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What went wrong...
It's a bad kind of a brainless game where your only punishment for being bad button masher is that fights take longer.
End yourself asmontard inhuman freak
I've heard you spend more time doing those candy crush TV minigames than actual combat.
>hating on stuff because
of course it sucks you aren't the fan base you absolute faggot.
This is actually true. it's like that klown killing game but since this a gacha game they're more fixated on raping you with microtransactions.
How does this dude have a fanbase? I have never seen him like anything, plus he's ugly as fuck and has zero charisma.
First mover advantage, early ecelebs played with different rules.
Each arena isn't very long, yeah.
People identify with him. They see him being filthy and unwashed, living in a pile of garbage, hating on everything and think: "Wow that's literally me."
That's concerning...
Are there that many people who live in a trashpile?
>What went wrong...
bunch of idiots started idolizing a loser who wipes his gum blood on his walls and sleeps with cockroaches?
or do you mean with the game in that picture?
disregarding his wealth, there also a lot of people who look at it as "at least i'm not that bad" and also hate watchers.
>How does this dude have a fanbase? I have never seen him like anything, plus he's ugly as fuck and has zero charisma.
You just answered your question.
>he's literally me
Oh god… it’s… oh shit… it’s so fucking over… isn’t it ZZZbros?
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How does the games he plays conflict with what he thinks of gacha games? Most of YouTuber's takes in the video he's watching about it usually similar to the criticism about them including the one in OP's pic.
He's gamed the algorithm. You can't look up a goddamned thing without one of his videos popping. Thank Christ I have a blacklist extension for Youtube.
The TV mode is obviously a cost cutting measure because they didn't want to design dungeons. The rally missions where you actually use your characters to move from arena to arena are the best missions in the game.
He's complaining it's too simple but any game remotely complex he complains about and usually finds the cheesiest easy build that's brain dead to beat games. Every souls game he has literally whined it's too complex
>blacklist extension for Youtube.
Can I have a link before this thread get jannied?
Wuwa won
Despite being a fucking disgusting goblin he's fairly self aware 75% of the time. He's kind of a stubborn retard, and I disagree with him about most things. But compared to reddit, 4chan, xitter, etc, his takes and viewpoints on most things are actually very measured and reasonable. I know it's easy to shit on him for his looks and lifestyle, but I think that's what makes him such a unique little creature. He's totally different than what you'd expect.

Although I'm sure 99% of his audience watches him because he's a loud shit talking moron, a la every viewer on twitch. I see him as a fascinating lolcow basically
Its basically an old school dungeon crawler that has real time combat when you encounter an enemy. If you were one of those people who had graph paper to make maps as you explored then you're right at home

Its made for certain people, not open world faggots
channel blocker
that's the reaction streamer brand
they "react" to whatever <current trend> is to hit the YouTube algorithm consistently and whether they care about it or not, while giving the most basic bitch opinions about anything
i think someone pointed out he made like 30 Baldur's Gate 3 reaction videos when he never played the game himself and had no intention to

He's not he only one, but for whatever crazy ass reason, because he used to be a WoW streamer there's a number on /v/ obsessed with hanging on to his every word
Grifter thread
>What went wrong...

You watching Asmogold, for starters.
>comparing this game to wizardry
I'm so fucking insulted at this comparison. What in the fuck is wrong with you? ZZZ is not a dungeon crawler at all and you should be ashamed of yourself for insinuating this
I complain about wuwa a lot, but ZZZ is basically a baby version of wuwa (without the hags), all in all a worthless game
HOLY FUCK is exactly what most e-celeb do in games and the complaining pisses me so much.
>X playing Tekken 8
>Person using KBD and actual combos
>Sniping, Smurfing, Lagging, Lame gameplay, etc
>X plays king and just spams grabs and specials without learning any combos
>Somehow that's perfectly fine
I should've listened to other Anons when they e-celebs are braindead
The rally missions sucks ass corridorslop will always be shit. At least the TV sections, while too slow, have some variety you'll never see in a corridor.
That’s his shtick he uses to pretend to be authentic and not a sell out.
>Has millions of dollars
>still lives in trash and lets roaches crawl on him on live stream
This will be studied
Why is this obvious advertising allowed?
I hate this faggot but I love how he makes pedophiles expose themselves as just more deranged twitterfags
zoomers don't realize this autistic trailer trash faggot got huge before media agencies for streamers/"influencers" even existed apart from maybe Machinima.

I have never played wow thankfully but I still had to hear about this guy back in like 2010
You're now realizing how braindead the dungeon crawling genre is and it took a gacha for you to see it
A friend of mine's eyes really opened to how these "people" operate during that Amber Heard shit. They just pump out meaningless shit depending on what's trending.
>he makes pedophiles expose themselves as just more deranged twitterfags
There some Anon going around to a bunch Asmon threads complaining about his take on Nexus Mods removing the "Yaurkki tits" mod. kek.
Its a gimmick. He's playing a character. He knows his audience. He was the first vtuber
Compare the depth of ZZZ to something like Wizardry or EO one more time and I will personally come shit down your throat. You genuinely have no clue what you're talking about
nothing you moron the game just fucking released and you're posting like the developers got beheaded on camera I hate you and every faggot on here making the same replybait every day with some gay image and the same exact text of "What happened to _____?" Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
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This thread suck.
Too much talking about irrelevant e-celebs and too little talk about how much ZZZ is a pile of ass.
He's owned by that giant talent agency that manages most popular youtubers
You're seething because you know I'm right. But keep trying to put walking down a corridor one square at a time on a pedestal
>He’s just joking around!
I remember I also thought that on my first day working at an insane asylum
Fair it's like those video eassys about some video game dying/falling off when it just simply reach the end of it's lifespan. Putting a negetive twist on it for no reason.
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>hurr youre a pedo
there is zero way your kiked influence inc eceleb isn't pounding kids
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All they had to do was not censor it
Anon, you've never played Wizardry, have you?
You 100% have never played the games you're talking about anon, the corridor exploring itself is not the depth
>lolifag who likely jerks off to kids calls everyone he doesn't like "pedophile"
He's the king of NEETs
>He's playing a character.
Nobody has believed that for years at this point anon. You're behind.
The most he does differently is that he overreacts with his mouth wide open in that YouTuber way a bit more than a normal person would, for thumbnails and engagement
Isnt this the guy that killed his own mother?
His debut as an internet streamer was when Blizzard changed Warriors in the prepatch for Warlord of Draenor and he started wailing to the high heavens about how shit world of warcraft was becoming on youtube, which made him popular enough to use it as a springboard to a streaming career on twitch.

That is literally his enter reason for being a twitch streamer, that blizz change his main spec enough to get him to stop playing wow 16 hours a day.
Are you talking about those games, or are you talking about ZZZ?
Game's okay but I can't fucking stand the gachatards that outright lie about it because they can't admit that it has problem.
>gets called a pedo
>"actually ur the pedo" schizobabble ensues
every time
>before media agencies for streamers/"influencers" even existed
You're a real dumb fuck.
She smoked nonstop. He tried to help her and she wouldn't take the help. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink
Or make the game actually fun (they didn't)
>he overreacts with his mouth wide open in that YouTuber way a bit more than a normal person would
I really dislike streammers/vtubers who do this like fake screaming, hyperventillating, running into a corner of the room for like 2 minutes, it's very annoying when they're doing 24/7 especially when the game they're playing isn't horror. They seem more fixated on "farming clips" or interacting their chats than the game.
Why can't these retards just stay away from kids? It's not that fucking hard
Yeah. I guess there is such a thing as a perfect crime after all.
ZZZ unironically has more depth in the corridor exploring than it does in combat, so take a guess you dumb nigger.
>old school dungeon crawler
The fuck are you talking about? ZZZ TV is just a mini game with constant tutorial about every simple shits every seconds. You're a fucking disgrace
Kill yourself.
Honestly it’s no surprise now with how massive it has become, even seeing job listing for “influencers” when you’re scrolling through job postings. Media groups, small or large are looking for marketable people to fund and grow to establish their foot in important doors and markets. I think it’s more disgusting than just making them a proper celebrity because there is this insuation that they’re just like you or me, when the reality couldn’t be farther from the truth. Think about celebrities from even 20 years ago, and think, how many of them could have easily become a “friendly eceleb” that made it there because they’re just like the rest of us. You subconsciously see this people in a different light compared to real celebrities when there is nothing different.
By negligence, yes.
>old school dungeon crawler
>He tried to help her
...by buying her cigarettes that doctors said he should not get her while she was using an oxygen tank, and not putting any of his millions of dollars towards a caretaker?
>call him a disgusting fucking ugly goblin
This place has rotted your brain to the core bro.
>it's very annoying when they're doing 24/7
Why are you watching them you fucking gaylord? You are the problem.
I mean Hololive is basically a company that owns pngs and makes a portion from proving entertainment so this wouldn't be far fetched from other YouTubers/Streammers.
She didn't want the help
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>his takes and viewpoints on most things are actually very measured and reasonable.
look, even being charitable, it's clear that he's at least smart enough to read the room and give centrist options that make him seem like he knows what he's talking about, but in truth he doesn't leave his house and is scared of his neighbors so he really has no idea what the fuck he's talking about in the slightest.

>Although I'm sure 99% of his audience watches him because he's a loud shit talking moron, a la every viewer on twitch.
they watch him because they're underage retards clinging to ecelebs for a parasocial relationship
>tiny TV mini game
>tutorial every fucking steps
>every puzzle is just simple todler lesson push this here or chain that there
>old school dungeon crawler
I have stopped, no more reacts, no more watching gameplay. Got an extension that blocks them from showing up in my YouTube feed since I exclusively watched them via VODS so I can skip their long and annoying tangets on what the fuck ever.
Grifter Thread
>She didn't want the help
She did want his help, by having him actively getting her cigarettes that her doctors told him not to get her while she was on an oxygen tank

Kind of weird that that's the only thing he would actively help her on
>actually want another open world slop
I'll bet you're fat but still sucking down sodas everyday
all chinese are grifters by nature, indeed.
>interacting their chats than the game.
What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that the point of live-streaming? If you just want to watch gameplay just watch the millions of silent gameplay footage. Unless you’re just a parasocial loser that you don’t want to admit.
He killed his mom
Never look to this guy for takes on video games unless it's WoW. His brain has literally been rotted by tens of thousands of hours of that game.
Random out of left field reply
kek, dont defend this dumbfuck.
Why did that make you upset and cause you to respond like that?
Is this Zack?
Anything for a (you) huh.
e-celebs are not video games
>faggot who pounds kids calls everyone who faps to drawings a pedophile
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they seek out people who aren't fucking kids just to accuse them of being kidfuckers. I think the fact that there are people out there with self control must be an alien concept to them.
It IS kinda boring and simple.

I expected more. Like a dungeon crawler. That tv shit doesn’t fly with me. Never thought I’d say this but I’ll stick to genshin or wuwa.
He's a good stand in for the typical /v/irgin who grew up in the glorious 90's and have seen the steady decline of the industry to what it is now. And he gets to live the life we all wish we had minus the poor hygiene and living in a dump.
>not on Steam
>decide to watch a little of Zack playing it
>have to skip like 50 minutes into the video to see any combat
>combat ends, have to fast forward another hour to see more combat
it looks like a LOT of menus and a LOT of reading, with itty bitty bites of gameplay inbetween. nothing is really selling me on it aside from maybe the character designs and the gameplay if they weren't off-screen 85% of the time.
Didn't refute it, fatass confirmed
you're a retard if you think this faggot played video games as a kid.
>Praises HSR despite it being a fucking auto battler with the snooze fest combat
>Admits he wants to min max the fun out of every game
He killed his mom

That’s what went wrong
You wanted me to say "I'm not fat"? I'm not fat.
Seriously, why did that upset you so much? I only stated the fact that he actively helped her in getting cigarettes when he wasn't supposed to.
Why are you taking pointing out a fact about this streamer so personally upsetting to you?
This trash is trying to be like Persona but the day night cycle, side job content and interaction in general are boring and lame ass as fuck
seethe on elden ring dlc, now zzz

Prove he did that. You can't
the easiest way i can explain it is, he's like a guy who you would've enjoyed having in your group of gaming friends in the 2000's and early 2010's. very normal and very down to Earth, unless he's talking about some gross thing he did or politics (because he doesn't know dick about politics). he's a living time capsule because he hasn't had to leave his room since like 2014.
Posting in Epic Assmongoloid™ thread
>Genshin has garbage ass combat, gets a pass despite it being ubishit tier open world
>HSR has easy as fuck combat, gets a pass
>This game is a week old, gets relentless bashing by bitter WuWa faggots mad that hoyo will have another game on the top of the gacha charts
He literally said he bought her cigarettes before, after he took her out of the hospital. It's been posted in one of these threads before, I don't keep YouTube videos of e-celebs saved.
Why are you taking this so personal?
Post the proof. You wont
When the WoW player can't stand the mindless gameplay you know that means something.
He said it himself.
Some random simp anon getting mad about doesn't change facts.
At least that explains why you're so personally upset about talking about it, though.
based and BBCpilled
Asmongold isn't going to fuck you with his cockroach-ridden dick, anon.
cucks can't even take the time to pose the black character, huh? Must've splurged as soon as you put the model in.
she's just like streamer jinny...
So still no proof, confirmed you're full of shit
Facts don't care about your feelings, simp

4:00 min
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Ecelebs are not video games
Ultimately based. ZZZ is pure dogshit just like homoyo's all other games.
lol you actually gave him a view
Asshitmongoo thread again?
Anon, it was posted on /v/ on multiple occasions
Your refusal to check yourself doesn't magically mean it doesn't exist
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I actually suspect Asmongloid is actually in here, and raging at people pointing out he bought his mom cigarettes.
Thought it might be asimple, but I'm starting to suspect it's actually him being pathetic as hell
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Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
Imagine being a streamer and not being able to play the games you want since your job forces you to seek fresh content all the time.
People have opinions about video games, and people discuss those opinions about video games. What makes the eceleb different than a random post on /v/?
Just to prove that zoomie retard he actually was buying cigs for his mom before she set herself on fire.
I'm not even that anon from the discussion, I used to watch Asmon during the wow days and he was one of the reasons why I keep going back to wow because back in the days his streams used to be fun, even tho I was a horde on EU.
But after the trial streams he became a reaction whore and his chat is filled with zoomers spamming TRUE TRUE BIG DICK TRUE no matter what he says, it has become unwatchable.
I wouldn't say money ruined him, but popularity did since he care a lot what will people think of him, even tho he says otherwise
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If you catch his videos uploaded early enough you'll see it gets flooded immediately by bots and botted comments to push through the algorithm. The actual legit views are probably 2/3rds of what they are listed as.

The rest of the fans are unironic europoor racist incels which is why he streams during prime EU hours.
They get to make money off doing it while /v/irgins do it for free
>pose the black character
Huh? He is posed. That's how niggas pose for Blacked pin ups. They just stand still
I would rather talk about some faggot eceleb than another political outrage bait thread
fr fr these streamers stream 24/7 it's one of the most stressful jobs out there
I don't know what kind of game that is but who in the fuck still watches Asmongoloid?
That is sort of like saying I'd rather drink piss than eat shit, though.
Sure, maybe technically better, but it's still ultimately piss and shit. Be nice to be rid of both.
zoomers are obsessed with asmon, kai cenat and ishowspeed.
like they're literally running towards them on the street with their phones like they've seen a god
It would be nice if /v/ had actual vidya discussion on it and wasn't obsessed with gacha, zelda, and fromsoft yet here we are. Baby steps anon
underaged mudhut dwellers who want to see him react to videos that "own the libs"
this game brought out the biggest retards who somehow think a one week old gacha game is supposed to have ultra-hard content, and seem to have forgot that genshin and HSR are piss easy games too
funny, not stupid, no poser, doesnt give a shit, no woke, hes real
>Eceleb nigger bitching about actual niggers
Seethe, assmoncuck

>I would rather bitch about some attention manwhore than talking about video games
Fuck off

>I would rather talk about some faggot eceleb AND have another political outrage bait thread than talking about video games
Also fuck off
Is it true he basically killed his mom by refusing to have their filthy home cleaned or at least move her into a home where she wouldn’t have continued to breath i. The diseased mold?
>previous games are open world or otherwise huge in scope
>next is a glorified hub game
>"okay cool, maybe they'll focus more on gameplay and it will actually play well!"
>it's even more braindead
This is actually what happened fyi
This anon knows the real history. This single video launched his career:
>I would rather talk about eceleb shitheads than gacha, zelda, and fromsoft
Fuck off faggot
>not stupid
...anon, you're aware he refuses to get dental treatment and wipes his gum blood on the walls without cleaning it, used to have the smell of a dead rat getting baked by sunlight waking him up for a period of time, has cockroaches out and about him all the time, sometimes crawling up on him, and refuses to ever shower even when going out into public?
Are you mistaken middle-of-the-road basic bitch comments as "intelligent"?
Nah, he gave his mother cigs when she was on an oxgyen tank. Maximum retard worth predictable results, I'd honestly consider it manslaughter even if the law won't.
yeah... really funny...

>not stupid
being popular doesn't mean he's not stupid, anon.

>no poser

>doesnt give a shit
he said multiple times he reads twitter, 4chan, reddit every day because he cares what people think of him, and it's the reason why he already quit his streaming career 10 times.

>no woke, hes real
not true, he's woke
>he likes gacha
>seethes immediately when someone's opinion differs
Found the child
This. Why can't the mods made this an official rule instead of just giving themselves more headaches?
Just report the thread
i will never get this hate against zzz
every gacha game is braindead, it's made to be braindead, it's made for braindead people
why is the game the biggest failure to exist for being braindead?
Because it's not an openworld collectathon and instead just a mobile game, albeit made with a higher budget.
>he likes some shithead's opinion
>seethes immediately when someone just mentions gacha
Found the anit-vidya eceleb fucker
Asmongold is retarded and I couldn't care less about him anon, but I'd much rather see him on the catalog than your literal CCP funded mobile slot machine
Asmon is a cuck.
>button masher
>dogshit Mihomo story full of filler wordslop
The game is just trash
There was some delusion that mihoyo games are different than the other gachashit.
The shadow corp that manages ALL highly viewed e-celebs (like Mr Beast for example) controls the entire e-celeb industry.
a gacha... sucks??????!!!!!!!!!!!!111
omg I'm literally shaking this can't be happening

Fucking retards.
You're deluded if you think ZZZ isn't miles above any other gacha in terms of style, it actually feels unique and different compared to shit like WuWa that has the most generic world to exist
People got used to stuff like Genshin and Wuwa padding game time with open world ubishit gameplay. So along comes a traditional gacha that cuts through that bullshit and they can't handle it
>10 gems was deposited into your account
I don't care. I play games for gameplay.
he has a talent agent
>a gacha game sucks
"streamer said a gacha game sucks, holy shit he's so smart and real! This totally isn't a very basic middle of the road thing to say for easy YouTube engagement!"
>playing gachas for gameplay
LMFAO. You play these games for the chars and their design, not for the "gameplay".
Not a shill, just tell me any other gacha that has this much of a unique style.
>tell me any other gacha
How about you play some real games?
You think the only people who have talent agents are people who play characters?
Not much of a shadow corp when he said himself on stream that he works with them.
Why exactly are you in a gacha thread saying retarded shit like this? Obviously I'm going to compare it to other gachas.
Tell me a modern game that has this urban fantasy aesthetic though I'm really curious what you have to say. Everything is bleak and generic, no one tries anything new
Who is the Shadow Corp? Sweetbaby?
These goons think they are the shadow brokers IRL KEK
the ones making YouTube videos and twitch money, yeah
>the lolitroon jerks off to cp as he calls you a pedophile
>not a shill
>just let me shill this dogshit mobile game for free on 4chin
Well then you'd be sad to find you're incorrect then. You don't have to be playing a character to have access to a talent agency.
Asmongold is an ugly balding egotistical faggot, and if I ever saw him in person, I'd say it to his face, man it'd feel amazing. I'm sure he's been called worse, but it'd be cathartic to say to his face.
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>somehow Honkai Star Rail is his favorite game
>but hates some other weeb gacha
I don't give a fuck what baldy says, if you like and paypig for one single gacha your opinion is worthless
He gained fame early on and got on the train early, plus he was more known for World of Warcraft content, which was popular at the time and had a large fanbase. He branched out over the years, but a lot of WoW fanboys orbited him for years and that's where he started out at.
Night Media I think it's called?
I better not see this braindead retard ever play genshin and claim the combat is deep and engaging
Asmongold likes Star Rail that's twice as pretentious and is an actual autobattler.
And quit Hi Fi Rush when there was no braindead cheese for him to exploit.

/v/ would hate DMC if he was just doing basic alastor combos +thousand stab the whole way through.
>I'd rather see a non-vidya faglord than an actual vidya game
Retarded /pol/fags like you are what makes this board so cancerous
lol first time hearing about (((them)))
Twitch is so bought and paid for it’s not even funny you got random nobodies with 20k viewers who are talking about the election. The stupid liberal turkroach needs to die in a fire.
You have to play it on mute unless you are attuned to african music. And since it's primarily a story game, playing without music is fairly bad. The writing is also quite bad (they seem to have just copy-pasted Star Rail's style into this without thought or intention.) Aside from that, it's a button-masher gacha, which is inherently unpopular. Even MHY can't sell this desu
>actual video game
It's funny to me that you think saying mihoyo is ccp funded makes me /pol/ because I said earlier in this thread I'm tired of political outrage bait threads being 90% of /v/.

Goes to show how braindead you all are now. Shame.
everyone who calls 2d cp is a child molester. no exceptions.
>Why exactly are you in a gacha thread saying retarded shit like this?
You took the wrong exit. There's another ZZZ thread up right now for actual gacha discussion.
I dunno, I'm having fun :3
You could also.....not throw a match at the horse, which has dynamite strapped to it's head.
Shame he did.
It's zzzover
Multiple people I know have quit ZZZ by hour 20.

I didn't.

I quit at hour 8. It's astounding how they managed to create a game that is more repetitive than both Genshin and HSR and thought that this shit would fly in the year 2024.
I don't think this game is that deep (obviously). It's just one of those games where you collect cute characters and turn your brain off and just fight monsters.
>what went wrong

the game is gonna make literally 400 million dollars this month
zenless zone zero situation is crazy
sounds good for a mobile game, why would you want to play action combat instead of candy crush during the bus or train ride
>People say it's shit and says no one plays it.
>Is going to break profit records in a month
I'm genuinely confused.
A million flies can’t be wrong! This shit tastes great!
yeah i dont care? but nothing "went wrong" the product is successful

the end
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It's a Mihoyo game and /v/ is filled with bitter retards who will shit on it then go off and worship copy and pasted slop like FFXIV because "BASED JAPAN IT'S OKAY WHEN THEY DO IT!"

In other words never listen to /v/. It's always wrong about everything. Just make fun of the little retarded cucks. Simply saying you enjoy ZZZ is enough to make someone punch a wall.
the chinese dump endless piles of money in to gacha. CN revenue > JP/KR revenue >>>>>> western revenue (all regions combined)
>Mmmmm yes *schlorp* yummy drippy shit mm please dribble more in my mouth

He doesn't hate everything

And he's nice irl
If you had to start ONE between ZZZ, Genshin, and Wuwa, RIGHT NOW, which one would it be and why?
From zero, no paypigging.
Are you new to the concept of whales?
Got to take a look at the three of them and I'd choose ZZZ just for the fact that I'm sick and tired of open world.
Whales can't do this shit if they have a low playerbase to begin with as people in here have said.
Their name is know, their connections are not.
Asmongold and Mr Beast are one of the few names they released publicly.
You have no idea how many people work under them.
>Whales can't do this shit if they have a low playerbase
Irregardless of what a "low playerbase" entails, I'd love to hear your reasoning for this.
True, but he isn't afraid to say how things are, and it help educate the retarded Zoomies/Boomies on how they get fucked over if they dont pay attention. The only people who dont like AssmanGold are people who hate how he educates the naïve from being scammed.
>Sell game on sex appeal
>Censor the sex appeal
Just Chinese things
>someone points out the truth
>cry like a bitch
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>another basic bitch anime action mmo
>everyone is praising it because GACHA and chinks
im done
i mean this is the guy who said hsr was a 10/10 game.
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Hell yea i love Asmongold. He literally loves to troll and retards think he is being serious and not playing a character
Nah he's just dumb
I dont understand the problem with this. For someone as big as he is its better to have the talent agency line up all the promotional shit for him so that way all he has to do sign on the bottom line (hell, they probably do that for him too)
Nah he's just dumb
Verification not required
saltbae kill himself?
So this is what the mods and anons of this board have become, huh? Some sad piece of shit streamerfag shills his beloved long-haired bearded eceleb-wannabe fuckface. And his precious thread has become a non-vidya /pol/-ridden shithole, just the way he likes it. I always wonder if this board is actually meant to talk about vidya games, not about some attention-manwhoring bastards' opinions. No wonder this """""""""""vidya""""""""""""" board has many actual vidya subboards
If you could just refund, none of these would ever be profitable. The exact reason gacha makes a bank is sunk cost fags, in fact.
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>People spend 1000's on gatcha game
>They sell the account when they are finished for $20
>Tell me a modern game that has this urban fantasy aesthetic
Persona, Splatoon, TWEWY, Donah Donah
>free to play RPG action game

so, how much money do need to spend on microtransactions to make it playable?
all of those subboards are slow and only filled with circlejerking generals. e-celeb cancer should get their own containment board or be banned on sight.
modern, not 10 year old games
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How the fuck has this not been posted yet? He's OWNED by Disney, nothing about him is organic
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How come mods rarely delete asmon threads and if they do it's after hours and hours of the threads being up?
Meanwhile if you did a thread for another e-celeb now it would be deleted within minutes.
PC "gamers" are platform warriors who endlessly make bad threads like this dude who killed mom.
It’s a Mihoyo game that isn’t jacking off China. That already puts it far above Genshin.
It's been like this on purpose because he's a tangibly alt right politically and PC gamers are fanboy warriors who need a father figure in their empty hollow lives.
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>because he's a tangibly alt right politically
No he's not, he even defended Disney when they said they don't hire white men and said people hating woke stuff is as problematic as the woke stuff itself.
Splatoon is 8 year old, P5 is 2022, TWEWY 2021, Donah Donah 2021
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>300 post eceleb thread
Where the fuck are the mods for this godforsaken board?
>Asmon giving his "take" on the latest drama
>"Yeah the thing they did is bad but I can UNDERSTAND why they're doing it!
>"and all the annoying haters are as bad as this thing"
There I just summed up every "take" this guy has, he has no opinion on his own
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Mods are 100% pajeet shills that get paid to let him advertise here, they never delete asmon threads and if they do it's after hours and hours
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he can talk good, if asmon went into politics he could made it big. Also, he doesn't talk like a complete moron like all the other streamers. You can tell asmon thinks about how he talks.
wuwa and its not even close honestly
the gameplay is actually fun and challenging and the devs arent super greedy yet
you start the game and you can choose a normal 5* before rolling even once
the only downside it has compare to mihoyo shit is the soundtrack, its rather meh for the most part but everything else is better
try reading the rules
60 fps lol
boring as shit open world lol

>gameplay is fun

it's literally just like ZZZ, you dodge or you get one shotted but in ZZZ you parry instead
How old are you?
Why do you need a streamer to tell you what is good or not?
Is this wuwa shit still overheating 4090 and randomly reboot PC?
what? Im playing this with a 2060 and no issues honestly
it was stuttering in the intro screen before but they fixed it with 1.1
Then you're just dumb.
I bet your favorite game is Elden Ring
PC fanboy warriors are the people who make these threads.
Reasoning for what? On how a few whales couldn’t reach hundreds of millions of dollars for a gacha game?
Man, this trash used to play fine on my PC stuttering some times yeah, then after a few play times it start to become super stuttering and laggy, then my monitor lost signal, CPU and GPU fans spins like crazy then the PC reboot itself like 4,5 times. Then i reinstall the whole game, but now the PC reboot when i clicked PLAY on the launcher
>i-i-i-i-it work on my machine
This game wuthering waves overheat my Ryzen 3600, 6700XT, 16GB ram too. It's incredibly demand for such a shitty looking anime game
Fuck off eceleb cocksucker
>On how a few whales couldn’t reach hundreds of millions of dollars for a gacha game?
Oh man you're serious, aren't you? You naive fucking soul. You really do have absolutely no idea of how limitless the stupidity of humanity is.
Please stay ignorant. Your mental health will thank you.
its always fucking amd cards, Im honestly so glad I didnt buy one when I upgraded my CPU
every fucking game there is countless complaints about amd cards with or without fsr or any of that bullshit
I hate nvidia but it seems every fucking dev only optimizes for these overpriced cards
a largest autist on the internet being autistic

what else in the news?
>4h later
>thread is up
>other threads created during this period has been deleted
>not this one
Hmm really makes you think, could it have something to do with this guy working for Disney?
Hiroshimoot only cares about growing the amount of people on this site so he can sell it to his nonexistent group of people who wish to market their products on this site.
Mods haven't cared about the quality of this board (site, really) since years ago
Just like god of war, DMC, bayetta, monster hunter, actually every action game and most fighting game campaigns
>dood, dawntrail and wuk lamat are lit
He is not your friend and he does not care about you.
Go away and stay out.
This thread isn't video games and PC gamers are pathetic.
Youtube algorythm.
I have never watched a single one of his videos and yet his rat face is always in my recommended videos.
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Asmon in particular not liking ZZZ is weird because he compared it to Starrail and said that game is what he considers to be a 10/10 gacha, even though it's a literal fucking autobattler.
The 25% delusion includes believing he's good at video games

He'll do one build, spam one move, and when it eventually stops working he blames the game for "suddenly" raising difficulty
If he were to play street fighter he'd only punch and say "the game has no depth you just punch"
His rat face is here on 4chan threads by virtue of PC fanboy warriors who prop up their parasocial PC master reddit streamer.
Sounds fine to me
No jump button.
hes right, it has a lot going for it but the moment you sit and realize you're just spamming mouse 1 24/7 is the moment you drop the game
Play more. Spamming mouse 1 is only when you've unloaded everything else on a stunned enemy.
Jesus christ it seems like you’re the one who’s naive. Gacha games are not the same as casinos you ignorant fuck a low playerbase can’t fucking reach hundreds of millions with just a few whales.
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>Gacha games are not the same as casinos
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Yeah, they’re worse, at least in a casino there’s a chance to get rich, whereas gacha games you can only lose.
>in every gacha game people rely on the guaranteed rate up
/pol/ is never wrong
Every piece of currency spent always gets you something, even if it may only be a small consolation prize. Those are often usable to increase gameplay performance incrementally. That's why it is fundamentally not gambling.
>Get a turd if you don't win
>Turd can be used as fertilizer!
>Therefore it's not gambling
You need brain surgery to unlobotomize yourself
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I don't play gacha. What makes this game different from Genshin Impact or any of the other Genshin clones?
>That's why it is fundamentally not gambling.
Ignoring the fact that there are countries who have declared gacha to be the same as gambling;
Then why do people who "play" gacha games develop the same tendencies as those who gamble?
And why do people with gambling issues tend to spend excessively more money on gachas than those who don't?
This game has none of the exploration. Instead, you sometimes press left click continuously so you can see characters yap uncontrollably about the same thing for minutes on end.
Hip hop music and a black american oriented story desu. Other than that, no open world, just npc-slop quests and button mashing fights.
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Genshin had exploration?
Where's the black characters?
A hideous PC troll gamer has parasocial PC fanboy warriors viewers who make advertising threads on 4chan and 4chan mods allow it.
Im torn, on one hand I want to laugh because the people on the shill gacha carousel are some of the most obnoxious faggot pieces of shit ever, but on the other hand you have retards like OP posting Asmon (probably the man himself desu) and deserve to be curbstompped into the pavement
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Get over yourself, weirdo. Discuss the video-game like I asked you to.
>Genshin had exploration?
...yes? Are you purposefully ignoring Genshin Impact's entire gimmick to try and win the unwinnable argument that ZZZ is somehow not boring as shit?
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I'm not gay enough to know what Genshin is, Anon. I already mentioned this. So far you've given me the impression

>Open-world Ubi slop with BotW mechanics
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Serious question

Are there any good non-gacha anime games? i don't care what genre, i just want cute anime girls AND good gameplay. No, JRPG snorefests are not good gameplay.
The only games i can think of are Reccetear, Code Vein and FighterZ
China slop casino app
PC fanboy warrior streamer
video game board
>I'm not gay enough to know what Genshin is
>>Open-world Ubi slop with BotW mechanics
I never mentioned what Genshin is about, so you DO know what Genshin Impact is about.
A shame about your lack of intellect. Better luck next time!
So... I guessed right?
>coping this hard over his slop
kek'd and rekt (by life)
>thread is still up
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Okay, I've decided to play a gacha game.

>I will not spend money.
>I will choose the game with the best story.
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Which of these games have multiple matchmade dungeons / raids?
>loli in the game
I'm in the same boat anon.
I just want some game with cute anime girls that I can play on my steamdeck while I'm in my hometown where I don't have a PC.

I know you can download Genshin and all that shit on my deck but I'm too lazy to install games separately in desktop mode, I want to play something via steam.

Apparently, none of those anime gacha games are on steam.
I guess I'm asking for a recommendation for a "good" anime game with cute girls
Kill yourself and ask your bald mom-killing e-cu:::ck to kill himself on stream too
Don't. It's just not fun, and it's tiring doing the same garbage gameplay over and over again.
I watch him only when McConnell is there, so not often.
Watching him now and then because his 2nd editor on his Asmon Clips channel is actually funny and makes top tier editing, though.
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Any game or company that does pic related could crash and burn.
Blue Archive let's you play the entire story with no gating and is incredibly generous even with its gacha bullshitery
Hey there Asscuckshit
>phone game through bluestacks
no thanks
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>posting the edit
PC gamer streamer for a PC gamer audience of 40 year old PCMR fanboy warriors.
Tower of Fantasy
That's cool. Raids or dungeons? I don't have to go look for strangers on Reddit or Discord to find groups?
Maybe he should use his influence as a cult leader to start a mass suicide while on stream.
>anon asks for a good story
>blue archive
>generic anime moeblobs with guns, but they also go to school
Omg hi Tencent
Thanks for your support in liberating China from the CCP
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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God I wish. There would be -95% less Twitter, Youtuber, PC fanboy vs console trash threads if that ever happened.
granblue fantasy relink
not that guy but basically the middle class is dying and you have the well off and then you have poorfags. So expect to see more gacha like business models.
Someone purchased the UID that ended in all zeros for this game for 120k, not even characters or anything they just wanted the number to end in all s=zeros.

just don't go into debt.
You can't get more money out of it than you started with. It's not gambling, period.

Because it has similarities to gambling even though it is different. However, the actual point you are making is purely on a regulatory and behavioral science standpoint, that is to say an implied question of whether to "allow" gacha to exist. If gambling is to be targeted, then also target gacha.

My stance on that is that those who are capable of gambling away their life savings should be allowed to do so, because it helps remove them from the gene pool. So I have no qualms about gacha existing or being successful, obviously, since I do not belong to that behavioral group but benefit from them keeping the lights on and game servers running.
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Like 90% of Asmongold's gacha opinions are just him parroting Tectone.
Valve games masking games as Online Casinos
>/v/ sucks them off and worships them
Chinese have fun games with gacha mechanics
>/v/ treats like this is the end of the world
>One is a balding mom-killing cuck, son of a glownigger
>One is an actually bald literal cuck
>people watch these losers
Why is this subhuman unironically being posted here as if his opinion on anything mattered? Zoomers need to kys.
gachaniggers in shambles
do you need to play previous games to understand what's going on or is it a standalone title?
>12-3AM is prime EU hours
Free my nigga Derek
Omg hi Assmon
Kill yourself
baseball cards
magic cards
Fifa and Nba are doing it for their games

but when you call it "gacha" westoids start to seethe uncontrollably
>even though it is different
How is it different?
>My stance on that is that those who are capable of gambling away their life savings should be allowed to do so, because it helps remove them from the gene pool.
Ah, never mind my question. You are simply evil (that, or very, very dumb).
I no longer wish to interact with you. Begone.
I dont like e-celebs but ZZZ is a bad game all around and will die in maybe 3 months time. Maybe it will do better than tower of fantasy however.
That's just a single player, right?
I wanted to play something where the new content is released after every patch, not something I'll never touch again once I finish the main story.
Thanks for the recommendation tho
Israel won't be existing soon, Shlomobeak
its clearly referencing established lore and characters but I didnt play anything prior or watch the anime and I had no issues following the story
you can even learn about all the characters through ingame narration if you really want to
>he can talk good
Saved. See you in 3 months.
Asmongold's takes are almost always retarded because his entire persona is based on acting like a retard.
They might be losers, but they make more money in a week than you will see in your entire life.
I'm just waiting for Azur Promilia
ZZZ sucks because its the direct gameplay/system sequel to Honkai Impact 3rd. A game that was total awful garbage because of its shitty combat, the greediest prices and gacha mechanics in the industry, both the main story and events being filled with every random useless crap EXCEPT the combat, the main gameplay, a story that is total dogshit, and gimped presentation and themes because Mihoyo are directly working for the CCP which means no sex no adult themes no fun story stuff.
Just stop playing any gacha game that isn't Blue Archive. They are all literal chinese CCP psyops that aren't even fun enough to make it worth sucking commie cock.
>They might be losers, but they make more money in a week than you will see in your entire life.
Okay, which one are you? Cucktone or Asscuckshit?
You underestimate the power of whales.
Just look at >>682125121 lmao
>i-i-it's not gambling!
>i-i-i-i can stop whenever i want!
I have 2.3 million networth.
Does tectone really have more than me?
>He got more money than you so he's better!
Hi Goldenberg
>I have 2.3 million networth.
thanks for the info anon, appreciate it
Ask your mom, she got paid bigly after sucking my dick last night
Okay, what other metric would you like to use in order to measure his success against yours?
Why do people who never played the game talk and post about the game more than those play it?
too lazy but anyone who bought tech stonks last 8 years with 15% of their savings is in the same boat.
Are you 40 years old
>being a literal e-cuck
>"this is a successful person btw"

Paid to do so, duh?
I can't wait to see you cry like a bitch when this thread is deleted
>>being a literal e-cuck
Oh, I concede then. If we're using that as the metric for measuring success you'd win by far!
Asmongold is ok.
Most of his takes are what common sense used to be so I get why so many like him.
the toothfairy has spoken oh no....
mad as fuck lol
>Asmongold is ok. Most of his takes are what common sense used to be so I get why so many like him.
How much? Do you have to suck his dick before sucking his dick online to get paid?
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>male audience doesn't like demiqueer feminist equality shitslop
>communism has failed

>basically the middle class is dying and you have the well off and then you have poorfags
Don't tell him that, he will sperg out and spam his jpg with even more fury in every thread. Months ago i told him exactly what you said albeit in a different manner and he started autistically tracking all gacha threads and going apeshit.
>all of those bots resorting to ad hominem
like clockwork
hairless apeman planet is a failure
There's no metric to success, every person, culture, country and tradition have different meaning to "success".
For some it's starting a family and having offspring, for other it's status, for others its leaving a big impact to the world or being educated and get more knowledgeable.
What I do know is that only the biggest retards put monetary gain and "status" as their way of success
It's pretty easy to see when he acts and when he doesn't, since his IQ tends to suddenly shoot up by 20 points when the situation requires it.
Once you see that, you can also see his attempts at goading his audience into having certain opinions about things (and him backpedaling when he goes too far).
Have you considered that all this hatred against someone you do not know might be projection?
He doesn't respond to me when I explain. If by some stroke of miracle the wealth gap shrinks and people have roughly the same amount of wealth and we have a big middle class again the business model will shift away from gacha back to regular flat fees.
But it's unlikely to happen.
>hatred against someone you do not know
What are you? His dead mom?
>There's no metric to success, every person, culture, country and tradition have different meaning to "success".
Okay, what's yours?
just the average zoomer that grew up watching streamers and following their every word. that generation is so fucked.
You bump this thread, you're a tranny like Assmongoloid
its single player with coop and its one of the few games where people wish it was live service but it isnt so whats inside is what you get
they did a few updates since release and even new characters iirc but nothing like a gacha with bigger updates every other month
you still have to grind a shitload to unlock all the weapons, difficulties etc. so its not like you finish the main story and done
It really be like that, even if they lowered the pull to 100 instead of 160 and added 0's at every number of reward it would still smell like the shit it is.
What a homosexual eceleb faggot you are lol
Go play some video games, homo
No, really. Why do you hold so much hatred against someone you do not know? I'm curious.
They're truly the last of this shitty human race. Most retarded too. Can't wait to see the damage done by these literal niggers
Hate? I have no idea who this guy is.
But the trend of people watching vtumors, twitch whores and clickbait farmers is worrying.
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Quality /v/ thread right here
Forget about video games, let's talk about some bearded homo fagslut's shitty opinions
Just the way faggot mods want it
>But the trend of people watching vtumors, twitch whores and clickbait farmers is worrying.
>need people to explain why e-cucks, e-whores are bad
What's wrong? No father figure?
I'd rather talk about some millionaire loser than being forced to look at goon threads all day.
>"Y-yeah, but look at their money!!"

Strike me as a Elon Musk meet rider.
>"they're richer than (You) means they're better than (You) wwaaaahhh"
Broken clock...
Please answer: >>682126272
>I would rather be a literal faggot than being a video gamer
Average /v/ poster right there. Why do you hate video games so much, eceleb tranny? YWNBAW
Being content with life and finding something that's meaningful for you.
Pay me nigger, or better yet, ask your e-cuck to pay for my opinion. Niggers like him only steal other's work to react to anyway.
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>Off-topic non-vidya bullshit thread made to shill some hairy faggot is still up
What the fuck happened to this board?
No, I will not be gone. You claim to be the good guy, but your modus operandi is playing with language and warping meanings in order to protect and baby people who cause their own downfalls. That doesn't simply remain in the realm of gambling, it means you intend to protect and proliferate a class of people who have no control over their spending or life choices, and those people will be building infrastructure and running countries. That is true evil.

>How is it different?
Gambling is you putting down money (a liquid resource) and through a game of chance (and skill) intend to walk away with more money than you started out with. Monetary gain is the main goal so that you can go buy other things with money.

Gacha systems do not promise you any monetary gain after participation, IF you participate at all and spend any real money. You are buying items within a game, but difference in convention is the value of the item will be random. Said reward cannot be used anywhere else and is not liquid. Technically the above conditions allow for making money by selling accounts with mass Chinese farms just idly collecting the free ingame currency and running until they get lucky, but this is just a side quirk.

I think the combat is fun in short bursts (perfect for a mobile game) and the TV minigame gets great after you get past the babby zones but I had much more enjoyment out of HSR plus there was much more clarity to what the fuck each thing does and the "talent" tree was much better design, the current one is so fucking obtuse and genuinely gets me annoyed.
>You claim to be the good guy
>in order to protect and baby people who cause their own downfalls
Yes, obviously. I don't think you realize just how many people on this planet are as smart as a bag of bricks.
I love humanity. Therefore I want to protect members of humanity from dooming themselves. I want to help them better their lives in whatever way I can.
Unfortunately, I am also egoistical and lazy. Meaning that while I want to do many things, I don't do most of them.

The fact that you do not wish to help your fellow man to be the better version of themselves is evil. Therefore you are evil.
It's as simple as that.
>regular e-celeb grifter
"the west has fallen, millions must die"
>e-celeb grifter: chud edition
"he can talk good, if asmon went into politics he could made it big. Also, he doesn't talk like a complete moron like all the other streamers. You can tell asmon thinks about how he talks."

I do not understand how these braindead zoomers can stomach watching this faggot, cr1tikal post face reveal or HasanAbi 24/7.
Mods are paid by Disney to let this guy advertise here,
I have no idea what you're talking about or what it has to do with my post.
>What went wrong
Some white trash nobody with room temp IQ was give a voice and millions of dollars.
>add useless words and numbers
typical leftard meme
Chinks enjoy this, look at the Elden Ring dlc reviews
Jannies are paid to advertise his channel
>monster hunter
I'll admit I haven't played Rise so I don't know if it's as hyper casualized as people say but mashing buttons doesn't work on any prior monster hunters. Even guard points need to be timed.
>help your fellow man to be the better version of themselves
Man is determined by their genes. That's the truth. If you want things to be better you must let the cards fall where they may, then the future will be better.
He actually brought this image up in one of his recent videos. He even says he browses 4chan so he might even be in this thread.
Stop posting agp triggering images
>literally manages basically
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>Eceleb bullshit thread is still up
>Not even on autosage
I fucking hate this board so much
which casino can I go to that will allow me to gamble for free?
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no problem
Anything involving ZZZ will not be taken down at the moment, it's just a standard paid campaign.
>Man is determined by their genes
and shaped by their society.

Again, if you do not actively help your fellow man be better, you are evil.
That's really all there is to it.
Go whine in the irc.
guys??? my free casino? where is it?
seems genuine and gives his own opinion, which I mostly disagree with
Mods are too busy grooming children there
>imagine having a job
>imagine a job being work
Wow, that's almost everybody. Crazy, just that I don't get millions for doing shit I sometimes don't care about.
Too many generic censored anime whores, not enough hot animal men.
Why are you seething so hard over somebody having an opinion over a game?
>seems genuine and gives his own opinion, which I mostly disagree with
You mean his Disney approved opinion that is always "Yes thing is maybe bad but haters are worse!
You do realize that saying negative things about the mods is a bannable offense, right
Anon, you're gay and mad.
You missed the point, anon.
He SEEMS genuine. That's what matters. Not the actual content of his opinions.
Which vid?
You should love chink gacha slop
Kill yourself Cuckmon
Kill yourself Cucktone
Kill yourself Disney
god eater
Kill yourself too jannies. Fucking useless niggers.
He looks like a fucking rat
Lmao wuwa has been made irrelevant by ZZZ because wuwa is shit in every department bar combat and ZZZ managed to have better combat while being soulful and devoid of chinawank
He looks like a mole rat that killed its mother and is adored by an audience of ADHD zoomers. He's a 40 year old PC fanboy warrior and has parasocial zoomers who buy into PC Master Race LARP. Animal Crossing deserves to have threads than this zoomer shitter attraction.
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I still have no clue who this ass mongoloid character is or why I should care.
People told me he's known here because he parrots the opinions here, but you guys parrot each others' opinions too, and you don't make threads about each other, so what gives?
Do I look like I screencap your posts to make threads about? Or is your zoomer brain too stupid to know the difference? Fuck you and your ratPC MasterRace fanboy streamer.
It's funny watching small time Youtubers piss and shit themselves with glee when Assmangold reacts to their videos. So desperate for clout
mad as fuck lmao
shouldn't you be rolling for Xi Xung Wang? banner's up til tomorrow! GO GOGOGOO
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The combat is really shallow, it's somehow worse than Genshin's combat which wasn't that deep to begin with. If you're not big on Genshin's combat, there are still other things to enjoy like the exploration or puzzles. If you don't like ZZZ's combat then it has nothing else to offer you.
holy BASED zoomer
It's better than Genshin combat though
He works for Disney so he gets pushed/shilled everywhere
>I still have no clue who this ass mongoloid character is
Then why talk? Be silent.
why do genshintards feel like they can shit on any gachas combat?
He's not wrong, it's a gacha game after all
>difficult gachashit
The point of gachashit to get you addicted with waifus, not to frustrate the lowest form of human life (which seems to be the majority who play gachashit)
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Nothing. Players are loving the game. Asmongold just found out the game got harder later and didn't want another dark souls situation where he has a mental breakdown because his chat called him shit so he found an excuse to quit the game.
>But this comment on-
Already debunked.
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Asmongold is the modern day diogenes. Based and 100% correct opinions. Lives in poo so you can't call him a sellout.
>Mechanics Genshin has that ZZZ doesn't
Plunge attacks
Charged attacks
Bow aiming
Elemental reactions
>Mechanics ZZZ has that Genshin doesn't
Perfect assist
Perfect dodge
Chain attack
>compares a literal e-cuck to one of the greatest philosophical mind
Unironically kill yourself now
I didn't compare them. I equated them.
>gachapedos mad that fucking Asmonglod of all people is also shitting on their dogshit game

kys gachafags, rope yourself NOW
His ass is owned by Disney and "his opinions" are what his handlers tell him to say.
Same shit
Omg hi Asscuck
You're a fucking retard.
>thread has been up for 8h
How is the "first mover advantage" possible when he did videos for 10 years and never gained any traction?
It's pure luck that some people get pushed by website algorithms and suddenly blow up, it has nothing to do with starting early and being dedicated, it's just pure luck.
The porn animations of her are great though
No such thing, just look at that black streamer on Twitch that came from nowhere and have 100k viewers now.
It's all about about being pushed by the corporations and be owned by them, like how Asmon is owned by Disney.
>but in truth he doesn't leave his house and is scared of his neighbors so he really has no idea what the fuck he's talking about in the slightest.
So most of /v/?
He's slightly edgy and has slightly controversial opinion but not enough to get the troons and jews to cancel him. He's safe edgy. His takes are mostly neutral though, with the occasional controversial one but only if the topic has a fair share of controversial opinions about it online.

As for everything else about him, I've got no idea how he's even alive. He literally smears his teeth on the wall, lives like a hobo despite having millions and showers once a month if even that. He had a fucking dead rat as an alarm clock for fuck sake. And he doesn't even play games. He just stands there giving his opinion on games without playing them, if he launches one, he goes afk and watches videos and reads subreddits and shit. Kind of like /v/ when I think about it. Huh maybe that's why he's popular.
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I would just like to remind everyone that pic related begs for money and has already spent at least 150K$ on a gacha game.
I can see mr. beast getting sponsored with his content of being giga rich but what the fuck does asmongold need sponsorship for? More McDonalds and Soda? He obviously doesn't use it for housing, travelling or anything else apart from buying video games and junk food. He doesn't even buy clothes he wear free advertisment clothes he got sent from companies.

Plus he is one of the owners of one of the biggest streamer organizations that rake in a lot of money with real life events and online events.

Unless disney/amazon bought into that organiaztion i don't believe it.
It's a mystery how DSP isn't in jail or homeless yet.
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>world of warcra
>rich campbell
this is some scam website, it's not real
fire emblem
You may see this as an attack but reality is that this anon is actually trying to help you and make you reconsider. The people who hurt gachafags the most are gachafags themselves. It is gambling. Except win rate is actually 0% cause what you win is worthless.
>Just stop playing any gacha game that isn't Blue Archive.
Now show me some blue archive gameplay. I can't wait to see it.
Asmon bump
>BAfag once again shilling his game
Every fucking thread. Why can't you guys just stay in your containment General?
Asmon jump off the bridge
Righty that shits on bait of the week and panders the /pol/ audience to like him but isn't a full /pol/tard that scares centrists and normies away.
He was literally hired to shill for Dragon's Dogma 2 and was part of the defense brigade for a bit until he saw how fast the ship was sinking and decided to jump when his fans were slowly realizing he is as much a shill as any other e-celeb.
>nu-/v/ actually listens to the cockroach whisperer
what went wrong...
agree with this anon
everything in this game is shit because it's so small and repetitive
every dungeon is the same, every tv feels the same, and the town is like a fucking shoe box
Identity politics.
All discourse has been diluted to
>Does X have the same beliefs as me?
>If Yes- They are based and anything they do or say is correct
>If No- They are cringe and anything they do and say is wrong
>Thats very... *Check opinion with discord team*... Based.
90% sure this dude has handlers watching his stream and telling him what to say
he talks like he's reading off a script
assmond is the most personally repulsive e celeb in video games I cant explain it because I'll never watch him
gacha seatards in shambles
>he's ugly as fuck and has zero charisma.
and so are millions of people, and thats why they relate to him. Not hard to understand
Talent Agency affiliated with Amazon and Disney
This is so retarded
>Be streamer
>Become succesful
>Get an offer from a well known big company to manage all your shit for you, including providing you with video editors/artists/designers/sponsor deals/managers/lawyers etc for a % of your profit
>schizophrenics on 4chan think this is some kind of underground cult or conspiracy theory
All these people only got signed up AFTER they became succesful you retards, asmongold was a literal who for a decade before he blew up.
>comparing one guy's opinions to a userbases opinion's on multiple websites to prove he's more consistent
How fucking retarded are you?
Omg hi Assmon
Wait till you find out about big mega evil secret corporations recruiting teams of successful sports players.
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>Consider playing Gacha game
>My government has banned it from being played due to the company being scammers
Uh, what are the best gacha to play on PC?
russian roulette
And you suck ass at math

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