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Witching Hour
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Pass is vee

Uzuki Trailer is out
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Wonder what those hands do.
Shit, even her little bag has teeth.
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She can angle the hat barf downwards too, I'm thinking it might not be a normal but special.
I was thinking special too. j236A and j236B for horizontal and angled shots.
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Posting the webms
I want to say that opening skelly hand swing is a dash attack but there's like two other moves that resemble dash attacks too.
That Hilda 22x but with skeleton feels like its either a Hilda 22x or a Lond 4C
Are the coffin moves special moves or normals?
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Absolutely specials, at least the times where they open up.
Like this j2C-looking move that brings her down too.
Considering the gimmick and aesthetics, maybe we'll get a Bleach guest character one day...
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This spin-move also looks like a dash attack to me.
Just give me a Bleach 2D fighter instead.
Can't wait to switch to Uzuki when she comes out. This character was made to appeal to me specifically. This is gonna be a long month
They just announced a new Bleach game but we don't actually know how it plays yet or even the genre
DS 2nd (aka Dark Souls in the US) is a thing at least.

New game is being developed by Tamsoft so it's either Senran Kagura inspired or Battle Arena Toshinden inspired.
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The handsmack down ALSO looks like a running normal.
Or some Merk 4B/4C slap.
Anyways, I think the other guy is right. Uzuki's icon stops you from gaining GRD if you have it on you.
same here looks like I finally found a character to main
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Air coffin.
oh boy toshinden, time for all the frauds who rep that game to come out
Also same. This lobby is going to be nothing but Uzuki when she's out.
I personally have only played 1 and 2 back in the days of Videoland and Blockbuster. Missed out on 3.
it's a good thing I enjoy weird projectile mirrors because same
well at least i'll learn the matchup super quick
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Hopefully the drawfag can get that Rita Repulsa draw of Uzuki quick.
neat, can't wait to try her out
ogre appeals to me more though, need them to release him sooner
That sideswitch is a pretty cool trick
another drawbro here huh
Do you guys get a good number of people in these lobbies?
nah she cancels from the anti air into it, I don't think that's a running move.
Usually enough to either get close or fill a lobby. Did you want to join?
theres probably like 11 regulars
Frequent full lobbies to warrant making another.
Take that as you will.
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>Fish girl is still more than a year away
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Good observation. Probably a command normal then.
enough that the king of the hill style lobbies is a burden
it's a bit difficult to see but if you slow the video down, you can see she dissapears into her hat and then does a byak j.C from webset type move. I think she has a command jump and the fact that she does another jump after it makes me think the gold lewis j.D is a normal and not one of the specials.
KotH lobbies are a burden with even just 4
I think 4 and switch after 3 is just about perfect for KotH, anything more is bad and less is annoying
>get an idea for a custom color
>can't even get close to making it work
t-thanks, kamone
Yeah she has some weird jump follow-up
I said in the previous thread it reminds me of Sion's 3C super jump except they gave her a proper unique animation.
And it's still Sion's VA voicing Uzuki too.
how else will we determine the big hat heirarchy?
Not sure how real it is but it seems to be working.
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Thanks for reminding me to make a Manjoume Sanda color for Hyde.
Yeah, seems pretty good so far, was wondering if VO might be an option but it might miss depending on how you space the person VOing. It's pretty neat
drunk so don't bully me too hard
just gonna play normally bro
Wait, why am I respecting these fireballs. I have ice storm.
Fire melts ice bro...
Winds only help the ice in this case.
Not like this
oh no, her playstyle looks like it lands somewhere between phonon and hilda, i think i'm in love.
Hyde isn't cool enough to bring the SANDA
what's the point of the hyde [FF] fireball since it just seems like a waste of grd usually?
it has more hits than your average fireball and is a good approach option
It deletes other fireballs and still travels to the opponent?
Every action I take is the wrong one, people run at me and I instantly lose. I press a button to prevent them but whatever they press wins every time and I just don't understand.
makes sense
yea was just wondering because regular fireball can do the same job as well without much grd loss.
Its an anti fireball approach tool and does a fairly decent job of keeping opponents at bay. There's a reason it eats GRD quick, its incredibly solid
>same job
For projectiles clashing sure, but the FF will not only delete the opponent's fireball but also hit them. It significantly improves Hyde's match-up against zoners with projectiles.
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The eye glow and the skulls aren't present in the ACTUAL cut in but they did a great job here.
I liked this more before I realize she still has that open mouth smile instead of closing her mouth and upping the cool factor.
stop i feel this too much today
they should be
Switch characters, I hear that's good
I don't think people make a big enough deal about how you need a grasp of every character's movelist and gameplan and the appropriate response to each in order to start playing against them. If you just keep playing random people you won't get better, you have to actually figure out how to play each matchup 1 by 1.
Sounds like generally bad advice to me
Just have fun losing :)
This but unironically
this is true of every fighting game though
This but ironically
Right, the journey to climbing higher in a skill/trick of the trade lies in expanding your knowledge. Same idea applies outside of fighting games.
the best way to deal with this is to go play someone bad
learning to swim by being thrown in the deep end doesn't work for 90% of fighting game players and unless you follow >>682009990 your motivation will suffer too
post replay footage
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Second room up for anyone interested, same pass
Hey Sei, do you play Vat on pad, stick, leverless or some other form factor?
A big part of this game's offense is about obscuring your unsafe moves but since it's so free form you're going to get hit by different things before you can learn the first one. That's Hilda's entire MO.
People are losing in strategy from the jump because the other guy is already trained to beat people who use various OSes while a beginner is trying to block and guess naively. They're practically playing different games.
Take my spot in room 1, i'm not super feeling it tonight :(
Do I need to remake the room?
to win at fighting games, you must possess the fighting game gene (be unemployed and grind 12 hours a day)
Sorry to hear anon. Hope things are better next time
Did the lobby break?
>win a match for a change
>get stuck in loading screen purgatory next game
Anyone else stuck on Kaguya victory screen?
I used to play her on stick but ended up switching to hitbox after my stick broke.
Room remade
How is Witch Lady? I saw there was some potential news but I haven't been able to see it yet.
Nah, a lot of high level Uni players have jobs
it's over, she literally hits you once and you never win a GRD cycle ever again
kamone's vision....
check the thread we posted the trailer and made webms of her moves. She looks really good so far
name 1
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Me (I just got back from work [I am very confident])
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I don't think I've ever seen vorpal tie before.
>multi-hitting EX block trade
You don't see that every day
It usually tends to happen in neutral when both players are aware of the vorpal cycle and they both charge grd at the same time.
I was shitposting but I shall give you respect for that.
Why aren't you in here Waldbro...
I got timed out
heheh thank god the host exploded
I just got back from the arcade and I still need to shower. Just wanted to check up on Uzuki news before that.
I'll probably RQ again though when I get outplayed to the same level as yesterday
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the secret phonon ddos tech... ggs

also ggs lobbies i'm gonna go do other stuff
Apparently it was bugged in UNI1 so it was exceedingly rare.
But I've seen it happen at least 4-5 times here while it only occurred like twice in UNI1 across 4 years.
Why do I feel like every other character I play has better odds against Wald than Hyde.
GGs broski and have fun with your other stuff
GGs lobby had fun with my literal first uni matches somewhat
Jumped into ranked for now to find actual retards like me till I get better
We got some Gord players here so if you need tips, tricks, or even combos then ask away.
don't worry, the outplay happens once usually and then you adjust to the BS.
actually the adjustment is difficult because of how these lobbies work as FT1.
ggs man thanks for hopping in the lobbies with us and mashing.
oh fuck what did I come back to
OK what the hell do I do roundstart with this guy would be a good way to start, rest I can probably figure out with time. Not even sure I'll play him, haven't tried out a lot of the cast yet be he seems cool enough. I also like how his default color is called robbery purple
GGs and good luck on your hunt. If you're in the mood to play with us again feel free to ask for a second lobby if you want others to play their pocket characters/WIPs instead of their mains.
what's the character frequency in the lobbies?
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We need Mika players
is it my internet or is the lobby just crashing?
Hydes. Hydes everywhere
Seems pretty varied, but Hyde seems common
It seems as though Room 1 is facing issues too so it's probably just the servers being fucky
I crashed again, pyro's gonna try
We're hilariously missing Akats and Sions
the combo reminds so much of mu-12 in blazblue
minus the bits
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Just had my first RQ
The Mu-12 air normal is in this particular shot >>682007574
I think Hyde is about even (but frustrating for both players). Lond just facerolls everybody, gord invalidates our wakeup to the point where we have to close our eyes and pray, but enkidu is pretty even too.
Depends on who you're fighting but your 5C and 236A on the slower end I feel. Backdash into baiting a response from an opponent and just 5C/236A to start your combo works.
If you have meter then the classic 623B works. If it's blocked then just cancel into 236C.
66C is pretty strong, 3C "could" also work.
that air normal actually makes me think of lambda/nu instead, because theirs are multihit
mu-12's is a single forward rotating slash
Very nice
In my experience most Gord players either full send with 623B or just backdash roundstart
so many players in one place it reminds me of the club sega arcade
I have forgotten almost all of my Wald combos
I remember back in our [st] days I'd actually sit through and watch those 2 hour BATTLE ARENA videos and pick out combos for others to try and use.
God, good fucking times. I miss when they used to upload damn near daily.
Nice job man, the first of many surely
I've really liked her since the original on ps3. I'm glad she's finally playable.
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Should honestly be an achievement in every fighting game.
playing wagner is improving my fundies yep
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alright that's enough failing to operate a stick tonight, ggs
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I guess I'm just not playing tonight, servers too strong.
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i really only watched scoured the vods for notes or satoumaru footage
i loved that man's hyde
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I think it's just your ISP bro
GGs bros
Good ol Satomaru, the REAL God Hyde.
Made Notes look like some B-rank
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I'll see if I can join tomorrow. I'll be waking up early for one final run at AX tomorrow and I'm dead tired tonight after getting back home

I played some UNI there on the Fourth of July (a long set with a pretty solid Akatsuki) and tonight (sadly this time a few people who main other games and/or barely play, so I just beat them up for a while). I also bought an Orie character card from the Arcsys booth and they gave me some GG Strive gold card as a complimentary gacha with the purchase, ended up with Bridget. Hopefully the Steam sale has brought in some new blood
Duck these are cool. You got 7th in tonights bracket and your twitter was linked, and you stickied something about quack attack and it had a bunch of music compilations
gaahh can i get 236a instead of 623as
Thank you. I DJ sometimes and those are the latest sets I did with some friends.
Whew, finally got the A command throw to hit (even if it was teched), progress!
Cool badge. Hope it was a fun visit overall. Last time I went it was alittle overrun and smelly (especially artist aisle)
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noice keep it up bro
You dare use my own spells against me?
Cheers bros catch you all in a later lobby
There are Mika players here occasionally. I think there are other characters in need of repping.
What do you even do in an anime convention?
At least in a big tournament you just play and watch games even after you get eliminated.
sometimes i don't know which level of mind games me and the opponent are on
Engage in consumerism and buy overpriced merch.
Go and have fun with friends
you socialize and talk to other people bro
you buy anime-related goods and sometimes they host panels that may or may not be interesting
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Now that my turn is up, I can actually have enough time to kill this fucking rune bear.
I would have attended that gachimuchi panel myself if I could
They have a lobby area for casual setups and an area to rent the ability to play arcade games from my last experience. I think you still have to pay to rent space for casual setups. also >>682014787

Sometimes the panels are cool. I was disappointed at Wit's last year though due to no Uzumaki
Yeah, the random BO blasts from smelly people while navigating through artist alley was unreal.

I brought my mahjong set and spent most of my time in the console gaming + tabletop areas, since it's been years since I've regularly watched any anime and I don't follow vtubers. Aksys used to have a booth with setups where I entered a UNI mini-tourney last year but don't think I saw them around this time
take pictures with cute cosplayers
what do they have to do with UNI
He probably meant Arcsys
People still confuse them with Aksys
Simply being in the presence with such people gives life a sense of purpose...
apparently Aksys published console NA UNI exe:late until UNI2 where it was all handled by Arcsys
Aksys also occasionally publishes the console ports
That too.
I once voiced a complaint about [st]'s lack of proofreading and the other dumb shit they changed during launch.
lol the gordeau vacuum grab
They handled the localization of UNIST and UNICLR
Presumably after complaints about Shini or now that UNI became a more established IP, FB turned to Arcsys for UNI2 who punted the netcode over to Cyclone Zero.
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It turns out that my horrible lag was because I play in windowed mode. I literally don't know how I go from 1 to 2 jitter to 5 to 6 jitter when it's windowed
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people's eyes light up when you recognize their giga niche jrpg character cosplay its kind of epic
And turned out even worse.
>no crossplay
>no multigame lobbies
i wish they did more...
have you tried borderless windowed mode? they added that post release
GG Vee
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not enough porn of this B(W)itch
I'm saving that replay, being dragged from the other side of the floor was too amusing not to. Also it'd be cool if Mika could drop straight down from the air with 2FF.
on rule34xxx there's one with the dog that was linked earlier
Patience, she's not even playable yet
where you expecting any at all? she was an unplayable npc with 1(one) line of dialogue in the story mode prior to now.
These tornado interactions are pretty wild. I literally didn't know where you even teleported to when that happened and had to take a second with 5A (which thankfully connected)
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I'm not a white woman, anon
Dude probably has no fucking idea she was officially revealed today
>Implying it takes more than that to set the artists off
>Implying artists care about drawing porn for a series hardly anybody cares about.
That doesn't bring in any eyes. This isn't some new gacha game character.
GGs lad
she's not really erotic and only people passionate about uni and the character will draw her
so how do we get more peopel to care about uni
We need more erotic characters like Mika
GGs btw wald
You don't
buying people copies
tell them about it. bring it to your locals. start a locals if you don't have one.
Speak for yourself
pit-bros are winning with this one
her rule34xxx page sux
the game just isn't that popular
a lot of people do know it but as the game with the really long name
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How do you deal with Mika in general
1. shield missile (unless it's tip range)
2. cry when she doesn't missile
Gettig a UNI character in another fighting game could be useful
It really depends on shielding the missile properly.
If she does it from afar she'll be safe but if she does it closer than it's less safe. It's a fucking hassle to keep track of.
patiently awaiting averagehanzo's piece of her
shield missile so she loses her turn. try to keep her away and be wary of random tornados in neutral if she has chain shift. the ex missile mix is a pain to block so I prefer using a reversal or VO when possible
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but what if it was a game you couldn't take or stand for another minute?
yuzu is in skullgirls and bbtag at least..
fuck it put her in samurai shodown
that's a cool design
Who do you play?
why did that iwex feel so long
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Nobody knows. Not even other Mika players know.
Mika is an enigma that either wins handedly or dies horribly.
I've perfected the people I've learned from and got obliterated by them twice as much.
kneecap any of the shoo-ins for EVO top 8 that play strong setplay characters so the matches are all entertaining
>putting gear music in your character breakdown video
>yuzu is in skullgirls
This barely produced any art either. 3 other franchises and barely ANYTHING came out of it.
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she's in the background of one of the stages occasionally
She's in the background of some casino stage.
sorry you get Gordeau vs Gordeau and Merkava vs Merkava
It all makes sense when you learn that she was supposed to be a joke character at first
I want Notes to win EVO though. Or Kyo
Or any of the Club Sega crew
That Gordeau vs Merkava set was kino in EVO japan
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delivering a request from yesterday
hopefully the anon who requested get to see it
kek based
if my other option is seth/byakuya/kuon I'll take it gladly
kyo's won enough tournaments to last a life time, let some of the other jp players shine. libekichi still needs to avenge himself
Dimes. Nice job
Very nice
Oh yeah. I completely forgot
Filia when?
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I'm that anon, thank you so much draw anon, I appreciate this. Do you have a twitter handle or something I can shill when I show this to other people?
if kuon wins evo i will eat a rag its going to be byakuya winning a tournament for the fifteenth time
Not unless JP takes up 7 spots at top 8 like last time.
I want an all JP lineup this year.
you just know every fucking tranny is about to make this thing their main and discord avatar
we need america's strongest kermit poster to train with more people so everyone doesn't keep losing to bigblack.
I have like negative memory of what Linne does but my body keeps trying to do something
I'm glad I'll never find out on my own.
>coolest thing ever
>this is for trannies actually
life must be very difficult for you.
Nothing guarantees that a given character can deal with their own bullshit in the mirror though.
don't mention it
>twitter handle or something
I post stuff on pixiv but it's mostly loli (and a single drawing about UNI so far) so don't worry about shilling me
thanks to the other anons for the (You)s
I hope a kuon makes it because I sincerely just want the big bad guy character to win
I'll be fine as long as its a JP Kuon.
Just don't let the western community come out with an L. I'll have to hope our anons who are going will gatekeep as hard as possible.
don't act so surprised somebody who plays fighting games would be used to interacting with trannies
GGs See you tomorrow.
ggs dude
no one mention trannies except you.
Are you in the lobby?
and? retard
We'll wrap up lobby 2 at the 45 minute mark. Thanks for chilling with my bros.

Can be be tough picking her up when you're not used to your tools at all. My advice is just get the basic 214BC into j.B > j.C > j.2B > 2C > 6CCC route
please for the love of god nerf carmine. easily the character with the least amount of interaction
>wins round start
>win neutral
>wins pressure
>touches you one time and you take 5k, then you have to sit there jerking off in the pillar of aids until you die to the mixup that is safe from all reversals
idk but you probably spend most of your time seething about stupid shit
i don't but you clearly feel strongly just from the post i made
I'd sooner fight Carmine than fight Byak.
chilling with me*
phonon has the best custom colors
going to study her combo doc midgame
At least Byak has to interact with you. He still has to choose between:
>meaty/TRM (loses to DP)
>throw (loses to mash)
>bait DP (loses to blocking or specific mashes that clear all webs)
Carmine just does all of that with time to spare
>At least Byak has to interact with you.
Until you're in the corner
I used to feel that way, but fighting Carmine and getting fucked eventually "clicked". Started noticing the patterns to win the grd cycle to get my turn more.
No, he is still playing this game. He could have all the resources in the world and he still has to guess what you're going to do. Even if he does 22X > CS to meaty and also bait DP, you can just block and make him waste it

cycle doesn't matter when he has a puddle on your and instant plus frames
>easy RPS situation that isn't straight blocking for 20 seconds or more
yea byak is easier to fight
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Thanks for hosting. Was fun playing mirrors with you guys.
Thanks for the games bros. It was fun doing a lot of mirrors
I just hate how Byak can just play patient and let the webs last forever until triggered do their thing.
At least with Carmine he's on a timer to do something before his wheels dissolve.
I'm bad at calling out the TRMs so it feels worse for me.
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GGs Lobby 2 lads. I also enjoyed our mirrors night quite alot. Thanks again for hoppin' in haha
this girl's design is so lame, she looks like an OC donut steel some 12 year old scribbled out on deviantart
I'm gonna remove all my Chaos and Wald knowledge to provide space for my new Uzuki combos. Her giant skeleton arm slap move already made me want to play her even if she ends up being a charge character.
I think that's the combo I was trying to do this entire time since I did play Linne prior to Uni2, but I literally haven't touched her since then. Same with Nanase
Carm would be fine if you could 3D against him
That's what makes it good
The only thing that would make her more appealing to me is if she was also flat and tanned.
That DOES look silly.
I really like that roll custom color on phonon
Is that so? Sometimes it takes awhile before things begin to click again. I'm surprised I was able to do some of my regular combos on stick tonight (DP still had a relatively high failure rate and preparing to throw tech proved impossible haha). Hopefuly it comes back to you another day. I'm also looking forward to Uzuki for all of her cool coffin moves.

Here's that webm by the way of the DP clip for Basto by the way. It looks like I recovered in time to jump at the end of the animation. Pretty crazy how huge it is.
sometimes you get a really cool idea and it just doesn't work out most of the time so I'm glad this did
really need kamone to add more colors in a future patch
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The people aren't ready to be told byak is actually playing the game bro. Does he have lopsided strike throw when he has webs on you? Yes. Is he out here covering all types of reversal options, doing unreactable fuzzies to you, having the most well-rounded set of metered reversals in the game, and various other Carmine crimes? No.
If Camrine is so good when how do none of them make it to top 8 as frequently as Byak?
Because UNI is too niche
>well-rounded set of metered reversals
I hope whoever this is isn't counting 214C as a metered reversal
none of them are carried by fundies
Mika's tornado snapping people into place has been one of the best things for Mika. I love it so much
he has an invulnerable (albeit slow) DP that is barely punishable (if he has a puddle out, you just have to hold that LOL), and an invulnerable command grab that beats safejumps
Okay good
NO NOT GOOD. Imagine if Hilda had any invuln options on wakeup and retarded damage.
I'm not saying that's good, I'm saying I'm just glad your reasoning wasn't flawed because I've seen people treat 214C as a reversal.
why did you leave
i keep forgetting veil off and guard thrust exist man
I didn't realize Seth has the most horizontal DP until now.
It's a small consistency buff to her, and I'm glad that it was included. Wish they didn't take away some of her other tools, though.
Same. Surely the time spent blocking has improved our defense though, right?
Because Byakuya is easier, more consistent, hasn't changed terribly much from version to version, and has strong players who have played him for a long time.

Besides, UNI has a history of very strong characters not showing results (like yuzu). Does that make her bad?
NTA but I blocked Wagner for like 10 seconds tonight
the average wagner blockstring length
I can understand Yuzu personally because we have too many of them around here.
But I'd really like to fight some good Carmines to see the hell people are talking about.
needs to be longer
go on ranked some time I have only taken one game off of the 2GBCombo guy's carmine
What OSes still work in UNI2?
Anti-Air OS is still pretty useful.
gg everyone I stayed up late enough so its time for bed. Can't wait for Uzuki she looks cooler than I thought she would
2AD, 3CAD, 2CAD (for characters with anti air on 2C) and you might be able to still do 623CAD if you're crazy.
There's also 171A~D I think
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Got late real fast tonight.
GGs everybody
GGs bros.
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i'm compelety filtered by yuzu's advanced combos, i've never played a negative edge nor stance character before
was it finally a good uni night?
interesting i'll have to test it tomorrow
this is the one clearlamp wrote a lot about for [st]
We've had plenty of good lobby threads before
You don't have to negative edge in her combos anymore since the devs dropped the penalty for not implementing it. Just stance cancel from pressing D every now and then.
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Good as in normal and pleasant.
By that metric, it's as >>682023612 had said before. Very few threads devolve into genuine shitshows. Too many trying to press buttons good.
Why wouldn't it?
If the dumbasses that made the new melty blood were smart they would've put hyde in instead of random nobody fate servants.
they put in whoever nasu tells them to put in
nasu actually put in effort into the story of TL, whether FGC cares for it or not, and a lot of sales are also from people who are not fighting game fans presumably coming from FGO and have a taste for nasu's writing, that's why it's done more numbers than UNI
The game fucking died after they added literal who's from the gacha though. It's already annoying as fuck that fatefags begged for type lumina to be turned into a fate game, it's even shittier they actually catered to those retards.
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how do i do this combo
After you do 214B, tap D in the middle of the animation and before you land do dash B input before going for the finishing slashes.
are you ssupposed to dash before you landing?
Dash from the other side yeah, it becomes core for her combos so you can pick them up before they hit the ground. I got stuck on that too until someone told me about it, it's called buffering the input and you do it in other parts of her combos too with 66C too.
In that combo in particular I don't think you have to stance cancel but it helps to get used to it because you'll be doing it alot in her routing following 214B and also makes it easier to get the dash attack buffer out faster, just make sure you do it before you land and not too early or late.
also i hear somewhere that pressing D to maintain youzoos stance is not a good idea why is this
I'm not an expert on the character so I can't answer that one but what I can say is using D to cancel out of moves faster is key to letting her apply crazy pressure on top of the sick combos.
rape uzuki
No problem and good luck on landing the combo.
only? that's pathetic. you at least hop on T8?
Game gets good 5000 hours in
>cute cosplayers
there's a convention like that too?

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