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Now: Super Mario RPG (2023)
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Previous: >>682003217
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The final final miggy...
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Neptunia is cringe but it's our cringe
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Haru cute!
Haru cute!
I'm not sorry my superior way of calling it the SNESS angers you
up and miggin, sir!
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I don't give a shit to stay up for 3 hours of Spike and a troon talking over the run.
They're all up on https://git.ecker.tech/mrq/vee-speedrun-ratings/src/branch/master/archive/2024/SGDQ2024/images for posterity.
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>Found out John Cena is retiring for reals
Saddest mig ever
Wrestlers are never truly retired until they're dead
I bet Ric Flair will have another match kek
What the fuck happened? Glad I missed that I guess
The China thing broke him.
>announcer has to join the couch because of audio issues
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Sorted by mean.
No, there are no fans of the original soundtrack. Nobody wants to hear shitty snes trumpets ever again
>the mic broke so that's why they didn't read donations for a half hour
God why didn't it happen 2 hours ago
...hol' up.....
I could have sworn he retired a decade ago considering all he does it movies and TV shows and trying to be the new LE WHOLESOME HECKIN' WRESTLER ala The Rock
>Everyone is going to bed
>Donations slowing down
>Twitch chat and reddit both distracted with memes

GDQ bros look like we're not going to reach the 2.5 mil incentive...
this gdq sucked but it somehow was not as bad as the pandemic ones. i think i'll be here next time.
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Sorted by median.
>loudmouth broke the mic with his hype donation reading
Thanks and godspeed see you at ESA
me on the right (female)
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I'm so tired but I don't want GDQ to be over
I know ESA is in a couple weeks but still
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So where do we go after the final run?
We are going somewhere, right?
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imagine crying over a fucking video game character
a gdq miracle
lol Nep never misses
There's me. Fuck you
Original soundtrack is pretty much always better in all remakes
>/v/ hates spikevegeta now

Why are we full of newfags?
Original forest maze is better for sure.
Shilling this one more time, going to bed now. Let me know when your first GDQ was, I think it's interesting to know.
wow it's almost like showering is a meaningless habit that serves no purpose
I understand now
>make couch and announcer so annoying that you're even more incentivized to beat the game quickly
>unfortunately it's still 3 hours any way to slice it
Best you might get are some lingering post-threads here
>linking to the results
based retard-kun
This is boring as fuck. I'm just gonna chill with you guys.
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migging all night every night
well just this one last night I guess

thank you for the assist!
He's a soulless shill now
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>went to a party when they were at 1.4m
>come back to them being at 2.4m
What the fuck did just happened during these 6 last hours?
You can sit next to me
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miggin late
Nice gay moment from Spike
>GDQ hit 2.4 million in donations even though anons were doom posting about it 2 days ago
It's been a while since I last checked but he became a pastor or something like that and does a lot less speedrunning nowadays. He still streams occasionally but he got the good ending and has a decent life now.
It's 7:23am here and I haven't slept. Apologies better timezone-chan.
Asking in a new bread
Did Golden quit twitch or change his name or something? I swear I was following this guy on twitch but I'm not seeing him in the list
agdq 13, posting on /srg/
Dead run.
>I like not hearing the runner or anything at all every 20 seconds the post
if you like annoyances thats on you but dont force us too listen too this fag every 20 seconds someone post the stat for how long he can shut the fuck up for i think i may have it wrong
Surprisingly enough I think that's an honest to God women
something something money laundry
He's GoldenSRL on twitter. He's apparently at this SGDQ, he posted a pic, but not involved in the stream in any way
Golden is quite literally at this event.
I shouldn't have made some coffee at 10pm
I would much rather be sleeping rn
FUCK the timing, thanks anons sorry for asking twice
Spike is based and neo /v/ seethes at anybody who's actually funny and charismatic. They seethe that he succeeded where they failed.
>that bobomb can eat a kike
jesus christ spike
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Don't forget to be with a man after enjoying this UNBELIEVABLE Summer Games Done Quick /v/!
you got laid man that's what happened
god bless chartanon, your services are always appreciated
I see Spike kept the weight off, so good on him at least. He lost a lot of weight for one GDQ, but it seems like he's kept it off. A lot of fat people usually relapse when they lose a bunch of weight.
Have you heard of money laundering?
seems like gdq 14 was the first one for most people. i wonder if thats because it hugely blew up on twitch back then
He showed up less because of that stuff but he's offically retiring next year.
get fucked, your whole manipulation of ratings was uncovered this SGDQ
Did he really say KIKE? I couldn't tell because of his accent, but it sounded like he said KIKE or KITE.
Where's Glaceon poster? I need a pick me up.
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based chartanon, see you at ESA
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Why are they pronouncing Geno as Gino?
Am I missing something?
Holy shit you are still salty. How deep on the spectrum are you to have this kind of fixation, or are you just a retard
what party?
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he's got nothing else to do. his let's plays get 7 views.
new trans icon dropped
he definitely said kike anon
GDQ's '12 and '13 were like proto-GDQ. 14 was the first one that attracted a lot of runners in a larger space.
i'm not really into fromsoft games but elden was an okay finale
see you anons next event, bye
Im salty? You keep deleting ratings you dont agree with bitch!
2013 was my first one. The fire alarm building clear was great.
Me and other 3 niggas in a row.
Catch ya next time, Chart-kun
dude uppies lol
most old guard that became staff are insufferable fags
One of the Gaylord's on the couch pronounced the Super Nintendo as "SNESS" so all their pronunciations are fucked
'12 & especially '13 were HUGE, some of the largest events on twitch for the time. Naturally, a lot of people picked up on that and swelled the numbers for '14
He legit care about speedrunning and is very knowledgeable this make nu-/v/ seethe
it must be the same guy who keeps posting his tweet replies to spike.
That was 14 anon. Tri-hex's run.
File deleted.
you need help dude, have you considered therapy
He's the last shred of old GDQ so I'll respect him for that but that's probably because he sold his soul to not get banned for even being in the vicinity of Werster yelling nigger
I have literally never understood how this minigame works.
The sidescrolling section, sure. It's easy. But that first section? Fucking impossible. I always felt retarded.
I wish werster wasn't dead
I think I started watching speedrun marathons BEFORE GDQ.
This is a long shot but does anyone remember these niggas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheSpeedGamers
Stop ban evading malcolm
>anybody who's actually funny and charismatic
what does that have to do with spike
Welp, that's a ban. We won't see him back at GDQ.
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>threads are slowing way down
It really is the end isnt it?
miggers... this mig might be our final...
A lot of Kotaku/IGN articles about "Guy DESTROYS childhood game to BEAT CANCER" probably popped up around that time
I could be misremembering but I'm pretty sure I remember Golden talking on one of his streams that he enjoyed doing the GDQ hosting and wanted to keep doing it but he was edged out by the people running it because he happened to not be in favor with the clique in charge. Not that he did anything specifically wrong, just that they preferred others over him
I only know about this because Dunkorslam was in it and he's told some stories. Never saw it myself though
You stole hotel keys

You are lucky you arent in jail for rape like metako
its 1:30 am anon
Ah right.
holy shit i do remember this.
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there'll be more migs yet anon, don't know If I'll be awake for it though
The they/them's voice kinda irritates me.
Guys before this ends; do you sleep naked or clothed? I'm curious
Why did Metako crawl inside Lovare, head first?
I'm gonna steal your dad
I'm getting that feeling of dread again bros. Esa will not abate this feeling as it isn't 24 hours.
he's too busy trying to say chuggaaconroy raped his troonfriend
Spike makes the audience and twitch chat laugh without fail, a true artisan at controlling tye crowd.
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beer beef and broccoli rice bowl
comfy food coma time :)
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where's her run?
Any good jrpg runs this year?
I'd give bowser a tip
Muh boy Booster.
speedrunning was already big during gdq 2012, 2013 and before. its worth pointing out siglemic and cosmo were among the absolute VERY first people (with MANvsGAME) that were partnered and getting paid to stream. speedrunning was the #1 watched activity on justin.tv and twitch in the early years.

these guys got good viewership for the time too. i remember their final fantasy marathon doing quite well.
I distinctly remember tuning in to watch siglemic run 120 star in 2013
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his brother cucked him to death :(
For a LONG time I was uncomfortable sleeping naked, but now I only sleep naked as it's way more comfortable. I've tried different types of boxers, but they're all too uncomfortable to sleep in now, at least for me, even the silky expensive ones aren't as comfortable as just sleeping naked.
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Is he really called like that originally? I've been living a lie this whole time and nobody ever tried to correct me, what the fuck.
This gdq sucked so hard if ESA wasn't imploding it could've been a good year for them
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soon we will all be dispersed back in the catalog, calling each other niggers and trannies, unbeknownst the person on the other end is someone that we may have shared these moments with
Decent moan
Why can't we have GDQ threads all the time? They host stuff on their twitch pretty often, no name runs but it's something to banter over at least
I would fucking plap pidge so fucking hard
Would fucking brick in that pussy with several hot ropes as she loosed the most obsence, nasally grunts and moans
Shame Siglemic is a diapershitter now
I literally only come to /v/ for GDQs and sometimes ESA. I implore you to do the same.
I sleep naked because /fit/ told me it increases test

It doesnt but now I’m used to doing it
God Ames is such a slut I've been cranking my hog for an hour and a half to her pics
Insane footage, the vibes are so different
People are comfortably chilling watching and it's not cringe

Looks tasty, I just ate 26 meatballs.
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legendary run
A good amount of us only come back to the boards for these events
Nuh uh I fuck off from here until it's GDQ time
This place is unbearable ass
if you didn't watch classic games done quick you ain't an OG, simple as
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Shame it might be the last ESA, since I haven't looked forward to an ESA after a GDQ in a long time until this utterly offensively mundane GDQ.
square games have a lot of shit like that
sabin is not used for the original games, but it still is a name from yurop
it's supposed to be "sah bin"
if it needs to be said, squaresoft is also just a localization branch, square is the company name
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I used to post about how I was a NEET for years here every GDQ. Then I stopped being a NEET in 2023. Now I'm a NEET again.
The way her face looks like, I’d say 2-3 years
Its funny how in his own stream Spike is extremely vulgar and love to swear but in GDQ stream the dude is like the most wholesome dude.
Nigger this place is unbearable nowadays, I can only stomach the GDQ threads and that's about it
And cosmo is...well we don't need to talk about it
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See you bros for ESA
Edenal's antics trying to defend himself will make this an ESA to remember

Modern /v/ is /b/ lite with more coomerbait than actual topics at any given point of time.
because he's an opportunist and will do anything to continue leeching off the gdqs
Take me the fuck back
Anon, I…
I remember a buddy of mine from a counter-strike source clan message me about AGDQ 2013 over teamspeak. Nothing beats pre 2016 GDQ's.
i post on /v/ during GDQ, /sp/ during the olympics, and the rest of the time on /biz/ or not at all

To clarify, do you believe Spike when he said, earlier, that he balled like a baby over the SMRPG cut scene?
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I can sort of hear it being a butch woman, but its twitter is oddly filled with a bunch of pride-shit.
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thanks Kans, appreciate you
Out of everyone in this room Spike is the only one that is still alive

I remember fun...
he's in this thread right now, too
>verification not required
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Stay true
Fully clothed, pants tucked into socks so they don't ride up while I'm tossing and turning.
>stuck as a husk of his former self at GDQ which is a shell of its former self
Everyone that left is better off than him
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>ending already
only well ranked runs I missed were morrowind, fusion and MPC
wow. that is an insanely deep cut. i remember their final fantasy marathon.
she's definitely female, she was on the 2019 smrpg run as a thinner less-husky-voiced version of herself.
Naked, max AC, and only a comforter with my hairy ass exposed to vent the heat.
Fully clothed, because I shared my room with at least one of my sisters as I was growing up and now it's so burnt into my very being I can't sleep without a shirt now. It's a hellish existan ce trying to sleep during these hot as hell nights fully clothed, I tell you what, but I can't sleep without clothes either. I just end up passing out of exhaustion after a while, instead of organically falling asleep.
90% of autistic girls twitter is full of pride-related garbage unfortunately
It's been nice hanging out with you marathon enthusiasts once again
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Do Americans really?
i did
danks nigga
Boxers. Blanket optional.
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Have ads?
Dunno about Morrowind, but watch both Fusion and MPC, pure fun
>With my hair ass exposed to vent the heat

H-how does that work? You cut a whole in the comforter to expose your ass? You sleep laying face down? Or you meant you sleep on your side with your ass not covered by the blanket?
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Well? What did we learn from this years SGDQ?
Your tradar is broken
thanks for the reminder
and what about your sisters?
Naked or boxers only
no shirt ever
havent been following at all this year, any kino runs worth watching vods for?
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One year maybe a discord will be made for between the events...
There are several anon communities that it worked out for, sad what could have been
Ames I love you I cannot stop jerking off to your pictures you hot slut
I do, spike isn't a mentally disturbed /v/tard and has a range of emotions outside of just anger. This is partly why /v/ hated Last of Us, they can't actually comprehend the narrative in from of them and seethe as a cope
Take "stream breaks" to gorge themselves on junk food that's advertised at them
fuck that shit I will ne at the dying dall3 threads still ban evading for posting furry queens
Nah, this place is shit and I only browse it during these events and during EVO.
I'm way happier after I stopped coming here daily.
Any /srg/ oldfags have that wistful image of that fat runner driving the go-cart? Always loved that picture. Forgot who the fuck that was from /srg/ though.
Literal psychopath sleeping behavior, like someone sleeping in blue jeans
i love american capitalism
t. thirdie
Most games have garbage speedruns and that coolmatty has Stockholm Syndrome with himself.
>Wester, DSS, Sylux and that other nigger I forgot his name
Peak soul and Bertin/Sylux was literally /ourguy/
Never seen an ad before?
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Estimates can change
I'm okay with the transient nature of these threads, I prefer it actually.
Fun fact: Uyama took the entire idea for GDQ from these guys. He brought it up on SDA and figured he could pull in more views, was gonna host the event at MAGfest, the internet there was so shit it was impossible so they moved the whole thing into Uyama's basement. Rest is history.
Quest for Glory
Chibi Robo Tearful Manifesto
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These are fucking delicious crack. Fuck you.
>hot nights
sis, your AC?
They always slept naked, sometimes in my bed
Forgot to mention I also tuck my shirt into my pants so nothing can disturb my comfort
We need to do more to further the movement for trans rights.
That if you google 97ames nudes you can fap for three hours straight to some delicious saggy tits with pierced nipples.
the threads being transient is 110% a good thing. do NOT make a discord.
You know you don't actually have to listen to an ad. Maybe that's a foreign concept to you.
In your cause it's probably high level autism, but also something a serial killer would probably do.
>All these people who don't browse daily
Teach me your ways anons
For me, it's the baja fiery mango.
what happened to the midget?
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PSA these ones suck, do not get
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I'm going to sleep. Thanks for spending the week with me, fags. (You) are the only reason this is still fun. See ya next time.
To always appreciate the previous GDQ, as the next one will always be worse.
these threads are already mostly discord raids, fuck off with that
blechy? got married and fucked off
You'll learn to spot them eventually
How many of us are unironically trans and hate seeing trans rights being chanted 60 times an hour? I wish they'd shut up about it already they're only making everything worse
Do other things and hit the gym
I can't believe it's already 2017...
I say this as someone that's in a couple /vg/ discords
do not make one
try and bring /srg/ back if anything
sacrificed to moloch
There is such a thing as overexposure and I've just become annoyed by him at this GDQ.
0 people here
I just don't use my pc anymore.
I play vidya on a handheld laying in bed with something up on the tv. Every time I'm on my pc I get stuck in a catalog refresh loop and don't actually play vidya.
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survived GDQ
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that they can always get worse, but at least a week of shitposting is as fun as ever.
You will never pass
Me! Me!
you think you want it but you dont
the fleeting nature and anonymity is part of the magic
/srg/ had the shittiest fucking meta and it was all tranny discussion and gossip.
Doritos are a god tier snack, truly the gamers most trusted fuel source
does he need a ladder to reach the higher shelves
I'm trans ironically
>A douche
>It's after midnight...we can say it haha

Spike is having to damage control so hard. The guy has already said KIKE as well, and now DOUCHE. He won't be allowed to come back or will get a stern talking to.
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welcome back, there's always a (You) here for you brotha
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i'm going to sleep too, i cant stand this couch
goodnight fags
see you for lobotomized ESA
How does he reach the top shelves
>an unloved collection that will never be played
why do this?
I need to find the video of some guy preparing instant noodles in mountain dew and and spinkling doritos
Why does the SNES age so poorly and turn brown?
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He grew up.
>Ugly fat nerd girl is dating someone
>He's in the audience
>Says they're getting married someday

Wow, that should give you anons hope that there is someone for everyone.
why do they keep saying gay jub?
shitty plastic, you can fix it with retrobright but it's temporary and makes it more brittle IMO
If she fat, I don't want her
That they need to tone down the donation reading and make hosts shut the fuck up some time. That the charts are meddled with by the fatfag. That Coolmatty is a horrible human being that deserves his fate. That anons have shitty taste.
Yeah maybe I have a chance with Ames my love...
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he got femur lengthening surgery after his last gdq
>commentary improves immensely without the endless donation begging from twitch chat and staff

Soulsfags can't win and don't deserve it
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gn holobro!
lmao even
I'm 33 I may as well just give up
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same cant wait. not staying up for the end of this poopfest
I can't stand people touching me
It's over
Kill yourself
She looks so much better with her hair down. What was she thinking
For me? It's store brand Cool Ranch.
I thank Doritos for popularizing it, but I will not be purchasing your overpriced products.
No problem migger
I will never marry BlueGlass... and play ecco the dolphin with him until we both die happily ever after.
why live?
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no, it just makes me sad.
The warm tender touch of another is forever out of my reach, and I'm not even sure id want it if I got it.
I am the oroboros I long for warmth but reject it at every turn.
most people here could if they wanted to
its just that anime and vidya gave them unrealistic standards
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I'm still trying to figure out how to talk to women before I become a wizard this year
>Peach on her back

Oh she was on her back alright...all night in my bed.
>it was all tranny discussion and gossip

So speedrun stuff?
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pic related sounds horrible but I think they might be the best doritos I've ever had
From last thread
How the fuck do you find women aligned to your interests if not on dating apps? They don't go on 4chan and if they do they probably don't want to be with a 4chan user
thank you for the psa friend. If you ever see the jalapeno ones, they're delicious. not overly spicy, just surprisingly accurate fresh (not pickled) jalapeno flavor
slit your throat /vt/ranny
I fucking hate pickles.
I don't know. I assume they also were clothed since we were in bunker beds and I never had a reason to see them after going to my own bed.
I only have a fan at the moment and it's... Actually not that bad.
Trying to sleep without AC or a fan is an actual living nightmare, though.
PIckle is so sour it hurts. It's like they put that warhead sour powder on it.
ooo this one looks yummy
I liked the mustard ones that had that horseradish heat, are those still available?
pickle flavored chips are rad
a step up from salt and vinegar which is a bit garish
>Hands up if you cried to this

This bitch needs meds.
They deployed the doritos shills to the thread hoping to fill the dorito meter what the fuck
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i cant tell if the doritos posting is organic or if we've been invaded
>still clinging onto hope of finding a non-pozzed gf
Take the bropill.
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not very many highs but I gotta say the average run quality was pretty solid - for better or worse, rare are the days of fledgling autist cringe-kinoing his way through a run with little support
If not wanting to date an absolute ham planet thats more vain than she is capable is "unrealistic" I think Ill die alone thanks.
this thread is compromised
>donation total jumped by a million while I was asleep
Every. Fucking. TIme. How much did they have to take the event hostage for this?
*chair clattering*
fuck you
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I tried it and realized I fucking hate being around other people
it's just not for me
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glad i'm a homo desu
>the average run quality was pretty solid
you didnt watch the event huh?
>Soulsbaby mad that his game was rightfully used to farm as donobait and nothing else

If I were you I would be mad too
I think GDQ made me trans.
Melo yelled through the entire Elden Ring run and the drooling retarded normies clapped and donated their paychecks
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Nobody in this thread eats Doritos, anon. You're crazy.
Well, maybe except for Spicy Sweet chili Doritos. Those are a blessing upon this great Earth and if you DON'T eat them then you're going to Hell. But that's all.
I'm just a fat fuck that loves videogames and snacks. I rarely get to sound like an expert on anything, but here I'm fucking Neil deGrasse Tyson
they stalled 2 runs at the end to hit incentives, delayed runs about an hour, and wheeled out coolmatty to give a lecture for an hour
They had a secret $300,000 in sponsor money
>26 Overestimates
>9 Trainwrecks

Yeah anon...this event was good...
I'm 34 and have never hugged a woman that wasn't family yet. Let alone more than that.
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this, but unironically
>shares the same interest as you
>can always handle the bantz
>will never get the ick
>will never hit the wall
>always there to let you drain your nuts into how you want
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You just have to play games
I tried to grab a lot of games that interested me, since last year, pirated, emulated, bought, whatever, but I played them
I didn't even notice how much my desire to play games has improved since I stopped coming here often
best flavor!
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Think they spitroasted KFFC back in Sent's dungeon?
time for round 4
History repeats itself.
That's true to an extent but a lot of humans especially Western women are really insufferable people. At least /v/tards are funny and have some degree of intelligence
have you tried porn?
she's so fucking ugly good god

would absolutely drench in cum
> Generous 100000 donation from anonymous! No message. Thank you so so much! *clap*
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Same but turning 30.
wtf are you me? I'm 35 this month lol
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based anon try these out if you like these not too spicy and not too overbearing real good
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Get on my level. I don't even know how to drive yet.
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>At least /v/tards are funny and have some degree of intelligence
Jesus Christ i forgot this guy was all fucked up now.
>I missed the entire event
Where'd that $400k come from??
I only brought it up because of the thread. I don't really feel any sort of way about it. I'm also absolutely undateable at this point so I can't really blame any women for it.

I also cannot drive.
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hey, I made a pretty good joke earlyer Ill have you know!
clothed, the weather these days is so cold that I need to wrap up warm like that
I've only ever come on here for agdq and this, and everyones usually having fun and being funny, and then these comments come out and make me want to cry.. i hope you find someone someday
That's not a bad thing anon
you're not convincing me against pidge
I'm 34 and have only ever had one encounter with a female. She was hot as fuck but she had horrendous hygiene and I found out she was using me to cheat on her boyfriend.
I'm fine being alone.
Nothing of importance was missed anon. Dog shit event
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the Roxas-ass color palette on this bag
boxers and whatever t-shirt I was wearing that day. During the winter I'll wear pants too.
>She was hot as fuck but she had horrendous hygiene
weird combo how are women like this
At 34? My world is awfully small without a drivers liscence.
subs and bits
>just be gay
The grass isn't greener though
Imagine being attracted to big hairy gamers but everyone on /v/ is an AGP worthless ugly freak, and the outlier is the ick on eck attention whore that isn't even gay
Genuinely kafkaesque
now this is gaming
>sleeping in pants
do you live in an igloo?
See you guys around. Despite it being a mediocre event it was more watchable than the pandemic GDQs, imo at least. Hope you guys pop up during AGDQ 2025 and the corpse of ESA.
truly riveting gameplay
I've met woman that are very cute and or good looking but once you get up close for some intimacy their breath will be the quickest turn off of your life.

Please, everyone, brush your teeth and make sure your breath does not smell.
>a full hour of this
Depends on where you live. If you're in a more rural or suburban part of the US for example, you're fucked. Even in the cities you're a slave to public transit.
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Goodnight and goodbye anons
Thanks for another fun week
runner is dead lol
realize that 95% of posters are no longer pretending to be retarded and it becomes a lot easier to just not click the catalog bookmark
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>first try
>I'm just a fat fuck that loves videogames and snacks

Very based
Landing that first try raises this run a full letter grade
Why the fuck would they do this as the last run?
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The most boring game in the world featuring obnoxious insufferable faggots.
Ok that was based
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I was so hoping the announcer would start reading a donation during that
i have a wife and son and other hobbies
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real talk, i'm a fag: if you think women are vapid you haven't seen shit. homo's will unapologetically completely eviscrate you for the smallest things.
33, can't drive, never have had a job, never have spoken to a female outside of a school-related setting
I wish r9k wasnt overrun with failed larping normalfags, it used to be a place to discuss this shit more frequently
That was fucking hypegtj4r
this is true sadly
North eastern part of the US. Heating bill is expensive as fuck
They usually do a long slow rpg for a cozy finish
>tire changes
>other maintenance fees
Cars are a money pit. If you dont need it for work itll probably be cheaper to take Ubers everywhere
This is extremely standard fare for GDQ.
Are we discussing TWEWY now?
Welcome back...
I think the faggot in the purple shirt in the back is her boyfriend. He's just as ugly and weird looking, probably got some weird fetishes between the two of them.
Most /v/ posters are grifters or bots. Is pointless to browse /v/ anymore and I personally love to browse /m/, mecha stuff is fucking great
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why would you do that?
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the last run is always a 6 hour long rpg for some reason
That's one of the worst flavors. Insane to me that this has production lines 24/7 and actual good flavors like Salsa Verde only has production a few times a year
r9k was never created for you failed human beings to feel comfortable being failures.
what a kowai morning
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more like simp le man
what was the original guy with the red blanket called at these events? he was a swede or something. started with a T?
>Uses the 2,000,000 to supply Hamas with rockets to use against Israel
Have sex I believe in you, anon
soulful music
>I don't really feel any sort of way about it.
You will

t.turned 35 this year and everything started hurting
>went to bed 7 hours ago
>wake up and finale is still not over
holy fucking kek how long have they been stalling for donations?
>lowest viewer count ever since event became popular
>still bringing in this much money
>People migrated from the indoiranian steppes through ancient russia across the land bridge into what would become north america
>Anon needs a car
dios mio
/v/ is the best board on 4chan no doubt
2 more hours til /v/ becomes a boring cesspool again
>marathon consistently had 50K viewers
>end of marathon, all hype down, final run, 1AM

Definitely viewbotting
Tradition, very important
That's when you never come back on here until next event, that's all i do
Thank you, Abe-san.
i despise this board and website outside of these marathons, i'll miss you nibblas until the next one
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The amount of times I got turned down by women on dating apps when I told them I didn't have a car was insane. One of the reasons I finally learned how to drive because I was sick of it.
Lift weights and stop eating trash
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>ick on eck attention whore that isn't even gay
out of all the gossip I've heard about him, this one is the most egregious of them all
> a nagging harpy that actually understands the nature of your brain, vices and genitals
anyone 1up them with the 10k DONATION TRAIN
that would be EPIC
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Nah, he won't.
t. 35 years a wizard.
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No way it's gonna hit 3 mil in 1 hour
You're an idiot, its emotional hurt not physical, fucking idiot
If I had that power, I would. I envy those stronger than me.
Tradition. One of the few good things gdq preserves from the 2010-2014 era.
Is, for the most part (fuck Spikevegeta), cozy and comfy
I live in Japan, there are 2x the fees here for a car including a parking fee of at least $300/month, manual annual maintenance, and you are charged more the bigger your car is and the better your engine is.
y-yeah, let's get a 1000 dollar donation train going gamers...
manual => mandatory
Spice was thinking of that time they said the n word for money
>not strong enough to punch his emotions into submission
I'd donate a thousand dicks to Flygone if you know what I mean
who asked about tlou you tranny
>end of GDQ threads and the /fit/troons come out of the woodwork to groom

Every single event lmfao
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I have to be a wagie tomorrow and this isn't worth wrecking my sleep schedule for. See you at the ESA funeral anons
Wow look at those white people cutting a rug as they say
douse yourself in cumin first
when is RTA? ESA is gonna be dire.

yeah it's pretty bad. it's also considered completely ok to just destroy people for their looks. the only "good" thing about being a fag is that they're all sex addicts (speaking for myself here too) so they'll hugely drop their supposed standards if they have no other choice. there's your gay info dump for the night.
good night anon, i'll be there
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That I should have bought a lot more ice pops and ice cream.
thanks for sticking it out for this long friend, sleep tight
maybe don't be around twinks that terminally live on twitter
>last thing watched was metroid
>open up the stream again
>theyve gained $700k since
how large were the money laundering anonymous donos?
I avoid anyone with a huge sex drive like the plague, i cant keep up and wont try
a girl touched my wiener many years ago, but I'm still a 30 year old virgin
Sounds miserable
It's all miserable
There is a significant portion of women who use dating apps to find a simp to be their taxi
My friend was one such simp for a time. It was painfully obvious to me she was just using him for rides
look forward to them opening ESA with naked dogeza Plum
I'm out too. It was fun as always gdq bros. See you in the winter.
what happened to coolmatty? did the beetus take his leg? I remember that guy had a huge dumper
Me and some anons spoke about this, but more boomer runs. They're consistently the highest quality runs. And by boomer I mean old ass games ran by old ass men.
why were the old gaming events 'cringe comps' so huge but i havent seen any cringe clips from like the past 5 years. are all the speedrunners well adjusted normies now?
all me btw
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As if faggy bears aren't any better
Ice cream and ice pops are fattening, you fat bitch.
They had a $15000 anonymous donation you decide for yourself
>average run quality was pretty solid
Did we watch the same event?
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Coming down from LSD just in time to watch the comfy finale. Cheers, fellow spastics.
>whens RTA?
>asked the fucking faggot

Yeah that tracks
you're dripping all over yourself you fucking retard
>cassi0peia is streaming

didn't know she was a gamer
Rta is great
I had work and had to look after my kid. And when I wasn't doing that I was drinking beers and watching the Euros.
just play more games, it's easier than having sex
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butt reduction went horribly wrong
I remember his huge ass and pigeon legs. Dude had such odd proportions. F to his legs and hand though
Based. Enjoy it anon
>what happened to coolmatty?
amputee fetish, he dry iced himself
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go all the way gamer
Idiot had all the money and time in the world to treat his Grimace disease and he instead waited until they cut his limbs and his dumptruck. He deserves everything that happens to him, honestly.
I think GDQ straight up started having cringe comps removed or threatened legal action because they felt it was harming their brand
I don't have tangible proof but I seem to remember several years back one person had to remove their cringe comp off of YouTube
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The cringe comps were never actual cringe, the notion was just perpetuated by normalfag tourists who used to think gaming enthusiasm equals cringe.

At worst something might have been weird or awkward but outside of extreme rare cases nothing exceptional. The marathons are more sterile and boring than anything.
she just plays shitty games like Fortnite, Dead by Daylight, and this new shitty clown game. It's boring as fuck.
But dem titties tho
>mom said it's MY TURN
Rare good donation
i feel bad for cackling at this
look, I just spent 14 bucks on the summer steam sale and basically it is all over for me
what is that smirk supposed to convey
Ate too many nuggets, became one
What a fun mechanic
at least there's one half less of a white person on the GDQ staff
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>He deserves everything that happens to him, honestly.
Usually i'd feel that is a bit much but after seeing the way he acted with ludwigs event, I agree, hes a terrible little blob.
Pigeon leg, singular. One of his legs was a massive engorged elephantitis looking abomination.
That's the one that got amputated.
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>This is what nintendies call savage gameplay
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>that voice
fat or tranny?
dog with a wig
is that rubie hart
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Yeah well I'm still skinny, suck it, nerds.
So when duke_bilgewater posted this, was this friend of his an addict who then got cancer?

Or is he really mad and happy about his dead friend from cancer the whole time?


Someones gotta know the lore.
what'd they do with the leg?
I just came back from playing games and spikes voice is so grating I can't get comfy 4kn8dm
fat + autism
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yes, you guys were being really overdramatic over nothing. no mole hill too small for a hate mountain
Based, it was so hard to get the Super Suit in my first playthrough cause of the strict timing. Amazing that these people can do it like it’s natural.
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the only speedgame with savage gameplay is sm64
>zoomer language
whoa there
I'll suck the ice pop right off you
Served it on the GDQ menu for 7.99$ a slice
England and NL wins today were pretty fun
Home Status: Coming
I just woke up, how did they make so much money in this little time?
Its funny because you thought 300k sounded like a really large number; but some anon posted the data from previous years and it seems its closer to 600k from sponsors.
is this a good remake bros
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>streamer lexicon IRL unironically
I hate the zoomer generation
Since the remake sold so well you think they will make a sequel?
need this minted into a coin
It's extremely faithful, for better of worse. Needs a hard mode because the difficulty is trivial
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wow i forgot about that
Anonymous $10K+ donations, seriously
>streamer lexicon IRL
poggies my doggies
you will get infinite mario and luigi games and you will like them
and yes, every iteration will have longer and longer special attacks
Depends on your autism. But the remake is easier than the original version
Greetings from the morning lands, miggers!
Slept for six hours, donos are up 0.8 mil.
Squeezing, begging, threatening and fudging must have been unreal.
I gotta know if it was if his friend was just a cancer patient the whole time, or some addict druggie who then got cancer.

If its the former then holy fuck, what a twisted psycho. If its the latter, what a real messed up fuck.
>stay comfy

Based dono
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I truly hate RPG runs
>Gunning down anime thots
Holy based
the difficulty is up to you, just don't grind
Isn't that the same?
not really, it's too much just like the original
I know it sounds dumb, but there's no point to remake a game and change so little, and it looks weird trying to be so accurate to the original with modern graphics
Why did ESA have to die... I'm not watching because I'm not in euro hours but I hope it does well to go back to 24 hrs.
Bad take
Bad post
make better decisions and surround yourself with better people and things. stop being a fucking idiot

fucking idiot
Good morning bros, glad I could wake up on time for the last run. How was the night, did they stall a lot?
Good take
Good post
That's funny, it's perfect to me because it was so much like the original
post wrists fatty
it's this because of street racers in the 90s
>1 more hour of this znoozefest
I could at least see some anger that friend became a total junkie and really fucked up his life, but this just sounds like he got cancer and dukes a psycho, girlfriend sounds just as bad.

Fuck he streams very rarely still, im gonna remind him of this next time.

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Hewwo I'm bwirdo
you can benchmark their reaction speed by the time they make the pogchamp face
Mens sana in corpore sano.

Also, clean your room for real.
You might as well leave because this is it.
Just enjoy the run, bro
Bilgewater came here to say it was fake and all a shitpost made up by someone
See you next year, Anon.
Maybe most people left already, but looks more empty than usual for the final game and night.
>How was the night, did they stall a lot?

Yep. The Elden Ring run was indunated with donation begging, cringe reddit hype and random 5 figure donations.
ive been watching these events for year and i have donated a total of $5 to esa
no one grinds in this game lol
It was all made up. Sorry to break the illusion.
I enjoy the thread.
The runs have been mostly aggressively mid or sub-mid.
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Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna make it. Sorry bros, I think this is it.
See you at ESA's funeral. I'll wear black.
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They gotta get one last complaint in though
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Why does he have to be such a teasing sex pest...
>50,000 dollar donation from Joe Biden
Cutest girl in the whole event is the banana chick in game.
i still can't believe he did this and that i was there for it, unreal

I seriously hope so, that actually makes me feel better. I was heavy into /srg/ and watched duke a lot and all that, he never seemed like that at all.

I mean, for ANYONE to write that would be an actual psycho.

But now remembering a lot of the shitposting of old /srg/ it probably is total bullshit. I did used to write fake diaper fanfic of siglemic and some other streamer.
the problem is that you can't ask modern generations to play the game on cartridge or emulate it
it's better for them to have a game like this, and it's better if it's identical to the original game as it rarely happens with remakes.
Military brat?
why is mario killing anya taylor-joy?
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That explains how they basically doubled the amount compared to yesterday. Fucking hell, glad I was asleep then. Thanks for the qrd
FKA twigs lookin ass
W-why are anons saying its ESA's funeral. Did I miss something and its going to be the final ESA?
>major in gamedev
gyaru cuck
Does it even make sense to use can in Japan?
Like it's most likely a rather dence-packed city where everything is within a 20 min walk
who's gonna tell him?
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do better, fucking idiot
mad fatty
Can I get a QRD on what's happening with ESA?
There was some drama and ESA is major downgrading. So well it's not dead it's on the path to death.
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Aren’t they gonna set a record on money rise soon?
It's so JOEVER it's not even funny, holy shit
Edenal locked everyone in the event and carried out a john carpenters the thing esque test to determine loyalty
i havent heard anyone say trans rights in a while... do trans not matter anymore????
Good for you, I guess.
I've been watching this stuff for 12 years and have never donated a single cent, the ads are enough.
>Remember pre-2014 gdq prizes
>Consoles, games, complete PC setups, vintage toys, and so on
>Now is literal trash and a rare decent perler here and there.
>They are fucking overpriced, you can get better deals on google
It hurts because back in the day I had no money and seriously wanted that Megaman set with a NES console and the six NES games
Brudda, have you been asleep the past month? There's been all sorts of drama about ESA and people ducking out. Who knows if it'll actually be the last one but it's not looking good. Dogwater is this week though.
I hate this fat zoomie
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...will die soon, most likely, unfortunately
Cute girl, but why is she so angry at me?
obese fatty
final mig
cope harder
Google it
Haven't watched GDQ in a while, good to see that Mr. Anonymous is as generous as ever.
bottom socks
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Transrights died in the Baldurs Gate run
>Dogwater is this week
Huh?? Is that confirmed? Don't you be pulling my leg anon.
>GDQ Monitor
Now isn't that a blast from the past
God what happened to such a fun cozy event
between 2013 and 2014 you can literally see the soul ripped out of the marathon
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I did hang out alone my whole life, but at least I got to trip on LSD while I did that. That alone was worth being born for.
Some people have been spreading rumors about everyone from ESA disbanding from the organization.
These are all rumors until it happens, though. Treat everything written here as a work of fiction at all times, unless there's tangible proof of it.
You need it in the countryside, not so much in the city. Finding parking is a pain in the ass and a half anyway. It's still nice to have if you want to go on trips on the weekend, though. Or else you're going to be riding busses and trains all day.
>Tyr speedrunning
holy shit that's so soulfoul, I'd do anything to get him back on that chair making that smile
Don't know why they can't have half decent prizes anymore. Jewyama and the others are greedy faggots.
Slow-burninh mismanagement brought on spot by the prize mommy metooing her true and honest allegations.
Everybody who already wanted off of this ride decided now it's good optics to do so.
Schedulung suffered greatly, org is likey severely degraded.
AWWWW YEAH hope it doesn't suck.
he has a hot animation
>baby hands
>shaved thigh
I'll be there, out of morbid curiosity at this point, but I won't like it
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completely normal for people to wait until a saturday night to start donating 100s of $ at exactly the same time. Nothing weird going on here.

Fuck, I went on vacation and been grinding randomizers afterwards. I hope it still lasts a week and I can actually get into the threads.

I hope you're right anon, even if the marathons are kinda shit, the threads are kino.
You should post that in the other thread
Bet we could have some threads for it
Who knows if we'll actually get threads for it, but hopefully it's as good as last time
Ugly bastard or shota?
shaving your thighs? you a bottom bitch
she wants to be an idolmaster but you didn't let her

Can we not do this again for fucks sake

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