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Oh no Yasuke sisters, what are we gonna do??

Grifter thread
I always liked Yasuke the Black samurai ever since I found out about him in the early 2010s.
>Boomers who invented female protagonist games alongside the very video games themselves want to enable male exclusive draft in real life
Grifter board. Denounce WW3 female protagfag.
>Following Fan Outrage
Damn, the Japanese government must be bored as shit if they are looking into to a single person's complaint about a French game.
"Fans wanted FEudal Japan in Assassin's Creed for years,"

Literally Ghost of Tsushima, four years ago. Ubi sat on it for so long that somebody else just made Assassin's Creed Japan before they did.
Humiliation ritual for retards involved. Prepare for "YOU LOST CHUDCEL" threads.
I don't get it. Just don't buy it, it's that simple. You know the game will flop in japan on its own, there's no need for a ban or anything. And after the last flops Ubisoft has shat out and their EA-tier sales policies, even western gamers aren't too hot for it.
>I always liked Yasuke the Black samurai ever since I found out about him in the early 2010s.
he was never a samurai, he was a little sideshow and equipment carrier.
They stole Zoro's katana. Buy a japanese doll from Amazon
Shouldn't this topic be trending if chigyus are about to e.x.p.l.o.d.e?
ESL begone
They really could have avoided this by having a cool Japanese male MC (you know, the same thing they did in literally every other fucking setting) and having Yasuke as a side character you meet during the story and who becomes an ally to the player. Similar to how Leonardo Da Vinci and other historical figures make cameos. They could make him bro-tier enough so that fans would actually be welcome to playing as him in either an expansion or sequel to the game. Or even pull a RDR and have him take over after the main story is done.

Anything other than forcing him onto the player and trying to shill the black KANG off as the single greatest thing to ever happen to Japan.
fpwp, dilate ywnbaw
>single person's complaint
>Petition has 73,000 signatures
You are a retard
The fact Yasuke even has the option to be gay is the nail in the coffin. Especially for the audience they've been trying to pander to the most. I almost feel bad for Ubisoft's staff and even sweet baby inc. They're so removed from the real world, they really have no idea how much blacks hate the gays. It's going to be like finding out santa isn't real.
Think of all the "family friendly" mainstream black normie streamers and youtubers when they find this out. The people Ubisoft will ship free early copies to in order to get free promotion.
They should have hid that he was gay. It's over, sadly.
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>used some cheap shit replica of Zolo's Katana and claimed it was an original design
>Didn't get permission to use any of the art pieces in Todaiji Temple.
>Any claims of the game selling well can be disproven with this image alone
How can Ubishills hope to recover from such a thorough owning?
Even if the Samurai was Japanese, you shouldn't buy ubislop fr*nch video games.
niggers are more gay on average than anyone else though
Does "outrage bait" marketing still work when it comes to sales?
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>Visions of Mana is higher than Creed
Based Mana Series outdrawing Ubishit
It's profitable for content creators, consultants and shareholders.
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kek what are those tiny chinky nips gonna do against the modern frenchmen
This might be true, chuddie. But they still have a loophole baked into the code. When they turn on this game for being gay, the woke whyt women don't really have any power to shut it down, otherwise they're seen as a racism. Which as of now, is one level worse than being phobophobic.
Unfortunately, they're probably your last ally in this case. Sometimes whitey needs to just step aside and let us do our thing.
>French game.
Worse.... French Canadian game
import some spaniards, maybe :)
>Worse.... French Canadian game
they used to be good, the problem is that nu-bisoft, no matter the studio, sucks now
Nobunaga feed him Pīnattsubatā so Yasuke gave the impression he could talk, which impressed guests.
Video games as a whole would be better with out Ubisoft. They're a terrible publisher/studio/developer and they're the worst kind of racists.
With how many employees they have, how much money they burn, I don't even get how they're not laying people off.
They didn't want to make something cool. They wanted to make people angry and use racism to do it.
they wanted to make something progressive, people getting angry is just a side effect
we were already calling ghost of tsushima asscreed japan when it came out and with ubishit's recent track record, people should just play ghost again and call it a day
you know you can call ubisoft shit without saying they're racist, you don't care about racism you dumb faggot
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>also turns out, the author of the one book that Wikipedia cites for calling Yasuke a samurai... was editing the Wikipedia page for Yasuke under a different name
>and he's just completely fucking disappeared off the Internet all of a sudden
All they had to do was make a Japsassin's Creed game. Not a Japan game with niggers or rap or black politics. Just. A Japanese Assassin's Creed game. The amount of bullshit that's unraveled about this game is staggering. I knew it'd be an insincere piece of shit fueled by racebait ragebait since the rumors first emerged last year, but this is truly impressive.
Yep. But they literally could not help themselves. Gotta get that extra diversity checkmark at all costs!
Turns out japs are too white for AC game.
Assassin's Creed isn't historically accurate and never has been.
Assassin's Creed target audience isn't the Japanese, it's upper-middle class Americans.
It's funny how much better GoT is at being an AssCreed game than anything Ubishit has produced since AC Unity
>they wanted to make something progressive, people getting angry is just a side effect

Its a wombo combo of two gay characters, a Lesbian ninja and a gay black samurai in Feudal Japan
who the fuck assumed this was a good idea, particularly with shit like Netflix being brought to court over their black cleopatra documentary? The narrative for AC Shadows is the same, with their repeated statements that Yasuke is a REAL HISTORICAL SAMURAI so what they did IS GROUNDED IN ACTUAL HISTORY

meanwhile any Japanese historian that got invested in this topic pointed out how fucking disrespectful and inaccurate their portrayal of based niggerman and Japanese feudal culture is
Once upon a time they were good but they are largely mismanaged by the same executives who have ruined videogames at large.

Massive Entertainment for example still have people who want to make good games, there was an interview with Doomcock in which one of Massive employees leaked what is going on at Ubisoft. If you actually care about videogames and you are not the easily manipulated RETARD who falls for rage bait, I dare you to actually take a close look at the Star Wars Outlaws trailer and you will spot like 5 instances of TECHNOLOGY in that trailer alone which was completely overshadowed by the troglodite female protagonist massive was forced to place, which is part of Doomcock Interview with Massive.

One of the teams behind the AC series also want to make good games but the problem is management at large. Basically management in all tech environment is cut from the same clothe. Incredibly liberal when it is convenient, dead set on quick cash scams and VERY progressive because they want that EGS money. The AAA industry at large is bound to head for some hard times unless investors realize their money is being embezzled by executives that are not representing their interest in the long run.
But Anon what does Japanese mean, surely this clearly Chinese Chau Gong is Japanese
i think it would be fucking hilarious if it was banned for sale in japan for disrespecting their culture and their people.
>Assassin's Creed isn't historically accurate and never has been.
then why use a real historical figure as one of the protags? they've never done this before.
>target audience isn't the Japanese, it's upper-middle class Americans.
the same class that the left is working hard trying to disenfranchise and kill off?
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>French Canadians think they know what upper-middle class Americans want
Not only is Ubisoft racist. They're the worst kind of racists.
remember cleopatra and the Egyptians?
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I will pray for Ubisoft to show Naoe's armpits and soles!
worked so far
>Assassin's Creed target audience isn't the Japanese, it's upper-middle class Americans
Well they might have found their long awaited "global audience" in the form of multiple members of the Japanese government who have learned that UBI haven't been given permission to use a number of art pieces they've put in the game.
Oh and I'm sure Oda, Shounen Jump, Shueisha and Bandai Namco are ecstatic about someone claiming ownership over Zolo's sword and claiming it's theirs.
I'm racist, you have a problem with that monkey
>they wanted to make something progressive
I don't believe so. I think they get pleasure out of making people angry and unhappy.
>unless investors realize
and you think this means something when the largest shareholders in all these AAA corpos are jewish asset managers who push ESG DIE in the first place?
Is this some kind of cope?
You have gone too far anon.
Draw your blade.
I don't even hate women but its pretty obvious that most of our modern day societal dysfunction stemmed from the Feminism movement.

-Women doubling the work force killed wages
-Children now raised by daycares/public schools rather than their mothers
-All the consooooom and debt trap culture came from women
-Birth control killed birth rates leading to 3rd world importation
-Women divorcing their husbands lead to millions of children and future criminals growing up without a strong father figure
-Women predominately vote for Leftist parties which means more crime/immigration/woke garbage

I could go on honestly. Women should be respected and cherished for their important contributions to society, but giving them the same rights/roles as Men was a massive mistake
I just don’t care enough about jap culture. Do you ever see japs standing up for us when niggers are appropriating us?
Fuck the nips let the niggers completely subvert their culture
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>posts a still from a film directed by a french canadian
Not only should it be banned, but the government of Japan should sue Ubisoft.
>Do you ever see japs standing up for us when niggers are appropriating us?
why would they? you don't even stand up for yourselves
You're not a giant billion dollar corporation that uses racism as a shield from criticism.
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Raise your arms.
Clearly it was all botted! There's no way anybody could hate gay samurai shitskins depicted in an era where people bow to him as he walks the streets rather than run away after seeing him brutalize some soldiers and guards to shitty Japanese hip-hop! There's no way!
>I just hate systematic racism
are you like a libtard or something?
what you described is how "diversity" used to work.
Japan has something very valuable that Americans aren't allowed to have. A sense of xenophobia and nationalism. Your niggerculture will never gain that kind of ground in their land.
Ok sweetie. When we do the rest of the world virtue signals. Nobody gives a fuck until it’s at their doorstep.

It’s fine because nigger culture is completely fixated on weebshit right now. Within our lifetime we’ll sit back and laugh at everyone else who didn’t give a flying fuck about where the problem came from.
I'm definitely far more interested in new Mana
these kinds of teams almost never actually win anything important though.
Super Bowl MVP is almost always a White guy.
It already pisses me off that city teams are made of mercenaries from anywhere around the globe, imagine sullying your national flag by putting it on a bunch of random monkeys. God I hate sportsball.
>Assassin's Creed isn't historically accurate and never has been.
That's great anon, the problem is they market all their shit as being an authentic experience of the time period they represent and how they take great care incorporating real life historical events and facts to create their worlds (and mythology since AD Odyssey)

Yasuke in AC Shadows is not a part of any mythology, he was a nigger samurai with a vaguely described role in a court whose only noteworthy contribution to Japanese history was that he was black and a retainer. Not that he was a giant nigger gay enforcer that the Japanese commoners bowed to, spoke with (because he learned Japanese in the short x months he spent in Japan), learned how to write in their language and went around beating the life out of Japanese natives wearing Gusoku armor.
Old Japanese grandmas freak out if they see a nigger in present day Japan, let alone back in the Feudal ages. Are you telling me this is the authentic experience we should see about how a country is portrayed? Hell even the authenticity of historical elements is put to question by everyone whos seen the trailer from the way Yasuke writes to what icons are shown in what manner.
>xenophobia and nationalism
but those are ideas for retards anon
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>Sucker Punch make Ghost of Tsushima, a game set in Japan that's basically AC, and it showed such authenticity and respect for the culture that the game won numerous cultural awards in Japan and earned the lead devs an ambassadorship to the real Tsushima
>Ubisoft decides to FINALLY make an actual AC game set in Japan, but decided to make it about a very poorly-established historical curiosity black guy (who may not even have actually been black/African but that's not the point), focusing so much on that aspect that they showed a level of disrespect and carelesssness for cultural research that's snowballed into an actually non-zero chance of their game being legally fucking restricted or condemned in Japan in some fashion, alongside fueling an academic and informational scandal
I’ll bookmark this and hit you up in 30 years
No, quite the opposite. I don't see any reason not to use their own weapons against them. They forged that weapon. They can bleed from it.
You say that because you know you would be blocked
Why would you call the Japanese retards?
nationalism bad
unless its jewish nationalism
okay but you're making a big deal about racism, which is fucking stupid. Just say it's shit and pandering, acting like racism is a big deal just makes you sound like a pussy
I love the absolute shit Japs are flipping over this game. We can just watch and enjoy.
Pretty much. They could've pulled off a pretty good little plotline with Yasuke. Like the player finds him hiding away and being chased by locals who think he's some evil spirit or some thief, find some safe passage back to his family. Or even keep him like a blacksmith to upgrade weapons for the player or something. It's honestly impressive how much they fumbled a sure thing.
it feels like they analyzed GoT, realized they cant compete with it without having to reinvent and improve their formula for open world games, so they instead went for outrage marketing and doing their best to avoid as many comparisons with GoT as possible

motherfuckers got usurped
No, what you're suggesting does nothing. What I'm doing can hurt them.
no i say that because judging others for conditions they had zero influence over is kinda stupid

because i can anon. are you gonna get offended on behalf of some imagined nips or something
lemme see that virtue
>chud has learnt a new word
>everything is jews
niggers will literally buy anything with niggers in it
they have been race swapping anime characters to be ugly niggers for a decade
they love this shit
yeah but they can pretty easily sniff out that's not true when they see you think negros are subhuman
so you'd agree that the black supremacists at ubisoft are retards then?
sure. care to name a few of them?
will Ubisoft fire that yaoi half-Asian goblina who posed as a consultant for their nigger samurai game?
WTF are you talking about? Don't but words in my mouth. I don't give a rats ass what they at Ubisoft think. They don't matter.
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Imagine the American government investigating a video game because it "disrespects their culture" or some shit. Why does Japan get a pass for this?
UBI, being french Canadian and potentially the most DEI ridden cesspool in western gaming, will absolutely publicly call all of Japan racist and in no position to judge, and I'm just here to watch the fireworks happen.
>upholding your culture is bad
You're an idiot.
The blacks working at ubisoft.
yasuke is rael an japan loves hmi fuck off
So then who is the racism shit for? Leftists don't see it as racist, Right wing people don't care about racism so why the fuck are you crying about racism?
The japs won't do shit. Just don't play the game. The fact that you would have played an AssCreed game in the first place if it had a different protag is worrisome. No one should ever play a Ubisoft game.
McD isn't culture.
>shit like Netflix being brought to court over their black cleopatra documentary?
Explain further
>Black samurai
>Black samurai gay
Because Amerikikes hate their own culture and are actively trying to replace it with nogger culture.
its just one whackjob nip
it would be like some random fuckoff congressman from skeeter holler alabama having a stick up his ass about tetris being commie propaganda
Oh but they do see it as racism. It's the exact kind of racism they've been crying about for years. And one by one they'll flip.
because Japan has laws in place that protects their culture

if someone smeared Mount Rushmore in camel shit and writes "emancipate my ax wound" on Lincoln's forehead the person would obviously not get arrested for defacing a national monument, xer were just expressing their right to free speech
seems like ubisoft hasn't published the full credits for the game yet so you'll have to start with this champ
From what I've heard there's not a single people in the studio that speaks french they're all anglo foreigners.
Will Smith's insane wife made a show smugly portraying Cleopatra as subsaharan African instead of Greek. Turns out Egypt didn't like burger politics inserted into the only thing they have left, their history.
not really, they just see as people wanting no more nigger in games
so your conclusion is that depicting a black main character in a video game is black supremacy by everyone in the entire studio
>An Egyptian lawyer on Sunday filed a lawsuit over Netflix's upcoming Queen Cleopatra, accusing the streaming service of "erasing the Egyptian identity" for depicting the ruler as a Black woman.
>Mahmoud al-Semary submitted the legal complaint with Egypt's public prosecutor following the recent release of a trailer for the docudrama series, which premieres May 10. His filing not only requested legal action be taken against the makers of the show but for Netflix to be shut down in Egypt.
>"Most of what Netflix platform displays do not conform to Islamic and societal values and principles, especially Egyptian ones," Mahmoud al-Semary said in his complaint, according to the Egypt Independent.
>According to the BBC, al-Semary's complaint accuses Netflix of trying to "promote the Afrocentric thinking...which includes slogans and writings aimed at distorting and erasing the Egyptian identity."
Check 2 or 5 chan and that will answer your question.
My conclusion is that it's Cultural Appropriation.
Which it actually is. LMAO
Oh cool, you can already buy AC Shadows merch!
distorting history to push your supremacist political agenda makes you a supremacist, yes.
Remember they consider this a accurate historical representation, they constantly say that this is a depiction of a historical character
Huh that's pretty based
I have fundamental disagreements with Islam but I hope that this goes through favorably for him because documentaries should strive for accuracy to history above all
tsushima was more of a souls/nioh game than a creed game. i dont think it has any relevance to the type of game creed is
>How can Ubishills hope to recover from such a thorough owning?
By ignoring it, posting the exact same shit that they lied about before and the exact same change petition with the white people they put in again and again, and making sure that their friends in the press suddenly stop caring about cultural appropriation.
Proof? Seems like cope.
Only to a certain extent. This is bad enough to likely affect Ubi sales in Japan in the future.
commie spotted

> they consider this a accurate historical representation
anon are you making shit up to get mad about again
i thought we discussed this already, its not healthy
Has this lawsuit gone anywhere? Because all I see are articles describing how they filed for a lawsuit of 2 Billion bucks, but there are 0 updates on this since last year June.
did they even have a market in japan to begin with? Pretty sure this game was for westerners
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>new ass creed game has black man in it
>play hip hop music
>new gladiator movie has black man in it
>play hip hop music
new marketing meta?
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>Pretending that Assasins Creed is any kind of historically accurate to bitch about the Black Samurai which is a highly sensationalized version of a real guy
Very Retarded
>Pretending that Assasins Creed is any kind of historically accurate to bitch about the people bitching about the Black Samurai
Exactly as Retarded
>run of out arguments
>deny reality

why are leftists like this?
Simply not buying the game is probably enough.

Are you actually black or is this some weird leftypol put on?
t. Talented Tenth.
>you will spot like 5 instances of TECHNOLOGY

Please point these out to me, I want to believe someone still does this in tripple-A.
Now, I don't think any game should ever be banned...
But it would be extremely hilarious if Japan banned this for racial discrimination.
Then I will keep posting Nep laughing at them and reminding them they lost to Compile Heart
oh shit he thinks the ass creed series is a historical documentary
It's the same woke bullshit as before, except turned up to 11. These people are demented enough to think it's a good idea.
They have been for the last two years.

There are DOZENS of games that you should play beofe this.
It's not, Ass creed 3 lead dev was an aussie and remember Mass Effect Andromeda? Was made in Montreal by an anglo panjeet who won't stop crying about whiteys on twitter. Not a single local works in game studio cause the higher ups treat them like shit.
>you don't care about racism you dumb faggot
I care about racisim. And it is to be opposed by any means necessary both legal and not. Ubisoft here is being incredibly racist, and it's being enabled by other racists as well.
>let us do our thing.
You can't do anything. Too dumb.
They must have hidden these instances of technology really well because AC Shadows looks like it has worse stealth mechanics than Thief
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>pretending Japanese people love your game and it's a top seller when it's selling worse than a game made by the developers of the Neptunia franchise
As Retarded as anything you could possibly imagine.
people like you who want to police words and thoughts should fuck off
that person actually did a great job on what she was meant to do.
she actually corrected a few of the inaccuracies that's directly related to her expertise.
one of the thing she fixed was:

>ubi tried to make a storyline about how nobunaga assfucking boys was bad and evil and he must be punished for it
>she told ubi that it was not a taboo back then and being punished for that is historically inaccurate

i feel bad for her.
I don't work for ubisoft that has pushed the historical authenticity of their main character in their marketing. If they want to insist that this is an accurate depiction of a real historical person they have to stand for it
So I assume with this game being vehemently defended by lefties and Ubisoft we can have AC: Bleached Blade as the next entry, set in Yasuke's home region of Colonial Africa, playing as John Smith, a white heterosexual British man, who goes around the Ivory Coast assassinating African Warlords who are aligned to the Templars.
It's not going to get banned but the fact that you have actual Japanese people protesting is astounding enough as it is. Do you know how hard it is to get actual japanese pepole to protest about anything? And i don't mean some happa or visiting worker. I mean like a fucking Diet member..
If haven't noticed that Ubisoft tries to push a woke agenda then you are really stupid.
hell yeah brother i remember when desmond sacrificed himself to save us all from an extinction event, a totally real historical fact that was faithfully adapted by ubisoft. sadly they have become woke in these recent years and started including non-fiction in their games for some reason.
Yeah, but if it was a Jap, then how would that get people talking about the video game? Outrage bait gets people talking about their shitty ubislop game.
>In Assassins Creed: Shadows you get to play as YASUKE, our first REAL, NON-FICTIONAL PROTAGONIST in the Assassins Creed series. He was an African Samurai in Nobunaga's court.
>proceeds to display him as a romanticized American version of an elite Bushi warrior in Gusoku armor bashing the brains out of the locals and commoners bowing at his sight, talking with him and their dogs coming up to him for belly rubs

then market their game as being a highly fictional take on the period
desmond isn't in this game though? Ubisoft didn't claim to have historical people as protagonists until now? Why are you deflecting and bring up other games? Have you run out of arguments?
so yasuke wasnt a real person
do you have any facts to back up your assertion anon
are you aware of the concept of historical fiction by chance
>It's not going to get banned
It's unlikely but if they keep stealing shit and claiming it's theirs or someone checks if Ubi got permission to have certain content in the game and finds out they don't, it damn well could be. Every time the game comes up it's got a new controversy attached to it.
It's not a one off anymore. They're just fucking lazy.
Hell. A NG+ with yasuke playable, who CANNOT use social stealth at all so it's fucking hard mode would have worked.
Yeah but I'm a pedantic autist who likes my arguments to be sound. Hate woke shit if you want but don't argue it poorly. This is the same series where Leonardo DaVinci was building tanks and bombers for the Medicis, I don't need to be told "actually he was just an old homo"
yasuke isnt a real person?
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Blacks sell less.
Gaming industry is composed of 99.9% White males, and will always be,
ubisoft is trying to rewrite history (on wikipedia though lol) to fit their marketing. A samurai with that name and background indeed didn't exist until a canadian video game company made a game and magically the evidence was found!
Nice motte and baily tactic though
They would provided it was nigger culture. Make a game depicting MLK as a lecherous conman and see how quickly your taxes get combed over.
so your argument is that yasuke is a fictional character but ubisoft has marketing material suggesting that he was a real person in history
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The game about niggers niggering getting niggered while calling each other niggers?
That game that constantly mocks niggers niggering around niggers and only remembered about its niggering?
The disrespecting the culture part isn't the key accusation here. Keep up.

What an odd framework for shitposting.
my question is where was everyone when they made greek gods niggers in hades?
>Outrage bait gets people talking about their shitty ubislop game.
That may be but it also means more eyes on them looking for any possible fuck up.
>people that now know about the game from Japan expo: I can't believe they claimed Zolo's sword was actually their own creation. Do they think we're stupid? And what was with that Chinese gong and that cheap shit doll they bought of Amazon? Do they even know where Japan's located? Like hell I'm buying this dogshit game.
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Wikipedia permabans your IP when you as much as ask for a source in the Yasuke's page discussion lmao.
Is this the new "nobody gives a fuck and it's all white people"? You fuckers have been riding this so hard that one of the youtubers shitting on the game posted face and passport.
>this is only happening because colonialists are actually trying to change the history of japan and Japan is having none of that.

Lmao I guess its true what they say the jews really do fear the samurai.
do you understand whats the difference between Yasuke existing as a real person in history and the way you portray him
you mouthbreathing disingenuous faggot I didnt even write he didnt exist, I wrote the way hes portrayed in their game is fanfiction-tier slop
what Ubisoft is doing is fiction which they market as being authentic
do you comprehend the point of my posts
most kids worship nig hop culture. they don't see this shit as mockery, they think it's funny and cool
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reminder these are basically all of the contemporary sources.
great vid on the matter that delves into the wikipedia circular sourcing and Lockley's lies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnYyYDpC00Y
They've gotten too overconfident these days so they're not going to bother "easing" people into wokeness and will instead shove it down your throat.
jap govt unironically takes cultural preservation extremely seriously
you're talking about a country where its corporations all donate millions per year to temples and festivals to pray for good luck.
yes i comprehend that you are a fucking idiot, anon
you have never touched an AC game because literally all of them are fanfiction-tier slop
you just seem extra butthurt that they took the name of an actual historical person as one of the main characters in their fanfiction for some weird reason
you seem to be especially fixated on claiming the series as an "accurate" portrayal of history, which is silly as hell
but since you dont actually play the games its not a surprise you have no clue what you are discussing
You serious?
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>Nigger also stole Zoro's katana
i mean they couldve avoided this by just making an original game rather than making an 8th fucking whatever Assassin's Creed game that has nothing to do with the original game other than just slapping the title on for free marketing

modern corpo suit investorfags are obsessed with just slapping sequels and remakes onto everything instead of just coming up with something fucking original, because they refuse to take a financial risk.

shit like this is why The Simpsons is on like season 45 now and is extremely unfunny and woke. no-one watches it but they keep making more anyway.
japan is an incredibly small market if you're not nintendo retard
NTA but why on earth would you come to that conclusion here? You simping for ubisoft?
>mention how Ubishit markets their game
>go on an unhinged rant about how the games themselves are not authentic
reading comprehension: 0
go back to school retard
>1M views already

yeah, this controversy is gaining steam among the nips.
Turns out the "sources" that wikipedia, reddit, and leftard westerners are trying to use in order to rewrite history is baically just one black fetishist white dude's fanfic book
ok then anon care to give me a detailed breakdown on the marketing sins
im all ears
How do you look at
>I care about racisim. And it is to be opposed by any means necessary both legal and not
as not the slippery slop of word policing have you been to europe you dumb fuck
Is this what ubisoft thinks?
Is that legal?

They had a niche market like Compile Heart.The game is rated CERO z. They were EXPECTING ghosts of tsukushima numbers, and their stock price has suffered. >>682578808
Speaking of which.
AC 1: Set in the Middle-East, Protagonist is an ARabic man
AC 2 to Revelations: Set in Italy, Protagonist is Italian
AC 3: Set in America, Protagonist is a Native American
AC 4: Set in the Caribbean, Protagonist is a nixed pirate
AC 5: Set in France, Protagonist is French
AC 6: Set in London, Protagonists are Br*tish
AC Origins: Set in Egypt, Protagonist is African
AC Odyssey: Set in Greece, Protagonists are Greek
AC Valhalla: Set in England and Norway, Protagonist is a Viking
>AC Shadows: Set in Feudal Japan, Protagonist is Black

they don't have to, it's supported by data, PS5s have barely sold in Japan
>fueling an academic and informational scandal
This is the bigger issue imo.
I'm so fucking tired and bored of marxists vandalising culture and history in order to hasten their "revolution".
Total communist genocide.
Dont worry, im sure the next game will take place in Africa and have a barely noteworthy white man be the savior. for consistency.
Yea, maybe a little slippery. However the ring of Ubisoft being fucked this hard sounds pretty good.
I expect the most accurate japanese homosexuality in a western game ever.
One of the writers is a BBCslut 100 percent serious
Being ignored. Where is the press that payed huge attention to Hades, praising it, but is completely ignoring this?
Jews thats why
Resident Evil 5? The game thats "too racist" to be remade today?
The irony
>its ok to commit genocide against lycan gypsies, Spanish villagers and American citizens but not Africans

It'll get delayed, and if it does now you know why.
The chicoms would do the same if this asscreed were set in china. Fucking white liberals with savior complexes pushing their bullshit diversity where it isn't welcomed.
they're way too deep into development. this is their balckrock humilation ritual. blackrock will cover every single lost sale so they can boast about it being the best selling asscreed game ever.
Ghost of Tsukushima did well enough, and Ubi was absolutely counting on the game

I think the leftists and GCJ types that went after japanese people, actually hurt.

Differentanon, and too lazy, but the two big problems are the entire AC brand in japan being niche and not well known in detail, and the big, splashy Famitsu interview where they talked a big game about historical experts and authenticity.

The japanese negative reaction didn't start when yasuke was anounced. It was the gameplay trailer that was chock full of really obvious, really easy to avoid errors that any native would have been able to notice. If you read japanese at all you can see the complaints they have.

The most important problem is that no matter how much the defenders push the "everything else fucks up history", it doesn't meet Japanese expectations.
The Chinese would flip shit a lot worse if they a made a Chinese warrior black.
Koei does this a lot with Meng Huo and the Chinese are yet to grumble about it
GTASA made a game about niggers back when very few if any games starred them, they had no reason to be forced to make a black protagonist. they did it because they genuinely wanted to make a game about 90s black gang culture, and the result was one of my favorite games.

now AAA studios are held at knife point to shove half-assed black characters in everything.

games that had black protagonists in the early 2000's, like def jam, are 1,000x better than the DEI shit shoved in your face today. because the people that made them did so because they wanted to, not because they were forced.

games with black protagonists these days are disingenuous, and more or less a sign that the game will be terrible, not because of a black protagonist, but because its almost definitely going to be a lazy pandering, buggy, piece of shit game.
stop crying weeaboos. history only cares about facts, not your feelings.
well the fact is that she did fix what she had an expertise at that is shota yaoi
theres no source that she messed up other stuff
Im going to laugh if this gets banned in japan.
>games with black protagonists these days are disingenuous, and more or less a sign that the game will be terrible, not because of a black protagonist, but because its almost definitely going to be a lazy pandering, buggy, piece of shit game.

desu its also because we had so much disingenuous virtue signalling that even genuine attempts (Like GTASA) would be treated like DEI shit. The issue is that the developers trying to prove that they arent making choices for DEI woke points would get crucified by everyone whod otherwise support them with little chance of an anti-woke playerbase being convinced about their intentions.
the only fact that exists about yasuke is that he was a retainer and a black guy who was sold back to the Jesuits after his master died (and he did nothing about it)
everything else is fiction including the shit Ubisoft is peddling as an authentic experience of Feudal Japan
The universe has a sense of humour.
Spanish are white, that's why.
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The universe has a sense of humour
yeah but americans and gypsies arent
You know left cuck is seething if you hear these words.
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>Ghost of Tsukushima did well enough, and Ubi was absolutely counting on the game
yeah in the west, and because most japs already had a ps4, is this game even going on ps4 because japanese are not buying ps5s. The west do not target japanese markets because they don't buy western shit
Lmao, peak ubishit historical "research".
I would pre-order this game
Anyone using grifter is either shitposting or is a tourist who doesn't realise this isn't twitter
nah man they arent trying to be authentic like this retard claims repeatedly
so its fine
The problem is government subsidies keeping them from having to be competitive
>by the Japanese government
Oh no... anyway.
What culture?
You're not welcome here.
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Canadian elections next year.

They're not sending their best.
Troon mad! Btw, if you keep this up, the word grifter will end up like the word nazi.
Redpill: Jada has jewish ancestry
Her cucking Will was a humiliation ritual too

Won't go anywhere
Jada is part of the tribe
It is always ALWAYS KIKES
Why do these people never make a game about africans set in africa? I don't understand
Every single complainer is brown. White people don't care.
Yeah. Nobody complained about Yasuke in Nioh so the idea that it's just racism is blatantly false.
White people aren't going to buy it; Not even the black solidarity cucks.
>Satoshi Hamada
This guy is a far-right nut. His party is essentially named "The Party to Protect the People from NHK", and it is incredibly fringe. Him picking this up is the equivalent of one of the crazy right-wing US representatives saying shit on twitter. It means nothing.

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>they wanted to make something progressive
That's just code for wanting to make something out of spite.
Exactly, only brownies are dumb enough to still care and play asscreed
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This is either genius marketing or a Bud Light tier disaster.
The election won't matter if the tax system where alberta sends all their money to Quebec stays in place
What is the government gonna do. Do they have the power to intervene in freedom of speech if Japanese feelings are hurt? If so lol.
bro ur farcry 2?
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Ubislop is shit and I have no idea how anyone had any hope for AC. It's always been shitty "historical fantasy".
Gee, i sure hope mouth breathing retards would stop buying gacha and all ubi trash but somehow they are topping charts every fucking year.
FPBP. Suddenly /v/ gives a fuck about assassins creed?
>What is the government gonna do. Do they have the power to intervene in freedom of speech if Japanese feelings are hurt? If so lol.

In the UK there was a game that kicked up such a political stink that it wasn't published here. The game was basically some PS Wand quiz game that had sexual activities for the players to get involved in, but the game was rated PEGI 12 because there was nothing explicit in the content itself. I imagine the Japanese government can create such a stink that it would effectively soft lock the game from being sold within Japan, so the only way for Japanese players to play it would be to import it.
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lmfao racist ass japs can't cope with the fact that the STRONGEST Samurai in their history was a BLACK BVLLL
Based. Fuck Asscreed
>if Japanese feelings are hurt?
For that reason, nope
>illegally using pieces of art/architecture without permission
>claiming they own something from an established Japanese IP like One Piece
>stealing and claiming ownership over things they have no claim over like the Sekigahara Rifle Corps banner
NOW THAT they can intervene on
ban the game like Germany bans anything that has a swastika in it

which probably wont have much of an impact on sales but anyone obsessed with the culture war would have a grand time to shitpost about it for months with both sides claiming it to be a victory (either against libtards or the racist Japs depending on where you stand)
No. And even if they did, the politician from the article is a dude in a party with basically 2 members that split from another party with 2 members that is considered a "joke party" because they're whole main platform is just getting rid of the NHK TV station. The guy is basically just a political performance artist.
>he STRONGEST Samurai in their history was a BLACK BVLLL
Loses to a little girl that eats excessive amounts of pudding
What a pathetic little bitch. I bet he got fucked in the ass by Nobunaga on the regular.
right wing grifters accidentally reviving government intervention in videogame censorship because of a nigger with a sword. our industry deserves to die
cant wait for the gameplay comparison videos of how this reveal trailer was downgraded more times than the japs fold their blades
>i dont like this but how do i sum this up
>looks at buzzword pokeballs finding the new shiny word
>i choose you grifterrrrrrr
Fuck you.
The real comparison should be with Sonic 06. See just how broken this shit is on release compared to a game made by the Japanese.
>worse plot
>worse graphics
>worse glitches
>worse bugs
>lots of loading screens(hidden)
>has soft-locking
>seizure inducing texture glitches
>the only thing that'll work properly is the mtx
You just know it'll go like that.
watched the 2022 elvis https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3704428/ film and it also has modern day hip hop music
That'd be a different argument admittedly, that'd critique the game's overall quality.

Comparing the gameplay trailers with the released product would be more about false advertisement.
>outsource slop that uses chinese architecture and hanzi
lmao imagine actually paying for this shit

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Remember to niggerlovers also know as scatcels

We are watching you for any slip ups and will put you in your place
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At this rate, the giant enemy grab is going end up being the most historically accurate game compared to AC Shadows.
but the lefty government has been doing that for decades
America isn't even a real country.
I just received a gift from Anonymous via Throne: 20€-! . Good little paycuckie-! https://throne.com/linnie #findom #2dfd
you have no idea how much that image pisses me off
>roll a 1
>1 is higher than 0
>still a fail
Yasucky being the main character isn't even the real problem. It's how certain people who model themselves to be culture warriors decided to use it as a platform to peddle their lies and tried to convince people that Yasuke in fact was a real samurai.
Shit like this can incredibly damaging to public perception of history, particularly if you gain access to an impressionable youth which is exactly what you'll do with video games and Wikipedia articles. Asscreed has always been a great springboard for kids to learn about real history.
ubishit damage control
Funny how the same thing that could be treated as a great boon for education (some lecturers used the tourist mode in some AC games to present historical sights and concepts) gets coopted by culture warriors to also promote their slop
meant sites
hurr durr
Don't let shit game design piss you off.
the funny thing is, for all it's faults because it is a shit system, that is not even how skill checks work in 5e dnd
so Larian made that up to lean into the epic natty 20 meme
Downright disgusting how badly you guys want this AAAA studio to fail. Were you expecting a AAA experience?
I accept your concession seethe cope dilate soi snoy nintendie shill tranny pajeet chang schlomo bluepilled grifter zoomer coomer doomer boomer groomer gooner consoomer since you didn't beat the forced soul goyslop game because filtered by based pozzed forced woke safe horny gameplay loop.

Reddit spacing.

Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was your problem? Take your rent free artificial schizocore ludokino media literacy humiliation ritual meds you mindbroken discord incel chud poltard niggerfaggot.
Did we ever get an explanation how Skull and Bones is meant to be a AAAA experience?
Just don't release it in Japan who gives a fuck lol They only pay for gacha games and bing bing whaooo anyway
It cost a lot of money to make and the graphics look slightly better than a PS3 game(but with less interactivity and in some cases it looks worse, plus all the glitches and bugs).
so a game stuck in development hell for a decade is a AAAA game?

Is Star Citizen a AAAAA game?
No, it will go beyond the grading scheme and become the first S game. S standing for scam.
Those black characters also tended to be actual characters too which helped. These days black characters in games tend to exist solely to check a box and have zero personality other than "is black" which is how you get insanely tone deaf shit like hip hop in a Feudal Japanese setting.
> These days black characters in games tend to exist solely to check a box and have zero personality other than "is black" which is how you get insanely tone deaf shit like hip hop in a Feudal Japanese setting.

to this day the Forspoken MC remains one of the funniest examples of this
there is no way this wasn't made by BBC fetishists holy fuck
Sadly, Ubisoft will not die because C*n*d* will continue to pay big bucks until 2026 to keep them afloat for some reason
imagine if they did the same with AC Origins with Bayek being a nigger noble and all the Greek-looking locals, lowborn and highborn alike, would be paying their respects to him
Imagine AC:Afrika but with an asian MC
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Nothingburger. Japan of all places doesn't get to talk shit about historical inaccuracies in fiction.
>With how many employees they have, how much money they burn, I don't even get how they're not laying people off.
Didnt they cancel a bunch of projects, a rayman included and fired some of their workers months ago?
That makes way too much sense for anyone at Ubisoft to comprehend
What was the last good Ubisoft game?
Anno 1800
I liked Far Cry 5, but that's like 90% because of the music
man, are they still upset new genshin continent didnt have niggers and the archon will look like a spanish "conquistador"?
these are all the facts >>682579870

tell me where he was a samurai
>modern ubisoft makes another AC game set on italy
>the protagonist is a turkish man who sells kebab
Because America doesn't have any culture lmao
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Yasuke was a real samurai, and all of the historians and subject matter experts are in agreement on this. You either will kill yourself or die alone as an incel, and he will continue to be a samurai. You won't have any kids, but if you did even when they die Yasuke will still be considered a samurai. There is NOTHING you can do about it and your attempts to rewrite history because black men scare you, is not going to work.
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yeah thats a perfectly legitimate source and not a fucking cultural warzone
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>be umbrella carrier for powerful lord
>some random niggas claim you were LE EBIN SUPERHUMAN SAMURAI
>faggots fall for it

America has a culture. It revolves around worshiping niggers and getting white men to troon out. They separate everyone into oppressed and oppressor. The oppressors are treated like shit and spat on and the oppressed are given everything to them on a silver platter.
Oh yeah? Well I've not liked ubisoft since AC3
The war is over. You lost. The record has been corrected.
>There is NOTHING you can do about it and your attempts to rewrite history because black men scare you, is not going to work.
And there's nothing you can do about the fact you lost to Compile Heart
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wikipedia circular sourcing, a lot of it was sourced from lockley's fanfic book, and lockley himself did a shitton of editing on the page
see >>682579870 >>682576892 >>682507719
whose fucking idea was it, to let us play as Haytham and then take that away to make us play as a piece of cardboard?
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Wasn't this already done 22 years ago?
>anyone losing or winning on a nigger's wiki article where just 13 days into July there are almost 100 edits
are you one of those retards who take whatever you agree with as gospel but everything that you disagree with needs to be credited, certified and scientifically proven a hundred times over to be considered true?
Based KiwiChudKINGS
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>global petition mostly signed by non-japanese people, and some terminally online japanese people
>most japanese people (99.9%) think yasuke is cool and/or either don't really care
>random irrelevant far-right house member grifter makes tweets to cash in on controvery, hoping he will get votes if at least one person remembers him
>if he brings it up other house members will likely laugh at him
>fake website claims "japanese government" is "investigating" assassins creed to bait clicks when they are actually not
>if he brings it up it will likely just boost the sales of the game even more
>ubisoft is probably paying him
don't care, still buying it
wait, was nobunaga really a shota fucker?
We just made history. Stay mad.
Nope. Assassins Creed Shadows was the #1 pre-ordered game in all of Japan for almost a full week. It was unveiled two months ago now, it's not going to still be at the top of the chart. >>682574520 DEBUNKED.
Dilate ywnbaw
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Are you buying your very special super limited ultra rare Yasuke replica katana too?
I accept your concession trannykun.
Giant crabs at least existed.
>don't care, still buying it
you better buy the game twice to cancel out me not buying it, and make it the ultimate edition!
Somebody with a PHD in historical fujo fanfic studies says yes.
No, but I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition of AC Shadows. I can't wait to slash nips as a 6'2 black man with a 10 foot sword.
Ill play it if you buy it for me too anon
Kill yourself
The natty 20 and nat 1 are not really a meme as far as game design goes. Having a little randomness in your game can be really good, especially in a narrative game. Having a 5% chance to fail or succeed against all odds keeps players on their toes. Which means you should always have a backup plan in mind. Basically prevents things from getting stale.
>>and he's just completely fucking disappeared off the Internet all of a sudden
seems he got doxxed according to the losers who made The shogunate, even took down a video

Hope Lockey's dox ends up on the farms to make an image to spam here
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It was revealed she doesnt looks like that, but they are still mad she's not even tan and as usual they only thing they can do is cope by drawing fan fiction.
>for almost a full week
Ubishills really can't help but lie. It was at the top of PS5 ONLY for 3 hours on reveal and that "NUMBER 1" was from a grand total of 400 sales. It never even breached the Top 50 of All Gaming.
Also after the big gameplay reveal it was trailing behind TWO editions of Sonic Generations
>it's not going to still be at the top of the chart
DQ3 can do it
Basically your argument is
>people who care about AC are against it
>people who don't give a fuck about videogames or AC specifically don't mind it
And because the second group is a majority its A-Ok!
You should get into politics m8.
The only circular sourcing is your brain. All of the historians and subject matter experts are in agreement on Yasuke being considered a samurai, and you as a layman incel retard don't get to disregard professional historians just because you feel like it.
but the historians and subject matter experts argue that whatever ubislop is doing is historically inaccurate and actively shitting on their culture, not the fact whether he was a samurai
Aw, the poor ubishill thinks anyone cares for his dogshit game that'll make Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric look like a 10/10 masterpiece.
Hopefully one day you get hired to shill a game that doesn't suck shit, like the next Hyperdimension Neptunia game.
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Reminder to the losers in here
Retarded grifters on Youtube are not historians and subject matter experts. The actual historians and subject matter experts have been consistent that Yasuke was a samurai well before AC Shadows even existed.
No, it's not enough for it to flop. These faggot devs need political pressure put on them to get the message that they are lying scum and bullshit artists. It needs to be eradicated.
>>no i say that because judging others for conditions they had zero influence

people are judged all the time for shit like that. psychological disorders due to bad upbringing? tough shit. acne? tough shit. congenital diseases? tough shit. ugly? short? tough shit.

American liberal? tough shit.
>cant differentiate between the argument that what AC Shadows depicts is BBC worshipping fiction that is independent from whether Yasuke was factually a samurai and existed or not

it's ok if English isn't your first language, I already accepted your concession
keep parroting this one point to troll others
This. Japan can try to rewrite their history but it won't stop Ubisoft. At best they can ban the game in Japan which doesn't mean anything since they only play their jrpg pedo games.
Nobody tried to convince anyone that Fate: Stay Night was historically accurate, you disingenuous faggot libtard.
>piss off everyone who will buy your game
>"it's okay lol!"
Jesus, it's literally a nation wide humiliation ritual
It's just a stylistic retelling of the 2021 anti-Asian violence crime wave. From the side of the victors.
>See GoT devs getting their dicks sucked by Japan and the lead devs receiving the title of official ambassadors for the region they depicted in their game
>decide to make AC: Shadows
who thought this was a good idea?
Good for them for saying no to leftist cultists who worship blacks and want to turn everywhere on earth into a detroit slum
Kill yourself, nigger.
Funny how being respectful and showing good intentions with the way you choose to depict a country's history gets you further than being a vile liberal group of cunts who use outrage marketing and promoting the culture war to sell your game.
Well that's ironic considering the massive, throbbing hateboner Ubishit seems to have for Anglos.
>ecelebs managed to rape 4chan into being tumblr 2
>The actual historians and subject matter experts
AKA one lying faggot sockpuppeting Wikipedia and a mass of pseudointellectual nigger-lovers on reddit.
Why have mods not word filtered this, or at least banned this obvious bot?
The game is about being STEALTHY.


But we should totally believe what the mainstream Japanese claim is, right? The same people who conveniently ignore that they fought with the nazis and also had their own extermination camps? The same people who larp being pureblooded asians despite being one of the most mixed races on their side of the hemisphere? Yeah, yeah, no.
with the exaggerated swagger of a black kosho
he crouches in a dark unlit area
>The actual historians and subject matter experts
Such as?
>who thought this was a good idea
The French.
The more A's the deeper this nightmare delves
its so fucking cringe seeing non-japanese getting worked up about this. We have niggers appropriating our OWN history (white) , why don't you focus on that and not your weird japanese fantasy land
>we should believe Japanese people about Japan
Yes, I believe them more than some white saviour complex fucking faggots that actively lie about inserting agendas into their games.
Who the FUCK cares? What does this have anything to do with the game?
Faggot tranny shill. No one is buying this trash and you can never get your cock back, it's gone.
how are you supposed to sneak up on the target if every npc steps out of your way and bows to you?
what the fuck, did they forget what kind of game they were making?
theres plenty of japanese people ridiculing this topic or being angry about it too, you just ignore them to falsefag about weebs being concern trolls
cope harder
For what? It’s illegal to be historically inaccurate now?
He doesn't, that's the point of the ninja woman, two different playstyles
It's only right to warn others.
the chick is stealthy, Yasuke is a killing machine
They're using specific bits of art without permission.
i speak fluent japanese, I have a japanese wife and hafu son, people would probably laugh about it or get slightly annoyed, but most people dont know about this game series, or they wouldn't care whatsoever. only 2ch types really.
Why LARP when you can depict actual history?
>Byzantine christian semites genociding most Hellenes
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>the japanese government
Lmao. It's actually just a single senator doing his own thing.
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Hope you retards realize you're playing RIGHT into Ubisoft's gameplan. Terminally online right-wing incels trying to make it into fake culture war, when in reality it's VIDEO GAME and there's like 20 games with white samurai, just means that normies who otherwise would've been indifferent about the game are more likely to buy it now. "THIS VIDEO GAME HAS A BLACK PROTAG" is not a talking point that works and only the most delusional far-right bubble incel would even think so. NORMIES DO NOT CARE. IT'S A VIDEO GAME.
>B-b-b-b-buhuhuh my accuracy in fictional games
NORMIES DO NOT CARE. They will immediately think of you as a mentally retarded hypocrite (because that's what you are). Before the people who would play this game are:
>core Ubisoft fanbase
>core AC series fans
>broader pool of people who just want to play AAA game
>people who see ads that ubisoft pays for and maybe decide to try it
Now the people who will play this game are:
>core Ubisoft fanbase
>core AC series fans
>broader pool of people who just want to play AAA game
>people who see ads that ubisoft pays for and maybe decide to try it
>every person who voted against trump, just to spite chuds
>every black person and obama voter
>every troon/person with dyed hair, just to spite chuds
>the gorillion people who are going to see the constant free publicity that ubisoft is not paying for
They're expanding the reach of their series and a lot of these people are going to be people who never played AC, and who will probably buy the next one too. Holy fuck the right is so stupid. That's why they lose at everything. You fucking retards couldn't even beat a senile person in an election because most right-wingers are 90 IQ. If you want the game to flop the best thing you could do is immediately stop talking about it. The right won't though, they all secretly love BBC anyway.
>Egypt suing Netflix over Cleopatra
>Now Japan standing up to Ubisoft
Good. More should follow.
>blacks hate the gays
Wut? Blacks have the highest proportion of gay and bisexuals of any race. They are also quickly catching up to the highest proportion of transgenders.
>argument on wikipedia is that there arent any western sources saying he WASN'T a samurai so he is a samurai, forget all of the japanese sources saying he wasnt a samurai
OOPS now Shueisha know they claimed Zolo's sword as their own.
OOPS now multiple historical sites know they didn't ask permission to use half the shit they need permission to
OOPS now everyone knows they can't do basic bitch research.
Genius marketing plan. Reminds me of Suicide Squad KTJL. How's that going by the way?
>there's like 20 games with white samurai
okay? what does that have to do with ASSASSIN's creed?
i want to play as a japanese shinobi, not a nigger, not a white guy, and not a samurai either
>losers throwing tantrums because they can't rewrite history anymore
It's actually the other way around. Just saying "nanking massacre" is enough to make nips protest so that they can continue to fake history books. Nips are very easily offended snowflakes because they lost a war, got owned, and have a very fragile psyche and no sense of self-worth. Anything that even implies Japan is not special or unique will make them cry.
Hey kike, who told you to get out of the oven?
>rewrite history anymore
Like leftists do in their feverish, cultish worship of blacks?
Ubisoft Milan
Egypt already revoked the work visas of Dutch archaeologists.
LMAO rekt
i feel horny now
Acquire always did some amazingly goofy shit
>The little catgirl housemate
>Night sneaking into a 14 year old Little British girl's bed

We got Kamiwaza, where's my way of the Samuria and Shinobido rereleased dammit
No, retard. The argument is that there are reliable sources that say he WAS, and none that contradict that. That includes Japanese sources. Grifters and schizos on Youtube are not a source. The real Japanese sources support it too, because they point out that he was given a house, a stipend, and a weapon. Yasuke was a samurai. Being 6'2 and as strong as 5 japs, it was a pretty smart decision to intimidate rival clans to have a guy like that walking around Kyoto. It makes some nips with small dicks seethe (though most don't really care), and it makes some western right-wing incels seethe, but the facts are the facts.
>Yasuke was a samurai.
So what was his last name?
>reliable sources that say he WAS,
Like who, little black worshipper?
Expect the New Justice League got a shit ton of negative attention from 'chuds' for being a dogshit woke game and it flopped lol
Imagine having nothing going on, so you're pissed about a black guy in a fucking video game.

Go outside
he was a servant and a pet of oda nobunaga which is why yazuke was immediately sent away when nobunaga died
he would have been allowed to stay if he was actually made a samurai
>Real japanese sources support it
Why is the primary source on Wikipedia a western study then?
nice troll weak bait
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Imagine having nothing going on, so you're pissed some dogshit AAA game you're shilling is losing to a Compile Heart game
Go outside
Yasuke. He was the first and only of his clan so he didn't need another name.
sooo Yass-so-gay is important enough to add into this game as a playable character, but not important enough for people on the internet to express their displeasure?
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Japan loves Yasuke.
I am fluent in Japanese. The definition of samurai is "帯刀し,武芸をもって主君に仕えた者。武士。" (someone who wields a sword, is trained in the art of battle, and is in service of a lord). Since Yasuke was not just allowed to use weapons, but was trusted by Nobunga that makes him a samurai by definition. It's that simple. Officially, you don't need two names to be one, and the heredity/elite nobility view of samurai isn't really something that came until existence about 50-100 years after the Warring States period anyway (so after Nobunga died). TL;DR you're a retarded wrong culture war tourist who is out of his element.
Already debunked >>682585747
Nope. Blacks are extremely homophobic.
1/10 troll post
>no source given
shills seething they lost to Compile Heart
>someone who wields a sword, is trained in the art of battle, and is in service of a lord
He only fills 2 of 3. So he isn't.
>Trained in the art of battle
>Couldn't beat some tiny Japs that killed his master
LMAO, you said it yourself. A samurai is trained in the art of battle, he wasn't. Meaning he isn't a samurai.
He's the Sonic to Nobunaga's Bartleby. A bitch whose sole purpose is to be fucked by his master.
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Most people who browse this board will never play it.
>St-stop t-talking about it!!!!!
No. Fuck you. Gonna call out your culture war bullshit.
>n-n-n-normies wont like you!!!!!11
Fuck normalfags. Normalfags are like niggers; they have no souls.
>l-l-look at all these p-p-p-people who are gonna play it!!!!111 it's gonna be p-p-p-popular!1111
I don't give a shit. You know what else is popular with stupid people? Shoving their tongues up eachothers rectums.
He was trained. You don't give a sword to a layman.
>He was trained
How long did it take to train him?
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Nope, but he fucked Jap pussy as hard as your sister takes BBC. Nip women were all shameless whores (literally) before the Meiji area. Chastity is a western virtue that was imported.
Prove it.
>Japan loves Yasuke.
I don't think that's what people have a problem with. It's the fact that Ubisoft has made AC series to be historically accurate (other than the obvious fictional shit) and pass it off as fact
Infidelity, especially amongst the Samurai caste's women, was punishable by death.
100% this
>but he fucked Jap pussy
The cope of any kike obsessed with nogs. He was Nobunaga's personal bitch. Yasuke was responsible for washing his master's shit stained ass and balls.
why do you people always, ALWAYS make every conversation about how gay you are for black dick?
>Yeah, but if it was a Jap, then how would that get people talking about the video game?
You made me remember all the speculation threads we had about AC1's ending back in the day and now I'm sad
>it's gonna be set in the Aztec Empire!
>no, it'll be in Feudal Japan!
Because that's their demoralization technique. It's about being as aggravating as possible. By being as disgusting as possible.
>there's no need for a ban
their country their rules
make your own japan if you dont like it
They're mostly concerned about their history being rewritten. West knows japan's history better than japanese? Come on.
>Hope you retards realize you're playing RIGHT into Ubisoft's gameplan.
They're the losers of the videogame industry, third rate.
>Terminally online right-wing incels trying to make it into fake culture war
I'm not trying to do anything, people are organically rejecting this behavior from devs. It seems like this is the only way people will change their tune.
>when in reality it's VIDEO GAME
Not an argument
>and there's like 20 games with white samurai
No there isn't.
>just means that normies who otherwise would've been indifferent about the game are more likely to buy it now.
Fantasy in your mind. People are long over Assassin's Creed, it's a failing series. Hence why they've tried to reinvent it multiple times.
> "THIS VIDEO GAME HAS A BLACK PROTAG" is not a talking point that works and only the most delusional far-right bubble incel would even think so.
The historical evidence says otherwise, people are not going to proclaim their racist thoughts, they just aren't going to buy it.

Now back to discord troon.

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