeah but it's always been that way a bit. It's something to do with merch sales at the end apparently.
All the donation money is legit, it's just the money that's not under donations that people are a bit worried about. Clearly game companies leverage GDQ. It's been like this for a couple years now. It's not good and it negatively advertises a potentially good game for me at least. I don't like it at all. It comes off as some weird form of astroturfing.

And seeing old hosts really fucking show a bit of frustration at it is not good too. I can tell spike is a bit pissed at times considering where this began and where it is now.
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I'm doin' him a D
>still whining about being told to put away the disruptive hat
was attention whoring on camera while wearing a funny hat her whole reason for attending?
It was okay
that could be very well all they did and she had a tard fit

Behind, just like the viewership. The number is keeping up, but adjusting for inflation, they're worth less than before
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> The guy doing all the work is the single staff member you see almost never
> meltdown matty collects paychecks for flaming people on twitter and reddit
> uyama collects paychecks for existing
Why am I not surprised
>1 gaming session
>six hours
woah, nelly!
can twitter anon intervene?
Commentators were annoying and millennial pizza cringe talk was too
She's just on her period
That doesn't really look like a typical Swedish pizza, since there are other countries that have thrown kebab and shawarma on pizzas. Even that combi isn't that weird, it's just a kapsalon on a pizza. True Swedish pizza is something you can only find in that country, like the banana curry one
That was shown really well yesterday during the Wacca run, where they hyped and hyped and hyped the boss rush songs, then they met the incentive and there was no well done or cheering or we did it they just instantly moved onto the next incentive, Wacca Mobius song, and its like the previous incentive never existed.
Let Big John play NES Golf if you truly support black runners.
>If you prefer realism
That's not what I meant. Real life is vibrant and colorful but it's not garish or clashing. Most "realistic" or cinematic games go overboard on lighting and other effects and look unreal. Most colorful indie games go overboard on being wacky and zany and look like color vomit.
Anyway the original point was that people hated brown and bloom and now hate wacky indie games which is supposedly hypocritical, but they both fail in different ways.
we black we fast
>Hello I'm Brutal Mello and I'm here to talk about racial segregation
Eh, B. Wasn't bad,
they would fuck this up on the token segment hahahahaha

chill runner/couch. fun game
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Jesus Christ
what the fuck is this
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yes I am
also your favorite game sucks
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>Blacks have their own event
Isn't this.... extremely racist and just out right segregation?
Am I missing something here?
>No black people throughout the whole event besides the nigga on the couch for Megaman
>"Here's two black people, everyone!"
>"Now, please tell us about your segregated speedrunning event."
>come back
>everyone on the panel has turned black
If GDQ is so diverse and about representation why aren't these two running on the main show?
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>4 hours of track circuitry

Why are we like this?
I mean I get the joke, but I can't believe how dumb we take these jokes. I blame martincitopants and his dumb 6000km summer car shit.
I haven't seen a single black runner this entire event
Black Woman Speaking
VOL [||||||||||||||||||] MAX
I don't even get it. How does she have all these outfits already planned if she was only going to wear her cringe faggot hat the entire marathon anyways.
why the fuck do black people need their own speedrunning event
is there something that makes them unable to compete with whites and asians?
can you imagine being black and fast? while not apologizing for it?
Ugly ripoff game but the runner was decent and no real cringe other than donations
It does...
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>So, brothers... we're the only 3 black people of the event. Let's talk about black people things.

This event is such a parody.
That auditorium looks empty
That truly was a big breakaway
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These nerds actually hate black people (and all ethnics) and don't want them around them
>then they met the incentive and there was no well done or cheering or we did it they just instantly moved onto the next incentive,
They keep on adding more fucking incentives too, it's just tiring they get done with one, oops we opened a new one that must be met and they stall like fuck for them.

Shit must be getting them a lot of money because they're shameless with that crap.
>banana curry one
I'm Swedish and never thought this was really Swedish, I usually order it but without bananas
who's this guy?
Gotta make room for REAL representation and diversity such as men who dress like men but have they/them pronouns. See, GDQ are champions of diversity! Where are the black runners you say? Uhhhh..
It's only polite.

We should also give them their own bathrooms and water fountains.
Brutal Mutt doesn't even look like a nigger, at worst he's a mulatto-spic
Kentucky Fried Fruit Cup and Mr. Brick n' Holler
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I for one am glad the keep most of the darkies in their own event that i can skip. Thanks GDQ.
The guy on the right is a good runner
Z. I want to fuck this eevee.
celebrating "black excellence". Cool, are there any events celebrating white excellence?
when is it Unapologetically White and Fast? I'll submit a run for that
the best thing to come out of the floydenning was blacks suddenly want to segregate themselves
I swear this holiday didn't exist until a few years ago when it appeared out of nowhere. But everyone acts like it's always been a thing. It makes me feel like I fell into a different timeline or something.
Yes, but it's presented as a beneficial thing so people have walked right into it.
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simple, rustic, tasty
It's like historical reenacting.
You just know this bitch goes on twitter rants when she sees a black charcter with a hairstyle other than nappy hair.
very telling that they have segregated events
all women only
all black only
You would not.
>bloodborne hitler speedrun
oh my fucking God...what is this now?
Yeah it's called the entire fucking calendar
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That's what their people are known for anon
>I can't breathe
Isn't the point of fighting against racism that we shouldn't put such a big focus on race?
>a hat is my entire personality and reason for being
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>i can't breathe
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The sublte racism GDQ has towards black people has always been funny to me, especially because they're massive hypocrites and give other speedrun events shit for having no black people. But where's the black people at YOUR event GDQ? Other than your token black blacktastic/bobbeigh who's seconds away from being cancelled/metoo'd.
>Blacks segregating themselves

no complaints here.
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>I can't breathe
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>you will never have a black gf to publicly scream/fight with anyone who crosses you and then flatten your dick 3 times a day
why even live
ESA and BSG.
Yato is a white man.
Closed the tab. Can someone reply when the next run starts?
There were too many incidents of drug use and sexual harassment which led GDQ to segregate black runners.
t. know someone who used to be on staff
It was designated a federal holiday in 2021 yeah. But the concept has existed for years
I would but I don't feel safe putting in runs for regular gdq or hotfixes. I am white, I'm not ashamed of it, but I'm a minority in the Games Done Quick community. everyone is an amerimutt or black, there are practically no white runners apart from the handful of europeans
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>playing make a good megaman level 3 instead
I'm so fucking bad at these games, but holy fuck some retards don't seem to know when to end a level.
i have it on good authority that at least one of these people HASN'T apologized for being black and fast
>Starts publicly shitting over Fast50 for having no black people at their event.
How nice that they're giving Black speedrunners a separate but equal time slot.
>cosplaying as a create a character
What's the point?
>we gotchu covered
>using ebonics in your advertising
fucking lol, a white nerd made this
>Are you one of the devs
No, I'm a former runner for this game. Something I guess is rare to have happen in these threads. I will admit, the run was not that good, he was almost 10 minutes behind his PB and the commentary was stilted. But I was expecting to have a nice time chatting with anons only for the entire time to be off-topic shitposting. Now I'm wondering why I even bothered. If anything you guys ruined the run for me because you couldn't even bother watching it, and got mad when called out about it.

Bro if speedrunning is old to you then stop watching. I have only enjoyed speedgames more and more since 2014, the cringe kino stuff is fun but ultimately we should be here to watch games be played quickly. Not everyone needs to fucking entertain you or have sheer novelty, it can just be an engaging technical run with lots of hard stuff to pull off. But I guess that's not enough anymore, you guys would rather seethe about unrelated shit like ESA or the design of the main character. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you enjoy being miserable then keep it to yourself instead of inventing reasons to bring other people down.
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They need safe spaces from wypipo's racism fields.
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Yes and they're not even dark elves. What's the point?
>Yato is a white man.
As Yato has been claimed by the whites I say we give the blacks Edenal
The shit they did to BigJon when he had cancer was pretty fucked up, dude was thinking he was going to die and they still wouldn't let him run that fucking Mario Golf game because he'd gone too far up their presenter tree to be allowed to run games he wanted to run.
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Can I join this? I'm white don't know if that matters desu
latinas can do that too while also being more attractive
>You don't even have to be good at the run, just be black
I almost did when I lived in Atlanta, but she wanted to do poly shit and I got the fucked out of there fast
We don’t want him
I thought black people were supposed to be cool. This is soppy sissy shit
>"What do you brothas and sistas think about chickenwings and watermelons"
Ayo wtf, thats kinda racist
there were two blacks on fire emblem and one on the nickeodeon smash bros rip-off
>gdq is so racist they segregate blacks from their event
Literally Hitlers
>I say we give the blacks Edenal
Fuck no, the Asians can have him.
>wahhhh everyone else is wrong except me!!!! everyone has to change except me!!!!!!!!!
go back
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>We LOVE our black speedrunners!
>except that one...
this is just silly and funny
>get the only black/non-white staff member to interview the black people because they don't want to be around them
Do blacks not feel infantilized being utilozed as props by these leftist grifters? It's obvious they give zero fucks about their strife and are using them to appear "tolerant"
The audio delay is driving me fucking insane. I get it's a cumulative 7 days of dragging but jesus fucking christ it's not even in the same second
Ayo hol up you sayin' we was speedrunnas and shit?
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>I'm the runner now
where will humongous jonathan go when ESA is dead and gone?
Where’s our marathon White and Slow?
Do appreciate that this important panel was given a primetime slot with a packed audience.
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>blacks suddenly want to segregate themselves

I kinda doubt they want that... it's just the white people organizing the event just distribute the cards in their own way, with their own twisted agendas...
Which is why we get this massive "free palestine/trans rights" bullshit that doesn't make any sense. But in their head, segregating black people is the right thing to do as well... it's borderline evil.
Did you guys know that a black person invented speedrunning?
None of you are invited to the cookout.
when wypipo say the N word in they head
Why are you hiding behind a veil of irony bro you should just admit you hate speedrunning and use these threads as containment, you probably don't even have the stream on either.
is it possible to expand my field?
imagine if you were interested in speedrunning, but the dominant event was 99% indian people. would you want to submit to that? probably not. now imagine there was some tiny marathon of only white supremacists and no indians were allowed. of course you'd join that. now just flip the races around
they also have a female (tranny) event and that didn't reduce troonies infesting the main GDQ
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What happened on left? I missed 2022.
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But there's actual decent black speedrunners like Cheese who top leaderboards in things like Mario? Hell even Trihex.
I don't get this at all.

It's not like there aren't black speedrunners, there's heaps.
And they don't care about anything but the game. (then again that's probably why)
It's REAL rich for CoolMatty to be all up on Twitter throwing shit at Fast50 for having no black runners, while the event hs champions so much also has no black runners and even worse has a literal segregation event.

Lets face it, his rant aganst Fast50 is because he saw how well it did and he got bitter and jealous and worried, and needed to find something to make them "problematic"
As a member of the Asian community. We respectfully decline. Perhaps the Latinos will take him.
He was sniffing woman at esa
Apologetically White and Slow
Here's hoping he can find another speedrun event to cancel on
It's not even hard to just fucking pause it for a second to resync it.

Also the last few runs we've been seeing/hearing the couch and runner ahead of the gameplay.
That shit run didn't deserve being paid attention to.
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White speedrunners need a safe space too!
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u mad? gonna cry? gonna pee your pants?
Remember Trihex?
>implying he doesnt cancel going to ESA last minute 50% of the time
probably ASM or UKSG
Yessum it go down guhh wid a grape drank
you need a real black woman who grew up baptist and doesn't fuck with that degeneracy
a rape spree
I liked the specimen speedrunning uno
Okay so you can be black and president of the united states and you can sniff women and be president of the united states but you can't come to GDQ?
wrong kind of black
not proud
>darkspine sonic
>big jon
too black
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>in 4 years GDQ will be dwarfed by far more charismatic, exciting and entertaining black speedrunning events
Keiz went so overestimate it fucked up the whole GDQ schedule and so they cancelled Blacktastic's Bloodstained run due to "having not time", only to then add a Pokemon run to the schedule in its place. Blacktastic proceeded to return at AGDQ this year with his Bloodstained run and get world record while Keizaron's Pokemon runs get insta declined now due to the sheer damage it did to the schedule last time.
I see you are posting in the Bleach thread considering that artist has some of the best Rukia fanart
Yeah you guys are just pieces of shit, can't ever back off at all so you double down. You want me miserable because then we can spam more ZZZ ratings for everything, be ironically racist and hate on this entire event despite dedicating a whole fucking week to watching it.
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Oh wait trannies hate him. Can't have that.
Shout-out to the black tech crew
I'm actually thinking about ordering pizza now...
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Pokemon Emerald "randomizer" where they were using some rigged shit, cheating hard, had stuff in to skip a lot of the story for them and he still came in over estimate.

This magnificent bastard ruined his run.
i thought he was just spanish
Just woke up fellow miggers, how's today going so far
wait why is everyone talking about black people what did we fucking do now god damn
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why is this redditor crying about ratings
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didn't expect you to actually start crying and peeing your pants lol
yeah you know i dont know. i dont know if they want this shit, but they seem to be going along with it.
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The actor that played James Bond?
he hasn't had a competitive time in anything for a long ass time
It was a shit run of a shit game with terrible art direction, samey levels and it all looked visually like puke. Undeniable. You just showed your hand and proved that you're judging my character over some stupid generic 3D platformer because you were dumb enough to dedicate time to speedrunning it and are trying to rationalize it as anything but a waste of time in a shitty game nobody will remember. You can call me bitter all you want and never change this fact.
Me too

>not 24/7

Fuck this earth
GDQ staff has always been pure white upper middle class clique. Diversity to them means white man, white man (tranny) and woman.
Not with that loud obnoxious monkey around
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Where's /ourgirl/ Barbie ?
Ah yes and there wasn't heaps of black runners for many years in the early days of GDQ at all until GDQ became to cringe for them.
Yup keep hiding behind your veil of irony because someone enjoys GDQ when you don't. We're on the same team but you have to constantly cope and pretend to be above me. You're so cool dude, you jerk off to loli.
>Tripling down
I'm so fucking tired, just admit you're overreacting because you have oppositional defiance disorder. That's why you're stuck on this board because you'd get banned anywhere else for this much sperging.
>Shows ESO
he's bitter and twisted, always has been. he's a spiteful and hateful guy, jealous of any other event in the speedrunning scene getting any success or any attendee at his events comitting a wrongthink.
did people really do this
>pure white upper middle class clique
The anons here brought up valid criticism though. The gameplay looks ok a bit unpolished but the art direction is a mess and too noisy. Didn't help that the commentary was awful with retarded reddit humor. This was a C tier run at best.
Because the faggy game he likes got low ratings.
I'll never understand normalfags
>caveman says "id really prefer if you would be quiet"
>doesnt make it his GDQ thing

wouldnt that be funny if he made this his thing? why didnt he? all he has to do is say it whenever hes on screen to someone whos talking to him and all he has to add is "Just kidding bro"
would be so kino
finally, some real autism
I don't know what he is.
Could be part cream cheese. Hence the name.

bit of a shame.
>point & click run
Welp, best run of the event just started.
what did he do to get banned
You just admitted you defend this game because you were retarded enough to speedrun it, which means hundreds of hours wasted on this garbage generic 3D platformer slop for what you thought was an easy WR
no that was blacktastic. which isnt true either but blacktastic was banned for being a sex pest.

bigjon just cancels going to ESA 50% of the time
Yo is this the dancing dude?
Holy fuck, Saul Goodman in the house.
finally some good fucking runs
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Kick-off in less than a hour, you lads ready?
>I'm an Aldi worker
>And on my couch here is Leisure Suit Larry
alright this is gunna be good
Half of their "diverse" people though are just men who were born as men, dress like men, still have their male name from birth, but their pronouns are they/them so ohhh look at them they're diverse!
Wal-Mart makes their employees speedrun now? Wagies still suffering
>even play vidya
The absolute state
Motherfuckin Leisure Suit Larry on the couch, I got a good feeling for this.
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what a classy run
>character isnt named trans rights
good run ahead?
these guys look pretty cool
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white honky in the back looking like he out of Miami Vice
Kek, I always thought Kez was an annoying cunt. Glad that it came back on him.
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>LIDL boomer
>playing boomer point and click game
Time to get comfy
Amusingly, I don't remember this being much of an issue with the previous games. For whatever reason this particular entry compelled half the submitters to clobber together 50+ screen stages with full-ass boss fights in the middle which is fucking insane when there's 200 of them.
>Sierra point and click
Kaizo runs have nothing on this.
Its Larry right?
>this 'tism voice
This might be good
This guy is FULL autismo. Straight up retarded.
Fucking SSS run already.
Deutscher Kämpfer
oh my
he's much better at being unsufferable on 4chan than he is at speedrunning
Why is Saul Goodman on the couch
Truly dignified runner and couch
White Lance Vance?
This dude sounds like a turbo autist.
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Very cute boomer autist
same i have never played this game but i can tell this run is made of pure sovl
why is he dressed like a walmart greeter
the couch guy has nice suit
>dominant event was 99% indian people

Sounds like a containment zone rather
Oh no.... Elmer Fudd lisp runner
Thirdworldball leaking out

As I said, containment boards are failing for /vt/ and /sp/
Oh boy Hitman is playing a game.
this guy's voice does not fit his body or face
Saul Goodman on the couch
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>Anglo-saxon scum jersey
Based retard
>leisure suit larry and a walmart greeter decide to try speedrunning
this is gold
Aye just got a Tesco delivery of beer, I’m fucking ready
We're so fucking back.
Doesn't this guy also do VR runs too and did one at GDQ? Thats an interesting combo to fun, VR games and boomer point and click.
Oh and another thing, I find it hilarious you're insulting me because I speedrun a game you personally dislike. I can only conclude you'd act the same way if it was Super Metroid or some shit. Everything is a joke, videogames suck.
>You can call me bitter all you want
You're bitter and being self-aware of it doesn't make you cool or epic if you do nothing to change.

I defend the game because I enjoy it. How is that an insane line of thinking to you? Fucking psycho.

Samefagging retard.

Their criticisms were all invalidated by admitting they aren't watching the run, bringing up ESA shit, just being angry for the sake of it.
>adventurer's guild
Is this isekai????????
khajiit are ripped off from this? do todd games have any original ideas whatsoever?
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> Older retro game autist
> Friend in a suit
Finally a quality run
They should do much more new games, like hogwarts legacy just for example. The classics have already been run and nobody cares about 30 year games that no one ever even played. Ive never heard of 80% of the games on this gdq.
Fire Elwamental
Based autiSSSt
>important donation
>anonymous no comment
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Why is Nick on the couch?
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>His Kings Qwest run was 2 years ago
How are they gonna milk donations for the final stretch this time? A 1 million bonus pokemon run incentive?
hes supposed to be dressed as the game protagonist, but he does look like a greeter of flight steward
He really is.
>samefagging retard
not only are you insufferable you're also dead wrong
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Kino alert. Cosplay and point and click games with a speech impediment
it's not just any suit, guy is dressed as Leisure Suit Larry
the energy of this run is fucking massive
I didn't post in the thread but I did look up the OP art because it's hot
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I hope you ordered the horse burgers.
i guess 5-10 people did to play them on a real console with a crt because flashcarts couldn't run yoshi island yet because no superfx support
really niche service tho
>interesting game
>interesting tech with clear skills on display
>bald runner while couch is dressed up as leisure suit larry and he is dressed as a walmart worker
>fun commentary
>clearly fucking autistic runner
This is how you do it fellas. I'm fixated on the screen right now. This is how you fucking do it. Not playing 3D platformer slop then cry in the thread for two hours because nobody cared.
I like his walmart employee cosplay
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>We have an IMPORTANT announcement mind if I butt in
Getting you cancelled right now.
LTG is the goat
Cool, move the goalposts because you want to keep being miserable and need to team up with some other jaded fuck to shit on someone who enjoys watching speedruns.
Why is he dressed like a Walmart greeter?
>Based runner with a lisp

Come on guys, it's comfy.
Couch guys looks like Bob Saget dressed as Leisure Suit Larry.
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moreso Enthusiasm and passion.
>runner can't talk and play
All harry potter games are banned at GDQ. Not joking.
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>Tesco delivery
Lazy cunt
I just realized he's cosplaying the player character, not walmart
Susprise bonus game and Elden Ring being ruined by constant interruptions of course
Onlyfans donations.
Fruitycup is showing it all.

Sneaky too. But he's doing it for free.
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Its not Nick. Its Larry
Wascally WR
/v/ I'm fucking black okay? There I said it
You're a retard and your game sucks
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Reminder that this beautiful man is married with kids
Finally a Based speedrun.
why are you black
Who's your favorite Dragonball character?
That's like 90% of gamers though
you're annoying
I like DavidTKI despite the lisp.
Police Quest 1 is better
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>constantly interrupting the runner
im gonna break out in fucking hives soon
This is true honest to god autism, it is envyable.
This guy comes off like a one scene character in a Coen brothers movie.
now this is soul
Bejita, Prince of the Saiyans
Imagine the dirty talk.
I bet his wife is fat and Mexican.
>/v/ will rate this SSS because "autists are le funny"
How is this not just bullying
Just stop being black, simple as.
Swordless future trunks all day bruh
financially very smart
>Shut up kids, we're saving up money so I can fly and play old videogames to a bunch of losers!
NTA but Tien Shinhan
Giga based
It's solidarity you prick
I'm autistic as well, don't worry
>hug tree woman
yeah he did superhot VR last SGDQ
Cool. Do you play fighting games? I'm black too, don't tell the other autists here
is that so bad?
You will never get those hundreds of hours playing kiddie slop back no matter how hard you rationalize it retard. Deal with it being wasted time and move on.
hey isn't that Nick from left 4 dead?, oh cool he became a speedrunner
>to a bunch of losers!
wow, rude
He's kinda right, white speedrunning events obsess and focus on TRANNIES, PRONOUNS, and left-troony nonsense.

Black events/speedrunning events focus on being cool and bashing on faggot whites/s0is. Just look at the people you're running, like elmer fudd.
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hey that's a pretty neat twitch extension.
>wife is stay-at-home mom
I kneel
Sierra point and clicks were ludicrous.
tfw no plant girl gf
>able to commentate clearly and explain the run whilst running
>not some boring over done shitty mario game
how is this not automatically at least a s tier run?
disneyland is the worst place you can ever go.
if your kids want a "disney" experience then take them on a disney cruise, its a million times less of a pain in the ass with all the same disney shit minus the 4 hour waits for rides.
With the exposure he gets from here he will probably earn enough for a trip.
based Miami Vice boomer
Speaking of boomer autists, noticed no Ruffledbricks
How are you not a little bitch?
We love him because he is /one of us/
Am I only black that doesn't care about Dragonball?
To be frank that sounds a lot better than Disneyland with kids.
>plays an obscure game
>knows it inside out
>provides constant and confident commentary
he's giga zased
Why are you insulting me dude I haven't done anything to you
probably had a panic attack just thinking about going, guys been getting a bit jumpy lately i hope hes ok
nasty yank cunt of course obsessed with jewish passtimes and indoctrinating them into children
>Well adjusted boomer with wife and kids
God bless this man
I'm just happy people are still playing MS-DOS adventure games
Actually pretty impressive commentary considering the game is like, weirdly intense. More stuff going on than many of the platformers from earlier in the event.
Yeah we exist
Autist is a compliment in this context. They are dedicated and skilled in their area of expertise.
It's ok when your kids are older than like 9 and you don't need to supervise them.
speak for yourself dog
the lad is charming and he's running a game well and explaining his process properly
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Reminding everyone of the kino boomer PC games block on stream 2 at ESA Winter this year, which had stuff like Star Control and where TinyTim guided a literal non functioning autist who could barely speak and mostly grunted into doing PB.
I've looked at the couch guy for the first time and just noticed he's dressed like a 1980s used car salesman.
I don't rate, and I usually like his runs.
>runs sierra games
>also does vr
>other games too
>can commentate
>actually good at his games
Finally, a run with SOVL
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I haven't for a long ass time. Since Soul Calibur 2 or some shit. All my friends play Melty rn

why is he wearing a walmart vest
>White man kills a bunch of arabs

What the FUCK.
Doesn't seem to have submitted anything lately.
Pretty sure it's a Leisure Suit Larry cosplay.
im not sure about not supervising your children at a mega park
Celeste fantroon hands wrote this post
>no more stream 2
it's actually over
Isn't TinyTim some sort of social worker? Something with schooling maybe? Either way, the guy has a gift for it.
>classic point and click
>explains everything he's doing clearly and quickly
>slightly funny demeanor
>good commentator with him
The 2 stream bullshit was absolutely retarded and diluted the ESA experience to an unbearable point. I'm glad it's over and done. Never set up a second fucking stream, nobody fucking cares except for loser idiots that overrate how good it is because nobody else is watching it
what a cool game lol
he's dressed as the mc
>This man with a lisp has more soul than most of this event

GDQ are allowing that? Thats a sex game! Prepare to never see this guy again.
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I think the problem is that there's too much focus on things that are not video games, 2bh.
It’s not bad nor is it good really, it’s just a fact.
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>it is now mid-morning on day 16 and I have joined the eternal order of fighters
Can he run that?
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time to get cozy and maybe nap while i watch some comfy autism
>leisure suit larry
>sex game
that was the biggest lie in my childhood
He's a University Teacher in Computing.
New thread where
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hes a flight attendant doing this run on his break
>inb4 the runner actualyl goes to sleep
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that run was based
adef alluded to a bonus incentive for elden ring already. maybe $250k to do the dlc
University lecturer, but yeah, same kind of shit with experience plus Tim just being like that and going "fuck it, we can start over" and getting the dude through it.
Duke who?
Is it just me or is this game ugly as a gay's penis
Lack of a door with suck wide door frame makes it less comfy. It feels too spacey.
maybe because you're a helicopter.
He has a weird combination of runs he does. Does anyone have the webms of him flailing with the vr?
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You tell me
it's nice ass mansion
>Anons rightfully shit on a dumb game chock full of flaws
>Noooo you are all meanies!!!

Kek what are you doing here kid? Reddit is over there >>>>
whats the right age to let your kids wander around a 100 acre amusement park
Same, I remember playing this and not really remembering any sex scenes or realizing he was pursuing sex, I thought it was just "a girlfriend" Thankfully I found hentai dating sims after, which was my first encounter with booba ever.
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I believe in you too!
just you buddy
guess i'll bake, we still have 1 more page
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>Careful buddy, I'm here to help!
Nah hes based and the run is good
dono reader fuck off
here friend!
I think you're just fundamentally not a good person, sorry if that means I'm a Redditor I guess.
thanks for your shit opinion anon
I got one.
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better be a bonus run by vocal fry girl
Imagine if Tim wasn't there, we would have had a literal autistic meltdown live on stream, the runner would have trashed the place.
>$6000 anonymous donation

They are going all in now aren't they?
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>6000 dollar donation
>runner doesn't even appear to hear it, let alone reaction to it, is too concentrated on his game
>keeps talking about what he's doing
>invalidated run (ie choke) on a point and click
This gdq is the most inept I've ever seen
Literally limited to a small amount of colours because of it's age.

9ish, they know how to swim, they know stranger danger.
And I was in fucking Bali, not even my home country.
Then again, my area was super paranoid with teaching kids that shit because of child murderers in the area I lived in.
This feels like his "hidden" autistic thing that he can fixate and be autistic over for like 1 - 2 hours a day, then he gots back to his normal married life and normie VR games. Its like his autistic secret.

you hate to see it
It's anonymous money laundering, so why bother?
>doesn't like cga graphics
Homo alert
Kids don't want to go to disney land anymore.
kind of a completely unnecessary risk youre taking
i would do anything to suck on her tummy
> "Anonymous 10000 donations!"
Are they still doing this charade to pad their numbers?
Disney land is for addults.
Yeah but I'm not a psychopath like you.
come on anon
I'm here for bramble scramble

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