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You rollin?
is the loli or the homo the 4 star
blue 5*
green 5*
yellow 4*
Yeah and honestly as someone whose rule is to generally only ever roll for female characters I actually really like Sasuke's design. Outside of maybe Zhong I'd say he's the best male character design in the game. Will probably get shark girl's weapon and cons if she's on a good weapon banner or just cons if the weapon banner sucks.
rolling for blue then. it'd be fucking cruel if green was the 4*
I read the most cursed thing about the other cool male, it said he was a 4 star.
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Pre-load already up, boyos!
loli is 4* and on the homo banner. please look forward to it.
Not rolling for whitewashed characters
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Nah, used all my everything on Furina.
I'll get one copy of her now and C6 her on a later banner.
Gacha needs to stay in /vg/ in all honesty.
Cool 2d arts, they will be ugly ingame as usual
Does the blonde one actually have a big butt? That will decide who I roll for.
I'm using Furina for my Noelle team, how much of a boost is her c1?
That's my plan too. Gonna get Nilou and go into that banner with 0 rolls on the rate-up banner.
I will be rolling for tan marks yes.
>run the female 4* on the male 5*s banner
Quite literally every fucking time.
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Angsty reminder
Rollin for every female, simple as
Honestly depends on the 4 stars.
Nah, 5.1 will have a 5* hag so I gotta save up for her.
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If the character isn’t fun, I DON’T ROLL.
I'll try for Mualani but I doubt I'll get her sine Emilie is getting my pulls for now. I really hope 5.1 doesn't have Geo cougar or I will be in pain.
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Is there any official height of Genshin characters ?
I know theres a Loli / Teen / Hag bodytype, but what are their exact height ??
Depends on how big your monitor is.
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Zero hype for that shit. At lest fontaine had swimming, and it still was meh. This region has nothing interesting.
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shark girl
Reminder that you are a shitskin tranny.
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don't care, still saving for signora
So, the theme of this "war torn" land is indigenous retro?
Genshin Impact doesn't feel like it has any stakes, ever.
I'm assuming it's "war torn" in the sense that all those canyons we saw were made when the dragons were still roaming around before they sort of became domesticated.
let it go anon
What a strange pairing. I don't like it.
First have to deal with this asshole because my two wives want their bday presents.
I'm looking forward to assembling the statue at The Shrine of the Silver Monkey.
look at the new glider
it's built for signora
>See Hoyo trending
>What happened
>A bunch of blacks seething about the characters being too white
All of them
ALL of them
are whiter than this guy
actually, most of the time they're white teenager girls
twitter is just a fantastical place
Rolling for muluani for sure, anyone else feels than Natlan is gonna be a big update, like a re-launch of the game?
what a gacha cuck
It is going to be a big update. We already know the requirements for it are going to go up potentially causing issues for the PS4 and mobile versions of the game in addition to them adding new body types (We don't know if they'll use them yet) and some other stuff. I can't remember all the leaks but from how people have been talking about them they're fairly important changes.
excluding the right, these designs look like a shit. another gay boy instead of an actual tribal warrior with red paint on their face or something? why can't genshin masculine unlike zenless/wuwa?

the loli design is too complicated with too much shit, the scarf and tied jacket bring down the otherwise cute cunny. blue one could use without that tie in the middle but thats for censorship so you won't see her cleavage.ffs
>New body types
Wait really? Genshin REALLY needs it (and hsr, how the fuck did they fuck up a fucking rpg lite)
I want to FUCK Yaoyao!
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>Roll for melussy
>Didn't get Sigewinne
Iansan better be a 5 star
Someone in one of the threads mentioned it somewhere in the past week so I don't know how valid it is but I do recall them saying they're not putting them in use yet. Could be for Capitano down the line or something.
didnt know about that, i just meant the marketing felt different lately, now im getting hyped
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>marketing felt different
Rumor has it that they released teaser early to one up the leakers who always do a mass dump a patch before release but as far as we know leakers a controlled opposition anyways.
>it'd be fucking cruel if the dude with a spammable grappling hook was the 4*
no way i'm rolling for some of the worst designs this game has, except mualani
What Furina constellations did you get, I stopped a C2, because I'm saving for Natlan characters.
The three natlan characters so far looks like their body types are more unique compared to previous characters, im sure they've upgraded their models.
what mental illness is this?
>don't care, still saving for Signora
She'll will arrive just before EOS
not for those losers
no i'm buying welkin each month and saving up until mavuika
Is Mavuika Not-Himeko/ the archon?
They’re not controlled opposition.
Just retarded opposition.

Daily reminder the reason there was a delay in Arle leaks is because one of these retards in the 4.5 beta asked Hoyo directly why they couldn’t crack it.
Yes. Even if it's a fakeout, she'll have the Archon kit.
Dang like I need another Hydro character, but she is cute. Don't we have enough Hydro characters already?
That's it? That's the skin color for the Latin America region? Those are just a bunch of latino kids
I just need to not roll for the entirety of 4.8 (and i only miss Emilie so, who cares) and i'll have my guaranteed Mualani so, of course.
She looks pretty good for an archon, but being the fire god she has to be extremely passionate and aggressive all the time to work properly.
>Don't we have enough Hydro characters already?
Probably. What we need is Hydro 4* though. Hydro has a staggering THREE 4*s, which is somehow less than Dendro at 4, despite the fact Dendro didn't exist for 2 years (as a character type).
NTA but I also dumped everything on Furina, so I don't think I will have enough for Mualani. I'll still roll and hope I will luckshit her but chances are low.
They've already done this multiple times. There's no way they're actually pulling that shit again, right?
This, and the other two hags
I mean, she's not till 5.2 or 5.3, you have at least 3.5-4 patches worth of content to chew on. Even F2P (which I assume you're not since you got C6 Furina) can amass around 140 pulls in that time.
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Candace doesnt count as a four star
How about finally a hydro shielder?
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No, I sleep.
Considering how she looks fairly tame compared to the other Archons it's somewhat reasonable to assume she gets some powered up form that turns her into some Archon/dragon hybrid and changes how she looks temporarily.
But these characters aren't from Fontaine?
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Roll for C2 siggy
Or a Hydro Claymore.
They could have easily made Freminet (A FUCKING DIVER) a Hydro Claymore, but instead opted for another Cryo Claymore because ???
>Even F2P can amass around 140 pulls in that time.
More than that.
Even pure F2P with no BP or Welkin earn at least 50 rolls per patch assuming they log in every day and actually play the game.
So more like 175-200
Hydro Claymore sounds so fucking dope, we need more actual claymore DPS in general
beta in 2 days, get ready for leaked movesets
Rollin' for blue girl on principle of always rollin' for female characters, and also for the feet.
I only have 6k gems rn, gotta have to roll for must pulls, like gyaru jaguar hag and redhead bayonetta
>at least 8000 Primos per patch
Huh, that doesn't sound right, lemme go look it up for 4.7 since it's a patch with no content (worst possible).
3240 Primos from daily grind.
0 from BP.
1000 from Mutual Security.
420 from Record of Reflection.
420 from Endless Forms.
400 from Spino.
40 from each of the web events (120 total)
500 from Abyss.
620 from Theater.
That's.. 42 pulls on the dot.
I've dropped the game after finishing Sumeru.
Is Fountain-or-whatever-the-name-is story good?
Is it worth going back in?
Main story is horrendous.
Exploration and side stories are some of the best the game has ever had.
>A bunch of blacks
I guarantee you there's not a single kang complaining about that shit
Main mission is good
Side missions except one are shit
This, but the exact opposite.
Prison section was the biggest waste of time
Most people will tell you the Archon quests were pretty good
I will say they were the best overall, take that as you will
World quests were among the best, with a few outliers, some of the character quests are top tier, others are fine, one did suck though, haven't done them all
>they (Archon quests) were the best
They dragged ass way too hard. Literal nonstop dialogue spam and event went so far as to teleport you 4 or 5 times from place to talk to place to talk. Barely any combat, all of 2 explorations in a region with fantastic exploration and the only actually impactful dialogue were a few minutes at the end of the murder case and then the over 30 minute long dump just before whale.
Have you boycotted hoyo yet?
I will boycott her
With my painis
Except for exploration Fontaine is better than sumeru in every concievable way.
he's straight
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What should I forge with these things?
you're a scrub if you haven't r5's all the craftable weapons
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I'm so tired of retards complaining about stupid shit, why don't you just stop playing if you hate the game so much?, they already tried in Sumeru and nobody cared...
These designs are worse than Fontaine
Didn't think it's possible but there it is
>they already tried in Sumeru and nobody cared...
Tried what?
I have this thing called a life that doesn't let me play every day, unfortunately.
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The only bad designs in fontaine were the 4*s
Not all the faggy 5*? lol
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they're all 5 stars in the first triple banner
I roll for characters that have fun and unique teams.
Complain about the characters not being black enough.
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All of them are kino
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To bitch and moan when a character or region doesn't look the way they expected.
Some of these retards take a single line of lore and blow it up into wildly unrealistic expectations.
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>the most boring npc's name is an onomatopoeia for yawn
only a scrub would waste their time crafting most of the horrible craftable weapons
That is the point. Making a change . org with 5k signatures is not trying anything, it's all xitter attention whores grifting for pennies.
First act where you're being a lawer was pretty good. Second act in the prison was shit, probably one of the worst archon quest patches yet. Third act was okay.
I thought the exploration and puzzles in Fontaine were much better than Sumeru. Sumeru had by far the worst puzzles out of any region
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I can't believe nahida built a wall to keep all the desert people out
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these are the "people" that advocate for more censorship
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You’re forgetting about the star glitter monthly reset, free 900 primos from maintenance and 4.8 program, world quests and Achievements, etc.

I’m pretty sure the total pulls from 4.7 was 56 last I saw.
Hot but her tribal tan lines are harder to see
Ruined desu
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It amazes these retard xwitter freaks always have shitty colour theory
I don't really have any good memories of gameplay in AQs, especially not shit like the training with Yae or all the shoehorned small fights
I remember 4.2 feeling like I was watching a fucking movie with how long and non stop cutscenes were after Navia's rescue, while exhausting it felt alright since I liked what was going on with the story
WQs on the other hand had a lot of gameplay, maybe it's because normalfags prefer their movie games that AQ turned out to be the way it is
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>wasting time in a video game that is inherently a waste of time is bad
So are we getting chronicled wish next patch or what
Oh yeah.
>800 (as pulls) from monthly rollover
>900 maintenance
>300 program
>25 from new achievements
>160 (in a pull) from Bedtime Story
Yeah, that comes to 55.6.
My bad.
you are welcome to waste your time but dont pretend to be a patrician for crafting shit like frostbearer
not playing a gacha
nobody knows yet
we should start getting 5.0 beta info wednesday.
Maybe 5.3 if its a filler patch
its literally free just try it yourself you colossal faggot.
I was checking the dates, isn't this year's anniversary going to be during late 5.0? I wonder how that will fare
No, it doesn't get better no matter what the stockholm'd retards say. Play a real game.

call that an inventory?
if everyone here including capitano is playable that still means there are at least 7 characters for 5.x that we havent seen since they do around 17 characters per patch cycle. one of them will be a liyue character for lantern rite, probably madame ping. fontaine threw out a few surprises like chiori and sethos so i wonder what they will give us for natlan's other characters.
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The Fortress of Meropide (Prison) section is the only bad part of the entire thing. Seriously though, they made an enormous mistake adding that area, it's complete garbage to explore and you're stuck in it for hours doing extremely menial tasks that barely amount to anything. Then Wriothesley's story quest makes you come back for another hour of sitting in it.
do you really think 8 of the basic billets is impressive. I have 20 of each and havent done a boss that gives them in a year
She's a 5* when paired with Arle.
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Day one player here, not feeling the game anymore... I am afraid
>all those double digit numbers
Why does twitter think Natlan is Africa when it's south/central america?
They can't make prison fun. It would send a bad message to the players (and to the CCP). Besides, since we send a lot of horrible npcs there, it gives us a small sense of peace that they are not going to enjoy life there.
Mihoyo were literally 5 nerds, no excuses for blacks not to make their own gacha
holy shit bludds got enough talent books to max talents on a handful of characters! Hes ready for imaginary theater!
seeing the future banners i will roll for a weapon for 1st time since launch
i want Navia axe
But the issue is that they keep us there for at least like three or four hours and next to nothing happens there whatsoever. It's basically "What happened to Childe?" for hours talking to generic NPCs until right near the end. Sure, it's cool that NPCs from various story quests and side quests show up there like Bulle Fruit and the Fontaine Institute stuff, but holy crap it is infuriating as an area.
its a good weapon banner to roll on because key is one of the best signature weapons
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>No Coffee Instant type II included.
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I see loli I roll
We all know it's a filler patch because the final act is dialogue heavy af. Cramming Childe and prison arc at either Act 1 or Act 2 would be too much, and you can't rush it because it would be like Inazuma again with the Teppei arc.
I went full F2P two years ago
PLEASE stop reposting about the boycott or Ill be FORCED to roll for every Natlan white bitch
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Do it....buy welkins....
>make a costume
>it looks worse than the default
why do they keep doing this
extremely wide pro gamer, is that multiple monitors or just one hugely long one?
its a samsung g9, looks amazing
>posts the gayest one
Lord, I only have 200 rolls and already want 4 characters
Stop it
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pretty cool
If I was an american politician and some fucking zoomer called me and told me to demand a chinese company change the color of a characters skin I would probably quit.
In the modern day, the average American (and in a good few other countries) and even a number of politicians care more about entertainment than food and a roof over their heads.
i'd but an ultrawide but i'm afraid my piece of shit pc won't be able to run games on that res
Wouldn't that resolution had practically no video game support? Like double digits amounts of games.
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The biggest problem with genshin having to make every character marketable to teenager chinks. I want more variety but we are going to be stuck with the safe designs. A now multibillions dollars game with only 3 playable models is crazy.

The desert NPCs looked more interesting than half of the cast of Sumeru, imo. I'm expecting to see the same in Natlan.
Twitter thinks the whole world is actually black.
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Don't worry the twitterfags have a plan
every game ive tried on it works fine, apart from star rail because for whatever reason, it limits to 21:9 for everything apart from photo mode?
still gonna post about how I won't play a gacha
Please, please don't make Pyro mommy into an annoying "attacks drain HP" unit
Fucking nutcases arent even self aware of how ridiculous they sound
>it's south/central america
is it? Everything ive seen so far makes it look like Australia. Theres a fucking surfer girl character.
I don't have xitter but out of curiosity are there spics fighting with niggers over the SA vs Africa debate?
If you run 1440p then 3440x1440 is at most 20% worse performance, usually smaller than that.
It's because the extra stuff being rendered isn't the busy center stuff.
People still "play" this?
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How is there even a debate? It's obviously both.
>Trees native to Africa are present int he previews
>The story is basically a soccer game in Brazil
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Started playing last December and
I've just begun Sumeru AQ. So I will roll Natlan girls on their rerun. Definitely want geo loli, shark and Lansan.
I have 2 questions for anons:
1. Do the Archon quests get better? Mondstat was alright, Liuye was bad, but Inazuma AQ was downright terrible. Tell me the truth anons,please.

2. When do you expect the rerun of sexo birb mommy? I lost 50/50 to Monass (which I did not mind) on her first run. Also Zhongli is absolute faggot with terminal oneitiss for not plapping her even once during 2000 years.
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i'll roll for not-May with family friendly sharpedo.
>Do the Archon quests get better?
Sumeru is good. Fontaine is a mixed bag depending on who you ask. As I said earlier only the prison sucks in Fontaine.
>When do you expect the rerun of sexo birb mommy?
Bayonetta'll probably be in two or three more patches since I doubt they'd want to keep her away for that long.
I already love this grumpy hebe
Trees native to Africa are present int he previews
Where? What? Who cares it's stock trees we probably won't even recogn8ze because everything is an asset flip holy shit.
Brown shark girl sex
The color palette of many of the visuals is way too orange.
>Tell me the truth anons,please.
Inazuma is widely regarded as the worst archon quest. Mondstadt and Liyue were both in the base game but Inazuma was the first time they started experimenting with releasing brand new archon quests in a brand new region and the result is a terrible mess with questionable pacing and equally questionable characters.
The overwhelmingly negative feedback they got on this made them reapproach the way they handled AQs, so starting in Sumeru the made the quests far longer (and wordier) in an attempt to avoid the complaints about the story being rushed. The general sentiment among the people who like the AQs is that Sumeru and onwards is where it 'gets good' while others dislike the increased quest length

>When do you expect the rerun of sexo birb mommy?
No clue but I hope it's this year since I'd like to get her myself
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I wanted a feral fire femme and Filgaia.
1. Sumeru/fontaine are both improvements over inazuma
2. Maybe early natlan but more likely during next year's lantern rite
Here's your Natlan, bro
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>New hyped version
>Lots of homos
>The girls are garbage or 4*'s
>The homos are overpowered and 5*'s
>Archon is a lazy recolor of a Honkai character

Fontaine's was so bad it killed the rest of 4.x.
Sumeru's quests were very long but better than Inazuma. Fontaine's I actually enjoyed until I got to the prison, fuck that place. Bear in mind it's easy to improve upon garbage.
Baobab trees, while found in other places on the Eurasian side of the world, are not found naturally in any part of South America. They are also associated with Africa in people's minds due to their occasional usage in various media.
11 seconds in left side.
25 seconds in right side.
42 seconds in, deep in the background left side and right side.
47 seconds in, it's the same shot as previous timestamp.
56 seconds in, background right side.
It's not something I feel particularly strong about, just something I noticed instantly as "yeah, this is supposed to be (at least partly) Africa."
>>Lots of homos
...3 is a lot?
Do you feel emasculated if there's more than 1 penis in a room?
>Lots of homos
There's literally only 3 if you count Capitano, Wuwajeet
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Rolling for Kachina and immediately having sex with her!
I nobody gives a shit.
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Not sure about that, but the biker girl design we ended up with looks kinda boring af.
What were they thinking?
Thank you Mr. Nobody for giving a shit.
Oh my poor primos, first shark girl and now this character.
>chilean miner
>brazilian football player
>argentine surfer
>Sumeru is good. Fontaine is a mixed bag depending on who you ask.
Thanks. I actually like jungle and desert levels, so glad to hear the AQ quality picks up. Hope it's the same for story quests as some of them were just nonsensical like Ayato's and Itto's.
>Bayonetta'll probably be in two or three more patches
Nice! Just enough time to save up with welkin. Thanks anon.
What matters is how they feel to play. I don't want weirdly specialized characters that need super-specialized characters to work etc. Like the banners coming tomorrow seems to be sadly, I'm a new player.
at least make more believable bait
Do NOT sex the chinchilla without a round of sloppy kissing first
Capitano is a giga chad so he doesnt count
Sumeru story 3.0-3.2 is great
Interlude at 3.3 is dogshit and endless desert until 4.0
4.0-4.2 is good
Arlechinno's interlude is good
Everything else is dog fucking shit
Is this the first region where the archon isn't the most popular? She's already by far the least popular archon but being less popular than at least one, if not two others is pretty bad. Really should have stuck with the 'leak' and made her a hebe if they wanted people to roll.
man people really got mindbroken from alhaiham and wanderer releasing back to back
Sumeru is good and Fontaine is great. Xianyun's rerun should probably be around next Lantern Rite during February/March 2025.
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>Everything else is dog fucking shit
If you have shit taste, sure.
Endless desert only gets bad in desert 2 and 3, and even then desert 2's story is fine it's just that its exploration has overstayed its welcome. Desert 3 sucks though, I have no idea what they were thinking. It's just a short area but it feels as long as the others.
The archon is just dogshit to anyone except the most sunk cost slurpers

Tried to appeal to the honkeks but didn't want to full send so she's a reference to Himeko but not quite. Also wanted to hit the diversity quota with how many brown girls with garbage names we have but not quite because all the wokies are mad so nobody is satisfied outside of the sunk costers that would love anything anyway.
loli is a free character so why would you roll for her?
Says the guy defending dogshit like Kaveh and copy-pasted region expansions.
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I can't see genshin surviving with Promilia, Endfield, WW and ZZZ if we're going to be stuck in Africa for a year.
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I'm tired of this Brazil and Africope.
Australia has Baobabs. The music even has a prominent didgeridoo.
They're clearly going very wide on the thematic influences, to the point where it's silly to expect blatant real world representation in such a jumbled mess.
Have to disagree. Desert 2 had at least a bearable layout with a quest included and some interesting big scale puzzles and deserr 3 at least had amazing mainline lore. Desert 1 on the other had was cancer with how the abscence of the underground map mad the difficulty comoletely artificial and a huge waste of time.
Mihoyo should release a nog character so when it flops all the browns get even more assblasted.
Act 1 = kino
Act 2 = decent
Act 3 + 4 = boring
Act 5 = Kino but in retrospect probably not well thought out.
Speaking of which it's telling that I see a lot of the people boycotting saying "DON'T LET KAVEH'S RERUN DISTRACT YOU FROM THE GOAL!" I can't imagine a single straight man gives a fuck about Kaveh.
Hence why I'm saying it's both places and arguing over which is it is pointless 2 posts before that one.
This exact mentality is the reason why games are shit now. Why do they have to make everything political I am so fucking tired man. Some liberal white women were crying about how the turkish names were used in sumeru and this was offensive. Nigga I am a Turk and I wasn't offended who the fuck are you to tell others what is offensive or not?
>Why do they have to make everything political I am so fucking tired man
even 4chan makes everything political so its just the culture war era we live in where you're either with us or against us
where are the fucking HAGS
qrd on that pic? why is it being spammed?
I much preferred desert 1 even without the map because it was so huge and constantly interconnected. Desert 2 always led back to the center part of it but it was so long and most of the above ground areas were just on steep hills and not that interesting. Desert 3 was spamming you with a ridiculous amount of names, had Sorush and her entire race be worse than Aranara but act superior to them, and most of our run around for Sorush was fairly mundane. The best part of desert 3 was fixing the tree, that's basically it for me.
I appreciated his post.

But yeah it looks and sounds like the Lion king to me. I didn't really see anything South American about it. I think it looks good but I was hoping for Mexican pyramids and stuff like that.
>Farewell Gayshit
Odd time to be throwing a hissy fit about homos annon, when the upcoming region is showing more females than ever.
we know nothing of the new archon or if she really is the archon, just wait until they give her some crazy shit like turning into a dragon or something
CN meme since most of china is excited about azur promilia
>Inazuma is widely regarded as the worst archon quest. Mondstadt and Liyue were both in the base game but Inazuma was the first time they started experimenting with releasing brand new archon quests in a brand new region and the result is a terrible mess with questionable pacing and equally questionable characters.
Yeah, I rolled Raiden as my second 5 star, while I was still exploring Liuye, for her being an archon + I like her looks and gameplay, but after finishing Inazuma AQ and both of her story quests I dislike her as a person...
nta but you know you're coping, right? As if you're not talking about a game that had a year of back to back male banners.
but she looks like the most basic anime girl
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The funny part is that fujos are still rolling on nilou/navia's banners just for kaveh while pretending to "boycott" hoyo
It's still a CN meme and genshin characters arent exactly better
>or if she really is the archon
why do you autists do this every single time
Why would anyone roll for Kaveh? Only good thing about him is the effects of his dendro infusion swings.
>when the upcoming region is showing more hags than ever.
Fixed that for you, that's the only reason you slurpers are happy and defending this shitshow.
Ei or Puppet?
slightly different levels of assholery
even if her kit is bad I'll probably build a team around her anyway
>It's still a CN meme
dude it has 2 (two) likes
Ei is the worst character in the game by far. MASSIVE wasted potential, we could have gotten some oshioki but instead we got annoyed by a naive autistic retard and died of cringe.
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I am so glad the CEO of Geo truly has amazing girls in his entourage including himself for some reason.
it's like he saw the electro harem and wanted a piece of that
>I didn't really see anything South American about it
That's where this one comes in.
>Mexican pyramids
I would love me some Mesoamerican shit, but yeah. Rip.
>since most of china is excited about azur promilia
the fuck? why?
Whoops I didn't realize it was already posted in this thread, carry on.
because he says so
>copy-pasted region expansions
Those being?
This is literally genocide
It looks great?? It's like genshin but good, it's confirmed to have no males, the girls come in like 5 different sizes instead of 3 bodies but only 1 gets used and it's by the Azur Lane devs that are known for pushing the boundaries of fanservice.
Do we know anything about their kits?
They just did it with Furina, which opened that can of worms for the last 2 Archons. They went extremely hard with shilling the Sovereign faggotry in Fontaine so expecting it again isn't uncalled for.
This board has a resident kavehfag he is probably celebrating right now.
the usual "le genshin killer" forced hype
it looks like it's made for little girls and is clearly less polished than genshin.
I replied to annons post about him saying he was leaving after seeing the Natlan characters idiot. Which has a ton of new females, and has nothing to do with the year of homo banners. He should have left then, I mean he stayed for an entire year of homo banners. Why leave now when new female characters are being released.
>the real archon was furina... but without shoes
no they didn't.
>but good
Good HOW?
All female cast doesn't make the game good. Give us something more tangible that you actually like about this shit.
Gameplay starts at 2:45 if anyone cares to see.
>and it's by the Azur Lane devs that are known for pushing the boundaries of fanservice.
Azur Lane gets away because it reclined severely and is under the radar for most now.
Rolling for mualani for sure, kachina will be a nice bonus if she's in her banner. The pixel guy is kind of whatever, his pet looks cool but I'll have to pass probably, since I want half of the natlan roster.
>I don't like it so nobody does
Ok then? It's still massively popular and has a massive following in CN, mostly because they confirmed they will not be making any males playable and will be going full fanservice.
yeah that guy is coping for sure, just look at the last year of characters released. Sausage fest.
Rolling for my wife Navia constellations
Enough rolling for new characters for me, I will realistically never use them
I own almost every hydro character because they make them fucking cute as fuck. I somehow managed to make myself skip siggy because her kit is unusable but besides her and ayato, I have everyone.
>Ignores what I said entirely (what do you like) to just shove words in our mouths to bait another response
Thanks for conceding, here's your (You), goodbye.
I'm positive you're delusional. It's completely obvious that the game will flop, it looks like a shitty MMO with nothing appealing about it.
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Ah. You're one of those.
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>Palworld + Genshin
>Already filtering all the gayshitters before it's even out
Looks based, I'll add it to my watchlist.
Main quest is good, story quests are cinema, world quests are absolutely kino. The world quests in fontaine are better than the entire game's voiced quests.
Both. The robot was supposedly ruling Inazuma with no problem for 500 years and then it gets easily manipulated by fatui. With such faulty design it should cause problems much earlier. For Ei, she is just way too autistic and does not give a shit about her people with her knowing about the war and choosing to just watch her people kill each other without stopping it. She didn't even acknowledge any wrong doing on her part and no fighting for 500 years in time capsule doesn't absolve her of anything and just adds another OC donut ridiculousness.
males except for capikino
water girl, leopard girl, archon, colonist elf
>wait and see
lolis and purple hair girl
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I was right
so, coom game?
if genshin players only cared about that they would've played a game that caters to it, gacha medium is full of them
The graphics aren't even good enough for this to be one of those games you play for exploration.|
And this game is making me wish China made more single player games, or even that this was an MMO. Kind of a waste.
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>wawa fags started baiting with promelia after their game died in just a month
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Daily reminder that chuds are the minority
i think when u design a character that uses a segwey you should be banned from ever designing characters again
You don't get it in the past one of the natlan names was of african origin, although it's a name of a diety that's worshipped in south america from people of african descend.
>Combat happens in a separate space from the actual overworld, when you encounter enemies, you are locked into a small area
>Lots of extremely HP bloated enemies at level 1 that act mostly passively, but you're still going to steadily get ripped up because you can't crowd control all of them at once
>Only 3 party members, meaning it's going to rapidly devolve into hypercarry with 1 support and 1 healer setups
>When you finish a combat, the passive mobs that are supposed to be there just pop in
>There's also atrocious amounts of popin on "distant" terrain
>Palworld mechanics are kinda cool and they managed to make the resource gain effect a steady stream instead of a staggered set of things if you get too much shit at once
>Boss fights are mindless dodge spam cinematic encounters with gigantic sponges (the cinematic part being the camera doing lots of "dynamic" bullshit and giving everyone nausea every time you do a successful dodge at the last second) similar to ZZZ
It has a few interesting things, but I am overall unimpressed.
There's a few things that look good
>50k out of 60 million players
who are these people to tell me what to do? Fucking trannies should ack themselves faster and leave the world.
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here's your nigga
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now that 4.X is about to be over, post your favorite pics from Fontaine, especially the ones you won't get a chance to post anymore
>i don't even play the game
that's the problem with today's gaming, these people cry on twitter, pussy western devs listen and cater to them but they don't even play the games, I'm glad that the chinese bugpeople at hoyo don't care about twitter troons
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we run this shit
>>682788476 (Me)
And one I forgot to write down:
>Exploration challenges are all "use specific element" or just hit this object
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Please listen to the supporter voices
This took like 2 weeks to get to 70k
Meanwhile genshin one is like 3-4 days old
>yes hello mr.US senator a chinese company's mobile game is making white characters in a latin america based region, please cancel them
aight he be chill wid it, i fuck wid dat heavy
i kneel
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imagine thinking hoyo will add africans after their chinese audience disliked xinyan and she's not even black
And Dehya, who they went out of their way to make one of the worst characters in the game.
I am not even sure whether or not I will pull for the archon. I have too many damn teams and characters already and nothing new looks appealing.
Black guy here, it's a bunch of white women, housewives and BLACKED and BBC enthusiasts. Black people who like anime don't care about any of this shit. I just wanna fuck the cute girls. Especially the shark, the lolis and the Archon.
>and she's not even black
yeah she is
>lots of homos
>2 guys, capitano is not even gonna be playable according to 90% of leaks
>girls are garbage 4*s
>hoyo's been dropping the number of 4 stars drastically in the last year
>homos are overpowered and 5*
>one is a 5* one is a 4*
>archon is a lazy recolor of a honkai character
>who are wendy, raiden mei and theresa
please stay in your souless wunigger thread
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If only you knew how bad things really are
I see more white liberals complain about this shit than any other race.
I want you to fuck them with your BBC too, King.
Isn't that more of a Xinyan issue? Kaeya is pretty well liked, maybe in china it's different?
That one's like actually fine, unlike 99% of the shit people post.
I think the chin tat is ugly, but acceptable.
why is xhe drooling diarrhea?
If she's a shielder she's getting all my gems + tip
No, I'm not doing it for none of them
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It gets way worse
>Don't we have enough Hydro characters already?
we have too many
These posts have tens of thousands of likes btw. You are the minority.
what does the character look like in game? How many millions of players will happily get her?
i can smell this picture
original has more
We have 12 Hydro.
We have 15 Cryo (14 if you skip Aloy).
We have 13 Electro.
We have 15 Pyro.
I like the idea of this one more than the official desu. I never liked that competent manly woman archetype, it's so unrealistic. Like the woman from Black Clover or recently Frieren had one, they're bland imo.
But the black version of that is more interesting.
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Anon, Ochaco is right there and actually looks like this girl. Literally the exact same hairstyle
Same shit was said about Nahida and she was one of the best sellers lol.
Your point? The only hydro you need is Xingqiu.
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>When these threads have some resident schizo that soils her panties over the thought of Nahida or someone liking her
>original mihoyo account with millions of followers barely beats fanmade edits in likes.
Not a win
so if I'm a newfag and been playing for like a month, do I try to finish the archons stories?
last main quest I did was getting mugged by some bitch who stole ventis' lyre and some other stuff after we saved a dragon
>original has more
Link both, cause the only thing I can find is a post on r***** with 2.6k upvotes.
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I like the idea, not the artstyle. And need biggest boobs and the BUNDA
youve been playing for a month and havent gotten out of mondstadt? You cant even get to Inazuma until you do the archon quests.
Please stop playing gachaslop you're killing the industry
I am glad western social media has 0 power over this game. Remove twitter and reddit from the internet and videogames would unironically start healing.
How the hell are you only that far into the story? Go do some more Archon quest. It can even replace your dailies if you don't want to do a lot, just login play a bit and leave.
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saving my pulls for kuzco
It was the same for Sumeru. "Viral" post on twitter are worthless and representative of absolutely nothing. Everything that happens there is out of spite.
Ah. I was only checking the EN Twitter, which didn't have a post about it.
Why don't these skin color complainers just mod the game? It's literally just a texture swap.
As they're smart enough to do so.
twitter is not real life
They don't want to play with dark skinned characters, they want you to play with dark skinned characters.
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prove it
it has but it's less popular
wonder how much the chinese one has
They don't play the game.
Or better yet why don't they go play games that cater to them? Most western slop like concord is clearly made for them yet they try to change this game instead.
they don't get to virtue signal if they solve the problem themselves
most of these people don't even PLAY the game
>you gamblin?
Millions of flies cant be wrong. Kek
They would download a mod that changed the characters skin for YOUR game. Alone in their home they would not be able to virtue signal with a mod.
>dislike product
>instead of voting with wallet you go out of the way to ban/change it for everyone else
Nu-muttmerica is quite literally a commie shithole now. This is a typical soviet mentality.
Most of them are kaveh alhaitham shippers too Really gets the noggin joggin.
Are genshinfags the only fanbase who hates delicious brown?
Well you're definitely taking it slow if you only finished Mondstat after a month. Either way, you should do the Archon quests until you get to Inazuma since it's the only place locked behind them. After that you're free to do what you want, but I'll still recommend them doing them either way since it's the main story after all.
Damn, jp really love the new dendro boy
It's called not being a shitskin subhuman.
>barely beats
weird way to say it has 100 times more but keep making up shit i guess
We don't hate them, Dehya is quite popular here. We just don't like xissers and the outrage bait
it's not gambling because there is a guarantee if you roll enough, which is essentially how you allocate your funds
it's gambling in the sense you can save funds getting something early only
You mean Yzma.
they've always been suckers for edgy boys
I don't dislike brown characters but I also don't give a damn if they aren't any.
Him and his little dragon having Sasuke and Naruto's VA seems to be helping a lot.
yeah I know that but I was just exploring a lot, farming and upgrading my characters and sometimes I don't feel like playing so I do the dailies and move on, just completing dailies gives you a lot of AR experience. I also completed the mount and even upgraded the tree to max lvl. I've been to Sumeru, Liyue and Fontaine but I'm not doing the main story. For events they tell me "it's recommended you do these quests" but it's not necessary so I wasn't in a hurry, just having fun exploring etc.
I'll start the new archon questline then, this week I will focus on playing the story.
>ping skyrocketing at 200ms again
Is there something going on at Mihoyo? It's been happening a lot since ZZZ's release.
Even the Chinese like them, it's just Mihoyo who doesn't. And obviously this isn't the issue, the twittertards want everyone to be brown.
What's your UID, newcutie?
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Brown boys/girls are great but nobody likes the ugly xwtitter redesigns
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I rolled for Dehya the literal moment her banner dropped and currently have her at C6R1, and got have C6 Candace too albeit after the matter. Twitter/Reddit don’t care about their skin tones, they want them to be literal apes that not even actual niggers find attractive because muh virtual signaling.
Oldfags, what keeps you playing?
Well that makes more sense, but yeah definitely do the Archon quests until you get to Inazuma at least. It shouldn't take that long, at least compared to Sumeru and Fontaine's archon quests which are much longer.
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Will I regret rolling for Nilou if my only (current) dendro chars are Collei and Traveller
roll for who you like
what, who care
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God damn if I have enough Aqua characters as it is, but I CAN'T RESIST THAT TUMMY.
Speaking of which, i have Furina at C1, should I roll for her C2?
>I also completed the mount
>before liyue
congrats, you've beaten the game
nothing else will be harder difficulty besides spiral abyss
I like some of the quests, the worldbuilding the exploration, some of the events are fun, I like collecting characters.
She's still a solid 9/10 without Nahida. If you like her or want to try Bloom memes, go for her.
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Most of them rather roll for drag queens than exotic brown women. lol
Sorry for your loss.
3/7 for the ultimate Hydro retardation
It's a chill game to play after a long day, I do quests and events on my days off. Wish the writing was better and had more dynamic combat. The few girls I like keep me strong and seeing them team up brings some joy
All had massive hype around their design and appeal but hoyo loves to fuck their kit up so nobody wants to play them.
add barbara and you'll have a team that destroys everything
What a lot of people don't tell you is that if you wanna do the high-level boss fights co-op instead of having to slog through it yourself (which can be very character-reliant), you gotta do the Archon quest, which unlocks various character quests, which in turn unlock boss fights like Raiden, Azdaha, wanderer, the giant Dendro amber lizard.. thing, and Arlecchino.
I've only hit the resin cap a couple of times and just the other day I forgot to do the 3x bonus ley lines so my account isn't bricked yet.... I will keep it healthy until it dies, like a beloved pet.
>the mount
You mean the mountain?
Love that place. Actually feels like a challenge at low level too.
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Nilou is great for F2P, maybe roll for nahida if you really like using bloom
wtf she pissed herself? what a stupid girl
The chasm is harder
I like live services that actually give content in a regular basis since I used to play MMOs, when something big new comes out, it's always hype even if it only lasts a day or two, and of course, I enjoy the core gameplay
You can just play them directly through the adventurer's guidebook now, no need to unlock them.
Inazuma and Enkanomiya are both harder if you aren't kitted out with at least semi-decent artifacts. The worst Dragonspine has are the Fatui on the outskirts, Inazuma floods you with samurai, Vishaps, Ruin enemies, and more that are all super tanky. Enkanomiya was the first time I couldn't even clear challenges in the area because I was too weak (I started when the Yelan and the Chasm came out).
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I lost nothing.
Yeah azur promilia seems to be the most likely "genshin killer" to succeed
But I don't want to make xitter troons happy so I'll keep playing ZZZ and genshit
>Will I regret rolling for Nilou if my only (current) dendro chars are Collei and Traveller
Yes. Nilou is a brick to roll with the upcoming meta. Get that new Emilie character instead if you really need someone.
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id like to see how it ends. the story writers have been pretty faithful to the teyvat trailer and im curious to see what they do for natlan
>"the rules of war are written in the womb. the victors will burn bright while the losers must turn to ash. when the pyro archon shares this secret with the traveler, it is because she has her reasons"
and also for layla
wtf is that image
I get random days of 100ms lately and I just assumed it was my problem
if you do it right after liyue
which i did because i thought that's how the game continued looking at map, same mistake as with dragonspine
Yeah, but not co-op.
And for a lot of newer players who haven't farmed up great teams, especially for Azdaha cause you more or less need specific shielders or it's going to take literally 30 minutes... co-op is how you get boss mats at higher-level.
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Muppet nahida
>cowboys were drag queens
Kill yourself, illiterate faggot.
He's so cool...
>c6 triple crown
>artifacts aren't even good
Why do retards do this? I've seen c3 Raiden's with artifacts so bad that c0 EM Raidens would out-DPS them.
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gyaru Yae
I've been playing since week one and it drips enough content consistently enough that I don't ever feel burnt out or the desire to quit. Seeing the same generic animations on the same generic NPCs for the billionth time makes me hate the game but its not offensive enough to make me stop playing.
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You already seethed in the other thread
I can’t control artifact RNG, but feel free to keep crying about it I guess.
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bruh, I would actually be disappointed if they DIDN'T do that again.
Azur Promilia looks mid.
I'll try it, but I don't expect it to dethrone Genshin.
I'm looking forward to Endfield.
Nilou sucks without her weapon. All the people telling you to roll for her with only those dendros are delusional.
Then don't roll for constellations, it's so fucking dumb. You're rolling for POWER but your artifacts have cucked you and your character is not powerful. So you wasted your money.
Dumb ESL
>70/170 is not good
please PLEASE go take a shower
So neuv is a cowboy now? Lmao, you rolled for a fucking drag queen. Hopefully you didn't spend money on it.
dont bother they're retarded. Unsaveable, unteachable.
>review bombing and "journalists" opinions
No one cares. It will win the only thing that matters : the revenues race
At this point it's simply seeing the end of it, too knee deep into the lore and the sheer amount of characters I own. The other day I gave a go at co op just to do boss achievements and the AR59 n00b was surprised how well equiped I was which kind of gave me a morale boost. But definitly very dissappointed with how the difficulty is progressing with every patch. I miss the challenge Inazuma gave when it was new.
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Time investment. Kinda hard to drop a game with so many hours sinked already. It's also can still be fun to play but not all the time, sometimes it feels like I'm wasting my time.
I have more fun generating aislop with genshin girls than playing it.
They're gonna ruin him brothers
Stay vigilant
wage slaves that don't have time to farm but got money to spend
Natlan meta will change how we play the game, we're going into burning and vaporize memes which will shit all over previous metas in gameplay and damage. Rolling for Nilou especially without Nahida will almost certainly fill you with regret as a new player. Emilie will probably be the best dendro to get too, she seems broken. And Yelan is a better hydro than Nilou since she's a support and has a huge vaporize in her skill(will be good with archon).
Strong enough to clear nearly every cycle with just her and a single C0 Furina on their side, so I’m not losing any sleep over it.
>You wasted your money
Didn’t spend a dime beyond welkins. Keep crying about it though.
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>Forgot to grab lakelight lillies despite grabbing literally everything else for triple crowning Furina
>Remember I haven't been to that part of Fontaine at all since I was waiting for Furina before exploring too much
>Furina is too weak to be helpful in exploration now
I'm fucking retarded bwos. Please tell me I can get enough lillies in one sitting to actually lvl 90 her in one go
>Please tell me I can get enough lillies in one sitting to actually lvl 90 her in one go
>Natlan meta
nigger its phone game for chinese children, get a grip
you can
if you beg in co-op
furina will be there tomorrow and the next day and the next day. Zoomer fucks are so impatient
Don't care, still rolling for nilou
If I remember correctly one full map has like 45% of the liles you need to get her to 90 so you'll need 2 full runs plus a little bit more
If you're on EU you can have mine since I don't need them
retarded jpeg collector, you roll for gameplay
I stopped playing after 2 years. Stopped playing hsr too. Gachas are just not fun for me anymore.
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>Black people are added
>Fags are added

Slippery slope is real I hope hoyoverse doesn't cave.
damn so this is the power of mods. Two costumes worse than her default
We're not getting another dendro. "Gameplay" of Natlan units is just gonna be more stat manipulation slop like Fontaine was.
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The music, the comf, it makes a shitty hard day at work just go poof. The saying really is true.
It also has the ability to make modlets seethe uncontrollably every time.
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Every time they add a tanned character they make sure they're absolutely useless shit tier character.
There are at least 2 upcoming dendro characters.
Koleda is so fun bros...
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Furina and Neuvillette are the trans reps... Also scarydouche.
This a world with no sheeps, no tailors, but every woman wear good quality clothing
I come back every few months. It is enjoyable to explore and I like the lore. The dialog is bad but it is more tolerable after a long break
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I tend to play a lot of the same games over and over again anyways and for what it's worth I actually enjoy the game and have been liking it a lot more with all of the QoL stuff and better characters for exploration and such. I also unironically like the live service model and even if the writing is bad in a lot of things I usually like the limited events despite it. It's certainly not the best game and I've taken several long breaks from the game due to burnout but it's also good enough that it usually beats out several other games for an immediate choice and always coming back to new content makes it more appealing than going back to mod skyrim or something again
It makes sense that they don't want to waste the good kits on characters that won't sell.
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sex with paimon
Fear Of Ancient Mommies?
I think he meant we're not getting another gameplay shake-up like dendro was at the time where we got several new reactions and playstyles. This is untrue since we are getting Dain at some point and he uses abyss power so we will eventually get something new and cool compared to random gimmicks like bonds of life or hp manipulation
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If they gave a brown character a good kit they could break records because of the novelty. No one is going to pass on a Yoruichi tier waifu that's meta just because she's brown, that would be the best part.
The reason no one uses Candace, Sethos, and Xinyan is because they are fucking worthless. And the reason no one rolled on Dehya was because she was also worthless AND she was going on the standard banner. And the reason the upcoming brown mommy will sell badly is because she looks bad, she's furfag bait, AND she's geo.

But everyone will roll for the cute brown lolis.
Or you know, we'll just get an 8th element in the form of whatever the hell the symbol of Paimon's outfit (and also in the dice game) is. The universal element, which I expect will buff/influence every other Element.
We're getting melt, vaporize and burning meta.
Everyone for months was saying we were getting a "Burning character" in 4.8. And then that Emilie would make Burning great.
The end result? She doesn't affect Burning lmao.
>Kemonomimi is furfag bait
Zoomers and ironic weebs never should’ve been allowed to use the internet.
She does insane damage when things are burning, and many other characters will also do that because the artifact set is OP. That is burning meta.
isn't Sethos quite good? not Gaming tier, but up there
the 4*s have been on a streak since Chevy
Dehya and Cyno made more money than every single fontaine banner. Besides Neuv's and Furina's. Who's rerun banners would later go on and flop horribly. Really makes me think.
yiff in hell furfag

4 star dps characters are always worthless.
>4 star dps characters are always worthless.
don't look up who deals the damage on National bwo
Do look up teams using Sethos. Oh wait.
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i find it fascinating how it's ONLY in genshin that have these people, HSR doesn't a single brown character (i think) and ZZZ only has 1 but they don't seem to seethe at those games.
as much as i like genshin the community around it is truly fucked
Xiangling is a fucking beta character, are you really going to carry the 4 star dps are good torch for this long? Mihoyo will never make that mistake again.
No one was arguing that 4 star supports are bad.
He’s pretty good IIRC, although I haven’t used him personally. His animations look sick though.
here's a aggravate C0 with a 3* bow and only 4 stars
I also found an overload if you prefer chevy teams
>when things are
Not even, Unfinished Reverie only requires a unit be Burning once every 6 seconds, meaning you can spam Furina on top of your Emilie + Pyro of choice + healer. In this case, you could just spam Bennett Ult (3 seconds of downtime = 100% uptime on Reverie even if you're a little slow on the rotation) and then run any 4th character you want just for aesthetics.
Also, that's not the meta people want. People want Burning to be good, not to just abuse the already overpowered mechanics of "spam attack + elemental damage buffs" with a new layer that grants 50% more damage.
forgot the link
Not him, but I find this hilarious not because it blows him out, but because I only have 1 of these 4*s.
>Not even, Unfinished Reverie only requires a unit be Burning
Stopped reading here.
Gaming exists and C0 is already competitive with 5 stars, C6 is beyond Hu Tao who used to be the pyro benchmark before 'chino came out
Genshi now have 50 hours of cutscenes in main story, sidestories and character interactions
And how many hours of dialogue?
He didn't blow me out finding the 0.0001% of Genshin players who wasted resources on that character to underperform compared to any 5 star of the same element.
So stop oppressing us then. Apologize right now for using your privilege to undermine minority voices.
wow my new wife looks so smart
I'm donating this (You) to you, Anon, cause he sure as fuck doesn't deserve it for that garbage ass goalpost move.
Fischl and Sucrose are pretty busted, so I hope you have one of them at least...
Some 4*s suck to miss out, like Chevy who unlocks several different teams for Pyro/Electro
competitive with what? Pyro vape teams? The shittiest archetype right now?
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>t-they're not worthless
>please invest into sub-par characters!
What else are you going to invest in once you're hyper-maxed your "main" teams?
damn you btfo him hard
Nothing, saving for the level 100 cap.
bow dps are a meme at this point
here, a clear from 4.7 (current abyss) with only 4 stars (so he's not even using his best supports)
from the same guy and abyss, now playing in the side with pyro lector but with actual proper teams
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No ones telling you to invest in sub-par characters metatroon. He's just showing you the abyss can be beaten with weaker characters.
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I remember when ganyu was meta
Fischl and Yelan are good still.
>No ones telling you to invest in sub-par characters metatroon.
You are arguing that people actually do this when you say 4 star DPS characters aren't worthless, while you post the one in a million and act like it's normal.
Hsrfags also got triggered at robin tho
>usage rates as an argument for strength, not comfort/popularity
You keep either deflecting or moving the goal, I clear my abysses with just 4* stars just fine, so all I can say is that it works on my machine
>He's just showing you the abyss can be beaten with weaker characters.
no shit retard everyone knows this. People have been clearing the abyss with solo ning for years. 4 star dps characters are worthless though because they are just WORTH LESS than a comparable 5 star. Waste of time.
You can go on youtube and type in any genshin abyss clear, and I guarantee you, every single genshin will come up. I get it, your shit at the game and need to plan as a man in a dress to help you beat it.
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go to your abyss and post your clear with your times for each chamber then
surely it won't be slower than a 4* DPS clear, right? I can do a clear myself using a 4* DPS if you want to compete, but in that case it has to be the first half
My melt Arlecchino team says otherwise.
Than don't build them, let people who enjoy them build them. Why do you metacucks have to get so butt hurt over people beating the end game with characters they like?
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>I spent a 100 dollars on this character so I can beat the end game 10 seconds faster than you. >even though we get the same reward
And now she's a Hyperbloom driver lmao.
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He doesn't deny it.
It's just an amazing game. Amazing art, music and animation, solid gameplay, fun team building, actually good open world filled to the brim with secrets to find, good lore, all star seiyuu cast, decent story. Fontaine even has the audacity to deliver good underwater exploration gameplay.
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>Natlan is supposed to be based off Aztecs and native Americans that had tan skin and straight hair
>Every single one of the redrawn ‘improvements’ makes the characters black as night sub-Saharan niggers with gigafros
They don’t care about accuracy, they just want MORE NIGGERS
>They don’t care about accuracy, they just want MORE NIGGERS
Yes, for the Green Minecraft Homo
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that's my king(prince(chalk))
New bread?

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