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Now: Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
Next: Donkey Kong Country 3
Later: Kirby's Adventure

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681931159
Instead of watching others do it quick, you should play it slow. Just saying
Thanks anonymous for 6000 dollarydoos!
I just Migged
Reminder that the 2 stream bullshit was absolutely retarded and diluted the ESA experience to an unbearable point. I'm glad it's over and done. Never set up a second fucking stream, nobody fucking cares except for loser idiots that overrate how good it is because nobody else is watching it
Couch guy has a nice voice like he should be commentating a sports match or in a commercial or something.
Did he just said "shit"?
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>$6000 anonymous donation with no comment

More than I make in a month.
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>another failed run
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>$6000 donation from... anonymous!
i dont have the patience for point and click games
That was me btw
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suck blue frog
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Cirno x Sent mig
>suck blue frog
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>Invalwed run

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can someone give this run my A, i need to go start my run
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I hate Americans so much. $6000 would feed an entire village in India and yet they waste it on garbage events like this
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I'm so sorry, poorfag
He completely no sold the 6000 donation, kek. I'm not even sure he heard it.
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hey anon who was crying over us calling a spade a spade and a shitty generic 3d platformer a shitty generic 3d platformer, I'm right here and willing to read your whining for another thread, get over here and respond to me bitch
why does this guy dress like an usher
Oh boy!! We're at the point of the event where we are constantly getting a stream of random 10,000 dollar donations!!
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>Finnruns ON NOW July 3rd-7th
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/finnruns
Schedule: https://oengus.io/marathon/finnruns10/schedule
>ASM July 15th-21st
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>BSG August 11th-17th
>Final Fantasy Relay IX August 16-19th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
There will be threads
>just invalidates run to stay on track
Other runners would panic, add 30 minutes to the schedule instead and demand a round of applause.
Hey he's even cosplaying with Larry's hairline.
the man's glorypilled, no time to think about dono shit when he forgot about something
The way they just casually mentioned that 6000 dollars like it was nothing and moved on. Disgusting.
he's a pwofessional
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>20 minute run
>forgets to do things
The sekiro guy just kept playing but apparently that constitutes a trainwreck
Is this an invalid run if he had to use debug codes?
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saw it
Even the donation reader is into this. Money? That distracts from Quest for Glory
blessed, i hoped somebody would clip that
wtf why are there so many speedrun events??
Length of run is not directly proportional with number of things you have to do.
>Viewership plummets
>Donations skyrocket
>We have to navigate through the woom

Is it just my twitch or is the stream just been shitting itself the entire run?
There's a fucking lot to memorize in these games, especially in Sierra games where you have to have a mental map of absolutely every way the game tries to kill you without you knowing till it's too late.
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>last day
>only 1.3 mil raised
>management will probably never realize why they actually declined and will double down on shit that drove people away
just you
>The lava is floor
What a twist!
Is this dude a walmart door greeter?
i look like this and do that
Yeah he said so
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Because he fucked up four times, and the tech crew had to come in and disable sticky keys for him
there's at least 50 a year
me reading big print editions of the complete works of Charles Dickens
How did boomers know what to do in these games?
He's dressed as the game character.
>Based runner with a lisp
>comfy game
>Invalidates the run just to stay in estimate

This is one of the best runs of the marathon /v/.
He's in the final woom!
do you see how much shit he has to remember while talking the entire time? Even the guy on the couch forgot
Non-burger here. Enlighten me on Walmart greeters. Are they really just there to say hello?
type send help in-game and one of the men in black will come knocking at your door
Sexo lizard wiggle...game?
They didn't. They got creative.
Sierra had a hotline where you could call to have them tell you what to do. Games were designed to be unsolvable.
they didn't
had to buy a guide book or a game magazine if they ever wanted to finish the game
Word of mouth or just trial and error.
Yes but they mostly hire retards as in actual people with down syndrome
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>Just push the villain out a window
barely anyone beat these games at the time
divinity original sin 2
Notch? Is he still donating these events?
had to drop an S for the debug code
>just beat the big bad guy by shoving him over
S oulful weeeeeeee
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A utism
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Invalid run.
S even though it was invalidated
>thank you santa clause
A for autism
Thats how they made their extra money back in the day. You had to phone the hotline which cost money, or buy their official guide. These days they don't do that as their extra money comes from DLC or lootboxes or gacha etc.
Time, trial and error, and pen and pencil note taking. My uncle had a notebook full of notes for Sierra games and also level codes for 150 levels of Chip's Challenge.
good run
solid commentary
nothing spectacular happened to bump it to SSS
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A for Autism

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B but I still think the run is invalid for having to use debug tools

We need more older pc games.
nevermind im still here

S, undisputable
quick run, good game, different kind of speedrun, based autist
i missed it, what was the bald pizza donation stuff about? why bald?
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S for autism kino
simply a fun quick run
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I'm doin' him an S
>Man with a lisp has a wife

There's hope for all us anons.
easy S even if invalidated. His recovery to stay underestimate was great
D for modded garbage, don't fucking fanpatch the game to speed up the game motherfucker.
They had to think
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what the fuck is that fancy ass theatre?
This GDQ just shows me that boomer games and boomer-coded games ran SPECIFICALLY BY BOOMERS are the way to go for these events.
S, based walmart greeter boomer
easy A
He got btfo I doubt that fag has the energy to keep going kek
SSS, wish the rest of GDQ was more like this
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>if you liked what you saw
>i know you did
Fumbling for a long time. Or get a hintbook at extra cost.
Is that leisure suit larry on the couch?
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>Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into computer games, was totally different, in my opinion, then they are today. ... I think in the last 5 or 6 years, the demographics have really changed, now this is my opinion, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one.

Was she right?
he's got a wife, kids, and his job allows her to be stay at home
he's living the life, man
why is there only like 5 people in the audience at 11am?
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based GOGer
>Just a bitch.
he said himself it was invalid
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It's over/10, boring ass game
>We will never have a boomer game specific event
TinyTim, RuffledBricks and this guy should team up and organize an event like that.
Oh hell yeah. This remake is dope.
I'm 30 and this game is way too obtuse for me
That is not an appetizing looking pizza monster.
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holy hell its the dark souls of kings quest games
Yes, usually the store retard/disabled person. It's corporate crony slop of the highest order.

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B, would have been A except for the mess up that invalidated the run
you can feel the passion and wealth of knowledge this guy has for these games
it's just not present in those current year peanus weanus runs we see constantly
a Dutch one
S from me, lightning fast speedrun of a very tough game, endearing runner, good couch commentator.
typical dutch one. theyre actually really low quality to some bigger US ones
ESA Winter this year had an old school PC game/Commodore Game block and it was the best block of the event.
you are way younger than the target demographic.
It’s okay richfag
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better combat that fromslop
I was lucky and had hand-me-down 98, 3.1 and DOS pcs as a 3 yr old in like 1997.
They didn't care if I broke it.
saving this as "Quest for Safety"
I'd let him slurp me up, if you know what I mean.
I'm 32, git gud
>roll roll roll hit
>duck duck duck hit
It's about the same
based lore
nah US theatres are the lowest quality shit you'll ever see other than Alamo Drafthouses
absolutely, young people are becoming tech illiterate again too
what is the cut off for "boomer games". i noticed NES games tend to have better runs too. SNES games too.
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I wanna see a run of this next
anything before genesis/snes era
That's the cosplay, yes
>attacks that are actually well telegraphed
>you can hit the enemy without having to wait for 30 minutes
>doesn't fill the screen with pointless effects that fuck up your vision
it's better
SSS for pizza
I think it kind of depends. Like good PS1 runs are definitely possible.
Just got here. There's no way Quest for Glory was an S tier run.
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I don't like pizza
you ever just...start fighting a pizza?
That was an incentive that was actually worth watching, amazing.
These guys have such passion for these games. Too good for this fucking event
Pure soul boomer game
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good job runner
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Man he really sold out hard.
Imagine just paying people to ctrl+v shit for your scripts.
There's no way you live to see tomorrow.
Boomer Games: Pre-Nes
Gen X Games: NES and SNES
Millennial Games: PS1 - Xbox 360
Zoomer Games: PS4 - Now
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good run
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>classic Nintendo games
What are you a communist?
The older adventure games always have really fun speedrun's just because of how RNG heavy they tend to be
Some really neat tech in them too
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Sucks to be you
>noo this isn't telegraphed enough my reflexes are too slow
>aaah my old strained eyes can't take this darn tooting flashiness
filtered because old
stick to these game boomer
>gachafaggot is subhuman
remember when they found his grommr
Runs of ancient-ass games with passionate boomers are always a good time, my man.
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It's time.
Redemption arc.
ps1 isn't even close to the boomer era of games retard. ps1 games were made for normalniggers, casuals and children. they are good but they are not slightly similar to DOS/NES/C64 games etc
Her and her husband were a treasure, as bullshit as Sierra puzzles got, point & click adventures wouldn't have had the heyday of the late 80s to late 90s they had without the groundwork they laid
I'm tired of video game remixes how is it possible that there are hundreds of hours worth of them
>Tranny tower later
gen X runs still have potential though.
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yes, as a matter of fact I will stick to the superior games! have a nice day zoomy
I think he had it right >>681937728
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I still love old AVGN, that era will always be the best
Where is the latest chart?
Here's the tit tax.
Do you see how much better it is to have someone playing a game they love which features goofy shit rather than people playing shit they don't give a fuck about because they think it's so wacky. Take note you Goat Simulator playing motherfrickers.
>donkey kong country 3
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woah nelly
>Not 2
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I barely see anyone talking about DKC3
It's bad or something?
S for fast and fun
>the mess up that invalidated the run
which one?
Man games really changed so much after Sim City and Monkey Island.
I had no idea until I watched a MI documentary about the difficulties they overcame.
>AND political
What if I'm a Nazi?
There's even more music of amatuer soundcloud tier music but no one listens to those, ala remix what's already in a search engine to get noticed.
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its not as good
Unpopular opinion: Donkey Kong Country games were never good and are kept overrated by people with nostalgia for them unlike timeless masterpieces like SMW that still play just as good
>Millennial Games: PS1 - PS2
>Zoomer Games: Xbox 360 - PS4
>Alpha Games: Now
Wait, it's the GBA version? I'm leaving them.
Popular opinion: You suck, dude.
DKC3 has really grown on me over time. Still doesn't hold a candle to the first two but it's a decent game.
Her puzzles are cruel as fuck but she was right on the money with so fucking much, it's a shame she gets erased out of shit by the same people who act like they're champions of women in game development.
try big hairy mantummy and you'll probably have better luck.
>GBA port
it's gonna suck

someone needs to call the suicide prevention hotline and local police before she hurts herself
Every single part of every single game they ever made was an incompetent mistake. Lucky for them, most gamers adore being punished by bullshit. Even I get fucked on a second-wise basis in King's Quest III and reespond like "ah yes that's that good shit."
It's OK Chicago bro. I don't like our pizza either. Italian style is pretty goat though.
Also, ketchup on a glizzie is actually pretty decent, just shoot your garbage ass neighbors if they get uppity about it.
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which one of you is this

fun fact this was the very first forum I posted on as a kid i don't post on forums anymore though
>Donkey Kong Country
finally, a real fucking video game, at last.
This bitch really made this audience cam bullshit her entire fucking personality huh
>It's bad or something?
smw sucks ass
they broke up (in my head)
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might see you later, lads. Enjoy the runs
match is about to start, not looking forward to this.
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Oh lawd.
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don't get me wrong, fuck the no fun allowed organizers but what is wrong with her? lmao
reaching some dangerous levels of attention whoring
When people like games that they are speedrunning is far more enjoyble experience even for the audience. Too many runners nowdays haven't even played casually games they are speedrunning.
Have they run Fate of Atlantis at GDQ or ESA? That's one point and click I'd know extremely well so it'd be neat to see how they speed it up, seeing as it's relatively linear compared to those Sierra ones that sprawl.
My dick
Yeah thats probably better. I forget how old zoomers are these days, I just always think of them as teens but the oldest zoomers are 26.
Look up Vidya_James
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Until this faggot bitched about Spoony and that era of ytbers died after it.
Fuck this faggot.
>in your headcanon she doesn't even date you, they just break up
lmao, even your imaginary world is grim
She's a fucking girl she can wear a sonic backpack ezpz
Whenever I feel depressed and self-hating, I try to remember that people like this exist.
If that sasquatch can get a girlfriend, maybe there's hope for me...
Why is redbull so popular when it tastes terrible
It's to the point I'm siding with GDQ on it now. What they meant by "distracting" was "Stop attention whoring"
what is this rakugaki shit

any good? anyone know?
Ratings just mean so little at this point, completely watered down
Reminder that DKC3 is the best one if you 100% it.
Man with GDQ ending today what the fuck do we do next?
immediately after she got told to stop fucking around with the hat on stream her reddit white knights were spamming the threads with
>nooo she's not doing it for attention!!!!
couple days later and she's suicide baiting on twitter about how her life is over because she can't wear the hat on stream
The webm that destroyed incels
DKC3 is and always was shit
damn thats craaazy
>japanese runner
instant sss tier
I'm genuinely sad I barely missed the QfG 2 run.
Glad you all liked it.
Won't watch on youtube as it's not the same as watching it with you, retards.
>Dodgers fan

We can make her thicker
We have the technology
Hey settle down ok?
Holy shit, a Japanese marathon runner that actually speaks English?
These are the last few runs before the event turns into absolute SHILL mania and they get the loud readers on who won't shut up and the runners get interrupted and they incentive push big time. Savor these moments while you can.
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I miss him bros
>Jap Dodgers fan
Yep checks out
Wait for ESA
>wapanese runner speaking broken english
easy ZZZ run
those games are fantastic. The 2nd one was great despite the absolute bullshit mechanics (can't bump the 3 pixel wide bridge or the matches get wet and you LOSE but it doesn't tell you)
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Japanese bonus points automatically on this
English not bad either
>ohtani bandwagoner
oh baby
>I'm ready
>...you want a countdown or...?
>dodgers shirt
anyway can someone explain the nip obsession with baseball
Give it a rest lady.
>japanese person
>has dodgers shirt
>speedruns american games

rawhide kobayashi?
>trackmania frenchman
>walmart greeter
>japanese DK runner
The saviors of this GDQ
>tranny present anywhere - Z
>old boomer game with old boomer autist - SSS
There, every chart from before and into the future already rated for you
kek this
can this faggot stop mumbling
Finally a fight where I can just emotionally lean back and enjoy the show
>shapeless blob
No thanks
>French guy with heavy thick accent you can barely hear
>Japaneses guy with heavy thick accent you can barely hear and sounds pretty much the same
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Shut up, bitch.
oh no it's a negative energy commentator
i can feel my life force draining help me aaaaaaaaa
Compared to before? Nobody ever took it serious except for a handful who sperg out when it doesn't match their thoughts on the run
I bet he was an Angels fans last year.
Dodgers - Vtubers collab just happened, it's because of that
I :) at both!
Jesus, I didn't know the GBA version of DKC3 looked this ugly compared to the original
Holy crap wake up before commentating please. Drink a fucking Red Bull
This port seems pretty good. Is there something wrong with it? The OST is way fucking better.
Hey /sp/ortsniggers
Return to your containment
I don't know who this is or why his outfit is so low cut.
I hope v0oid will bring some live, the other dude is rough.
Love ESLs
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this is the only reason why:
oh hey
im doing a playthrough of GBA DKC3
I don't often agree with GDQ but I'm now believing what CoolMatty said that they just told her to "tone it down" and she's proceeded to just sperg out over and it overdramatise everything acting like they banned all her hats.
Why does the guy on the couch sound like he wants to kill himself
Lists were better because of how unserious they were, the move to the dot chart was where everything went wrong

I want to go back
Don't forget
>Halo 3 zoomers
SOTN run was good too but he also was part of the fighting game tournament so kinda shit
Is you don't like donkey kong country then you're a genuine faggot.
I thought it was from better call saul
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prepare your sides for the shitshow ESA is going to be
This guy sucks the air out of every run he's in. Almost impressive.
The palette looks like shit due to having to have high contrast to see on the shitty gba screen. I played it as a kid and it's the type of thing you don't notice then but I don't know that I could go back now
Jesus, this is real? Wtf.
I hate Los Angeles so much it's unreal.
Why does he wear the mask?
Have to agree to be honest, when zoomshits are crowding these threads now, are blithering fucking retarded, and are rating everything S now because they only think in regards to thumbs up/thumbs down (SSS or ZZZ), these threads and the rating for these events are gay.
imagine being a total sports jock normalfag and seeing this kek
oh god vt autism is infecting the real world now
is gawr normie garbage now?
Its always been like that, it IS /v/ after all, the place of extreme opinions with no grey. It's always been
>I liked this run, SSS
>I disliked this run, ZZZ
I regret asking.
If he somehow fails and dishonors his family he can commit seppuku on live stage which is also SSS
Not all of us had a SNES during the 3 years when these games were considered remotely decent.
It would be extremely painful.
realized where he was
>japanese runner
I thought I recognized that monotone voice. It's the ALTTP chokester.
>Be Japanese
>Be fan of Baseball
>Randomly pick one of the west coast teams to be their Fav team

Every time.
No one cared who he was until he put on the mask
Sportsniggers and VTUMORS both return to your fucking containment
MODS ban this nigger
based as fr*ck
If there even is gonna be an ESA at this point. Its just gonna be Edenal sitting in a room alone.
dirty gaijins everywhere
Yes, and it's huge
Do these two flamers on the couch even know the runner? They're speaking like they were forced to be there.
>follows his fellow countryman no matter what team
the only major country where baseball is really big besides the US. They have a lot of good players, the only first world country that is consistently exporting players to the MLB
What kind of name is CIA?
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We rated a Frenchie who never stopped talking very highly just the other day.
wait it doesnt go into sunday?
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he's definitely a holo fan
Thousands of confused boomers just shake their heads at the sight
I cringed but when the audience started singing along I said kino and sat down again
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I think I've seen VOoid do this run about 3 times and it blows me away.
DKC3 is the best for some reason. I forget how.
I could do DKC1 in like an hr and a bit before I knew speedrunning was a thing. It was interesting to find that they use many "tricks" I thought was standard gameplay.
because he is a ninja
>Up next is Edenal with Super Mario 64
>After that its Edenal and Planks sitting and talking
>Then its Edenal sitting alone and drinking
>Then its Joshimuz.. oh wait, he just dropped out too? Uhhh then its Edenal doing jumping jacks!
It's literal autism. Screaming and seething for long periods of time after getting something frivolous removed from you it's a telltale sign of autism.
It isn't random, it's clearly because of Ohtani, and the Dodgers are leaning hard into the Nips. Not just the HoloLive stuff, there are advertisements for products/businesses exclusively in Japan written in Japanese in the Dodgers stadium
To hide his succulent dick sucking lips
baseball tourist spotted
the song that just played kind of sounded like the beginning of the rhythm heaven interview
They pick teams that have a Japanese player. When I was in Japan the Japanese would sometimes bring up American sports and it was always a team that had a Japanese player.
So /v/, how does this version of DKC3 compare to the original? Better? Or worse?
That appears to be his only tone of voice. He ran Link to the Past yesterday for an hour and never deviated from that emotionless drone once.
I know people always say this but has this week flown by for anyone? Feels like it just started. This event in particular just felt super fast like a blur.
worse for playing
better for speedrunning
Why do people look at animals and have sexual attraction towards them?
To hide the ball gag. Duh.

He clearly knows something about covid most don't.
KEK imagine the average normalfag seeing this shit
the look on their faces must've been hilarious
Goddammit I couldn't get time off for ESA this year in time
I missed the grand poo world 3 run last night, was it any good?
has there ever been a good port of any game
First it was the Mariners, then it was the Angels, now it's the Dodgers.
No loyalty from these people.
that's a mute
>be disruptive
>get told to stop being disruptive
>seethe for days
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It begins
>starts singing
jesus christ
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>laundry: done
>dishes: done
>balls: empty
oh yeah, it's gdq time baby
it's GBA so it's much less smooth to control than SNes, but i believe they added an extra world
$700 million + tip for Ohtani
they're going to milk it hard
Donkey Kong

Rotten amygdala.
i can only empathize with animals and real people make me sick
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actually, the shilling is a good thing!
This bitch really is milking this debacle for all its worth.
Ok but DKC3 GBA has FANTASTIC music.

Can anyone disagree?
oh no please
I have no clue how to rate this run. DKC3 with Tonkotsu and V0oid should be an automatic S. But the other commenter plus it being the GBA version put such a huge stain on it.
These beams should not be getting crossed
>No one joins in the rap
Weak. Did they do DKC2 already?
the biggest baseball player in the world is on that team and he's japanese. He was huge even when he was playing pro ball in Japan before joining the MLB.
Be thankful. Its not stepping up to be a good one
I'm behind on the news, what's happening with ESA?
Because Ichiro, and now Ohtani. It's basically just racial
I like Gura but holy shit this is cringe. Keep Vtuber shit in the Vtuber sphere. FFS
For Kaizo it was alright. Basically a greatest hits of GPW with some new ideas thrown in. Almost got mercy killed because runner kept choking at the final boss (that supposedly wasn't even the hardest boss of the run)
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I liked it.
it is a completely brilliant combination though, something completely foreign and weird combined with their hundred year old anthem
say what you want their marketing team is genius
no guesses?
your husband must be very happy hun
>Japanese man playing in total silence
>Couch doesn't know what to say
>"Yeah, you can read a donation or two."
>Dead air
This is actually pretty shit.
>why are people mentally ill?
I'm so sorry you're deaf.
Wearing masks in Japan was common even before covid you retards, it's an ingrained part of their culture
don't worry anon, there's always the next ESA after that one!
Man, those two really don't want to be there, holy shit
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I watch some of these vtubers like Gura and finding out about this the other day unironically made me cringe and feel second hand embarrassment. I can't imagine the dudebros in the stadium collectively saying "what the absolute fuck" to that shit.
it was alright until the final boss choke
that took a bit
rom creator had some level gimmicks that were beyond do retarded shell and yoshi jumps over and over without fucking up
>Doing the final day incentive pushing THIS early
Holy shit they must be desperate
I don't think there's a single gba ost that out does a snes version.
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Well the Dodgers are leaning into it, they gave away official packs of cards and merch with them on it, all of which is going for 200+ bucks on ebay
he's not wrong, plenty of "madness" in these threads when the incessant shilling really starts
Good run - comfy banter between bros and a tense ending, because of a slight choke/overrun during the final boss
I agree, the run is great. The commentator is not.
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This. Was hoping for engrish the entire time
Japanese had mask wearing as a culturally ingrained thing way, way before covid.

I don't blame him, conflu and other crap spread through these events like wildfire.
I know v0oid has done commentary for the runner before don't remember if the other guy has. I'm pretty sure Tonkotsu doesn't speak english very well so he doesn't speak during runs making it so the couch has to exclusively keep the commentary going.
Isn't the GBA more powerful than the SNES? Why do the graphics look worse? It's not just the color palate.
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which Kong is your favorite?
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I just find it weird
Reminds me of this
Blending the internet and real life was a mistake
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I wish gurafag was alive to see this kek
On the other hand, I'm glad he's dead.
/v/ u r so cute
come on cute thread!!!! <3333
lol why would they do this, probably 1% of the crowd knows who the fuck that is
>Donkey Kong Country
>Not a generic clunky platformer made by a company desperate with being left behind in 3d graphics
>not awful momentum based gameplay and shitty horizontally designed platforming
Screen crunch.
Because GDQ is boring as fuck now and others want to fill that void
Fast 50 was decent at least
>own and love DKC
>own and love DKC3
>try to emulate DKC2 and always drop it in the first few worlds
Nah 3 is the peak of the series
AYAYA cute thread AYAYA
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Couch sucks...
I feel bad for nippon guy
I'd sign up
do they really have nothing to say? is it just gonna be free reign for donos for FIFTY FIVE MINUTES
>Staff we leaving before ESA Winter 2024 so they couldnt do 24 hours
>Disgruntled staff abandoning ship due to disagreeing with Edenal's decisions
>Then Metako left
>Lovare Metoo'd them
>This caused a lot of regulars to drop out to not be associated
>Still no 24 hours
>No stream 2
>Shitshow damage control with all of this including banning from the discord, wiping messages, deleting vods
Anime shit in general is normalfag.
Is he worth it? I don't know baseball.
>We're putting together a team
Yeah was thinking the same thing. Like DKC1 on GBA looks way better than this.
I'm a total snack
Other guy Is also a DKC sêerunner and i think he did a few runs years back, race and stuff
>here comes this section where you have to dodge the thing and...yeah
amazing commentary
Con crud sucks. I think it's been prevalent enough to have been referred to as the GDflu over the years.
>tfw your poverty team gets a jap
>it's kenta maeda

yes, 100%
As someone who has watched a vtuber once or twice this is making me all kinds of uncomfortable.
This shit should stay in the bedroom.
Jesus you sound like a fucking psychopath. how many bodies do you have under your house?
simple as
I've noticed that with Japanese streamers, they hide their face alot, even way back in the 2000s. It was either no facecam, or wearing a mask, or they "cosplay" where it hides their face. Then when vtubing became a thing it really boomed in Japan, but not in an attention whoring way like the West but like a "hide my face" kinda way. I wonder why that is?
Grandma because I wish I was dead.
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that's an easy choice
it's Diddy
Dodgers also had a night with the 'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence', an unironic Satanic drag show club. They really know how to pick them
Yep, it also got called ESAids at ESA, lol.
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Diddy. He fast.
Dixie is kinda slow.

Which sucks with DKC3, but the run is arguably better despite.

Damn, guess I'm gonna have to wait for next GDQ then
Japan has a serious anon-esque culture when it comes to the internet
not feeling this run lads
>Miss clip
>get the glitch but you've already fallen behind
strange when they all look the same anyway
baiting youngsters to do as you will, as old as time itself

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It's not the same...
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I can see why they're panic moding.
Don't bait me into your garbage thread with such amazing art!
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I sound like the monotone guy on the couch
It's Funky.
Contrarians need not respond.
they just want to minimize any risk that their internet shenanigans may affect their family/standing at work

Do you want a comedian or a speedrunner that actually runs games?
These three have all been in the top 10. Vooid and Ton have been 1 several times.
this is bad?
bugmen mentality, where they completely give up any sense of individual identity
Next game needs playable Funky who isn't easy mode.
now lets see the viewer count chart
jesus fucking christ
Hadn't heard that one, that's funny.
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Here's just the recent GDQs to adjust for inflation.
but you KNOW your preferred vtube would suck normie cock in a second if it meant popularity
Did it really take until 2018 to break 1 million?
love those sharp upticks at the last minute. Wonder where that came from...
Well actually that might have been faster than continuing arguably.
If only they could choose a decent game but instead they wasted their lives playing fucking Donkey Cock
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At least its better than the last SGDQ? Which makes sense, SGDQ 2023 is still the worst GDQ ever IMO.
>your preferred vtube
I don't watch that dogshit you ESL cuckold
Got the viewership graph?
It's funny that they know their (((western culture))) is completely dead to white youth now.
why is the runner wearing a mask?
>your preferred
If you watch a single one of them you should kill yourself.
Yeah gdq used to be tiny not that long ago.
It exploded around 2015 because of pro runners I think.
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I'm gonna cum on the thread alright
>your preferred vtuber
diddy? more likely diddly
that's the most 00's shit I've ever seen
I laughed, slapped my knee, then laughed again.
the monkeys stink too much
He's asian and nerd congregations are gross as all fuck
Consider sudoku.
Really is sad desu. Should've ended with AGDQ 2020. Die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.
easily mad
Just you fuckers wait
ESA is going to have the biggest redemption arc
>I kneel
so, anybody know if the new supermonkey ball game and gdq sponsor is acceptable?
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god damn
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Yeah, 2016 - 2018 is where GDQ REALLY boomed IMO, like when everyone on Twitch was watching.
Why was Donkey Kong only playable in one of the classic DKC games? Could've had Donkey and Dixie for the final one.
It's honestly baffling to me GDQ is still trucking along raking it in while other smaller marathons are collapsing.
GDQ was the villain ever since the first tranny wave started.
Indeed, imagine wasting time on a fun speedrun that is fun to run.
Probably not, anything they advertise is usually shit.
>Rise up gamers
uhoh ding dong bannu
Are you scared of actual platformers in which the characters don't take 40% of the fucking screen and the techs aren't shit?
it's bleeding viewers, since AGDQ 2020 it has been consistently losing more than 20k viewers per event
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Oh whoops forgot to add all the GDQs.
To dab on Miyamoto.
GDQ lives because of matty's sacrifice of flesh.
Used the hard r too.
Fair anon, but SGDQ 19 and AGDQ 20 were the last of the tolerable events IMO.
what do you mean, they're right below AGDQ 2024, SGDQ typically makes less than AGDQ so seems about right?
So I have no idea why the GBA version.
I've only watched snes.
Its been the villain ever since 2017 its just they were still getting numbers then so they thought their shit didnt stink, then when the numbers dropped in 2020 they just blamed covid (even though more people were at home on the internet at ever before and everything else on Twitch got a massive boost) and now covid's done, they have no more cope.
Nowhere near enough for it to be even close to dying. I think GDQ can coast along for at least another 5 years.
too big to fail. its like people buying PS5s even though it has no games
It's a lot easier to look like you're doing well when you're propped up by a bunch of corporations.

Fuckers are even shilling Doritos now.
If you don't have DKC2 in at least your top 3 of platformers, your opinion is invalid.
there are so many cuts
Isn't the plot of DKC3 literally that they're trying to rescue Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong?
no, the graph is cutting off at the current time. pretty sure the first time they got one million was in like 2013 or 2014, that was back when they wouldn't hit it until the very very end. now it's expected they hit one million on thursday/friday
I think the last agdq I watched live because I was interested was the one with bonesaw's jak run.
And I was losing interest by then. I understand they are supposedly a charity and it's an event to raise money, but as the years have gone by it's become so boring and sterilized.
I've just realized they haven't pushed a forced meme this year. No Yes chef etc.
look at mattys screeching about other events happening at the same time as GDQ hotfix and female shit no one cared about and them stirring shit for ESA, they are scared to shit about any rivaling events eating their lunch
They 100% sabotage other events behind the scenes
they;ve mostly been self-contained, nothing was versatile enough to be forced
I know forcing it implies it not being compatible/genuine, but nothing really worked (and that's a good thing!)
Will they hold the event hostage again?
nobody cared who he was until he put it on
GDQ would still be going strong if they didn't do sub only chat and janny everything to death
People will put up with the insanity if they are allowed to laugh at it
Speedrunning events in general are dead. Its not where the speedrunning community is at anymore.
>Trains Rights
>Free Palestine

fuck it bring back orb
they expect 2 million by the end, brotjher
Because dixie also holds the barrel above the head
I'm just waiting for Pizza Tower
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Why are they making poyo jokes during DK run
I stopped looking forward to watching GDQ itself after summer 2016. I just watch for the threads.
There was some Whee going earlier, which went across a few games on a couple of days, but some of that was a callback to the same one from the Bluey run last event, I think. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have stuck around too long, though it did overstay its welcome, especially with the donation reader overdoing it.
>Free Palestine
Kvetch moar.
There's a Kirby game coming up after this, of course the poyos are going to start early.
They tried "Pride Month 2", but it didn't catch up.
for the same reason you're not posting a DK character
I dont remember this wind water level in the snes and i 104% it
Didn't notice that, but i hate that joke either way.
Sorry i'm a pervert who only saves cute girls.
i find it very hard to believe that GDQ is significantly affected by people not being able to post in a chat that gets 500 messages per second
the GBA version is decently different
>gba version
>not SNES

lol its like hes not good enough to compete in the main game
Go woke
Go successful
500 message per second of programmed bots vs messages by people with actual souls
They're trying to summon Edofat
Tonkotsu is a beast in all versions.
whatever happened to her?

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