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What games do NEETs play?
none. they don't have any money for that.
magic the gathering on cockatrice
I used to no-life RS3, but I did the thing everyone told me to, "get a job".
i play street fighter 3rd strike
i bought an ethernet cable with money from being a christmas helper at UPS and my dad saw it and he yelled at me to get a job if i was going to spend money on bullshit. He doesn't know that no one will hire me because i have been unemployed too long, i also have massive brain rot from porn and vidya so i don't think i am even capble of focusing on anything
how does brain rot impact your routine outside video games?
Lately, I've been into old games I missed as a kid. Basically anything from the 90s to the early 00s.
I'm a NEET. I'm playing the "find a game to play" game. I've played all the good old games and there's nothing new worth playing. Sucks.

The government covers all my expenses and I Have almost 2k in savings despite not working in 4 years. It's actually very easy to NEETlord if you have enough diagnoses.
I have my first therapy appointment in a couple weeks
I have to ask my dad to drive me to it and drop me off
I'm scared
When the time comes, your kind will be made finally useful as dog food. I hope you die soon.
I use to play Persona and Yakuza when I was a NEET.
Maybe if you want your dog to die of sodium intake, retard. I've probably got another thirty years left in me, but I'm only expected another year or two NEET until I miraculously recover and get a grant to go to college.
I play a lot of different stuff, but it usually falls under an umbrella of fighting games, RPGs, platformers, and FPS's. I mostly play singleplayer stuff outside the aforementioned fightan.
>I've played all the good old games
No you haven't. There's thousands of cool games out there in different genres. I suspect I'll be playing and appreciating older stuff my entire life.
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Misaki is a terrible person. She is 100% evil. Only the anime makes her a Disney princess
No one asked, no one cares, lurk for 5 more years before you attempt to post again.
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I love that game, I also like the netflix channel show where you browse netflix for nothing to watch.
>There's thousands of cool games out there in different genres
Actually a fair point, I just can't stand a lot of genres. Fighting games in particular have never clicked with me, and I've never driven a car so racing games feel kinda weird. I have played all the good old games I want to though. Looking for some kind of multiplayer time sink game at the moment.
more then you

alot and usually a variety
me personally avoid sports, VN's, fighting, shmups, racing and now MP games

ive played every genre and know what i dont like now
Have you tried scrolling through YouTube suggestions until the list starts looping? Another defining classic in the genre.

Weird seeing a higher level me. I want the skip, what's your next move?
Literally me except I still play racers once in a while, going fast is fun.
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Yes that and the oldie goldie things I can't afford right now on sale on amazon and how they won't be on sale or probably even there at all in 2-3 months when I will finally have the money to buy them.
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i play tf2 and fallout 4
i just can't focus on shit. when i try to i actually get the urge to jerk off. like an escape. i also feel like that if i have a coherent thought i will come fully understand my depravity and i will actually snap
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>equating playing games with money
Never gonna make it
>The government
which one. the world has like 500 governments
A combination of the California state and United States Federal governments. I basically just followed the old Autismbux guide.
Not canon, don't care.
How many mental and physical disabilitied do you have?
>he gets gibs
You didn't beat the life.
One of each. ASD and a bad back from my tragic workplace accident.

>punishing yourself with dailies IRL
an ethernet cable is like 5 dollars. how poor are you people?
Yeah, because it is so hard to pirate thousands of games.
i have 150 hours last 2 weeks and i 'work' 40 hours a week.
300k in savings in just 3 years of working lmao NEETs are retarded goyim
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Five finger shuffle
150 hours last 2 weeks in games*
Ok. I worked 0 hours the past 4 years. Go buy a fancy car to drive to work or something. All I would buy if I had that much money is a custom chair like one of those science fiction spaceship recliners. What is that much money even good for? I don't need anything that isn't given to me and don't really want anything money can buy.
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>scott pilgrim art style
I fucking wish
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I wish I was a neet so I could play games all day long...
I have more money than a lot of people I know who have been waging all their lives because they cannot grasp the simple concept of living within their means and not having any debt.
What a wagecuck subservience does to a man
some of my catalog of games neet lifestyle is awesome dont diss it
How is Abyss Odyssey? I loved Rock of Ages and Zeno Clash
Applying to jobs and doing chores and being depressed takes a lot of time, they don't have as much free time to play as you'd think.
its a cool game, imagine the fighting mechanics of smash bros but a randomized dungeon crawler. kinda short but proper fun
Yeah that was what kinda put me off now that I think of it, ProcGen might be neat but not as the full basis for a game imo.
Buying fancy shit is why poor fucks stay poor
I dont buy anything
I just buy the bare necessities and keep saving
Its good to have backup money for the family and to be able to support/commission creators I like.
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been NEET all my life
currently have 18k in savings might not be alot compared to wage slaves but most of them seem to live paycheck to paycheck anyways
looking to get a gaming PC soon so ill use around 3-5K for a decent rig

id me surprised if most wageslaves even have 3 months worth of salary in savings which is what is reccomended
>MFW I'm a NEET who earns NEET bucks and I still go outside anyway
I want to live in a group home for the rest of my life because I'm living the dream!
im probably not doing it justice wait till its on sale in steam and buy it, you wont regret it
>Applying to jobs
Why would we do that?
>doing chores
Why would a NEET have more household nonsense to attend to than anyone else?
>being depressed
Took up way more time when I was forced to do stuff.

You just like seeing your bank account number go up or something? Doesn't seem worth it to me, but I guess all the gay furry inflation porn you commission is a service to the community.
My coworker died and he just retired on 5/1

I'm so depressed. I can't move. I feel numb. I feel like what's the point of work? If I make it thru to my retirement plan I get to retire at 65 years old, which already sucks. I don't even want to make it to 60 bc that's when I think all the health problems set in hard. I think in my 60s I'll probably be trying to beat some serious health problem; cancer or something disabling. So I'll have to keep working to keep my stupid health insurance, bc I can't afford it anywhere besides work, so I'll have to keep working while I'm sick and hopefully I can retire by 62 and if I'm not disabled or I'll or broken, then maybe I can finally enjoy life. Travel, take time for myself. It feels so pointless. I don't want to do all that in my 60s I want to do it now. I feel like I would happily trade these years for working mindlessly in my 50s and 60s.

This all just sucks. I can't believe that man JUST retired and now he's gone. He didn't even get to enjoy it. I feel so bleak about everything. Glued to my couch today. :(
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the last game i played as a neet was bg3
and the one before that was elden ring i think
these were the times, miss them so
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A lot of eroges.
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I don't know how you guys still do it. I was a NEET for a bit over four years and wanted to blow my brains out near the end. Unlimited time with no goal is torture. I wish you bros the best.
how is working for shitpay any different?
neither the wagey nor the neet has a future
well it is true you do lose your mind eventually finding hobbies and giving yourself goals helps alot
How is a job a goal? The goal of formal education is essentially just a certificate to get a job so that's the same issue. You toil to get some money and then you can buy some pointless shit?
Whatever I feel like really.
>dependent on my dad
>dad dependent on social security
>social security not enough to pay the bills
what the hell do I do now
I've been playing plenty of games but by now I'm annoyed at the lack of releases that look cool. I've been looking to get a job for about a month or two because I want money to buy games with (mostly multiplayer ones) and cooler stuff for around the house but the only available openings seem to be menial labor for shit payment. There was an apprenticeship post for something related to IT which I would've liked but the posting was about a month old before I found it and a few days later it got closed, and the only openings left related to IT require a few years of experience (through other jobs).
I consider it better than my time in education, at least.
I suppose it's subjective, working a soulless wagie job is torture as well. That being said, getting a job that feels meaningful is a nice feeling.
I agree about formal education, I dropped out of college right before I became a NEET. The job itself doesn't need to be the goal as much as improving your own life is. Getting a job that I enjoy is just a step towards turning my life around.
Something will inevitably go wrong and you need a cushion for when that happens. I don't think anon is just looking for "number go up," because with that sort of money he could easily make it go up faster if he really wanted to.
I mean, nothing can really go wrong for me.
>lose my job
Don't have one.
>family crisis
Don't have any.
>medical issues
Government pays for it already.
It seems like being a NEET is peak crisis avoidance. Worst case scenario all social welfare gets shut down (unlikely) and I have to get a job. My worst case scenario is... his life.
>4 years

Try 37 m8,some of us are actually crippled not by choice but by blind luck being born with broken bodies ;_;
I’m 35, not 22
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you should be providing for your disabled dad not the other way around
You're not missing much. I'm sorry for your condition only because you can't see the alternative first hand to realize how you aren't as fucked as you feel like you are. Unless of course your disability fucks with your NEETdom, that's really fucked.
What's up with you?
had a friend who had crippled legs, good guy partied all the time the guy lives his best life hope your doing the same
funny you should ask anon
this and RTS games
i play tekken 8. after i get a job i will play tekken 8
just do math or learn a language if you need a goal
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I spend most of my days playing random dungeon crawlers and L4D2 solo because I have no friends
i roll a random game in glitchwave's top 1000 and play it until i beat it (if it's an unbeatable game like a multiplayer game i decide some criteria for "beating" it), then repeat
before i started doing this i played more-or-less everything that interested me that i knew about. i started getting desperate and playing tedious shit like mother 1 or pathways into darkness and lost motivation eventually, the glitchwave method is what i needed to get back inti the hobby
i been playing elden ring and ffxiv. dawntrail sucked dick though. oh well.
got sekiro and ac6 during the sale so I got that to look forward too when I get burned out on elden ring.
also playing through the ff pixel remasters on my deck
get social security/ssi and foodstamps
if you're like this you probably qualify
I refuse to believe you can't do any sort of work. And if indeed you cannot, then I believe you should be taken out back and unceremoniously shot unless someone specifically and privately pays for you. The sick and unwealthy should fear death more than they do and there should be a societal mechanism to get some value from them.
my dad never cared for my mental health and actively sabotaged my well being beyond simply not letting me starve to death on the street
I'm on medicaid
I don't know how to get anything else
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I'm a neet-wagie hybrid
Get paid as a wagie, work as a neet
look up how to apply for SSI. plenty of info out there. you just need medical history of your mental problems and be ready to get that by any means, even if you have to check yourself into a ward for a few days.
I did and it greatly increased my quality of life and made me realize how fucking insane I was thanks to growing up around drugs and alcohol and unstable people
Kill yourself
Lost my job a month ago. Been mostly playing gacha. It's weird, when I didn't have a job all I wanted to do was play real games. Now I have all the time in the world and use it to farm materials while I watch YouTube.
>you just need medical history of your mental problems
I don't have any history because my parents don't believe in mental illness and are abusive, that's the whole problem
I finally found a doctor for myself recently and I told him about the things I thought were wrong with me and said I just wanted to be pointed in the right direction and he recommended me to a therapist
I don't know what else to do
>I don't know what else to do
Get a fucking job
Go to your county health and welfare office in person. Filling out forms yourself is unnecessary and will likely get you less than you could get if you are "unable to" and "need assistance" with them. Act like an incompetent sperglord. This should not be difficult.

>check yourself into a ward
Not advised. Get checked in by police. Just smack your head against a door next to a cop. They'll take you to a hospital, which will drug test you, and then they put you in a ward if you're clean or jail if you're dirty.
Edgy, /pol/ kid

>inb4 "Im not"
But you sound like one
there's your start then
see the therapist. it will be a good start for having medical records of your problems. Getting checked in is drastic, but it also helps if you are actually mentally ill. I did that, was in inpatient care for 4 days, and after that was refered to an outpatient service that set up a therapist for me and helped me apply for things like foodstamps and whatnot. I applied to SSI after and in about 5 months I was approved and received several months of backpay.
Its drastic as hell but worth it unless you can suck it up and be a real human bean like other anons say
love the light novel, the anime was good too but a different tone. Newfags don't know either of them. Time to watch lain again.
That's a scott pilgrim character you massive retard
Take it easy man. I was a 13 year old anarchocapitalist with all the answers once. He'll get over it once real life stomps on his balls.
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whew I remember when I was 22
it's been 10 years since that and the only thing that's changed is that I have to go hungry sometimes now
anyways, VNs/HRPGs/JRPGs + rhythm games + shmups + puzzle games + fightan + gacha + fucking around with game dev tools are the indispensable kusoNEET stack
Weird, isn't it?
That's called depression, son. You don't want to actively engage in anything so you hook yourself up the happy chemical feed. It doesn't work and the days go by. It's just like being on 4chan all day!
I think I have too much in savings to qualify for any of that stuff though
okay how?
be specific
That would explain why I've been on 4chan since 2009.
well. that's something to think about when your savings run out then. definitely don't just put your money in a suck under the mattress or anything, that would be scummy.
Where do you live? Because if you're the same anon that said he lived in the US, the government does not pay for your care and you're essentially SOL outside the most insane life-saving care. You're not getting NEETed through chemotherapy.
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>you are actually mentally ill
what qualifies as "actually mentally ill?"
I play fallout 1 and planescape torment
>He needs goals imposed onto him from the outside
Depression isn't real
The savings are from an accident and completely detached from me besides them actually being mine, I have no idea what to do with it and have just let it sit for years because it's the only chance at any potential future I have
it's not enough to live off of for any length of time tttt
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Been aware of this show for ages but never wanted to watch it because I was a NEET for nearly a decade myself. I've had a job for a year now so I finally feel comfortable with watching it.

I remember being "spoiled" that the girl only "helps" the guy because she enjoys seeing how pathetic he is, is that the actual twist or was it a fake spoiler? I know I should just watch and find out but I feel like having this potentially fake perspective on the show will mess with my experience.

Eh I'm 1 week into my 2 weeks off and I feel the same way, You're overexposed to too much of a good thing, become too comfortable, stuff stops being satisfying but you lack the energy to do something better. It's not necessarily depression but a lack of structure in your day. It requires a lot of discipline to keep yourself straight when you have endless free time on your hands.
tranny thread
It is. It's shorthand for not being a braindead NPC but also too cowardly to kill yourself.
It isn't. There's something in your life that is off balance. Depression isn't real.
trannies aren't self conscious enough
I am that anon. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, as California even covers dental for shit like cavities (not crowns). It's actually better than the insurance I had through the grocery store I worked at since there are no copays for medication.
>Hmm I shouldn't be a complete waste of space
>Go to uni
>Get a masters degree
>Now neet at 28
Well well well
Time is a flat circle
midwit. the chemical imbalances that cause depression are absolutely real.
>go to uni
Well there's your problem.
>There's something in your life that is off balance
Yeah my neurotransmitters lmao.
What are you playing, king? I've been wanting to try one but it feels like I missed the boat.
It's real, but that still leaves like 20 episodes of other unrelated stuff going on. It's still worth a watch, it's not that big of a plot twist. Just keep in mind the author was a hikkineet when writing it and hoped to become better with time. He didn't.
Sure, real life fucks us all in the end sooner or later, but you shitting on the disabled and justifying it by saying "I had a phase with 13 aswell" just makes me think that youre in your early/mid 20s and DONT KNOW SHIT about the real world
Anon not everyone can drown in child pussy juice like you
>There's something in your life that is off balance.
Maybe it's the notion that everyone should contribute to a highly sociopathic society or else they'll starve? That the rat race finds greed before meaning, that consumer society is unsustainable, that every platform you interact with and everything in your life that could possibly be real --relationships, ideologies, religions-- is replaced stealthily by the spirit of greed, by the demands of the ugly, and by a world that finds nothing wrong with this? That every relationship boils down to power or money, that to placate others is to fulfill their stupid needs so they'll fulfill yours, that the ascetic escapes to this are also replaced now with drug culture in yet another profit-first move by the genuinely fucked up gears that make the world spin?
And so on and so forth. There are a lot of negative feelings attached with the absolute state of society and the absolute state of the world. There's a good line in a book I read recently that, paraphrasing, goes "you have to be either very stupid or very cruel to want to live in this world", and it's one of those that resonates. The whole of the human experience nowadays isn't just cruel and miserable, it's absurdly phony too. Just as phony as these sentiments from the coddled mentally ill who will only kill themselves when pushed to it (or, in redemption, kill others instead).
Walk around the nearest generic American strip mall and look for the signs saying stuff like "Now hiring, minimum wage!" Go inside and ask the least busy person how to apply. They will provide further directions.
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I just cannot imagine having one shot to live and spending that in your room consuming media and convincing yourself that this is best because being a normal productive member of society makes you Jewish cattle or something. Don't you want to achieve things, fall in love, have kids, be successful, travel, make friends, do literally anything? I think it's very likely one day it will sink in and the regret will be so great that you feel suicidal.

Obviously if you are mentally or physically disabled that's another story.
>You toil to get some money and then you can buy some pointless shit?
yea pretty much
I used to think I was depressed but then it turned out I just needed to stop masturbating. I used to think I was depressed until I realized I needed to change my diet up and exercise. I used to think I was depressed until I realized I'm better off by myself. Depression isn't real, it's just an alarm in your mind telling you that something needs to be fixed/changed.
Seconding the notion. Anything interesting out there or should I just run FF11 in the background while reading low level programming books?
Elden Ring at the moment
I don't think most neets choose to be neets bro.
Amen, I agree with you.
>achieve things
intellectual pursuits are achieved in solace
>fall in love
>have kids
>be successful
you from the 19th century king?
>make friends
>do literally anything
not really
What's the deal with the US and malls? I keep seeing Americans say they're dead and abandoned, yet I don't see that going on anywhere else. I can't imagine a mall with 200 stores just...not having customers. Is Amazon REALLY that good and fast there?
>you shitting on the disabled
What? I am disabled. I was just chiming in from the sidelines, I'm not the kid you were replying to.
>saying "I had a phase with 13 aswell" just makes me think that youre in your early/mid 20s and DONT KNOW SHIT about the real world
Take it easy man. I've been to war, I've been homeless, and I've been to prison in that order. Now I'm a NEET, partaking in this fine 4chan thread.
>I remember being "spoiled" that the girl only "helps" the guy because she enjoys seeing how pathetic he is, is that the actual twist or was it a fake spoiler? I know I should just watch and find out but I feel like having this potentially fake perspective on the show will mess with my experience.
it doesn't matter, the entire way through you can tell that she's got something more going on, there's also something that you didn't get spoiled since that's not really the "entire reason" why she does it
modded Bethesda games. can add a ton of porn stuff and harem things
>heh... frickin normies, having sex and starting loving families, I'll focus on my heckin intellectual pursuits

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>be neet
>no motivation to play vidya or do anything fun
>get a job
>suddenly want to play every game I can think of
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A strip mall isn't a mall. Pic related is a strip mall. Every town in America has them and they are all the same.
I don't know what's going on in actual malls as I haven't been to one since the 90s and don't know anyone who has.
lmao get fucked retard
Oh so it's only strip malls? Still weird, there's plenty of those here, and we keep getting more.
Man I haven't watched this in forever he was only 22 and a NEET for 4 years?

Hahaha. Man, I'm 33 and been a NEET for 15 years and I still haven't tried to kill myself yet, what's wrong with asians and killing themselves as soon as they get sad?
>losing to sensual trivialities and reinstating samsara, that's how I'll validate myself
absolute fucking tool kek good job bringing more suffering into the world you fucking retard I'm sure your kids will thank you when they put you in a retirement home so you can be abused daily by a negress
I can't, there's nothing within walking distance of me
Ask your doctor for referral to a psychiatrist. You might have a comorbid diagnosis of ADHD and bipolar disorder.
I did that with my doctor and he just sent me to a therapist instead
I want a fucking diagnosis, not someone wasting my time telling me shit I already know
You have fallen victim to the history of oil companies lobbying the American government to force dependence upon the car with things such as zoning. I'm sorry, but there is no hope for ruralbros.
>Strip mall
>No strippers
What's the fucking point?
It’s not court. It’s just a doctor.
I strongly recommend against hurting yourself and having emergency services come and get you and take you to a psychiatric ward where you will get the treatment you need.
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>videogame board
>no talk about videogames
literally welfare does that lol
My parents deserved a better son. videogames
>good job bringing more suffering into the world you fucking retard
>implying killing you fucking retards wouldn't be a cessation of suffering and less per capita suffering overall
It would be a grace
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Okay, let's do it.
NEET anons, what's your favorite video game?
>Why would we do that?
People on NEETbux from the government have to show they are applying to jobs every now and then to keep getting the free money. Otherwise to keep relatives off their back.
Not if we're disabled. You have to be disabled to get a livable ration of NEETbux anyways.
path of exile
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>A 24-episode anime adaptation produced by Gonzo and directed by Yusuke Yamamoto aired in Japan between July 9 and December 17, 2006
This show is older than some of my coworkers. And anons here are still fixated in finding their Misaki.
4 years
>favorite game
>current game
error:no game found
wow.. tits.. oppai loli.. titties... itty bitty but big tity..
I'll play L4D2 with you, bro. But no Versus, just co-op.
You know you are at the bottom barrel when your condition is far worse than this, holy shit, its over. I used to think this anime was innacurate, fucking hell.
I think it's still bloodborne, nothing else has been as well rounded and solid throughout. I usually tend to have at least a few things I'd change but with bloodborne the only obvious things are nitpicks like the healing system, which only tends to matter much early game.
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>new social problem gets potrayed masterfully by a guy who's LITERALLY a neet who only wrote this book up to this day
>18 years pass
>nothing has changed
is humanity stagnant now?
>wow look at all these disenfranchised youth rotting away
>hmmm but why
>i know it's obviously an individual problem not a symptom of a sick soiciety even if it's a substantial number
Why are normalfags like this? You sound exactly like 99.99% of all the NPCs out there.
Sorry humanity is NEETing it up
Normalfags have never thrived in society like they do now.
Was a NEET for 3 years until I ran out of dough. Only part of it that sucked was knowing the party has to end.
I'm my case I did, but it was more because I didn't see any future in anything else.
not like there's a future in this either
As opposed to you who will die and no one will even notice until your body starts to rot
my cat will feast on my corpse
>at least my boss will know im dead when i dont show up to work
lol, lmao even
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Based cat enjoyer
Is this the best you can come up with?
npcs lol, lmao even
That's only true in some locations, I know it's not true in the US at least.
Then throw me a stick and I will fight away the wolves.
NEETs can't afford guns and ammo and would be too lazy to maintain their weapons. Just something to consider when the day of the rope comes.
Only the developed nations.
I've been softlocked in the 2000s for years now, mostly play old games I liked as a teenager. Total first world faggotry on my part, but I took just how useless my entire childhood ended up being, the entire world changing so quickly, really badly. That and I'm pants on head retarded. For whatever reason PSP games never went up to a ridiculous amount with the retro boom, so I've been collecting them when I can find decent deals.
>Stop jerking off
>Start lifting weights
>Start eating good
>Start feeling comfortable with myself
>I still feel no joy, no pleasure, only pain and hatred
What now?
Thanks for your self reflection.
Game development and game programming definitely lost its art after the turn of the first decade. You're not missing anything by sticking to games from that generation.
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My "work history" as a semi-NEET
>got student "loan" (i'm not paying it back lol), £8k/yr + tuition fees paid
>student accommodation is (well, was) cheap in my city so I'm left with £5k/yr which isn't much but liveable after rent, council tax and internet
>don't go to classes, tutorials are only mandatory in first year and all lectures + lecture notes are online so exams are ez
>they only pay half or so for your final year so what you do is switch to a 4-year masters degree then drop out in the 4th year. Technically got a degree but I never even wrote a CV
>this went on for 3 years, after which I moved back in with parents
>worked 10-20 hours a week for 1-2 years
>put £1k in various shitcoins, turned it into £12k in 3 months during the last bull run (combination of luck and patience)
>if I make more from shitcoin trading it all counts as capital gains, so I don't have to pay back my student loan with it

Apparently a ton of people are cheating the system with PIP in my country (UK disability benefit), but that's only like £100/week and I heard they revoke your income arbitrarily over minute bullshit for months at a time. Working a couple hours a week honestly just seems less stressful. They made me see a psych back in school so maybe it would be easy for me to claim? idk
Well my boomer dad keeps telling me a vagina will somehow fix my entire life. Maybe try that.>>682806526
conservative meme. /lit/ is full of pseudointellectuals because they refuse to pursue formal training
No idea about Bongistan, sorry mate. Here in the US it is trivially easy and I am shocked it isn't the norm.
Not sure about any of that, but telling people of Uni is fucking braindead for sure.
Not recommended. I had sex and fell in love and it was awful. Never again.
You have a provable disability due to a workplace accident. If it was just ASD I suspect claiming would be a lot harder.
Of course. Workplace accidents are very easy to come by though, especially if you don't try to sue your employer and accept a paltry settlement.
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>keep trying to talk to people about Neets/chuds/incels whatever they wanna call young lost men at the moment since the number is only getting bigger
>everyone seems to not care or hand wave it
Im so sorry guys there labeling you as demons to add the fire to keep society going meanwhile from surveys you guys are gonna be the majority soon. They cant keep ignoring this shit until the pot boils over.
Of course. Men aren't generally cared about as a group, they're expendable and if something is wrong in their life we're conditioned to believe it's their fault.
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Pornographic visual novels.
>Neets/chuds/incels whatever they wanna call young lost men
These are all very different things.
>you guys are gonna be the majority soon
NEETs will not since that would require a complete economic restructuring of society. Capitalism would cease. Chuds and incels, sure, but that's more of a political and sexual thing respectively, not a total lifestyle.
A lot of these so-called incels are unhirable.
I have ableism
that's a skill issue
Being white means being hard working for issues that matter. Call me when we're conquering space and building sovereign anarchist states. In the meanwhile I'll enjoy reading books while leeching off unemployment.
Not sure, the two malls our near me are pretty abandoned, I'd say it probably has to do with online shopping being more convenient.
Maybe they just want to talk about it because they don't know enough or because it is a touchy topic to talk about. What do they say to you? Indifference is better than hate.
I'd accept your offer if I wasn't such a huge sperg
free-to-play MMORPGs
obscure one-off indie games (especially those you can only download directly off the developer's self-hosted website)
rom hacks
Why does it have to be a race thing? I'm white but I don't think we're doing anyone any good by excluding people who would help conquer space or contribute to an anarchist syndicate on the basis of skin color.
Any video games for this feel?
Society in general won't talk about anything that doesn't directly and personally affect them.
If you were unlucky enough to roll a serious mental illness on your save file, you can apply for SSI. It covers my apartment and I get an extra 200 dollars each month to spend on whatever.
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I've always had a deeply nihilistic outlook on life, especially now with the state of the world. Modernity was a grave mistake, most of the shit you listed isn't even realistic anymore. Why should I bother chasing pipe dreams?
Tired of neeting so I'm working on my resume
Exactly, though it can be a bit difficult to be get.
Having a better situation than that comes from stacking benefits and knowing what you can apply for.
>working on getting a job to work
Work addict mindset has already set in. Good luck anon. You can do it.
Racism stems from the lack of a more solid cultural and ideological groundwork that can bring people together above it. It speaks of how dead our society is.
Shame I can't think of any good games...
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reminder if you have hobbies you enjoy and are happy that's all that matters, Misaki tries to change someone with no direction and enjoying nothing.
Sato was enjoying drugs
This society is so gay, retarded and inefficient. We should just optimize peoples lives so that schooling puts us into a career/ trade and builds connections the second we turn into teens. So tired of all this fake freedumb and agency shit. John Locke and the enlightenment people were RETARDS. Their ideas aren't backed up by the laws of physics and science. Society should be structured in a way that understand "bootstrapping" and the "individual" are fake and gay.
Go live in China or something then, not everyone wants to be forced into your "perfect" society or nannied.
I like the thing in Psycho-Pass where the machine spirit just assigns you a job and you go do that. Imagine if those aptitude tests schools gave came with job offers.
That was actually exactly what he was reminding me of, the sibyl system
Futurama did that too and both shows implied it was a bad thing. I don't see why.
drugs are an escape from a bad life. if you have hobbies or things you enjoy then you dont need a substance to enjoy life.
>it's not too late to change your ways!
That's for you to figure out.
Retards really though
"I think therefore I am"
You "think" in "words" because you were socialized by other people who were socialized because they were a part of a society. You aren't a blank sleight. You are a collection of genes and you have traits that are better or worse than other people at birth that you didn't choose. Life is not the start of a Fallout game where you get to allocate your points and pick your perks. Society shouldn't pretend this is the case.
That's absolutely true
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>this will never be me
how do I kill myself guys?
It's called Try Not to KMS and I play on hard mode
Become a woman and you'll be someone's autistic gf.
circumcision completely fucked up my dick, why would I work when this was allowed to happen to me?
I have the build of grizzly but less fat I dont think anyone wants to date a tranny like that
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This image is cute my heart could explode.
>things for going outside
>a fucking GF
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I just quit my job at a law firm so I'm going to be a NEET except I'm 30. I'll probably kill myself soon as I realize my life has no value, I have few marketable skills and there is little that can be done to remedy how terrible of a situation I'm in. But until then, video games.
Nigga you have work experience
It's articling experience, it's to become certified as a lawyer so it's useless for any other field. Criminal law makes peanuts so it was pretty much just a waste of 7+ years since I'm burnt out in terms of passion too.
If you could somehow twist into business law you could make bank.
Yeah, would have been wise. Now I'll need another $30k to go back to law school and study the applicable subject areas.
This is cope. Being white means being hard working, period. Failing to live up to that means you're an honorary black on the day of the rope.
Yes goyim work hard and pay your taxes.
>implying ((they)) would not prefer whites jerk off all day and do nothing with your lives
Stupid and lazy
>tfw no mentally broken gf

I have a backpack. All of my important things like birth certificate and medicine go in the backpack. My social worker gave it to me.
Get some rest anon, you need it for the big work day ahead.
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reminder, (you) can always improve
Why can't taking drugs be considered a hobby but riding a bike can?
> inb4 travel
Riding a stationary bike is still riding a bike, and can be a hobby.
Not even defending drugs, just trying to understand why socially unacceptable things aren't hobbies.
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it's still true though...
Doing drugs can be a hobby but it's purely destructive. There is nothing positive that comes from taking drugs unless you're an artist or musician whose sole creativity drive comes from taking drug. Riding a bike at least has benefits.
wdym it covers your apartment
That's why they're going to start WW3 desu
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reminds me of that dude trump's picking as his VP
>supposed millennial hillbilly
>"my parents who believed in sovereignty and freedom were white niggers"
>thinks niggers being poor is explicitly their fault
>it's all about le hard work, give yourself up to the machine and don't you dare to ask for anything back
>unconditionally supports israel
It would be more believable if you actually wanted help, but being a victim is too big of a part of your personality to give up.
NEET for 11 years, every time I've tried to get a job it's always felt like an interrogation even for the most basic bitch of positions. Tried being honest and lying both out of curiosity to no avail, so I've since stopped trying. My only regret is that I haven't learned a single skill in the time I've been a NEET as all I do is play games and hang out with friends.
That's kim from scott pilgrim you fucking retard
This is not "cute"
NEETs shouldn't have GFs because having a GF means you have the potential to reproduce and if you accidentally reproduced as a NEET you would create immense suffering for yourself, your GF, the child, and everyone around you. Long story short it would be dysgenic on a level that shouldn't be possible, not cute.
Yeah, anyways as a NEET I want a mentally broken gf.
You do realize your "help" is just getting them to do as you say and it's ultimately about that, right? Refusing to change so you try to change others instead of the other way around?
fatlus games
I got a vasectomy as soon as I found out how genetically broken I am and what a disaster it was for my parents to reproduce. Give me my state issued mentally broken gf.
I think breeding sociopaths and selecting exclusively for their type is infinitely more dysgenic, but you do you. NEETs are the last vestiges of a humanity that stands in the middle between absolute insanity and absolute stupidity. You need the Unabombers of the future.
>sovereignty and freedom
I believe in that, for sure. If someone pays their own way, what the fuck do I care what they do? If someone fills their cup at the same well as welfare queens - and that person has the audacity to think they're not wringing the system dry in the same, fucked up way - you got another thing coming, child. The US needs labor camps, where those on disability are forced into labor or are made into paste if they can't cut it. The country would be a much better place if those on the bottom worked - or, here, were forced to work. Pay your own way, and what the fuck do I care; use my money that I paid into the system, I have a say.
i dont play games anymore im too dead inside
Why do you think it's your money? Do you actually know the first thing about postmodern economics? Labor holds no value; it's a means of control.
having a white off
>slicing $100s of millions of dollars off the bottom line wouldn't have a positive economic effect
The fear of being sent to a labor camp should also function in the same way to boost the economy. Take the people who don't take the call and put them in a work camp in the middle of no where, and let them either conform or die. Maybe volunteering with state-approved Christian orgs would suffice too.
See you already decided that my help is bad and not needed before I even said anything. You're not listening and never wanted to because it's better off for your ego to play the victim
There will never be enough edgy kids old enough to vote for this to happen.
you're delusional
labor has zero value in this country, the money is all fake, every corporation is on government welfare and the government just poofs the money out of thin air backed by absolutely nothing
labor exists to keep people busy and stressed so they don't band together and kill all the billionaires
I wish someone would throw me in a work camp but unfortunatly it turns out labor for no reason doesn't actually accomplish anything. Wasting time and money trying to give everyone a pointless job is one of many reasons why communism died.
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even if you dont work the gym is a great idea, even just walking on the treadmill, minor changes can have a huge impact on how you feel. you dont have to slave for 80 hours a week, but it helps.
Hundreds of millions is literally nothing in comparison to what the state prints in a day. It's less than what you give to Israel. It's less than what gets traded on and off by bots holding accounts based purely on a bunch of bullshit stats and overblown headlines.
Look, I'd agree with you if we lived on any other time, like one where governments didn't just decide to make your life's work worthless in a day by printing more money to fund some glowworks abroad, instate some dysgenic presidents because a corporation paid for the favor (not with money, but with favors) or they weren't propping up their own failing friends in banks and tech by giving them golden parachutes worth billions of crack babies or running corrupt economies based on social help exactly under these premises.
I'd be with you if the actual notion of governance wasn't rotten from the core and the economics ruling your worth as a man weren't in control of actual retards looking at the short-term bottom line and accelerating one way to dysgenic dystopia. But that's not reality. That's not how it works. You gotta eventually see the light when your small business gets fucked over even by parties promising they have your interests in mind, merely because siding with the corporations and taking bribes is more profitable for the people in charge. Or the state outright robbing you of your land because someone else wants it, someone of a more desirable peoples. Or, and this is the kicker, if you want to be left alone and some negress standing in for a balding yiddish says ay yo that just ain't how it works ya got me? If you weren't a total retard you'd be willing to draw the line. Instead here you are spewing propaganda readily fed to you word by word and in all being a good golem. I envy this kind of stupidity and obliviousness sometimes desu
Including the ability to deflect any bad thoughts with petty irony, as in
>le blackpill pill pill muh i cant think foor myself
Labor has six figures of value in my checking, brokerage, and retirement accounts so that's false
Yeah I also had a software engineer job in my 20s. I don't think you realize how deep the problem runs until you notice those six figures are worth half of what they were a mere five years ago. And don't actually look into the stock market, haha, you fucking poorfag. You're going to die poor.
>I'd be with you if
nobody was seeking your validation
I disagree.
Just know your golem ways are dragging the rest of us down.
you'll survive
Uhhhh guys what video game are you talking about???
I still want to know what MMO to play.
why are neets so high iq? what games do they play to be so smart???
GSGs develop the mind, FPSs develop wit, porn games develop dexterity, and raiding in MMORPGs give them their commanding and dignified presence.
>literally none of the repliers to this post choosing to take responsibility for their lot in life
he gets so much money he uses it as wallpaper
holy moly
Playing Warframe right now. It's boring.

I don't want to do any of that stuff he mentioned. It doesn't appeal to me. I play video games and watch anime because it is easy and keeps me from killing myself immediately.
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The average person, even on /v/, doesn't understand being a NEET or even being depressed. If you tell them you enjoy video games or anime genuinely, with no irony attached, most of them doesn't take that at face value, they assume you do that occasionally and have a "normal" life outside of that. They don't understand that finding a girlfriend, getting a well-paying job, so on and so forth is beyond the reach of certain people, not because they can't but because the process is meaningless, no assurance of those things, and maybe even the rewards themselves are not great enough. Normalfags want to pretend they understand how NEETs think but then they force their values onto NEETs.
lmao when I literally turned 22 last month so I can actually kind of say this applies to me. Haven't dropped out yet. And it's not that I lack courage it's that I literally have a mental problem that naturally predisposes me to not care about myself or have motivation to do anything.

No, it's not depression, it's ADHD. Any symptoms that seem like depression are likely just a byproduct.
Dude just drop the pity party mental gymnastics and get a job
The only person keeping you the way you are is yourself
If you're a NEET and looking for a first job, chances are you're going to be doing some miserable shit that only makes you more unhappy.
He's right. I've had jobs before, maybe even a "real job" if you count construction paying more than twice minimum wage, and I was engaged to be married. Now I'm a NEET with no aspirations and no gf. I like this more.
Normalfags don't care. They want just want us out of sight and out of mind on a good day and dead on most days.
same but 25...
I used to play pokemon but now I play megaman
I don't think you understand what being a NEET is either
I can get a well paying job, a girlfriend, etc
I just don't want to
This is literally me word for word.
i was a neet for a while but ive held jobs for 10 years straight now. being a rich neet is the endgame of life.
working fucks you up thoughbeit
if you retire at 50 that's still 15 years of decline before you go senile
Imagine wasting 10 years working with the goal of being a NEET eventually after already tasting the sweet nectar of NEETdom. You fool.
can't you pay to be killed off early?
>a job is something one can just "get" to him
Says it all.
being a poor neet is torture. i aint doing that again.
flip burger
You wouldn't take help if it was offered because you enjoy playing the victim
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NEET here.
I play Turtle WoW, Dark Souls 1, TF2, Battlebit Remastered, Streets of Rogue.
I've been wanting to play IW4X again but haven't managed to get it working through lutris.
Getting a minimum wage job really is easy though. The real question is why bother?

If you spent one thousandth of the time you blew working for a decade on getting more gibs that wouldn't be an issue.
Oh so the same shit everyone else already did
>Now I'm a NEET
No because you have training in construction. You're just unemployed.
>You wouldn't take help if it was offered
Not him, but I would. Sadly I live in America which only gives help to integrated normalfags. This is the retarded country that forces you to pay the bill when you call an ambulance.
>training in construction
I just carried shit around and shoveled. I wasn't a contractor or anything.
I NEET'd for 2 years. Mostly JRPG's. Still remembering binge watching shows while playing Dragon Quest 9. Good times...
Post your welfare check
>Getting a minimum wage job really is easy though
Meanwhile in reality
>be white male
>apply to two different entry level library positions
>be respectful in the interviews
>no reply
real help would be free money
but to them "help" means forcing you to get a job
>lives in commiefornia
reminder that they hate you and would cull you if possible. Move to a place that is heavy majority white and red if possible and suddenly you're getting a fair shake.
>what's wrong with asians and killing themselves as soon as they get sad?
he never planned suicide, he was with a cult in that episode.
in the final episode the dumb bitch was actually the one trying to kill herself but in a moment of confusion MC's trying to take her place by jumping off the cliff but turns out there's a safety net.
ironically MC was one of the few miserable characters in the show who saved himself and managed to escape the bottom of the barrel cause he's too hungry and finally took some part time jobs, while other characters who are portrayed better than him are worse.
Ok go sit on a corner and beg for money then
>doxx yourself

Wow dude you applied for two jobs? That's crazy. You had to send out eight (8) applications A DAY for this transitional housing program I was in or they kicked your ass to the curb.
that's a job
Could you just spam applications to absurdly technical jobs as an unqualified retard and just coast lol?
then die
The check is that small huh
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all of them
i just finished shadow of the erdtree
also i pirate everything
Probably, but I was paranoid they would scrutinize the applications so I just made sure my answers to application questions and resume details caused a disgust response in the reader. A personal favorite was
>Very good at talking to girls.
as a skill. Nobody reads that and schedules an interview.

I "make" like $20 a month after expenses, yeah. That's still free living so I don't mind, I'd get a job if I wanted money. I won't post so much as a picture of my butthole on the off chance you glow in the dark though.
>I won't post so much as a picture of my butthole on the off chance you glow in the dark though.
What if I ask nicely?
Definitely not. I would have to shower and shave first if you were that interested.
UBI when
>total economic collapse when
I'm surprised gacha companies aren't lobbying for it though.
post the check. I wanna see how poorly I'm paying you.
Elden Ring, modded Minecraft, I enjoy Time Clickers "number goes up".

I got a 4080 super recently, and I enjoy running benchmarks on it more then playing games with new power.
Can you get government sponsored ass waxings?
MMO private servers
Maybe if you're transgender or something.
I've been NEET for 5 years, no friends, no skills, and am 1 year from becoming a wizard. Beat that.
I kneel before your strength of will.
I have no other threads to talk about this in so I will mention it here.
The anime was too comedy driven and too focused on other characters. All of Sato's highschool friends besides Yamazaki should've been excluded and the gal game arch shortened. I think the show would've been much more interesting if Misaki and Sato's relationship had more development. They only start to develop Misaki as a character in the last 4 or 3 episodes which is a real waste considering that the MLM scam had like 2 or 3 episodes which could've been used for better purposes.

But overall the anime is still enjoyable and really the only slice of life anime I've seen which didn't make me want to pull my hair out.
>achieve things
I don’t need more money and I don’t care about being remembered.
>fall in love
Just to get cheated on? Screwed over? Open myself just to get hurt? All for some temporary feeling of acceptance? Blegh.
>have kids
Sure. Could be nice. Except your life revolves around them and they turn into complete shitheads by their teens. Investing at least 20 years of my life into some ungrateful swine seems foolish.
>be successful
At what? Doing something for other people? Hedonism? I’m already doing what I want.
Everywhere is shit and aesthetic only goes so far.
>make friends
I do. Online. We play games together and help eachother work through problems we have.
>do literally anything
Translation: Throw away your comfort and happiness to serve a society of dickheads which includes you, the poster. You can’t comprehend the idea that maybe I don’t want to serve your interests because you are simply that egotistical.

I actually have been WANTING to spend money on video games, but nothing good has come out in like the past 6 years, the total i spent on vidya in 6 years is like $70 or something
remember when the mcchicken was $1
No. Fast food is and always has been a trap.
If you think the anime is too comedic do not read the manga, it will give you aneurysm
same deal. What class are you gonna pick?
I'm gonna try for illusion so I turn 100% invisible to others.
You talk big but you would be one of the first to die. Barkers are always like that.
hard working in 2003+ america means being exploited
nta but you are a truly evil person if these posts are not made with good faith
My biggest gripes was the start of the show. Why is Sato a normalfag sex haver prior to being a NEET? Fuck off. Also why the have the humiliation ritual of being beet up by middle schoolers? Embarrassing. Who was any of that for?
>300k in 3 years of working
Real money or like pesos? Also can I have some?
loser cope. Depression literally isn't real. You either have too much leisure time or no goals
>Source: My dad sexually abused me as a child.
K bro.
again, too much leisure time or no goals
Red pill me on this anime.
My cousin made me watch some episodes around 15 years ago
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>NEET for 10 years
>0 friends both offline and online
>haven't left house in years
>1 and a half years away from becoming a wizard
there's no hope for me
do online friends count as friends
he just like me fr fr...
They can be but most online friendships are very shallow.
NEET for 14 years, been a wizard for 6 years. You're small time.
>in the US it is trivially easy and I am shocked it isn't the norm.
qrd? Need a backup plan for if/when the family finally gets tired of me being unable to fit into society.
Being NEET really socially cripples you. It's also very hard to make friends when you have no social skills if you aren't forced together like you were at school or work.
>wagie job for a few months, preferably retail
>sperg out in front of customers or some other third party and self harm
>get diagnosed with literally anything in mental health ward
>claim you are unemployable and cite your diagnosis and "attempt" to work
Working first is critical. It gets you into the social security system and shows You Tried™.
you are a troon that smells like asshole and fish
I did do a two year stint as "catering" (food delivery but corporate offices) so got that covered, but the social anxiety is way too strong to do anything that'd get me noticed.
>t. rich parents.
my gibs are gone. you arent doomed like me and get automated rejection emails from applying at walmart. i am 100% looking forward to death and my health luckily went to complete shit very recently
Yeah you have to seriously fuck up if you don't want to spend years trying to prove your case. I started screaming at a lady and smashed my head into the door and started cutting my legs with the shards. Ended up handcuffed to a hospital bed. This is probably not the most efficient way but it came recommended by this very website many years ago. They were trolling me of course but it seemed reasonable at the time and worked.
MMOs since they have all the time in the world. Dunno if that still applies today
>trivially easy
>I started screaming at a lady and smashed my head into the door and started cutting my legs
With the way things are going they won't be for much longer. The elites are slowly tightening the noose to thin out the herd.
It doesn't matter anyway. Technology is advancing to the point where AI waifus will be real by the end of the decade.
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Recently I've been playing Victoria 2 and Elden Ring.
I got a GED a year ago but not even fucking McDonald's or Big Lots got back to me after applying in person.
Living in a >10k people small town with no car is hell and i'm gonna pick up drinking and smoking in a month.
t. 20 year old lazy procrastinator
>applying in person
Why would you do that? That's why they didn't get back to you.
>rich parents
Autismbux and schizophrenia. Enjoying my days alone in my room before the voices in my head strongly suggest me to off myself for the beginning of a new World Order.
Lmfao, no.
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There's a guy on YouTube that renovated a van and he and his dog travel North America camping in beautiful places and he has a Starlink and plays MMOs.

I don't think he's NEET but his life sure is NEAT
I'm too fat and dislike Israel. I might the coasties though when i lose 30lbs soonTM
only richfags that LARP as poor free spirits do and can afford vanlife shit
>I've been to war
Baseless and spampilled.
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lefty memes be like:
You understand that if normalfags don't thrive, that there are no gibs
NEETies will get eaties so long as wagies get in cagies.
What are some games I can play where others will value my contribution to virtual society?
Unironically Minecraft on a server with people you know and like.
Any alternative where people aren't going to call me a pedophile for hanging out with a bunch of tweens all day?
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The people who you "know and like" are tweens?
No, I don't really know anyone anymore and that precludes liking anyone. Minecraft is a tween game though.
Any MMO. Play a healer.
>Feeling lost and depressed
>Join the organization where a disproportion amount of of those enlisted end up suicidal and mentally broken.
Instead you hang out here, which is known for fostering long and happy life.
Die for the Cause
moderately smaller chance of getting my legs blown off for a fruitless quagmire at least.
You have no honor
Yeah but you could get sick bennies to NEET with if you get your nuts blown off fighting for Israel.
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Do not disrespect me
Capitalism has already ceased, what you have now is neo feudalism built on belief, ideological indoctrination and fake economy with fake money.
This is dumb even if you think about it with cold logic.
Anyone could end up in their position if unlucky. It's not as fun when it happens to you, huh?
And why would anyone work hard if their is no security if there is an absolute guarantee they will be shot dead if they fuck up terribly just once? The entire point of escaping the state of nature is that some retard can't just kill you and your family and get away with it.
>not even technofeudalism just the gay version with more bullshit
Imagine being on the cusp of a cyberpunk dystopia and you still don't even have a fraction of the cool shit.
Ok then the illusion of capitalism would cease and you'd still have a bunch of lolberts screeching DONT TREAD ON REEE. Same thing really.
We are in the worst timeline, truly. No power armor, no mechs, no death squads, just a slow, horrific decline, a populace that gradually succumbs to chronic illnesses whose death march is financed by investment bankers.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Sure I do. If UBI is implemented those who think capitalism is good will cry about it. Whether there is neofuedalism or whatever the fuck doesn't actually matter. It's simply a matter of how people will react.
You aren't guaranteed to make friends at school or work.
Do you think the odds are better or worse than making friends while under self imposed social isolation?
Way to demoralize bro
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And it just trickles down.
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>tfw we don't get neetbux here so you gotta work or you starve to death in your cold house without water or electricity
man, that sucks
i miss my school days when i could stay at home for months during summer break
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I rather think that the entire anime should have been about the gal game development, and the challenges the two of them face having no money.
But I also liked the MMO arc.

I used to dislike the end where he just goes out and gets a job on a night crew, like it's as simple as that, but I just got back from Japan and it kind of is that simple. They employ many of those exact guys to do meaningless direction signalling or standing around work that literallt a sign would do just as well, but because they take it seriously, it seems meaningful to them.
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Private server WOW as a neet with a neet gf was the BEST.

>out irl buying us shopping
>she texts me stats for [Hand of Edward the Odd] while weighing up whether to use it or what she has already

>she is out irl teaching the old lady upstairs how to speak German for some cheeky unreported income
>she comes back to find I have gotten her stacks and stacks of silk with my latest auction house shenanigans

I want to go back
probably getting cucked
In a weird way, Japanese employers are probably more understanding of job applicants from former NEETs/hikikomoris because in Japan it's a bit more normalized (wrong word, but you get what I mean).
Anything to put off suicide for one more day.
Just single player games and visual novels mostly, my backlog is huge now that I went and undekinai'd myself
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Every detail you've described is exactly me. Just finished grad school last year. I also am 28 and a NEET. Trying to start my own business though, so I do have ambitions.
Like you will ever do any of the things you claim to be able to do, that takes effort and dedication, which are the exact things you lack, and which led you to become a neet.
what up my fellow 28 year old neets. I didn't get a masters. my schooling was useless. But I did buy a house and live off the rent from my basement rentoids.
The only issue I have with neets is that it's not scalable- not everyone could do it, or the system would fall apart.

But neets are so vitriolic toward the workers they need to survive, simply because the workers acknowledge this fact and aren't exactly giddy that they get their taxes raped every month to feed and clothe neets and browns
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I'm genuinely happy for you, anon. I too aspire to be a land legend and collect from rentoids. Any tips you can give me?
Doesn't America have those minimum wage worker renting firms? I'm okay with doing shit jobs but hated job searching with a passion. Eventually when I ran out of money I just applied to one of those renting firms and they gave me half a year construction jobs, then a comfy construction cleaning job and eventually I got permanent employment in my own line of work through them.
Who really gives a shit. No matter how much shit we talk, most people won't even consider doing it without daily government-mandated wage-shaming on TV. Same with piracy.
have an ambitious, hard working grandfather who made a bunch of money you can inherit. If that fails, I'm not sure.
You can always look for towns that aren't city-level expensive yet but in the next decade or so will have some kind of infrastructure that will increase property values.
Have you seen any Ukraine war video the last 2 years? YIKES! No thanks.
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the chair is included?
My cousin did that, he left hating the US regime more than anyone I know, he also wants PTSD VA benefits for being on an aircraft carrier.
You're better off finding a nightshift warehouse spot that's 12 hour shifts, 3 days a week.
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I played VNs like Muv-Luv and lots of Risk of Rain when I was a neet years ago. Nowadays I have a job most of the time. And they're not bottom of the barrel jobs anymore! Thanks education.
I'm still mentally ill lmao, can't deal with real women.
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im into it
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That's literally what I said, retard.
10 year NEET here. Mostly sim games, rpgs, mmos and stuff like that I guess. Lately I've been feeling kind of lonely so I've been playing sims and rimworld to simulate having a family or a love interest. Yes pathetic, I know.
dark and darker
Almost every person I've spoken to has told me that their masters degree ended up being worthless. Which isn't surprising but... yeah.
I want to say that neet cope will never not be funny, but this is pretty sad. I was a neet for 5 years. If you're able to work, then please love yourselves more instead of remaining trapped in this dark spiral. Man was not intended to wither away like this.
when i can't NEET anymore i will end up dead for sure
i did like 5 months as a software dev a year ago and it was the most miserable i've ever been and it utterly killed my passion
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That's surprising to me
Most of the guys I've studied with got a job in the industry or went on to do research
I chose the latter since I was pretty comfy at my uni and didn't want to undergo the stress of finding a job somewhere else. It was just a path of least resistance
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I actually feel this is a hiki game, you're just in a vast castle exploring it with nothing but occasional ambient wind and scary shadows - trying to rescue a ghostly girl.

Back when I first started neeting I actually looked for games I could "live" in - so things with a town or hub where you can just talk to other people and explore, mmorpgs and the like...
It probably depends mostly on what their initial field was. If you're not going to make it with a university degree, I think a masters is prolonging that by a few years but ultimately inconsequential.
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>find a toxic abusive girlfriend who lies to you to make herself feel better
>go through a hellish relationship with her for a year
>realize that if you want to start a real relationship with her (You) need to grow up first
>do exactly that by finding a job and being good at it
Thank you Tatsuhiko Takimoto Sama. I know what to do now. You saved me
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For me it's the high skill ceiling games you can put thousands of hours into. Don't play normie competitive multiplayer slop though, it absolutely destroys your soul.
I like rhythm games, fighting games and sim racing.
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Any other anime like Welcome to the NHK, bros?
I'm surprised at the amount of tf2 mentions in this thread. Truly a 90iq game.
My brother used to play rfactor and later iRacing because he loved motorsports. Sometime along the way he told me there are real drivers playing iRacing at home. I think he participated in one race where there were actual NASCAR drivers in the lobby with him and I could see him get his car rekt because of some tard. He was fucking fuming with rage.
>What games do NEETs play?
Grand strategy and 4X stuff mostly.
/v/ is so fucking retarded it's not even funny
I used to play fighting games at high levels but somehow normalfag FPS games with friends is less soul destroying, even if those friends are all leaving me behind.
Literally all of that is possible the other way too. Nothing you said was mutually exclusive...
I'm so tired of being poor. I don't know how to get a job or keep a job. I'm autistic but not autistic enough for government money.
How do I make money?
You already missed the train, give up
Anzu is so fucking sexy it's not even funny.
I'm not your bro you subhuman third worlder.
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>achieve things
>fall in love
I don't think i even could at this point
>have kids
>be successful
>make friends
>do literally anything
I want a cute daughter so I can have sex with her and make more daughters.
How do I learn to draw as a NEET with money?
Hire a teacher
NHK is unique. Not many shows have that specific blend of humor/pain. Maybe Steins;Gate. The mc is similar as well.
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Nothing. I'm too focused thinking about my shitty life choices everyday and feel nonstop guilt about leeching off my parents. I don't know how other neets do it, but being a neet isn't as fun as everyone says it is. I have no hobbies, don't go out for peaceful walks because severe social anxiety and I hate my neighborhood, and I don't go to the gym due to lack of motivation and laziness. I doubt most neets even focus on hobbies, most of them probably just jerk off and browse the chans. Even if I were to actually try to get a job, I doubt I'll be hired by anyone since the workforce is basically one big social game. Severe social anxiety/autism leads to no friends, and no friends leads to no potential references for my resume, and no potential references for my resume leads to no employment, and no employment leads to lack of motivation and laziness, and lack of motivation and laziness leads to no work experience, and no work experience leads to, once again, no employment, and no employment (once again) leads to no money and more neetdom, ultimately ending in homelessness or suicide once my parents die. The game is rigged against me. You basically NEED to be a social butterfly in order to get a job nowadays.
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didn't read lol
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>"you have to be either very stupid or very cruel to want to live in this world"
like that other anon said, havin depression is just not being an NPC and seeing the world as it is without the guts to kys

nobody plans to be a NEET, we all had fucked up lives one way or another. I was bullied all through my school life, never thought about hurting anyone, but I'm fucked for life. my social anxiety is at max. I worked and even there I made horrible experiences. It's over, I just can't
damn. When I first saw this anime I thought I'll have my life fixed by the time I reach Satou's age. I am now 23, a college dropout, unemployed, a hikikomori for five years, no girlfriend, no income, and no courage.
lmao nice
Now that we are all in our 30s can we look back and realize how fucking ridiculous the premises of this anime is? It's like dude... you are only twenty-two, you can still do anything.
I have to fucking kill myself lmao
Others will read it.
I'm nearing my 30s, it's too late for me to do that stuff.
we're kind of going back into feudalism anyways
Yeah, I'm a decade older than him
Now that I'm 30, it's pretty clear that the story was written the way it was so both people younger and those slightly older than Satou could relate and commiserate. When you hit 30+, that's when actual despair sets in. Before that, it's just self induced depression and inaction. I mean, it still is but your chances slim down considerably with each passing year.
I aspire to be a neet someday too
for some reason they don't call a useless fuck with 3 million in the bank leeching off interest as a neet although that's practically what he is
I've got schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Been a full time NEET for 15 years now. I live a simple life staying at home with my widowed mother. I don't leave the house much and she takes care of me by cooking food and what not. It's not too bad, I mean after some time you come to terms with everything and carve out a routine/lifestyle. Mom wouldn't want to live in an empty house for the rest of her life either, so there's that and I do believe in God and am a Christian, that's what really keeps me going.
Where my late bloomer bros at? Finished my bachelors with 29, got a job right away, got my license, started getting /fit/, now learning to pick up girls. WAGMI

still living with my parents lmao, i put almost the entirety of my monthly checks in crypto, because i hate the wage cage and this is the only way out
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Kinda want a job but working 8 hours a day doing shit I hate sounds like unfiltered torture.
Hope I can get a job I can somewhat enjoy/don't mind doing in the near future.
100% correct
I play mostly 20+ year old JRPGs and strategy games. I also read VNs.

I do enjoy some more recent games too like Unicorn Overlord and western games like Subnautica.
>and I do believe in God and am a Christian,
Oh for fuck's sake. Kill yourself freak.
You're too late for crypto. Invest in something with yield.
No. This halving will lead us to $250k, next halving $1 million. This knowledge is all I need and I'll trade accordingly.
Good luck with that.
people mock me as being avoidant. does anyone know any good books on understanding what that shit entails and how i can fix myself so i can beat roasties to death?
>This halving will lead us to $250k
It's been 3 months since it happened and so far it's on 58k, it's ok if you wanna store some value and get some small returns, but it's not gonna be mooning
>I've played all the good old games and there's nothing new worth playing.
No, youve just put an arbitrary limit on what games and genres you consider “good”. No way youve played ALL the good games because you sound like a youngun, and there is literally not enough time in the world to play all of the good games. Expand your horizons, try something you dont normally play, try some newer indie games that have buzz around them, ask for recommendations of deep cuts.
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>finally get a full time job
>already want to kill myself within weeks
I thought they were lying about how this felt
Humans will adapt to almost anything so even the shitty thing that makes you wanna kill yourself will became tolerable over time. It's worth remembering though that it's so bad that it makes you want to kill yourself initially before your survival instincts kick in.
>Applying to jobs
>doing chores
NEETs do less chores than people who have a grip on their lives. Usually their mommy still does their chores for them
>being depressed
Try being depressed, stressed, and working all the time. It’s a lot heavier to bear than sitting on your ass THINKING about doing something with your life

Your life is way easier than you think it is and youre making it harder than it needs to be
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
This thing. It's alright.
I have enough resources to not do anything my whole life (unless I gamble/"invest" it all away), but I probably should.
Shit, I love eroRPGs. I miss when small devs made these instead of doujin automatons pumping them out with AI.
I wish I had enough money to not worry about going hungry or finding odd jobs so I can keep up my shut-in ways. It's not as awful as it sounds but it's not like I'm learning any real skills by finding data entry or webshit freelance gigs just so I can support myself and sometimes others because I was born from genuine scum. After a certain point you feel the clock ticking and even spending a morning on 4chan can take you all the way up to a mental breakdown. I really wish I had the balls to kill myself sometimes, but that feels just as pathetic and worthless as what I'm doing right now.
i have more money as a neet than i did working a minimum wage job. it helps not needing to pay for travel or expensive lunches every day.
You're not a real religion. You're built on lies, murder, and stolen ideas.
Continue believing in fake words.
I dunno, the manosphere meme goes "men rise when they stop caring what others think about them". Just maybe don't go serial killer lol, this happens sometimes. Depression is usually provoked by others, combined with your reaction. You could also be crippled by mortality alone, but that's rare.
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I'm playing chivalry 2 and guilty gear strive rn
It's really Paul's project alone. Woke "pastors" really dislike him, for example.
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im a neet with adhd and schizoaffective disorder lmao
I do Helldivers 2 sometimes. I feel cool when I don't die at all, but others do. TKs don't count.
Just stick to mania and daydream all the time. Scrub.
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something airtight to fit over your head, an intake valve, a tube, and a canister of nitrogen gas. N2 exchanges with CO2 that you expel, your body is tricked into not getting

or be like my friend and down a handle of whiskey and take some dark web fentanyl

both require some internet ordering though. I think you can order the former from amazon delivery in one to two business days (a week if you're poor). I've got my order saved for when I'm feeling cute.

Best of luck, anon! I love you like a woman never could!
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i got less interested in helldivers 2 after it got a little samey after i made most of the progression
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I'm getting there, bro
>after i made most of the progression
I got all of it I'm afraid. It's not that I'm playing all that much, it's just that max diff gives a lot of shit.
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your body is tricked into not feeling like you're starved of oxygen bc the body's mechanism for alerting you of oxygen starvation is the concentration of carbonic acid in your blood. it's what they use in faggy european countries for assisted suicide. it's pretty foolproof. you just get tired, go unconscious, and then brain death from anoxia (No oxygen?)
Talk to a therapist, and then your parents if you're okay with it. I found myself in your position a year ago. I went on some bad thoughts blocking meds until I could get back into society with some low-level work. I had suicide plans and hundreds of hours of bedrot over years. I'm now fully functional, and I wouldn't go back to the neet life ever.
You seem like a conscientous person. I'm sure people will like you in an entry level job. Connect with old friends. It's not about how you started, or how it went in the middle. It's all about how you reflect on those experiences. And talking to someone with empathy(hopefully with a good therapist) will do much better than what the bucketcrabs on this site will tell you. Be seen, be heard. Love yourself.
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>this thread
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>this thread
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Hi, I was just like you, and I still am like you, but eventually if you don't get help, you'll become Kefka from FF6, and everything will be alright.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Travel beyond the shores of death, and doing anything becomes an exercise in hilarity
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you are a faggot
you are a retard. I read his swarm of self-denying thoughts in maybe ten seconds

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