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Gamer Archive
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Only the Chinese would cook a cat.
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don't bully yuuka
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You will never be a janitor.
cunny archive
Toki Archive
What is the story of Blue Archive?
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As someone who knows nothing, it is about a city full of high schools and everyone has a halo that stops them from dying, except you are a teacher who doesnt have one.
How did I do?
Some kids need a teacher to guide them or they will start robbing banks, try to kill each other or use v2 rockets.
World is run by superhuman teenage girls with access to military grade firearms and weapons they use daily to do the equivalent of punching each other.

You play as the sole ADULT in the world and basically keep the peace by loving and caring for every single girl.
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Slumping reminder
You are in charge of a bunch of brats who need correction. You do an awful job though and hjinks ensue.
Fuck, that sounds actually interesting and cute.
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We love Neru here.
So is it better than Genshit and Heroes?
you don't get cucke here so I guess it depends whether you are a subhuman or not
nothing wrong with being cucked and a cuck my triggered snowflake
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Neru Marriage
>nothing wrong with being cucked and a cuck
Cheating on Neru After Marriage
>Grand ShiroKuro
I'm SO not looking forward to this.
Am I able to love more than one girl?
It is and you behaving like a thin skinned tumblrina snowflake wont change a thing
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The world revolves around (you), and bad things happen but (you) are there to stop them.
If there's a cute girl who does bad things, remember that she's just a victim of circumstance.
They're your students and you should love all of them equally
picked the fuck up
What would happen if (You) got hurt?
It would be extremely painful
there's a whole volume in the story dedicated to answering that question
this happens in the story but I don't want to spoil it
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It is a very unique and fun setting!
But it's a gacha!
Never forget this before you get sucked in!

It's your last chance, you need to understand we have no rights in this world they're going to rape you, you need to ru
>It is and you behaving like a thin skinned tumblrina snowflake wont change a thing
wrong. If sick people are getting insulted and belittled at every opportunity they will once again enter thier closet or stop entirely if they feel it is no longer accepteble behaviour
Which girl has the fattest ass?
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Who's assing?
Which girl has the tightest tummy?
Kill yourself tranny.
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Who Kannass this early in in morning?
How am I to love all my students equally?
Young people are stupid.
Women are stupid.
(You), an adult (extremely rare speciment never seen before by most of these girls), gets sent to a world full of nigh invincible teenaged women who shoot each other with anything from .22 to 120×570mm on a daily basis since that hardly kills them.
It's your responsability to guide, teach, and help them solve their problems, lest someone fucks everything up again, probably.
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>not on PC
>gameplay is non-existent

>but it has cute lolis
Guys, what do
Do not post this thing.
zoomers really can't play anything that doesn't have bingbingwahoo or ADHD-compliant gameplay, can they?
The gameplay gets surprisingly involved later on.
Great image
with your heart
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Gameplay is completely fine imo. Just normal missions are too easy.
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Drill status?
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Not that anon, but autobattlers are game for subhumans that manage to be like idle game but worse
Don't be an Autobattler
140 coins. UZQueen is amazing.

If the plot is about you managing your young students, why are two of the characters two girls with giant titties in bunny suits? How does that fit the school setting?
You're not getting anything done with auto battle in this game
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>he uses auto
>security :)
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Sometimes they need to dress up in bunny suits for plot reasons. And these particular students just happen to be more developed in the chest area. Now stop asking silly questions!
>sole ADULT
sole HUMAN adult (which is strange because the students aren't all human anyway). There non-human adults around
Are those girls meant to be humans but with halos above their heads?
Why are some of them catgirls or straight up Demon lolis?
There's no probably there, we literally see what happens if there is no sensei in a timeline
gacha and gameplay do not go well togethere
t. reformed miHOMO gacha player
Yeah, but I'm talking from the perspective of a new player.
The short dialogue with the president during the opening train ride suggests that this is at the very least a second attempt.
I also played Genshin for years. It was meh, the girls were cute though. How is BA?
I've played both too, BA girls are not only far cuter but are actually good beyond just appearance.
First time I did all 3 runs on max difficulty. I have quite a few students but I can't afford to bring all of them to the level cap to make them efficient.
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Thanks honey
it's free
>pedo archive
>dork archive
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hypnotizing this dork
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>Racism Archive
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>this thing archive
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>"playing" a gacha "game"
I *will* brainlessly copy the meta team comps and I *will* consistently place gold regardless.
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Imagine the smell. No, seriously, imagine the smell.
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Rabbit Archive.
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fat fuck
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Are we bird posting now?
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Is there a way to re-watch momotalks?
When are they announcing the 3.5 anni student?
Seriously? No in game replay?
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next stream on the 21st
Mika alt when
I think there was in the story tab, forgot where exactly
I would swear her eye lighted up for a moment
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It was part of an event story where they had to infiltrate a cruise ship where bunny suits were the uniform. Normally, they're dressed in maid outfits because Millenium is filled with such shameless weebs that a maid outfit is actually camouflage.
Also they saved Blue Archive please remember to thank them.
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Please go ask your 4th grade English teacher for a remedial lesson
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Because they're demons duh.
Don't ask about the rest, this is the only confirmation we have on different races being a thing.
Is that a reference to that one vn?
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Thanks for the cash injection
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What race is Karin?
It is.
Neru ruined Blue Archive thoughbeit
Is now a good time to start playing?
It always is.
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They never explained and likely never will. A lot of the specific setting details are purposely left up in the air because actually trying to come up with a consistent logical explanation is messier than letting their playerbase make up their own fanfiction as to why. They put it in because they like it.
It calls to mind the image of one of the Evangelion writers saying he decided to name it Evangelion because it sounded really cool. The same applies here. Come up with your own schizo theories why after you read the story.
Yeah, you there is anniversary with double rate up starting on the 30th. Hoard everything until then.
free 100 rolls soon
it's split into multiple days though so you can't reroll abuse it
3 or so months ago was the time so you could have started saving for Bluefes
That's a banner where the 3% droprate is doubled to 6% and has 2 incredibly powerful limited students on the banner.
You've got 3 weeks to do all the permanent content and collect your newfag pyros. Chop chop.
Why does Ayane even exist?
no one in this board will get the reference
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Because she's cute, capable, handy, dependable, professional, smart and hardworking!
semen on glasses
Why did they make Ayane stunningly beautiful in her memorial? She's actually too beautiful for me to look at for too long so I took her off my lobby rotation.
Someone fell for elf propaganda
I'm probably in the minority on this, but I find Ayane to be the cutest Abydos.
There should be adult human women faculty like a perpetually tired school nurse or a super cheery guidance counselor who can go into a rage easily.
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I didn't care for her much but she was given enough exposition for me to warm up to her. She's not just a dorky glasses character like you'd think.
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Maid, obviously
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I prefer Kanna fanart in her uniform, she's a lot sexier this way.
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Dead game, dead thread, EOS soon
Thread speed does not equate to game popularity
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shut the fuck up you mute freak
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Do you forgive Rio yet?
Maaaan, knowing Dorontabi worked on this game got me excited. Its only like, 15-20% loli. Dissapointing.
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>doesn't complain about steam or valve games
go fuck yourself.
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Of course I forgive one of my precious students. She's reformed now and won't do anything like that again. Surely there are no heartless Senseis that wouldn't forgive her, right?
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Her apology was hard to reject
All me
Downloading it on bluestacks solves your first gripe
Exists for flipping up her skirt and bullying her for only owning plain white panties.
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Koharu had a very long day and finally went to bed. Please do not wake her up with your mlems. No more mlems below this post.
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You can download a phone emulator but it's genuinely better on phone/tablet because of the UI. No one will make fun of you for playing a game on your phone.
>but it has cute lolis
You're going to be disappointed once you get a taste of the actual roster. We are JK Archive. Most of the lolis are actually hebes that porn artists draw as lolis or aren't as good as the rest of the cast like Hina. Or, in the case of Cherino, they're completely insufferable.
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>but it's genuinely better on phone/tablet because of the UI
only thing that's superior on those god forsaken devices is petting your students
look at her go
Isn't there only one or two girls age 12 or under?
women are all retarded so when their leader keeping them in check suddenly disappears, they realize how bad it is and need Sensei(Chad).
And that's where the main character comes in, helping students with their daddy issues
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the smell of estrogen
What is this autism?

I have never smelled that.
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>seia got two views
>default one from the uploader herself
>one from Sensei (Me)
>entire video watched
Why yes, I do support my students.
Just started playing this game last week. Surely none of these girls would rape me
based seia impregnator
What kind of music does Kayoko listen to?
>sensei rape tutorial
so, kivotos has an .onion tube?
I don't like this image because Michiru, Seia, and Yuuka would be sad about their low viewer count.
you actually can if you start on the final day of the banner, that way you get the 100 rolls at once, they're not specifically given on each day, they just accumulate on the banner itself over the week. you just have to be smart about it and not miss the timing or the rolls will disappear along with the banner. you can start rerolling a day early to be safe but you'll have 20 less rolls to work with
none of the ones in that picture are capable of pulling that up so sensei will be the one to take the initiative
would be sad but keep her head up and try to find out a way to improve
would not care at all about views, would probably be ecstatic with the fact sensei watched it
would be confused and have no idea why it would be so low would also nag sensei asking why he didn't watch it
Do NOT post:

In this thread
But you just posted all of them.
paradoxes my only weakness...
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someday all this mleming will come back to bite you...
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Yes, sad in their own ways. I don't like seeing my students sad. I will viewbot their channels.
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she built a fucking CITY and enslaved an innocent girl for a plan that was never going to work. this kind of shit can not be written off as misguided mistakes of youth. no one threatened her or pushed her into a corner, there was no reason for her to do all this shit without discussing it with others and coming up with an actual plan. compared to Saori, who was actually poorly raised, led astray and misguided, yet ended up understanding her mistakes and made strides to rectify them, this retarded entiteled cunt simply ran away from responsibility and deserves no forgiveness.
Long hair > Short hair. Every student with long hair is immediately more attractive than the men haircuts.
i got proofs???d...
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you didn't need to put it like that
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Rio's crimes are nothing compared to those of Pink haired students
Generally I agree. Neru though...
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Then why do I want Marina to sit on my face? Check and mate.
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once she appears in person, admits her mistakes, makes amends and scrubs all the floors in Millenium then we can talk about mercy
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What does she smell like?
Milk and salty coins
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chibi seggs
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is it true that koharu is a skeleotn?
No we don't. We hate n*ru here.
You're a bad sensei.
oh yeah, and why is that? remember what was said to tShiroko at the end of volume F. none of that can be applied to Rio. it weren't the circumstances that pushed her to do it, not the environment, not bad adults. she was in a position of power with a million options at her disposal, yet she chose the most retarded, destructive actions to take. blindly forgiving everyone isn't what Sensei does. he protects and believes in every single one of his students though, no matter what. Rio can be redeemed and forgiven, but she has to make the effort towards it first. properly, that is, not what she did in volume F
No we don't. We love Neru here.
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Neru is good
She's not my #1 student but I can still love her anyway
I like Neru
My cock sandwiched between their tummies and flat chests
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my princess
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sea monkey spotted
Neck yourself egs jeetschizo
no fatties allowed
Anon, Counter Strike's pull rates are worse than most gachas.
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It's funny how CS is actually far more of a gambling game than gachas. At least with BA and the like you're not doing it for money, you're doing it for jpegs of cute girls. With CS, you're doing it for skins that can sell for hundreds of dollars on the Steam market. The moment you add real world money into the output of a gacha, that's when it ACTUALLY becomes no different than a slot machine.
But of course /v/ won't complain about it because its filled with thirdies on potatoes that can only run Source games.
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Yes, but we also have characters like Neru and Hina who are teens but stunted. Hina's Summer event has her explicitly say she still fits in her elementary school swimsuit.
At least she's slowly growing, the story behind Dress Hina is that she tried to wear her elementary school dress, but it all easily ripped when she tried to put it on
Unfortunately Hina stops Sensei from coming in to see
At least the new dress was choosen by Sensei
bro is COOKED
They are all so cute and funny ToT
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She stopped growing at some point and will always stay the same
Does that mean she died young?
/v/aca won
bru/a/ca lost
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wtf...how could you betray us like that...
theyre our sister thread...
Imagine the paizuri
Women can't get paizuri
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>secondary proportions
is /v/ ready for another GA shirokuro?
The next banner is Arius, right?
Just Misaki and Atsuko.
Birds are not important
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Do we know why the halos exist yet?
WHY was there a casino cruise ship stocked with hundreds of underage students in skimpy bunnysuits?
They exist to contain the flood
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At least they're not literal ships wearing this
Saori welfare and Hiyori bluefes?
What? Are you talking about JP? I'm talking about global.
Dry, acrid, tangy, sharp. Overwhelming in close proximity, enough to slightly deaden the senses and blank out the mind for a moment. It's like running into a wall nose first, and hard to get used to.
Ancient paper yellowed by age, ink, dried sweat, concentrated girlfunk about the pits and neck caused by too many layers of clothing worn just a bit too long, barely perceptible scent of oily hair buried under all the rest.
If you have a book at least 20 years old (ideally more), hold it right up to the nose. Imagine the addition of the sharpest, about to expire cheddar, a tang of salt.
That's Ui.
Thanks I gagged IRL.
Does this game ever give discounts?
Like how Warframe will throw you a 70 percent off ticket.
no, at best you get better deals in anniversary
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>take a look at Miyako's stats
>realize she's comparable to Yuuka
>put her on PvP team
>best of all time high rank 58
I think I found a permanent second tank. Bring me victory, my perma-horny hobo daughter.
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>have almost a 5 star miyako from all the dupes I got of her
>no swimsuit miyako yet
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>5* from dupes
Holy shit bro, that's a lot of bunny dupes.
To be honest, she's a do nothing tank, just like Yuuka. Her stun feels kinda shit too. But when it comes to surviving, she gets the job done.
Looking at her unique item, only the first tier feels worth it, the Lv2 upgrade seems kinda shit.

Man, this rabbit is just way too erotic.
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Faust Archive
/v/ likes Miyako now?
we always did
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>been playing the game since wakamo release and still have neither miyako
Please come home
I like fucking Saki in front of Miyako and making her shlick to tears
Wrong retard
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When did anybody dislike Miyako?
She hated me first
Plana Plapping
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I want to take mushrooms with this idiot.
I love...green Momoi.
I fucking love Kanna
I love fucking Kanna
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To be honest, Sensei was the guy who apprehended them, and the one tasked with supervising them. She had plenty of reason to be skeptical.
Her pride was probably stung quite hard by the way they got their asses handed to them by a traffic cop like Kirino.
Haha that's our miyako!
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she is cute but the giant glasses make her look like a dork
wolf seggs
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My son is very cute.
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is that
I'll forgive her but no sex
Genuinely knew some girls that love dick too much but hate men
No you didn't.
Imagine the headpats
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Very relatable, most people in this website love pussy and hate women.
for good reasons
didn't watch the anime at all, how many episodes is Koharu in?
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If Miyako was real, I could not possibly hold back in front of her.
w-why is her crotch area glowing red??
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Why wouldn't they?
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>get to Vol F
>all of the glasses girls take off their glasses
there are artists that like glasses in the game
but the one that calls the shots seems to hate them lmao
Her Momotalks were the best from Abydos IMO.
Made me want to take care of her.

My problem solver 68 collection only grows. Dress Aru next.
enjoy your brat
couldnt find the image I wanted to post :(
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you didn't beat the tactical challenge
>pooped blood on him
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what a cutie
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>newfag of 3 months
>saving for bluefes so no units
>barely scaping by on PvP with 4* Yuuka and 3* Tsubaki
>have somone 10 levels higher than me dead to rights with his Iori and 3 tanks
>Iroha just pops out of nowhere and annihilates my team from like 40-60% health
Adults aren't rare, HUMAN (or at least non-animal/robot) adults are rare
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huevo de koharu uma delicia
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>Koharu greets me with "good porning" one morning
>She goes completely red
>Meanwhile I'm trying to process what the fuck she just said
that hand belongs to a fatass
Huevo, koharu, huevo!
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maki is a tomato!
it's ovo not huevo...
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who cares? all meme languages sound the same
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Am autistic girl and her cat
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>not goon porning
How do I unlock the "fast forward to next week" skill?
Get blackout drunk every day 7 times
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A lot of Xanax
Not buying pakeji either.
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who the fuck is under the table?
Is this loss
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Why is Sensei a manslut?
>Plana cosplaying as Arona to get sensei to plap her
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don't have sex with your students, it's wrong
Sensei owes his students sex
Wrong, though some students owe Sensei sex
>can't beat 11-5
>can't beat the story boss in chapter 3
It's over...
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we got another one
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Time to grind levels!
Tell Hanae you're having trouble sleeping. Maybe she's got some poison they used for sleep inducing from the medievil times.
Menhera Archive.
god I wish menhera were real
Mutsukibros.. archive
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birb archive
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Imagine her feet after a long patrol.
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haruka mentioned
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You're going to break the servers if you post any more.
( | )
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This is my favorite 'haru.
I HATE the Arius shitters
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I love all my 'harus but this is my favorite
Saori status?
Still owes me sex
woah sexmind
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mutsuko is the ultimate ojisan bait and she knows it
this is the way
is BA the CUTEST gacha? the chibis are so adorable and constantly getting in goofy situations, and it seems to inspire a lot of fan arts that KAWAII as fuck
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When are we getting summer Justice 2?
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>arius week
>GA week
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how did she do that?!?!?
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That's Cool Chise
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time to ignore the GA until the final day
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Which Blue Archive girl is for me exclusively?
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>banned for posting porn on a thread being archived
Fuck you mods im posting some pussy and you cant stop me
If I started playing, how do I get Toki and Neru? Hypothetically...
Epstein isekai'd to a world where he's basically the lone adult with a bunch of high school girls of varying body types so there's always a new sort of hebe.
Wait for her banner to come back
The same or pray you get lucky with your rolls.
They're not likely to come back, are they?
They will 100% come back, just not anytime soon, I'm pretty sure Toki just got reran a few months ago and maybe Neru too
Game dev club saved blue archive
play genshin or zzz
For El Filtro de Newfag, high 40s is about the level I did it. Chise is useful against the nuns. Get Haruka to use her skill until she's repositioned away from the rest of your units so they take less fire. Make sure to get level 30 equipment on everyone if you can
Bunny Toki can spook you rolling on any banner. Ditto for Neru. Regular Toki is limited however, but she's getting a rerun in a few months and you should have enough even if you dump every last Pyro on bluefes. Which you should
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based bwo same
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Fucking the crazy out of Haruka.
I think Toki is perfect for me. How do I know what girls are good for me?
Stop being a coomer.
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Place your bets for 3.5
As soon as Toki marries me.
Play the game nigga. You might go in thinking "X will be my student" then the main story might have one that steals your heart out of nowhere but you never knew they existed because you never saw much of her before you tried the game.
For me, it was Izuna.

Play the game. Read the story. Read the permanant events. Do your fucking Momotalks.
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I used this video since it uses low cost unit
I beat him at 37 but its posible to beat it at 35
Also for the missions try to do them with a guide so if you cant get the s rank star you can at least get the turns one
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Neru Matrimony
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I definitely think it's the cutest one out there. No other one has had me enjoy the characters in so many silly situations like BA has.
You need a promotion.
They're meant to be girls.
The halos are things of the world they live in. The halos protect all the girls from the harm of living in a world where three year olds have access to mortars and retards drive tanks to school.
Michiru's the type of retard that would spam like 4 videos per day and count up all the views at the end of the year and be like "1400 views, Bitches!!!!"
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do you guys play BA on mobile or emulated
the mobile app is so shit I'm thinking I should start emulating it instead
>He looks like he forgives troublesome students!
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>mock battles go great
>run the timer out when I do a real run
Every time. At least the rest of torment rewards more than make up for it (assuming I don't waste another ticket)

emulated or mirrored to pc with scrcpy. especially on content that requires positioning autism
>Ranking in the top 200
Kayoko is literally me.
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Forget Bluefes, I need maid gamers to rerun now
I want to be an English teacher...
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The fuck
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What are you playing during maintenance vee?
Nioh 2 with my cute hime cut character
>using the u word
Shalom goldberg
I don't know if I've ever done more than smirk at a rom"com" anime but BA's story has made me laugh out loud multiple times. I do think the gamers volume is underrated as fuck though
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with my weenie
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You're a big guy
Linkin Park
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you'll have to wait for Toki's banner since she's limited. bunny Toki can spook you anywhere though. as for Neru, you're in luck because she's a day 1 student. that means that you can just reroll until you get her. the starter banner lets you reroll 10 times and if she's not there in all those attempts, you just press the account reset button in the menu and try again. just use a guest account until you're satisfied with your starter rolls and only then register.
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I want to FUCK you
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Arisu Archive
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Post yours
Dear lord anon looks like this??
there are no bets to place. it's Arius summer. Atsuko or Saori is the fes student, the rest are two limiteds and the welfare. Misaki has to finally be good or she might actually kill herself
Blue Archive
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Does the game take place in some kind of afterlife limbo like Haibane Renmei?

Why offhand mention that the girls are extremely heavy? Are they robots? Are the halos just antenna that connects their consciousness to some central server? Is that why it dissapears when they sleep? Is that why they repeteadly say they only really die if their halo is destroyed?
I have so many questions about this wack setting
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Yuuka is the only girl that's extremely heavy
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and you're not getting a single answer, have another swimsuit event instead
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What maintenance?
Yuuka good mommy
only two people have answers. one is MIA since the prologue of the game and the other is in a coma and said why she refuses to wake up.
we'd sooner get a full chapter about the line on koharu's body than any real plot
Can I use a support only once a day or once per boss type a day in the grand assault?
gonna mimir, /v/aca
have a good night
Goodnight bro
Uzawa Lazer teams up with Kaitengers when?
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I wish I were that chair
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>It wouldn't be that hard to ra-
[Bararam! Encounter!!]
*sicknasty battle BGM plays*
[Level 99 ALICE (HP: 1000) vs Level 10 SENSEI! (HP: 100)]
[Sensei took 50 damage! It was devastatingly effective! Sensei was stunned!]
[Alice used *SMOOOOOOOOOOCH*! Sensei was charmed!]
Alice MP quantity: 900/1000 (still has more than just that!)
Sensei status: Useless, Stunned, Charmed, Critical Health
[Alice is preparing her final move! The first stage 'Raise Your Hips' is in progress!]
[Sensei is stunned and cannot counter-attack!]
[Alice unleashes her final move *PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP* on Sensei! Sensei receives 49 damage!]
[Alice cums as a result of unleashing *PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP*! Alice takes 10 damage!]
[Alice uses 'Love Confession!' Sensei takes 1 damage!]
[Sensei is defeated! On-defeat effect *SPLURT SPLURT SPLUUUUUUUUUUUUURT* activates! Alice takes 20 damage!]
[Alice's robo womb becomes pregnant!]
[Alice has won!]
*cool victory theme!!*
This but Toki
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Kei.... Help...
Same anon here. I would let her do it.
Arisu needs more attention from the devs by the way.
you can use a support for each color, just not the exact same student from the same person, those go on cooldown as always, and as usual, one borrow per clear.
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Post literally you with your waifu who you love dearly
I'm pulling for both Atsuko and Misaki, pray for me
>Why offhand mention that the girls are extremely heavy?
If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, she's actually not 100kg, that's an ingame joke that got ran far over by the fanbase and at this point I think most people don't know it's supposed to be a joke.
>Are they robots?
One of the girls is, actually.
>Are the halos just antenna that connects their consciousness to some central server? Is that why it dissapears when they sleep?
No straight answer, at most I think that someone mentions the girls to having some sort of Divine to them.
>I have so many questions about this wack setting
Don't we all.
>we'd sooner get a full chapter about the line on koharu's body than any real plot
And that's a good thing.
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Good luck bro. I don't know why you're doing it, but I have faith.
I got both in 80 pulls so I'm happy. I just like them both, especially Misaki. Still have 46k pyros too.
Now if only I had the resources to max them.
What the hell is Misaki wearing
Which Blue Archive girl would happily get pregnant with Sensei's child?
Saori. She owes me.
My money is current only "Kivotos is some sort of afterlife limbo and all girls are dead."
most of them>>682829721
something to hide all of her canonical cutting scars
Misaki is limited because she is now meta and her Momo is a big (You)bait.
My father? John Nexon's uncle's friend's brother.
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I hope Iroha comes home for me...
know that feel. keep investing in yuuka that giant ass will somehow dodge tank everything.
I think it would be funny if every Misaki L2D was Sensei stopping her just seconds away from trying to kill herself again
why is Misaki meta? And she's not limited, no?
he's talking about the 3.5 fes summer Misaki alt. hopium, but who knows, it might not be that far from the truth
shes going to be the welfare unit and you know it
i wouldn't mind, honestly. in BA being a welfare isn't a curse like in some other gachas
I wish I were that umbrella
there's a blue thread,
but it was archived.
due to it being gachashit
But I picked up this game and bumped it because of this thread?
i don't fucking know, did you ?
I did, thanks for asking.
>spoil it
I'm not playing this shit spoil me breh
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I get it
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Is Makoto any good? Was going to roll but I'm low on funds, might have to skip
shit sensei
cope sensei
I too am olde
you're welcome faggot. you better appreciate it.
its right there in the name. of course its japanese double meaning pun though so.
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Do it now.
i already did all insanes, as for torment i don't wannaaaaaaaa. every setup has at least 1 student that i have unbuilt and i don't want to spend a bunch of resources before bluefes
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hmm nyo
Trying to think of a cope team without NY Fuuka. My borrow will have to be S.Nonomi for sure.
We could have just skipped this useless Arius banner and be 1 week closer to JP version instead.
why would i want that? i'm comfortable with foresight and being able to save for whoever i want. so fuck off, accelerator-sensei
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Asuna threads will never stop being funny.
It's a nice perk, but I want to get content faster instead.
if you want faster content, just play JP on the side. 6 months is a good sweet spot, unlike FGO's 2 years or whatever the fuck Uma Musume's train wreck's gonna be on global
>BA fans be like
momoi is a tiktok zoomer meme now
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I want faster content that I can actually read, and not have to manage two accounts.
I don't like being treated like a 2nd class player. That's what global players are to them.
more midori for me then
It's amazing how Dress Hina throws every previous red DPS into the trash
Well, not on urban. But yeah indoor/field is fucking dead
Yeah, that's the bad side of powercreeping this hard. There's no point in having any Red DPS that isn't Dress Hina, the power gap is many times larger than the already enormous gap between Mika and other Yellows.

And it's fucking Hina on a dress that isn't even nice.
having a mere 6 month delay is not being treated as second class players. a lot of QoL is implemented earlier, they have exclusive streams for global anni and even transform fuckup compensations jp got into rewards so that it wouldn't be unfair. there are actual cases where global versions of gachas got shittier deals, less content and rewards, all on top of years of delay. i understand that if you only play BA it might seem bad, but in comparison there's nothing to feel mistreated about. even CN server that has much worse delay, still get something cool like full fucking voiceovers for the story
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Gaming Park:
Android Theory
Minutes To Momoi
A Thousand Yuzus
Living Keis
The Gaming Party
One Blinding Light
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>Senko mangaka likes to draw Iroha and Hina
Gehennachads win again.
throw gehenna in the trash but keep hina
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Gehenna's fluffy people
You have a company to run, John. Stop shitposting on 4chan and go work on getting us FOX Squad
BA girls have an actual personality. They're all very lovely. The gameplay isn't anything special, but the game shines when it comes to its characters.
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I will also add that Momotalks are several orders of magnitude better than Genshin's character quests. They're purely (You) and her doing things together with no other distractions. They actually showcase the character's personality and your relationship with her and let you have genuine intimate moments. Genshin, on the other hand, has been awful about making the side stories about the fucking character in the first place. Like nigger I didn't start Yelan's quest just to run around dealing with some chingchong glownigger secession crisis, I did it because I was interest in Yelan. Let me interact with her for fucking once instead of just making the quest about tabibito running around doing the same shit we've been doing for 2 fucking years while Paimon yaps.

Ironically, the hangouts for 4*s don't have this issue at all. But then again I've only ever done Faruzan's and Noelle's.
On point.
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you guys seriously comparing Mihoyo garbage to anything ever?
as if its generic and irredeemable designs weren't enough already to ignore it.
So whats the general strategy for shiro kuro?
Don't get hit, do damage
leaf my beloved
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Ibuki for everyone in one week
avoid the BALLS by either reflecting them with cover or repositioning, in phase 2 if you manage to avoid the cups that move towards Kuro, it will hit and debuff her. watch some videos with clears to get the hang of it. funnily enough, on tormant there's no ball rng in phase 1. wish it was the same for insane, it's fucking annoying
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birb spotted
All this talk about balls sounds incredibly gay
bump limit. time to goon
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>bump limit
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limit bump
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Got banned twice
This is the only goon i can post
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Dying post for Neru is a nigger
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Neru Love
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Neru Pregnancy
wtf she's as thin as a praying mantis, it's disgusting
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Koharu won

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